General Hospital Transcript Monday 12/16/13
Provided By Suzanne
Sonny: No, keep on Carlos until we get to the bottom of the story. Yeah, I'll just check in with you later. [Sighs] Lavery. I didn't know you'd get back to me so soon.
Duke: Well, since you made your offer, I've thought of little else.
Sonny: You and me together -- we will take down Julian Jerome's empire -- his money, peace of mind. Deal?
Duke: It's a good offer. But I can't accept it.
Officer: Commissioner.
Anna: Yeah?
Officer: We delayed transfer of that prisoner to Pentonville. She's in interrogation 1, just like you asked.
Anna: Right. Well, here we are again.
Maxie: What are you doing here?
Spinelli: I wanted you to see your daughter.
Lulu: Gone? What do you mean, gone?
Ellie: Your embryos -- the ones we froze -- they're missing.
Nikolas: The truth about Ben? What now? What else haven't you told me?
Britt: The other night, when I told you that Brad wasn't Ben's father, I wasn't speaking metaphorically. He's not my baby's father.
Sonny: I mean, I get where you're coming from. I just -- I'm just a little disappointed 'cause I thought we'd make a good team.
Duke: I have great respect for the way that you handle this territory. I remember when I managed it for the Jeromes. I'm very impressed how you've managed to hold it together.
Sonny: I appreciate that, 'cause not very many people know what it's like on the inside.
Duke: Well, that's why I'm very conflicted by your offer. But, you see, if I accept, ultimately, it would put Anna and me on opposite sides of the law, and that would spell the end for us. I'm not prepared to lose her -- not after all I've been through.
Dr. Obrecht: What do you want from me, you schlampe? You made your arrest. Do you enjoy watching me rot in here?
Anna: Oh, I can assure you that I would prefer to be with almost anyone else right now. But, you know, if you cooperate, this will go fast.
Dr. Obrecht: I am planning to write my memoirs, but I think I'll stick to the laptop.
Anna: I'd hate to stand in the way of what, no doubt, will be a magnificent manifesto, but this is not for your memoirs.
Dr. Obrecht: I see. Then do you want to play hangman?
Anna: No. What I want you to do is to write in detail every lie you've told, every law you've broken, every person you have hurt over the past few years.
Dr. Obrecht: And why should I do that?
Anna: Because it's over, Obrecht. We have got you dead to rights. So, the least you could do is try to avoid trial. We don't want to waste all those good taxpayers' dollars, do we? And you'd spare yourself, perhaps, a little more humiliation. Hmm? What are you waiting for?! Start writing!
Felix: There you are. I need you, and I need you now.
Brad: You have no idea how long I've waited for you to say that.
Felix: What?! Get your mind out of the gutter! We have a real code blue down in pediatrics.
Brad: That -- that's terrible, but I'm not a doctor. I'm just a lab tech.
Felix: I don't need a doctor. I need an elf.
Brad: Is this a joke?
Felix: Every year Santa and his elf give presents to the kids down in pediatrics. Last year, Spinelli was Santa. This year, I was supposed to be his elf, but Spinelli canceled at the last minute, and now we're in a real jam.
Brad: It sounds like you need a Santa, then.
Felix: Oh, no. I'm Santa. I'm stepping in for Spinelli. You need to step up for me.
Brad: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait -- wait a minute.
Felix: Please, Brad? Will you be my elf?
Brad: [Sighs]
Nikolas: Brad's not Ben's father?
Britt: I can explain.
Nikolas: Britt, explain? You tried to explain before. You gave me some obscure --
Britt: You got upset.
Nikolas: I got upset because I thought you were lying to me again.
Britt: I know, and that's why I-I backpedaled.
Nikolas: By backpedaling, you mean lies? Is that what you mean?
Britt: Look, you have to understand.
Nikolas: No, I don't.
Britt: You have to understand. My parents are finally out of our lives, okay? We didn't have to lie about Robin anymore. Our kids were safe, and we got so close during all of that, I was afraid that if I told you the truth, that I could lose it all.
Nikolas: So, Patrick is Ben's father?
Britt: No.
Nikolas: No? Okay. This has got to stop right now. Who is Ben's father?
Lulu: How could the embryos not be there? When we were prepping Maxie, we made three.
Ellie: Right, and one of the embryos was implanted into Maxie, but the other two should be in cold storage.
Dante: Okay. So, if they've been moved, there should be some kind of record of it, right?
Ellie: I checked. The records indicate that the embryos are still there, but they're not in their corresponding slots in the facility. I mean, it doesn't make any sense.
Dante: Well, if they're not where they're supposed to be, where could they have gone?
Nikolas: Britt, the only way we can deal with whatever this is... is if I you tell me the truth. Now, who is Ben's father?
Britt: [Sighs] [Crying] Okay. I'll [Sighs] I'll tell you everything. But I just need you to know that I was desperate to get pregnant, so I needed to do it in a hurry, and I needed Patrick to believe that it was his, so I-I went to the G.H. lab, and I took something that didn't belong to me.
Ellie: Honestly, I have no idea where your embryos could be.
Dante: You said they weren't in the right slot. Could someone have put them back in the wrong place?
Ellie: No. I-I checked the lab. A digital scan indicates that all of the occupied slots are filled by their corresponding embryos. I looked everywhere. There's no sign of them, and there's no record that they've been moved.
Lulu: I can't believe this is happening.
Dante: Okay, look, can you just run us through -- what is standard procedure for this stuff?
Ellie: Okay. Everything that comes in to the cold storage must be catalogued. Nothing can be removed or used without it being signed out. See? Right here is where I logged in the three active embryos, and the only entry was on December 20th of last year, when one of them was implanted in Maxie.
Spinelli: Come on, Maxie! Open the door!
Maxie: I can't.
Spinelli: You're just gonna let me and the baby stand out here in the hallway?
Maxie: Spinelli, just go home, okay? You know better than anyone that if I see our daughter, I will go to jail and you will lose custody.
Spinelli: All right, that's just a risk we're gonna have to take. But, Maxie, if you don't -- if you don't see her now, you won't get a chance to say goodbye. We just found out a few hours ago Ellie and I are leaving town tonight, so if you don't open the door and see this little girl, we'll both regret it the rest of our lives.
Maxie: You're leaving?
Spinelli: Uh...things at the lab in Portland are moving ahead at an accelerated pace. They need Ellie to start tomorrow.
Maxie: I thought we would, um, have more time.
Spinelli: So did I. Here. You -- you should hold her.
Maxie: No. I can't.
Spinelli: I won't tell anyone if you won't.
Dante: Is it possible all three embryos were removed when the first one was signed out?
Ellie: No. Cold storage can't be opened without the attending technician signing in, and -- and that was me.
Lulu: So, you're the one who removed our embryos.
Dante: Are you the one who put them back?
Ellie: Yes, but I can assure you that I didn't do anything --
Dante: No, I'm not implying you did anything wrong. I'm just trying to find out if anyone else has access to the lab.
Ellie: No -- no one. Except Maxie's attending physician could have overridden our procedures during off hours for emergencies.
Lulu: Britt Westbourne.
Nikolas: What did you take from the lab, Britt? Please, will you just tell me?
Britt: [Sniffles] I took a sample from the hospital sperm bank.
Nikolas: Uh...o-okay.
Britt: Brad knew, so he agreed to say that he was the baby's father to protect me, and that's why there's never been any connection with him and the baby -- 'cause there isn't one.
Nikolas: Right. Uh [Sighs] I just -- I guess I don't understand why you needed to involve Brad at all. I mean, once you told Patrick that he wasn't the father, why not just tell him the truth?
Britt: Oh, Nikolas, I mean, even a doctor can't walk into a sperm bank and walk out with a sample. I mean, there's procedures and protocols.
Nikolas: And you sidestepped those?
Britt: I was supposed to be having Patrick's baby, so I couldn't have there be any record. So I took something that a stranger donated to the bank. I mean, I broke the law. So, I-I had to lie. I'm so sorry. Can you forgive me?
Dr. Obrecht: There.
Anna: That was quick. Catchy title, yeah. I can't wait to read the rest.
Dr. Obrecht: I may be a guest in this country, commissioner Devane, as you once were. But I am still entitled to my phone call.
Anna: By all means, yeah. But, um, who's left for you to call?
Dr. Obrecht: Why, Faison, of course.
Sonny: Anna's a hell of a woman. You got to do what you got to do to hold on to her.
Duke: That's why I have to walk away from this fight. I despise Julian Jerome, but if I sacrifice my life with Anna, a life that I've waited a quarter of a century to get back, just to bring down Julian Jerome, he still wins.
Sonny: And nothing's worth that.
Duke: Good luck, Sonny. I wish you every success, and I hope the Jeromes get everything they deserve.
Sonny: [Grunts]
Julian: Corinthos!
Felix: Put this on. It's my elf costume.
Brad: [Groans] You know, fee, when I said I wanted to get into your pants, this wasn't what I had in mind.
Felix: No one wants to know what's going on in your mind.
Brad: All right.
Felix: What are you doing?
Brad: The kids are expecting us in a few minutes. You really want to be late because you're too much of a prude to change in front of me?
Felix: There's no prudes here.
Maxie: So, the people at Ellie's lab -- they can just force her to come tonight?
Spinelli: They've generously offered to provide last-minute transportation, as well as arranging for our remaining belongings to be sent.
Maxie: They're sending people to pack up her stuff. How swanky.
Spinelli: Mm.
Maxie: So, you're leaving tonight, then?
Spinelli: Yeah, going straight to the airport.
Maxie: So, this is it. This is the last time I'm gonna see her.
Spinelli: Not forever. Just for now.
Maxie: Six months. Right.
Spinelli: It'll be over before you know it.
Maxie: She's so beautiful. I can't believe how much she's changed. I know people say that all the time, but it's different when it's your child.
Spinelli: It really becomes your own miracle. [Chuckles]
Maxie: You know, I thought this before, but I see it even clearer now. She looks so much like her aunt Georgie.
Spinelli: Yeah, I see it, too. And that's a good thing, I suppose... as Georgie is our baby's namesake.
Maxie: What?
Spinelli: Yeah. I've been thinking, and "Connie" is a name special to Dante and Lulu's family, but "Georgie" -- it's a name special to you. It's special to both of us. And I'd like that to be our daughter's name if that's okay with you.
Lulu: Britt Westbourne was our attending. She supervised Maxie's implantation. She had access to the embryos.
Dante: What would she do with them?
Lulu: Maxie told us that she wanted Dr. Westbourne to implant her with another embryo but then she couldn't because Maxie was already pregnant.
Ellie: And if Maxie and Dr. Westbourne didn't want anyone to know, Westbourne would have taken the embryos without putting it in the log.
Lulu: Do you think this is really possible?
Dante: There's only one way to find out -- we ask her.
Nikolas: Even if you were too blinded in the beginning to see that your plans for Patrick were wrong, I mean, you had to have known at some point you were gonna have to come clean, at least with me, right?
Britt: I didn't want to risk that. And then you reacted the way that you did.
Nikolas: Well --
Britt: I-I felt like I had to lie.
Nikolas: [Sighs]
Britt: You're the only person who's ever been on my team, at least without me having to force someone to be. And after everything that I've done, you have stayed by my side, and I didn't want that to change.
Nikolas: Britt, Britt, I am on your side, okay? Don't you get that? I'm not going anywhere. We've been through so much together and dealt with all of the -- crisis after crisis after -- and those experiences that connect people, you understand? They connected us. But you've got to stop lying to me, because the lies -- that's the only way that you're gonna lose me -- the only way.
Britt: I understand.
Nikolas: [Sighs]
Britt: I guess I just -- I sometimes still get scared.
Nikolas: I-I-I know. [Sighs] I know what you've done... and I-I have done some horrible things, too. Horrible. But let me tell you something. I'm right where I want to be right now, and I don't need you to hide who you really are... because that's the person that I want to be with.
Anna: So, you want to talk to Faison?
Dr. Obrecht: Is that a problem?
Anna: I just don't know why -- why you'd want to do that, why, after everything he's done to you, why you'd want to speak to him again.
Dr. Obrecht: Unlike you, my affections do not blow with the wind. One moment, it's Robert Scorpio. The next, it's Duke Lavery.
Anna: You're right, you know? I do seem to fall for men who don't lock me up in catacombs for days on end.
Dr. Obrecht: A mere fit of pique on dear Cesar's part. I cannot expect you to understand. You are English and in law enforcement. What could you possibly know about love?
Anna: Why don't you enlighten me?
Dr. Obrecht: Well, when I fall in love...
Anna: Mm?
Dr. Obrecht: ...It is for life, beyond life and into eternity. And I wish to know how my Cesar's doing. I assume he's been transferred back to Steinmauer?
Anna: It's not possible for you to talk to Faison.
Dr. Obrecht: And why is that?
Sonny: What's with the gun? You made this big show about going legit, or is media planning more cutthroat than I ever imagined?
Julian: Where's Carlos?
Sonny: Carlos? Carlos? I don't -- that doesn't really ring a bell.
Julian: Carlos Rivera, my operations manager. He's been missing for days.
Sonny: That's too bad. Good help is hard to find.
Julian: Well, my sister suspected you were behind this.
Sonny: Your sister? You mean the tramp who's shacking up with my son? I wouldn't trust her judgment.
Julian: You know, I figured his romantic troubles were to blame for this, but now he's been gone too long, and it's not like Carlos to disappear off the grid like this.
Sonny: You think I had something to do with it?
Julian: You tell me where the hell he is... or I'm gonna take you out right here.
Julian: Do games. Where's Carlos?
Sonny: You don't want to play games? Put the gun down. You know you're not gonna shoot me.
Julian: Really?
Sonny: Yeah.
Julian: Why is that?
Sonny: Because my driver, Max, would blow your head off by the time you made it to the parking lot, and he would not let you live, for Danny's sake, so if you kill me, you're signing your death warrant.
Julian: What if I'm willing to risk it?
Sonny: Are you willing to risk a police investigation? 'Cause that's what's gonna happen if you kill me tonight or if I fall down and break my neck. You are gonna be at the top of the suspect list. The cops would love nothing more than to put your ass away.
Julian: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's right -- 'cause you think the cops are your friends because your big son is on the force, huh?
Sonny: No, I think the cops are just tired of chasing me and they'd love nothing more than to dismantle you. And you can't hide behind your fake I.D. As Derek Wells.
Julian: And who told you that, huh -- miss Anna Devane?
Sonny: Oh, yeah. You guys have a history, don't you?
Julian: Oh, yeah.
Sonny: You and the police commissioner, right? Yeah, yeah.
Julian: You just give me a chance to settle my family's scores, please.
Sonny: You think you got what it takes to take her down?
Julian: Let me tell you something -- I am not afraid of your allies in the P.C.P.D., Okay? Not Anna Devane, not your son, the detective. Cops or not, I wouldn't think twice about taking out either one of them.
Anna: We're unable to accommodate your request -- your demand -- at this time.
Dr. Obrecht: Why is not possible for me to contact Cesar? Is he not at Steinmauer?
Anna: Of course he is. Yes. Robert took him there himself. I'd let you see the paperwork, but you don't have the clearance.
Dr. Obrecht: I'm sure your Robert Scorpio signed the paperwork that claimed Julian Jerome was dead, but we both know that's not true, don't we?
Anna: I don't know what to tell you, Obrecht. Faison is locked up.
Dr. Obrecht: Then why can't I speak to him?!
Anna: Because he broke out of a maximum-security prison. Do you honestly think the authorities are gonna allow him to talk to the person who broke him out in the first place?
Dr. Obrecht: I want to talk to the bureaucrats at Steinmauer myself.
Anna: Why do you want to use your only phone call to try to contact an inmate who is in solitary confinement in a maximum-security prison? Knock yourself out. But when they reject your request, don't come begging to make another call to someone who might actually be able to help you.
Dr. Obrecht: You are so adamant that I not even attempt to contact Cesar. Is that because people will start to ask questions about where he really is and you'll have to pay the price for what you've done to him?
Anna: Your move.
Felix: We should, uh, get dressed. We don't want to disappoint the kids.
Brad: We don't? No. Of course we don't.
Spinelli: You know, when I met you... I thought you were the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. I pined after you for so long, and you never even knew I existed, yet, somehow, we became friends.
Maxie: Spinelli, I have to tell you something, and I'm sure you already know it, but I just -- I want to say it out loud. Our friendship changed my life. Even when I was at my worst, you saw the best in me. Sometimes I think you were the only person to ever see any good in me. That's because you knew how to bring out my best for the world to see.
Spinelli: You did the same for me.
Maxie: How? [Sniffles]
Spinelli: If I'm any kind of man today, it's because of you. I had my crushes in the past, but you were the first girl I truly loved... and the first girl that made me believe that I was capable of being loved, that I could achieve the happiness that I saw in everyone else's life and that I deserve that happiness just as much as anyone else.
Maxie: I loved you, too, Spinelli, even though by the time I realized it, it was too late. I still love you.
Spinelli: I still love you, too. [Sniffles]
Connie: [Babbling]
Britt: Nikolas, can you really forgive me?
Nikolas: Didn't I just do that?
Britt: I don't know. Did you? That kiss made everything a little fuzzy.
Nikolas: Oh. There's nothing more that we need to talk about, okay? I'm not going anywhere... and I hope that you aren't, either. All I want is just to be with you right now, okay?
Dante: If Westbourne took the embryos because Maxie wanted to be reimplanted, maybe she knows what happened to them.
Singer: And how do we, do we begin to see this now? This now? And how do we, do we hold on to what we've found? Every breath you take in every fear you feel when torn apart out through your beating heart and how can we, can we begin to see this now? This now? It's what we've found it's what we've found
Sonny: Now, if you're done with your empty threats... I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.
Julian: [Sniffs] [Sighs] No, this isn't over. If Carlos isn't returned soon, there will be blood to pay.
Sonny: Yeah, I'll take that into consideration. Now get the hell out of here.
Duke: That was interesting.
Sonny: You heard all that?
Duke: Yeah, I did, including the threat to Anna. You can forget what I said before.
Sonny: What are you saying?
Duke: I'm saying I'm in. Let's take that bastard down together.
Britt: [Chuckles softly]
Nikolas: Mm.
Britt: [Sighs] Wow. Is this real? Like, I'm here with you right now? Like, this is really happening?
Nikolas: You need me to pinch you?
Britt: No, don't. I don't want to wake up. Ow!
[Both laugh]
Nikolas: Now you know, right?
Britt: So, we're really doing this, full steam ahead?
Nikolas: Yeah. Is that okay with you?
Britt: It's more than okay. It's just a little scary.
Nikolas: Well, there's nothing to be afraid of. We have each other now. And there's nothing left to rip us apart.
[Cell phone chimes]
Dante: Yeah, Dr. Westbourne. This is detective Dante Falconeri calling you with an urgent matter. If you would please return my call as soon as possible, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Ellie: Hey, you should check with Brad. As lab manager, he also has access, and he is, or at least he was, Britt's lackey.
Lulu: Thank you. We really appreciate your help.
Ellie: I just wish I could do more. But I have to leave to catch a flight.
Lulu: Oh, right.
Ellie: If I can be of any help in tracking down these embryos -- if you remember something or you just want to ask a question -- I'll just be a phone call away.
Lulu: Thank you. [Sighs] Take care of that little girl. Tell Spinelli that we say good luck.
Ellie: Yeah, I'll do that. You guys take care.
Lulu: Thanks.
Dante: You, too.
Lulu: What do we do now?
Dante: Get to the bottom of this.
Spinelli: That was nice.
Maxie: It was, as far as goodbye kisses go. That's what it was, wasn't it? Well, if a kiss couldn't steal you back, then Ellie must really have your heart.
Spinelli: [Chuckles]
Maxie: It's crazy to think about after...everything that we've been through, we're just...what might have been. You and Ellie are what should be.
Spinelli: You'll always have a piece of my heart, Maxie... and my friendship.
Maxie: How come you never pay any attention to me? Don't you like me?
Spinelli: I don't think I'm your type.
Maxie: I'm just hoping if I'm ever in trouble, you'd be willing to help me out.
Singer: It started out familiar we'd been here before it started out much clearer
Maxie: You're much too good a person to waste yourself on me.
Spinelli: I have never seen you more brave or more beautiful than you are today.
Singer: I didn't think we I didn't think we didn't think we'd gone this far
Maxie: Spinelli, I can't think of anyone I'd rather start the new year with.
Singer: ...Our way we lost our way this time for sure we lost our way can't really say what we were looking for
Spinelli: So, my fairest Maximista, will you marry me?
Singer: All that was understood
Maxie: Damian Spinelli, you are and always will be my essential person.
Singer: I didn't think we'd gone this far
Spinelli: Maxie, your feelings are mercurial on a good day, but I'm sure --
Maxie: I love you.
Singer: We lost our way
Maxie: I'm in love with you.
Singer: We lost our way
Spinelli: Is that -- is that the wee one? [Chuckles] Can you imagine little yous and mes running around Port Charles?
Singer: What were we
Maxie: Don't forget about me, Spinelli.
Spinelli: I couldn't if I tried.
Singer: What were we looking for?
Spinelli: [Sniffles]
Duke: You're probably right. From what I just witnessed, Jerome won't be stopped until somebody stops him.
Sonny: I knew I could count on you, Lavery. Whoa, whoa. Wait, wait. What about Anna?
Duke: I just heard what he said. Anna won't be safe until he's stopped. What Anna doesn't know about my life -- it won't hurt her.
Anna: Robert, call me when you get this. Obrecht tried grilling me about Faison. I mean, I didn't tell her anything, obviously, but she still was trying to call my bluff. You know, no matter what happens... this secret goes with us to our grave, okay?
Brad: You know, I didn't know it felt so good -- the whole doing nice things for people.
Felix: Well, well, well. Did Brad cooper's heart grow three times in size? No, no, no, no. Don't even.
[Both laugh]
Dante: Hey, Felix.
Felix: Hey.
Dante: Mind if we have a few minutes with Brad?
Felix: Uh, yeah, no problem. I got to change my clothes and get back to my shift. Thanks again, Grinch.
Brad: Yeah, right. So, what can I do for you both?
Lulu: You can tell us what you know about our missing embryos.
Brad: [Sighs]
[Ben crying on monitor]
Nikolas: It's okay. I'll get it. I'll get it.
Britt: No.
Nikolas: I'll get it.
Britt: Are you sure?
Nikolas: Yeah, I'll get it. Give me a chance to get some face time with the little guy. You get some rest. [Smooches]
Britt: Thank you.
Nikolas: You're welcome.
[Crying continues]
[Cell phone chimes]
Britt: [Groans]
[Cell phone rings]
Britt: Hello?
Dr. Obrecht: Hello, Britta. It's your mother.
Britt: What the hell do you want?
Dr. Obrecht: Mind your tone. Mutter needs your help.
Britt: And why would I help you?
Dr. Obrecht: Because I know everything about your baby.
Ellie: Damian?
Spinelli: Hey.
Maxie: Ellie.
Spinelli: I was just --
Ellie: It's okay. Sam said you'd be here.
Spinelli: Yeah.
Connie: [Babbling]
Ellie: We should probably get going. Our flight's leaving soon.
Spinelli: Of course. Hey. Okay.
Maxie: Take good care of our daughter.
Spinelli: With all my heart.
Connie: [Crying]
Spinelli: Ohh. [Sighs]
Maxie: Spinelli...
Spinelli: Maxie?
Maxie: I want to give you something. Um...these were mine and Georgie's when we were babies. I want our daughter to have them.
Spinelli: Well, um... keep one... for when you celebrate Christmas with Georgie. [Sniffles] Goodbye, my Maximista.
Maxie: [Crying]
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