GH Transcript Monday 12/9/13

General Hospital Transcript Monday 12/9/13


Provided By Suzanne

Ellie: Even if we could leave all of our friends and family behind, how could we do this to Maxie?

Maxie: Do what to Maxie?

Spinelli: Maxie, uh, we -- we didn't hear you come in.

Maxie: Yeah, I kind of got that when I heard you talking about me.

Spinelli: But it wasn't pejorative.

Ellie: No. Not at all. In fact, it was --

Maxie: Never mind. Spinelli, I have something so absolutely amazing to tell you. You're probably not gonna believe it, but it's true. Robin's alive.

Robin: Hello, Sabrina. I -- we haven't been properly introduced. I'M...Robin Scorpio-Drake -- Patrick's wife.

Patrick: You go anywhere near Sabrina, and you're a dead man.

Carlos: [Chuckles] And who's gonna kill me, dr. Drake? It's gonna take someone with way bigger cojones than you to take me out.

Sonny: What did you find out about Carlos Rivera?

Shawn: Carlos Rivera has no connection to lily's family.

Sonny: Well, then we can proceed as planned, take care of him.

Shawn: When do you want to get it done?

Sonny: No time like the present.

Diane: What are you doing? We are on the verge of winning this thing.

AJ: Listen to me. I have got to testify.

Diane: No. You have got to sit down and embrace your right to remain silent. AJ, you take the stand, you're gonna bury yourself.

Michael: Hey, hey, hey. Listen to your lawyer.

Diane: Yeah. Listen. AJ, Michael -- Michael made his own ill-advised statement in court. Trust me, AJ, this is the worst thing you could possibly do.

AJ: Listen to me -- that jury has got to hear the truth about what happened the night that Connie Falconeri was killed.

[Water running]

[Cell phone ringing]

Heather: Hmm. [Chuckles] Sorry, son, but your girlfriend, Carly, is in the shower. She just can't come to the phone right now. [Singsong voice] Ready or not, Carly. [Normal voice] Here comes mama. Whew. Hot in here. [Gasps] Franco. What are you doing here?

Franco: Hello, Mother.

Heather: Hi.

Franco: Hi.

Heather: [Chuckles]

Franco: I got a job interview. Did you hear?

Heather: Really? No.

Franco: Yeah.

Heather: That's great. Where?

Franco: I'm interviewing for a teaching position at Port Charles university.

Heather: Well, I'm not surprised.

Franco: No, of course you're not surprised. You're the one who made the phone call, aren't you?

Heather: I don't work at PCU. I live in an institution.

Franco: You know, I was so genuinely excited at the idea of teaching that it took me a minute to realize that it was, in fact, your voice on the other end of that phone line.

Heather: Why would I call you to set up an imaginary interview?

Franco: To get me out of the way so you could get to Carly. She'd be alone. She'd be unprotected.

Heather: That's just ridiculous.

Franco: Is it? You're holding this... enormous knife. You're about to go into that room where my Carly is taking a shower?

Heather: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Franco: Then let me be clear.

Heather: [Gasps]

Franco: You are a miserable psycho, and you were going to kill Carly.

Diane: Let me explain something to you, AJ, in no uncertain terms. If you go through with this, I can no longer represent you.

AJ: I understand. I want to thank you for everything. You've been great. [Smooches] You're fired.

Spinelli: Yes, that -- that's -- it's amazing news about Robin.

Maxie: And yet you're not even surprised. Why aren't you surprised?

Spinelli: Uh, well, Ellie told me.

Maxie: Ellie?!

Ellie: Well, while you were out, Mac came looking for you. He was hoping to raise your spirits by giving you the good news about dr. Scorpio-Drake's miraculous return.

Maxie: Well, as usual, Mac was right. Seeing Robin really cheered me up. After months of being more and more miserable, I finally have hope.

Ellie: That's wonderful, Maxie -- that Robin's return has had such a restorative effect.

Maxie: I finally feel like I can handle anything, even being away from the baby. Unless what you guys have to tell me is even more bad news?

Spinelli: It's not exactly bad news.

Ellie: No, no. It's not even news at all, really.

Maxie: Ellie, when I walked in, I heard you say to Spinelli, "we can't do that to Maxie," so what is it that you can't do to me?

Sabrina: Yeah, of course. Of course I know who you are. Are you looking for Patrick? Because he's not here.

Patrick: Oh, right. 'Cause you work for the Jeromes that makes you a tough guy.

Carlos: Nah. Being someone who could wipe the floor with your ass -- that's what makes me a tough guy.

Patrick: I'm right here. Have at it.

Carlos: [Chuckles] Truth? When we throw down, I'm gonna make sure you look like the bad guy. Oh, I wish Sabrina hadn't left when she did so she could see what her kind, gentle doctor is capable of.

Patrick: Oh, right, 'cause then you don't look like the bully that took advantage of Sabrina when she was down. Is that right?

Carlos: Why was she down in the first place? Oh! That's right. Because the man she was supposed to marry bailed.

Patrick: Because my wife returned after two years of being presumed dead. That's why.

Carlos: Yeah, but weren't you past that? Didn't you put the old wedding ring away? You got a new one out for Sabrina? Now you need time to think things through.

Patrick: Do you think this is easy?

Carlos: [Chuckling] Oh. Is it -- is it hard for you? Hmm? What about Sabrina? Hmm? You think her heart is gonna break any less when you choose Robin over her?

Patrick: You have no idea what you're talking about.

Carlos: Yeah, take your time, you selfish bastard. Think things through. 'Cause I'll be here. I'm gonna be the one to pick her up and put her back together when you're done torturing her.

Robin: No, I-I was actually looking for you.

Sabrina: You're looking for me?

Robin: I was just hoping... that we could talk. Can I come in?

Diane: Your honor, please let the record show that AJ Quartermaine has discharged me and is now representing himself.

Judge Chua: Noted. Thank you, Ms. Miller.

Diane: I'm sorry, Michael. He's digging his own grave.

Scott: What's the matter? You leaving before the bloodbath?

Diane: I have billable places to go. And you are one lucky bastard.

Kiki: Did you remind your dad how he has to answer the D.A.'s questions?

Michael: Yeah. Not that he'd listen.

Judge Chua: Okay, Mr. Quartermaine. It's your show. Are you ready?

AJ: I am, your honor.

Judge Chua: Good. Now, what do you have to tell us regarding the murder of Constanza Falconeri?

[Knock on door]

Carlos: You looking for...

Sabrina: Um, can I get you anything? I-I -- coffee? I think we have coffee? Water or something?

Robin: No, thank you. I-I'm good. [Chuckles] This is a beautiful dress.

Sabrina: Oh, thanks. It was my mother's. Um, she -- she died when I was little.

Robin: Oh, I'm so sorry. Well, I guess you and Emma had that in common.

Sabrina: Yeah, I thought we did. But, of course, you're not, you know, dead. Which is great. It's great for Emma.

Robin: [Sighs] Sabrina --

Sabrina: Yes?

Robin: The reason that I'm here is I-I wanted to say thank you.

Sabrina: For what?

Robin: For taking such good care of my daughter and, uh... for being there for her when I couldn't. You make her really happy.

Sabrina: Well, she -- it was my pleasure.

Robin: I was finally alone with Emma last night, and she was telling me all of the things that you two do together, and... she just adores you. [Chuckles]

Sabrina: Robin... look, I hope that you don't think that I was trying to take your place. I know that nobody could have ever replaced my mother. So I know that I couldn't take your place with Emma.

Robin: Thank you for saying that.

Sabrina: Not any more than I could with Patrick.

Epiphany: Someone looks like they could use a hug.

Heather: [Breathing heavily]

Franco: So...the last time you visited me...

Heather: Uh-huh.

Franco: ...Your pals from Miscavige -- they promised me that they would lock you up and that you would stay locked up and that they would plug up all of the holes in their security.

Heather: Well, there's one little thing they forgot to mention. You see, they are the holes in the security.

Franco: I don't know what that means.

Heather: It means that they're my friends, and they help me come and see you when I want.

Franco: Well, then, they're fired.

Heather: Oh, don't be so headstrong. I guess it's just your artistic temperament, but you need me.

Franco: I do?

Heather: Yeah.

Franco: What do I need you for?

Heather: Because I'm watching over you. I'm keeping you safe, like -- like, for example -- see, this is what I've been doing. When you dropped off your résumé at PCU...

Franco: Mm-hmm.

Heather: ...I was watching. And when Carly came over here this morning...

Franco: You were watching.

Heather: And waiting while you two did some unspeakable things. And, yes, you're right, son. I did make that call. But, you see, I had to get you out of here. And I have to put an end to the threat that is Carly Jacks.

Franco: I told you that if you ever went near Carly again that I would end you.

Heather: Oh, please. You would never do that. I mean, not to your own moth--

Heather: [Groans]

Franco: Shh.

Spinelli: Ellie's new job Is in -- is in Portland, and we have been, uh, discussing the possibility of -- of me accompanying her.

Maxie: Portland?

Spinelli: Yeah.

Maxie: Like, you would go live there? What about the baby?

Spinelli: As -- as I was telling Ellie, since I have full custody, I'd be taking her with us.

Maxie: So, when you were saying, "we can't do this to Maxie," that's what you were talking about.

Ellie: Maxie, please realize we would never do that to you. I mean, it would not be fair.

Spinelli: Ye-yeah. Uh, you know, as much as I-I hate asking Ellie to postpone her dream, I-I think the decision is quite clear.

Ellie: Yeah. No, it definitely is.

Spinelli: Yeah, yeah. We could -- we could never do that to you. And -- and you're right. Ellie and I can't be far apart from each other.

Maxie: Ellie, you should -- you should take the job.

Ellie: No, but, Maxie, we just explained why it would just not be a good --

Spinelli: Yeah. You yourself explained it. I mean, Ellie -- we really shouldn't be far away from each other, and --

Maxie: Well, you should go with her.

Spinelli: What about the baby?

Maxie: And you should take the baby.

AJ: The first thing that you need to know about me is that, um...I've been a failure my whole life. I've always run away from my responsibilities. The last time I escaped, I was away for a long time. It took my brother's death for me to come back. But, see, this time, I was determined. I was gonna be a better man. I was gonna be a better son. I was gonna be a better father. Little by little, I-I rebuilt my life. I finally took control of my family's company.

Judge Chua: For the record, that company is ELQ, correct?

AJ: Yes, your honor. And, um, the best part was that I-I fixed my relationship with my son, Michael. I was finally a father to my son until Connie Falconeri wrote that article in the newspaper.

Scott: Your honor, the defendant is referring to people's exhibit "b," the Port Charles newspaper article that said, "Kiki not a 'Q.'"

Judge Chua: Mr. Quartermaine?

AJ: You see, your honor, when that article came out, I lost control of ELQ. And that's -- that's when everything started to spiral out of control. And suddenly, I was this huge loser again. And I blamed Connie for it. I-I went to a bar, and I drank a lot. I just -- I tried to make the pain go away. And the pain, it turned into rage at Connie. And I-I just kept -- I kept drinking until I couldn't feel anything anymore, and I blacked out, and that was that.

Judge Chua: So, you remember nothing about the murder itself?

AJ: I'm sorry, your honor. I -- [Sighs] All I remember is how much I hated Connie and thinking that if I could get rid of her, I could make the pain go away. I do vaguely recall taking my aunt's gun from our safe. I have no recollection of going to the metro court. And I-I can -- I can vaguely remember entering Connie's office. But I swear I don't remember pulling the trigger. I don't remember killing her. I know that my fingerprints are on the murder weapon, but -- but all that means is that I held the gun at some point, which I've already admitted. It doesn't mean that I pulled the trigger. Couldn't somebody else have done it? I mean, isn't that possible? I-I think so. I hope so.

Michael: So do it.

AJ: Look, I may never know the answer. All I can do is pray. I mean, I pray that I'm not the kind of man that could murder a defenseless woman. Here's the God's honest truth. I-I don't know. I just don't know. Your honor, that's all I've got.

Judge Chua: Mr. Baldwin, do you want to cross-examine?

Scott: Oh, your honor, indeed I do.

Heather: My son. My son! My son. [Crying] Look what you did to your own -- own mother. But it's okay. [Sniffles] I forgive you. I will always love you. [Groans] [Sighs]

Sonny: Is this a bad time?

Carlos: What do you guys want?

Shawn: You're coming with us.

Sonny: You're gonna go for a little ride.

Patrick: Thank you, but I'm fine.

Epiphany: Drake Jr., who do you think you're talking to? I was there at that church yesterday. You could have knocked me over with a feather when Dr. Scorpio-Drake showed up.

Patrick: Pretty unbelievable, right?

Epiphany: Right. And I also saw when you planted that kiss on her in front of God and everybody. It's obvious that you two love each other.

Patrick: Yeah. It is.

Epiphany: Too bad for, uh, Nurse Santiago, though.

Patrick: Epiphany, I don't want to talk about this.

Epiphany: I saw her when she ran out of that church like she was on fire. And I also saw you do the right thing when you went after her. And I also saw when you came back. But what I didn't see was who you went home with. Was it Robin or Sabrina?

Patrick: Neither. I didn't go home with either one of them. I spent the night alone.

Robin: From what Emma told me, you did everything you could to keep my memory alive for her.

Sabrina: Yeah, of course. Of course, I did.

Robin: And you brought back the Nurses' Ball. [Chuckles] I-I have that to thank you for, as well.

Sabrina: Oh, I was -- I was so happy to do that.

Robin: Okay, I don't know how to say this, so I'm just gonna say it.

Sabrina: Please.

Robin: I don't think that you tried to replace me in Patrick's life. I-I think that you found your own place in his heart, and... he fell in love with you, obviously. He was ready to spend the rest of his life with you.

Sabrina: Yeah, well, that was before you came back. I mean, everything's different now.

Robin: I'm not so sure about that. I don't know if Patrick told you, but yesterday at the church, uh, I told him to go after you.

Sabrina: You did? [Chuckles] Why?

Robin: I watched the wedding. I watched, um, a good deal of it, and it was obvious to me -- it kept hitting me over and over again how much he loves you and how much you love him. And I thought that you deserved an explanation right away, and Patrick was so shocked by seeing me, he was just -- you know, he couldn't move.

Sabrina: Well, I'm sure he thought that you would [Chuckles] Disappear again if he -- if he blinked.

Robin: Something like that. That's why I told him to go talk to you.

Sabrina: Well, thank you for doing that.

Robin: Of course. I know that he had to talk to you. It was the right thing to do, but what I didn't expect was what happened when he came back after he talked to you.

Sabrina: What did you expect?

Robin: Well, I expected to go home with him. [Chuckling] I mean -- but that's not what happened.

Sabrina: Wait, so, you didn't go home with Patrick and Emma?

Robin: No. Patrick asked me to, but I said "no" because he told me that he did not break things off with you. Sabrina, I know that I have no right to ask you this, but...

Sabrina: What?

Robin: I need you to help me get my husband back.

Scott: Let me get this straight. You admit that you had hatred for the victim?

Michael: Just say "yes," "no," or "I don't know."

Scott: Mr. Quartermaine, do you admit that you had hatred for the victim?

AJ: Yes, I do.

Scott: And do you admit that, likewise, you thought that by getting rid of her, the pain would go away?

AJ: Yes.

Scott: And you admit that you deliberately retrieved the murder weapon from the safe in your house with the express intent of killing the victim?

AJ: Yes.

Scott: But you don't remember killing the victim?

AJ: No. Not at all.

Scott: How convenient. No further questions.

Judge Chua: Mr. Quartermaine, since you're representing yourself, will you be calling any other witnesses in your own defense?

AJ: No, your honor.

Judge Chua: So, the defense rests?

AJ: Yes, your honor. The defense rests.

Judge Chua: You may step down. We're ready to hear closing arguments. Mr. Quartermaine, the defense goes first.

AJ: Uh, your honor, would it be possible just to skip it? I just -- I believe I've said everything that I need to say.

Judge Chua: You may.

AJ: Thank you.

Judge Chua: Mr. Baldwin, proceed.

Franco: Mother? Mother? Can you hear me? [Sighs] I told you. I told you to stay away from Carly. [Sighs] Oh. What have I done? What have I done?

[Water stops]

Franco: Carly can't know. Carly can never find out. She'll think I'm still a psycho. [Grunts] [Grunts] [Sighs]

Spinelli: Why would you want me to take the baby to Portland? How could -- how could you bear her being so far away?

Maxie: What I can't bear is her being so close. She's across town, and I can't see her. It -- it's killing me. I can't keep myself away from her. I can't.

Spinelli: You can, and you will.

Maxie: No, Spinelli. It's -- it's too hard. And eventually, you're gonna let me see her. You'll let me hold her for a minute or two, which will turn into five minutes. And then the next time, maybe 10 minutes until, what, we get caught? And then I go to jail?

Spinelli: Maxie, you're not gonna go to jail. I'll do everything in my power to keep you from her, no matter how heartless I have to be.

Maxie: I think that we all know heartless is not in your playbook. And once I go to jail, they'll take the baby away from you. And then she'll wind up without either one of us.

Spinelli: No. That's not gonna happen.

Maxie: You're right. It's not. Because you and Ellie are gonna go to Portland. And you're gonna take the baby with you. And I don't have to deal with the constant temptation, the constant ache that is pulling my heart towards hers.

Spinelli: You're asking me to separate you from your daughter by thousands of miles.

Maxie: You would be doing me a favor. We'll all be better off, Spinelli, especially our daughter.

Epiphany: I'm sorry to say that, uh, I didn't think this was gonna be an easy decision for you.

Patrick: [Chuckles] Epiphany, if somebody would have told me that I wouldn't wrap my arms around Robin and take her home with me and never let her go if I ever saw her again, I would say that they're absolutely crazy.

Epiphany: [Chuckles]

Patrick: I love Robin. But Sabrina and I -- we -- we built something, something special.

Epiphany: You have.

Patrick: And I love Sabrina. And it doesn't just go away. But I love Robin, too.

Sabrina: What, exactly, are you asking me to do?

Robin: Patrick is confused. I mean, who can blame him? He thought I was dead for the last two years. And I had also left him a DVD telling him that I wanted him to move on if anything were to happen to me. And -- and I am so glad that he found you. I really am. I-I appreciate that he had that time with you. But I'm back now. I'm his wife. He is my husband, and Emma is my daughter. And I want them back. So, I'm asking you to make that decision for Patrick and, please, just -- just let him go.

Spinelli: You know, we appreciate that you're willing to do this for us.

Ellie: Yeah, it really is beyond generous.

Spinelli: But, you know, the court is revisiting the custody issue in six months. Perhaps they'll rule in your favor.

Maxie: There is no guarantee that the judge is gonna find me fit. And I know if the baby stays in Port Charles, I will screw up between now and then and completely blow it.

Spinelli: No. You won't. You'll walk the straight and narrow because your status as a mother depends on it.

Maxie: Spinelli, that is just like you to have too much faith in me. And it used to be that when I screwed up, only you and I got hurt. Now we have our daughter to think about. She has to come first.

Spinelli: I mean, that's proof, in and of itself, that you're a good mother, Maxie.

Maxie: That's very sweet of you to say...but I kind of -- I deserve this. I was supposed to be a surrogate for Dante and Lulu, not give myself a baby. I don't deserve one.

Spinelli: So, you're saying the judge is right?

Maxie: I'm saying that I lied to you about our child.

Ellie: Hey, I lied, too.

Maxie: Only because I manipulated you.

Ellie: No. Maxie, I made the decision to keep your secret.

Maxie: Ellie, I played on your insecurities about Spinelli. I mean, you two almost lost each other because of me. And I'm not gonna let that happen again. I will not be the reason that you turn down your dream job. And I won't be the reason that Spinelli doesn't go with you, where he belongs.

Spinelli: But what about our daughter? Could you really let her go?

Maxie: I love her so much it hurts. I love her so much that I can't stand to be the reason she stays here and risks losing both of us. So please promise me that you will go.

Epiphany: I wish I knew what to tell you, Drake Jr.

Patrick: I finally found a place where I could tuck away my love for Robin -- like, a safe place where I could still feel it, but I also accepted the fact that I was never gonna share that love with her again, and when I did that, there was, like, this new pure wave of love that came flooding in for Sabrina, and, I mean, we're standing at the altar. We're exchanging rings, and then...

Epiphany: Your wife comes home.

Patrick: I don't know what to do. And I know that's wrong and it's selfish and I'm letting them both hang there, and so, I mean, what does that say?

Epiphany: It says you're human.

Sabrina: You're asking me to let Patrick go?

Robin: I know it's not fair.

Sabrina: Well, that's not -- that's not the point. I mean, this -- this isn't my decision to make. It's Patrick's. He said that he needed time.

Robin: Oh, come on. We're talking about Patrick here. Patrick doesn't want to hurt anyone. He especially doesn't want to hurt you. You helped him through his grief. You helped Emma with everything. You respected him until he was, you know, ready to move on. Just make it easy for him. You can help him.

Sabrina: How am I supposed to help him?

Robin: By making the decision for him. Tell him. Tell him that he's my husband and that he belongs with me and now that I'm back, you won't come between him and his family. He needs to know that you're okay with that.

Sabrina: This is just -- it's a lot. It's a lot to process, Robin. [Sighs]

Robin: I'm his wife, Sabrina. I gave him that push to go to you yesterday. I'm asking for you to do the same. You say that you love Patrick.

Sabrina: I do love him.

Robin: Then do this for him. Be the strong one and make things right for all of us.

Carlos: Oh, seriously, guys? A cemetery? You couldn't think of something more subtle, like a horse's head in my bed?

Shawn: Shut up.

Carlos: Seriously, what are we doing here?

Sonny: What are we doing here? Julian Jerome have a stunod working for him?

Shawn: It looks like.

Sonny: You know exactly what we're doing here. Julian needs to know that he can't mess with me and get away with it.

Shawn: You see, we need to, you know, send a message. Looks like you drew the short straw.

Sonny: We can't go after Julian because Danny Morgan might need his bone marrow.

Shawn: No. We got to put the baby first, right?

Sonny: And I promised Kiki that I wouldn't hurt her mother. So that leaves you, Rivera.

Carlos: Do it. Do it. Shoot me. Get it over with. Shoot me.

Scott: Excellent closing argument, AJ.

AJ: You know what? You go to hell, Baldwin.

Scott: No, I mean it. You made my job a lot easier, as well as the jury's.

Kiki: Don't listen to that jerk.

AJ: It doesn't matter whether I listen to him or not. Baldwin's right, and so is Diane. I-I torpedoed my case.

Kiki: No, you don't know that.

AJ: Yeah, I-I do. But, I mean, you know, I had to tell the jury in my own words. I'm sorry, Michael.

Michael: You have nothing to apologize for. I mean, you getting up there, saying what you did -- that took a lot of guts. I don't care what Scott or anyone else has to say. Look, that was amazing.

AJ: I couldn't have done it without -- without you and Kiki being here. And, you know, it doesn't matter if the jury finds me guilty, because I'll be okay because I've got you on my side.

Franco: What have you done, Mother? Hmm? I told you not to go after Carly. I told you, mother or not, I'd kill you. You wouldn't listen. Why? You made me do this. Was it part of a bigger plan, huh? You get me to kill you and then Carly figures out that I'm the same psycho that I've always been? Is that it? Night, Mother.

[Cell phone ringing]

[Ringing stops]

Diane: Franco? What are you doing?

Spinelli: I have -- I have to go. Mercedes said she could only watch the baby for a couple of hours. Um, Ellie, perhaps you could come with me so we can discuss this further?

Ellie: Yeah. That's a good idea. You've given us a lot to think about.

Spinelli: And, Maxie, though we appreciate the magnanimity of your offer, I-I urge you to think through this.

Maxie: I'm not gonna change my mind.

Spinelli: Look, you say that now, but --

Maxie: No. I-I can tell that this is the right decision. For the first time in a long time, I-I feel better, like I'm actually not gonna screw things up for our baby. [Chuckles]

Spinelli: Thank you, Maxie.

Ellie: No. "Thank you" isn't even close to how we fell.

Maxie: Okay, guys, stop. Just, uh -- just go home. That baby needs you.

AJ: I guess I'll see you when I see you.

Michael: Well, we'll be back for the verdict.

Kiki: No matter when that is.

AJ: That -- that may take days, guys.

Michael: Well, we'll be here.

AJ: Okay.

Scott: Wait a minute.

Michael: Geez, what is wrong with you?! Just leave us alone.

Scott: I can't help it. I just got a call. The jury's back. They have a verdict.

Sonny: I knew you'd understand that I have to protect the people that I love by sending your boss a message.

Carlos: Then do it.

Sonny: I will. Just not yet.

Shawn: Get up. You see, if we did that, you know, we'd -- we'd get stuck with doing all the work.

Carlos: What the hell are you talking about? What work?

Sonny: Start digging.

Sabrina: It's funny. Patrick and I are supposed to be on our honeymoon right now.

Robin: [Sighs]

Sabrina: And instead, I'm -- I'm standing here with you, his not-so-late wife, and you're asking me to break up with him?

Robin: I know that I am asking a lot. Thinking about my family is the only thing that got me through when I was gone. Every day, I would think about coming home to Patrick and Emma. It's the only thing that kept me alive. It's the only thing that kept me sane. If I had thought for even one second that that wasn't going to happen and that we wouldn't be together as a family, I wouldn't have made it. I'm asking you, Sabrina. Please. Let me and Emma and Patrick be a family again.

Patrick: You know, Robin and Sabrina -- they're so different, but in a lot of ways, they're so alike. And it kills me to think that I'm gonna hurt one of them.

Epiphany: Drake Jr., you're in love with two different women through no fault of your own. Of course, you're confused.

Patrick: You know, you're right.

Epiphany: Of course, I'm right. Um, what am I right about?

Patrick: That hug. I could use a hug.

Diane: Please tell me you are working on an art installation involving a laundry cart.

Franco: I wish. Uh, this -- this is my job.

Diane: This is your -- you're working as a -- as a...?

Franco: As a housekeeper. I have a job.

Diane: As a maid?

Franco: Housekeeper.

Diane: Okay. As a housekeeper?

Franco: Well, like an apprentice housekeeper. You know, the art show was a complete disaster, so I had to figure out a way to pay my way.

Diane: Not to mention my bill.

Franco: Right.

Diane: Well, we would have pulled that art show off if your mother hadn't cornered you into admitting you hadn't painted any of those canvases.

Franco: Yeah, well, she's... [Knocks] Quite a piece of work, that one.

Diane: Well, Heather's locked up. She got what was coming to her.

Franco: Hmm.

Diane: Gosh, that's a heavy load you got there.

Franco: I'll say.

Diane: Oh! Okay. Well...

[Cell phone beeps]

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