General Hospital Transcript Friday 12/27/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Sam: So, it's official?
Silas: Danny's 60-day biopsy came back clear. We only need to do bloodwork every other week now.
Sam: He's gonna be okay.
Silas: He's better than okay.
Sam: Thank you.
Silas: I'm good at what I do, but it's always up to the patient, and Danny is a champ.
Sam: Can you just tell me that again, please, one more time?
Silas: Bloodwork every other week from now on, no biopsies for six months.
Sam: Ohh! Gosh. Thank you! Thank you so much! Did you hear that? You're gonna be okay! We've got to celebrate! We're gonna celebrate.
Silas: How 'bout tonight? New Year's Eve -- start 2014 off with a bang.
[Footsteps approaching]
[Doorknob rattling]
Felix: Honey, I'm home!
Sabrina: [Chuckles nervously] Felix! You're home! I-I, um -- wow. I thought that you weren't gonna be back until next week.
Felix: I just pulled off the greatest escape since Toto climbed out of Mrs. Gulch's bicycle basket. Taylor's still in the basket, but it was every DuBois for his or herself. Don't tell me. Don't even tell me. Patrick hasn't decided between you and Robin yet? Oh, I know he hasn't decided, because if he had decided, you would have definitely texted me. Wouldn't you, Sabrina?
Sabrina: He decided.
Felix: [Sighs] Oh, honey.
Robin: So, Emma had such a great time at her sleepover with Reece, she wants to stay till this afternoon.
Patrick: Really? That's kind of surprising. I thought she'd rush home 'cause she missed you so much.
Robin: Well, I guess the thrill is gone.
Patrick: Ohh. Well, not for me.
Robin: Good.
Patrick: Hmm?
Robin: So, you couldn't even wait until after New Year's to take down the decorations?
Patrick: Piece by piece, okay? A couple stockings, a couple tchotchkes, get this place back to normal a little bit.
Robin: I am okay with that -- getting back to normal. No impending disasters...
Patrick: Right.
Robin: ...No drama, just us. How good does this feel?
Patrick: Really good.
[Cell phone rings]
Robin: Maxie?
Maxie: Thank God you picked up. You have to come over. It's an emergency.
Nikolas: [Sighs]
Britt: How considerate of Ben to stay asleep.
Nikolas: Yeah. I...wore him out after his last feeding with a rousing round of shake, rattle, and roll on the wise baby tummy tumbler...
[Both laugh]
Nikolas: ...For the express purpose of having you to myself.
Britt: [Laughs] Wow! All for morning sex?
Nikolas: That's one of the reasons.
Britt: What was the other reason?
Nikolas: Well, how would you feel if we made this -- us -- official?
Dante: [Groans] Hey.
Lulu: Oh, good morning.
Dante: [Groans] What are you doing up?
Lulu: I've been up for a couple hours.
Dante: Why? What -- what -- what's going on?
Lulu: I want to make a baby.
Sam: With our track record of disastrous dates, are you sure you want to ring the new year in with a bang?
Silas: If it means I get to see you in a pretty dress, I'll risk it.
Sam: Well, aren't you too busy? I mean, that patient's family called you like three times the other day. Did you ever figure out what's wrong?
Silas: Yeah.
Sam: Okay. Well, what was the problem?
Silas: It's complicated. Um...hey, listen, you get a sitter, all right? And I'll make sure there's no interruptions for us, all right -- no patients, no gangster fathers, no interrupted weddings?
Sam: No ex-girlfriends coming to -- no?
Silas: None of the above, all right? So, what do you say?
Sam: I say... pick me up at 8:00.
Silas: Okay.
Sam: Yeah? Okay.
Silas: Yes!
[Cell phone rings]
Felix: Why didn't you tell me that Patrick went back to Robin?
Sabrina: Because I knew that you'd come racing back here, and I didn't want --
Felix: It would have been the perfect excuse to get the hell out of the house of screaming skulls. I mean, how could Patrick be such a jerk?! First he tells you he loves you, then he moves one hair's breadth away from marrying you, then he dumps you?! You know, Patrick is definitely the loser here. Karma's gonna come and bite him in the butt, and he's gonna realize he made the biggest mistake of his miserable life.
Sabrina: Fee, stop.
Felix: I won't stop, and I'm certainly not gonna stand here and listen to you defend that selfish ass.
Sabrina: Look, Patrick -- he didn't want to hurt me -- not at all. It killed him to tell me.
Felix: Please don't tell me you're feeling sorry for him.
Sabrina: Okay, look -- it's not as if Patrick is some cruel frat boy who just used me and then never called. He loves me. But his wife came back, and it's not his fault if he wants to be with her again.
Robin: So much for our nice, normal day at home with no emergencies.
Patrick: Why? What's going on with Maxie? It's not the baby, is it?
Robin: Ugh. I don't know, but it could be. She sounded urgent.
Patrick: All right. Well, as long as you come home.
Robin: I will come home. I will always come home. Nothing will ever keep me away from you and Emma ever again.
Patrick: Promise?
Robin: Promise. Hey, I love you.
Patrick: I love you, too.
Felicia: Hey!
Mac: Maxie, what did you call us over for? What's going on?
Maxie: Well, I can't tell you until Robin gets here.
Felicia: Well, you said it was a big deal.
Mac: Are you okay?
Maxie: Well, I want to wait and tell you two and Robin when the three of you are together 'cause you guys are the most important people in my life, especially now that Spinelli and baby Georgie are gone.
Mac: Okay, now I'm worried.
Felicia: Why are you keeping us in suspense?
Mac: Maxie, what's wrong?
Dante: See, the thing is when I mentioned to you that we should try and have another child, you, uh -- you said it was too soon after Connie, and now the embryos are gone. I mean, that means we have to start from scratch.
Lulu: I know.
Dante: It's a huge undertaking. I mean, what changed your mind?
Lulu: You.
Maxie: You two really are conditioned to expect the worst from me, aren't you?
Mac: Not at all.
Felicia: We just want to help you.
Mac: Are you sick?
Felicia: Are you depressed?
Mac: Are you in some kind of trouble?
Felicia: Emotional or legal trouble?
Mac: Do you need a lawyer? Do you need a lawyer?
Felicia: Or a doctor?
Mac: A shrink.
Felicia: There are plenty of doctors --
Maxie: Whoa! Paranoid much? Um, okay, yes -- a little paranoia is warranted when it comes to me, but I am standing right in front of you guys. I don't have a fever, nobody's shooting at me, I'm not unspooling, so the two of you can relax.
Felicia: Well, we'll relax when you tell us what's going on.
Maxie: Well [Sighs] What's going on is... I'm leaving Port Charles.
Britt: You want to make this official? I mean, what does that...mean, exactly?
Nikolas: Well, when did you move in here?
Britt: Well, I never really moved in. I've just been staying here.
Nikolas: Exactly my point. You've been here since I brought you home from the police station, and yet with all the insanity that has ensued in between, here we are... sleeping together.
Britt: [Chuckles]
Nikolas: No, look -- it's just -- I'm sorry. It just -- it feels -- it still feels temporary to me, like, you know -- like you could get out of my bed at any moment and leave. I'd like to make it more permanent.
Britt: Permanent how?
Nikolas: I would like you and Ben to make this house your home.
Lulu: I woke up early this morning, before the sun. I was thinking about how lucky we are that we still have each other, and that is because of you. The whole time I was fighting this losing battle for Connie, and you were fighting for us.
Dante: Well, that's why there's two parents -- division of labor.
Lulu: Only we're not parents -- yet. I want to try again. Britt said that we can start the whole process over. I can get the shots. We can harvest the eggs.
Dante: Are you sure you want to do all that?
Lulu: I want us to have a baby.
Dante: When did you talk to Britt about this?
Lulu: When they were here over Christmas.
Dante: Are you se-- last week? Why didn't you tell me this before?
Robin: Are you okay?
Maxie: Yeah, I'm fine. Is that jacket from two years ago?
Robin: [Sighs] Maxie, you said it was urgent, so I came right over.
Maxie: Did Patrick really save that all this time?
Robin: What's up? You sounded like something was wrong!
Felicia: Something is wrong. Maxie's leaving Port Charles.
Maxie: Sorry. I had to tell them my big news before you got here. They're kind of freaking out.
Robin: Well [Scoffs] So am I! You're leaving?!
Maxie: Yes.
Robin: Well, isn't this kind of sudden?
Felicia: I think the word you're searching for is "impulsive."
Mac: Possibly "reckless."
Maxie: Uh, no and no. Yes, the decision is sudden, but, no, it's not impulsive or reckless, okay? This is something I have to do. I need to get out of town.
Mac: You're not going to Portland, are you?
Felicia: Is that it? Are you gonna try to go see the baby?
Maxie: No. I'm not allowed to see the baby, so that's not what I'm going to do.
Robin: Then where are you going?
Silas: Petty Officer Hicks, I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
Hicks: I appreciate you making the time today, Doc. What's the prognosis? Am I gonna die?
Silas: Straight to the chase. I like it. But I don't have an answer for you yet.
Hicks: I thought you said this morning.
Silas: I know. I know. And I apologize. Our lab's a little backed up. Do you mind waiting a few minutes? I know this is the last place you want to be when you're just home for the holidays.
Hicks: Look, it's better than Afghanistan. I'll wait.
Silas: Thanks. I wanted to ask you, uh, why didn't you go to a V.A. hospital, you know? I know there's one only just a few miles from here.
Hicks: I heard you were the best.
Silas: Yeah? But, uh, they could have called me in to consult. They've done it before.
Hicks: [Sighs] My wife works at the V.A. hospital. I didn't want her to know I might be sick.
Silas: You haven't told her yet?
Hicks: No. I'm lying to the woman I love. Do you have any idea how bad that makes me feel?
Sam: Hi.
Patrick: Hi! What a nice surprise! Merry Christmas -- almost Happy New Year.
Sam: Merry Christmas. Yes, almost.
Patrick: How you guys doing? You good?
Sam: Yeah, we're -- we're great. Actually, we're better than okay. Danny just passed his 60-day biopsy.
Patrick: Fantastic! That's the best news I've got since -- since Robin came home.
Sam: So, you chose Robin?
Patrick: Yes, I did. You don't seem surprised.
Sam: Actually, I am not.
Patrick: [Sighs] Well, you told me deep down I knew which woman I had to choose, and you were right. I came home to Robin after breaking Sabrina's heart.
Felix: When did he do it?
Sabrina: On Christmas Eve.
Felix: He dumped you on Christmas Eve?! Okay, there's making a choice, and then there's being gratuitously insensitive, and, clearly, Dr. Drake doesn't know the difference.
Sabrina: Look, Felix, would it have been any better if he had done it on Christmas Day or New Year's Eve? Look, he told me as soon as he had made up his mind.
Felix: Wait. So, you've been alone all this time?
Sabrina: Well, I wasn't exactly alone.
Felix: Right, right, right. You were working. Okay. Well, work time is over. We're gonna get milk-and-honey mani-pedis, and I have a 2-for-1 coupon for hot-hands massage. Then we're consuming drinks and eating pork products at the Rib.
Sabrina: Oh. Well, Felix, actually, uh --
Felix: No. No arguing. Give me five minutes to take a Silkwood shower, because I spent hours on a bus that smelled like old feet.
Sabrina: Okay, wait, Felix! Just don't go in...there! Ohh!
Felix: What's Carlos Rivera doing sleeping in my bed?
Sabrina: The Carlos situation is -- it's complicated.
Felix: Okay, how complicated could it be? On the night your wedding was aborted, you ended up with your persistent ex. And now that Patrick has severed you from his life completely, and I wasn't there to support, Carlos took advantage of your vulnerability and finally got you into bed.
Sabrina: Well, he's in your bed.
Felix: Did you have sex with Carlos in my bed?
Sabrina: No!
Felix: In your bed?
Sabrina: No.
Felix: In my bed or your bed or anywhere else?
Sabrina: No. No sex happened.
Felix: Then what's he doing here? Sabrina Maria Domenica Santiago, you'd better have a damn good excuse --
Sabrina: He's hiding from the police!
Patrick: I was so scared to make a decision, so paralyzed not to hurt Sabrina, that I ended up hurting both Sabrina and Robin.
Sam: I am sure it was difficult for her.
Patrick: Yeah, it was. Saying goodbye to Sabrina was about as painful as I thought it was gonna be. But...
Sam: Good job.
Patrick: ...Coming home to Robin was the right decision, and it was like a dream.
Sam: A dream come true.
Patrick: Mm-hmm. You know how you miss all those small things? Like, Robin used to chew her pen when she'd be reading the paper or she'd stir her jam up before she put it on her toast. I missed all that kind of stuff.
Sam: Yeah.
Patrick: It's so nice to have her back.
Sam: I'm sure. I-I used to dream about Jason coming back, walking through that door, but...I don't do that anymore. You got your miracle. There's only one to go around. And I just -- you know, I-I can't -- I can't think like that anymore.
Patrick: Why? 'Cause of Silas?
Hicks: I was away for so long, and my wife spent all that time worrying.
Silas: Yeah. I get it. Now that you're home, you don't want to tell her about a cancer scare -- worry her all over again.
Hicks: Yeah. I tell myself I'm keeping this secret for a good reason, but it's just an excuse.
[Cell phone ringing]
Hicks: You should get that.
Silas: Yeah.
[Ringing continues]
Sam: You -- you were right when you encouraged me a few months ago to go out with Silas.
Patrick: [Laughing] Well, that's good. So, things are going -- things are going good?
Sam: Yeah. It's good.
Patrick: What do you mean, "it's good"? How good? Come on. I'm being nosy. How good? [Gasps] Yeah!
Sam: Okay, yes, you're being a little bit nosy, but I know it's coming from a good place, so...
Patrick: Look, we've both been through a terrible slog. The worst loss, the worst pain -- I understand how hard it is to move on, so I just want to be a friend to you and listen the way you were to me.
Sam: Okay. I, uh -- I might be oversharing a little bit, but since you asked...
Patrick: Okay.
Sam: ...Silas and I -- we haven't actually closed the deal yet.
Patrick: Really?
Sam: Yeah.
Patrick: Is there a reason for that? What's holding you back?
Hicks: Don't worry about being rude. Answer it.
[Ringing continues]
Silas: I'm good at being rude. [Chuckles nervously]
[Knock on door]
Silas: Excuse me.
Nurse: The labs you were waiting for.
Silas: Thank you.
Hicks: Those my results?
Silas: Yeah.
Hicks: Did I survive the war so I could die at home?
Nikolas: Come on. Move your things in. Do whatever you need to do to the place to make it comfortable for Ben and file for a change of address and make yourself at home. Can you do that?
Britt: I'd like to.
Nikolas: Well, then, what's stopping you?
Britt: What about your sister? She was -- she was cold to me on Christmas, and that was just when I was staying here. If I officially move in, I mean, what's gonna happen with your relationship with Lulu?
Nikolas: [Sighs]
Lulu: Losing Connie felt like the end of the world. It took everything I had to accept the idea of trying again. And then when the embryos weren't in the lab, then we found out that they had been destroyed, and I ruined our chance at adopting by lying on that form, and then we lost Connie.
Dante: It's over. Okay? I mean, we got to let it -- let it be over.
Lulu: No, I know. I know. That's why it's so scary. Moving forward... we try again with in vitro, this is our last and only chance. I just...kept thinking for the last week, since Christmas, and now... what if it doesn't work?
Dante: [Sighs]
Maxie: I'm not exactly sure where I'm going. I just know I need to leave town for a while.
Mac: Well, what's "a while"?
Maxie: I don't know -- two, three months, till I find myself.
Felicia: Why can't you do that here?
Maxie: Because I need some distance and perspective. Remember that book that you gave me that they turned into a movie -- "Eat Pray Love"? I need that.
Felicia: Oh, I get it. So, this is an "Eat Pray Love" journey.
Mac: A who, what, where journey?
Robin: [Sighs] It's a chance to get out of your everyday life and your normal routine if you feel stuck by decisions or stuck in a rut, if you've suffered loss and disappointment.
Maxie: Because of phenomenally stupid or jaw-droppingly selfish choices you made that you should never have made in the first place.
Robin: It's a way to get perspective on your life and think about what went wrong so that you can become a different or even better person.
Maxie: And let's be honest -- there's lots of room for improvement here. I'd like to say that things can't get worse, but, knowing me -- ugh. Look, I just -- I-I need to get away for a while to figure things out and decide what type of person I want to be.
Mac: And you thought this is a good idea, because you saw it in a movie?
Maxie: It just gave me the idea. I realize I need a break. I mean, Port Charles is home. It always will be. But right now, it just reminds me of all the mistakes I've made and everything I've lost -- the baby and Dante and Lulu. I need to go someplace where I'm a stranger and everything is strange to me.
Felicia: Okay. So, well, if you're really serious about this, we can talk about it.
Maxie: No, Mom. We're not gonna talk about it. I'm leaving tonight.
Felix: Carlos just straight-up admitted he's a gangster?
Sabrina: What choice did he have? He'd just been shot.
Felix: Shot by Sonny Corinthos, and now you are hiding him in our apartment. I leave town for a minute, and you turn into a gun moll.
Sabrina: Okay, what did I tell you about watching too much "Boardwalk Empire"?
Felix: You are aiding and abetting a fugitive, and now I'm aiding and abetting you.
Sabrina: Okay, technically, I don't think Carlos is a fugitive.
Felix: He has an unreported gunshot wound. That makes him a fugitive. Why didn't you call the cops?
Sabrina: Because he begged me not to.
Felix: And you listened to him?
Sabrina: He was just trying to take care of me.
Felix: Uh-huh.
Sabrina: I swear he has not laid a hand on me. He's just been cooking and trying to make me feel better.
Felix: I don't care if he's been walking on water or negotiating peace in the Middle East. I'm kicking him out of my bed and into jail.
Sabrina: Felix, please don't call the police!
Patrick: I know you didn't come over here to be interrogated, but, I mean...
Sam: No, stop. Stop. No worries. Okay. Well, there's no particular reason why Silas and I haven't taken it to the next level. I mean, I-I think we b-- I know we both kind of want to. It's just timing hasn't really been on our side. You know, there's dealing with Danny, and Silas obviously has his patients, and then I find out that Julian Jerome is my father.
Patrick: So, really? It's just because there's no time on your side?
Sam: Right.
Patrick: Really?
Sam: And, well... [Sighs] His ex, Ava Jerome...
Patrick: Hmm?
Sam: ...She keeps warning me that Silas has some secret.
Silas: You're good. No cancer.
Hicks: [Chuckles] You're sure?
Silas: Yeah, I'm sure. The, uh -- the growth's benign. You may want to have it removed at some point, but it's no threat to your health.
Hicks: I will worry about all that later. You know what the best part is?
Silas: You don't have cancer?
Hicks: No, the best part is I can stop lying to my wife.
Sam: I think Ava was jealous, so she badmouthed Silas.
Patrick: So, you don't think there's anything to it?
Sam: Why would I? Every word out of her mouth is a lie.
Patrick: All right. I have to say this. I thought so, too, but...
Sam: But what?
Patrick: ...Ava was telling me the truth when she told me that Robin was alive.
Robin: You're going on a journey of spiritual renewal, destination unknown, and you're leaving tonight?
Maxie: Yes.
Felicia: Why on earth do you have to do this so fast?
Mac: It's New Year's Eve.
Maxie: That's exactly why I need to get out of here before the clock strikes midnight.
Mac: Oh, this is sounding better by the minute.
Maxie: Will you two please relax? I know what I'm doing.
Mac: I thought that was the point -- that you don't know what you're doing.
Maxie: I know that I need to get out of here before the new year.
Robin: Because?
Maxie: Because last year, when I was sitting around waiting for the worst year of my life to start, that's when everything went wrong. I was supposed to be on bedrest, and that dog scratched my door.
Robin: Right -- the dog.
Maxie: Yes, the dog that I let in and then chased around, and I fell and had a miscarriage, which I should have admitted to when it happened, but I was too afraid of disappointing people, so I lied. Then I slept with Spinelli, and he got me pregnant, so I lied some more about the baby we made together, and now I can't even see her. Look, all of this is why I need to leave by midnight.
Felicia: Because of the miscarriage?
Maxie: I can't just sit around here, watching the minutes go by, thinking of all the mistakes I've made... and how much I've hurt Dante and Lulu.
Dante: You know, in vitro worked for us before. Do you remember that feeling when we found out the implantation worked? We can -- we can have that feeling again.
Lulu: So, we're gonna do this? [Chuckles] We're gonna make a baby?
Dante: Mm. Mm. Yeah. Let's, uh, kick this off the right way, huh?
Lulu: We should give you something to remember when you're making that, um, deposit.
Dante: Yeah. No.
Lulu: [Giggles]
Dante: Mm. Mm. I'm actually thinking I'm gonna take you into that room with me like I did before.
Lulu: Oh, yeah.
Maxie: Everything that has happened this last year is because of me. I mean, it's nobody else's fault -- just mine. And...I need to step outside your love and comfort and acceptance and forgiveness if I'm really going to deal with all of this and come back a whole new person.
Mac: It seems like you've learned enough, sweetheart, without cutting yourself off from your whole family. We just got Robin back, and now you're leaving?
Robin: What Uncle Mac is trying to say [Clears throat] Is that...we love you so much, and we just selfishly would hope that you could find yourself a little closer to home.
Maxie: If you guys really love me, then [Sighs] You won't fight me on this. You will trust me and have confidence in me and give me your blessing. Come on. You guys are my family. It would mean a lot if you would just give me your blessing, please.
Felix: Sabrina, we can't keep Carlos here. It isn't that he's just a fugitive suffering from an unreported gunshot wound. And, by the way, can't we be professionally reprimanded for not reporting said gunshot wound?
Sabrina: I don't -- I don't -- I don't know. I'm not --
Felix: Carlos is a marked man. If Sonny Corinthos wants him dead, he'll kill him and then kill us for hiding him. I don't want to die, Sabrina. I'm not ready to die. Are you? Sabrina? What's wrong?
Sabrina: I think I'm gonna be sick.
Patrick: Ava took it upon herself to come here and tell me that Carlos saw Robin in the lab. I mean, I even went to the lab to go look for myself. I was convinced that Ava was lying, but it turns out that she wasn't.
Sam: That's different. Why would Ava lie to you? There's nothing in it for her.
Patrick: Okay, but what does she get by lying to you about Silas?
Sam: She's jealous, and she wants her ex back, and she's a compulsive liar, and that's what she does.
Patrick: Okay. Look, I don't want to question your motives. I'm just -- I'm just trying to make sure you know my side.
Sam: That's actually very nice, and you care.
Patrick: Of course, I care. You were great to me. I just want to return the favor, and I want to see you happy.
Sam: [Sighs] I am.
Silas: Lying to your wife was worse than thinking you had cancer?
Hicks: Hell, yeah! Look, not telling her made me feel bad every minute we were together. And it's disrespectful to her, too, you know, like I'm trying to fool her or something. It's not right. Now I'll go home and tell her everything. And she'll fuss at me, which I deserve, Doc, but I don't care. Telling her is gonna feel like a big rock's been lifted off my chest.
Silas: Yeah, I bet it will.
Patrick: [Growling playfully]
Sam: [Chuckles] I should probably get going, if I can tear Danny away from you. You're so good with him.
Patrick: [Chuckles] Well, I spent a lot of my time this last crazy year thinking I was gonna have another kid, and when Britt told me that it wasn't happening, that the baby wasn't mine, I was pretty upset 'cause I was excited about it.
Sam: Well, this is an easy solution. You have -- you have your wife back. Why don't you ask Robin?
Robin: Now, I know that I can't talk you out of this... so...this is me loving you and trusting you and giving you my blessing.
Maxie: Ohh! It's not gonna be forever. It's just until I find something -- myself -- whatever that means.
Robin: Yeah, but you'll know when that happens.
Maxie: Yes, I will. And, hey, a few months is not nearly as long as the almost two years you were gone for.
Robin: You're gonna be okay, Maxie.
Maxie: Thank you. I appreciate you saying that. Promise me you're not gonna buy yourself one article of clothing till I get home.
Robin: [Laughs] [Sniffles] [Clears throat] Promise.
[Door closes]
Maxie: [Sighs]
Felicia: Well, I guess it's our turn. How do we say goodbye to you?
Dante: You know what?
Lulu: Hmm?
Dante: I can't wait to have our baby in our arms.
Lulu: Really?
Dante: I can't wait to... dream about our kid's future or see you laughing at something our baby did. I can't wait to see you be happy again.
Lulu: You know, I am glad that we made this decision on the last day of the old year.
Dante: Oh, yeah? What is it -- some kind of omen or something?
Lulu: No. It's just...on last New Year's Eve, when Maxie miscarried our baby, our lives were changed, but we didn't know it yet. And this New Year's Eve, we are deciding to start fresh, to let go of the pain and focus on the future.
Dante: Well, here's to our future, then.
Lulu: To baby Falconeri, whoever she or he may be.
Dante: With any luck, this time next year, we will be a family.
Maxie: [Sighs] We're not saying goodbye yet. I need somebody to go down to the garage and get my suitcase out of the storage bin, and then I'm gonna need a ride to the airport.
Felicia: So, where are you going first?
Maxie: Well, I have an open-ended ticket, so I figured I'll just figure it out when I get to the international terminal at JFK.
Mac: Uh, Maxie...
Maxie: Hello! How long did I work for Crimson, okay? It was my job to schedule photo shoots all across the planet. I know where is safe to travel to and the places to avoid. I'm competent with three things -- fashion, seating charts, and travel.
Mac: I guess you got this all figured out.
Maxie: I do. But there's one thing that I have to do before I leave Port Charles.
Lulu: I like this.
Dante: Like? What, I got to, like, step my game up or something?
Lulu: Oh, please. Is that some cheesy come-on line?
Dante: Oh, no. You'll know when it's a cheesy come-on line.
Lulu: Well, I do appreciate your ability to say something ridiculous while keeping a straight face.
Dante: Let's go back to what you liked. What is it you like?
Lulu: Feeling hopeful. Looking forward instead of looking back.
Dante: It's gonna be good, Lulu.
Lulu: I know. I can't wait.
[Cell phone chimes]
Dante: [Groans]
Lulu: Mnh-mnh. Mnh-mnh.
Dante: Oh, damn it.
Lulu: Is it work?
Dante: Yeah. I got to follow up on Max's shooting.
Lulu: Oh, Milo said that Max was doing better.
Dante: Yeah. Doctor said he's gonna make a full recovery, but -- surprise, surprise -- he still doesn't say anything to police.
Lulu: Anna thinks that he'll talk to you?
Dante: I guess I'll find out when I get to the station. And I'd better get to work, because, uh, I got to provide for that baby we're gonna have.
Lulu: [Chuckles]
Nikolas: I know that you're not exactly Lulu's favorite person.
Britt: Yeah. I lied to her and Dante about Maxie's baby.
Nikolas: You were caught in the mile. It was a conflict of interest. You didn't mean to hurt Lulu -- not at all.
Britt: I didn't think it through. It never occurred to me that Maxie would change her mind. And I feel awful about that. And then the mix-up with the embryos -- just -- I wish there was a way that I could make it up to them.
Nikolas: You kind of already started, suggesting that she and Dante make another baby in vitro. Went a long way with...Lulu forgiving you.
Britt: I hope so. I know how much she means to you.
Nikolas: Britt, honestly, I'm not really worried about how my sister feels about you.
Britt: No?
Nikolas: [Laughing] No. No. Okay. So, now that we've established that you don't need to stress about my sister's good opinion, what do you say? Huh? Make this house your home?
Britt: I'm sorry. I can't.
Nikolas: Well, why not?
Britt: Because I don't deserve you.
Nikolas: Britt, how can you say something like that? Why would you ever think for a second you didn't deserve to have a home with me?
[Cell phone rings]
Nikolas: [Grunts] Lulu, hey. Yeah. Yeah. Funny you should ask. She's -- she's right here. Hold on. It's for you.
Britt: Hello?
Lulu: Hey, Britt. Dante and I have decided that we would like to start over with in vitro, and we'd like you to be our O.B.
Britt: Me? I thought after what happened --
Lulu: Well, you did a wonderful job, and that's what matters most, so will you take us back as patients?
Britt: Uh, of course.
Lulu: How soon can we get started?
Britt: Today if you want.
Lulu: You mean it?
Britt: Yeah. I can set something up at the hospital and go over the preliminaries.
Lulu: That would be great. Just let us know what time.
Britt: I'll text you. And, Lulu... thank you.
Lulu: For what?
Britt: For letting me try to make up for what I've done to you. I promise I won't let you down. You'll get your baby.
Nikolas: See? I told you you didn't have to worry about my sister.
Britt: Yeah, I guess you were right.
Nikolas: And?
Britt: [Laughing] And?
Nikolas: [Chuckles]
Britt: I will move in with you.
Nikolas: Yes! So, it's, like, official official?
Britt: [Laughing] It's official. I'm happy to make a home with you.
Nikolas: I guess there's only one thing left to say. Welcome home.
Mac: I still don't understand why she can't eat, pray, and love here. I an, we have food, churches, and plenty of people to love in Port Charles.
Felicia: I know, but it's just not the same, Mac.
Mac: A spiritual journey to find herself?
Felicia: This is the first time since all of this has happened that she's actually looking forward to something. Where is she? What was the last thing she had to do?
[Knock on door]
Hicks: Thanks again, Doc.
Silas: Take care of yourself, Chief. Call me if you need anything.
Hicks: All right.
[Elevator bell dings]
Sam: Excuse me. Hey.
Silas: Hey.
Sam: I got your message. I came back as soon as I dropped Danny off with Molly. It sounded serious. Is something wrong?
Silas: Thank you. Thank you. I wanted you to come back because I, um --
Sam: What?
Silas: There's something I need to tell you.
[Door opens]
Robin: Hi. See? I came back.
Patrick: I'm so glad.
Robin: [Chuckles]
Patrick: How's Maxie?
Robin: She's...fine. I'll tell you over lunch. I have been dying for a Kelly's BLT for two years.
Patrick: Okay. Can it wait a minute?
Robin: Why?
Patrick: 'Cause I have a question to ask you.
Robin: Okay.
Patrick: What do you say we have another baby?
Sabrina: Oh, my God. Now I know how our patients feel when they vomit all over us.
Felix: You just hurled?
Sabrina: Oh, yeah.
Felix: Why?
Sabrina: I don't know. Could it be -- well, could it be the monumental stress that I've been under -- I mean, the terror of thinking that Sonny's gonna have us killed?
Felix: Okay, I might have exaggerated the risk a little. I didn't mean to make you puke.
Sabrina: Oh, no. No. It wasn't you. I mean...maybe I got sick, because I just got dumped. Maybe I'm coming down with something.
Felix: Or maybe... you're pregnant.
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