General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 12/10/13
Provided By Suzanne
TV Announcer: And how will this delay the launch of deception? Only time will tell us in this very unpredictable upscale market.
Monica: Oh, turn that off.
[TV Clicks Off]
Tracy: I see your mood hasn't improved. Are you still suffering with that migraine?
Monica: No. The migraine is gone, and I just don't want the dreck that you were watching to bring it back. It's bad enough that I missed the trial today. I am not going to miss the verdict when it comes in.
Tracy: Uh-oh. Here we go.
In breaking news, the jury in A.J. Quartermaine's murder trial has already reached a verdict. Stay tuned for the fate of the Quartermaine heir.
Tracy: [Chuckles] Well, I don't need to watch that. Better hurry, Monica.
Scott: I just got a call. Jury's back. They have a verdict.
Michael: They just got the case.
Kiki: Shouldn't they take some time to actually deliberate?
Scott: Well, not when it's a slam dunk. 12 of your peers are about to send you up the river for the rest of your life.
James: What are you and Mr. Franco celebrating?
Carly: Uh, his, uh, new job, hopefully. Although I thought he'd be back by now.
James: Oh, so I should wait on the entrées?
Carly: Oh, um, you know what? I can just call the kitchen when Franco gets here.
James: Oh, okay.
Thanks, James.
James: Yeah.
Carly: Bye. No message? No missed calls. I wonder where he is.
Franco: [Breathing heavily]
Heather: Whew. Hot in here.
Franco: You are a miserable psycho, and you were going to kill Carly.
Franco: [Breathing shakily]
Franco: I told you that if you ever went near Carly again that I would end you.
Heather: You would never do that. I mean, not to your own moth-- [Groans]
Lucy: Hey! Mr. Franco -- or do you like mister or is it just plain Franco? Franco Franco?
Franco: Wait, wait. What -- what -- who are you? What do you want?
Lucy: So sorry. I-I hope I didn't startle you. Uh, sorry about that. I just -- I wanted to have a little chat with you. It's about Heather Webber.
Ava: Hello, Julian. Relax. It's just me.
Julian: [Sighs] How did you get in here?
Ava: Haven't you learned yet how resourceful I can be?
Julian: School's been out for a few hours. Shouldn't you be, uh, canoodling with your boy toy?
Ava: [Chuckles] Tell me -- how's your love life? Any sign of Carly or Alexis?
Julian: What do you want, Ava?
Ava: Carlos. I'm worried about Carlos.
Sonny: We're not gonna shoot you... at least, not yet.
Shawn: Get up. No. We wouldn't do that. We'd get stuck doing all the work.
Carlos: What work? What the hell are you talking about?
Sonny: Start digging.
Carlos: You want me to dig my own grave?
Sonny: It's nothing personal, Rivera. I need to send a message to your boss. He started the war. I'm gonna end it.
Lucy: I'm not really one to meddle in other people's affairs, it's just I truly believe someone has to tell you this, so I'm gonna be the one. That woman that, um, we now know is your mother -- Heather Webber -- she is bad news bears.
Franco: Really? That's what you wanted to tell me? That, uh, Heather Webber is bad news?
Lucy: Yeah. The absolute worst. You know how we all have our failings? I mean, things that we regret, like a moment or a month or even years that we'd really like to change? Well, Heather is certifiably dangerous. That woman is vile, and she has her own special brand of crazy. If I were you, I would do whatever it takes to cut that woman out of your life for good.
[Knock on door]
Carly: Ah. Okay. All right. You know, it doesn't matter who knows about me and Franco. I have nothing to be ashamed of. [Chuckles] Thank God. It's just him.
[Knocks on door]
Carly: You forgot your key...
Sam: Hi.
Carly: Sam, what are you doing here?
Sam: I'm really sorry to barge in like this, but some bellboy said that I could find you here.
Carly: Yeah, uh, can we do this another time? I'm really busy.
Sam: Actually, this is important. I have to warn you about Julian.
Julian: So, what's this about Carlos?
Ava: He was supposed to meet up with me tonight, but he never showed. And that's not like him.
Julian: So he forgot to cancel. There's no reason to assume the worst.
Ava: Except he isn't answering my calls. They go straight to voicemail. He must have shut off his phone.
Julian: I wouldn't worry about it, Ava. Last night was his ex's wedding -- Sabrina. He, uh -- he wasn't handling it too well. So if I had to guess, he's off somewhere licking his wounds. Or, if he's lucky, getting them licked.
Ava: I hope you're right.
Carlos: Please, Mr. Corinthos -- Sonny, you don't want to do this.
Shawn: The man said, "dig."
Carlos: If I ran for it, you'd probably shoot me in the back, wouldn't you?
Sonny: Keep stalling and I'll shoot you now.
Luke: Good evening, spankella.
Tracy: My darling.
Luke: [Smooches] What's got Monica all riled up?
Tracy: Mm. Riled is her default setting. And when it has anything to do with her deadbeat children, it's even worse.
Luke: Oh, that's right. A.J. on trial... for killing Sonny's paramour. [Sighs] How many bad choices can a guy make?
Tracy: Guess what? The verdict's in.
Luke: Really?
Tracy: Mm-hmm.
Luke: I didn't even know they were deliberating.
Tracy: Well, apparently, it did not take long for worthy people -- 12 of them -- with a modicum of common sense to come to a decision. Looks like it's curtains for A.J.
Judge Chua: Madam foreperson, I hear the jury has reached a verdict.
We have, your honor.
Franco: Look, it's really nice of you, but you don't need to worry, okay? I feel like you and I are in complete agreement about Heather Webber. Don't think she's gonna be in the way of my life ever again.
Lucy: Oh, well, thank -- thank goodness. I-I was just really worried after that scene she made at the gallery, you know? I just thought maybe she'd reach out and get her hooks into you somehow, so good.
Franco: I'm a little bit of a rush here. I do have a job to do.
Lucy: A job?
Franco: Yep. I got to get all this dirty laundry down to the Laundromat. Don't want me to get fired, now do you?
Lucy: No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait. One last thing. I-I just wanted to say that now that we are on the same page about your mother, maybe we should compare notes about your father.
Monica: Am I too late?
Kiki: They just said that they reached a verdict.
Monica: Oh.
Michael: Dad. Look, no matter what happens, I love you.
Judge Chua: Mr. Quartermaine, will you rise? Madam foreperson, please read the verdict.
In the charge of murder in the first degree, we find the defendant, Alan James Quartermaine, Jr., Not guilty.
Tracy: My deadbeat nephew murdered my friend, and now he's getting what he deserves.
Luke: And it's a good thing, as long as your ELQ stock doesn't take a hit.
Tracy: You know, I can't believe I'm saying this, but... some things are actually more important than a healthy stock portfolio.
Luke: [Coughs] Let's don't be too hasty.
Tracy: You talk a good game, but for a larcenous freeloader, you are incredibly loyal. Case in point -- Sean Donely. Did he get the cure?
Luke: He did. And I talked to tiffany. She administered the dose herself. He's already showing signs of improvement.
Tracy: Mm. Tiffany and her daughter must be enormously relieved.
Luke: Mm.
Tracy: And what about jerry jacks? Any sign?
Luke: Not a trace.
Tracy: How could anybody fall off that terrace of the metro court and not only survive but disappear?
Luke: They couldn't... without help. And, unfortunately, I think I know who provided that help.
Ava: Carlos has been our associate for a long time now. If he's upset --
Julian: Exactly -- associate, not a friend, in spite of your fondness for him. So, if Carlos is upset about, uh, Sabrina getting married, we're not the people he's gonna turn to. We're his employers, remember?
Ava: I suppose that's true.
Julian: Ah, he's a big boy, Ava. He can take care of himself.
Ava: Then why can't I shake this bad feeling?
Sonny: That'll do.
Carlos: Please don't do this.
Sonny: You should be grateful. I would have clipped your ass last week if it wasn't for your last name.
Carlos: My name?
Sonny: I needed to make sure you weren't related to my late wife.
Carlos: I could be valuable to you.
Sonny: Valuable? You want to be valuable to me? You send a message to your boss, and you let him know who runs this -- you know, I don't need to be talking to him. End it!
Carlos: Wait! Wait!
Scott: Your honor, there must be some kind of a mistake here.
Judge Chua: I presume you wish to poll the jury, Mr. Baldwin.
Scott: You bet I do. Approach?
A.J.: I don't -- I don't understand. What -- what just happened?
Michael: Diane was right. There wasn't enough evidence to convict.
Kiki: And the evidence that they did have was all circumstantial.
Monica: Oh, my God. This is some good news.
A.J.: I-I -- of course it is. I'm just surprised.
Monica: Well, you're probably in shock.
Judge Chua: Madam forewoman?
Not guilty, your honor.
Scott: What's the matter with you people?! Are you blind?!
Judge Chua: Mr. Baldwin! May I remind you that this is my courtroom? Any further outburst from you, and I will hold you in contempt. Now take your seat. Alan James Quartermaine, Jr., You've been found not guilty by a jury of your peers. The charges are hereby dismissed. You're free to go.
A.J.: Thank you.
Franco: Look, I don't mean to be rude to you, but I'm kind of in a rush.
[Car alarm beeps]
Franco: It may not look it, but I actually have something really important to do.
Lucy: Oh, I'm sure you do. Wait, wait, wait! I'm sure you do, and I promise you -- whoa! Whoa! This won't take long. I promise. I just want to say to you that I-I know that it seems Scott was taken really aback by this little paternity revelation, but I really believe you should still make the effort to try and get to know him. Take another stab at it.
Franco: Ah, look, Scott -- he doesn't want anything to do with me.
Lucy: No, no, no. That's where you're wrong. You see, he was -- he was just a teeny weeny bit overwhelmed. I mean, sudden parenthood kind of does that to you. Not that I have any personal experience, you know, really. I mean, I have been around reunions where they were unexpected and you feel it in your gut and -- I digress. Okay. I'm sorry. I-I just want to say that I truly believe in my heart that Scott has calmed down by now.
Franco: He has not.
Lucy: Why do you say that?
Franco: Because it's the truth. Apparently, having me as a son would be bad for his career. District attorney Baldwin made it perfectly clear that I was to keep my distance.
Lucy: Scott a-- he actually said that?
Franco: Pretty much word for word.
Lucy: Wow. I'm -- I'm so sorry. You know, I-I imagine that must have hurt a little bit. [Slaps] Don't you worry. I am going to talk to Scott right now.
Franco: No, no, no. Uh, really, you don't need to go to the trouble.
Lucy: Yes, I do.
Franco: Uh, no. You don't -- I mean, not on my account.
Lucy: [Sighs] I really, really want to speak with Scott.
Franco: Oh...good. I really, really... have more important things than father on my mind.
Scott: You know, the jury may say that you're not guilty, but they'll never declare you innocent, 'cause you killed that man. You know it, and I know it. And you're gonna spend the rest of your miserable life living with that.
Julian: Actually, I'm glad you're here. There's something we need to talk about.
Ava: Really? What's that?
Julian: My daughter.
Sam: I ran into Julian, my -- my father, last night.
Carly: How'd that go?
Sam: Well, he acted like nothing changed, that we could still work on this friendship -- this fake relationship that he pretended we had while he was acting like Derek Wells.
Carly: Well, I hope you told him to go to hell.
Sam: Well, of course. I said that I didn't want to have anything to do with him.
Julian: Sam doesn't want a relationship with me.
Ava: Uh, ah, at the risk of sounding unsympathetic, she made it pretty clear the night the truth of your identity came out that she wanted nothing to do with you. The fact that she still feels that way is hardly a revelation.
Julian: It wasn't just that. It was something that Sam said afterwards.
Sam: In the heat of the moment, I said something without thinking.
Carly: What did you say?
Sam: I accidentally said something to Julian about...our brother.
Julian: She said somebody by the name of Lucas probably wouldn't want anything to do with me, either.
Ava: Lucas? Who's that?
Julian: Well, that's what I need to find out.
Tracy: Ava Jerome? You think that Ava helped jerry jacks escape?
Luke: She was at the scene of the crime acting awfully squirrelly for my taste.
Tracy: Luke, I got to know Ava a little bit when she was living here. And although she's not the warm and fuzzy type, I definitely think that jerry jacks' form of mayhem is a little bit beyond her, although he does have ties to the mob.
Luke: Well, so does Ava, if you read the paper. And this spud named, uh, Derek Wells turns out is actually Julian Jerome. Now, I didn't know the man myself, never had any dealings with him, but I've heard stories. The Jeromes were heavy hitters, probably still are. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that this Julian is here trying to take over the territory.
Tracy: You sound intrigued.
Luke: I like to keep up on current events.
Tracy: Uh-huh. Well, I've got an idea. Now that you and Sean are cured, how about you stay the hell out of it?
Luke: Be specific. What "it" do you refer to?
Tracy: The "it" that may or may not connect jerry jacks to Ava Jerome and her brother. Luke, you almost died.
Luke: I'm all better now.
Tracy: Oh, well, why don't you stay all better and not become a target for jerry jacks or the Jeromes, for that matter? They are not people you want to cross, nor are their associates.
Carlos: You're making a big mistake.
Sonny: This is happening. The least you can do is man up and accept it. Take him. Take him.
Carlos: No, wait, wait, wait! You've got to hear this. You have to hear this.
Shawn: Look, I don't know about you, man, but I'm -- I've had enough.
Carlos: Please, you said that I wasn't related to your late wife, but you were wrong. I am related to lily Rivera. I'm her brother.
Carly: You told Julian Jerome about Lucas?!
Sam: No, no, no. No, not exactly. I just sort of blurted out his name.
Carly: What exactly did you say?
Sam: I just said that I didn't want to have anything to do with him and I thought that Lucas probably wouldn't want anything to do with him, either. But, Carly, I promise that's all I said.
Carly: You should have seen the look on my mother's face, Sam, when I told her that Julian Jerome was alive and well here in Port Charles. She was terrified. You know, she asked me how long would it be before Julian finds out about Lucas, and now I get to tell her as long as it took for him to have a conversation with you!
Sam: Okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say anything. I promise you -- I promise you Julian does not know much.
Carly: Just enough to make him curious.
Julian: Well, there doesn't seem to be anybody by the name in Lucas in Sam's family. There's nobody by that name in our family... unless, of course, your, uh, mother had another, uh, bastard.
Ava: [Chuckles] Wow. You just love throwing that "bastard" part in, don't you?
Julian: Statement of facts. So, any chance that, uh, you have another sibling that you forgot to mention?
Ava: Did my mom have another kid with father? Doubtful. After I was born, Delia became obsessed with a more...gauche family.
Julian: It's just that the way Sam mentioned his name, it sounded as if this Lucas was supposed to be important to me.
Ava: Are you sure you're not reading too much into this? Interpreting a random statement as much more important than it actually is?
Julian: No, no, no, no. When she mentioned his name, it was not random.
Ava: Well, I'm sorry, Julian. I can't help you. The only Lucas I know of in this town is Lucas Lorenzo Spencer.
Luke: Let's forget the Jerome and what they may or may not have had to do with jerry's disappearance. We have some celebrating to do.
[Cork pops]
Tracy: Whew! Well, yes and no. Our respective families are dealing with a lot of pain at the moment.
Luke: I've never seen Lulu so low. But she'll come out the other side. She's a Spencer.
Tracy: Amen to that.
Luke: You know, if there's anything that the last few months have taught me, it's that you have to enjoy every moment. Life is short.
Tracy: Too short.
Luke: You have to savor the good, and, Spanky, we done good.
Tracy: We did.
Luke: So, let's savor it. To us.
Tracy: To us. And you're right about what we have to celebrate. You and Sean got the cure, A.J. Is finally gonna get what's coming to him, and if I can just get Monica out of this house, I'd have it all to myself!
Monica: Well, don't you mean my house?
Tracy: Monica, I'm not gonna snipe with you. It must have been very painful watching your son get convicted of murder, no matter how much he deserved it. What the hell?
Monica: You were saying?
Scott: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, to you 12 blind idiots. And my first case as D.A. Into my own waterloo.
[Knocking on door]
[Knocking continues]
Scott: Keep your shirt on.
[Knocking continues]
Scott: [Clears throat] [Sighs]
Lucy: So, I see you're just as angry as I am.
Scott: You heard.
Lucy: Yeah, I heard.
Scott: Can you believe it?
Lucy: No, I can't believe it. I can't believe you finally find a long lost son and you throw him to the curb.
Scott: Kick. You kick someone to the curb.
Lucy: Oh, well, that too. Listen to me. Franco told me that you just cast him aside, just got rid of him because you wanted to protect your precious career.
Scott: Well, some career I have left.
Lucy: You know something? I have never been more disappointed in you in your entire life. I mean, you -- you find this great guy, this man who, as troubled as he may be, he is actually your son.
Scott: [Sighs] Yes, as if I need any more bad news.
Lucy: Okay, okay. Maybe he's not that bad, you know? I mean, maybe he wasn't that bad. Because whatever Franco did or didn't do, he did because he was under the influence of that horrible tumor. And -- and they did -- they dispersed all the things that he was responsible for because that tumor made him do it, and -- and he wasn't responsible for that. And now he's had the tumor cut out, and now he actually is a-a better person.
Scott: But he still has the same bad attitude. Would you like a cocktail?
Lucy: No, I would not. Have you ever just kind of considered why? Why did he turn out that way?
Scott: Well, because of this tumor that you've been lecturing me about.
Lucy: No, just stop. Just think. Imagine if he'd had a father figure, someone that would have recognized the early warning signs of this psychosis.
Scott: Lucy, Lucy, he needs a shrink, not a father.
Lucy: [Sighs] Well, you are an amazing father, and I wouldn't trade you for any other parent partner. I'm -- I'm just trying to imagine how you might have helped Franco, what you could have done for him.
Scott: It's a little late for that right now.
Lucy: No. No. It's not too late at all. I really think that Franco could use guidance in his life still. I-I feel like he's in a really bad place.
Scott: Do I want to ask how bad?
Lucy: Well, you know, just a few years ago, he was probably celebrated as one of the most famous, wonderful artists on the planet, and now he's pushing a laundry cart.
Scott: [Sighs]
Franco: I gave you every chance to back off, and you just wouldn't do it. You just couldn't stop, and you weren't gonna stop until you killed Carly, so I had to stop you, and maybe you thought that with the tumor gone that I didn't have it in me. But I do, because, mother... there isn't anything I wouldn't do to keep Carly safe. So, it turns out that my... ability isn't gone. It's still there for when I need it, like when somebody makes me do something like you made me do something.
Carlos: Lily Rivera is my sister.
Sonny: You're not related. Shawn checked.
Carlos: Well, then, Shawn didn't check hard enough. I'm her brother.
Sonny: She's an only child.
Carlos: No, lily was an only legitimate child. My father had a mistress. Many men do.
Shawn: Oh, come on, man. This is a bunch of bull, Sonny. He's reaching. Can't you see that?
Carlos: No, I'm not!
Sonny: Hey! Hey! I want to hear it.
Carlos: My father never married my mother, but he gave me his last name. He didn't have a legitimate son to take over the business. He wanted me to do it, but my mother -- she didn't want -- she didn't want me to have any part of it. She did not want this for my life.
Shawn: Sonny, look, he's lying.
Carlos: I'm not. You just don't want to admit you missed something. My mother hid me away. She was afraid of my father's enemies.
Shawn: So, why didn't lily tell her husband? Or didn't she know?
Carlos: She knew. Lily knew about me. She respected my mother's wishes. She didn't tell anybody about me.
Shawn: [Chuckles] That's a convenient story.
Carlos: Yeah, well, the truth often is.
Shawn: Don't believe this man.
Carlos: You loved my sister, yeah? Well, she died. Her and her baby died because of you. You really gonna kill her only brother now?
Tracy: The case was a slam dunk. How could the D.A. Let him go?
Luke: What do you expect? The people elected Baldwin.
Michael: Well, actually, uh, he was found not guilty because there was no evidence.
Tracy: Oh, Michael, you know better than that. And you -- you're a smart girl. Tell him. A.J. Killed Connie because he was drunk, in a rage, and he wanted someone to blame. You -- you're no angel, but at least you paid for your crime.
Michael: Wait, I confessed because I killed Claudia. A.J. doesn't even remember what happened to Connie.
Tracy: No. A.J. doesn't have the character or the integrity to admit what he did and pay the consequences.
Michael: Well, there was reasonable doubt.
Luke: Michael, do you ever think that you might be defending the wrong person? I mean, I'm no fan of the so-called justice system, but I'd be plenty pissed if I had to go to Pentonville for saving a child from a psychopath while some guy who shot a defenseless woman walks free.
Tracy: There's no justice. Connie deserved better, and you know it. Come on, Luke. Let's go celebrate some place else.
Michael: You know, A.J., don't listen to them, okay? This is -- this is a great day. You're a free man, right?
A.J.: Yeah. Yeah.
Monica: Listen, Tracy has always been a poisonous shrew, but tonight, she's actually -- she's right. We should celebrate. I'm gonna have cook two fix a wonderful meal, all of your favorites.
Kiki: Yes! Cook two. Everything is so delicious.
Michael: Well, maybe we should give cook two the heads up, right?
Kiki: Yes! Yeah. We'll do that. Great.
A.J.: You know, Luke makes a good point. I mean, how can Michael not resent me for this?
Kiki: How are you feeling?
Michael: I-I don't care what we have for dinner.
Kiki: That's not what I'm talking about. How do you feel about what Tracy said?
Michael: I don't know. I mean, everyone has a right to their own opinion. Not everyone's gonna be happy that A.J. Was acquitted, and, uh, [Sighs] Especially my dad.
Shawn: I vetted that family. There's nothing to suggest that this punk is lily's brother.
Carlos: I told you. My mother hid me away. Lily would never put me in danger by -- by telling the truth to anybody, especially you, Sonny. Everybody knew that you, as lily's husband, were set to take over my father's business.
Sonny: Listen to me. For lily's sake, I need to prove you wrong. We're gonna keep you some place safe until we find that proof. If you're lying, I will kill you myself! Get him out of here!
Sam: However you and -- and Bobbie and Lucas want to handle this, just tell me. I'll do whatever you want.
Carly: Okay. Great. Thanks. Yeah.
Sam: Okay? Well, how did Lucas take the news?
Carly: That Julian Jerome is his biological father? I don't know, Sam. My mom was really upset. I doubt she even called him. [Sighs]
Sam: Well, Carly, did he -- I mean, has he asked about me? Don't look at me like that. I am his sister.
Carlos: I'm his sister. You know what? Thanks for the warning, but you really need to go.
Sam: Are you throwing me out?
Carly: I told you I was busy.
Sam: Busy? [Chuckling] Wait a minute. Are you having some sort of a date tonight?
Carly: Hey, it's nothing, all right? I'm busy.
Sam: It's nothing? You're dressed up in a black dress and heels, and who -- who's place is -- oh, no. Carly.
Carly: Hmm?
Sam: Is this Franco's place?
Franco: [Grunting] [Exclaims] What--? [Chuckles] Thanks. [Sighs]
Lucy: You know, Franco may not be the son that you dreamed about, but he's the only one you have. Come on, pal. Logan is gone. You have --
Scott: Lucy, I lost the case.
Lucy: What?
Scott: The A.J. Quartermaine murder trial. It was open and shut, and I blew it.
Lucy: Oh, pal. I'm -- I am so sorry.
Scott: Okay. Well, now you know, so trust me right now. I can't really deal with some lunatic that claims to be my son. I have got a career to mourn.
Lucy: Hey, you won that election fair and square. Well, you won. The point is they can't just recall you just 'cause you had one little, teeny tiny lost case.
Scott: My political career now has been neutered. That's it. I lost Laura. I've lost my career. The only thing I have in this life now is...
Lucy: Is what?
Scott: Is you.
Sam: This romantic dinner -- this is for you and Franco?
Carly: This is none of your business, and if it is dinner for me and Franco, so what?
Sam: Oh, my God. Don't tell me you're seeing him. Please don't tell me you're --
Carly: Yes, I am. I'm seeing him.
Sam: Wow. You're not even denying it.
Carly: What's the point? It's all gonna come out anyway. So, yes, be the first to know that Franco and I -- we're just gonna see where it goes.
Sam: After everything he's done to me?
Carly: Sam, he was sick.
Sam: Sick?!
Carly: He wasn't in control of his actions, and -- and I realize that you might not be able to accept that, okay? I understand, just like I understand that people may have concerns.
Sam: Yeah. People are gonna have a lot of concerns, and they're gonna wonder what the hell you're doing. Forget about me. I mean, Sonny -- I can't even imagine what Sonny would think, but what about Jason? Carly, what do you think Jason would think about this?
Carly: Jason would think it was a terrible idea. But he would tell me that it's my decision to make. And he would stand by me regardless. You know that.
Sam: No. I know that Jason loved you and he would not want you dating a psychopath
Carly: Franco's not a psychopath, okay? He's not. Sam, he's changed, and I have seen it for myself. Franco is not that man anymore.
Franco: You really should have stayed away from Carly. [Sighs] [Sighs] [Vocalizing softly]
[Cell phone rings]
Sonny: Michael?
Michael: Hey, dad.
Sonny: What happened?
Michael: You haven't heard but, um, the verdict came in.
Sonny: He's convicted?
Michael: No. No, he wasn't. Um, he was found not guilty.
Sonny: How?
Michael: Uh, there must have been reasonable doubt. I mean, Diane said all along there wasn't enough evidence.
Sonny: So, A.J.'s free?
Michael: Yeah, dad. Look, I-I know how much you hate this, but A.J. was acquitted. I just really hope you're not gonna try and take the law into your own hands.
Sonny: All right, Michael. Thanks for, uh, letting me know about this.
Michael: Look, I love you, dad.
Sonny: I love you, too, buddy. [Sighs] I don't believe in justice. I -- I'm not sure I ever did. But I promise you, lily, if this guy who says he's your brother -- I promise I'm not gonna kill him unless I know for sure he's not.
Julian: I don't know. The way that Sam mentioned Lucas -- it didn't sound like she was referring to Luke Spencer. It sounded as if it was... family.
Ava: Well, there's a simple solution. Just ask Sam who she's talking about.
Julian: Oh, given the way things ended last night, Sam won't be providing any answers. You know what? Doesn't mean I can't find them myself.
Carly: I don't need anyone to validate my relationship with Franco.
Sam: Ha! Did you -- did you just hear yourself? You just called it a relationship.
Carly: I'm not going to fight with you, Sam. We've been through too much. I accept that you think I'm wrong. But it's my decision, and it's been made.
Sam: Okay. I would say that I-I hope that you are making the right decision, but clearly, clearly, you are not.
Carly: [Sighs]
[Cell phone rings]
Franco: Oh. [Sighs] Hey.
Carly: Finally you pick up! What's taking you so long?
Scott: You should probably get home to your husband, Kevin.
Lucy: I moved out. I've been sleeping on the couch in my office.
Scott: Oh, yeah?
Lucy: Oh, yeah.
What convinced you of Mr. Quartermaine's innocence?
Nothing really. Most of us thought he was guilty as sin, but there just wasn't enough evidence. We didn't have enough to convict a guilty man.
Franco: Yeah, well, the, uh -- the interview -- the interview went really great, you know? It just took a long time. They kept bumping me up. I talked to, like, two supervisors.
Carly: That's great! Well, hurry back, okay? I have a surprise for you. [Clatters]
Carly: What's that?
Franco: Um, oh, it's nothing. A surprise -- that sounds awesome. It's got to be a good surprise, right? 'Cause why would you tell me about a-a bad surprise? Right? So, now that I know it's a good surprise, you mind telling me, uh, just how good it is?
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