GH Transcript Thursday 12/12/13

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 12/12/13


Provided By Suzanne

[Knock on door]

Maxie: [Sighs] [Gasps] Robin! Oh! I still can't.

Robin: Need me to slap you again?

Maxie: No. My cheek is still singing from the last time, thank you. I'm sure you're getting sick of people gawking at you like this, and I swear I will stop... soonish. It's just I'm really happy you're alive.

Robin: Alive and nagging. [Clears throat] How are you?

Maxie: Fine. Good.

Robin: Okay. Not thinking about hurting yourself anymore?

Maxie: Now that I know I have you back, no way.

Robin: Because you're gonna get through this, and I know that you can't be with your daughter right now, but at least you know she's just across town.

Maxie: For now. She might be moving across the country.

Spinelli: Never has a more stunning being existed. Nor a hungrier one. [Laughs]

Sam: Look at you. You're feeding her like a champ.

Spinelli: Yeah, we're getting there. [Laughs] She's much calmer now that we've had several days together.

Sam: Well, she just needed time to adjust to a new place. [Sweetly] Hi.

Spinelli: Or a new parent. [Chuckles] I mean, even at her tender age, I'm -- I'm certain she was missing Dante and Lulu.

Sonny: Hitting the bag pretty hard.

Dante: [Sighs, sniffs] Yeah, I got a lot of aggression to work out.

Sonny: About losing the baby?

Dante: [Sniffs] And about losing my wife.

Lulu: [Crying]

[Knock on door]

Lulu: [Sniffles] [Sighs, sniffles]

Carly: Hey.

Lulu: Carly. Uh, wow. It's been forever. Why are you here?

Carly: I left you a message. I need your help.

Lulu: With what?

Carly: Franco.

Kevin: Fine. Thank you. How are you? Good, listen, uh, the reason --

Franco: Sidney, he's gonna have to call you back.

Kevin: Excuse me!

Franco: No worries. You're excused. I need your help.

Kevin: [Sighs] You mean in a professional capacity?

Franco: Of course in a professional capacity. What other kind of help could I need from you?

Kevin: Well, I'm sorry, I'm not taking on any new patients right now.

Franco: Not even one?

Kevin: No, not even one.

Franco: Why not? What's so important that you don't have time for your work?

Kevin: Well, if you must know, I need to spend more time with my wife.

Lucy: Did you hear what Kevin said? He wants to save our marriage. So, I have to go out there and find him and confess. I have to tell him that I slept with you.

Scott: Hold on a second, Lucy! You're gonna go tell him about this? About us?

Lucy: [Sighs] Yeah, of course I am.

Scott: Why?!

Franco: I am so sorry to hear that you're having problems with your wife. Okay, that's a lie. You're right. I don't care. I don't care what kind of problems you're having. Whatever problems you're having, trust me. My problems are much bigger. You need to make room for me.

Kevin: Why so urgent?

Franco: Look... if I don't tell somebody what I've done, I feel like I'm gonna explode. Please, you got to talk to me. Please.

Kevin: Tell you what. Why don't I reach out to some of my colleagues and see if they have some availability?

Franco: I want to talk to you.

Kevin: Why?

Franco: Well, because from what I hear, you've went a little, you know, and, so, I --

Kevin: I don't see what that has to do with anything.

Franco: You will understand, and you won't run screaming from the room when I tell you what horrible, violent, and vicious thing I've done.

Kevin: Okay. What'd you do?

Franco: This is confidential, right?

Kevin: Yes, it is.

Franco: I killed somebody.

Lulu: I'm guessing that you don't know.

Carly: Know what?

Lulu: I -- we lost the baby. They took her from us.

Carly: Oh, my God. I -- I didn't realize the judge had made a decision. Can you appeal?

Lulu: No. No. No, no appeal. It's over.

Carly: I'm so sorry. Oh, Lulu, I'm so sorry.

Lulu: [Crying]

Carly: I should have been here with you. I should have --

Lulu: It's not like I called or reached out or anything.

Carly: It doesn't matter. I should have paid attention instead of being so caught up in my own life.

Kevin: I'd be lying if I said I didn't know you by reputation, Mr. Franco.

Franco: It's just Franco.

Kevin: Franco.

Franco: Right. Clearly you do know my reputation. So you also know...

Kevin: That you allegedly killed several people.

Franco: Okay, please, just don't use the word "spree," okay? I hate that word.

Kevin: I also know that you were tried and found not guilty of those crimes.

Franco: Right, because the tumor made me do it.

Kevin: Didn't it?

Franco: I don't know. I mean, I thought so. I hoped so. And then...yesterday happened.

Kevin: Excuse me?

Franco: Yesterday, I stabbed death.

Kevin: Who?

Franco: My mother.

Lucy: What kind of person would I be if I didn't tell Kevin that we slept together?

Scott: You would be a smart person.

Lucy: Come on, he stood there while I shamelessly hid, and he professed his love for me. He said he loves me and that he wants our marriage to work. He even said that I'm a force of nature.

Scott: So? He said some nice things about you. So what?

Lucy: So what?!

Scott: Wait a minute. You want to get back with Kevin.

Lucy: Um... of course I do.

Spinelli: What's all this?

Sam: This? Um, well, I'm clearing out the office. I figured you could use it as a nursery.

Spinelli: Thank you, but that may not be necessary because --

Connie: [Coughs]

Spinelli: Ooh. We may not be here. I'm considering leaving Port Charles.

Robin: Your baby might be moving across the country?

Maxie: Well, Ellie landed her dream job.

Robin: Who's Ellie?

Maxie: Spinelli's girlfriend.

Robin: Spinelli has a girlfriend.

Maxie: Oh, yeah. A real serious one.

Robin: Who isn't you?

Maxie: It's a long story, and I will fill you in on that later. The point is, her job offer is in...

Spinelli: Portland, Oregon. Ellie doesn't want to leave me behind, nor do I want to be left. And adding the baby, as well. It's not fair to Maxie to take our daughter so far away.

Sam: No, Spinelli, Maxie would -- she would freak.

Robin: You must be freaking out. Spinelli can't take the baby to Portland. I mean, I'm astounded he would even consider doing that.

Maxie: Actually, I'm the one who told him --

Robin: I hope you told him absolutely no way.

Spinelli: We were certain that Maxie would oppose the idea.

Sam: [Sighs]

Spinelli: But, in point of fact...

Maxie: I told him to go. And to take the baby with him.

Spinelli: So, to say Ellie and I were shocked... but it's true. Maxie demanded -- practically begged us to leave town with this little one.

Carly: Can you visit her every once in awhile?

Lulu: She's not my baby, so no.

Carly: [Sighs] I am so sorry, Lulu. That custody hearing must have been brutal.

Lulu: It was -- it was beyond. Maxie and I dredged up every hateful, stupid thing we've ever done. In the end, I lost the baby. And so did Maxie.

Carly: So did Maxie?

Lulu: The judge said she was unfit.

Carly: Well, so who's raising the baby?

Lulu: Spinelli. He just came over and he picked her up and that was it. We went from being a family to... being all alone.

Sonny: I know things haven't been easy for you and Lulu since Connie left.

Dante: Well, I knew it was gonna be a struggle. I just thought we'd be doing it together.

Sonny: And you will.

Dante: I'm not so sure, Sonny. I mean, Lulu doesn't even want to look at me, let alone talk to me. I mean, what if when we lost our baby, we lost our marriage, too?

Carly: Spinelli is amazing, and he's great, and I'm sure he will do the best he can to take care of that little girl, but he didn't even know that she was his daughter until after she was born. So, just because biology, he's the only one worthy of custody?

Lulu: It wasn't just biology. I mean, it played a part in it, but... the real reason that we lost her is because of Dante.

Dante: Lulu's slipping away, and I can't stop her.

Sonny: Sure you can.

Dante: How?

Sonny: If she pushes you away, don't let her. Be there.

Dante: I'm not gonna force her to talk to me.

Sonny: Just wear her down until she does.

Dante: Wear her down? She's my wife. We're -- we're -- we're a team. At least, we were a team until...

Sonny: Until what?

Dante: [Sighs] Lulu's convinced I'm the reason we lost custody.

Maxie: [Sighs] I know myself, and I will never stop trying to see my baby. And Spinelli is no match for me. I will get him to cave in no time.

Robin: But if Spinelli takes your baby to Portland, you might not have that opportunity. You need to think about this.

Maxie: I have.

Robin: Well, think some more. If Spinelli and Ellie --

Maxie: I know. Right? They're quirky and smart and their names rhyme. It's like the nerd gods fated them to be together.

Robin: If they take you up on your offer and they move across the country, you need to be prepared to live with that. Are you?

Spinelli: Maxie confessed that she's constantly tempted to defy the judge's order.

Sam: No, I get it. If someone tried to take Danny from me again, I would move heaven and earth to make sure that did not happen.

Spinelli: She already showed up here once, and all she wanted to do was -- was to see the baby, to hold her. [Sighs] Took everything in me to deny her access.

Sam: Ooh. I can imagine.

Spinelli: So, you can see how Maxie's idea makes sense, right? Avoid temptation altogether by putting a continent between her and the baby.

Sam: I see, but what are you gonna do?

Spinelli: I don't know. Ellie and I were up all night trying to figure it out. [Sighs] You know, sometimes I hate being an adult.

Sam: [Chuckles]

Spinelli: I just wish someone would tell me what to do.

Sam: Well, Spinelli, I know it's not my place, but if it were up to me, I would tell you not to go.

Kevin: You killed your mother.

Franco: Yeah.

Kevin: I assume you mean Heather Webber.

Franco: Yeah, you heard about that, huh?

Kevin: I know she made a spectacle at your art show a few weeks ago. Must have been quite a shock.

Franco: Ah, come on. Nothing major. Just, you know... anything and everything that I ever thought about my life was proven to be a lie.

Kevin: You also learned the identity of your father, Scott Baldwin.

Franco: Oh, yeah. That guy. Why? You know him?

Kevin: He's a close friend of my wife's. And her ex-husband, as a matter of fact.

Franco: Lucy Coe?

Kevin: You've met?

Franco: Briefly. Really? Lucy Coe was married to my father?

Kevin: Yes. She was.

Franco: Ooh. What did she ever see in that cold fish of a jerk?

Scott: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute, Lucy.

Lucy: [Sighs]

Scott: You want to get back with Kevin?

Lucy: Absolutely.

Scott: But you were so -- scratch that! You were furious with him!

Lucy: Yeah, I was. People make mistakes, though. Look at us! We've made a million of them. And, you know what? That's the easy part. You know what the hard part is? Is owning up to them, and that's what doc just did. He said he made a mistake by putting his patients before me. He is ready to change his life.

Scott: And you believe him?

Lucy: Yeah. More than that -- I love him, and he loves me. This -- this is incredible.

Scott: Wait a minute, Lucy. What -- what about me?

Maxie: That judge was furious with me. And for argument sake, let's just say that it does go my way. Six months for me is like forever.

Robin: [Chuckles] Six minutes for you is like forever.

Maxie: At the cemetery, you said that I'm strong, but I'm not.

Robin: Maxie. Sending your daughter away so that Spinelli won't lose her is so brave. You're incredibly strong.

Maxie: Well, it helped having you home. I know that.

Robin: [Chuckles]

Maxie: And you don't have to worry about me. We promised each other that we would survive, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

Rob: Okay.

Maxie: Now, enough about me. I need to know what's going on with you and Patrick.

Robin: Oh. I did something really stupid.

Kevin: That cold fish of a jerk has been in my life for some time now.

Franco: On purpose?

Kevin: Mainly through Lucy.

Franco: Yeah? All right. Okay. So, then, you don't like the guy, either, then, do you?

Kevin: We're not discussing my relationship with Lucy. No, we're taking it back to Heather.

Franco: I mean, we kind of are.

Kevin: What happened?

Franco: Okay. Um... Heather came to my hotel room to threaten Carly jacks, my girlfriend. See, Heather doesn't -- didn't want me to be with Carly.

Kevin: Why not?

Franco: I don't know. She was never clear about that. But she was clear about all the rest, believe me. I mean, we're talking phone calls and dead roses and death threats, and I warned her. I warned Heather. I said, "you [Sighs] Make a move on Carly, and I will kill you." But she just wouldn't listen.

Kevin: So, Heather attacked Carly.

Franco: No, no. First, she got me out of my hotel room so that she could threaten -- kill c-- I figured out something was wrong, and, so, I rushed back into the room and there was Heather standing there, with a knife!

Kevin: Was Carly hurt?

Franco: No, Carly was in the shower, thankfully. Carly doesn't even know what happened.

Kevin: So, you got back to your room, and there's Heather with a knife.

Franco: Yes, about to kill Carly.

Kevin: What happened then?

Franco: We argued, and I -- I got the knife away from her, and I killed her. I stabbed her. I had to stop her. She wasn't gonna stop until she killed Carly. I had to kill Heather, to save Carly.

Carly: The judge gave custody to Spinelli because of Dante?

Dante: You were there. You saw how ugly that got. First Maxie gets raked through the coals, then Lulu. I couldn't stand to see Diane tear into her like that.

Carly: They accused you of killing your child? You were a child yourself! And the abortion was legal.

Lulu: It didn't end there.

Carly: Okay, is this where Dante comes in?

Lulu: [Sighs] During one of my many face-offs with Maxie since this all started, I told her that I tried to get Dante to leave the country.

Carly: With you and the baby.

Lulu: Obviously, we didn't do it. It was one of those, like, heat of the moment things, and Maxie told her lawyer.

Carly: And Diane asked you about it under oath.

Lulu: I was terrified that I would look unfit.

Dante: So, Lulu lied. She swore she never said that to Maxie, that Maxie was making it up. I don't even know why I'm saying this to you. You were there.

Sonny: Sometimes you got to go over things just to make sense of it all.

Dante: Yeah, well, it doesn't make any sense to Lulu. She's never gonna understand why I did what I did.

Lulu: Dante was on the stand, and he did everything that he could to dodge the question, but the more he drew it out, the more I knew that he wasn't gonna back me, and he didn't back me.

Lulu: He told the judge that I lied.

Carly: [Sighs]

Lulu: And then the judge said that our petition was denied. And I argued with him. I knew that I shouldn't, but I couldn't help myself, and that's when the judge said that I hurt the case by perjuring myself.

Carly: That must have been really awful for you.

Lulu: If Dante had just backed me up, we wouldn't have lost our little girl.

Carly: You think this is Dante's fault.

Lulu: Isn't it?

Scott: What we did last night -- that doesn't mean anything to you?

Lucy: Of course it does. It [Chuckles] Was beautiful, and I will never, ever forget last night. And we are always gonna be connected, I mean, though our daughter, and I -- I hope through our friendship. Because, pal, that's all we can ever be, is just friends. So, what do you say? Can we just please stay friends? Please?

Kevin: Well, it sounds like you acted to protected Carly.

Franco: I did, yes.

Kevin: An uninvited woman was in your room...with a weapon. You had no choice.

Franco: [Sighs] Thank you.

Kevin: I assume the police agree?

Franco: Uh, well, I didn't call the police.

Kevin: Why not?

Franco: Um, "hello, Mr. Policeman, nice to meet you. I'm Franco." If I tell them that I just stabbed my mother, then, you know, hasta la vista to the brain tumor defense. They're not even gonna ask me why I did it. They're just gonna throw me in a jail cell for the rest of my life.

Kevin: So, Heather's dead and nobody knows.

Franco: That is correct.

Kevin: What did you do with the body?

Franco: I buried it.

Kevin: Where?

Franco: In a cemetery.

Kevin: You -- you -- you transported her body to a cemetery, and you dug a grave?

Franco: No, okay, that's the weird part. When I got there, there was already a freshly dug grave for me.

Dante: You know, I guess I should have backed Lulu up, no matter what the cost, right? That's what you would have done.

Sonny: I'm not you. I'm not a cop.

Dante: Well, I honestly don't think it would have made any difference.

Sonny: But Lulu does.

Dante: That's not the only reason she's upset.

Sonny: What do you mean?

Dante: Well, she -- she wanted to know why I could lie for you, but I couldn't lie for her.

Sonny: That was a different situation.

Dante: Yeah. You know, I perjured myself because the thought of telling the truth would cause so much pain to the people that I love. You know, that's something I got to carry around with me every day for the rest of my life. And maybe it makes me a hypocrite, but I didn't want to see Lulu have to carry around a lie like that.

Sonny: Especially if it wasn't gonna do any good. Look, I didn't say anything at the time, but I always thought this custody was a long shot.

Dante: Oh, yeah, I know. We -- we lost custody way before we ever set foot in that courtroom, but Lulu can't accept that.

Sonny: But in time she will. That's what I'm trying to tell you.

Dante: I don't know. You haven't, uh... you haven't seen her, Sonny. She's in agony.

Sonny: She's not the only one.

Dante: I want to help her, but I, you know -- she wouldn't let me go near her. [Chuckles] I mean, what does she think? I wanted us to lose our daughter?

Lulu: You should be laughing in my face right now.

Carly: Why would I do that?

Lulu: You know why. [Sighs] I was -- I was so smug, I was so self-righteous that day when Dante barged into Sonny's trial and announced that Michael killed Claudia. Sonny was standing trial for a murder he didn't commit, and you were perjuring yourself to save your son, and there I was, preaching about Dante's reasonability as a cop, and how it was the right thing to do to tell the truth, like I had some idea what it would be like to fight for your child. But I know now.

Carly: You know what? Losing a child -- there's nothing worse. I get that you want to lash out. I do. [Chuckles] But you and Dante -- you guys need each other right now. He's suffering, too.

Lulu: I just miss her so much. I just miss holding her, loving her. I feel like a piece of my heart has disappeared. [Crying] What am I supposed to do without her?

Carly: Oh, I'm so sorry.

Robin: So, I asked Sabrina to let Patrick go, because it would be easier for him if he didn't have to break her heart.

Maxie: Easier for him to come back to you, where he belongs. What's so stupid about that?

Robin: Well, for starters, she said no. That it's Patrick's decision, not hers.

Maxie: That doesn't mean it was a bad idea.

Robin: But who am I to think that I'm more important than Sabrina?

Maxie: Um, you're Patrick's wife and the mother of his child.

Robin: What if that's not enough anymore?

Maxie: What if what's not enough?

Robin: Maxie, it's been two years. I mean, he could choose Sabrina.

Maxie: He won't.

Robin: How can you be so sure about that?

Maxie: I just am. And once Patrick realizes that it's you, that it's always been you, you will know he chose you because he really loves you, not because Sabrina made things easier on him and bowed out gracefully.

Robin: [Sighs] I really hope you're right.

Maxie: Oh, please. I'm always right. Fine. This time I'm right. I know it.

Spinelli: Port Charles has truly become my home. Thanks to you and Jason.

Connie: [Whines]

Sam: Here you go, baby.

Spinelli: You two were the first to make me feel like I actually belonged. And I have family here, thanks to you.

Sam: Thanks to me? Come on, Spinelli. You have family here because you are a loveable guy.

Spinelli: How could I even consider leaving that?

Sam: For Ellie. She is perfect for you.

Spinelli: Well, you would know, after being witness to my many crushes.

Sam: Oh, come on. They weren't all crushes.

Spinelli: I feel ready to give my entire heart and soul to another person, or, uh... [Chuckling] Two people, as it were. [Sighs] I just wish I knew where to do it.

Sam: How about this? Can you see yourself in Portland, raising a family there?

Spinelli: Yeah, I can. And it's a beautiful sight. But can I really leave my family here in Port Charles, with so many people that I love? With you?

Dante: I love Connie, too. She was everything I ever wanted. This tiny, little, pink bundle. [Chuckles] I wake up at night, thinking she's crying, and I don't know if she needs a diaper or if she needs to be fed, or something like that. She's not even there. She's never gonna be there. I've never -- [Sighs] Oh, man. I've never hated silence so much in my life as I do right now. I'd like to just hear her cry. You know what I mean?

Sonny: Yeah.

Dante: Oh, man! [Voice breaking] There's this, like, emptiness right here. [Sniffles] I can't feel it, you know? It just kind of... [Sniffles] It just kind of hangs there. And, uh... I'm dealing with this all on my own because Lulu doesn't want to talk to me, and she doesn't want to grieve with me.

Sonny: Listen... I know this isn't exactly the same thing, but I kind of know where you're coming from a little bit 'cause -- what it feels like to -- to -- to have nobody. But I want you to know you got me. You always got me.

Dante: [Sniffles] Thank you. [Sighs] I'm sorry. I'm sorry about this. I just --

Sonny: No.

Dante: [Sighs]

Sonny: Hey.

Dante: Guess I needed to get it out.

Sonny: That's good. That's good. You got it out. Now, what are you gonna do about it?

Sonny: You guys can't wallow in what's going on here. I did that when Connie died, and look where it got me.

Dante: I agree with you, but I still don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do.

Sonny: You got to take action. You got to jump-start your marriage.

Dante: [Chuckles] Okay. All right, I'm open to any ideas, suggestions.

Sonny: You'll figure it out. I have faith in you.

Dante: I'm glad someone does.

Sonny: Hey, listen to me. You're my son. You're strong. You can do this. And Lulu can, too.

Carly: I wouldn't wish this pain on you ever. You know? I do know you're strong enough to survive this, and it will get easier, especially if you let somebody help you.

Lulu: By "somebody," you mean Dante.

Carly: You said it. I didn't.

Lulu: [Sighs] Why were you asking for help with Franco, of all people? You hate that guy.

Carly: Oh. Um... things have changed between Franco and me.

Lulu: Are you seeing him?

Carly: He's hit rock bottom, and he's looking for a job, and I just thought if you needed to hire a bartender at the haunted star, that you could hire him.

Lulu: Okay, so, just so we're clear, you are asking me to hire the man who strapped me to a bomb and tried to blow me up.

Franco: Hey, doc, look. I know that you said that everything that happens here is just between us, but now that I told you --

Kevin: I'm still bound by doctor/patient confidentiality.

Franco: Best rule in medicine.

Kevin: The only way I could divulge anything is if I believed you were a danger to yourself or to someone else.

Franco: Well, that's the thing, right? I-I don't know. I don't know if I'm still dangerous.

Kevin: Do you feel any differently than you did before the tumor was removed?

Franco: Yeah. Trust me, I feel different about everything. And, no, you know, I didn't have those -- those urges, right? But then, you know, I stabbed my mother, so there's that. I can't tell, you know? You know, maybe taking the tumor out didn't have anything to do with anything. Maybe I'm just a psycho.

Kevin: Is that how you see yourself, as a psycho?

Franco: Well, look who my mother is.

Kevin: Your father's not psychotic.

Franco: Okay, maybe, but he's not exactly the poster boy for compassion, either.

Scott: I don't want to be friends. I want more than that.

Lucy: [Sighs]

Scott: But, if I'm gonna keep you in my life, what choice do I have?

Lucy: [Sighs] Really?

Scott: Well, I could never say no to you.

Lucy: [Sighs] Thank you, thank you, thank you. I don't know what I would do without you in my life. [Chuckles, sniffles]

Scott: Well, don't tell Kevin we slept together. Not only would he not let us be friends, but he wouldn't let us be in the same room together.

Lucy: [Sniffles] You think?

Scott: Yeah. Every time we were alone, he would think that you were cheating on him.

Lucy: Right. Yeah. Since you put it like that.

Scott: Trust me, Lucy. If you tell Kevin the truth, it'll hurt us all.

Franco: Come on, doc. Give it to me straight. Really, I-I-I can take it, man. Just -- just -- just -- I need to know, all right? I really -- I really need to know who I am right now.

Kevin: My first impression... is that killing Heather was an isolated incident. As to the rest of it, who you are now, that's a larger issue -- one to be explored in future sessions.

Franco: In future sessions? So, you'll take me on as a client?

Kevin: Yes.

Franco: Thank you. Thank you. I mean that. Thank you. 'Cause I really need to sort this out. If I don't sort this out, I'm gonna lose Carly. She's the best thing that ever happened to me.

Lulu: I'm sorry, Carly. I can't.

Carly: Okay. Franco wasn't responsible for the things he did. His brain tumor was.

Lulu: You bought that? That his brain tumor made him do it?

Carly: He's not the same man he used to be, okay? Can you just think about it? Will you at least do that, please?

Lulu: Yeah, fine.

Carly: And will you not mention it to Franco that I was here?

Lulu: You definitely do not have to worry about that.

Carly: Thank you. [Sighs] About the baby -- [Sighs] Give it time. It will get better, okay?

Lulu: [Sniffles]

Carly: It will. I promise. Don't push Dante away. Listen to me. Don't push him away. He's gonna need you, and you're gonna need him. Don't forget that.

[Door closes]

Lulu: [Sniffles]

Robin: Your little girl is so precious, and she looks exactly like --

Maxie: Georgie.

Robin: Yes! It's like looking at Georgie's baby picture.

Maxie: I know.

[Knock on door]

Maxie: Um, I'm gonna go get a tissue. Will you -- will you get that?

Robin: Sure. [Gasps] Hi!

Spinelli: Robin! W-- I-- I-I-- I heard -- I heard you were alive, but to actually see your countenance, your --

Robin: Just shut up and give me a hug!

Spinelli: Okay! Oh, my gosh!

Robin: Hi.

Spinelli: It's really you.

Robin: [Laughs] It's really me.

Spinelli: Welcome home.

Robin: Thank you.

Spinelli: Oh, my gosh. It is truly, utterly amazing to see you.

Robin: Back at you, Spinelli.

Spinelli: Oh. [Chuckles]

Robin: Congratulations. She is so beautiful.

Spinelli: Yes. Yes, she is.

Robin: You're gonna make a terrific dad.

Spinelli: Well, coming from you, that's high praise.

Robin: And I heard you have a girlfriend.

Spinelli: Mm-hmm. I see you've been caught up.

[Both laugh]

Robin: Yeah. I guess it's serious? You potentially might be moving out of town together?

Maxie: About that. Have you decided what you're gonna do?

Spinelli: I have.

[Elevator bell dings]

Franco: [Gasps]

Carly: It's just me. That was some nightmare you had this morning.

Franco: No, no. I'm fine. I'm better than fine now that you're here. Hi.

Carly: Hi. So? How'd the job search go? Better today?

Franco: Yeah.

Carly: Yeah?

Franco: I talked to someone who gave me some hope.

[Door opens]

Lucy: Doc?

Kevin: Come in.

Lucy: Um... I heard you were looking for me.

Kevin: So you saw Scott.

Lucy: [Sighs]

Scott: [Sighs]

Lucy: Yes, I saw Scott. Briefly. Just now. And, um, he told me everything you said.

Kevin: I didn't think I could trust him. Oh, Lucy, I am so sorry.

Lucy: [Crying] Me too. Me too.

Kevin: I swear to you, I am committed to this, to you, to our marriage. I want to fix our marriage.

Lucy: I-I-I do, too.

Kevin: You do?

Lucy: With all my heart. [Chuckles] [Sighs]

Kevin: I swear... I am never gonna let anyone or anything come between us ever again.

Lucy: I won't, either.

Maxie: Not to make this all about me, but --

Spinelli: You would never.

Maxie: I really do think it's best if you go.

Spinelli: You truly mean that?

Maxie: I do.

Spinelli: Well, in that case, Ellie will accept the job in Portland... and the baby and I will move with her.

Dante: Hey. I, uh, I have something to say.

Lulu: Okay.

Dante: I know you blame me for losing Connie, okay? And I know you're hurting, Lulu, and I am, too, okay? But we need to pull together. We need to start healing, and I think I know how.

Lulu: How?

Dante: We need to try again. We need to try and have another baby.

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