GH Transcript Wednesday 12/4/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 12/4/13


Provided By Suzanne

Sabrina: Patrick only has eyes for Robin. It's always been that way. I was a distant second, a placeholder.

Felix: You don't believe that.

Sabrina: And now that she's home... [Sobs] [Crying] I was so happy. I was so excited for our lives to begin together. Me and Patrick and Emma -- it's over.

Felix: Maybe not.

Sabrina: [Scoffs] Patrick doesn't want me, Felix. He doesn't even want to see me right now. What are you doing here?

Mac: [Smooches] Look, I don't want to monopolize your time...

Robin: [Chuckles] Yes, you do.

Mac: Yes, I do. But, look, Robin, there's a lot of people here who love you.

Anna: Yes. Where's Patrick? Oh, I guess it's confusing, isn't it? For everyone, really.

Elizabeth: It's getting figured out. But I promise it will get figured out. Hi.

Robin: Hi, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: You don't call, you don't write.

Robin: I know. [Laughs] Seriously, what kind of friend am I?

Elizabeth: Welcome home.

Robin: Thank you.

Elizabeth: I've missed you.

Robin: I missed you, too.

Carly: Jerry's gone.

Bobbie: What? Did an ambulance come?

Carly: No.

Bobbie: How is this possible? He fell off the terrace.

Carly: The awning broke his fall. At least, that's what Luke thinks. But by the time we got down here, jerry disappeared.

Bobbie: [Sighs] Is Luke still outside?

Carly: What do you think?

Bobbie: He took off after jerry?

Carly: Good luck with that, huh?

Bobbie: Oh, gosh. Well, no, wait a minute. This doesn't make any sense. Okay, yes, maybe jerry did survive, but could he really have gotten away in his condition?

Carly: Not without help.

Carlos: What was that all about?

Julian: Ah, just seeing off an old friend, one who's gonna owe me big time.

Carlos: Never a bad thing.

Julian: Yeah, sure. Might come in handy next time we strike against Corinthos.

Sonny: Thanks for getting here so quickly.

Duke: I assume this is about our common enemy.

Sonny: Julian Jerome?

Julian: Of course, my friend jerry will need to recover if he's gonna prove useful, huh. What's wrong with you?

Carlos: Nothing.

Julian: Oh, yeah. Your, uh, your girl, Sabrina. [Clears throat] She's getting married tonight, huh?

Carlos: To a man who already has a wife.

Julian: Run that by me again.

Carlos: Dr. Drake's not-so-dead wife is alive. I saw her.

Epiphany: Dr. Scorpio-Drake. As I live and breathe. [Laughs] Does this mean you're gonna be coming back to the hospital soon?

Elizabeth: Oh, some things never change.

Lucy: Oh! Ooh! You look so beautiful! This -- this is so beautiful!

Anna: Okay, I know everyone is so excited. Can I just --

Mac: No one more than us.

Anna: I-I just want a moment with my daughter, okay? Have you got this little one?

Lucy: Okay.

Anna: Is that all right?

Lucy: Oh, yeah. Sorry. Yeah.

Mac: Robin? Robin, if you want to get out of here...

Robin: No, I don't. I-I told Patrick that I would stay here --

Anna: You saw Patrick? You spoke to him? Oh, I guess it's so confusing for everyone right now, isn't it? Of course it is.

Robin: Yeah. Can you believe that I thought the reunion would be the easiest part? I mean, what kind of fantasy world was I living in, right?

Anna: One that kept you alive. And you did what you had to do in order to survive. And I'm grateful for that. But this... this dream that you've had in your head about what your life would be like when you came back... that's gone, okay? It did its job. And it got you back to us, sweetheart. But I think you might have to let that go, all right?

Robin: I know. It's just --

Mac: Sweetheart, you're doing great, okay.

Robin: I told him to go. I practically just pushed him right through the door to Sabrina, and now I have no idea what's going to happen.

Anna: He loves you. He loves you so much. I know that.

Mac: We've seen it the entire time you were gone.

Anna: You just have to trust that love is gonna get you through this.

Felix: Uh, I'm -- I'm gonna go. But I will be right outside if you need me.

Sabrina: [Clears throat]

Patrick: Sabrina --

Sabrina: Pretty wild night, huh?

Patrick: I think we need to talk.

Sabrina: What more is there to say? Your wife's alive.

Bobbie: It's not like jerry has any friends in Port Charles, so who would help him get away?

Carly: I'm not sure, but I have my suspicions.

Bobbie: Such as?

Carly: Luke said he saw Ava Jerome walking around outside, and I don't trust that woman at all.

Bobbie: Maybe because she's sleeping with my grandson? Ew. What is wrong with her?

Carly: Uh, where to begin? [Chuckles]

Bobbie: Well, you know, I still can't believe that Julian had yet another sister. They're like termites, those Jeromes. You think they're all dead, and then poof! Out pops another one.

Carly: Uh, yeah. Um, you better sit down.

Bobbie: Why?

Carly: Because there's something I have to tell you. I should have told you this sooner. I should have told Lucas this sooner.

Bobbie: Lucas? Whoa, Carly, you're starting to scare me.

Carly: It's about his biological father.

Bobbie: I don't understand. Julian Jerome's alive.

Bobbie: [Gasps]

Duke: Well, as a matter of fact, the thing is, I only just found out within the past hour that Julian Jerome is still alive.

Sonny: So you had no idea who Derek Wells really was.

Duke: Do you think I would have taken a job with him if I did? You see, the thing is, Mr. Corinthos --

Sonny: Call me "Sonny." It's a lot easier.

Duke: Sonny, there are very few people in this world that I would wish to physically harm, but Julian Jerome -- he's pretty close to the top of that list.

Sonny: I was hoping that you'd say that. So that means that you have no second thoughts of taking this bastard down.

Carlos: I tried to warn Sabrina about Robin, but she refused to believe me.

Julian: Yeah, well... sounds like a mess she's gonna need to work out for herself.

Carlos: I just don't want anyone to hurt her. That's all.

Julian: Well, I've got news for you, buddy. If her husband's dead wife is really alive, that's gonna hurt. Now, it seems to me that, uh, Sabrina is gonna need a big, strong shoulder to cry on. It might as well be yours.

Sabrina: Your wife, who you lost in a tragic accident, has just... [Voice breaking] She just walked through those chapel doors. It's everything you and Emma have ever wanted. It's... it's wonderful.

Patrick: Yes. It's amazing. But it's -- it's been two years. I... [Sighs] I mean, a lot has changed in two years. We can't just go back to the way things were, I mean, like... like nothing happened.

Sabrina: Isn't that why you're here? To tell me that you're sorry, but what other choice do you have? You love Robin. You always will. Let me ask you this. If she'd never left... would you and I have gotten together? That's what I thought.

Patrick: [Sighs]

Sabrina: We're through.

Lucy: You know, I-I don't really know what to do. Because somebody needs to go see what's happening with Sabrina, but I do -- I don't want to leave.

Brad: Uh... I'll go.

Mac: Hey, you. Come here, you. Oh!

Felicia: Oh, I can't remember the last time I was so happy.

Emma: I'm happy, too.

Felicia: Yeah.

Mac: I bet you are.

Emma: How long can mommy stay?

Mac: What do you mean?

Emma: Will mommy have to go back to heaven soon?

Epiphany: I can't believe that I'm letting anybody see me like this. [Sniffles]

Robin: I'm honored.

Epiphany: Oh, well, you should be. [Chuckles] [Clears throat]

Robin: I hope that you looked after Patrick when I was gone.

Epiphany: I did my best. But there were times I didn't think that boy was gonna make it.

Robin: Well, he did. And I'm grateful to everyone that got him through it.

Patrick: Please don't -- don't say that. You can't -- Sabrina, you can't just declare that we're through.

Sabrina: Why not? It was pretty clear when you kissed her. [Voice breaking] It was like I didn't even exist. And I get it. I really do.

Patrick: But it hurts you. Sabrina, I'm so sorry. I... this is the last thing I ever wanted. I never -- I never wanted to hurt you. I don't even know what's going on right now. This -- this whole -- this is just -- it's...

Sabrina: Surreal? [Sniffles] We were just about to start the rest of our lives together, and... Now we're not. [Sniffles] You should take these. [Sniffles]

Brad: [Sighs] How's it going in there?

Felix: I was just, um... I can't make out much.

Brad: Patrick's in with her now? it out or let her down gently?

Felix: [Scoffs] I wish I knew. But my gut's telling me it's not good. I mean, you saw that kiss.

Brad: Yeah. It was, uh, something, all right.

Felix: Yeah. Something that could shred Sabrina's heart.

Patrick: I know what you're trying to do, okay? I know that you're trying to push me away. But I-I didn't expect this to happen. I could have never expected this to happen.

Sabrina: But it's still happening! Look... I know you didn't want this or ask for it, but it's still happening. So I need you to take the rings and let me go. Take them!

Patrick: I can't do that.

Sam: It is so good to see you.

Robin: It's good to see you, too. Sam, I am so sorry about Jason. I just heard a few weeks ago. Obviously you know how much he meant to me.

Sam: I do. I do. And you meant so much to him.

Robin: How are you doing?

Sam: [Chuckles] Good. I mean, you know, I've got my good days and my bad days, but mostly good now that Danny is gonna be okay.

Robin: Danny. [Chuckles]

Sam: Daniel Edward, actually. We named him after my brother.

Robin: That is a really cute name.

Sam: Thank you.

Robin: I would really like to meet him.

Sam: Yeah? I would like that a lot.

Robin: Faison, the man that took Jason from you, was the man that had me locked up this entire time, and you should know that, well, my parents made sure that he will never hurt anyone ever again.

Sam: Good. I, um... I-I hope that's true.

Felicia: Robin doesn't have to go back to heaven.

Emma: She doesn't?

Mac: She was never there.

Felicia: Emma, sweetheart, your mommy never died.

Emma: But I thought she was an angel now.

Mac: You know, we thought so, too. Luckily, we were wrong.

Emma: Oh.

Anna: Someone played a mean trick on us. They made us believe your mommy was gone when she wasn't. But that's all over now.

Mac: Good news, right?

Emma: The best. So does that mean daddy isn't marrying Sabrina?

Sabrina: You can't do what, Patrick? You can't take the rings? You can't -- y-you can't let me go? What?

Patrick: I-I don't know.

Sabrina: She's your wife. She's your wife, Patrick. You love her.

Patrick: But I love you, too.

Sabrina: [Sobs]

Patrick: God, Sabrina, I... I still love you.

Sabrina: [Sighs]

Duke: Believe me, there is nothing that I want more than to kill Julian Jerome with my own bare hands.

Sonny: He basically destroyed your life, didn't he?

Duke: I lost a child because of him.

Sonny: He turned my -- my son against me. So it's settled. We take the son of a bitch down.

Duke: No, it's far from settled.

Sonny: Anna?

Duke: She doesn't want me anywhere near Julian Jerome. And I can't say that I blame her. But if you want to bury that bastard, I will gladly applaud from a distance.

Sonny: E-eliminating Jerome at the moment is -- is -- I can't do that. Because he's the only donor that Sam has for her son. Danny may need him to live.

Duke: Then your hands are tied.

Sonny: As far as targeting him -- yeah. But the people who do his dirty work -- you tell me. Jerome's organization, aside from you and his sister, who's next in line?

Duke: That would be Carlos Rivera.

Carlos: I'm not Sabrina's favorite person right now. If she's gonna cry on someone's shoulder, it's gonna be that nurse friend of hers.

Julian: Yeah. Yeah, I get it. Sometimes the people we care about the most... are the ones who push us away.

Silas: You're sure you're okay?

Sam: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry. It's j-- Robin and Jason were really good friends, and I guess seeing her just kind of brought it all back up.

Silas: Yeah, it must have been pretty hard for you back at the church then.

Sam: I'm happy for her. I really am. And -- and Patrick and Emma... their wish came true.

Silas: Makes you wonder why it didn't happen for you.

Sam: I've thought about it a lot. Probably like a million times it went through my head. I think that I would be in the living room, playing with Danny, and... I mean, what would I do if -- if Jason walked in?

Silas: What would you do?

Sam: Nothing. [Chuckles] Nothing. Because it doesn't matter. There are only so many miracles that can go around. I got my miracle when Danny was cured of leukemia.

Silas: Yeah, you may not want to get greedy.

Sam: [Chuckling] No. Hey, thanks for coming with me tonight.

Silas: Thanks for asking me.

Sam: [Chuckles] It was some wedding, huh?

Silas: Tell me about it.

Sam: [Chuckles]

Silas: And another back from the dead, you know. I mean, is it just me, or is there a lot of that going on in this town?

Sam: I don't know.

Bobbie: No. This can't be.

Carly: It is, and I meant to call Lucas and tell him, but then I thought about that conversation -- "hey, brother, it's been a while. Your biological father's alive." I mean...

Bobbie: Tony was Lucas' father in every way that ever counted.

Carly: I know that.

Bobbie: Julian Jerome had absolutely no role ever in your brother's life.

Carly: Does he even know that Lucas exists?

Bobbie: Well, I-I doubt it. How long can it be before he finds out?

Felix: [Sighs] Damn these thick doors. I can't make anything out.

Brad: Nothing?

Felix: I heard the word "rings," and that's about it.

Brad: Here, l-let me try. If you hadn't noticed, I'm pretty good at this eavesdropping stuff. [Chuckles]

Lucy: Hey. Hey. Hey, hey, hey. Oh! Mwah! I cannot remember the last time I saw you. [Chuckles]

Robin: Lila's funeral, maybe.

Lucy: Yeah. Oh, my gosh. Has it been that long? Oh, well, I-I heard about the explosion, you know, and then I heard about what hap-- I'm just sorry. I'm so angry at myself that I wasn't here for you, that I stayed away so long, and that I missed being with you and spending time and... I feel like now I-I maybe have a chance to make up for that. [Chuckles]

Robin: I am so happy that you're back.

Lucy: You are happy that I'm back. Come here, you! Oh, you have absolutely no idea.

Robin: Listen, Lucy, I have to thank you.

Lucy: You have to thank me for something? Like what?

Robin: Yes. For resurrecting the nurses' ball. I saw a DVD of it.

Lucy: You saw it?! Oh, did you love it? I loved it. I-I thought it was our best yet. Did you like it?

Robin: It was absolutely great.

Lucy: [Laughs]

Robin: And I understand that I have Sabrina to thank for that, as well.

Lucy: Well, yeah. Um, she -- she kind of spearheaded -- it was important to her because it was important to Patrick.

Robin: No, I know. It's okay. It's okay. She seems like a really good person.

Lucy: Yeah. She is.

Patrick: What we had was real.

Sabrina: Except it kind of wasn't.

Patrick: No. Listen to me. I meant everything I said to you at that altar.

Sabrina: [Sobs]

Patrick: I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you -- with you and Emma. Robin showing up, it doesn't... automatically change the way that I feel.

Sabrina: But it changes everything else. [Sniffles]

Patrick: Sabrina, you need to understand something, please. Listen... you were never a replacement. I loved you. I still do.

Sabrina: So what are you saying, Patrick? Is this goodbye? Is this not goodbye? What -- what are we doing? Look... you can love us both. But you can't have us both. You have to choose. Me or your wife.

Julian: Sam. How you doing?

Sam: Don't even.

Julian: Don't even what?

Sam: Don't even act like you give a damn.

Julian: I do give a damn. About both you and Danny.

Sam: [Scoffs]

Julian: How is the little guy doing, anyway?

Silas: All set with bone marrow at the moment, if that's what you're asking.

Julian: That's not what I'm asking. Sam, will you look at me, please? Sam, this is not who I really am.

Silas: Who's that? The guy using his grandson as an insurance policy?

Carlos: Whoa, what did you just say?

Julian: It's okay. Hey. Listen, I will -- I will gladly save Danny's life again.

Sam: [Laughs]

Julian: But I have to be breathing to be able to do that. Don't you see that? This is the only way, okay, Sam?

Sam: The only way? You're amazing. You know that? You act like you're the victim here. But from where I'm standing, you started all this. You went after Sonny Corinthos, not the other way around.

Julian: That's because you don't know the whole story.

Sam: [Chuckles]

Silas: Oh, she knows a lot of it.

Sam: Yeah.

Silas: She knows that bit about you and Ava using Morgan to get back at Sonny, the trashed warehouse, the exploding shipment, the injured security guard, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Julian: What the hell, man? Are you some sort of advocate for Sonny Corinthos?

Silas: No. I don't really like any of you guys. But I don't see him starting a mob war and then hiding behind a little kid to save himself.

Julian: Okay, okay. Look, Sam, Sonny's the one who's coming after me.

Sam: Oh. Oh, okay. So, uh, so you're denying that you declared war on Sonny?

Sonny: Did you just say Rivera?

Duke: Carlos Rivera. He's his number two. He brought him up from Puerto Rico.

Sonny: Uh-huh.

Duke: What? The name seems familiar to you?

Sonny: Yeah, well, I knew some, uh, Riveras from Puerto Rico back in the day.

Duke: It's a common enough name.

Sonny: Yeah. Yeah, that's true. But I got to be sure before I make my move.

Duke: What kind of a move are we talking about?

Robin: Emma was so little when I left. I'm so proud of her. She's so confident. I see a lot of my mom in her.

Elizabeth: And you.

Robin: She lost a tooth.

Elizabeth: I know!

Robin: I should have been there, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: [Sighs] Robin... your baby is still growing. You're not gonna miss another moment. And for all the moments you did, your memory was right there. We made sure of it. No one could take your place.

Robin: I'm not so sure of that. You know what Emma told me when I saw her at Halloween? Of course, she doesn't know it was me.

Elizabeth: What?

Robin: She introduced Sabrina as her new mommy. [Sniffles]

Elizabeth: Oh, Robin.

Robin: And she is. You know, I mean, I saw it all right in front of me today -- them as a family and... Patrick saying his vows to another woman. [Sniffles]

Patrick: I know that I-I can't have you both, obviously, but this is just... [Sighs] Our lives just got c-- totally turned upside down. And -- and I just -- I-I need a little bit of time to figure out -- Sabrina, please. Sabrina, please look at me. I don't know what else to say, but this is our wedding day, and I'm so sorry. I didn't -- I didn't expect this to happen. And I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry that Robin's alive.

Sabrina: [Sniffles] Neither am I. You should head back. [Sniffles]

Patrick: Sabrina --

Sabrina: Your wife is waiting for you.

Patrick: [Sighs] [Sighs] [Sniffles]

Brad: [Clears throat]

Patrick: She could use you.

Felix: I'm on it.

Sabrina: [Crying]

Robin: I mean, for all Patrick knew, I was dead. He was supposed to move on. I mean, maybe I should be happy that he found someone to love and someone to love him and Emma. He does love her, right? Elizabeth, I told him to go after Sabrina. I told H... what if...

Elizabeth: What if what?

Robin: What if he doesn't come back?

Sonny: Maybe taking someone out isn't the way to go right now.

Duke: A monster like Julian Jerome -- the only thing he understands is force.

Sonny: Well, that might have been his old game, but it's not his new one. He's dismantling my life bit by bit, messing with my legit operations, my families. But it's okay. 'Cause I have the upper hand.

Duke: How's that?

Sonny: Well, I know somebody who knows him better than anybody, who knows what Jerome's gonna do before he does. You get what I'm gonna ask you, right? Come work for me.

Julian: You know, whatever's going on between Sonny and me has -- has nothing to do with how I feel about you and -- and Danny. You're my family.

Silas: You're not serious. I apologize if I'm speaking out of turn.

Sam: Oh, no, no. Please. Be my guest.

Silas: Thank you. Let's be clear. You're using your daughter and her son as a shield to protect your own sorry ass. And yet it has nothing to do with them.

Julian: I just want a chance. That's all. To be a part of your life and Danny's life.

Sam: This will be the last time I say this. I don't want to have anything to do with your world, Julian. And I'm sure Lucas doesn't either.

Julian: Lucas? Who the hell is Lucas?

Sam: Nobody. Let's get out of here.

Silas: After you.

Carlos: I'm sorry, boss.

Julian: Yeah. No, I'M... you keep it.

Sabrina: [Sobs]

Felix: If Patrick didn't say it was over, there's still hope.

Sabrina: [Sighs] He didn't say it wasn't over, either. You know, I actually felt sorry for him. Patrick looked so lost. Like no matter where he stepped, he couldn't find his footing.

Felix: Yeah, well, too bad. He should have thought of that before.

Sabrina: Before what? Before his wife came back from the dead? What are you -- Felix, what happened tonight isn't Patrick's fault.

Felix: But whatever happens next will be.

Sabrina: [Sighs] What am I supposed to do? Just wait while he figures it out?

Felix: How'd you leave it?

Sabrina: [Sniffles] He said he needed time, [Voice breaking] And I told him to go back to Robin.

Felix: Brina, I would do anything to fix this for you.

Sabrina: [Sobs] At this point, I don't even know what that would look like. [Sniffles]

Felix: Hey, together, we're gonna make it through to the other side -- you and me.

Sabrina: I don't know what I would do without you.

Felix: That's a question you'll never have to answer.

Sabrina: [Sighs] [Sniffles]

Felix: [Exhales] Okay. First thing on the agenda -- getting you out of that dress. The night can only go up from there.

Sabrina: Hmm. My mother's dress. I was so convinced it would make everything perfect. [Sniffles] How wrong was I?

Emma: Daddy! Did you hear? Mommy doesn't have to go back to heaven.

Patrick: I know. Best news I've ever gotten.

Emma: Me too.

Anna: Anyone feel like getting some air? Yeah? Shall we go and see if we can find some shooting stars?

Emma: Yeah.

Anna: What do you think about that? Yeah.

Mac: Robin, please call me if you need anything.

Robin: I will. I'll see you soon. I love you.

Mac: Oh, I love you so much. Okay, sweetie.

Anna: Come back and check on you?

Robin: Yeah.

Anna: Guys, just bear this in mind. You've got all the time in the world now for everything. You don't have to make any decisions right this second. Come on. So first one to see a shooting star gets to buy the other one ice cream.

Emma: You're on!

Robin: [Chuckles] 10 bucks says that Emma sees a shooting star before they're even out of the building.

Patrick: $10? I'd definitely go with $20.

Robin: [Sniffles] [Sniffles] Do I feel different?

Patrick: No.

Robin: Oh.

Patrick: Exactly the same.

Robin: I wish everything else was. How's Sabrina?

Patrick: She's not good. She's trying to be strong, but I can see how much she's hurting.

Robin: I'm so sorry. That's why... I tried to leave -- because I just didn't want to have to tell you like this. I didn't want to have to come out like -- like this.

Patrick: Yeah. Not the kind of night she expected, either.

Robin: No. [Sighs] So did you talk about everything?

Patrick: We talked.

Robin: Well, what did you say? Patrick, you told her that... you told her that I'm back and that I'm your wife and that you and me and Emma are gonna be a family again, okay.

Patrick: [Voice breaking] I don't know what's going on right now. I'm trying to find words --

Robin: Listen, I know that this came out of nowhere for you, but I have spent the last two years of my life fighting to get back to you, fighting to have my family back.

Patrick: I can't believe that you're here, and I'm so happy. But I'm just -- I'm just trying to do the right thing right now.

Robin: [Scoffs] And what? You don't know what that is?

Patrick: Robin, I don't know what anything is right now. But I think your mom's right. I think -- I don't think we have to figure everything out tonight. I'd just...really like to go home with you. I'd really like me and our daughter... and you under one roof again. Please can we just -- can we just go home? Can we do that?

Robin: [Sighs] No.

Carly: What do you mean the wedding's been canceled?

Man: Miss Webber called a few minutes ago.

Carly: Wow. Okay. Well, that's why we get deposits. Thanks for the heads up.

Man: You're welcome.


Julian: [Sighs] What are you looking at?

Bobbie: Well, someone's having a rough night.

Carly: Mom, that was Julian Jerome.

Bobbie: [Gasps]

Sam: I don't want to have anything to do with your world, Julian. And I'm sure Lucas doesn't either.

Julian: Lucas.

Duke: Anna has made it perfectly clear to me that if I ever find myself on the opposite side of the law, then there'll be no hope for us.

Sonny: I understand. But Anna... she don't have to know. I mean, you want to take this animal down as -- as much as I do, right?

Duke: I've already admitted to that, yes.

Sonny: And after what Jerome did to me, to you, to Anna, and who knows who else, he has to be stopped.

Duke: I agree.

Sonny: Together, we can neutralize him.

Duke: I don't know what to say.

Sonny: Oh, you don't have to say anything now. I mean, just think about it and then come back to me. Is that fair enough?

[Knock on door]

Brad: Hey. W-what's wrong?

Felix: Sabrina's gone.

Carlos: Sabrina?

Sabrina: [Sobs] [Crying]

Carlos: It's okay. You're okay.

Patrick: What do you mean no? I don't understand.

Robin: Does Emma still sleep with Mr. Moo?

Patrick: Robin.

Robin: Does she still call out at night every single time he falls out of bed?

Patrick: No, she... she gets out of bed and picks him up herself.

Robin: That's all I've been thinking about. It's so crazy the little things that stick with you like that.

Patrick: Yeah.

Robin: Nighttime's what I miss the most with you guys. Tucking my baby girl in. Falling asleep under your arm on the couch. Believe me, there is nothing that I want more than coming home with you right now. It's everything I've been dreaming about.

Patrick: Then why don't you?

Robin: I can't just pretend that everything is normal when Sabrina is a part of your life. I mean... you were about to marry the woman.

Anna: Everything okay? Yeah.

Patrick: Who won the bet?

Emma: I did.

Robin: [Chuckles]

Anna: Yeah, I got to buy her ice cream. But not tonight. It's a little late, yeah?

Emma: Mommy?

Robin: Mm?

Emma: Are you coming home with us?

Robin: [Sighs]

Anna: Oh, gosh. Uh, you know what? I-I got a great idea. I think that maybe you and your mommy should come home to my place, and we'll have a sleep over. Don't you think that'd be a good idea? Just -- I'd love some time with my girls.

Robin: What do you think, baby? Want to do that?

Emma: Yeah.

Robin: Okay. That'd be great, mom.

Anna: I think it's best so that we can all just spend a little time processing. Okay? Um, let's go wait for mommy in the car.

Emma: Bye, daddy.

Patrick: Come here. You be good, okay? I'll see you in the morning.

Emma: Okay. I will.

Robin: Be right there, baby. Uh... [Chuckles]

Patrick: Robin, you're sure this is what you want?

Robin: No. I just... I don't know what else to do right now.

Patrick: [Sniffles] Robin... I love you so much.

Robin: I love you. So much. [Crying]

Patrick: [Sighs] [Sniffles]

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