GH Transcript Thursday 12/5/13

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 12/5/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Mac: Yeah, I'm at Maxie's now. I can't wait to see the look on her face when I tell her. If anything can lift her out of her misery, it's finding out that Robin is alive. What? Okay. Tell Emma I love her, I'll see her soon. All right. I love you. Bye. Hi.

Ellie: Mr. Scorpio.

Mac: I'm sorry. I should have called.

Ellie: No. No, you're fine. Come in.

Mac: Is, uh, is Maxie asleep? I'll get her out of bed. Don't worry. I've been doing it long enough. And if anything's worth the rude awakening, it's this.

Ellie: She's not here, Mr. Scorpio.

Mac: What do you mean?

Ellie: Maxie's gone.

Maxie: I bet you saw this coming. Maybe you thought you would see me sooner. I've completely screwed up my life. Where else would I go but to see my sister, who always helped me put myself back together? That's the problem, Georgie. There's no putting me back together this time. I'm beyond repair.

Shawn: Hey, I got your message.

Sonny: I want eyes on this guy around the clock. I want to know everything there is to know... about Carlos Rivera.

Dr. Dosky: Drake... aren't you supposed to be on your honeymoon?

Robin: Ugh.

Anna: Hi. Felicia get Emma off to school?

Robin: She did. I rode down in the elevator with her. They're off.

Anna: Good for children to get back to their routines, you know.

Robin: Even when their mothers come back from the dead?

Anna: [Chuckles] Especially then. Yeah. She needs to know that you're here and you're alive and that she doesn't have to guard over you, shackle herself to your leg, so you don't fly back off to heaven. You know.

Robin: I know it's the best thing to reassure her, make her feel safe, but, honestly, if it were up to me, I would spend the entire day in bed cuddling with her.

Anna: Well, we get to pick her up in five hours, so...

Robin: Right.

Anna: Are you okay, sweetheart?

Robin: It would also be an incredible distraction from the fact that... my husband is not with me.

Dr. Dosky: What happened? Bride wise up and leave you for a real man? [Chuckles]

Carlos: Buenos días, querida.

Sabrina: Carlos? Oh, my God. What happened last night? What did we do?

Anna: Yeah, I guess the reunion didn't go quite as you imagined with Patrick, did it?

Robin: I mean, I had been dreaming about the day that I got home the second I realized I had been kidnapped. I knew exactly how it would go. I would go to the house, and Patrick and Emma would be there waiting for me, and they would throw their arms around me. But it's like you said at the church yesterday. That was the fantasy that kept me alive and helped me to survive and helped me to get hope. But... now that I'm home --

Anna: You have to let go of the fantasy. You do. You have to concentrate on reality, as painful as that is. Their lives didn't stop. You know?

Robin: Mom, I didn't want their lives to stop. I mean, I would have hated it if Patrick and Emma were sitting there in a dark house, staring at my picture for the last two years.

Anna: You just want things to go back to normal.

Robin: Well, that was the dream.

Anna: Right. The dream that Jerry woke me up from the second he showed me the DVD of the Nurses' Ball and I learned about a person named Sabrina Santiago.

Patrick: Change of plans.

Dr. Dosky: So no wedding?

Felix: Dr. Dosky, has Epiphany found you? 'Cause she's on the warpath -- something about improper use of the nurses' station computers. I'd make myself scarce if I were you.

Dr. Dosky: Dubois, I owe you one.

Felix: We have to talk.

Patrick: Felix, I can't right now.

Felix: We all feel your pain, but that doesn't change the fact that Sabrina's my best friend --

Patrick: I understand that I hurt her. I apologize for that.

Felix: Look, I get it. Your -- your wife came back --

Patrick: Right. Will you cut me some slack now?

Felix: Listen to me!

Patrick: What?!

Felix: Sabrina's missing!

Sabrina: Turn around!

Carlos: I-I thought you could use these.

Sabrina: Oh, my God!

Carlos: Unless you want to put your wedding dress back on.

Sabrina: How did I get here?

Carlos: You don't remember?

Sabrina: If I remembered, do you think I'd be asking you right now? [Sighs] My mind's just a blank. Except for the pounding.

Carlos: That's probably 'cause of the tequila.

Sabrina: I was drinking tequila?

Carlos: Oh, yeah.

Sabrina: Oh, my God.

Carlos: A lot of it. But you had a good reason. When we met up at the docks, you were in a real bad way.

Sabrina: [Sobs] [Crying]

Carlos: It's okay. You're okay. Don't you remember? You'd just come from your wedding, where Patrick's not-so-dead wife decided to show up. You asked me to take you somewhere where no one could find you.

Sabrina: So you brought me here to your bachelor pad.

Carlos: It's a sublet. And you wanted privacy.

Sabrina: Privacy?

Carlos: It's the only place in this strange city I knew no one would disturb us.

Sabrina: Did we sleep together?

Sonny: Okay, you had a run-in with Carlos the night of the gallery show, right? What can you tell me about him?

Shawn: He's just a punk. Big ego with a gun.

Sonny: You can handle him?

Shawn: Come on, now. All right, so what you got in mind?

Sonny: Julian is, uh, hiding behind Danny. Ava's shacked up with my son. These Jeromes, they think they're untouchable. Now, they think that we can't get to them, right? Maybe that's true. But we can get to them through other people.

Shawn: Are you saying you want me to get rid of Carlos Rivera?

Mac: Maxie, when you get this, give me a call. Went straight to voicemail.

Ellie: Maybe she turned her phone off after last night.

Mac: What happened last night?

Ellie: Well, uh, Damian has moved in with Sam Morgan, who's graciously offered to help with the baby, and last night, I was over there helping, and I was getting ready to head over to Patrick and Sabrina's wedding when suddenly Maxie showed up.

Mac: At Sam's?

Ellie: Yeah. She had a gift for the baby, and she wanted to spend some time with her. But Damian asked her to leave.

Mac: And how did she take it?

Ellie: Well, she refused, so Damian told her that he'd have to call the police if she didn't leave. [Sighs] I-I guess he had no choice, you know. He had to turn her away.

Maxie: I'm sure you've been following along from your place in heaven, right, Georgie? Instead of an eternity of bliss, you're probably appalled. Just when we all thought that I couldn't screw up my life any more, I go and do it. And not just myself. I put Dante and Lulu through hell and Spinelli... and, worst of all, our little girl. And now I can't even see my daughter or I will go to jail. Kind of can't get any worse than this. I've -- I've been cut off from seeing my daughter. If I can't be a mother to my child, what am I supposed to do? Work for some stupid fashion magazine? There's no meaning in that. There's no -- no meaning in anything if I can't be with my daughter. Everybody says that the -- the judge is gonna revisit the court case in six months. Might as well be six years. No amount of time is going to change all the ways that I've screwed up and all the lies that I've told. And even if it did, I can't just sit around and wait for a judge to have a change of heart. I need my daughter now. Georgie... it's like... [Sniffles] ...Without my daughter, there's nothing. I'm nothing. What's the point of even being here? [Sniffles] So... I might as well not be here at all.

Anna: You've been psychologically tortured for nearly two years. You cannot blame yourself for not anticipating this.

Robin: Everyone thought I was dead, including Patrick. So what did I expect him to do, become a monk?

Anna: You did what any normal person would do. You clung to the truth, which is that people here loved you and that we would be overjoyed if you came back.

Robin: Sure, Patrick is happy that I'm alive, Mom, but that doesn't change the fact that he's made other commitments.

Anna: I'm not minimizing the fallout. Will there be adjustments? Yes, of course. Will there be heartache? Maybe. But none of that's on you. That is all Faison. All of it.

Robin: I don't know. Before Faison even got his hands on me, when I thought that my HIV meds were failing and that there was a chance I could die, I left a DVD for Patrick in which I told him to move on, to find someone else to spend his life with, not only for himself but for Emma's sake. So how can I blame him for doing just that?

Anna: Nobody's blaming anyone here. We're just feeling our way through. Come on.

Robin: Mom, when I got to this chapel, I got there at the very beginning of the ceremony, and I saw the entire thing. And I-I couldn't believe what I was seeing. When I had left that DVD for Patrick, and I told him to move on because I thought I was gonna die, it was just -- it was an idea. It was a suggestion. I didn't actually think that there would be a living, breathing human being that would come into my family and take my place. I mean, he did exactly what I told him to do. He found someone to love. He fell in love with her, and she fell in love with him, too.

Anna: Oh, God.

Patrick: Wait, w-what are you talking about? Sabrina's missing? Since when?

Felix: Last night.

Patrick: But I left you at the church with her.

Felix: Yeah, Brad and I went to go check on her, but Sabrina said that she needed a minute to get out of her dress and collect herself. When I came back, she gave us the slip.

Patrick: So nobody talked to her? She didn't show up at your place at any point?

Felix: I went to Taylor first thing, and she said she never came in. I've called, I've e-mailed, I've texted nonstop, but no word. I've checked everywhere, but there's no sign of her.

Carlos: We didn't sleep together. In the biblical sense. We -- we slept in the same bed, but it was totally innocent.

Sabrina: Oh, my God. How innocent could it have been if I had no clothes on?

Carlos: You had the spins. I was afraid you were gonna get sick. I couldn't have you rolling around, puking in your wedding dress. And you were in no condition to take it off, so...

Sabrina: So you helped me?

Carlos: I had my eyes closed. Mostly.

Sabrina: [Sighs]

Carlos: Come on. Any -- any glimpses were purely unintentional. Hey, Sabrina... I would never take advantage of you. You know that about me, right?

Sabrina: I don't even know what I know anymore. What I was so sure of... has been... completely upended. I knew Robin was dead. But even though you told me otherwise... I refused to listen to you. And now I'm paying the price.

Ellie: Mr. Scorpio, I really hope you won't hold Damian's actions against him. I mean, I know how it sounds.

Mac: Like Spinelli is being cruel and unfeeling.

Ellie: You know he's neither of those things. He really did not want to turn Maxie away. But if he had allowed her to see their daughter, to hold her, he would have lost custody. And then that little girl wouldn't have a mother or a father.

Maxie: This is really the only way. I mean, I can't... I can't follow that court order. I know myself. I will just keep going back to see my daughter, no matter what the judge says. But if I do that, I'm gonna continue to hurt Spinelli and our baby, and I cannot let that happen. I have to do this. I have to take myself out of the equation and -- and protect everyone. It's the best thing to do. It's the only thing.

Georgie: Not if I have anything to say about it.

Mac: Look, she's probably Christmas shopping and hasn't even checked her phone. Yeah, I will. Soon as I hear from her. Okay. Love you.

Ellie: So Felicia hasn't heard from her either.

Mac: No.

Ellie: Ugh, I can tell you're really worried.

Mac: [Sighs] In case you haven't noticed, Maxie has a tendency to make poor decisions. You know, she lives moment to moment. She can't envision what her life's gonna be like six months from now. That's why I need to see her. I have good news, incredible news that I think will give her an example to live by.

Ellie: Oh, well, in that case, I-I hope it's, like, really, really good news.

Mac: [Chuckles] It couldn't be better. Almost two years ago, I lost my niece, Robin.

Ellie: Oh. Yeah, yeah. Maxie's often spoken about her. I know they were really close.

Mac: Well, last night, I got the shock of my life. Robin's alive.

Maxie: I know what you're gonna say. "Stop. Think this through. You're -- you're making a mistake. Don't do it, Maxie."

Georgie: For once, you're right. Don't do it, Maxie. Put the pills down.

Maxie: I'm not making a mistake. I'm heading off a disaster and atoning.

Georgie: By killing yourself? Maxie, if you want to atone, then stick around and atone. If you take those pills, you're only gonna hurt the people who love you -- Mom and Mac and Spinelli... especially your little girl.

Maxie: I know that you think I am avoiding my responsibility. But I would be righting a wrong, something I did and never paid for. Going away would make up for it. It would make up for what I did to Robin.

Anna: I think you're getting a little ahead of yourself here. Robin, you've had nearly two years to think about the day that you would come home. Patrick -- he has had no time to absorb even the shock --

Robin: I know. I know I'm not being fair.

Anna: Well, you're being human, which I kind of prefer.

Robin: Patrick asked me to go home with him last night. I was the one that said no, because he did not break things off with Sabrina. So... I guess all I can do now is wait to hear from him.

Anna: Listen... when you were taken from us, Patrick went to a really dark place. He was literally sick without you. He couldn't even get out of bed. I, frankly, was concerned that he was ever gonna be himself again, let alone find joy.

Robin: He did. He found it with Sabrina.

Anna: Sabrina's a lovely girl. She is. She really supported him through a lot and helped him find his way back to himself, get himself together, for Emma's sake a-as well as for his own. But Sabrina's not... the woman that he changed his life for. She's not the one he married. Or the one who gave him his beloved daughter. She's not you. Really, I honestly think Patrick will find his way back to you, sweetheart. I promise you that.

Robin: I wish I was as sure of that as you are, Mom.

Patrick: Have you talked to all her friends? I mean, maybe she stayed with -- with Ellie or Lucy or somebody.

Felix: No and no. I'm telling you, no one's seen or heard from her since last night. I even tried to file a police report, but it hasn't been 48 hours, so they were less than helpful.

Patrick: Right, well, she's not one to hurt herself. I don't want to --

Felix: No, no. Of course not. [Sighs] I'm sure she's okay. But on the off chance she isn't --

Patrick: We need to try and find her.

Felix: You need to try to find her.

Patrick: No, you're right. It's -- it's my responsibility.

Felix: I would gladly take the responsibility, but she's not returning my calls. I didn't even want to bring you in on this except as a last resort. I'm not sure she's gonna even want to hear from you. But I am sure you're the one person she can't ignore. Call her.

Sabrina: [Sighs] I should have listened to you.

Carlos: No, you shouldn't have. I'm your ex. I came here trying to win you back, and you told me, made it very clear you weren't interested, you met somebody else, and I kept right on going after you. I was being a jealous, possessive jerk.

Sabrina: You're not a jealous, possessive jerk.

Carlos: I can be. I have been.

Sabrina: If I'd listened to you, Patrick wouldn't have left me standing at the altar while he ran to Robin, while he -- while he kissed her right in front of me.

[Cell phone ringing]

Sabrina: That's my phone.

Carlos: Patrick?

[Ringing continues]

Carlos: Well, what are you gonna do?

Patrick: Come on, Sabrina. Pick up.

[Cell phone rings]

Felix: Hello?

Sabrina: First off, I'm okay.

Felix: What -- thank God! What the hell took you so long to check in? I was worried sick.

Sabrina: I know, Felix. I'm sorry. I'm just -- I've -- I was -- I was really out of it, and I only now just saw all the missed calls.

Felix: [Sighs] I thought you'd passed out in a ditch.

Sabrina: Well, you got half of that right. I was passed out. But not in a ditch. I spent the night with Carlos.

Shawn: So we're going after Carlos Rivera?

Sonny: Maybe. [Sighs] But I've got some options. The point needs to be made that the Jeromes can't come after my territory. I tolerated their presence, but my patience is running thin.

Shawn: Well, say the word. I'd be happy to deliver the message.

Sonny: I can't really burn Rivera just yet. Not until I get some facts straight.

Shawn: Well, he's Julian Jerome's lieutenant and probably his enforcer. I mean, what else is there to know?

Sonny: I need to know if Carlos Rivera is -- is family.

Robin: A lot has happened since I've been gone.

Anna: Of course.

Robin: Babies have been born. People have died. I saw Sam at the church. She's a widow. I mean, Jason's son has to grow up without his father.

Anna: Yeah. I know how much Jason meant to you.

Robin: I just can't believe he's gone.

Anna: But you know it wasn't because of the brain tumor. You know that. Your serum saved his life.

Robin: Only for Faison to shoot him in the back and dump him in the harbor.

Anna: I know.

Robin: And Edward Quartermaine -- I-I honestly thought he would outlive us all.

Anna: He lived long enough to save Emma's life.

Robin: What do you mean?

Anna: He sacrificed himself. When Jerry had taken this whole town hostage, when he poisoned the water supply, there was one antidote left to save one person. And Tracy, she appropriated the dose -- well, she basically stole it -- to give to Edward. But he chose to give it to Emma.

Robin: Oh, my God.

Anna: He loved Emma as much as he loved you. It's not all grim, Robin. Just look at the ring on Uncle Mac's finger and the smile on Felicia's face. If those two can find their way back together again after all they've been through, so can you and Patrick.

Mac: Emma saw her first. She, uh, ran down the aisle and jumped into her mother's arms. We all just stood there, unable to believe what was right in front of us. But it was Robin, alive and beautiful and holding on to her little girl. [Sighs] The next hour or so was a blur. You know, I mean, a lot of hugging and crying and... just a lot of happiness.

Ellie: Oh, wow. Well, I have heard nothing but wonderful things about Robin from everyone at the hospital who knew her and worked with her. And Damian was very fond her, too. I mean, he is gonna be so thrilled to know she's still alive.

Mac: So will Maxie, if we can just find her.

Georgie: Maxie, you have to let this go. You are not responsible for what happened to Robin.

Maxie: I don't care what anyone says. I know the truth. I caused the gas leak and the lab explosion. Robin is dead, and that's on me. I have to make it right.

Georgie: But, Maxie, there's nothing to make right. Robin isn't dead.

Maxie: I hope you'll understand.

Georgie: No, I don't understand. Are you hearing me?

Maxie: Don't be mad.

Georgie: You're not hearing me, are you? You can't even see me. Are you so caught up in your own grief, you can't even see what's right in front of you?

Maxie: [Sighs] Please, Georgie, forgive me.

Robin: I want to believe you, Mom, but it's just so difficult to not feel like an interloper who's coming in to steal the life that Patrick and Emma and Sabrina have built together.

Anna: You had this life. This was your life. These were the people you loved. You are allowed to want this back.

Robin: I'm not sure it matters what I want. If Patrick didn't want Sabrina, then he would have broken it off with her last night.

Anna: Listen to what you're saying right now. Would Patrick be the man you love so much if he could so easily cut ties with a blameless woman who has supported him all this time that you couldn't, through no fault of your own?

Robin: You're right. You're right. He was about to commit his life to her. He had said his vows to her. It was completely unrealistic to think that he would just say, "Sorry," and walk away.

Anna: That's what I was trying to say last night, that there is time. You don't have to make these decisions immediately.

Robin: But they do have to be made eventually. And I can't say that I would blame Patrick if in the end he decides that I'm his past and Sabrina is his future.

Shawn: You're related to Carlos Rivera?

Sonny: Not by blood. But maybe. I don't know. Look, until I know for sure, he can't be touched.

Shawn: So what's the connection?

Sonny: My first wife. [Sighs] Rivera was her maiden name. Her father was Hernando Rivera, a major player in Puerto Rico. I inherited his -- his, uh... his territory.

Shawn: Your first wife -- she was killed, right?

Sonny: Yeah, she was pregnant. She was -- we were gonna have a child. We went out to celebrate. We were having a good time. We were drinking. She didn't drink, but I did. And then she -- she went out to the car. And her father planned to kill me, and he killed his daughter instead.

Shawn: Hmm.

Sonny: She was very special, and she deserved a lot better than... than what I gave her. Look, you know what? [Clears throat] I know that Riveras are a dime a dozen in Puerto Rico, but Carlos is from there, he's connected --

Shawn: But you don't want to take any chances.

Sonny: I mean, it's slim. I know it's slim that Carlos could be... Lily's family. But I owe it to her to be positive about what I'm doing here. So I'm not gonna make a move unless I know for sure.

Felix: You did what?!

Sabrina: [Sighs]

Felix: You slept with Carlos?

Sabrina: It's a long story, but no, nothing happened. Unless you count a night of binge drinking and the hangover that follows.

Felix: What'd I tell you about you and tequila?

Sabrina: I know. I'll let you lecture me later, okay? I just -- I wanted to let you know that I was okay.

Felix: You might want to pass that information on to Patrick. He lost it when I told him that you were missing.

Sabrina: He did?

Felix: Of course! The man's baby mama might be back from the dead, but that doesn't mean he's stopped loving you.

Sabrina: [Voice breaking] Thank you. Can you do me a favor?

Felix: Do you have to ask?

Sabrina: Don't tell Patrick I'm with Carlos.

Patrick: I left a message for Sabrina. Just got to straight voicemail. Who's on the phone?

Sabrina: Promise me, Felix.

Patrick: Felix, is that Sabrina? Where is she?

Ellie: The news will perk Maxie right up. And Damian, too. He's told me so much about Robin's masterful skills in the lab. Actually, she's become sort of an inspiration to me.

Mac: Well, you're not the only one. Everyone loved Robin. Well, almost everyone.

Ellie: What? Who could possibly have a problem with Robin finally coming -- oh, sugar. Sabrina.

Sabrina: Felix, whatever you do, please don't tell Patrick where I've been. Okay?

Felix: Understood. Got to go.

Patrick: Was that Sabrina?

Felix: Yeah. False alarm. She's, uh, she's fine.

Patrick: Where has she been?

Felix: Oh, you know, clearing her head, driving.

Patrick: All night?

Felix: She crashed at Joyce's.

Patrick: Joyce?

Felix: Joyce the nurse. She works in Pediatrics.

Patrick: Yeah, but I thought you said you talked to all her friends, Felix.

Felix: Yeah, but I didn't think to include Joyce, because she and Sabrina had a falling out.

Patrick: She didn't mention anything about a falling out.

Felix: Yeah, because it was over something so stupid. Uh... Sabrina offered to take Joyce out for a nice dinner, and when they did, Joyce ordered soup. And then Joyce said -- you know, she insisted that that wasn't dinner and that Sabrina owed her another dinner, and, uh, Sabrina protested -- it was a whole to-do.

Patrick: Apparently.

Felix: Yeah. Uh, so they're over at Joyce's having breakfast, regrouping. Everything should be, uh...

Joyce: Dr. Drake?

Patrick: Joyce.

Joyce: I thought you were supposed to be on your honeymoon.

Patrick: Yeah, you're not the only one. Can you excuse us for a second, please?

Joyce: Sure.

Patrick: Spill.

Sabrina: I need to go.

Carlos: Stay a while.

Sabrina: I can't.

Carlos: Come on, talk to me.

Sabrina: I can't. But thank you so much for letting me crash here last night and...and for taking care of me.

Carlos: I have a feeling you'll be needing more of that. Come on, where are you going?

Sabrina: I'm gonna find Patrick.

Carlos: Sabrina.

Sabrina: He's -- he's looking for me. He just needed time to think.

Carlos: He needed time to build his courage.

Sabrina: For what?

Carlos: To tell you what he couldn't tell you last night.

Sabrina: What?

Carlos: Your relationship is over.

Robin: I got to get out of here, get some air.

Anna: It's really stuffy in here. Why don't we go down to the waterfront? We could have some brunch, and I could take you for a drive. I'll tell you, as police commissioner, one of the things I love is the fact that I can drive as fast as I want. Nobody can stop me. There's this stretch of road -- I could take you there. It's really cool.

Robin: I love that the main perk of your job is that you can drive as fast as you want to.

Anna: Yeah. That's our secret, though. I don't want to be a bad example to my officers.

Robin: Mom, would you... would you mind if we did that another time? I just --

Anna: You need to be alone.

Robin: I-I just need to walk around, clear my head a bit.

Anna: I don't want to crowd you.

Robin: That's impossible.

Anna: I'm very greedy for you right now. I love you so much. I'm so thankful that you're alive. I am. I could shackle myself to your leg right now, follow you around. But since we marched little Emma off to school, I should probably tough it out, right?

Robin: [Sighs] Mom, thank you.

Anna: For what?

Robin: For looking after Patrick and Emma and... for rescuing me and keeping me sane. You're my hero, Mom. You always will be.

Anna: And you are mine. You're my hero. [Sighs] [Sniffles]

Ellie: So do you know where things stand between Patrick and Sabrina?

Mac: No, but I can only imagine they have a lot to figure out. Uh, listen, you'll call me if you hear from Maxie?

Ellie: Of course. The moment she walks in the door.

Mac: Thank you, Ellie.

Ellie: Mr. Scorpio, I just want you to know I am so happy for you and your family, that you have your Robin back.

Mac: Now all I need is my Maxie back.

Maxie: Dear family and friends, this is no one's fault but my own. It's my choice, and I'm very sorry if it causes you pain. That's not my intention. I'm doing this to make things easier for everyone. Being here causes too many problems. All I do is hurt people. And all I do is hurt. Being kept from my daughter is too difficult to bear. And trying to be with her will only make things worse for her. This is the only way out. Spinelli, take care of our daughter. Tell her I love her. And whatever you do, don't let her be like me. Raise her to be like you -- kind and bold and confident and loyal and big-hearted and unique. To my daughter, I love you. That may be hard to believe, since I've chosen to leave you, but sometimes not all decisions make sense right away. I may be gone but I'll be with you always. Be good to your father. Indulge your grandmother when she tells you about her Aztec heritage. And always take Grandpa Mac's advice. P.S. -- When it comes to jewelry and makeup, less is more.

Ellie: Oh, please let it be Maxie. Hello? Yes, this is Ellie Trout. Who is this? Oh. Oh, my God.

[Knock on door]

Mac: Hey.

Anna: Hey, Mac. Come on in.

Mac: Look, I'm not gonna stay long. Is Maxie here by any chance?

Anna: Maxie? No, I haven't seen her.

Mac: I've been looking all over for her. I-I want to tell her about Robin.

Robin: Hello? Is anyone there? Maxie.

[Cell phone rings]

Sabrina: You were so kind to me last night, so why go and annihilate the goodwill that you've built up, huh?

Carlos: I'm telling you the truth.

Sabrina: The t-- the truth?

Carlos: You just said you should have listened to me.

Sabrina: The truth is self-serving. Undercutting my relationship with Patrick is not gonna bring me back to you.

Carlos: The man ran away from you.

Sabrina: It's not -- it's not that simple, okay?

Carlos: Yes, it is. Sabrina...

Sabrina: There still may be something left to salvage. That's all the explanation you're gonna get.

Carlos: Don't do this. Sabrina, don't do this, please. He's gonna hurt you again. He doesn't love you. He can't love you. But I do.

Felix: What is with you not taking my calls? You better check your messages, and quick. Because, as hard as I tried, Patrick made me squeal, and he knows you're over at Carlos', and he's on his way over there right now.

Sonny: Find out everything you need to. Find out about Carlos Rivera and fast.

Shawn: Understood. Just so we're clear, if Rivera isn't connected to your wife's family...

Carly: Then Carlos dies.

Sabrina: Your feelings don't matter because I don't return them.

Carlos: Don't you?

[They kiss as Patrick arrives]

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