GH Transcript Wednesday 12/18/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 12/18/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Alexis: [Sighs] [Humming] Julian. What are you doing here?

Julian: I need your help.

Alexis: If this has something to do with Sam --

Julian: It's not about our daughter. What can you tell me about Carlos Rivera?

Sonny: Carlos. How was your night?

Carlos: Uncomfortable.

Sonny: I can imagine. Good news is you won't have to put up with it much longer.

Carlos: You're negotiating my release?

Sonny: Oh, no, no. I'm gonna prove that you're lying and that you're not Lily's brother, and then I'm gonna kill you.

Carlos: You can't kill me! I'm not lying!

Sonny: Shut up. I'm gonna send a message to Julian -- not that anybody's gonna be able to find your body. And the cops will not even come close to figuring out that I had anything to do with your death.

Anna: Take her in interrogation 1. You can stay here till your arraignment.

Dr. Obrecht: Did my daughter arrive with a lawyer?

Anna: Uh... no. Maybe Britt decided not to help you after all.

Britt: I made a real mess of things this time, haven't I, huh? What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? Just when I thought I was finally free, something else blows up. This time, I can't blame anyone but myself...not even Brad.

Brad: You...owe me big for playing elf to your Santa.

Felix: Like you didn't have a blast.

Brad: Oh, I did, but, uh, still, maybe I could, uh, sit on your lap later... to give you my Christmas list, of course.

Felix: [Chuckles] Of course.

Brad: [Chuckles]

Felix: I'm glad you had a good time.

Brad: Yeah, well, too bad the, uh, warm and fuzzies couldn't last.

Felix: Yeah, Dante and Lulu had something they wanted to ask you. What was that about?

Luke: How you holding up?

Lulu: It's been really hard -- the worst, actually.

Luke: And yet here you are, still standing.

Lulu: Barely.

Bobbie: How's Dante?

Lulu: Motivated. He came home the other day and said that we needed to pull together and try for another baby.

Bobbie: Hmm.

Luke: Really? How do you feel about that?

Lulu: Not so first. He convinced me it's the best thing for us, so we went to G.H. to check on our remaining embryos.

Bobbie: [Gasps] That's right.

Lulu: Yeah.

Bobbie: Oh, I forgot you had more. Well, honey, that should make this whole process a lot easier.

Lulu: Yeah, it would, if they weren't missing.

Britt: I feel really bad for Dante and Lulu -- I-I really do -- but if my mother decides to tell the truth because I refuse to help her...I could lose you, baby boy. I could lose everything.

Nikolas: Britt?

Britt: Hey.

Nikolas: Hey. You didn't sleep at all last night, did you?

Britt: Ben had a -- had a rough night.

Nikolas: I think you're the one that had a rough night. You didn't say much when you, uh -- when you came home from the station. So, what happened with your mother? Did you tell her you were through with her?

Dr. Obrecht: Are you certain Britta didn't at least call? Perhaps some dummkopf you employ forgot to take a message, hmm?

Anna: No. We haven't heard from your daughter. I heard from mine, though. Oh, we had a great chat -- really great. She's looking forward to your imprisonment, you know, almost as much as me.

Dr. Obrecht: How nice.

Anna: Isn't it?

Dr. Obrecht: Yes. So, Britta's not coming, but she sent a lawyer.

Anna: Uh, no. No, no lawyer. I think you're gonna have to spill your dirty little secrets to a public defender.

Dr. Obrecht: I'd much rather spill my dirty little secrets to him.

Alexis: Why would you think I'd know anything about this Carlos?

Julian: Carlos is missing, and I'm positive Sonny has him.

Alexis: I'm Sonny's attorney. I draw up contracts. I handle his litigation. I am not involved in any of his alleged criminal activity.

Julian: He sure does involve your ex. Oh, come on, now, Alexis. You didn't think Sonny would, uh, do the deed himself, did you? If Carlos is executed, it'll be by Shawn's hand.

Molly: It's about Shawn.

TJ: What about him?

Molly: [Sighs] Morgan told me that my Uncle Sonny ordered him to do something bad to this guy named Carlos.

TJ: Molly, what do you -- what do you mean, "something bad"?

Molly: Nobody ever talks about it, and nobody could ever prove it, but everybody knows that Jason used to kill people for my Uncle Sonny.

TJ: Okay.

Molly: And now Shawn has taken over Jason's job. Shawn could get in real trouble, TJ. He could be arrested or killed, and you could be left alone or worse.

Molly: Mom.

Alexis: Molly, what's wrong?

Shawn: [Chuckles]

TJ: Whoa. What's this?

Shawn: I figured after your fight with Molly last night, you'd need a pick-me-up.

TJ: Well, actually, we worked things out. I was gonna tell you that, but you came home so late.

Shawn: I'm -- I'm sorry about that and for being unavailable when you showed up to talk.

TJ: I get it. Uh, things seemed pretty intense at the warehouse last night. What was going down?

Carlos: You're supposed to be smarter than this.

Sonny: Am I?

Carlos: Why are you gonna kill your only brother-in-law? I could be an asset to you.

Sonny: Did you really think when Julian turned my own son against me that there wasn't gonna be payback? If you think that, you're either stupid or naïve and in this business, either one gets you ki-- open your mouth. Open your mouth!

Carlos: [Grunts] [Panting] [Grunts]

Sonny: [Sighs] [Sighs] Right on time.

Duke: I didn't realize you were already here.

Sonny: I was checking on Rivera.

Duke: Is he still alive?

Sonny: Not for long. Listen, Lavery, we got to understand each other. Carlos Rivera is pretty much gonna die, and if he doesn't, somebody connected to Jerome will. So, if you got a problem with that -- if -- if, you know, you don't want to go through with this for any need to let me know, okay?

Bobbie: The lab misplaced your embryos? Well [Scoffs] Did you speak to anyone on staff?

Lulu: We've been trying to reach Dr. Westbourne. She's either really busy, or she is dodging our calls.

Luke: Well, you better go confront her face-to-face.

Lulu: Funny you should say that, because Spoon Island is my next stop.

Luke: Attagirl.

Lulu: I'm sorry to run off like this. I'd love to spend more time.

Bobbie: Oh, honey, don't be silly. Are you kidding? Go. Go. Get some answers.

Lulu: Hopefully, Britt has them.

Luke: Good luck, baby.

Britt: I tried to get her to understand. I told her I was done with her, with everything.

Nikolas: I'm sensing a "but."

Britt: Well, like we talked about before, I mean, no matter how awful, family is still family.

Nikolas: So, you're feeling guilty.

Britt: Yeah, I guess I have a conscience after all.

Nikolas: Is that why you were up all night?

Britt: Well, she asked me to get her a lawyer, and...I just want to do the right thing, even if it means helping her one more time. Otherwise, I-I just wouldn't be able to shake the guilt.

Nikolas: I understand.

Britt: Does this mean that you're okay with it?

Nikolas: It means you need to find a way to lift this burden, Britt... because I don't like sleeping without you.

Dante: What could you possibly have to say to me?

Dr. Obrecht: If you only knew.

Dante: What are you talking about? What is she talking about?

Dr. Obrecht: You are Detective Falconeri, yes?

Dante: Yeah.

Dr. Obrecht: Then I have something of the utmost importance to tell you.

Dante: I-I don't -- I don't have time for this.

Dr. Obrecht: I'd make time, if I were you.

Anna: Just ignore her. She's grasping at straws. She's mad because her daughter didn't do her bidding.

Dante: Ah.

Anna: Unfortunately, she doesn't have a lawyer now. Well, not a good one, anyway.

Dante: Hey, speaking of your daughter, I've been trying to get in touch with her, too.

Dr. Obrecht: Have you?

Dante: Yeah.

Dr. Obrecht: Then you'll be doubly interested in what I have to say about her.

Shawn: Now, look, TJ -- that thing at the warehouse last night was just work, okay? Like I've said, no matter what I do for Sonny, I'll never let it affect you, okay?

TJ: Look, I'm sorry, but that's kind of impossible. All right, what -- you don't think it affects me if something happens to you?

Shawn: Nothing's gonna happen to me, TJ.

TJ: You don't know that. And you definitely can't control it.

Shawn: What is that supposed to mean?

TJ: Look...Mr. Corinthos, he -- he gives you orders, right? What if he gets you into a situation that you can't get out of, or what if you're the fall guy?

Shawn: Fall guy for who?

TJ: Anyone, Shawn -- the cops, one of his crazy rivals. I don't know. I'm just saying there's a lot that can go wrong.

Shawn: Where's all this coming from?

Molly: Nothing's wrong. Oh, except for that Trig test today.

Julian: Trig? Ugh. I hated Math. Although I'm sure you're a lot better at it than I was. How are you, Molly?

Alexis: Don't answer that. Don't talk to my daughter. Don't try to charm her, because she knows about you.

Julian: Mm.

Alexis: You can go now.

Molly: Are you sure?

Alexis: Sure. Yeah. Mr. Jerome is leaving.

Molly: Okay.

Julian: Good luck on that test.

Alexis: Do you ever stop?

Julian: I think you know the answer to that.

Alexis: I don't know anything about your associate Carlos. You can go.

Julian: Fine. But I have one more question.

Alexis: What?

Julian: Who's Lucas?

Sonny: There's a line. Once you cross it, there's no going back.

Duke: No one knows that more than I.

Sonny: Different organizations have different rules.

Duke: So, now you're wondering whether you can trust me?

Sonny: If -- if I didn't trust you, you wouldn't be here. I just want you to know that you have the option to leave.

Duke: Didn't we have this conversation last night?

Sonny: Yes, we did, but sometimes things are different in the cold light of day. If you join me, you're gonna be on the opposite side of the law from the woman you love, just like I'm gonna be on the opposite side of the law...from my oldest son.

Dante: So, what you have to tell me -- it's about your daughter?

Britt: Mother. I hope I'm not too late.

Dr. Obrecht: Told you she'd come.

Dante: Dr. Westbourne, have -- have you gotten any of my messages?

Britt: I have. I apologize I-I haven't gotten back to you. Just with my baby and my moth...

Dante: Right.

Britt: ...In lockup, it...

Dante: Yeah. It's just the -- the fertilized embryos that my wife and I had in the G.H. lab -- they're gone. Brad Cooper said we should talk to you. Do you have any idea what happened to them?

Felix: Dante and Lulu must be freaking.

Brad: [Scoffs] Understatement.

Felix: Do you have any idea where those embryos might be?

Brad: [Sighs]

Brad: How long before Dante and Lulu figure out that you have their son?

Felix: Brad? You've got to figure this out.

Brad: I'm not sure what I can do.

Felix: Locate those seedlings. Okay, you said you had a good time with those kids down in Peds -- that it felt good to do something nice for someone else.

Brad: Yeah, but I don't see how that's --

Felix: Keep the feeling going by solving the mystery of Dante and Lulu's lost embryos.

Lulu: It feels like it's been forever.

Nikolas: I know, because it has. Lulu, I'm -- I'm so sorry about the custody case. I feel terrible that I wasn't available.

Lulu: It's okay. It's okay.

Nikolas: No. No, it's -- it's not, because I know a little bit about what you're going through because of what happened with Aiden.

Lulu: I know you understand.

Nikolas: Losing a child -- it's -- it's -- I -- come on.

Lulu: [Chuckles]

Nikolas: Come on. Can I get you anything? Some water? Something stronger, maybe?

Lulu: Oh, my gosh.

Nikolas: [Chuckles]

Lulu: That's...

Nikolas: That's -- yeah. That's Britt's son, Ben.

Lulu: Wow. He's beautiful.

Nikolas: Yeah.

Lulu: Can I...?

Nikolas: Yes. Yes. Please. Of course.

Lulu: Hey, there, big guy.

Nikolas: [Chuckles]

Lulu: [Chuckles] Hi.

Luke: I'm glad you got to see Lulu.

Bobbie: Oh, me too.

Luke: I guess you know what she's going through, don't you?

Bobbie: Well, yeah. I mean, it wasn't exactly the same thing, but I do understand how it feels to be desperate for a child...which is why adopting Lucas was so special.

Luke: How is my namesake, anyway?

Bobbie: Oh, he's fine...for now.

Luke: What does that mean?

Bobbie: I'm sure you've heard. Lucas' biological father is alive.

Luke: Julian Jerome?

Bobbie: Mm.

Luke: But he doesn't even know Lucas exists, does he?

Bobbie: No, but I'm worried sick he's gonna find out.

Alexis: My, my, I feel so inadequate. First Carlos, then Lucas. Unless, of course, you mean Luke Spencer -- I know him.

Julian: No. No. It's definitely not Luke Spencer.

Alexis: Where did you even get that name?

Julian: Sam. She was upset with me, and --

Alexis: Shocking.

Julian: And she told me she wanted no part of my life, and neither would this Lucas person. So, obviously, this Lucas is supposed to be someone important to me -- well, he would be, if I knew who he was. So, please, Alexis, can you shed some light on this?

Alexis: I'm sorry. I can't help you.

Julian: You can't, or you won't?

Alexis: Can't.

Julian: [Chuckles] I think you're lying.

Shawn: I've worked for Sonny for months. Why all the questions now?

TJ: [Sighs] Molly. Hey.

Molly: Hey.

Shawn: Hey, Miss Molly. What's going on? How you doing?

Molly: I'm okay. Uh, I hope I didn't interrupt.

TJ: No, no, no. We're good.

Shawn: Are we?

TJ: Yeah.

Molly: Well, I just wanted to go over that, uh, crazy Trig material.

TJ: Oh, yeah. [Chuckles] Yeah. We, uh -- big midterm today.

Shawn: Oh, well, better get to it.

TJ: Yeah.

Molly: Did he say anything?

TJ: No. How's things on your end?

Molly: Uh, you know, just Julian Jerome stopping by our house...

TJ: What?

Molly: ...To tell my mom how Uncle Sonny would order Shawn to kill that guy Carlos.

Carlos: [Grunting]

Sonny: First time I asked you to join me to take down Julian Jerome, you refused. You -- you -- you didn't -- you know, you didn't want to risk your relationship with Anna.

Duke: Well, it's either risking my relationship or Anna losing her life.

Sonny: Well, I doubt she'd see it that way.

Duke: Of course not. If she found out that I was working for you, she'd be appalled. She'd feel betrayed. But we both know Julian has a grudge against her, and he has to be stopped before he kills her.

Sonny: You really think he'd do that?

Duke: You know he would. I know he would. And she'll use all of her resources at the PCPD to stop him.

Sonny: And Julian will retaliate.

Duke: Neutralizing Julian is the only way to protect her. That is why I am here -- to save Anna. If his flunky loses his life in the process, then so be it.

Dr. Obrecht: I'm very sorry, Detective. Britta, this is terrible for der polizist. If you know anything about die eier, please, tell him.

Dante: Look, I-I know Maxie approached you about getting reimplanted...

Britt: Mm-hmm.

Dante: ...After she miscarried with our child. Maybe you removed the embryos from storage and realized she was pregnant with Spinelli's baby, so when you put them back in storage -- I don't know -- could they have been misplaced or -- or misfiled?

Britt: I never agreed to reimplant Maxie, and I certainly never prepped for the procedure. I'm afraid I have no idea what happened to those embryos, but I am taking this very seriously. I have Brad looking into it, and I-I told him to get you an answer as soon as possible.

Dante: And that's all -- that's all you can do?

Britt: Unfortunately, yes. And please tell Lulu how sorry I am.

Dante: Right.

Britt: Uh, Commissioner, may I speak with my mother in private?

Anna: Yeah. Sure.

Dante: Yeah.

Britt: What the hell did I just walk in on?

Dr. Obrecht: What I promised would happen if you failed to help me. I was about to tell Dante your little boy is actually his and Lulu's.

Anna: You didn't get the answers you wanted out of Dr. Westbourne, did you?

Dante: No.

Anna: You all right?

Dante: I'm just worried about Lulu. Yeah, it took a lot to get her to try and have another kid, and, um...I'm just worried she's gonna lose all hope again.

Lulu: I haven't held a baby since... mmm. [Chuckles] [Inhales deeply] That smell. You know, I have washed some of our clothes in baby detergent to try to get that smell back.

Nikolas: Lulu. Sorry.

Lulu: [Sighs] Is Britt here? Uh, she's the one I came to see.

Nikolas: No, she's not here.

Lulu: Is it okay if I wait? It's -- I have something important I need to discuss with her.

Nikolas: Yes, of course. You mind if I ask what it's about?

Lulu: Dante and I have decided to try for another baby.

Nikolas: Really? That -- Lulu, that's wonderful.

Lulu: Yeah. It is. It's good. We -- we have a problem, and I'm hoping that Britt could help us with it. Brad Cooper couldn't.

Brad: It'd be great to help out Dante and Lulu, but I don't --

Felix: No excuses. You're in charge of that lab. I mean, granted, it's because you helped Britt try to entrap Patrick with a baby, but, still, you've got to find those embryos. Otherwise, you're gonna lose your job.

Brad: Ah, that's not even the worst part.

Felix: Are you trying to tell me you care about something more than yourself?

[Pager beeps]

Brad: You should have seen them, Fee -- Dante and Lulu. They were so...upset.

Felix: Then fix it... whatever it takes. You'll be glad you did...and so will I.

Sonny: Did Julian buy it when you told him you -- you weren't going after him?

Duke: That smarmy bastard is so paranoid right now, he'd believe anything, but I fought so hard to get out of the mob that I think he probably thinks that I'd do anything to coexist with him to avoid getting pulled back in again.

Sonny: All right. I need you to sit quietly on the sidelines for now, 'cause he -- he -- he should have no idea that we're working together. I mean, you know him a lot better than I do, so you can tell me, you know, where he's vulnerable.

Duke: Well, taking Carlos -- well, that's a good start.

Sonny: All right. Let's go see if Shawn has an update. It's time to see if Carlos lives or dies.

[Cell phone rings]

Shawn: Yeah?

TJ: So, that Julian guy was serious? Shawn's really gonna have to kill that guy?

Molly: Well, I mean, I can't say for sure, but he definitely didn't seem in a joking mood.

TJ: Look, Shawn's all I've got, Molly. If something goes wrong, what do I do? My mom has no interest in me. I'd end up in foster care. They'd probably send me somewhere -- probably far away.

Molly: We can't let that happen.

TJ: Then we have to find Carlos Rivera.

Molly: How? I mean, it's not like my Uncle Sonny is just holding him at his house.

TJ: You finished all that homework, right?

Molly: Uh...

TJ: All right? Okay. Come on. I think I know a good place we could start.

Molly: Where are we going?

TJ: I'll tell you on the way.

Alexis: "Pot, meet kettle. People who live in glass houses" -- the clichés are endless. You, of all people, should not be accusing anyone of lying, liar.

Julian: I can tell when you're being evasive, you know. That little thing happens with the corner of your mouth. It's -- it's really cute.

Alexis: Don't touch me.

Julian: I've seen it a couple times -- first time, when we met at that bar in Hanover, and you, uh, tried to tell me that you were 18, and then again at the hospital when you told me that you had a DNA test run to prove that Julian was Sam's father.

Alexis: You mean, when I thought he was dead and you were Derek Wells? Speaking of lying.

Julian: You know, I asked you how you obtained a dead man's DNA, and you told me it came from another family member. I didn't dwell on it at the time, but when Sam let it slip about this Lucas person, I had to ask myself, whose DNA did you use to prove that Sam was my daughter?

Alexis: You know something? This is ridiculous. I'm not gonna stand here...

Julian: It had to be someone related to Sam and me, because it couldn't have been Ava. You didn't know she was my sister then. So, tell me, Alexis, was it Lucas?

Luke: So, let me see if I got this straight -- Alexis, through Caroline, comes to you and wants Lucas' DNA to find out if he and Sam are related.

Bobbie: Yes.

Luke: And they are.

Bobbie: They have the same father.

Luke: Julian Jerome. But Sam wants nothing to do with him.

Bobbie: Yeah, well, can you blame her?

Luke: No, I can't. But he's making these fatherly overtures to Sam, she gets frustrated, and she blurts out Lucas' name.

Bobbie: Mm, yeah, well, according to what Sam told Carly, yes.

Luke: Well, did she give him any other information about Lucas, like his last name?

Bobbie: No.

Luke: Well, then maybe you're worrying for nothing.

Bobbie: Well, maybe, but I don't want to be caught off guard.

Luke: No. And you don't want Lucas caught off guard, either.

Bobbie: I really just wish I had some way of knowing how much Julian knows.

Anna: It's so unfair -- everything you went through to have a child, and then she gets snatched away, and now this.

Dante: Thanks. [Sighs] But how does that happen? I mean, there's records. There's precautions. How do -- how do embryos just disappear?

Anna: You think someone tampered with them?

Dr. Obrecht: I could have shaved years off my sentence by giving the detective and his wife the baby that rightfully belongs to them.

Britt: I'm thankful you didn't.

Dr. Obrecht: I'm sure you are. You'd be in prison with me if I told the whole sordid tale of how that baby came to be. I traveled all the way here for news on how you tricked Patrick into loving you, and instead you tell me it's over? Why?!

Britt: I was mean to that little brat of his -- Emma. She pushed me too far, Mother.

Dr. Obrecht: What is wrong with you? You can't find it in your heart to be kind to a child?

Britt: Really? You find that a surprise? Any maternal instincts I have I learned from you, the least-maternal woman on the planet.

Dr. Obrecht: Shut your mouth!

Britt: No! No, this is all your fault! I lost Patrick because of you, okay? It's over. We're -- we're done.

Dr. Obrecht: Ah, this defeatist attitude is making me ill.

Britt: It's called reality.

Dr. Obrecht: [Scoffs]

Britt: What I said to Emma -- Patrick doesn't -- he can't even look at me now. His daughter is everything to him -- not that you would understand.

Dr. Obrecht: I'll tell you what I understand. If the doctor is so devoted to his child, there's only one way to win him back -- give him another one.

Britt: What are you talking about?

Dr. Obrecht: He can't shun you if you're pregnant with his baby.

Britt: Yeah, that's nice, but I'm not pregnant with his baby.

Dr. Obrecht: [Sighs] Must you always be so dense?! Did you not copulate with him?

Britt: Once.

Dr. Obrecht: Once is all it takes. Now we just have to impregnate you, hmm? [Chuckles]

Dr. Obrecht: And that, schatzi, is what we did.

Dante: I'm a cop. I'd like to think...

[Cell phone rings]

Dante: ...I have a pretty good instinct for when someone's withholding information.

Anna: Mm.

Dante: I'm sorry, Commissioner.

Anna: Yeah.

Dante: One second? Yeah. Falconeri.

Brad: Detective, uh...hi. It's Brad Cooper...from the lab.

Nikolas: So, what's the big problem?

Lulu: Well, um, when we started the surrogate process, we had three fertilized embryos, and, as you know, Maxie miscarried the first one.

Nikolas: Which means you have two left.

Lulu: Yes.

[Cell phone rings]

Lulu: I mean, technically, that's -- um, wait. I'm sorry. I'm waiting for a call from the lab. No, wait. It's Dante. Hold on. Hey. What's going on? Yeah, I'll be right there. Okay. I have to go. That problem may be solved. [Chuckles]

Nikolas: Oh, good. Well, good luck, then.

Lulu: [Chuckles]

Nikolas: Come here. Come here, big Ben. Ohh.

Lulu: Good to see you.

Nikolas: You too.

Lulu: Mm.

Nikolas: All right.

Lulu: Ohh. [Chuckles] Bye, baby.

Nikolas: Say, "bye-bye."

Lulu: [Sighs]

Nikolas: See ya.

Molly: It looks deserted... which I guess would be good if you're holding someone captive.

TJ: Okay, you need to go.

Molly: What?

TJ: Yeah, I shouldn't have brought you in the first place.

Molly: TJ, this isn't the first --

TJ: Who knows what I could find in there?

Molly: All the more reason --

TJ: Molly, no. Listen to me. It could be dangerous.

Molly: Exactly, which is why you need backup.

TJ: But you shouldn't even be mixed up in this in the first place. What do you mean?

Molly: Hello?! Morgan came to me. I'm already in it.

TJ: Well, not anymore. Go. Molly, please. It's bad enough I got to worry about Shawn. Don't make me worry about you, too. Please? For me?

Shawn: Perfect timing. I just hung up with my contact in Puerto Rico.

Sonny: And?

Shawn: Carlos has no relation with Lily Rivera -- just happened to have the same last name.

Sonny: I knew it. He was just buying time.

Duke: We're clear to take the next step.

Sonny: Let's do it. Let's take him out.

TJ: Hello? Is anyone here?

Carlos: [Grunting]

TJ: Hello?

Carlos: [Panting]

TJ: Hello? Anybody here?

Carlos: [Grunting] [Muffled] Help me! Help me! Help me!

Alexis: Why are we even discussing this? Didn't you come here to talk about your associate Carlos whatever-the-hell-his-name-is?

Julian: Rivera.

Alexis: Carlos Rivera.

Julian: Mm, and saying his name -- supposed to make me forget about Lucas?

Alexis: I don't really care what you remember or what you forget. I got to go.

Julian: Fine. But, uh, I'm not giving up on this, Alexis. I'm not giving up on Lucas, I'm not giving up on Carlos, and I'm not giving up on us.

Alexis: There is no "us."

Julian: Well, there once was. There could be again.

Alexis: You think?

Julian: Mm-hmm.

Alexis: Any chance of "us" ever happening ended when you went to war against Sonny.

Julian: I'm not at war with Sonny. He's at war with me.

Alexis: Well, you started it, Julian, and from everything I know, Sonny will finish it. But you boys can do whatever you want, because I'm a pacifist. I don't get involved.

Julian: Well, there it is again -- evading.

Alexis: You want me to be direct? I cant be direct.

Julian: Mm.

Alexis: Go to hell!

[Keys clatter]

Dr. Obrecht: It still surprises me to this day how resistant you were to my suggestion.

Britt: Yeah, I should have resisted you harder. I should have walked out on you...right then and there.

Dr. Obrecht: But you didn't.

Britt: Fine, I'll -- I'll go to a sperm bank, and I'll -- I'll find a donor that resembles Patrick.

Dr. Obrecht: No, no, no. There is no time. You must get pregnant immediately, or Patrick will never believe it's his child.

Britt: Let me guess -- you have a better plan.

Dr. Obrecht: Weren't you boasting recently of how you impregnated a surrogate?

Britt: What about it?

Dr. Obrecht: You must have fertilized more than one egg.

Britt: Three.

Dr. Obrecht: And you implanted only one?

Britt: There's two left. Are you insane?

Dr. Obrecht: Is one of the parents of a different race than Patrick?

Britt: No, but we can't do that. That's so wrong.

Dr. Obrecht: Wrong-schmong. It's a practical solution.

Britt: No, Mother. These -- these are patients' potential children, and -- and they don't even know, but their surrogate miscarried.

Dr. Obrecht: They're not getting a child?

Britt: No, they -- they are -- just no theirs. It's a long story.

Dr. Obrecht: So there are still two remaining embryos.

Britt: Yes.

Dr. Obrecht: What's the harm?

Britt: I don't even know where to start.

Dr. Obrecht: Britta, do you want Robin's widower or not?!

Britt: Yes, I want Patrick.

Dr. Obrecht: Good. Then it's settled. [Sighs] If we only had the technology to ensure that you give birth to a son. The first embryo we tried wasn't viable -- probably a girl. But my handling of the second was flawless. You gave birth to a perfect child.

Britt: His name is Ben...and Dante and Lulu are asking questions now.

Brad: [Sighs]

[Elevator bell dings]

Dante: Brad. What did you find out?

Lulu: Do you know where our embryos are?

Brad: [Sighs] Yes. I do.

Bobbie: [Sighs]

Luke: What's wrong?

Bobbie: Well, that was Alexis. Julian Jerome was just at her house, asking a lot of questions about Lucas.

Luke: Oh, damn.

Carlos: [Groans]

TJ: Are you Carlos?

Carlos: Yes. You've got to help me. These guys -- they -- S-- Sonny Corinthos -- this man, Shawn, is coming to kill me.

Anna: Okay, great. Thanks. Oh, hi. What are you doing here?

Duke: Oh, I just came to check up on you.

Anna: Yeah?

Duke: Is it a bad time?

Anna: No. It never is. Good to see you. You left so early this morning. I hate waking up without you.

Duke: [Sighs] Yeah. Me too.

Anna: Job interview, was it?

Duke: Mm-hmm.

Anna: Is that where you snuck off to?

Duke: Mm-hmm. You could say that. Sort of. Yeah.

Anna: Good. I hope you passed with flying colors. Let Julian Jerome know that you got another job. Success is the best revenge.

Duke: Is it?

Anna: Yeah, of course. He will rue the day he tried to trick you into coming back into the mob.

Duke: Yeah. He will regret it deeply.

Carlos: Is anyone out there?

TJ: No, I don't think so. [Grunts]

Carlos: Thanks, kid. You're a good person.

[Both grunting]

Shawn: You know, I could have sworn I had my keys.

Sonny: I got mine.


Britt: How did I get here? Lulu's brother is my boyfriend -- the one person that changed my life.

Dr. Obrecht: [Sighs] You change your life, Britta -- no one else.

Britt: No, that's not true. Nikolas makes me feel worthy of love and understanding, and he makes me happy, Mother. I mean, never has a man like that ever had actual feelings for me.

Dr. Obrecht: Congratulations.

Britt: No, that's not what -- what if Nikolas finds out that I'm not Ben's mother, but Lulu is? And even if I manage to keep it a secret, I mean, can I live with that, knowing that I have his sister's baby?

Nikolas: I don't know how Lulu's getting by without her -- without her baby, buddy. I mean, to have a child in your arms like that, and to -- then to lose her? I know the feeling, and the pain is -- is unbearable. But you don't have to worry, because no one's taking you away, and that's a good thing, because I'd miss you like crazy, and your mommy would, too.

[Ben coos]

Nikolas: [Chuckles] Hey. Hey, can you keep a secret? Can you? Okay. I think I'm falling for your mommy. Well...

Dr. Obrecht: Don't tell me you're in love with that overindulged prince.

Britt: I hate lying to Nikolas, but I hate the thought of losing him more.

Dr. Obrecht: Nikolas will never know that you had anything to do with his sister's embryos.

Britt: What if someone makes the connection?

Dr. Obrecht: So squeamish -- worrying over nothing. You know perfectly well I arranged to cover our arsch in case this day ever came.

Brad: I made a...huge mistake.

Lulu: Oh, God.

Dante: What are you saying? What did you do?

Brad: [Sighs] Trusted Ellie Trout. I should have fired her as soon as I took over the lab. Now, this is the documentation that we use to approve the destruction of certain lab materials.

Lulu: Destruction?

Brad: Yeah, as you can see, your embryos are on the list.

Dante: "Falconeri embryos -- quantity -- two."

Brad: And you can also see Ellie's signature on the bottom. She authorized it.

Lulu: I'm sorry -- what are you saying?

Dante: What are you saying -- that our embryos have been, uh --

Brad: I'm sorry. They've been destroyed.

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