GH Transcript Friday 12/6/13

General Hospital Transcript Friday 12/6/13


Provided By Suzanne

Robin: Maxie.

Maxie: Robin?

Patrick: Get your hands off her.

Carly: Mm. Mm. So, what do you say -- [Sighs] What do you say we order room service?

Franco: Uh, okay. [Chuckles] I mean, I could eat. I feel like maybe we should go down to the restaurant.

Carly: Uh, I'm trying to avoid the restaurant, you know? I'm waiting for all the trauma to subside.

Franco: What trauma?

Carly: Oh! Well, my, uh, psycho ex-brother-in-law decided to reappear and take my mother hostage.

Franco: I'm sorry.

Carly: Mm.

Franco: You okay?

Carly: Yeah. I'm fine. My mother's fine. Jerry -- well, Jerry's probably dead. I think. I don't know. He always finds a way to survive somehow. I mean, I spent the morning debating on whether I should call Jax and his mother and tell them everything that's happened. I mean, I know I eventually have to, I'm just really trying to hold off as long as possible. [Sighs]

Franco: Okay. So, I'm your distraction.

Carly: Yeah. You okay with that?

Franco: Oh, I'm great with that. Yeah.

Carly: Ooh!

Franco: Well, maybe you'd distract me.

Carly: Why? What's going on?

Franco: Okay, well, look, it's not the same as seeing your mother being held hostage, but... my brand-new father doesn't want anything to do with me.

Diane: Michael, Kiki. I'm so glad you were in court the other day when the judge excluded the footage from the metro court. Given your familial associations, I always think it's important to have a good grasp of the law, especially when it comes to the admissibility of evidence. It's so gratifying to see the judicial system at work.

Scott: That video was deemed inadmissible because it was incomplete. I would give my right arm to find out where the rest of that footage disappeared to.

Ava: Carlos. It's Ava. Call me, okay? I know Sabrina's wedding was yesterday. I just want to know how you're doing.

Sonny: Shawn, did you find anything out about Carlos Rivera? 'Cause I need to know. We need to know when to make...

Spinelli: Gracious greetings.

Ellie: What took you so long?

Spinelli: Apologies. I had to secure childcare as I am forbidden to bring the baby here for fear of running into Maxie.

Ellie: I am so sorry, Damian. I completely forgot. Were you able to find a suitable minder?

Spinelli: Yes, uh, fortunately, uh, Mercedez, Josslyn Jacks' nanny, was willing to watch the baby, and, uh, for her sake, I hope she doesn't have to endure a repeat of last night's events when Maxie showed up.

Ellie: [Sighs] Poor, Maxie. She was so upset when you were forced to deny her access. But it's not like you had a choice. I mean, the judge's edict was very clear.

Spinelli: That doesn't make it easier for Maxie.

Ellie: No. I know. Being told she couldn't see her daughter again -- it almost destroyed her.

Maxie: No. It can't be.

Robin: [Chuckles] It is. I'm here, Maxie.

Maxie: Stay away from me.

Carly: When did you see Scott?

Franco: Uh, uh, he stopped by before to tell me that, you know, he and I were never gonna have a relationship and he kind of wants to break up and...

Carly: Okay, stop.

Franco: ...See other people.

Carly: Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Hey, I saw the look on his face when Heather made her big announcement. That guy had no clue, you know? So maybe once he absorbs everything and it all settles --

Franco: Then we'll go to the father/son picnic? I don't think so. He's worried about public appearance. He -- he feels like, as a district attorney, he should distance himself from his newfound serial-killer son. That's -- that's me. I'm the --

Carly: Scott is a weasel. He always has been.

Franco: Oh, okay. What happened to "maybe he should have some time to absorb this" and "give him a chance"?

Carly: I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, but, clearly, he doesn't deserve it.

Franco: How well do you know this guy?

Carly: He's an old friend of my mom's. You know, she swears there's good in Scotty, but, to be honest, he's known for just looking out for himself.

Franco: Yeah, well, he should give me a chance before he files me under the, uh, "I'm a P.R. disaster" column.

Carly: You know, you shouldn't write him off just yet. I mean, you shouldn't. Your -- your father may have his failings, but, you know, you guys could still have a relationship. You could.

Franco: [Chuckling] You're totally confusing me.

Carly: I know.

Franco: And now you're, like, super optimistic.

Carly: I just have experience in this department.

Franco: What are you talking about?

Carly: Well, I'm adopted. And -- and I didn't meet my biological father till I was an adult, and we didn't exactly hit it off.

Franco: Is he also a politician and he's worried about his public persona?

Carly: [Chuckles] Close. He was a federal prosecutor, and he was trying to put Sonny away.

Franco: Sorry.

Carly: Yeah.

Franco: It must have been very difficult.

Carly: It was. You know, Sonny is Michael and Morgan's father, so that didn't really create a great father/daughter bond. But we eventually got close.

Franco: So, you have a great relationship with your father?

Carly: Unfortunately, no. After we reached an understanding, my father was killed in a shootout.

Ava: Sonny. It's lovely to run into you. I haven't seen you since... Franco's art show.

Sonny: No, you haven't.

Ava: I'm sorry. I know it was a very unpleasant evening for you. It really is too bad that you and Morgan argued.

Sonny: You and your lowlife brother convinced my son to put a bug in my office, so basically, you turned him against me.

Ava: Morgan makes his own decisions. And if those decisions happen to hurt you, I'm sorry.

Sonny: You're so smug. You and your brother hit a couple shipments, and you think you can run this town. You got to understand something. You hit me, I hit you back.

Ava: What exactly is that supposed to mean?

Carlos: Hey, take it easy.

Patrick: Take it easy? Does this work in your world? Because it doesn't work in mine.

Sabrina: Okay, look --

Carlos: What did you just say?

Sabrina: Let's just take a step back.

Patrick: Is this how you treat your great loves, Carlos? You take advantage of them when they're hurt and vulnerable?

Carlos: I'm not the one who took advantage of Sabrina.

Patrick: You know damn well we were supposed to be married last night. When that didn't happen, that's when you make your move? What kind of man are you?

Carlos: Twice the man you'll ever be.

Patrick: Oh, is that right? Then why don't we go outside, and we can figure this out?

Carlos: Don't try and ease your conscience by showing up here and playing hero, Doc.

Sabrina: Patrick -- okay, stop. Just stop! Nobody took advantage of me, okay? I came here because I wanted to.

Spinelli: Something must have happened. You said you had big news.

Ellie: I do. Actually, I-I have a plethora of big news. [Chuckles]

Spinelli: Oh. So, something else? Something other than what precipitated the phone call?

Ellie: Yeah. And -- and I feel like I should tell you this first, assuming, of course, you haven't already heard it, in which case, you'd probably be telling me, so in all likelihood --

Spinelli: Ellie, darling, just tell me. [Chuckles]

Ellie: It has to do with Robin.

Spinelli: Uh...Robin of -- of Batman and Robin? Is he getting his own franchise? Holy summer blockbuster! [Chuckles]

Ellie: No, no. Not -- not Robin the trusty sidekick of the caped crusader. It's about your friend Dr. Robin Scorpio Drake.

Spinelli: What about her?

Ellie: She's alive. [Chuckles]

Robin: Maxie, it's okay. Let me just explain everything.

Maxie: No! No, I don't care what you have to say. What? Did Georgie send you?

Robin: What? Georgie?

Maxie: God, she only sent you because she thinks that I'll do what you say like you're the only person that can get through to me, but forget it, okay? No ghost is gonna tell me what to do.

Robin: Maxie, I'm not a ghost.

Maxie: Yes, you are! You died in that lab explosion, and I would know because it was my fault. I caused it. My purse got caught on that gas line, but not before I made some dramatic exit where I called you selfish, which would be funny if it wasn't so tragic, because we all know that I'm the selfish one here, and it would be better off if I were dead.

Robin: No! Maxie, listen to me. Maxie!

Maxie: No! I-I don't care what you have to say.

Robin: Just stop it! [Slaps Maxie]

Maxie: I can't believe that you just slapped me. You're supposed to be nice. Wh-- wait a second. You just slapped me. You're really here. [Chuckles] You're alive?

Robin: Maxie, I'm alive.

Maxie: Robin! [Crying]

Robin: It's all right.

Maxie: [Sniffles]

Ava: Are you suggesting that you're gonna come after me?

Sonny: It's not your bone marrow that Danny needs.

Ava: What about your son? Michael loves my daughter. If you were to kill me, Kiki would be destroyed. How would you explain that to Michael?

Sonny: Well, that's my problem, not yours. But from what I understand, uh, your daughter's not very attached to you, so if something did happen to you... [Clicks tongue] Uh, Kiki and Michael would just, you know -- they'd be fine.

Ava: Sonny! You don't want to do this, not with everything I'm doing for you.

Sonny: What are you talking about?

Ava: Why do you think I'm here? I'm here to testify against AJ.

Franco: So, that's your point, right?

Carly: Mm.

Franco: That if I'm lucky, maybe, somewhere down the road, I might have a relationship with Scotty, and then I can watch my father die in a hail of gunfire.

Carly: Okay. [Scoffs]

Franco: That's your point?

Carly: I know it's a depressing story --

Franco: Oh, my. Are you kidding? I have to go watch the first 20 minutes of "Bambi" just to cheer myself up.

Carly: There is a point to my story.

Franco: What could your point possibly be? What? That life sucks? That -- that -- that it's hopeless and --

Carly: No, no. That, you know, yeah, I wanted more time with my dad. I wanted a better relationship with my father, but, you know, not everyone gets Ward Cleaver or Cliff Huxtable as their dad. Hell, I got Arnie Becker.

Franco: That's beautiful. You should consider a career in greeting cards.

Carly: There is a moral to this admittedly depressing story.

Franco: What is it?

Carly: I don't need to focus on the father that I didn't have. I can focus -- I can focus on the good things in my life, like my kids, and my job, and -- thank you.

Franco: You're welcome. Maybe I should do that, huh? I should focus on, um, the fact that I'm homeless and -- nice -- that, uh, I've sent out a million résumés, and I can't get a job and that my father doesn't want to have anything to do with me and that my mother --

Carly: Hmm. I'm here.

Franco: Are you?

Carly: Mm-hmm.

Franco: That'll be enough, you know? You do make my life worth living.

Sabrina: Okay. Okay. I ran to Carlos on the pier last night. I was upset, Patrick. I needed somebody to talk to, and Carlos was there to talk. That's all there was.

Patrick: Sabrina, you can't believe that he brought you here just to talk to you.

Sabrina: Well, look, no, not exactly, but --

Carlos: Sabrina, come on. You don't owe this guy an explanation.

Sabrina: Yes, I do, okay? Patrick, okay, we didn't just talk, but besides trying to drink my body weight in tequila, nothing happened, all right?

Patrick: It didn't look like nothing.

Sabrina: Okay, Carlos kissed me, but I only -- I only responded as a reflex. But it didn't mean anything to me.

Patrick: Can we please just go get some private time? Can we get your stuff, and can we just get out of here, please?

Carly: Why would she go anywhere with you... after what you did to her last night?

Spinelli: Robin's alive? But h-how? Wh-where?

Ellie: She's here in Port Charles. Apparently, she was being held captive for the last two years by a Jerry Jacks. Her parents managed to free her, and she showed up to Patrick and Sabrina's wedding.

Spinelli: Talk about a dramatic entrance. [Chuckles]

Ellie: Yeah, it certainly sounded that way.

Spinelli: Well, this is -- this is truly miraculous news.

Maxie: So, the entire time we thought you were dead, you were being held prisoner by Jerry Jacks?

Robin: Well, Faison and Obrecht are to blame, as well, but, no, it was Jerry. He's the one that orchestrated the whole thing.

Maxie: That means the -- the lab explosion was not my fault.

Robin: No. It wasn't. The whole thing, the explosion -- it was all staged. Even if your bag had caught on the gas jet, it -- it still wouldn't have been your fault. I mean, it would have been an accident, plain and simple.

Maxie: Do you know how many people have tried to tell me that? [Chuckles] [Sighs] But I couldn't hear them. It -- it had to be you. You are the only person who could get through to me. Oh, Robin, not only have I missed you so much that it hurt, but I've -- I've really needed you. You have no idea how much. [Sniffles]

Robin: Maxie, when I first got here, you said to not talk you out of it. What did you mean? Why did you come here? Did -- did you come here to take those pills?

Ava: You remember our conversation a few months back? I was with AJ the night of the murder. I witnessed his drunken rage at the Floating Rib. You asked me to tell the police what I knew. I obliged.

Sonny: And what? Is that supposed to mean something to me?

Ava: I keep my promises, even to you. I hope you think about that, Sonny. There's no reason we have to be enemies.

Judge Chua: Now that the jury is seated, we may proceed. Counselor, call your next witness.

Scott: The state calls Ava Jerome to the stand.

Bailiff: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

Ava: Of course, I do.

Kiki: [Sighs]

Patrick: You don't know what you're talking about.

Carlos: Oh, drop the outraged-fiancé act, Doc. You don't get the moral high ground here. You stranded Sabrina at the altar.

Sabrina: Carlos, stay out of it.

Carlos: I'm already in it. It is my shoulder you were crying on last night, and isn't this exactly what I told you would happen? His dead wife shows up, and Patrick forgets all about you.

Patrick: Sabrina, that is not true.

Carlos: Oh, it's not? [Chuckles] Oh, is that why you're here? [Gasps] Have you come to tell us that you've chosen Sabrina over your wife?

Robin: You had a baby with Spinelli? Wow. I really have missed a lot these past two years. [Chuckles]

Maxie: Yeah. And you can go ahead and say it -- typical Maxie. I'm in over my head. Except this time, instead of just screwing up my life, I messed up Dante and Lulu's and Spinelli's... and worst of all, our daughter's. All because I acted without thinking.

Robin: I wouldn't say that. It sounds like you did a lot of thinking.

Maxie: Yeah, and it was all wrong.

Robin: No. It wasn't. You were, at every turn, Maxie, looking out for your friends and trying to make them happy. I mean, I understand it didn't turn out the way that you would have wanted, but everything that you did, you did out of love.

Maxie: You really think so?

Robin: I'm the person that tells you the truth, remember?

Maxie: Yeah.

Robin: [Sighs]

Maxie: Thank you, Robin. That does mean a lot that you said that. But it doesn't change the fact that I can't see my daughter.

Robin: But you said that's not permanent, right?

Maxie: Well, it might be. I mean, if I go near her in the next six months, I will be arrested.

Robin: It will be difficult to stay away, but it's not impossible.

Maxie: How do you know?

Robin: I didn't see Emma for almost two years.

Maxie: [Sighs] If there was any doubt about me being selfish, I think I just proved it.

Robin: No, no, no, no. I didn't -- no. I don't mean it that way. I-I just -- I brought it up, because I want you to know I-I understand exactly how you feel. I mean, every single day, I woke up and thought, "If I don't get to see Emma today, I'm not gonna make it." But I did.

Maxie: Yeah, but you're the strongest person that I know.

Robin: [Chuckles] You're gonna survive. I promise you. And as strong as you think I am, you're even stronger.

Spinelli: Robin's return will no doubt be a great comfort to Maxie. I mean, they were -- they are so close -- I mean, more like sisters than cousins by marriage, and the timing is auspicious. I've been kind of worried about Maxie's state of mind.

Ellie: Maxie has had a truly horrible year.

Spinelli: I mean, ever since the judge unexpectedly granted me sole custody, I-I feel guilty about keeping Maxie from her daughter.

Ellie: But if you defy the judge's ruling, your daughter could be taken away from you. Then she wouldn't have either of her parents.

Spinelli: I know. Intellectually, I know that, but I just -- I hate seeing Maxie in pain. But maybe Robin's return will lessen that. Another reason to rejoice. [Chuckles]

Ellie: I told you! I had really big news. [Chuckles]

Spinelli: Right, but...that wasn't the reason you called, right? You had other big news.

Ellie: Uh, yeah. Ri-right. I do.

Spinelli: Okay, well, don't keep me in suspense. What is it?

Franco: Starting to feel a whole lot better about my relationship with my father.

Carly: Give me time, I'll make you forget about your mother.

Franco: Okay, um...

Carly: [Chuckles] Oh!

Franco: It's good if we set a boundary, right, like, some rules? Like we never, never, never, never, ever, certainly not in bed, mention my mother.

Carly: I'm sorry. Okay, I'm sorry. Yes, I know. I know. Yeah, you didn't exactly win the, uh, parental lottery. But at least Heather's out of your life, right? You haven't heard from her, have you?

Heather: Someday you'll understand that everything I do, everything -- I do it for you!

Franco: I don't care. You stay away from Carly.

Carly: Hello? Have you heard from her?

Franco: No. Not a peep.

Carly: Good. I'm glad you haven't heard from her. I mean, after she threatened me at the art show, I'm so glad that loon is locked up. I mean, after all, what can Heather do to me from Miscavige?

Scott: Ms. Jerome, would you describe to the jury your encounter with AJ Quartermaine on the night of August 23, 2013?

Ava: With pleasure. I ran into AJ at the Floating Rib. He was ranting about losing control of ELQ. He was completely irrational.

Diane: Objection. Speculation.

Judge Chua: Sustained.

Scott: Did the defendant mention Connie?

Ava: Yes, he did, at length. In fact, she was the focus of his rage. He blamed her for all that had gone wrong in his life. I have no doubt that he killed her.

Diane: Objection. Ms. Jerome's opinion is completely irrelevant.

Judge Chua: Sustained. Ms. Jerome, please limit your...

Michael: Did your mom say anything to you about testifying?

Kiki: Ever since she convinced Morgan to betray your father, no, I haven't exactly been picking up her phone calls.

Scott: No further questions, your honor.

Judge Chua: Your witness, Ms. Miller.

Diane: Other than an idle conversation with my client in a bar, do you have any actual proof as to who killed Connie Falconeri?

Ava: No. I don't.

Diane: No further questions, your honor.

Franco: Might be a good time for me to ask...

Carly: What?

Franco: How do you feel about burgers in bed?

Carly: Oh, yeah. [Laughs]

[Cell phone rings]

Carly: Wow. Yes. [Sighs] Okay, whoever that is, you tell them I want a Metro burger with tons of pickles.

Franco: Hello? Um...yeah, this is Franco. Ow. Um... [Laughs] Yeah, I did apply for the teaching position. What? Today? You want me to come by today?

Heather: [High-pitched] It's imperative that you come to our office immediately. Yes, if things go well, I see a fantastic future for us.

Franco: Great. I'm on my way.

Carly: Who was that?

Franco: That was the dean at PCU. They want to talk to me about a teaching position today. Which is weird, 'cause I just dropped off my résumé today.

Carly: That is fantastic! I mean, being an art teacher would be perfect for you.

Franco: Right, because those who can't do, teach.

Carly: Oh, my gosh. I did not say that, and that's not what I meant. I am so happy for you I'm not even gonna say, "I told you so."

Franco: Well, you -- you kind of just did. But why -- why are you so happy for me?

Carly: Well, because I told you everything would turn around.

Franco: You know, it's not nice to gloat.

Carly: [Laughs]

Franco: It's not. I'm gonna let it slide just this once. I'm gonna go take a shower.

Carly: Oh, no. You don't have to take a shower yet. You have to let me show you how happy I am for you.

Ellie: I've been offered a job.

Spinelli: Well, congratulations. That -- that's great. What kind of job?

Ellie: It's at a research lab -- state-of-the-art, cutting-edge technology, and I would run it.

Spinelli: The chance to run your own lab? That's your dream job! [Smooches]

Ellie: Uh, yeah. No, I know. I know, uh, which is why it's gonna be so hard to turn down.

Spinelli: Well -- I'm sorry. You lost me. Why would you -- why on earth would you turn down a chance to have your dream job?

Ellie: Because of you.

Maxie: I-I can't believe that you are here.

Robin: That makes two of us. I-I thought I would never get free.

Maxie: Oh. [Chuckles] Not just -- not just in Port Charles, although that is amazing, but I'm talking about the fact that you showed up at the cemetery when I needed you the most. I mean, how did you find me?

Robin: I didn't mean to, actually. I...came here to check out my morbid as that is. But then, I don't know. Something -- someone, some kind of a presence -- I don't know. It just led me here. I -- however it happened, I'm glad.

Maxie: Me, too.

Robin: [Chuckles]

Maxie: Oh, God. It's so good to see you. [Sniffles] And not that I'm complaining, but, um, now that you're home, why are you hanging out in the cemetery? Why aren't you spending every second you have with Patrick and Emma?

Robin: There's a bit of a problem with that.

Maxie: Oh, God. The wedding.

Robin: I got to the church at the very beginning of the ceremony, and I watched Patrick and Sabrina say their vows to each other. I don't know. I just froze. I stood at the back of the church, and I let the ceremony go on, and -- [Sighs]

Maxie: Wait, so -- so Patrick actually married Sabrina?

Robin: Well, technically, no. Just before Lucy was about to pronounce them man and wife, Emma saw me. [Chuckles] And she ran to me, and I just -- I held onto her so tight like I would never let her go, and, well, that stopped the entire wedding.

Maxie: That must have been awkward. [Chuckles]

Robin: You can say that again. And now I'm just -- I'm not sure if I'm the one that gets to be a family with Patrick again or if he's...starting a new family with Sabrina.

Patrick: This has nothing to do with you. What happened last night is between Sabrina and me.

Carlos: Yeah, but doesn't Sabrina at least deserve an answer? I mean, just to clarify things at the hospital so when you ask her to change a bedpan, she knows if it's a doctor asking or her fiancé.

Sabrina: Carlos, shut up! Patrick is right. This has nothing to do with you, all right?

Carlos: I'm just looking out for you, Sabrina. I don't want this guy jerking you around anymore.

Sabrina: Okay, look, what happened at our wedding was completely crazy, and to ask Patrick to process that in 24 hours is not fair. Patrick, I understand if you haven't sorted everything out yet. The -- the last thing I want to do is ask you to choose between Robin and me.

Patrick: I appreciate that.

Sabrina: But with that said, I-I have to agree with Carlos on this. I think I deserve an answer.

Patrick: Of course, you deserve an answer. And I would love to give you one, but...Sabrina, this is the craziest thing that's ever happened, and I just -- I just need a little bit of time.

Sabrina: Okay.

Patrick: Listen to me. I am -- I am so sorry. It's killing me that I hurt you, but...can we just -- please, can we go home?

Carlos: Are you serious? You're gonna make up for leaving Sabrina at the altar by giving her a ride?

Patrick: I told you one more time, this has nothing to do with you.

Carlos: You made yourself real clear, Doc. Sabrina ain't nothing more to you than a consolation prize. But she is my great love. I'll be happy to make sure she gets home safe.

Sabrina: Okay, you know what? I'm a grown woman. I can take myself home.

Patrick: Sabrina...please. Sabrina, will you -- please...

Carlos: Nice work, Doc.

Maxie: He refused to end things with Sabrina?

Robin: He couldn't just walk away from her. I mean, he had said his vows to her. He really has feelings for her.

Maxie: What about his feelings for you?

Robin: Look, Patrick doesn't know what he wants. He doesn't know what to do, okay? And I'm not sure what to do next, either.

Maxie: Uh, yes, you do. Aren't you the Robin who just told me that I-I could get through anything, the woman who just survived for two years without her family, who beat death?

Robin: Okay, you're not gonna slap me, are you?

Maxie: No. [Chuckles] No. But I am gonna tell you what to do. Patrick is your husband. You are gonna fight for him.

Robin: You're right. I didn't fight my way out of being held hostage just to concede defeat. I am a better woman than that.

Maxie: Damn right you are.

Robin: And so are you. Maxie, please promise me, no matter how bad things get, no matter what happens, that you will never think about taking pills ever again. Now that I'm back in the world, the last thing I want is for you not to be in it with me.

Maxie: You don't have to worry. We're both gonna be around for a long time.

Spinelli: Ellie, why would you turn down your dream job because of me?

Ellie: Because said job is in Portland, Oregon.

Spinelli: Portland.

Ellie: My would-be employers want someone to completely overhaul the lab. I mean, I would get to institute all of my own protocols. It would be a truly amazing opportunity, but I have no choice but to turn it down.

Spinelli: Well, I don't -- I don't understand. Why wouldn't you jump at the chance for this kind of job?

Ellie: Damian, we just got back together, and even more, we've recommitted ourselves to each other. I want to enjoy our relationship. I don't want to try to maintain it from 3,000 miles apart.

Spinelli: Maybe you won't have to.

Ellie: [Chuckles] As much as I appreciate your love of Skype, I really don't want to kiss a computer screen goodnight.

Spinelli: No, I-I agree. A digital image pales in comparison to your warmth, but I-I wasn't referring to Skype.

Ellie: Damian, what -- what are you saying?

Spinelli: I'm saying maybe I could go with you.

Kiki: What the hell was that?

Ava: Well, I was simply telling the truth.

Kiki: You tell the truth? How can you even say that with a straight face?

Ava: Kiki, let's not fight. I don't want to fight with you. I want to talk to you. It's been so long since we've talked.

Kiki: That's because I haven't been returning your phone calls.

Ava: Well, now I don't have to call you. I can ask you right to your face. Would you like to have lunch with me? I hear they make a-a terrific tuna Carpaccio at the Metro Court. What do you say? Your favorite. Will you have lunch with me?

Kiki: I'll pass. You have lunch by yourself. I have to stay here with Michael.

Shawn: Ms. Jerome.

Michael: [Sighs] Hey, Dad.

Sonny: I want to talk to my son. Is that okay?

AJ: Go ahead.

Sonny: It's not looking good. Diane managed to have the surveillance footage thrown out, but the tide's turning as you can probably feel, right?

Michael: Hey, do you think we can table this, okay? I don't think this is gonna do any good to talk about this right now.

Sonny: I know you got some misguided loyalty, because he's your biological father, but I'm just asking you, you know, just to watch yourself and prepare yourself. You're going down.

AJ: [Sighs] Michael, he's right. Listen to me. Hey. You got to prepare yourself.

Michael: It's not over yet.

Judge Chua: [Bangs gavel] Mr. Baldwin, call your next witness.

Scott: The state calls ballistic expert Thomas Anderson from the New York Crime Lab.

Carly: Wow.

Franco: It's okay?

Carly: I'd hire you, keep you under my direct supervision, and make you take your pants off a lot, yeah.

Franco: that a full-time job?

Carly: [Chuckles] Yep.

Franco: Well...

Carly: Mm.

Franco: You never got your burger, did you?

Carly: Oh, I am more than satisfied.

Franco: Well, that's nice to hear. But if you want to, you know, feel free to call room service and put it on my tab that you pay.

Carly: Mm-hmm. [Chuckles] I will. I think I just might.

Franco: Nice to have you in my bed. You're welcome anytime.

Carly: Knock 'em dead.

Ellie: You would come to Portland with me?

Spinelli: Yeah, why -- why not? I'm committed to preserving the environment, and, as I'm sure you're aware, Portland is the greenest city in America.

Ellie: Yes, a classification which greatly influenced my decision to apply there.

Spinelli: It's known for having an eclectic cultural life. There's a plethora of microbreweries.

Ellie: The unofficial city motto is "Keep Portland Weird."

Spinelli: Sounds like we'd fit right in.

Ellie: [Laughs] What about the baby?

Spinelli: Well, she'd come with us. She's portable. I mean, she does come with a great deal of accessories, uh, but I think I read somewhere that Portland has an abundance of city parks. Maybe we could find a place to live that's walking distance.

Ellie: Damian, we would be leaving everyone we know, which is something else we would really need to consider. And even if we could leave all of our friends and family behind, how could we do this to Maxie?

Maxie: Do what to Maxie?

Carly: [Sighs] Well, talk about a stress reliever.


[Water running]

Scott: In your analysis, there is no doubt that this is the murder weapon, previously established to contain AJ Quartermaine's fingerprints all over it?

Mr. Anderson: No doubt whatsoever.

Scott: Thank you, Mr. Anderson. No further questions.

Judge Chua: Your witness, Ms. Miller.

Diane: We have no questions for this witness, your honor.

AJ: [Scoffs] Wait a minute. Wait a second. Wait a minute. You've got to say something to him.

Diane: Stop it. No, I don't. This guy's testimony, however damning it may seem, is based totally on circumstantial evidence. Any cross examination I might do would only give credence to the prosecution's case. Better let the jury think this guy's not worth our time.

Judge Chua: Mr. Baldwin.

Scott: The prosecution rests.

Judge Chua: Ms. Miller, you may call your first witness.

Diane: The defense has no witnesses to call, your honor.

AJ: Whoa, whoa. Hang on a second. Wait, wait, wait. I don't mean to disagree with my lawyer -- wait a second -- but the defense will call one witness -- me.

Sonny: What did you find out about Carlos Rivera?

Shawn: Well, Carlos Rivera has no connection to Lily's family.

Sonny: Then we can proceed as planned, take care of him.

Patrick: As a doctor, I have to tell you that head injuries can mess with your sense of direction. You go anywhere near Sabrina, and you're a dead man.

Carlos: [Chuckles]

[Knock on door]

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