General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 12/17/13
Provided By Suzanne
Sonny: How's our guest?
Shawn: See for yourself.
Sonny: Give us a minute.
Shawn: Yeah.
Sonny: [Chuckles]
[Door closes]
Sonny: Buenos noches, Carlos. You enjoy your stay?
Carlos: [Spits]
Sonny: That may work in P.R. but not here. Here, you treat your host a lot better than that.
Carlos: This any way to treat your in-law?
Sonny: Oh, I got no proof that your Lily's brother. Until I do, you work for the Jeromes, which makes you an animal, and I'm gonna take you down!
[Cell phone ringing]
Sonny: Ava's calling. You late for work, Carlos? How long before you're replaced?
[Ringing continues]
[Ringing stops]
Anna: It's Ava -- again. Where are you? Call me.
Morgan: Why the foul mood? Come on. It's Christmastime. Why don't you come sit on Santa's lap and I'll turn that frown upside down?
Anna: Robert, call me when you get this. But Obrecht tried grilling me about Faison. I didn't let on anything, obviously, but she still kept trying to call my bluff. You know, no matter what happens, this secret goes with us to our graves.
Brad: So, what can I do for you both?
Lulu: You can tell us what you know about our missing embryos.
Brad: Uh, I -- I don't know what you're talking about. I' to go. If you'd excuse me.
Dante: Doc, you're not excused.
Brad: Hands off the merchandise.
Dante: The embryos we entrusted to your care here at G.H. -- They're missing.
Lulu: We want them back.
Dr. Obrecht: Yoo-hoo! Britta! I had better not be on hold.
Britt: You're not on hold, okay? I had to go somewhere I wouldn't be overheard.
Dr. Obrecht: If you'd come to the police station and kindly arrange for my release, there would be no danger of eavesdroppers.
Britt: I am not going down there.
Dr. Obrecht: Do not disobey me. I cannot afford to spend another night in the lair of this spindly English succubus. I expect you to provide bail within the hour.
Britt: Or what?
Dr. Obrecht: Or I'll dismantle that fragile little fairy tale you have constructed. If you refuse me, I will sing like Maria von Trapp crossing the alps. Only mine will be the executioner's song, sung to the tune of truth... the truth about your baby and exactly how you and I created him.
TJ: Molly, wait up!
Molly: Why? What's the point?
TJ: So we can talk about what just happened.
Molly: I don't want to talk!
TJ: I'm sorry, but you don't get to make decision for the both of us all by yourself.
Molly: I made a decision for me.
TJ: Don't you even care about what I have to say?
Molly: Okay, fine. Talk. I'm just gonna stand here, mute, until you're done.
TJ: Really? What, are you 6? Come on.
Molly: What do you want from me, TJ? There is nothing more to say. No amount of talking is going to change the fact that our relationship is over.
Duke: Are you all right?
Anna: Yeah, yeah, no. I just got a lot of work. That's all.
Duke: Is that all? It seems that phone call upset you.
Anna: It was Robin. I...can't get over the fact that she's back. You know, the enormity of it is just -- it plays on my mind, and... it's sort of like your return, really.
Duke: Then perhaps you've come back to work too soon after your ordeal with Faison. What do you say we get away for a couple days. We'll go up to the mountains, get a little cottage where there's no land line, where there's bad cell service. Just peace and quiet, just you and I alone, together.
Anna: Yeah.
Duke: Come on. We can use the time to rest and recharge.
Anna: I can't. I really -- I've spent too much time away from this place. I need the public to know that the commissioner is taking care of everything, especially with this mob war brewing between Julian Jerome and Sonny. Glad you're steering clear of that firestorm. One less thing for me to worry about.
Duke: I wouldn't want to add to your burden.
Anna: That's impossible. So, how did you spend your day? Pounding the pavement, looking for a new job?
Duke: You can forget what I said before.
Sonny: What are you saying?
Duke: I'm saying I'm in. Let's take that bastard down together. Actually... I took myself to the gym.
Sonny: I wonder if Ava called to give you the axe.
Carlos: The Jeromes are coming for me.
Sonny: Ah.
Carlos: Even if that means going through you.
Sonny: You'd have to be pretty important for Julian to risk that. You that important, Carlos? Cat got your tongue? Anybody ever tell you you're loyal to a fault?
Carlos: What do you know about loyalty, Sonny? You cut your own son loose. Left him ripe for Ava's picking.
[Both breathing heavily]
Ava: I can't believe we just did that again.
Morgan: I can't believe it's been almost two hours since the last time we just did that again.
Ava: You're gonna wear me out.
Morgan: I don't think that's possible.
Ava: Maybe not. But you know what? Sometimes it's okay to take a break, you know? At least for a meal, some kind of sustenance, for strength.
Morgan: Says who? Because as far as I'm concerned, a break would just mean you're getting bored with me. You getting bored with me?
Ava: Unh-unh.
Morgan: Of course you're not. Because I'm really good at it.
Ava: Uh-huh.
Morgan: I'm not getting bored with you, either. I can't imagine ever getting bored with you.
[Knock on door]
Julian: Ava, it's Julian. Come on, I know you're in there. Your doorman says you haven't left all day. Open up. Let's go.
Ava: What?
Julian: And here I thought you were worrying about our good friend Carlos.
Ava: I am worried. You know I'm worried.
Julian: Well, not worrying enough. While you've been entertaining Sonny's son, I had a chat with the man himself.
Ava: And?
Julian: He denies knowing anything about Carlos's disappearance. But I know he's lying through his teeth.
Carlos: You regret the way you treated Morgan? Hmm? Ah, I mean, maybe not. What's one son when you got two others, hmm? Dante and Michael --
Sonny: Don't talk about my sons!
Carlos: [Breathing heavily] Mm. [Chuckles] Lily would be so disappointed in you!
Sonny: Shawn! Tired of waiting. What do you got on Carlos Rivera? Is he Lily's brother or is he just treading on her name? Because if he is, I'm gonna slit his throat right now.
Lulu: When Dante and I set out to get pregnant, three of my eggs were harvested and fertilized, and one of those embryos was implanted into Maxie. The other two -- they were frozen and stored in your lab in case we needed to try again if something happened.
Dante: Which we decided we'd like to do. We'd like to try it again, so we came to the lab to see Ellie to go over the logistics, and she can't locate the embryos.
Brad: Look, I'm sure they're still there. Ellie trout is notoriously absentminded.
Dante: We're not talking about papers being put in the wrong drawer, okay? Our embryos were logged in and then never logged out. They're not where they're supposed to be.
Brad: Look, I can see why you'd be upset, okay? But I can assure you that I'll get to the bottom of this.
Dante: Yeah, you will. That'd be great. And you know why? Because if our embryos have gone missing or disappeared or whatever's happened to them, I'm gonna hold you personally responsible.
Brad: Hey, come on. We're all on the same team here, all right? I'm trying to get your embryos back, but it seems to me that you're questioning the wrong guy.
Lulu: Who would we talk to if it's not you?
Brad: If you want to know what happened... ask Dr. Westbourne.
Britt: Save your breath, okay? Threats will get you nowhere.
Dr. Obrecht: Oh, yes, they will.
Britt: I already told Nikolas everything. He knows all there is to know about Ben.
Dr. Obrecht: And he has not cut ties with you? Please. You're lying.
Britt: He's a Cassadine. He's unshockable. Plus, he's had his fair share of dirt over the years, mostly coerced by his insane family, so he can relate to me.
Dr. Obrecht: There is no way the right honorable Nikolas Cassadine could abide your presence if he knew what you had done.
Britt: Well, you're wrong. Okay
Dr. Obrecht: Am I?
[Floor creaks]
Dr. Obrecht: Then put the prince on the phone. I'll ask him myself.
Lulu: Why would we talk to Dr. Westbourne? She doesn't run the lab.
Brad: Uh, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't she the doctor who initially handled the implantation?
Lulu: Yes, and we put a call in to her to cover our bases, but we haven't heard back yet.
Dante: You know what? It doesn't matter who our doctor is. Britt had access to the lab, but you're the one who's in charge of it. Okay? Your responsibility is for everything that goes in and out of that lab. It all begins and ends with you, okay? Now maybe it's too much responsibility for you. Maybe we should talk to your superiors and see if there's someone who might be better-suited for the job?
Brad: There's no need for that, all right? Just let me look into it, okay?
Dante: Yeah. You look into it. And you let us know.
Brad: I'll see what I can turn up.
Dante: Yeah. Hey. Look forward to hearing from you soon, okay?
Britt: Sorry. I have to go.
Dr. Obrecht: See that you do. Go right now. To the police station. I will give you until the end of the hour before I make available for trade all the information I have on you and Benjamin.
Nikolas: Came back to bed, you were gone.
Britt: I didn't want to expose either of you to that.
Nikolas: Who was on the phone?
Britt: My mother. I snuck out because I knew you wouldn't be happy. Look, you're already brooding.
Nikolas: Why is that woman bothering you?
Britt: She's at the end of her rope, and she doesn't have anyone.
Nikolas: Good.
Britt: Not good. She's going to keep calling.
Nikolas: Then we'll screen the calls.
Britt: She'll find a way to get in touch with me, as long as she think she can guilt me into assisting her.
Nikolas: Then we'll change her thinking.
Britt: I agree. But I have to be the one to deal with her. Okay?
Nikolas: Okay.
Britt: There's no need for you to join me.
Nikolas: So you're going back to the station now? I thought we were gonna...
Britt: [Laughs] What?
[Both laugh]
Nikolas: Spoon.
Britt: Nothing would make me more happy. Tonight has been... amazing.
Nikolas: I was just thinking the same thing.
Britt: I never knew how good it would feel to be so close to you. That is why... I have to go and square the situation away with my mother.
Nikolas: Tomorrow will come soon enough.
Britt: No. Because if I wait too long, she will be determined, and she can cause damage, and I can't have that.
Duke: I'm famished.
Anna: I'm sure you are after your workout.
Duke: Well, can you take a couple of hours away? We can go someplace nice --
Anna: No, I can't. I've got Obrecht cooling her heels in the interrogation room.
Duke: Well, while she's cooling, why can't we go forage?
Anna: I don't think I can face her on a full stomach, quite honestly. I need to question her first, after she's finished her allotted phone call.
Duke: Is she calling Faison?
Anna: Why do you think that?
Duke: Well, she's obsessed with him. I mean, does she have anybody else? Unfortunately for her, he's locked up in Steinmauer.
Anna: Yeah, I know.
Duke: There's nobody else gonna ride in to her rescue.
Anna: That's exactly what I told her. So, speaking of Obrecht, which I wish to God I didn't have to...
Duke: She's a subject best dropped permanently, I'd say.
Anna: Not until she's convicted and put away for good. Until then, she's my responsibility. So I better get back in there and make sure she's taking advantage of this phone call.
Duke: Well, please don't work too late and don't work too hard because I would like to spend some time with you this evening.
Anna: You have something to do to preoccupy yourself, I hope?
Duke: You don't have to worry about me. I've plenty to do.
Anna: Okay.
TJ: You're dumping me.
Molly: Consider it a Christmas gift. You're off the hook, and now you can go for Taylor.
TJ: I never said I wanted that.
Molly: But you're thinking it, right? I mean, who can you be in a real relationship with me if you're jealous of Rafe and Taylor's fake one?
TJ: Look, if one of us is jealous, it's you, all right? You're obviously into Rafe and have been ever since he hit town with his whole "lost boy" saga.
Molly: Okay. If I'm supposedly into Rafe, then you must be head-over-heels in love with Taylor!
TJ: That's not true!
Molly: Well, that's what it looked like to me when you were checking Taylor out under the mistletoe!
TJ: Come on. Now you're delusional.
Molly: No, actually, I think I'm finally starting to see straight. Good night, TJ
TJ: Don't be like this. Let's just talk this out.
Molly: I'm done talking! Go home!
Morgan: Are you sure that my dad snatched Carlos?
Julian: Are you questioning me?
Morgan: No. I'm just saying maybe the guy took off. Didn't he have all that -- all that drama with his ex just recently?
Ava: No. Carlos would not have taken off without letting us know. And Sonny warned me. At A.J. Quartermaine's trial, he said he was gonna hit us back, and Carlos is a soft target. God knows what Sonny's done to him.
Julian: Well, if your boyfriend here had done a better job of planting that bug in Sonny's office, we'd have some idea.
Morgan: Okay. Well, I screwed up, all right? Let me make it up to you. I'll show you what I can do.
Julian: No, that's okay. I think your particular talents are better suited to my sister.
Morgan: Look, if my dad has Carlos, then I can track him down.
Julian: What're you gonna do? Just walk right up and ask the man?
Morgan: Who said anything about going to my dad? I got a much easier mark in mind.
Lulu: Are you always so hostile when you question someone?
Dante: Hostile? Hostile would have been me finding an excuse to place that guy under arrest.
Lulu: No, you wouldn't.
Dante: No, probably not, but he's the lab manager. I mean, we've entrusted him with our embryos, and now he can't find them? I mean, it's not like the dry-cleaners losing your favorite jacket. This is a part of us, our property. I mean, if he's been negligent in any way, I'll have no problem finding charges to place against him.
Lulu: I just don't understand how this could've happened. I mean, those embryos are treated with such care. It's not like they can just disappear.
Dante: Well, this guy's either turning his storage facility upside down or he's covering up for his own incompetence. Either way, he's not gonna show his face until he has something to tell us, so if you want to leave...
Lulu: No. The waiting and wondering isn't gonna be any easier at home. I'm not going anywhere until we get some answers from Brad.
Dante: I just wonder where he went to get them.
Nikolas: [Sighs] Yes. May I
Brad: Whoa! I...certainly hope so.
Dr. Obrecht: Ah, the commissioner returns. I was beginning to think you had forgotten me.
Anna: Not at all. No, you're a priority here at the PCPD until we get you shipped off to Pentonville or wherever you get sentenced.
Dr. Obrecht: Am I not entitled to a presumption of innocence?
Anna: I have witnessed your crimes firsthand. I hope you put your phone call to good use 'cause you're gonna need one hell of a lawyer.
Dr. Obrecht: I've done better. I found someone who will move heaven and earth to set me free and won't ask a penny in return.
Anna: Great. Who's that?
Dr. Obrecht: There she is now.
[Knock on door]
Molly: I told you to go away! Oh.
Morgan: You did?
Molly: No! No, not you, never. I am so happy to see you. What are you doing here?
Morn: I just thought I'd stop by and see my favorite best-selling cousin. That's all.
Molly: I'm your only best-selling cousin, silly.
Morgan: You're still my favorite, though. So, uh, are you busy? It sounded like you were expecting someone or...
Molly: I thought you were TJ
Morgan: Oh, relationship problems, huh?
Molly: I think I'm done with boys.
Morgan: Yeah, well, boys suck, but... hey, you know, I never heard anything bad about TJ I always heard good things, except for, you know...
Molly: Except for what?
Morgan: Nothing. His guardian, Shawn, works for my dad.
Molly: That's right.
Morgan: Molly, by -- by "work" I mean that Shawn takes care of all my dad's dirty work. Okay? So if TJ Isn't careful, then my dad and Shawn... are gonna ruin his life.
Sonny: We got any history on Carlos yet?
Shawn: We got a guy working on it. He's still running the story down. It should be sooner.
Sonny: Put a fire under your source. I want answers. I'm sure Carlos wants answers. It must be torture having to wait.
Shawn: [Chuckles]
Sonny: But I get this feeling that you already know how it's gonna end.
Sonny: You expecting someone?
[Gun cocks]
Julian: Your boyfriend better produce, Ava.
Ava: He will.
Julian: Look, I'm serious, Ava. I want more for my investment than whatever gratification you get from him.
Ava: Here's an idea. Why don't you focus on your own sex life instead of fixating on mine?
Julian: Yes, well, your sex life could get us both killed. Now, if Morgan can't do more to prove his worth, he'll have to answer to me.
Ava: You touch him, you'll answer to me.
Julian: Come on, now, sis. Take it easy. You can get someone else to scratch that itch.
Ava: I don't want anybody else.
Julian: You want Morgan. Are you falling for the little Corinthos?
[Knock on door]
Julian: Speaking of which, 10 bucks says it's the idiot now. Probably forgot his keys. Hmm. It's not the idiot.
Shawn: TJ
TJ: Shawn.
Shawn: What's wrong, man?
TJ: I just wanted... are you okay?
Shawn: TJ, come on. You know better than to come looking for me at work. What's wrong?
TJ: Nothing. Never mind.
Shawn: Well, you came all the way down here. There's got to be something. Talk to me.
TJ: Molly and I got into a fight. I just wanted to talk to somebody.
Shawn: Look, I feel you, kid, but can it wait till I get home?
TJ: I guess it'll have to. Looks like you got stuff to do with Mr. Corinthos.
Molly: How are Shawn and uncle Sonny gonna ruin TJ'S life?
Morgan: Molly, come on. You know how my dad's business works, all right? We all do, and we're not supposed to talk about it. But Shawn took over for Jason, okay? So now he's my dad's enforcer.
Molly: Well, that doesn't necessarily mean that he's doing anything.
Morgan: What that means, Molly, is that Shawn takes care of my dad's dirtiest business, okay? And this guy that's working with my ex's mom...
Molly: He works with Kiki's mom, Ava Jerome?
Morgan: Right. His name's Carlos, and he disappeared, and people think that Shawn took him under my dad's orders and did God knows what with the guy.
Molly: I mean, TJ Isn't a part of that stuff.
Morgan: Right, but, look, Michael was never part of my dad's business, neither was Kristina, and look at all the crap that happened to them just 'cause they had the last name "Corinthos." All right, I was lucky to get out while I could. TJ may not be so lucky. He's not in the position to do that. And if Shawn's as bad as people are saying, Molly, TJ could really get hurt.
Julian: Well, well, look who it is, Ava. Duke Lavery.
Ava: The family lapdog.
Julian: You'll have to excuse my sister. Her impressions of you are based on family stories of your disloyalty. She doesn't know you the way I do.
Duke: As your better.
Julian: Is this the way it's gonna be? Come on. I'd hoped that my rebirth might signal the start of a new relationship between us.
Duke: Is that why you so graciously offered me employment while you were still living under the alias of Derek Wells?
Julian: [Chuckles] Yes, well, consider it a second chance -- an opportunity to atone for the harm you've done to the Jerome family.
Duke: The harm I've done? Your father tried to enslave me, and your sister, she murdered my unborn child.
Julian: Well, dad and Olivia are gone now. I'm willing to let your mistakes pass if you do the same in return. Come on in. There's no reason why we can't coexist, Duke. Seriously. And besides that, I'm sure that Anna would prefer it that way.
Duke: The only mistake I made was not killing you when I had the chance.
Ava: He's got a gun.
Brad: If this is how you always answer the door, I have got to make a trip out here more often.
Nikolas: Do you need something?
Brad: A diaper, apparently.
Nikolas: Goodbye.
Brad: Okay! Okay, okay. Sorry if I seem... distracted, but I need to see Dr. Westbourne.
Nikolas: Well, she's not here. Don't bother coming around and conspiring with her. I know it all. Britt told me everything.
Brad: She did?
Nikolas: Yes, she did. And it's clear to me now why you never wanted to have anything to do with this child. You're not Ben's father.
Lulu: Maybe we're wasting our time with Brad.
Dante: Well, let's just hear what the guy has to say before we write him off, yeah?
Lulu: Why would we believe a word this guy has to say?
Dante: Hey, I don't like him any better than you do, but we do know the truth about Connie because of him.
Lulu: Am I supposed to be grateful to him for that?
Dante: I don't know. Knowing Maxie, we would've found out eventually, but it could've been months from now and it would've hurt that much more.
Lulu: Yeah, maybe. Have you heard that saying, "ignorance is bliss"? I've heard like a million times but I never really understood what it meant until that day. It was bliss believing that Connie was ours, and now that bliss is gone, and I don't believe for a second that Brad told us out of the goodness of his heart.
Dante: I'm with you there. He definitely doesn't seem like the most selfless or well-intentioned guy.
Lulu: No, he is a sleaze. Nikolas told me all about him. He conspired with Britt to help her pass her son off as Patrick's.
Dante: Speaking of Dr. Westbourne, she still hasn't called us back. Where the hell is she?
Anna: Oh, my God. I thought you were smarter than to throw in with your mother again.
Britt: I'm not throwing in --
Anna: Well, then walk away! Don't let her lure you back in. You've got a child!
Dr. Obrecht: Enough of your sanctimonious preaching! How a double agent who abandoned her child for years can even think of handing out advice is beyond me!
Anna: How someone who steals her own grandchild can then ask the mother of that child to help her is beyond me! God, you are delusional. You know what? I would tell you to have her committed, but we don't want her getting off on any kind of insanity --
Dr. Obrecht: Go tend that gremlin you gave birth to and stay out of my daughter's affairs!
Britt: I'm here.
Dr. Obrecht: Of course you are. The only other option was to tell Nikolas the truth, and we both know you don't dare. Better for everyone that you stick to the story that the dithering homosexual lab technician is Cesar's father.
Britt: Yeah, well, that's done. I -- I don't want there to be any more lies between me and Nikolas. I was going to tell him the whole truth.
Dr. Obrecht: And you told him what instead?
Britt: That I got an anonymous sperm donor.
Dr. Obrecht: Oh, yes. Your original idea -- back when Patrick was the prize. Lucky for you, you consulted with your mutter. I had a far, far better plan to get you pregnant.
Dante: Dr. Westbourne, it's Dante Falconeri calling you again. It's important you call me as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you. She's not gonna call us back tonight, but if I don't hear from her by tomorrow, I'm gonna take police launch out to Wyndemere. That ought to get her attention.
Lulu: Why are we even doing this?
Dante: What do you mean?
Lulu: It's too soon. We're just gonna get our hearts broken all over again.
Dante: No, we -- we don't know that.
Lulu: We haven't even started. We're already hitting roadblocks. Maybe it's just not meant to be. Maybe we're not supposed to have a child of our own.
Brad: What exactly did Britt tell you?
Nikolas: Everything. That you're not Ben's father. That she used an anonymous donor from the G.H. Sperm bank, enlisted you in a cover-up because she didn't go through the proper channels in getting the sample. Therefore, couldn't handle the scrutiny.
Brad: Well, I guess it's all out in the open, then, huh?
Nikolas: Yes, it is. And since you no longer have an official connection to Ben, it is with great pleasure... that I announce to you that this entire island is private property. You're not wanted here. Turn around, leave, never come back. No one here wants to see you, not ever.
Dr. Obrecht: Surely you agree that my plan was the better of the two. Surprise, surprise -- mutter knew best. Mutter always knows best.
Britt: It can still all come out.
Dr. Obrecht: How? The lackwit lab flunky? He stands to lose as much from the truth coming out as you do. And I will say nothing, provided my dear tochter is sufficiently thankful for all the help I have so selflessly provided. Are you thankful, Britta?
Molly: I always worried that something would happen to TJ Because Shawn works for uncle Sonny. But I don't know how to help. I mean, TJ Can't leave Shawn. His mother's out of the picture, and there is no way my mom would let TJ Live here. But he doesn't have anyone else to go to.
Morgan: Hey, look, I could be wrong about Shawn. It's just a rumor.
Molly: Oh, but it sounds like the truth. I mean, what Shawn does for uncle Sonny is an open secret.
Morgan: Yeah, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he had to deal with Carlos going AWOL. Just if we had a way to find out for sure...
Molly: Well, maybe TJ could find out.
Morgan: How?
Molly: Maybe he could -- I don't know -- follow Shawn or something.
Morgan: Mm. That's kind of risky. You know, we couldn't let my dad find out.
Molly: Well, it would look totally innocent. I mean, Shawn is TJ's guardian, so if TJ happens to show up where Shawn is, it wouldn't look suspicious.
Morgan: Yeah, that could work.
Molly: Of course, I'd have to get TJ to listen to me first.
Morgan: It's that bad, huh?
Molly: It feels like all we do is fight.
Morgan: Let me ask you -- do you still love him? Then you got to get through to him. Molly, you have to keep him safe.
Shawn: TJ, this isn't the greatest time, but if you could hold on for a little while --
TJ: It's okay, it's okay. I get it.
Shawn: We'll talk later?
TJ: Yeah. Sure.
Shawn: Okay.
TJ: And, Shawn...
Shawn: Yeah.
TJ: Hey, be careful, okay?
Shawn: Yeah.
Julian: Get your hand out of your pocket, slowly.
Duke: My, aren't we jumpy? You're not as confident as you'd have people believe, are you?
Julian: Hilarious. What is that?
Duke: May I?
Julian: Go ahead.
Duke: "Dear Julian... it is without reluctance that I submit this letter of resignation. I offer no notice and believe no explanation is required. If, however, you so desire it, consider my grounds the following -- you and your gormless sister are a blight on Port Charles. I spent too much time of my life yoked to the vulgar ambitions of your family. I refuse to serve your purpose a day longer or risk my ruin to bring about yours. Cheers. Duke." Well, it certainly seems to be easier saying goodbye to the Jeromes a second time around.
Julian: Mm.
Duke: I wish you both good night and good... actually, why don't we just leave it at "good night."
Julian: You don't think it's that simple, do you, Lavery? For you or for Anna?
Duke: I know it's that simple. But I dare you to complicate it.
Sonny: [Breathes deeply]
Shawn: [Sighs]
Sonny: I take it our visitor wasn't your guy.
Shawn: No. No, it was TJ
Sonny: Is he okay?
Shawn: Yeah, just the usual -- girl trouble.
Molly: What are you doing?
TJ: Uh, I got this for you. For Christmas...before everything. I can't return it, so, uh... I just wanted to leave it for you. You can do whatever you want with it. See you around.
Molly: Uh, wait. I was just coming to look for you.
TJ: You were? Why?
Molly: To...apologize. I shouldn't have jumped all over you, TJ I mean, you were right -- I was a little jealous -- but not because I want Rafe. I love you, TJ
TJ: I love you, too, Molly.
Molly: Thank God. I hate it when we fight.
TJ: Me too. Look, I should go. Shawn said he'd be home soon, and he'll be looking for me.
Molly: Um, not yet. I need to talk to you about something.
TJ: Oh, come on. Is it about Taylor?
Molly: No. It's about Shawn.
[Train horn blows in distance]
Sonny: I guess you have one more reprieve. Consider this a gift from my late wife, Lily. She was raised in this business. She understood it. She accepted that steps had to be taken, messages had to be sent... and sometimes people, they just have to die. So enjoy your last night, and remember -- you would've died a lot easier if you hadn't lied.
Carlos: I'm not lying!
Sonny: You're lying!
Shawn: Sonny, we've got a visitor. You're gonna want to talk to him outside.
Sonny: [Breathes deeply]
[Door closes]
Sonny: Shawn, he's with us. Aren't you, Duke?
Duke: Without a doubt. I just came from seeing Julian and Ava.
Sonny: And?
Duke: I did what we planned. I officially parted ways with the Jeromes. I'm eager to take the next step, Sonny.
Sonny: Welcome to the fold, Lavery.
Ava: What did you learn about Carlos?
Morgan: Nothing yet, but I laid the groundwork. I think we'll pick up Carlos's trail soon.
[Zip tie clicks]
Shawn: Comfy? [Chuckles]
Carlos: Go to hell.
Shawn: Well, hell is where you're headed, my friend. And soon.
Sonny: So, here's the thing. Taking the Jeromes down is not gonna be easy or clean.
Duke: I wouldn't have agreed to join you unless I was prepared to get my hands dirty.
Sonny: All right, then it wouldn't trouble you to know that I got Julian Jerome's enforcer, Carlos Rivera, tied up in that room.
Duke: No. On the contrary, I commend you. I think that's a good plan.
Sonny: Julian wanted a war. He's gonna get what he came for.
Anna: Nice visit with your daughter?
Dr. Obrecht: As a matter of fact, I'm --
Anna: That was a rhetorical question. I really don't care.
Dr. Obrecht: Here is another -- when will I be released?
Anna: How about never? So, the courts are closed for today, which means your arraignment will be tomorrow. So it's down to lockup for you.
Dr. Obrecht: If you say so. But I have a feeling Britta won't let me languish here for long.
Britt: What the hell are you doing here?
Brad: First off, congratulations on bagging that guy. What's your secret?
Britt: Ha ha. Tonight's been a really trying night, so I don't have time --
Brad: Yeah, there's a lot of that going around. I just had a run-in with Dante and Lulu Falconeri.
Britt: What did they want?
Brad: They know their embryos are missing.
Dante: Hey, it's gonna be okay.
Lulu: You do not know that.
Dante: What I do know... is I listen to every word you say -- holding you tight, making sure you're not scared anymore. Hey. I'm with you every step of the way. Okay? And it's way too early to throw in the towel. You are right -- those embryos didn't just disappear. We will find them, and we will have our baby.
Brad: Uh, Houston, we have a problem. Did you hear me? Dante and Lulu know their embryos are gone.
Dr. Obrecht: Lucky for you, Britta, you consulted with your mutter. I had a far, far better plan to get you pregnant. Why go to the trouble of creating a new baby when you had embryos ready-made? We used Dante and Lulu Falconeri's. [Laughing]
Brad: Britt! How long before Dante and Lulu figure out that you have their son?
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