GH Transcript Wednesday 12/11/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 12/11/13


Provided By Suzanne

Franco: Guess what I did. See, I proved everyone right. I am a monster. [Humming] You really should have stayed away from Carly. [Gasps]

Carly: What's wrong?

[Alarm beeping]

[Beeping stops]

Lucy: Doc? Hey, I think you're gonna be late for your 9:00. You got to get up. Hey, did you just grow a forest of hair overnight?

Scott: [Moans] That's the spot.

Lucy: Doc?

Scott: Guess again. Good morning, Lucy.

Lucy: [Sighs]

Nikolas: Why don't we take turns? I'll stare at the door for a minute while you finish your breakfast. Then Lesley will be here with Spencer and Ben before you know it.

[Door opens, closes]

Nikolas: Oh, that's probably them. What is that?

Man: A special delivery addressed to one P.K. Sinclair.

Nikolas: Who the hell is P.K. Sinclair?

Britt: My father.

Robert: Psst.

Anna: Hi.

Robert: How's our girl?

Anna: She's good. Yeah. She's with Emma. Everything taken care of?

Robert: No one's gonna find Faison or know what we did to him.

Anna: Good. No one must, especially not Duke.

Felix: Okay. Let me see if I got this straight. Patrick finds Carlos kissing you. [Chuckles] So, they cross swords, each thinking they're defending your honor, but then you let them both have it, drop the mike, and sashayed away leaving the men yearning in your wake? Damn, girl. Your life is officially the plot of the next great Beyoncé video.

Sabrina: Trust me. It wasn't that fabulous.

Felix: It still could be. Patrick could come in, fall to his knees, and declare that you're the only one he'll ever love.

Sabrina: Yeah. He could. But he won't.

Felix: Why not?

Sabrina: Because as soon as I see Patrick, I'm telling him that it's over.

Robin: We will be home with daddy the way it's supposed to be really soon. [Smooches]

Emma: What about Sabrina?

[Knock on door]

Robin: [Snorts] Who is that? Do you want to go see?

Emma: Yeah.

Robin: Okay. Go. Go, go, go, go, go.

Emma: Daddy!

Patrick: Hi. [Sniffles]

Duke: Hi, Kevin.

Kevin: Duke!

Duke: How are you?

Kevin: I'm fine. How are you?

Duke: Good. Nice to see you. What are you doing down here? Are you trawling for new patients?

Kevin: [Chuckles] Am I that transparent? No, actually, I'm looking for Lucy. You haven't seen her, have you?

Lucy: Oh, no! No, no, no, no, no. What is going on? What is this?

Scott: Well, Lucy, isn't it obvious?

Lucy: This is a nightmare. This is a nightmare. Wake up. Wake up, Lucy. Wake up. Serenity now. This cannot be happening!

Scott: It happened...several times.

Lucy: No! No! No, no, no. Not sex. No. No. We did not have sex. Yes, we did have sex. Why? Why did we have sex? Why? Why? Tell me why!

Scott: Oh, for heaven's sakes, will you just calm down?

Lucy: How can I calm down? I-I cheated on my husband. I am now an adulteress...again!

Scott: Don't you remember? You told me last night that your marriage was over.

Lucy: [Sighs]

Duke: No. I haven't seen Lucy for quite some time.

Kevin: [Sighs]

Duke: Is everything all right?

Kevin: Far from it.

Anna: We have to be sure no one finds out what we did to Faison.

Robert: You don't have to tell me twice.

Anna: Because the consequences could be severe if this leaks out, not just for us, but for Robin and her family, too. They could pay the price.

Emma: Daddy, did you miss me and mommy?

Patrick: Of course I missed you every minute of every day. Did you have fun with mommy and grandma?

Emma: Yeah. But I'm ready to go home now. Is that why you're here -- to take us home?

Felix: So, that's it? You're just giving up. It's over, done, kaput?

Sabrina: It's not gonna be done until I speak to Patrick.

Felix: Then what are you gonna do? Just get over it and move on?

Sabrina: As difficult as this is for me, I know that it's a million times worse for Patrick. That's why I need to walk away.

Felix: You co-- how you figure?

Sabrina: Robin is Patrick's wife. Emma is their daughter, and the only reason why they aren't together is because of an accident of fate.

Felix: Girl, fate had nothing to do with it. She was kidnapped by a bunch of psychos.

Sabrina: All the more reason why Patrick, Robin, and Emma should be together. They're a family, Felix. The only thing keeping them from being one is me. Letting Patrick go is what's best for everybody.

Felix: Everybody but you.

Sabrina: It's the right thing to do.

Felix: Says who? I can think of all sorts of concerned individuals, one who's more concerned than the rest of them, so do you want me going down the list or are you just gonna tell me?

Sabrina: Okay. It was Robin.

Patrick: Did you brush your teeth yet?

Emma: No.

Patrick: No. I didn't think so. Go and brush your teeth.

Emma: [Giggles]

Patrick: All right?

[Door closes]

Robin: So, what's up? You're not here to take us home, are you?

Patrick: Robin, I'm just, uh -- I'm still trying to figure this out.

Robin: Haven't you spoken to Sabrina?

Nikolas: Tell the courier we're refusing delivery.

Man: I'm sorry, sir, but I already signed for it. Do you want me to destroy it?

Britt: Oh, be careful. I mean, God knows what it is.

Nikolas: Here. Give -- give it to me.

Britt: No! What are you doing? No.

Nikolas: It's okay. It's okay, all right? I'll be all right. Let's just see what it is.

Britt: Nikolas, no. Don't. Don't.

Nikolas: Faison knows his grandson is here. There's no way in hell he'll harm his heir apparent.

Britt: Oh, what the hell is that?

Nikolas: [Chuckles] It's a painting, obviously.

Britt: A painting. My father bought a painting and had it sent here? That's...

Nikolas: "Egg salad" by Heather Webber.

Carly: Are you okay?

Franco: Yeah.

Carly: What's wrong?

Franco: What could be wrong? Wake up next to you.

Carly: You had a really bad dream.

Franco: Yeah. It happens.

Carly: There's no hiding it, Franco. I know what's going on. You need to stop messing around and come clean.

Carly: Let's get this out in the open. I mean, you just need to admit that you -- Franco.

Franco: What? I had a bad dream. It's okay. I'm gonna go start my day.

Carly: We should talk... [Sighs]

Nikolas: "Egg salad." I don't get it.

Britt: Wait.

Nikolas: Oh, yes. Of course. "Egg salad." Yes. That's totally Heather Webber. You can see the --

Britt: Uh, no wonder my father took a liking to her. So, is this Heather related to Elizabeth?

Elizabeth: She was married to my father.

Spencer: Daddy!

Nikolas: Oh, hey.

Britt: There's my little boy. Hi!

Nikolas: I thought, uh, Lesley was making this special delivery.

Elizabeth: Oh, she got her dates all mixed up, so I offered to bring the boys home. She's actually having breakfast with Monica.

Nikolas: Really? Lesley and Monica? I was under the impression they weren't the best of friends.

Elizabeth: [Chuckles] No. I mean, they totally hate each other. I think it started when Monica blackmailed Lesley and then she stole her husband. Something like that.

Nikolas: So, they've hated each other for decades, but suddenly they're friendly. How did that happen?

Elizabeth: Well, it's amazing what some people will swallow.

Patrick: Yes. I saw Sabrina.

Robin: Last night?

Patrick: Yesterday morning.

Robin: Okay. Well, I-I just -- I thought you two would have figured things out by now. [Sighs]

Patrick: Robin, I'm sorry. I just -- it's -- I wish we could go back to the way things were like -- like nothing happened, but it's just -- it's more complicated than that.

Robin: Not for me. Sorry. I know that's not fair.

Patrick: Well, you don't have to worry about being fair. It's...okay you want your family back.

Robin: It's not just my family. Patrick, it's our family.

Patrick: Robin, look, I-I-I lost you.

Robin: [Sighs] I know that's what you thought, but I've --

Patrick: No, please. Let me explain something here. When that lab exploded, I-I thought you were gone. Everybody thought you were gone. But it's not like you just went away. Okay? I thought about you...all the time. I woke up in the morning, the scent was on your pillow. I'd go to the hospital, you'd be there. The ring on my finger... I kept the plane tickets from the trip that I bought you for your birthday.

Robin: Why did you keep them?

Patrick: 'Cause I was hoping and praying that you would come back to me and we could go on the trip.

Robin: I am back. I am. [Chuckles] And Paris and Tokyo and Rio -- those places -- they're still there. All we have to do is pick up Emma and go.

Patrick: It's not that simple. I-I thou-- I thought you were dead. I had to tear up the tickets. I had to take my ring off. I watched that video that you left many times just so I could hear your voice. I had to make the hardest decision of my life to try and move on from you. I spent so many mornings waking up without you there and everybody that I love telling me that I had to move on. And I finally did.

Robin: Right before I came home.

Sabrina: Robin came to visit me last night. With all the craziness at the wedding, we never said a word to each other.

Felix: Okay. How did the conversation progress from, "hi. I'm Robin. I'm back from the dead," to "thanks for keeping my bed warm. Now take a hike"?

Sabrina: Felix, that's not fair.

Felix: I don't care if it's fair. Just tell me if it's accurate.

Sabrina: Look, all Robin did was put words to thoughts that were already floating around in my head.

Felix: Such as?

Sabrina: [Sighs] That I was coming between Patrick and his family and that I could basically just do everybody a favor and -- and let him go. And you know what, Felix? She's right. If I were in Robin's shoes, I would feel the exact same way.

Felix: So, you're just gonna hurt yourself?

Sabrina: There's no reason to put it off. I'm gonna go find Patrick right now and end it.

Felix: Over my dead body.

Robert: Could you possibly be wound any tighter?

Anna: There are going to be questions about Faison.

Robert: Mm. So, let's have our ducks in a row. You're right. The truth of this can never come out, so let's practice our poker face.

Anna: Don't you worry about me. I'm taking this to my grave.

Duke: Do you and Lucy have your wires crossed?

Kevin: You might say that.

Duke: Mm. I heard she was working pretty closely with, uh, Scotty Baldwin.

Kevin: You don't say.

Duke: You might want to check his room.

Kevin: Yeah. That's, uh -- that's good advice.

Scott: Lucy, I don't know why you're getting yourself so worked up. You told me that your marriage to Kevin was finished.

Lucy: That is just a technicality. Don't you see? I left him, but we're not divorced. We're not even separated.

Scott: So?

Lucy: So he is still my husband.

Scott: Some husband. He leaves you hanging for weeks. He ignores you. He -- he doesn't even fulfill your -- your basic needs. What -- Lucy, what kind of a husband is that?

Lucy: It's the kind that married a proven cheater. I am faithless and worthless, and my karmic evolution is down to zero. That's what kind.

Scott: Well, not to me, you're not. From where I'm standing here, I mean, you have plenty of good reasons to kick Kevin to the curb. You're better off.

Lucy: I -- listen to me. I may have a lot of problems with my husband, but you cannot stand there and trash-talk him like that.

Scott: Nobody's trash-talking anybody. I'm just saying you can do better.

Lucy: Oh, yeah?

Scott: Yeah.

Lucy: And whom would I do better with?

Scott: For example -- me.

Lucy: You?! What are you talking about? We just had a one-night stand. That's all.

Scott: Well... why can't it be more?

Lucy: You and me?

Scott: It's not such an alien concept. I mean, you and I -- we did have something good going once -- once upon a time.

Lucy: We had a fling. We had -- we had a fling. I was married to Alan. And now I'm married to Kevin, and wee having a fl-fling! We're flingers. That's what we do. We just fling, fling, fling, fling, fling.

Scott: No. You -- you were married to me once.

Lucy: Not our finest...hour. Wait a minute. You want to marry me?!

Scott: No. No. I-I don't.

Lucy: Wait a minute. That's rude. That is really -- wh-- what do you want, then? You want -- if you don't want me to be the umpteenth Scott Baldwin, then what do you want from me?

Scott: Well, I...want you to be my gal.

Lucy: Your gal?

Scott: And I would -- I would be your guy.

Lucy: Why me? Why -- why again?

Scott: Because I know a lot about you, a real lot. And what I know, I like.

Lucy: What about Laura?

Scott: Laura -- that was a huge mistake. I tried to recapture the past, which was long, long gone. You're the one that's always on my side. And I'm not just talking about, you know, my campaign manager or this mess with Heather or Franco. Lucy, you're the one that I always turn to.

Lucy: And you are always the one that I turn to. You know, you're always there and you always help and, in fact, you helped me get deception off the ground while Kevin was...whiling away the hours in his office.

Scott: That's what I'm saying -- partners in crime, two peas on a pod, comrade in arms. It's really a no-brainer, you know? I mean, I should have seen this. You were always here. I mean -- what do you say?

[Knock on door]

Kevin: Scott.

Lucy: [Gasps]

Kevin: Scott, it's Kevin.

[Knocking continues]

Kevin: Scott, we need to talk about Lucy.

Scott: [Sighs]

Robin: I know what I want. [Sighs] I want you and I want Emma and I want our family back together.

Emma: Are we going home now?

Robin: [Chuckles] Oh, not yet, baby. Um... daddy is gonna spend some quality time with you before school. [Smooches] Okay? Have a good day, and have a blast with math.

Emma: Okay. What are you gonna do today, mommy?

Robin: Um...there's someone I have to see. See you later, baby.

Emma: Bye.

Felix: Girl, you've hopped up on a big cross, and now you're asking for nails. Look, I realize that Robin's lived through more trials than job, but is that a reason to sacrifice your happiness and Patrick's?

Sabrina: How do you know Patrick's not gonna be happier with Robin?

Felix: I don't, but I do know that Patrick Drake loves you and that he was already happy with you.

Sabrina: Yes. But that was before --

Felix: So if things were as clear to Patrick as they apparently are to you, he would have already gone back to Robin. But he hasn't done that.

Carly: I know what your dream was about.

Franco: You do?

Carly: Mm-hmm.

Franco: How?

Carly: 'Cause it's not the first time it's happened.

Franco: No. I don't suppose it is.

Carly: No. I remember the, um -- the night of the art show when the truth came out about your parents.

Franco: Yes, I remember.

Carly: And I showed up here and spent the night with you.

Franco: I remember that, too.

Carly: Well, the next morning, when you woke up, you were really upset, just like you are now. You were terrified that I was gonna come to my senses and run out on you, and I told you then just like I'm gonna tell you now -- I'm not running.

Franco: You sure?

Carly: I'm sure.

Franco: That's really nice to hear. But, Carly, that's not what my dream was about.

Carly: It wasn't?

Franco: It's about what I did last night.

Robert: We're on the same page.

Anna: Yeah. Let's not talk about Faison again.

[Footsteps approaching]

Anna: I don't -- Duke.

Robert: Something wrong, Lavery?

Duke: There certainly is. I know what you did.

Britt: Thank you for helping with Ben.

Elizabeth: Mm-hmm.

Britt: Hey.

Nikolas: [Clears throat]

Elizabeth: [Sighs]

Nikolas: Okay. Come on. Give it to me.

Elizabeth: No, no, no, no. It's...none of my business. [Chuckles]

Nikolas: Never stopped you before. Come on. I know you are dying to say --

Elizabeth: What is that woman still doing in your house?

Emma: Why are you taking so long to bring me and mommy home?

Patrick: Because me and mommy have been apart for a little while, so we just need to take a little time to get to know each other a little bit.

Emma: But...she's the same as she was before she went to visit heaven.

Patrick: Yeah. She is.

Emma: Don't you want to be with me and mommy?

Patrick: Yes. Of course I do.

Emma: Then what are you waiting for?

Patrick: It's very complicated. But it has to do with Sabrina.

Felix: Everybody's got dreams. I don't know why you think yours are any less worthy than Robin's. And pat-- you both need to realize Patrick is his own man. He can make his own decisions about his own life, so let him. [Sighs] And don't let Robin push you around. She's not the boss of you.

Sabrina: Neither are you.

Felix: Oh, honey...if that makes you feel better believing that, be my guest. [Chuckles] [Sighs] Just don't let Robin cajole you into doing something you don't want to do.

Carly: You didn't dream about me leaving you?

Franco: Why? Does that disappoint you?

Carly: No. I -- what did you do last night?

Franco: I-I don't think you want to know.

Carly: We said that we could tell each other anything.

Franco: Well, not anything.

Carly: Come on. Talk to me. Please. Come on.

Franco: I wa-- I want to. I mean, I --

Carly: Great. Then --

Franco: No, really. I really do.

Carly: Then say it. Come on.

Franco: I-I messed up.

Carly: You messed up how?

Franco: I, uh -- well, um, you know, at -- at PCU, the university, right?

Carly: Yeah. Yeah. Y-you told me you had a great interview.

Franco: Well, I-I-I lied about that. I didn't want you to be disappointed in me.

Carly: [Sighs] Okay. The lie is the disappointment.

Franco: Yeah, I can -- I can -- sorry. It's just that, you know, I don't even know why they called me down there. I-I don't know whether it was to, you know, sit face to face with a murderer or with a failed artist, but either way, I'm pretty sure that I'm not gonna be teaching those bourgie brats surrealism anytime soon.

Carly: Hey. The tumor was the killer, not you.

Robert: Do you mind speaking plainly?

Duke: Certainly. Anna told me everything. There are no more secrets.

Robert: Regarding?

Duke: Julian Jerome and the fact that you helped to fake his death. Thanks to you and the WSB, you managed to whisk him out of Port Charles before he could be punished for what he and his family did to me, to Anna, to my family.

Anna: I explained to you that Robert was under orders.

Robert: It's okay. It's okay. I don't need defending here. Let Lavery take his best shot. For 20 years, I kept Jerome under control and out of Port Charles and away from interfering with people. I did everything I could.

Duke: Everything?! You could have told Anna.

Robert: She though Jerome had killed you. She would have gone off seeking revenge and made herself cannon fodder for the WSB.

Duke: Oh, so, you did this to protect Anna?

Robert: I made a judgment call.

Duke: A poor one. This secret did nobody any good. Secrets rarely do.

Kevin: Come on, Scott. Open up. It's important.

Lucy: He knows. He knows about us.

Kevin: I'd rather not discuss my wife through the door.

Lucy: Did you hear that? The territorial way he said the word "wife"? He knows. I'm telling you, he knows.

Scott: All right, then. Come on. It's time to --

Lucy: Shh! Shh, shh, shh.

Scott: Let's go face the music.

Lucy: Are you out of your mind? I do not want Kevin to see me like this. No.

Scott: Like what? But you said he already knows.

[Knocking continues]

Kevin: Scott, I'm not leaving until we speak.

Scott: Lucy, you're -- you're the one that said he doesn't care about your marriage. So why should you?

Lucy: Because I care about doc. I care about him. I can't let him see this. I got -- I got to tell him in a different way. I-I-I got to make it kind of dignified and with class to let him know. Just -- just -- just... get rid of him.

Scott: [Sighs] [Groans] I was sleeping. I had court and, you know, tired.

Kevin: Sorry I interrupted your beauty rest. I'm looking for Lucy.

Scott: I haven't seen her. Why?

Kevin: Because she told me our marriage was over. That's why.

Scott: Well, that's a tough break. I'm sorry. I'm gonna go back to bed.

Kevin: But... I'm gonna save it.

Elizabeth: It's one thing to let Britt stay here when she was pregnant and homeless, but baby's here. Maniac parents are gone. It's time to send her packing.

Nikolas: Well, since it's my house, she's free to stay here if she wants.

Elizabeth: [Scoffs] [Chuckles] Nikolas, come on. You're such a good person, and she's -- she's not. You really want Spencer hanging around someone like Britt after everything she's done to Emma?

Emma: Did Sabrina do something wrong?

Patrick: No. Sabrina didn't do anything wrong.

Emma: Then what's the problem?

Patrick: You know how me, you, and Sabrina, we talked about being a family, right, because we love each other and we care about each other so much? Well, if we became a family, then mommy would be really upset and hurt. But if me, you, and mommy just went back to the way things were, then Sabrina would be really upset and hurt, and I don't -- I don't want to hurt either one of them. Does that make sense? Do you understand that?

Emma: not really.

Patrick: Not really. Okay. Let me try and figure something else out. [Sighs] All right. What about the time your friend Megan invited you for a playdate but she didn't invite Jenny?

Emma: But, Daddy, Megan said she was sorry, and the next time she had a playdate, she asked me and Jenny. So why can't we be a family with Sabrina and Mommy, too?

Robin: Listen, uh, I'm really sorry to track you down at work. I just want to make sure that we clear things up.

Sabrina: Clear what up?

Robin: Well, last night, I thought we had an understanding that you were going to break things off with Patrick.

Sabrina: Yes. That's how we left things.

Robin: Oh. Okay. I'm sorry. So, you just haven't had an opportunity to talk with him yet.

Sabrina: No. I haven't.

Robin: Okay, well, I know that Patrick is at the metro court, and your friend Felix can cover for you. I can tell epiphany where you've gone, and we can take care of this today.

Sabrina: I can't do that. I won't.

Carly: Forget PCU. I mean, you don't want to be a stodgy professor.

Franco: Oh, I was not gonna be a stodgy professor at all. I was gonna rock blue jeans in the lecture hall with, like, a -- you know, a corduroy jacket with -- with patches on the elbows -- you know, patches in, like, an ironic sense.

Carly: I'm being serious.

Franco: Okay. If you're gonna be serious, then we cannot have this conversation, Carly, because if I'm serious right now, then I'd have to admit that I'm really not ready to teach in the ivory tower of academia or have any other job, apparently.

Carly: You can get another job.

Franco: [Sighs] Barista?

Carly: You could work for me.

Franco: Bellboy?

Carly: Well, I'm thinking guest relations might not be the best fit. Maybe something behind the scenes?

Franco: [Chuckles] Okay. What? Laundry?

Carly: No. Something that actually uses your talent, you know? Hey, look, the lobby could use a makeover. We could design it together. I could commission a couple of your pieces.

Franco: You know, Carly, it what not long ago that you shared your concise and yet thorough assessment of my art. I believe your exact words were "it sucks."

Carly: Okay. Yeah. I-I did say that. I did. But if it makes you feel any better, I like your art better than I like your mother's.

Elizabeth: You know Britt badgered and bullied Emma until she ran away.

Nikolas: I-I know that Britt has done some bad things, okay? And, yes, she has her share of faults, but she's more than that. I-I've gotten to know her beyond her bad reputation, and let me tell you something -- I'm glad I have. I can't just write her off because my very good friend doesn't approve of her. You've done a lot of things you regret, some with me, might I remind you. And you changed. So has Britt.

Elizabeth: You really think so?

Nikolas: I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it.

Elizabeth: Okay. So, you want her to live here in your, what? A tenant? A roommate? A project? Are you guys a-a couple?

Nikolas: Oh, you know what? If you insist on putting a-a label on things, then...okay. Yes. We're a couple.

Kevin: The thing is, it's all my fault. I've taken Lucy for granted. I put our marriage on the back burner. I devoted all my time to my practice.

Scott: All your time, huh?

Kevin: She's been trying to get my attention for months, and I just haven't been available.

Scott: Well, maybe you guys have...come to the end of the road.

Kevin: What?! No. It's -- it's not over for us.

Scott: Well, it might be. You might have to accept it and move on.

Kevin: I will not accept that, Scott. I love my wife. She is the most beautiful, open-hearted, benevolent person I have ever known. Person -- she's a force of nature. And she saves my life every day I spend with her.

Scott: Okay.

Kevin: Somehow, I lost track of that, but...not anymore. I know what Lucy means to me, and that's everything.

Scott: Well, listen, thanks for coming by. And I will do my best to --

Kevin: Li-listen. I know this is strange for me to ask, but will me out here? I-I've been trying to call her. She won't answer my calls. I'm looking, and I can't find her anywhere, so please just -- would you tell her that I'm looking for her?

Scott: Will do.

Kevin: And... tell her I love her.

Scott: Okay.

Robert: I'm not going to apologize to you for how I handled the Jerome business.

Duke: Oh, so you have no regrets? You have no remorse?

Robert: Not one. I had it under control right up until Obrecht stuck me with that needle. Do you think that Jerome would have had the guts to come back to Port Charles if I hadn't been in a coma?!

Duke: You could have had a contingency plan. That way, he would have been stopped.

Robert: I did what I could, and besides, I don't recall you being around to help out.

Duke: I was in prison, thanks to Julian and Faison.

Robert: No. Thanks to yourself.

Anna: Oh, come on, Robert.

Robert: Hey, look, man. Take a bit of responsibility here. You're a known associate of Jerome's. You chose to be part of that organization.

Anna: Duke stepped away from that kind of life a long time ago.

Robert: Did he?

Anna: Yeah. And he's gonna distance himself from it, and I'm gonna handle Jerome.

Sonny: And after what Jerome did to me, to you, to Anna, and who knows who else, he has to be stopped.

Duke: I agree.

Sonny: Together, we can neutralize him.

Duke: I don't know what to say.

Sonny: Oh, you don't have to say anything now. I mean, just think about it and then come back to me. If that fair enough?

Anna: Isn't that right?

Robin: Wait. So, you're not gonna break things off with Patrick?

Sabrina: Robin, I've had some time to think about our conversation, and I wish I could do what you want.

Robin: Well, you could do it last night.

Sabrina: Look, I know that Patrick loves you. And I know that you love him. And after everything that you've been through, the last thing I want to do is cause you any more pain.

Robin: Well, then please don't.

Sabrina: But the thing is Patrick loves me, too. And my stepping aside isn't gonna make him love me any less.

Robin: So...what? You think I'm the one that should step aside?

Sabrina: No. That's not what I'm saying, not at all. I'm saying whatever happens next can't be up to you and it can't be up to me. It has to be up to Patrick.

Patrick: Making our family even bigger with Sabrina and mommy is a really nice idea, but it just doesn't work that way.

Emma: Why not?

Patrick: [Sighs] Okay. You know in your fantasy books, right, the prince -- he can't have two princesses. He only -- he can only have one?

Emma: So you can only be with mommy or Sabrina?

Patrick: Yeah. A little bit more like that. But you know what's never gonna change? [Smacks lips] Me and you. We're always gonna be together.

Emma: Together with who, daddy? Are you gonna be with Sabrina or mommy?

Elizabeth: I know you don't want to hear this, but I'm gonna tell you anyway. You are making a big mistake. Britt is going to hurt you.

Nikolas: You know, people used to say that about you.

Elizabeth: [Sighs]

Nikolas: And those people were wrong, too.

Elizabeth: As much as I hate to admit it, maybe Britt and I aren't all that different.

Nikolas: What -- what? I'm sorry. Could you repeat that? 'Cause I didn't -- I didn't quite get all of that.

Elizabeth: No. But maybe that's why my instincts about her are so strong. Nikolas, I don't think she's ready to change.

Nikolas: Okay. I-if you heard that, I apologize.

Britt: The only thing that mattered to me was you telling Elizabeth that we were together. Unless, you were just defending me to get her off your back.

Nikolas: No. No, no. That's definitely not the reason. I defended you because I think you're worth defending.

Scott: So?

Lucy: Yeah. So...

Scott: What do you say we go get some grub?

Lucy: Grub? This isn't really time for grub. Di-did you not hear what Kevin said? He wants to save our marriage, so I've got to go out there and find him and confess. I-I have to tell Kevin that [Sighs] We slept together.

Kevin: Listen, um, the reason I'm calling is, uh...frankly, I'm looking to lighten my load, and I was wondering if I could convince you to take on some of my --

Franco: He'll call you back.

Kevin: Excuse me!

Franco: No worries. You're excused. I need your help.

Carly: It's Carly. I need your help.

Sabrina: It's better this way. Whoever Patrick ends up with, it needs to be his choice.

Robin: The thing is, Sabrina, I know that, deep down, Patrick wants to be with me. This is only going to end badly for you.

Sabrina: I guess we'll see.

Robin: Sabrina, please. Rethink your decision. I know you might not believe this, but I don't want to see you get hurt, either. But it's inevitable. And the longer you deny it, the worse it's going to be for you.

Duke: Julian Jerome is a matter best left to the police. Well, I'm sure the PCPD can give him their full attention now that, uh, Jerry Jacks and Obrecht and Faison have all been dealt with.

Anna: That's the plan.

Duke: So, I assume, uh, Faison is safely back in Steinmauer now.

Robert: Oh, trust me -- you ain't never gonna hear from him again.

Patrick: I don't know how things are gonna turn out yet.

Emma: Do you think you'll know by Christmas? Santa won't know where to come until we put our stockings up.

Patrick: Oh, don't you worry about that, okay? Santa will find you wherever you are. And everything between me and Mommy and Sabrina will be figured out by then. I promise.

Emma: Pinkie promise?

Patrick: Pinkie promise. [Smooches]

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