GH Transcript Thursday 12/19/13

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 12/19/13


Provided By Suzanne

Luke: What's wrong?

Bobbie: [Sighs] Well, that was Alexis. Julian Jerome was just at her house, asking a lot of questions about Lucas.

Luke: Damn.

Julian: Well, well. Bobbie Spencer. How lovely to see you.

Ava: I thought you were leaving early to finish your Christmas shopping.

Morgan: Well, I had to stuff your stocking first.

Ava: Is sex all you ever think about?

Morgan: No. Is it all you ever think about? Get your mind out of the gutter, because when I said, "stocking," I meant "stocking." What do you think?

Ava: Oh. I think they're lovely.

Morgan: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey. [Chuckles]

Ava: [Chuckles]

Morgan: Now, it's -- it's our first Christmas together, and I just -- I really wanted to make it special.

[Knock on door]

Morgan: I'll get that. No peeking. Molly?

Molly: I need your help. I'm worried about TJ

Shawn: Hold up, man. I could have sworn I had my keys.

Sonny: I got mine.


Sonny: Whoa!

TJ: Please, just don't shoot.

Carlos: Come on, kid.

Sonny: This way.

Carlos: We got to get out of here.

Shawn: He still has a pulse.

Silas: Hi.

Sam: Hi. Thanks for squeezing me in.

Silas: Yeah. Is Danny okay?

Sam: No. I mean, yeah. Yeah, he's great, actually. Yeah.

Silas: You look to be in perfect health, not that I'm complaining. It's always nice to see you.

Sam: Do you think I came here for the pleasure of your company?

Silas: Oh, you didn't?

Sam: Actually, I, uh -- I came to consult with you as Rafe's uncle. He stopped by to visit me and Danny today.

Silas: Ah. Did he happen to mention this thing with Molly?

Sam: Well, I was hoping he said something to you.

Silas: Yeah. Rafe and I had a little talk about how tough it is to be drawn to someone who doesn't want you back.

Sam: Oh. And that's never happened to you?

Silas: Funny you mention that. Right before I moved here, I met this...amazing but difficult woman.

Sam: Difficult?

Silas: Yeah, you know the type -- you know, defensive, chip on her shoulder.

Sam: No. Keep going. I don't -- I don't exactly who you're talking about.

Silas: Oh. Let me fill you in.

Sam: Uh-huh.

Silas: Um, well, it was like the more time I spent with her, the more I knew I wanted to be with her, but...she wasn't interested.

Sam: Are you sure?

Silas: I mean, she wouldn't give me the time of day, until...

Sam: Until?

Silas: Until, um -- until I worked up the courage to ask if I could kiss her.

Sam: What did she say?

Silas: Let me see if this jogs your memory.

[Cell phone rings]

[Indistinct chatter]


Sabrina: Hi, Patrick. It's me. Uh, I know you're in surgery. Um...I-I just -- I have some Christmas presents for Emma, and I wasn't sure what to do with them. Anyway, uh, call me back if you get a chance.

Dr. Drake.

Patrick: Yeah?

You left your phone in the scrub room again.

Patrick: Oh. Thank you.

You're welcome.

Robin: Patrick? You wanted to see me?

Patrick: Yes, I did.

[Knock on door]

Felix: [Sighs] Thank you. I just spent an early morning at the mall. Every year, I swear to myself I'm gonna get my shopping done first week of December, and there I am, every year, at the mall with all the other last-minute losers. [Sighs] Oh, you got some wrapping done already?

Sabrina: Oh, yeah. I still have more shopping to do. I just bought a couple things for the people I'm closest to.

Felix: [Gasps] For me? Oh, you shouldn't have.

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Felix: Mm. And you know what? I'm gonna act just as surprised on Christmas morning.

Sabrina: It's not for you. It's for Patrick.

Felix: Oh. Very nice.

Sabrina: Yeah. I-I bought it -- I bought it before the wedding, when I thought that Christmas was gonna be, you know, the beginning of Patrick and my life together.

Felix: Aww, Patrick's initials. No chance of re-gifting that.

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Felix: Uh, you better make sure that the wrapping is worthy of the present. You should -- that one right there.

Sabrina: I'm not gonna wrap this. I was looking forward to this being our first Christmas together, but now... I don't know if we're gonna be together at all.

Patrick: I wanted to talk to you. I just thought it would be better if we did it face to face.

Robin: Okay. Sounds serious.

Patrick: I think Emma should be back in her -- her house, in her room. I just think that there's been so much upheaval the last couple weeks, and especially around the holidays now, that I think it's only fair that she wakes up in her own bed Christmas morning.

Robin: Yeah. I-I totally agree.

Patrick: Good. I, um -- I already talked to your mom. Her and duke brought her to the mall to go see Santa.

Robin: [Chuckles]

Patrick: They're gonna bring her back there after. And, uh, you can meet them there.

Robin: But these are your keys.

Patrick: Yeah. Your daughter's the creative one with the key chain, as you can tell.

Robin: [Chuckles] I don't understand. Aren't you going to need your keys? Are you telling me that you're moving out? Are you moving in with Sabrina?

[Cell phone buzzes]

Sam: You -- um, you're buzzing.

Silas: You noticed.

Sam: I mean in your pants. Um -- [Chuckles]

Silas: Oh, no. You mean my phone. Yeah. My phone. Right.

Sam: Your phone. Yes. Your phone.

Silas: Oh, uh...yeah, this could be, um -- this could be family of a patient I'm dealing with. Um, I need to take this, okay?

Sam: Okay.

Silas: All right. Silas clay. Yeah. This is he. I beg your pardon? Uh, hey, listen, I'm, um -- can I call you back? No. Just give me your number. I'll call you back. Okay.

Sam: Everything okay?

Julian: Oh, I'm sorry. It's, uh, Julian Jerome.

Bobbie: Julian?

Julian: Yeah. Oh, I'm sorry. Well, I had a little, uh, plastic surgery, so I might look a little different.

Luke: So did your friend jerry jacks. Did the two of you go to the same abattoir?

Julian: [Chuckles] Oh, that is funny. I'm sorry. Have we, uh -- have we met before?

Luke: Luke Spencer. I know your sister.

Julian: Oh, yeah. Of course. Of course. She has mentioned you, but who doesn't know the name Luke Spencer? You're quite prominent in the history of port Charles.

Luke: Yeah. And you, not so much.

Julian: [Chuckles]

Luke: I hope you didn't go to all the trouble of having that face remodeling just to come back to port chuckles.

Julian: [Chuckles]

Luke: Although I will say the doctor did a fine job on you.

Julian: Mm.

Luke: Really fine. Did you recommend him to jerry, or did jerry recommend him to you?

Julian: I don't know anything about jerry jacks.

Luke: You do know who I'm speaking of, of course -- the guy who just took a dive off metro court terrace and disappeared, courtesy of your sister?

Julian: Really? Well, that's news to me.

Luke: [Chuckles] Is it? I have a feeling Ava doesn't do anything that you don't know about.

Julian: I'm sorry. You've, uh -- you've lost me.

Luke: I told you I'd walk you back. Shall we go?

Bobbie: Uh, yeah. Let's do that.

[Cell phone rings]

Julian: Who's Lucas?

Morgan: Molly -- Molly, Ava. Molly's my cousin.

Ava: Molly, nice to meet you.

Molly: You, too.

Morgan: Don't worry. Ava knows everything. We can talk in front of her. What's going on with TJ?

Molly: Well, I told him what you told me -- that Shawn might have taken that Carlos person.

Morgan: Yeah. And...?

Molly: He went to see Shawn yesterday. He thought something serious was going on.

Morgan: Where was this?

Molly: At uncle Sonny's warehouse.

Sonny: Son of a bitch.

Shawn: Somebody must have knocked him out. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Can you hear me? Hey! You know it had to be Carlos.

Sonny: Yeah. We got to find him, 'cause he can't get out of here. There's no way out.

Sabrina: Patrick still hasn't made a choice.

Felix: Or maybe he has and he's waiting for the right time to tell you.

Sabrina: Can I have the tape?

Felix: [Scoffs] Way to avoid the subject.

Sabrina: I'm not avoiding. I'm just facing reality. I left Patrick a message a while ago, and...he still hasn't gotten back to me. So, if he's made a choice... it wasn't me.

Patrick: No, I'm not moving in with Sabrina. I'm gonna stay here in the on-call room.

Robin: So, you still haven't made up your mind?

Patrick: Robin, I know this is difficult, okay? I'm really sorry. It's difficult for everybody. But you made it pretty clear that you weren't gonna come home until I ended things with Sabrina.

Robin: [Scoffs] Can you blame me?

Patrick: No. I don't blame you. I don't blame anyone except for the people that faked your death, and here we are. I have to deal with it.

Robin: Well, I don't think staying in the on-call room and handing me your keys qualifies as dealing.

Patrick: I promised Emma that I would have this figured out by Christmas.

Robin: Christmas is around the corner.

Patrick: I know. I just -- just need a little more time.

Robin: Then I will go meet Emma. I'm sure she's gonna have a lot of stories about Santa.

Patrick: Can you give her a kiss for me?

Robin: Of course I will.

Patrick: Okay.

Robin: If I don't see you, then... [Sighs] Merry Christmas.

Silas: It's the family of one of my patients.

Sam: Is it serious?

Silas: Just something that I need to deal with. You think maybe we could pick up where we left off later?

Sam: I think so. Counting on it, actually. Don't work too hard.

Silas: [Sighs]

Ava: Sonny's warehouse? That's where they're holding Carlos?

Molly: Well, I don't know anything about that -- only that TJ Took Shawn's keys and he went there this morning.

[Cell phone rings]

Ava: Excuse me. I-I have to take this. Silas?

Silas: I'm at G.H. -- Floor 10, examination room 1. I need to see you immediately.

Ava: I have to go.

Molly: What about TJ?

Ava: Morgan, call Julian, okay? He'll know what to do.

Julian: Who is this Lucas person?

Luke: I really don't think that's any of your business, Mr. Jerome. But that would be me -- Lucas Lorenzo Spencer.

Julian: You don't appear to be calling someone right now.

Luke: Well, we'll have to check that, won't we? Oh. Look at that. Barbara, I butt-dialed you. I'm sorry. I'll turn this thing off.

Bobbie: Oh, yeah. Luke, you really ought to learn to keep your phone locked.

Luke: You know, I hate these things. I don't even know why I carry it. I hate when people think they can get ahold me any time of the day. I'd rather meet somebody...

[Cell phone rings]

Luke: ...In a bar if I'm gonna talk to them. This whole cyber world is really a pain in the butt to me.

Julian: You know what? If you'll, uh, excuse me...

Luke: Say hi to jerry...if you still recognize him.

Bobbie: Oh. That was close.

Shawn: The alarm wasn't triggered, so he's still in the main warehouse.

Sonny: Carlos, we know you're here! There's no way out, so you might as well get it over with! Show yourself!

Patrick: Don't you think we should at least finish looking around before we commit to paying for the this for the rest of our lives?

Robin: I just have a very good feeling about it. I think we should call the realtor.

Patrick: Okay, whoa. Robin, slow down.

Robin: Why? I can feel it. This is our house. I mean, we should just take it before somebody else does and we regret it for the rest of our lives.

Felix: Patrick hasn't said anything one way or another, which means he hasn't made a decision, and until he does, you stand as much chance as robin.

Sabrina: His wife, the mother of his child.

Felix: Okay. Wait. Who did he recently ask to marry? You. And who has he spent the last year with? Oh! You. [Chuckles] You know, I'm not discounting Patrick's love for robin, but it's been a long time. People change. Patrick has changed. He's come to love you. So don't give up. It's not over until the fat lady sings.

Sabrina: I have some Christmas presents for Emma. I wasn't sure what to do with them. Anyway, call me back if you get a chance.

Sam: Patrick? You okay?

Patrick: No.

Sam: You want to talk about it?

Patrick: Not really.

Sam: Okay. All right. That's fair enough. I can guess what's going on. I mean, I was at your wedding. I don't have to be a psychic to read your mind.

Patrick: I am just as confused as I was the day at the church. Robin and Sabrina are both waiting for an answer, and...I have a decision to make.

Ava: Knock, knock.

Silas: Hey. Come on in.

Ava: Well, if I'd known I was gonna get this reception, I would have driven even faster.

Silas: I don't have time to play games with you, all right? We got a problem. I just got a phone call from the NYPD.

Morgan: I need you to just trust me. I can fix this.

Molly: How?

Morgan: Don't worry. Julian will know what to do.

Molly: No. Okay, see, the thing is my mom was really not happy to see Julian at the house this morning. And I know that Sam will have nothing to do with him, even though he turned out to be her father.

Morgan: I-I don't know what to tell you about Sam's personal situation or -- or why she won't give Julian a chance, but that has nothing to do with what's going on right now.

[Door opens, closes]

Julian: What's going on, Morgan? You said something about Sonny's warehouse.

Morgan: Yeah. Molly thinks it might be where he's holding Carlos.

Julian: Well, I guess you had more on your mind than a math test this morning.

Molly: [Scoffs] Okay, look, I-I don't know anything about this guy Carlos. All I know is that TJ Was suspicious, and he's there now, and I'm getting worried. Do you think we should call the police?

Julian: No. No, no, no. No police. Listen, you did the right thing coming to Morgan. We're gonna take care of this.

Shawn: TJ, what are you doing here?

Carlos: Hey, relax. I don't want to hurt him.

Shawn: Then you let him go.

Carlos: I'm afraid I can't do that.

Sonny: This is between me and you, Carlos. There's no need to bring that kid in to this.

Carlos: I'm not bringing him in to anything. I'm gonna use him to get out of here.

Sonny: The thing is you're not going anywhere.

Carlos: Oh, no. You're wrong. You see, I'm gonna walk right out of here, or the kid gets a bullet.

Felix: What do you think?

Sabrina: It's nice.

Felix: You sure? I got it for brad. I want to make sure the color matches his eyes.

Sabrina: That's for brad?

Felix: Mm? Of course not. I just wanted to see if you're paying attention. You seem like you're a million miles away.

Sabrina: I'm sorry. I guess I'm just not in the holiday mood.

Felix: [Sighs]

Sabrina: [Sighs]

Emma: Mommy!

Robin: Oh, hi! Mwah!

Emma: I'm so happy to be home.

Robin: [Laughs] Did you have fun at the mall? Hi.

Emma: It was fun. I told Santa everything I wanted.

Robin: [Gasps] You did?

Duke: She did.

Anna: Yes. It was an exhaustive list, I've got to say...

Robin: [Laughs]

Anna: ...Which seems quite surprising, considering she's just had the best present in the world.

Emma: That's you, mommy. You're the best present.

Robin: And you are the best present for me.

Emma: [Chuckles]

Robin: But it's okay to wish for other things, and I'm sure that Santa has a lot of presents to bring you this year.

Emma: I need to put up my stocking.

Robin: Yes, yes, yes! Yes, you do. If I remember correctly, it's in the attic, right?

Duke: In the attic? Well, then I think I am going to lead the search party to the attic, and I think you are going to come and be my assistant.

Robin: Go, go, go.

Emma: Yes.

Duke: All right.

Robin: [Chuckles]

Anna: How is it -- being back here?

Robin: Patrick changed some things -- the paint on the walls, you know? It's good. I like it. I just -- I wasn't really expecting it.

Anna: Well, just so you know, it was Maxie that did the decorating in here. We were all just trying to stumble along without you, doing our own versions of that, whatever it was, you know? So, this was Maxie's contribution.

Robin: No. I mean, that's really thoughtful of her.

Anna: Yes.

Robin: It just made me feel a little strange when I walked in the door. Kind of reminded me of the first time that I saw the house. I really, really wanted it, because I felt like it would bring me out of my postpartum depression. I mean, the house wasn't a cure-all, but I don't regret buying it.

Anna: No. You shouldn't. This is your home. You know, even if there is a new coat of paint, this is where you, Patrick, and Emma became a family.

Robin: Right. I mean, I can't even look over there without imagining Emma taking her first steps or the fireplace and that one crazy night when Patrick insisted that we make s'mores inside or the kitchen, where we had pancake dinners on the weekends. I mean, I have all of those memories here. It's just -- I don't know. It feels like I'm walking in someone else's house.

Anna: Because why?

Robin: Because all of those memories -- they seem like a lifetime ago, especially because Patrick isn't here.

Patrick: I was just standing there, so focused on Sabrina and the moment, and then Emma yells, "mommy!" And goes running down the aisle. It's -- I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Sam: Yeah. I know. None of us could.

Patrick: And in that moment where she had Emma in her arms, it was like something I had always dreamed of, like a moment in my life that I was aching for. And here I am, about to marry another woman. I was over that. I had finally accepted that robin was gone. And then there she is. She's standing right there. And I knew it was real because of the way robin was holding Emma, and they looked at each other, and then, before I knew it, my feet were just carrying me down the aisle, and then I had robin in my arms.

Sam: I know. It's a miracle, actually.

Patrick: But then there's Sabrina. I owe everything to Sabrina. She put me and Emma back together, and this was supposed to be her special day.

Sam: Okay. But do you love her?

Patrick: Yes. Yes. I love them both. And I'm trying not to hurt either one of them, but yet I know that's exactly what I'm doing. I look in their eyes, and I can see that trying not to hurt what I'm doing, and I don't know how to stop it.

Sam: It's -- it's okay, because, actually, you would be wrong if you didn't love both Sabrina and robin. However, I-I don't think you should be beating yourself up over it.

Patrick: See, but it doesn't matter how we got here. The fact is I'm dragging this out. That's just the truth. And I promised Emma that I would have this figured out by Christmas, and yet I don't know how I'm gonna do that, because...I just don't know where I belong.

Sam: I don't think that's true. I think, in your heart, you know exactly where you belong.

Ava: The NYPD?

Silas: Yeah. Some detective.

Ava: What did he want?

Silas: What do you think he wants?

Ava: Well, I don't know why you're surprised. I told you this could happen. When you started pushing me about Kiki, I warned you.

Silas: Well, when no one came calling, I thought we were in the clear. I figured after all this time... I thought this story had died down.

Ava: Well, apparently, you were wrong.

Bobbie: Actually, sweetheart, I'm not sure when I'm coming back to Seattle. No, no. Everything's fine. I'm -- I'm just a little tired. That's all. Yeah. Okay. We'll talk soon. Bye.

Luke: Lucas can tell something's wrong.

Bobbie: Yeah. Oh, gosh, I feel so bad not telling him the whole story, but there's no way I could tell him the truth. I mean, what would I say? I just had a run-in with his biological father?

Julian: Morgan, you're coming with me.

Morgan: Sure.

Molly: What about me?

Julian: Stay here and wait for us to come back.

Molly: But maybe I can help --

Julian: Molly, I don't have time to explain right now. It's very important that you stay here and you do not call the police -- or anyone else, for that matter. Do you understand?

Molly: Morgan, are you sure that --

Morgan: Hey, hey, it's okay. Just do what Julian says. Can you do that, please?

Molly: Okay.

Julian: All right. Let's go.

Morgan: All right.

[Door closes]

Carlos: Come on, kid.

Shawn: Hey! You let him go! You let him go now! Drop the gun, or I'm gonna drop you.

Carlos: Hey, back off! I'm the one giving the orders now!

Shawn: TJ, Buddy, everything's gonna be all right, okay?

Carlos: TJ'S got nothing to worry about. Do you, TJ? Now, we are gonna walk out of here nice and easy.

Sonny: That's not gonna happen, 'cause you're not getting out of this building alive, Carlos.

Carlos: Yes, I am. That's exactly what I'm gonna do.

Robin: I have been trying so hard to give Patrick space to make his decision, but it's so hard because I know what I want. I want my husband back, and every single time I see him, I want to shake him and tell him he's an idiot.

Anna: You know, when you were young and I was very much in love with duke, your father came back into town, came back to port Charles. And I had to work very hard to keep it clear in my head that duke was the man that I loved now. He was my present love, and Robert was the past. And, you know, I mean, sometimes I just didn't feel that way, because Robert and I -- we really understand each other in every way. I mean, we would practically finish each other's thoughts. And that doesn't diminish at all from how much I love duke. I think the simple, kind of almost painful truth is that I love them both. I always have. I did then, and I do now, and I imagine that I always will.

Robin: So, if Dad walked in the door right now and he said that he wanted to try again, I mean, who would you pick?

Anna: I don't have to answer that question. No, I don't, because it's never gonna happen, you know? He -- he totally respects how committed I am to duke, and he would never put me in that position.

Robin: Okay, fine. I mean, I don't mean now. I mean back then.

Anna: Then I would be doing exactly what Patrick is doing right now. I would be putting off having to make that decision because I knew that whoever I chose, someone I love very, very much was gonna be hurt and I would lose, if not the love of that man, at least the connection to what we might have been together.

Robin: But that can't go on indefinitely.

Anna: No. You're right. It can't. Yeah, I would have realized sooner or later that I was torturing all three of us, and then...

Robin: Then what?

Anna: Well, then I would have been honest with myself, you know? I would have... been very honest, because there's no measure of how much I love each of them. You understand that? There isn't. And I would have asked myself the question, "who did I want to have a life with?" And I think if Patrick asks himself that question, you're gonna be the answer.

Robin: I hope you're right, Mom. I hope that all Patrick needs is time.

[Footsteps approach]

Robin: Hello!

Duke: Emma is a master with a flashlight. She led us straight to the stockings.

Robin: [Laughs]

Emma: Can I hang my stocking myself?

Robin: You can certainly try, my love. Here. Why don't we try it here?

Anna: You all right?

Duke: If she found out that I was working for you, she'd be appalled. She'd feel betrayed. But we both know Julian has a grudge against her, and he has to be stopped before he kills her.

Sonny: You really think he'd do that?

Duke: You know he would. I know he would. And she'll use all of her resources at the PCPD to stop him.

Sonny: And Julian will retaliate.

Duke: Neutralizing Julian is the only way to protect her. That is why I am here -- to save Anna. If his flunky loses his life in the process, then so be it.

Felix: Okay. That's it. We're getting out of here.

Sabrina: And going where?

Felix: Taylor and I are going to north Carolina for Christmas holiday. You're welcome to join.

Sabrina: Oh, Felix, you've already made your plans, and I-I wasn't a part of that.

Felix: A week with the DuBois family will cure whatever ails you. When you witness our dysfunction, all your problems will seem puny by comparison.

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Felix: [Chuckles]

Sabrina: I appreciate the invitation, but I-I couldn't possibly impose, especially not --

Felix: No, no, no. It's not an imposition. I mean, a guest might be just the thing to put a damper on the insanity. [Chuckles] No, no. That's probably asking too much. But -- but -- but my mom cooks a huge feast, and I'm sure she'll be happy to have another person there to enjoy it. Hmm?

Sabrina: Thank you. It's really so sweet. But, um... I think it's best if I stick to port Charles.

Felix: [Sighs] Okay. I'll go. [Grunts] But on one condition -- I expect some holiday cheer around this place by the time I get back.

Sabrina: [Chuckles] You're the best.

Felix: Uh, which is why you should listen to me. I expect you to wrap that gift. You ain't gonna give your would-be husband an unwrapped Christmas present.

Sabrina: Oh, you've got more faith than I do.

Felix: That's what the Christmas holiday is all about -- faith and hope.

Sabrina: Faith, hope...and miracles.

Duke: Well, Emma asked if there was gonna be snow, and, well, you know what? There are lots of clouds out there, so fingers crossed that they're full of snow!

Anna: Oh, wouldn't it be great to have a white Christmas?

Emma: As long as Santa doesn't fall off the roof.

Duke: Oh, no.

Anna: [Laughs] This is a great place for your stocking, Emma. That's exactly the right place that Santa will see it as soon as he comes down the chimney.

Robin: Mm-hmm.

Emma: Mommy helped.

Anna: Well, that's what mommies are for.

Emma: Mommy, put your stocking neck to mine.

Robin: Yes, ma'am.

Anna: Now it feels like Christmas.

Emma: What about daddy's? Should we hang his stocking here, too? Or will he be over at Sabrina's?

Patrick: And so you think I already know where I belong?

Sam: I think the reason why it's taking you so long to make up your mind is not because you don't know which woman to choose but because you do. You just said that you didn't want to hurt either one of them.

Patrick: Yeah, exactly, and it doesn't matter what happens. One of them's gonna be hurt.

Sam: Exactly. So I think that you can take all the time in the world, Patrick, but the result is still gonna be the same. So, if you want my advice, I would say that you need to make your decision now so you can all just move on with your lives. Come here. [Smooches] It's gonna be okay.

Patrick: Thank you.

Sam: You're welcome.

Ava: Okay. Let's not panic. I'm sure there's a simple solution.

Silas: Well, that's easy for you to say. You don't have the cops calling you, do you?

Ava: Well, it doesn't mean you have to call them back. You're a busy doctor, right? Just screen your calls. Sooner or later, he'll have to drop it.

Silas: Yeah, sure. That's what cops do, right? They just drop things. Of course, you're an expert on cop behavior, right? 'Cause you play for the other side. You'd have to be to stay in business this long. You have to be one step ahead, right, Ava?

Ava: I'm just trying to help you. I'm guessing that you wouldn't want your secrets exposed, especially not to Sam. I can see how fond you are of my niece. I can only imagine how she would react if she found out the truth.

Sonny: There's no way out, Carlos.

Carlos: I'm not so sure about that.

Max: Happy to show you.

Sonny: You ran out of options. Put the gun down.

Carlos: [Laughs] Whoo! [Laughs]

Bobbie: You got to admit -- pie's pretty good.

Luke: Eh. Not as good as Ruby's.

Bobbie: [Chuckles] Yeah. Our aunt was a tough act to follow.

Luke: [Sighs] In so many ways. I've never known anybody with her courage or resilience, who took the hard knocks and just kept bouncing back, who always found humor and something to laugh at even in the darkest of times.

Bobbie: Mm.

Luke: And she could cut through the crap and make you tell the truth.

Bobbie: Except when she was lying to your face. [Laughs]

Luke: [Chuckles] Yeah, but even then, she was still ruby, wasn't she?

Bobbie: I miss her.

Luke: So do I. I often wonder what would have happened to us, Barbara, without her. Well, we still got each other, don't we? No matter what happens, I'll always be your big brother.

Molly: Please just let him be okay.

Carlos: Right on time! [Laughs] The cavalry has arrived.

Sonny: What are you doing here, Morgan?

Morgan: Looks like the same thing you are, dad.

Sonny: Get the hell out of here.

Morgan: Why -- so you can shoot me in the back?

Sonny: Just go.

Julian: We're not going anywhere -- not without Carlos.

Sonny: That's not gonna happen.

Julian: I figured you'd say that.

[Footsteps approaching]

Ava: Lovely to see you. We should have lunch sometime.

Sam: Hey.

Silas: Hey. You all right?

Sam: Yeah. I'm -- I'm good. I just ran in to your crazy ex. [Chuckles] That's all.

Silas: Yeah. She say anything?

Sam: No. She was just being her usual cryptic self.

Silas: That's Ava for you.

Sam: Sure is.

Silas: I thought you were going home.

Sam: I was, but I-I ran in to Patrick. He had a decision to make, and I think I actually helped him make it.

Robin: Um, sweetheart, I think we should probably wait for daddy to hang his stocking.

Anna: You know what? I think maybe this stocking needs to come in a little bit. Duke's very good at hanging stockings, aren't you, darling?

Duke: Yes. Yes. I used to hang the stockings with your mother when she was your age. Can you give that to me?

Anna: So, bring it in a little, right?

Duke: Where? Where? Right in the middle?

Robin: Yes, right in the middle -- on the middle hook.

Anna: That's right. 'Cause it's very important where this stocking is, 'cause that's the first place that Santa's gonna see, right? We want it right in his eye line.

Robin: Yeah.

[Doorbell rings]

Emma: You are so smart, Grandma.

Anna: Yes.

Duke: Yeah. It's a dominant trait in all Devane women. Your grandma's got it, your mother's got it...

Robin: Patrick? [Sighs]

[Knock on door]

Sabrina: Felix, I told you I can't go to North Carolina.

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