GH Transcript Friday 12/13/13

General Hospital Transcript Friday 12/13/13


Provided By Suzanne

Ellie: Damian, you're sure bout moving to Portland?

Spinelli: Yeah. Uh, my -- my will was fortified after a long talk with Sam. I-it's the right course for us. I-I mean, I know it's your dream to run a lab, and Portland really does seem like a city that you, me, and the baby could dwell in quite happily, so... I-I told Maxie of our plans.

Ellie: Oh. How did Maxie take it?

Spinelli: Well, she reiterated her hope that having her daughter so far away would help her abide by the court's decision forbidding contact.

Ellie: I just want you to know that I would gladly give up the job if Maxie could see the baby.

Spinelli: I know. But it's the judge's decision, and we have to abide by it.

Ellie: Yeah. You're sure Maxie's okay?

Spinelli: She was...resolved. She put on a brave face for me, but I-I could see the toll it's taking on her.

[Knock on door]

Felicia: Hi, sweetheart.

Mac: Special delivery from the north pole.

Felicia: [Chuckles]

Maxie: What are you guys doing?

Felicia: We just came from the Christmas tree festival. And we thought that your apartment could use a little holiday cheer.

Mac: Mm-hmm.

Maxie: What's with the antlers?

Mac: They were giving them away.

Felicia: Well, it was either these or the Santa hats. But we thought these might be a little hipper. You know, make more of a statement.

Maxie: They're definitely saying something.

Mac: Don't worry. We got a pair for you, too.

Felicia: Yes, we do.

Maxie: [Chuckles]

Sam: I know you want more of the story.

Silas: Ho ho ho!

Sam: [Chuckles]

Spencer: Our tree's the best.

Britt: [Chuckles] Best one I've ever seen. Plus, I had the added bonus of Ben being completely exhausted by the outing. He went right down for his nap, no fussing.

Spencer: Daddy, we need more candy canes.

Nikolas: You know what? I think that, um, Alfred said there were some more boxes in the kitchen.

Britt: Let's go get them.

Spencer: Let's go get them.

Britt: Let's go. [Chuckles]

Nikolas: You're awfully quiet, grandmother.

Lesley: Just trying to find the nativity.

Nikolas: Oh, I don't think that's it. [Sighs] You've barely said a word to me all day, and you didn't look like you were having very much fun at the festival.

Lesley: Oh... maybe it's because, um... except for the time that I found out that Monica was sleeping with my husband, I don't think I've ever been more angry at somebody in my life!

Olivia: Sonny?

Sonny: Oh. I didn't know you were there.

Olivia: Hey.

Sonny: Hey.

Olivia: You looked about a million miles away.

Sonny: Uh, Dante was here a little while ago. He and Lulu are -- are just suffering, you know. Because they lost the baby.

Dante: I know you're hurting, Lulu. And I am, too. We -- we need to pull together. We need to start healing, and I think I know how.

Lulu: How?

Dante: We need to try and have another baby.

Lulu: I don't... think I heard you right. Another baby?

Dante: What do you think?

Lulu: I think that that is a terrible idea.

Sonny: I got to tell you, I hate seeing our son like that. But it's not -- it's not just Dante's pain. Uh, Lulu is devastated, and she's shutting him out.

Olivia: Yeah, you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?

Sonny: You got to understand, Olivia. Sometimes the hurt is so bad, you don't -- you don't want anybody around. I told that to Dante, said, "you know, wallowing in your own pain's not the answer." I ought to know.

Olivia: You miss Connie, too, you know.

Sonny: Yeah. I am not looking forward... to a Christmas without her. But I'm not gonna get lost in my own grief. I said the same thing to Dante. I said the only way to get through things like this is you got to take one step in front of the other, and then every day... the pain gets just a little easier, you know.

Olivia: Sonny, I'm so grateful that you can help our son like this. You know that? That the two of you have this kind of relationship.

Sonny: Well, you know what? I-it finally happened, and I'm so glad it did.

Olivia: The situation was what it was.

Sonny: Yeah.

Olivia: And I am -- I am really sorry that the two of you lost out on each other when Dante was a boy.

Dante: You think having another baby is a -- is a terrible idea?

Lulu: Is this really that easy for you? Can you really just replace Connie?

Dante: No one is replacing Connie. But it's been decided. As much as we wish she was ours, she's not. Look, we can still have a child of our own.

Lulu: Where is this coming from?

Dante: I ran into Sonny at the gym, and we had a good talk, and he just...thought maybe we shouldn't stay mired in our grief and stuck living in the past.

Lulu: "In the past"? I miss my daughter. This is all, unfortunately, very much in the present.

Dante: Look, Lulu, you're in pain. We're both in pain. But we'll never be without Connie's loss, okay, but we have to, sooner or later, move on with our life.

Lulu: By having another baby.

Dante: Yeah, t-that's why we were gonna do this whole thing in the first place, right? That's not lost. Starting a family -- we can still have a child that we can love with all our hearts. We just have to start over again.

Sam: Wait a minute. W-what's this?

Silas: What do you mean? I'm Santa.

Sam: [Chuckles]

Silas: I thought Danny might like it if I paid an early visit.

Sam: Oh, okay, Santa. Well, Danny is sleeping, which it's surprising that you don't know that, because Santa normally knows when children are sleeping and awake.

Silas: Oh, I knew this thing was defective somehow.

Sam: I hope you didn't pay too much for it.

Silas: Well, no. Actually, they were giving them away for free at the Christmas tree festival.

Sam: Gosh, I'm surprised you were there. Because that actually sounds like fun.

Silas: Hey, careful. I might take offense.

Sam: I don't mean to offend you. It's just, this really isn't your style.

Silas: Well, hat's not just for show.

Sam: Oh, no?

Silas: No. I brought you and Danny a tree.

Sam: A tree?

Silas: Yeah.

Sam: [Laughs] Oh, no. Okay, let me back up. Wow. That is some tree.

Silas: Right there. Don't ever doubt Santa.

Nikolas: Stop. Are you really that angry?

Lesley: Yes, I am. You lied to me. You tried to tell me that I saw Alfred, your butler, when I actually saw Faison! No, no!

Nikolas: [Sighs] I...I hated lying to you, okay. But I-I had no choice. I had to protect Robert and Anna. I-I swear. I did everything I could to keep you and Spencer as far away as possible from -- from Obrecht and Faison. I swear.

Lesley: I know. We surprised you by coming here for Halloween. [Sighs]

Nikolas: Yeah.

Lesley: I guess it's...fine.

Nikolas: Is it?

Lesley: You were trying to protect all of us. I can't get angry at you for that. I just -- I thought I was losing my mind.

Nikolas: I know. And I'm sorry for that. I-I promise I will never do anything like that to you again. Unless it's a life-or-death situation, of course, like it -- like it was.

Lesley: In this family, you're very smart to give yourself that out. Just hope you never have to deal at all with Faison ever again.

Nikolas: As do I. So we're okay? All is forgiven? Yeah. Of course.

Nikolas: [Grunts]

Britt: Do you think this'll be enough?

Spencer: Maybe.

Britt: Pff! Only "maybe"? Why do we need so many?

Spencer: Because they're my favorite part.

Britt: Hmm. Well... in that case, I picked up a little treat at the festival.

Spencer: Hmm.

Britt: A Hershey's candy cane bar.

Spencer: You mean I can eat all of this right now?

Britt: Well, maybe you could save half of it for later. But, yes, the whole thing is yours.

Spencer: Thanks. But I still have one question.

Britt: What's that?

Spencer: Are you married?

Britt: No. Why do you want to know?

Spencer: Dad?

Nikolas: Yeah?

Spencer: I know what I want for Christmas.

Nikolas: What? Y-you're adding to the list? All right. All right. What is it? W-what do you want?

Spencer: I want you to marry Britt.

Britt: [Chuckles]

Nikolas: [Chuckles] You want me to marry Britt?

Spencer: Yes.

Nikolas: Any particular reason?

Spencer: Yeah. She's pretty. She's nice. She gave me a candy bar. And she helped me put the candy canes on the tree.

Nikolas: Well, t-those are all, uh, very good reasons, but your Christmas list is getting pretty long. Don't you think? Yes, you're already asking for a train, an Xbox.

Spencer: Yes.

Nikolas: Well, that's more than enough to ask for. You don't want to get too greedy. So why don't we save marrying Britt for another time?

Spencer: Okay, I guess I can wait. But I still hope I get that Xbox.

Nikolas: [Chuckling] Okay.

Lulu: I can't even think about starting over. It's not like we can just get pregnant. There are so many logistics involved.

Dante: But w-we've already been through it all before.

Lulu: Yeah, and look how it turned out.

Dante: So we had some bad luck. But we'll be better off this time. Let's not forget, it'll be easier this time.

Lulu: How?

Dante: Well, you won't have to -- you won't have to harvest your eggs.

Lulu: That was not pleasant.

Dante: No. Won't have to have epiphany guiding me into some room with some plastic cups and porn. And my mom... won't be walking in at, you know, a really, really crucial moment.

Lulu: That would be an improvement.

Dante: Come on. I mean, we've already done all the hard work. We've got frozen embryos sitting in a lab. Why not try again?

Lulu: Because I'm scared.

Maxie: You guys can just stop. I know what you're trying to do, okay? You're trying to distract me from the baby, and where I appreciate the effort, you don't need to worry about me, because I'm fine.

Mac: I know you're trying to be strong, sweetheart. But I also know you went to Sam's apartment, where Spinelli's staying, to try to see the baby.

Maxie: How did you find out about that?

Mac: Ellie. Look, I went to tell you the good news about Robin, and I asked about you.

Felicia: Ellie told Mac that Spinelli turned you away. That must have been awful for both of you.

Maxie: It was a stupid, selfish impulse on my part. Big surprise. But it's not gonna happen again.

Felicia: Honey, I know that you're trying your best. But considering how much you love your daughter, it's going to take superhuman strength to stay way from her.

Maxie: Unless I suddenly develop the ability to fly, you don't have to worry. I'm not gonna try to see my daughter again, because she's not gonna be here.

Spinelli: It's gonna be a period of transition for us all. One that we needn't delay any longer, so why don't you call the lab and tell them all systems go?

Ellie: Uh, about that. I actually just spoke to them.

Spinelli: You already accepted the job?

Ellie: No, no. I would never make a decision like that without talking to you first. They called because there's been a slight change in plans.

Spinelli: Well, how slight?

Ellie: They need me to start tomorrow, which means we would have to leave Port Charles tonight.

Silas: So, you and Taylor, huh? Is it, uh... serious?

Rafe: I guess.

Silas: Really? Because, you know, not too long ago, you were interested in Molly. Is that over?

Rafe: It never started. She likes T.J., And they're together. It's not like I can change her mind.

Sam: [Grunts] Rafe. You really like him?

Taylor: Definitely.

Sam: Even more than T.J.?

Silas: Yeah, I get it. It sucks to love someone who doesn't love you back.

Rafe: Right. So I've moved on.

Silas: Yeah? It's just, you know, I was watching you and Taylor at the, uh, at the festival, and -- I don't know -- you just didn't seem -- what's the word? -- You know, coupley. Seems like it was all for show.

Rafe: I don't know what you're talking about.

Sam: It's just that I-I've noticed that you don't seem all that into Rafe except when Molly and T.J. Are around.

Taylor: No, I just --

[Knock on door]

Taylor: Hey, uh, let me help you with those lights.

Molly: Hi.

Sam: Hi!

Molly: Hi. Uh, I'm sorry. We didn't mean to interrupt, but T.J. And I were just Christmas shopping, and I saw a set of blocks that I couldn't resist getting for Danny.

Sam: Excellent. I think it's a really great idea. Come on in. More stuff for the floor. Join the party.

Molly: No, we still have --

Taylor: Why don't you guys stay? We're decorating the tree. We could really use your help.

Sam: Come on. You don't have a choice.

Molly: Okay.

Taylor: Okay, so why don't you guys take over straightening out these lights?

Molly: Okay.

Taylor: And Rafe and I were just hanging ornaments.

Rafe: Here you go.

Taylor: Rafe, this is such a pretty color. You have the best taste.

Molly: You know, it looks just like every other ornament in the box.

Taylor: So, where do you think I should hang it?

Rafe: Wherever you want. Knowing you, it'll look good wherever you put it.

Taylor: Oh! You're so sweet! But I want to make sure that you like it.

T.J.: Well, I'd like it if you'd just put it on the tree already.

Taylor: Tree trimming is an art, T.J. You can't just rush it. So, what do you think about this one?

Rafe: I think it's beautiful. But not as beautiful as your eyes.

T.J.: Oh, my God. Give me a break! Why don't you two just come off it already?

Molly: Really! Why can't you just admit this is all fake?

Maxie: I mean, I have no choice but to follow this court order. And if Connie's in Portland, then I won't be tempted to sneak a peek of her when she's at the park or on her way to a check-up or something.

Felicia: Well, that's a very practical approach. But it must be tearing you up inside.

Maxie: Living without my daughter is gonna tear me up no matter what. I think this is the right thing to do.

Mac: If it's okay with you, then it's okay with us.

Maxie: "Okay" might be stretching it, but I'll be okay. The hardest thing for me right now is knowing that Spinelli's gonna leave town with our baby and I don't get to say goodbye.

Spinelli: Tonight? Y-you can't leave Port Charles tonight. I mean, d-don't you at least have to give G.H. Two weeks' notice?

Ellie: Technically, but brad is my boss, and frankly I don't think I owe him any more than a "see ya, wouldn't wanna be ya."

Spinelli: Well, uh, well, uh, what about travel arrangements, right? I mean, it's -- we're already upon the yuletide season. It's fraught with grandchildren going over the river and through the woods. I mean, how could we get a flight at such late notice?

Ellie: The lab's taking care of all of that. We have reservations on standby. All I have to do is accept the job, and there will be tickets waiting for us at the airport.

Spinelli: What about packing? I mean, do you have any idea how long it'll take to crate my comics alone?

Ellie: Damian, don't worry. The lab will take care of movers to pack and ship all of our stuff. They understand this is the definition of short notice, and they'll do anything to facilitate it.

Spinelli: They really thought of everything, haven't they?

Ellie: [Sighs] You seem less than eager to leave. Are you having second thoughts?

[Both gasp]

[Both laugh]

Lesley: I have never seen such a beautiful tree!

Nikolas: It's the candy canes that make it special.

Britt: Yes, I agree. Spencer, you did a fantastic job.

Lesley: Yes, and now that it's done, Spencer and I have a little visit to make.

Spencer: We do?

Lesley: Yes, um, your uncle Sonny has some gifts for you.

Spencer: Oh.

Lesley: Yes, so, uh, hurry up, get your coat on, don't forget your mittens.

Nikolas: Wait, wait. Don't leave yet. I have an early Christmas present for you.

Lesley: Nikolas, with everything that's going on, I'm amazed that you found time to go shop.

Nikolas: Actually, I didn't have to. This kind of -- this kind of fell into my lap. Uh, right. Merry -- merry Christmas. I-I had a little help picking out this particular piece, but I-I sincerely hope you like it.

Lesley: Oh, I-I-I, uh... I-I...I-I do. I do. Of course, Nikolas. Thank you.

Nikolas: You're welcome.

Lesley: Yes. Um, well, um...

Nikolas: Bye.

Britt: Bye. I cannot believe you just did that to your grandmother.

Nikolas: Well, she was all worked up about Faison. I had to have a little fun at her expense.

Britt: Yeah, I get it, but don't you think she's gonna be furious when she finds out that painting is from Faison?

Nikolas: No, I don't think she'll be that angry. After all, your father clearly has impeccable taste in art.

Britt: Uh-huh.

Nikolas: Or do you think we should have given her the BLT instead?

Britt: Mm-hmm. Punk.

Sonny: I know... why you couldn't tell me about Dante.

Olivia: I didn't do it to hurt you, Sonny.

Sonny: I know. I know. You -- you know, you were looking out for our son, yet you wanted to keep him away from my business. And you know what? Y-you did what you thought was best, and you raised a great son.

Olivia: Thank you so much for saying that.

Dante: What are you scared of?

Lulu: Everything. We've already been through this. We held our breath for nine months, and we ended up with no baby.

Dante: Look, it's, uh, it's taking a chance. Taking a lot of chances, but that's not unlike any other couple who are trying to have a child. If we... we might not get what we want, but does that mean we shouldn't try at all?

Lulu: Trying to appeal to my sense of adventure?

Dante: Not actually. But -- but you are a Spencer, so it is in your genetic code.

Lulu: No, I think it skipped me.

Dante: I don't think so. I've seen you take huge risks. I've seen us take huge risks. Falling in love was a risk. Getting married was a risk. And it's all made me more happy than I ever thought possible.

Lulu: Me too.

Dante: Those risks were more than worth the reward. And I think having a baby with you would be worth it, too. We just... we just got to take a leap of faith. So what do you say?

Lulu: Okay.

Dante: What? Uh... c-could you say it again? I-I don't know if I heard you clearly.

Lulu: I said..."okay." I want to try to have another baby with you.

Dante: Yeah!

Lulu: [Chuckles] [Squeals] You have to put me down! We can't start if I'm seasick.

Dante: Mm. How do we get started, then?

Lulu: We should call Alexis.

Dante: We got to get a surrogate.

Lulu: Yeah. Yeah. We should head over to the hospital and see if there's any paperwork we need to fill out with the lab, make sure that when the time is right, we have no trouble getting our hands on those embryos. [Laughs]

Spinelli: No. No, I'm not having second thoughts. I know this is the right move for us.

Ellie: Then what's troubling you?

Spinelli: It's just -- it's just leaving tonight. [Chuckles] The reality is -- is hitting me. We're leaving this place that has truly become a home for me.

Ellie: I understand. I know you've made a lot of memories here.

Spinelli: But, you know, you, me, the baby -- we'll make new memories in Portland, and beyond that, we're gonna make a life. A family. And I can't wait to get started.

Felicia: Maybe you could stop by Sam's before Spinelli leaves.

Mac: Felicia.

Felicia: It wouldn't have to be a long visit. She could just go long enough to say goodbye to the baby. I'm sure the judge wouldn't have a problem with that.

Maxie: Yes, he would. He made it very clear in the court order that I'm not allowed within 20 feet of the baby. And if the judge finds out and I go to jail, that wouldn't just hurt me, but Spinelli would lose custody.

Felicia: Hmm. I'm sorry, sweetheart. I shouldn't have said that. It just breaks my heart that you can't say goodbye to your daughter before she leaves.

Maxie: Well, as sad as it is, it's the way it has to be. I'm not gonna get to see my daughter again.

Ellie: Great! We'll see you tomorrow. I did it. I accepted the job.

Spinelli: Wow.

Ellie: The car is gonna come in a few hours to pick us up.

Spinelli: Right. Um...well, I better get back to Sam's and get the baby ready.

Ellie: Yeah, and I'll finish my final shift here at general hospital. Wow. That sounds so weird to say. I have a horrible boss, but... I've really enjoyed my time here.

Spinelli: This time tomorrow, we'll be Portland.

Taylor: Uh, what are you guys talking about?

T.J.: Okay, come on. Cut the crap.

Molly: Yeah, this has never been real. You're just trying to make us jealous.

Sam: Cocoa?

Silas: Cocoa sounds great. Yeah. Cocoa. I don't even think I like cocoa. Let's get cocoa.

Taylor: [Scoffs] Okay, um, why would you guys be jealous of us?

Rafe: Yeah, I thought you guys were so into each other.

Taylor: [Gasps] Unless maybe you're not.

Molly: That's crazy!

T.J.: Is it? I mean, you did seem pretty upset.

Molly: Me? [Scoffs] What about you?

T.J.: Well, Taylor was hanging all over him. How could I not be upset?

Taylor: Uh, maybe someone who's happy in their own relationship.

Rafe: Yeah, maybe someone who wasn't thinking about anybody else.

T.J.: Okay, it was pretty hard to avoid thinking about you. You were practically making out in the middle of the three wise men.

Molly: Yeah, you know what? You're obviously trying to get a reaction from us, just like every other time we see you together.

Rafe: All right, fine. Our relationship's a fake.

Taylor: What are you doing? They obviously know the truth. We were only doing this to get a reaction. It clearly worked.

Taylor: Hmm.

Britt: Well, not that I'm in any position to criticize, but, I mean, how do you feel sending Spencer off to visit his uncle, the alleged mobster?

Nikolas: Well, Sonny and I don't get along for many reasons, but Spencer has a right to know his mother's family, and according to Lesley, he's good with Spencer, so...

Britt: What, you never participated in the visits?

Nikolas: No. Although I do appreciate Lesley taking him for the afternoon so I could finish wrapping his presents. And I appreciate your help.

Britt: Ah, it's no problem. I actually enjoy this.

Nikolas: [Chuckles] You enjoy getting 100 paper cuts trying to wrap Spencer's Xbox?

Britt: No, just celebrating Christmas. T-the tree, the lights, the colorful wrapping paper -- all of it. I never had it as a kid.

Nikolas: Really? Dr. Obrecht didn't approve of Christmas?

Britt: Yeah, she didn't really see the point of Santa, thought that it was just a fantasy that misled children. The sooner you found out the harshness of the real world, the better.

Nikolas: What do you mean? Like, you didn't get any presents or anything?

Britt: Mm. Thank you. Uh, not exactly. On Christmas, I would -- I would find some packages, but they were wrapped in newspaper with butcher twine by the hearth. They were always empty.

Nikolas: [Scoffs] That's awful!

Britt: My mother thought it would teach me that nothing comes for free in the world. I thought I had her one year when I was 6. I put a stocking out in case Santa actually came. Yeah, the only thing I got for my trouble was a lump of coal. Never say Liesl Obrecht isn't prepared.

Nikolas: I'm sorry. Definitely makes me realize how lucky I was. It sounds like Christmas was quite bleak around your house.

Britt: It was.

Nikolas: I'm sorry.

Britt: Yeah, me too. But that's why I want to make sure Spencer doesn't open any empty gifts. So let's get back to wrapping these presents.

Spencer: Uncle Sonny!

Sonny: Hey! Hey, hey! How you doing, buddy? C-can you say hi to miss Falconeri?

Spencer: Hello.

Olivia: Hi, Spencer.

Sonny: Hello, Lesley.

Lesley: Hello, Sonny.

Sonny: Ah.

Spencer: Nana Lesley said you have presents for me.

Sonny: She did? Well, where would she get that idea? Why would I have presents for you?

Spencer: What?

Sonny: W-- I may have a water bottle. [Chuckles] No, listen to me. I'm just messing with you. I might have some presents, but you know what? You can't open them right now.

Spencer: Why not?

Sonny: Why not? Because it's not Christmas. That's why not.

Spencer: So I have to wait until then?

Sonny: Um... well, you know what? Since you're so cute, how 'bout we open them right now?

Spencer: Good idea.

Sonny: Yes! Let's go.

Olivia: [Laughs] [Sighs] Little Spencer -- he is too much.

Lesley: He can be. Sorry if we interrupted.

Olivia: Oh, no. Actually, your timing was just perfect. I think this is exactly what soy needs right now.

Spencer: Look at these, nana! Aren't these awesome?!

Lesley: I don't know that "awesome" is the word I would use, but it was very nice of your uncle Sonny to give them to you.

Sonny: Something wrong, Lesley?

Lesley: [Sighs] I abhor violence, but for Spencer's sake, stay out of it.

Sonny: Yeah, but the thing is, boxing isn't about violence. It's about -- boxing is about art.

Olivia: Boy, here we go.

Sonny: Why do they call it the sweet science? Let's get these on you. Because it's not just brains.

Spencer: Well, there's paper in these things.

Sonny: There's what? Paper? Well, let me tell you something. I'm gonna give you a little lesson about boxing, okay? It's not just about muscles. You know what I mean? Put this in here like that. It's about your mind and your body connecting, all right? You got it? Put this one in here now.

Spencer: Cool. But I don't know how to box.

Sonny: You don't know how to box?

Spencer: No.

Sonny: Well, guess what.

Spencer: What?

Sonny: Uncle Sonny's gonna teach you.

Spencer: Okay!

Spencer: [Grunts]

Sonny: Oh! Oh! Ah!

Nikolas: [Chuckles] All right, let's take them upstairs.

Britt: Okay. Ooh. Oh. Oh! Ooh.

Nikolas: I got it. I got it. Okay.

Britt: Oh, the mistletoe. Who put that there?

Nikolas: Uh, I don't know. Must have been Alfred. He's a sucker for tradition.

Britt: Well, we wouldn't want to disappoint him.

Nikolas: You're right.

Spinelli: Hey, I'm not sure you know, but your sister and T.J. Are having a war of words downstairs, something about someone being jealous about someone else's fake relationship.

Sam: Yeah, yeah, yeah. T-the only detail you actually really need to know is that they're teenagers, and this is what they do. And guess what. Your little girl's gonna grow up to be 16 one day, and this is gonna happen all over again.

Spinelli: Well, speaking of my blessedly tiny daughter, I need to...I need to pack her things.

Silas: You sure you don't want to decorate the tree before you go?

Spinelli: Thank you for the gracious offer, but, um... we just received word that Ellie is expected at the lab in Portland tomorrow, so we're leaving town tonight.

Sam: Tonight?

Spinelli: Yeah, um... I...I wish there was time for a more appropriately sentimental goodbye, but... I'm gonna -- I'm gonna miss you more than I can say.

Sam: Spinelli... I'm gonna miss you, too.

Spinelli: [Sighs] Okay. [Grunts] It's gonna be okay. It's all right, Spinelli. Because we will be frequent visitors to the pacific northwest.

Spinelli: Skype will be our new best friend.

Sam: Yes. Here's your baby.

Spinelli: Aw.

Sam: There's no need for any wailing and crying. We're gonna see each other a lot.

Silas: It okay if we, uh, just shake hands and I wish you good luck?

Spinelli: It'll be adequate. Thank you. [Sighs] Although there are some people I wish I could give a proper goodbye to. Mr. Corinthos, Diane... Lulu. [Sighs] A lot of people.

Felicia: Hmm. That was Georgie's.

Maxie: [Gasps] And this one was mine. Mom, you should take these home.

Felicia: No, no, no, no. You keep them. Even if you don't hang them on this tree, you should at least save them as a memento for all the Christmases that you spent with your sister.

Maxie: will be nice to have these memories help get me through the holiday season, even though I won't be celebrating baby's first Christmas any time soon.

Dante: Your last day?

Ellie: Yeah. As it turns out, my new job in Portland needs me to start immediately, so... Damian and I are flying out tonight.

Lulu: You got a job in Portland. And you're taking Connie?

Ellie: I'm so sorry no one told you. It's all happened very fast.

Lulu: I hope you guys are really happy.

Ellie: So, what can I do for you guys?

Lulu: We have decided to try for another baby.

Dante: So we are, uh, gonna be needing our remaining embryos.

Spencer: [Grunting]

Sonny: Okay, you got to move. You got to move. You're gonna stick.

Olivia: Watch it. Watch it, Spencer. Watch your weak side there.

Sonny: Weak side? The kid's a natural. What are you talking about?

Spencer: [Grunts]

Olivia: [Laughs]

Mac: I think it needs more ornaments.

Felicia: I think it's perfect. Just what the apartment needed. What do you think?

Maxie: It's not so bad. Thank you for bringing it.

Felicia: You're welcome.

Mac: Keep your chin up, kiddo.

Maxie: I will.

Felicia: And I know how much you miss your baby. But don't worry. We're going to have a great Christmas. I'm gonna make a dinner that's gonna have so much food -- more food than we could possibly eat. We're gonna have a great day. You'll see.

Maxie: Okay.

Felicia: Okay.

Silas: I don't care what you say. This is a damn fine-looking tree, if I do say so myself.

Sam: [Chuckles] It just needs one final touch.

Silas: What's that?

Sam: What do you think?

Silas: Ah.

Sam: A star at the top.

Silas: You want to do the honors?

Sam: [Sighs]

Silas: Something wrong?

Sam: No. It's just, you know, last year at this time, I lost Jason, and... I was in absolutely no mood to celebrate Christmas. So my mother and my sisters came over, and they kind of made this whole thing happen like what you did, and...

Silas: I'm sorry. I'M... maybe this wasn't such a good idea just to show up unannounced, bring in a tree, and forcing you into something that you weren't ready for.

Sam: No, no, no. You're not forcing me into anything. I'm definitely ready for this, and I am glad that you showed up on my doorstep.

Silas: Yeah?

Sam: Yeah.

Silas: Okay. Let's get this thing up there.

Sam: Should I do it?

Silas: Yeah.

Sam: Yeah? [Chuckles] I hope I can reach.

Silas: Okay.

Sam: Ah!

Silas: Careful.

Sam: Okay. [Grunts] I did it.

Silas: Yeah, you did it.

Sam: Oh. Thank you.

[Knock on door]

Maxie: Mom, I told you I'm fine.

Spinelli: Maxie, it's me.

Maxie: Spinelli, what are you doing here?

Spinelli: I wanted you to see your daughter.

Nikolas: I think I found out a perfect place to hide these presents.

Britt: How 'bout you show me where?

Nikolas: I'd love to. You sure you're ready?

Britt: [Sighs] I've never been more ready.

Nikolas: Okay.

Britt: Wait.

Nikolas: What? What? What is it? Second thoughts already? It's fine. It's okay.

Britt: No, no, no. I'm not having second thoughts. I just need to tell you something first.

Dante: Of course, we don't need the embryos right now.

Lulu: We're just making sure that everything is in order so we don't have any problems when the time's right.

Ellie: Well, you're smart to be proactive. And if I may, I'm really happy you guys have decided to move forward with this. I have to admit, I can't help but feel something akin to parental pride. After all, I was the one who performed the actual fertilization... and stored the remaining two embryos myself. I would be so happy if the baby you have got its start right here in my lab. That's strange.

Nikolas: What is it? What do you need to tell me?

Britt: The truth about my son.

Dante: What's strange?

Ellie: The embryos... they're gone.

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