GH Transcript Thursday 12/26/13

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 12/26/13


Provided By Suzanne

[Wind whooshing]

Dr. Obrecht: When I was a little girl, I used to love Christmas. I could hardly sleep the night before, dreaming about my holiday wishes coming true.

Robin: It's not a dream. We found our way back to each other.

Patrick: Nothing's ever gonna tear us apart again.

Dr. Obrecht: As I grew older, I learned the hard way that not every little girl gets what she wants for Christmas. Even on this special day, people can still be sad.

Sabrina: [Sniffles]

Ava: Morgan, hey! I woke up, and you were gone. Please don't run off on me like that, not with Carlos already missing. Well, I hope that you are lying low after what happened last night and that you are not at the hospital.

Dr. Obrecht: People can still be scared. And people can still feel guilty.

Olivia: Morgan. What are you doing here?

Dr. Obrecht: I realize now that this day isn't about mistletoe or snowmen or gifts. It's a reminder to seek refuge from this cruel world with the people you love.

Dante: [Sighs]

Lulu: You sure you don't want me to come with you?

Dante: Thank you. No. You know what? I'm gonna be quick. I just want to get some answers from Sonny while my mother's talking to Max.

Lulu: Oh, I feel so bad about Max. I hope Milo's hanging in there. He loves his brother so much.

Dante: Yeah, you know, Max is a good guy, even if we are on opposite sides of the law.

Lulu: Yeah, did -- your mom didn't know anything about how he got shot?

Dante: Nope. But I've learned that when you work with Sonny, you have a target on your back.

Dr. Obrecht: I suppose that's what makes Christmas the most difficult day of the year to spend locked away. Wouldn't you agree? Careful. When a caged animal paces in circles, he's about to lose his mind.

Sonny: I'll take that under advisement.

Dr. Obrecht: So... what are you in for?

Kiki: It is...

Michael: It's, um, it's four tickets to "peter and the starcatcher" on Broadway.

Kiki: My friend works at the theater, so she got us house seats.

Michael: The last time we were in new York, you know, it didn't end so well.

[Doorbell rings]

Michael: So I thought we can give it a new try in the, uh, new year.

AJ: Thanks. I-I-I appreciate this. This is very nice.

[Doorbell rings]

AJ: Thank you.

[Doorbell rings]

Kiki: You know, I'll -- I'll -- I'll get that.

AJ: [Sighs] I'm sorry. You know, this was very nice. I like it. I'm just... having trouble...enjoying anything since the trial.

Michael: I get it. I get it. I do. But, look, you got a lot to be grateful for, right? I mean, come on. You're free.

AJ: You want to know what I have to be grateful for? Reasonable doubt. Look, just 'cause that jury didn't convict me, that does not mean that I didn't kill Connie.

Kiki: Mom.

Ava: Merry Christmas, Kiki. Aren't you gonna invite me in?

Lulu: Huh.

Dante: Yeah, you keep using mine, so I figured you could use one of your own. And apparently, cotton is the traditional second-year anniversary gift. Apparently.

Lulu: Oh, my God. It's our anniversary. I forgot.

Dante: It's okay. I know you haven't been in the mood to celebrate.

Lulu: Two years. Wow. [Chuckles] It just seems like, um, back then, things were more...

Dante: What?

Lulu: Hopeful.

Dante: Come here.

Lulu: [Sniffles]

Dante: We got a rough go this year. I keep thinking what I could have done differently, if I'd figured out that Maxie miscarried our baby or found a way to prevent those embryos from being destroyed, but you know what? I promise you, Lulu, we're gonna get through this.

Lulu: I hope you're right.

Patrick: I'm sorry. Sorry that it took me so long to realize what I already knew, that I belong here with you. This is the only life I want, the one that we make together with our daughter.

Robin: It took me two years of fighting to get back to you, so I'm not going to let a few days get in the way of our happiness. I love you.

Patrick: I love you, too.

Robin: I didn't want to ask this last night, but... you didn't just come home to me. You broke things off with Sabrina, right? How did she take it? Is she okay?

Carlos: You okay? You don't look so good.

Sabrina: Neither do you.

Carlos: Yeah, well, I have an excuse. [Chuckles] I got shot last night.

Sabrina: Yeah. How could I forget? You showed up on my doorstep bleeding to death. Carlos, I thought you were gonna die!

Carlos: But I didn't. Because an incredible nurse took the bullet out and patched me back up. You saved me.

Sabrina: Yeah, I did. So I think that I deserve some answers. Who did this to you?!

Dr. Obrecht: So... why are you spending Christmas behind bars? Don't want to incriminate yourself? I suppose it makes sense in your business.

Sonny: You don't know what you're talking about, lady.

Dr. Obrecht: I know who you are. Michael Corinthos Jr., Known as Sonny. A ridiculous nickname.

Sonny: I've always been fond of it.

Dr. Obrecht: The don of the Port Charles mafia.

Sonny: That's wrong, 'cause I'm -- I'm a coffee importer.

Dr. Obrecht: The man I love, the father of my child, tried to take over your territory. You defended yourself admirably. But not before Faison eliminated your enforcer, the man who had served as your right hand.

Sonny: You know what, lady? Seriously, you need to stop talking.

Dr. Obrecht: I didn't mean to strike a nerve. I actually have a great deal of respect for you, Mr. Corinthos. Mob families come and go in Port Charles like the wind. That is, until you came along. You've held on to this territory for what? 20 years now? That's nothing short of admirable. You've eluded death from your rivals and capture from the law, which is why I don't understand why I-I see you in a cell. You're too smart for that twig of a commissioner to bring you down, which means you're here by choice, because it was the best option is a sea of bad choices. Tell me -- are you here so someone else won't be?

Morgan: I care about Max. Why wouldn't I be here?

Olivia: Well, I'm just surprised, given the way, uh, things are between you and your father right now.

Morgan: Well, my father doesn't tell me what to do.

Olivia: I know. Honey, still I'm sure that Sonny would be very glad that you're here, especially since he can't be.

Morgan: Yeah, I was -- I was surprised that he wasn't here. Where is he?

Olivia: Your father was arrested last night. I don't know exactly what happened, but something very bad went down at his warehouse last night.

Carlos: I can't get into what happened last night. But thank you, Sabrina, for letting me crash here.

Sabrina: The only reason I let you stay in Felix's room last night is because he and Taylor are visiting their family for the holidays. And if they had been here, we would have called the cops.

Carlos: Oh, well, then I should be thankful for my Christmas miracle.

Sabrina: Oh, no. Don't be. You're obviously mixed up in something very dangerous. Give me one reason why I shouldn't call the cops right now.

Lulu: Nikolas.

Nikolas: Merry Christmas.

Lulu: Merry Christmas.

Nikolas: I just wanted to come by and bring your gifts.

Lulu: And you brought the baby.

Britt: [Clears throat]

Lulu: Hey. Merry Christmas, little guy.

Patrick: She didn't blame me. But she was hurt.

Robin: She just lost you. I mean, I actually know how devastating that is. But I don't regret the fact that I have my husband back and that we're together right now. Does that make me a bad person?

Patrick: If it does, then it makes me one, too.

Robin: [Chuckles]

Patrick: I'm the happiest I've ever been.

Robin: Me, too.

Carlos: Sabrina, you don't really want to call the cops, do you?

Sabrina: Carlos, people don't just get shot. And if they do, they go to the hospital! You lied to me before, didn't you? You knew -- you knew all about the Jeromes and their connection to the mob.

Carlos: Yes, I lied to you. I lie -- I lied to everyone. That's what you do in my line of work. [Exhales shakily] I am sorry.

Sabrina: You just admitted that you're a mobster. Why shouldn't I turn you in?

Carlos: Because if you do, the person who shot me will find me, and he'll finish the job.

Sonny: If you really think I'm a mob kingpin, you need to stop talking, 'cause you're really annoying me.

Dr. Obrecht: You are avoiding the question. Come now. It's just us in here. Why would you take the rap for someone else? I know when I've gone to extremes, it's often been for my daughter's sake. You have children, don't you, Mr. Corinthos? The only person I'd willingly put myself behind bars for is my kin. How about you?

[Monitor beeping]

Olivia: I guess I'm gonna go in and visit Max. You want to come with me?

Morgan: Uh, n-no. It just looks a little crowded in there.

Olivia: Merry Christmas, honey. I'll tell Max you were asking about him, okay?

Morgan: Okay.

[Monitor beeping]

[Door opens]

Michael: Look, the jury found you not guilty.

AJ: [Scoffs] Jury. Michael, they all thought that I was guilty, that I killed Connie. You know, they just didn't have enough evidence to convict me.

Michael: Exactly. There was reasonable doubt. And since you don't even remember killing Connie, maybe you should accept the fact that you didn't even do it.

AJ: It's a nice sentiment. But that's all it is -- it's a sentiment, because if I didn't kill Connie, who did?

Ava: I brought presents for you and Michael.

Kiki: I don't want anything from you.

Ava: Surely we can put our differences aside, at least for the holidays.

Kiki: You know, it was bad enough when I thought that you were just sleeping with Morgan, but now I know you're turning him into a killer.

Ava: Who told you that? What do you know?

[Monitor beeping]

Olivia: [Sniffles]

Milo: [Sighs]

Olivia: [Sighs] How is Max?

Milo: [Sighs] Critical. He hasn't woken up yet, but he -- he's stable for now.

Olivia: How could this happen?

Diane: [Voice breaking] Why don't you ask your boyfriend?

Milo: Diane, we don't know anything.

Olivia: Wait. What -- what -- what are you talking about?

Milo: Apparently, uh [Sniffles] The boss shot Max.

Olivia: Wait. Wait a minute. Who said that?

Diane: Sonny did. In all the years I represented Sonny, I've never known him to confess to so much as a parking violation, but now to the commissioner, no less, he's admitted to shooting Max.

Milo: He said it was an accident, but I don't know. It does-- doesn't sound like the boss.

Olivia: No. No, it certainly does not.

Dr. Obrecht: If it isn't one of your sons now.

Dante: Obrecht, sit on your bunk and shut your mouth, or I'll take you to the interrogation room and cuff you to a table. And you've been waiting a long time to talk to someone today, 'cause it's Christmas and everything, and those chairs get really uncomfortable. Merry Christmas.

Sonny: Is Max awake?

Dante: He's still in the ICU. My mother's checking on him right now. I can see why you're concerned for him. I heard you shot him.

Sonny: Yeah. I was cleaning my gun, and, uh, bam, it went off.

Dante: I had an accident one time. Shot myself in the chest pulling out my gun, but you remember that. You were there. You were the only witness.

Sonny: Dante, listen to me.

Dante: Sonny, that wasn't an accident. It was a lie. Okay, you look me in the eye and tell me what's really going on here.

Robin: Well, it's good to know last night wasn't a fluke.

Patrick: A fluke? Why would you say that? What's that supposed to mean?

Robin: I don't know. I was just a little bit worried that things would be different, or worse, you would be the same but I would have forgotten how to be with you. But...I think I remembered. I remembered every part of your body. You certainly remembered every part of mine.

Patrick: Hmm. I think I maybe forgot a spot or two. Hmm?

Robin: Mm-hmm.

[Didgeridoo drones]

Robin: Ohh.

Patrick: What was that?

Robin: [Sighs] A didgeridoo.

Patrick: A didgeri-what?

Robin: Ask my father, because I'm not speaking to him.

[Didgeridoo drones]

Emma: G'day, mates! Wake up! It's Christmas!

Patrick: [Laughs]

Robin: [Laughs]

Carlos: Sabrina, please. If you call the police, Sonny will kill me.

Sabrina: Sonny Corinthos is the one who shot you?

Carlos: Yes.

Sabrina: Oh, my God. So you're telling me that a mob boss wants you dead?! All the more reason to call the cops.

Carlos: Cops? You mean like Sonny's oldest son, hmm? He's PCPD's lead detective.

Sabrina: Okay. Fine. But you can't -- you can't stay here.

Carlos: I got nowhere else to go.

Sabrina: What about your apartment?

Carlos: That's the first place Corinthos will look. Or worse, the Jeromes.

Sabrina: Why don't you want your boss knowing where you are?

Carlos: I haven't been able to get ahold of Julian or Ava for days. And I've been gone so long, they might have -- they might think I started talking like Vince.

Sabrina: Wait. Who's Vince?

Carlos: [Sighs] He -- it doesn't matter. That bastard's dead.

Sabrina: Oh, my God.

Carlos: Sabrina... if you ever cared about me, you'll let me stay here just until I figure things out.

Sonny: The gun just went off.

Dante: Anna's telling me that -- that your warehouse was -- was shot up. Was it the Jeromes?

Sonny: It doesn't concern you.

Dante: What happened, Sonny? Did Julian get the drop on you or what?

Sonny: That punk can't get a drop on anybody.

Dante: Anna said you confessed to shooting Max. The only time you confess to something is when you're trying to protect someone. I know you obviously weren't protecting any of the Jeromes, but maybe someone close to them? Wait. Was -- was it Morgan that shot Max?

Morgan: Is -- is Max gonna be okay?

Olivia: I'm sorry, honey. We just don't know yet.

Morgan: Well, do -- do they know what happened?

Olivia: Well, we know the official version, but it just doesn't make any sense.

Morgan: Why? Why not?

Olivia: The police are saying that your father shot Max. I'm on my way over to the jail right now to talk to him. I don't know about you, but that story just doesn't make any sense to me. It doesn't sit right.

Morgan: Yeah, um, me either. [Sighs]

Kiki: What do you mean, how do I know? I was there. On the pier with Michael and Morgan. They were fighting. Michael hit his head and fell into the water.

Ava: Yes, right. Of course. Morgan told me all about it.

Kiki: Oh, right. Yeah. See, I don't think that's what you were talking about.

[Door opens]

Kiki: Are we leaving?

Michael: Milo called. We have to get to the hospital.

Kiki: What happened?

Michael: I'll explain on the way. Come on.

Kiki: Yeah.

Ava: But... I have -- I have presents!

[Door closes]

Nikolas: Last I heard, you and Dante were gonna try again for another baby.

Lulu: Do you remember when I said that there might be a problem?

Nikolas: Yeah. What happened?

Lulu: Well, we had two embryos frozen at the lab, and they've been destroyed.

Nikolas: How? How did that happen? Was it that incompetent brad again?

Lulu: No. No. We can't blame brad. It was a mix-up with paperwork. It was an honest mistake, but... it still doesn't change the fact that Dante and I can't have a child of our own.

Nikolas: Oh, well, I'm -- I'm really -- I'm really sorry. I'm sorry.

Britt: That's not true. You and Dante can still be parents.

Britt: You and Dante can go through the procedure again and fertilize new embryos.

Lulu: I know that --

Britt: In fact, I can get the process rolling for you.

Emma: What's this one?

Robin: Oh, that one is the one that Santa told me I have to get you this year. Go ahead. Open it.

Emma: Okay. Thank you.

Robin: What? You don't like it, sweetie?

Emma: I already have this one.

Patrick: Yeah, but you know what? Now, um, now snowflake has a buddy, so he won't be lonely.

Emma: This one's from Sabrina.

Robin: Go ahead. Open it. See what you got.

Emma: Oh, my gosh! It's just what I wanted! It's a Dyna-girl adventure kit!

Patrick: Wow. Look at that. The whole kit and caboodle, huh?

Emma: Can we go see Sabrina soon so I can thank her?

Patrick: You know what, babe? Um...

Robin: Yeah, of course we can do that, sweetie.

Emma: Yay!

Robin: [Sighs]

Patrick: You okay?

Robin: Not yet, but I will be.

Patrick: Okay.

Sabrina: Okay, fine. You can stay. But for now.

Carlos: Gracias. It's nice to spend Christmas with you.

Sabrina: It's not like I have somewhere else to be.

Carlos: Patrick went back to his wife, didn't he? Well, I just sort of gathered the way you were crying over the gift you got him.

Sabrina: You know what, Carlos? If you want to say it, go ahead and say it!

Carlos: Say what?

Sabrina: That you told me so!

[Door opens]

Ava: Yoo-hoo! Anyone home?

AJ: What are you doing here?

Ava: I'm dropping off these gifts for Kiki and Michael. I figured I would leave them under the tree since they just ran out of here. What was that all about, anyway?

AJ: Sonny's at it again. Apparently he shot his bodyguard this time.

Ava: Is that so? That's very interesting.

AJ: It's pretty standard behavior for Sonny.

Ava: You are awfully hard on the man. Especially since you killed the woman he loved.

AJ: Excuse me?

Ava: I never did congratulate you on your victory.

AJ: You don't live here anymore. So you can leave. Now.

Ava: Oh, my, my. Your tune has changed. We used to get along like thieves.

AJ: It's when I wanted your shares.

Ava: You wound me.

AJ: [Scoffs]

Ava: All I'm saying is that you shouldn't be moping about. Celebrate. After all, you did get away with murder.

[Monitor beeping]

Milo: [Sobs] This is my fault.

Diane: Don't say that, Milo.

Milo: The boss needs two guards for proper security, and that was always me and Max. Until I quit and left Max to do the work alone.

Diane: Don't you dare blame yourself.

Milo: [Voice breaking] My brother's in here because of me.

Diane: No, honey. Listen to me. Listen to me. [Sniffles] Your brother is in here because of the life that he and Sonny chose. The life that you and I walked away from. Milo, if you had stayed, it could just as easily be you in that bed, and your brother wouldn't want that. Besides, you and I both know there's something about the shooting that doesn't add up.

Milo: [Sniffles] I just want to find out who did this to Max. [Sniffles]

Diane: So do I.

Dante: Morgan's the one that shot Max?

Sonny: Leave it alone.

Dante: I knew he was in with the Jeromes. I just didn't know it was that deep.

Sonny: Look, the best thing you can do is forget about this. The commissioner has my statement. Do not drag Morgan into this.

Dante: Don't drag him in? Sonny, he's in it up to his neck.

Sonny: Listen to me!

Olivia: Hey, what -- what's going on in here, you guys? It's Christmas.

Dr. Obrecht: How can one forget in a festive place like this?

Both: Shut up!

Dante: Sorry for the interruption, ma.

Olivia: No, no. Not at all. I, uh, I just wanted to let you know that I was gonna be stopping by the loft later on with -- with a tres Fiji, so, uh...

Dante: Thanks, mom. I'm sure Lulu would really appreciate that.

Olivia: How is she holding up?

Dante: It's -- it's rough, you know.

Olivia: Of course it's rough. You ought to sue that hospital for what they put you through with those embryos.

Dante: I don't want to sue anybody. I just want her to get through this okay.

Sonny: How's Max?

Olivia: Um, he's hanging in there. Uh, he's not regained his consciousness yet, but Milo and Diane haven't left his side. Even Morgan is there with him.

Dante: Morgan's here?

Olivia: Yeah.

Dante: I got to go. Officer Moore.

Sonny: Wait, Dante.

Olivia: Whoa.

Sonny: Come here.

Dante: What?

Sonny: Don't leave.

Dante: Why? Why? Do you have something you have to tell me? I didn't think so. Maybe Morgan will be honest with me.

Olivia: Dante.

Dr. Obrecht: "How sharper an a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child."

Michael: I didn't expect to see you here, Morgan.

Morgan: Well, Max matters to me, too.

Michael: I'm glad you remember. Max was always good to us when we were kids. He never screamed at us no matter how much trouble we made for him. Never made it seem like he was our guard, even though he was. Yeah, I wonder, uh, how many times he saved our lives without us even knowing.

Morgan: It is good to see you, Mikey.

Kiki: "Good to see you"? That's all you have to say after you nearly killed your brother? He was drowning, and I begged you to help me, and you walked away from me?

Morgan: I can explain.

Kiki: You can't explain how you almost... Michael almost died because of you.

Michael: Kiki, Kiki, can you, uh, just give us a minute, please?

[Door closes]

Michael: What do you know about the shooting, Morgan?

Morgan: What? I know just as much as --

Michael: The only time dad ever confessed to anything is when he was covering for me, so why would he confess to this? Answer me, Morgan. What do you know about Max getting shot?

Robin: Tangeneva!

Patrick: Who?

Emma: Now we can play them all together. I'm gonna go get mine.

Patrick: All right.

Robin: Fantastic. [Laughs]

Patrick: All right, well, we're not done. There's one more gift here.

Robin: Okay. What do we got? [Exhales sharply] [Sighs] My ring.

Patrick: It's been off of you for way too long. It's time to put it back on. May I?

Robin: Please. Wow. It's even prettier than I remember.

Patrick: Just like you.

Emma: Mommy, are you okay?

Robin: Oh, baby, I'm perfect. I'm sorry. I didn't have a chance...

Patrick: Mnh-mnh. Don't worry about it. I got my gift when you came home.

Sabrina: Go ahead, Carlos! Gloat! Do it!

Carlos: Why would I do that?

Sabrina: You told me from the very beginning that Patrick's heart would always belong to Robin! [Sobs] You even tried to tell me that -- that she was alive! Well...congratulations! You were right about everything! You win!

Carlos: I don't -- I don't care about winning. I care about you. The one thing I didn't want is for you to get hurt, and I-I knew Patrick would, and there was nothing I could do about it.

Sabrina: It just hurts so bad!

[Sobbing] I still love him!

Carlos: I know. I know you do, ma bella.

AJ: I've had it with you, all right? You dropped off your little gifts. Now get out of here!

Ava: Oh, come on, AJ. Let's be civil. Our children are together. We are connected. Besides, it's not as if I said something that isn't true.

AJ: Get out!!

Ava: Fine. But you know all about my family, AJ. What I'm saying is... you can come clean with me. Even the jury knew you killed Connie. They just didn't have the evidence they needed to convict. Must be difficult living with someone's death on your conscience. If you ever want to talk, you know how to reach me. Merry Christmas.

AJ: [Sighs]

Lulu: You want to get the process rolling?

Britt: I'm just saying, even though those embryos were destroyed, there's nothing stopping you and Dante from trying again. This time next year, you could have a child of your own. I'm starting back to work soon. I can make you an appointment.

Nikolas: That's very nice of you, Britt, but I'm just -- I don't know if she's ready for that right now.

Britt: Look... given my history with Maxie, I understand if you're uncomfortable with me being your doctor. There are plenty of capable OBs that would love to help you. I'm just saying, you and Dante can have your child.

Michael: I tried to tell you that night in the pier that this isn't a video game, okay? Those are real bullets in the warehouse.

Morgan: Just ask Max, please.

Michael: Morgan, Max was shot, and I bet my life that it wasn't dad.

Morgan: Do you really hate me like Kiki does?

Michael: Morgan...

Kiki: Milo and Diane are asking for you.

Morgan: Sure, they are.

Dante: Hey.

Morgan: Hey.

Dante: How's Max?

Morgan: Still unconscious.

Dante: Yeah, Sonny told me what went down.

Morgan: Yeah. It's crazy, huh?

Dante: Tell me about it. I mean, he accidentally shoots up his entire warehouse, and Max gets, uh, hit in the process? See, here's the thing, bro. I don't think Sonny did this. I think he's covering for you.

Olivia: Listen...

Sonny: Yeah.

Olivia: Nobody knows better than me that this is not the time to start playing with questions, okay? But I also know that you are very careful with your firearms, and there's no way in hell you shot somebody. All right. No pressure, okay? But I just want you to know...

Sonny: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: ...That when you're ready to say what's what, I'm gonna be here to listen, okay?

Sonny: You see Morgan at the hospital?

Olivia: I did.

Sonny: And?

Olivia: He's pretty torn up. He wouldn't even go in the hospital room with me. He just stayed outside in the hallway. I guess I forgot how close he was with Max. You know, I hate to say this, Sonny, but this might be exactly what that kid needs to really see how important family is.

Morgan: You don't know what you're talking about.

Dante: Morgan, listen to me. Listen to me. You are my brother, and I love you, and if you did this, the only way to make it right is if you tell me everything.

Morgan: I got nothing to say to you.

Dante: Stop, stop. I can help you, okay? Please. Just you got to tell me the truth. Are you the one who shot Max?

Morgan: Don't blame me for dad's stupid mistakes, all right? He's obviously losing it again, so maybe someone should make sure that he's still stable.

Dante: [Sighs] You know what? You're the one who's making mistakes. That is funny. You're more like our old man than you'll ever admit.

Guard: Corinthos, Commissioner Devane has a few more questions for you.

[Door closes]

Dr. Obrecht: And what a merry Christmas, indeed. [Singing "O Tannenbaum" in German]

O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum
Wie treu sind deine bltter
Du grnst nicht nur zur sommerzeit,
Nein, auch im winter, wenn es schneit.
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
Wie treu sind deine bltter.

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree
How loyal are your leaves/needles!
You're green not only
  in the summertime,
No, also in winter when it snows.
O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree
How loyal are your leaves/needles.]

Milo: Diane.

Diane: Max.

Dr. Obrecht: [Continues singing]

O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
Du kannst mir sehr gefallen.
Wie oft hat nicht zur weihnachtszeit
Ein Baum von dir mich hoch erfreut.
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
Du kannst mir sehr gefallen.

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree
You can please me very much!
How often has not at Christmastime
A tree like you given me such joy!
O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree,
You can please me very much.]

Dr. Obrecht: [Continues singing]

O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
Dein kleid will mich was lehren.
Die hoffnung und bestndigkeit,
Gibt Trost und Kraft zu jeder Zeit!
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
Das will dein kleid mich lehren.

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree
Your dress wants to teach me something:
Your hope and durability
Provide comfort and strength at any time.
O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree,
That's what your dress should teach me.]

Singer: As the cold air blows on the window and the snow falls south to the ground there's a light on forth in the distance and this time of year, it's bringing me around leads me back to you

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