GH Transcript Monday 12/2/13

General Hospital Transcript Monday 12/2/13


Provided By Suzanne

Robin: [Breathing heavily] [Sighs]

Lucy: [Chuckles] Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God and in the face of this company to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony.

Britt: Ohh.

Nikolas: Do I get a lollipop for this?

Britt: It can't be worse than what my father did to you.

Nikolas: [Groans]

Britt: Nikolas, I am -- I am so sorry.

Nikolas: Oh, for the hundredth time, I'm fine.

Britt: Look at you. You are not fine.

Nikolas: I'm alive, right?

Britt: Oh, way to have low expectations.

Nikolas: [Clears throat] Well, I-I am a "glass is half full" kind of guy. [Groans]

Britt: I'm so glad that they found you.

Nikolas: Yeah.

Britt: This is finally over, right?

Nikolas: It shouldn't be long before Anna and Robert lock Faison up for good.

Robert: All right, then. Let's get this bastard to prison.

Faison: Yeah, let's do it. The sooner you get me out of here, the sooner I'll be back.

Robert: Shut up!

Anna: There'll be no prison for him this time.

Robert: What?

Anna: The only place Faison is going is straight to hell. After everything he's done... he has to die.

Robert: Hey, look [Chuckles] I really appreciate the sentiment.

Anna: It's not a sentiment. It's a fact.

Robert: What are you saying?

Anna: We finish this now, like we should have done years ago. You and I... are gonna kill Faison.

[Phone ringing]

Luke: Hey, Barbara jean. What's up, baby?

Jerry: Sorry. Bobbie can't come to the phone right now.

Luke: Jerry.

Jerry: Excellent voice recognition.

Luke: What have you done with my sister, you bastard?

Jerry: Oh, I can assure you she's quite safe -- for now.

Luke: You harm her, and polonium will be the least of your problems.

Jerry: How sweet. Your devotion is so touching. Mm.

Luke: It would give me the greatest of pleasure to kill you.

Jerry: I can assure you I'm not gonna hurt your sister. I don't want to hurt her any more than you do.

Luke: Let her go!

Jerry: Unfortunately, uh, I can't. You see, she's the only leverage I have to ensure that you cooperate, okay? So... shall we talk about my terms?

Lucy: Marriage is not an institution to be entered into lightly or unadvisedly, so if there is anybody here today that knows of any reason these two should not be joined together, please speak now or forever hold your peace. this -- my own personal physician on call?

Britt: Look, as much as I'd love to play doctor with you --

Nikolas: Ooh, I like that game.

Britt: Be your doctor, as in...

Nikolas: I know -- I know what you meant.

Britt: I can't be your on-call girl.

Nikolas: Call girl? Now we're talking.

Britt: Okay, stop! I need to get back to my job. And it can't happen soon enough. I mean, Dr. Chu has been circling my patients like a shark.

Nikolas: I was wondering when your maternity leave was up.

Britt: Yeah, it's crazy. I feel like I just had Ben. But it'll be good to get back to a routine.

Nikolas: [Chuckles] Wyndemere hasn't been predictable enough for you?

Britt: [Chuckles] Not so much.

Nikolas: What's G.H. Pay you?

Britt: Why?

Nikolas: Maybe I can make you a better offer.

Britt: Tell you what -- as long as I'm in Port Charles... consider me your concierge doctor. I mean, it's the least I can do after everything you've done for me.

Nikolas: Britt, come on, now.

Britt: What? No. I am not letting you downplay this again. I mean, you took me in when I had nowhere to go, Nikolas, and when, frankly, you weren't that fond of me.

Nikolas: [Grunts] Well, that's true.

Britt: [Scoffs] And when Ben got kidnapped, I mean, you dropped everything to help me find him. You risked your life.

Nikolas: And I'd do it again.

Britt: I just -- I don't know what I would do without you.

Nikolas: You're not gonna have to find out.

Robert: I know you're not suggesting that we kill Faison.

Anna: That's exactly what I'm suggesting.

Robert: Anna.

Anna: I'm demanding it.

Robert: Look, you'd better think about this.

Anna: I've thought about it every second since I found out what he did to Robin.

Robert: But we won. He's in custody.

Anna: For how long?! You heard him. Prison is just a pit stop to him. It's nothing. It's a little inconvenience on his way to the next location.

Robert: Not this time.

Anna: Every time!

Faison: Anna, you won't do it.

Robert: Oh, shut up, you animal!

Anna: I'm so sick of not knowing when he's gonna show up and what he's planning for us, what he wants from us.

Robert: Sweetheart...

Anna: It's never gonna be over, Robert. Faison will escape from prison like he always does, and when that happens, he's gonna come for us again. He's gonna come for our family. You know it's true. You know it. The only way out of this is that we end him -- right now! Here!

Lucy: We are all in agreement, then? No one has anything to say?

Mac: I guess Richard Simmons had other plans.


Lucy: Do not tempt fate by even mentioning his name, please. Stop. Oh, okay. Well, now that that little business is out of the way, shall we proceed?

Patrick: Yes.

Lucy: Yes, of course.

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Lucy: Well, everyone, Patrick and Sabrina would like to thank each and every one of you for being here today. You are all so very important to them in your very special way. Now, some of you are family, but everyone else here -- you are their dearest and closest friends.

Silas: What category do I fall into?

Sam: My date.

Lucy: Patrick and Sabrina would like to recognize what each and every one of you mean to them in this union. Also, they would like to recognize who couldn't be with us today -- those that we lost much, much too soon. They are certainly missed, and they, of course, are not forgotten on this beautiful, amazing day of celebration.

Luke: What do you want, jerry?

Jerry: I'm not in the mood to be patronized. You know what I want.

Luke: A personality transplant?

Jerry: The bloody cure! Now, Robin generated a dose, and that dose belongs to me.

Luke: Well, then, why are you bothering me? Why don't you just skip on down to the hospital and pick it up?

Jerry: We've already done that. It's not there. Now, your sister was kind enough to make the trip, and the cure's gone.

Luke: You don't say.

Jerry: But you knew that already, didn't you?

Luke: Ah, you got me. Yes, I've got your bloody cure. But I'm saving it for somebody who deserves it.

Jerry: Ah, let me guess. Sean bloody Donely.

Luke: You're good at this game.

Jerry: And you're not. So, let's revise the rules again, and unless you want to see your sister suffer, I suggest you listen to me very carefully.

Nikolas: Yes, yes. Of course, I was serious about that. [Chuckles] Yeah. Thank God that nightmare is over. Britt and I are gonna pick up the kids in the morning, okay? Yeah. Yeah. Of course. Put him on. [Clears throat] Hello, son. What's going on over there? Wh-- five frogs? No way. You saw five frogs? Did you catch any? Really? Well, I-I hope they're not sleeping in your bed. I'm kidding. Of course I'm kidding. Listen, are you taking good care of Ben over there? You read him to sleep? Well, that's great. Thank you. Oh, he is? Well, you should probably get to bed, too, okay? All right. I love you. I can't wait to see you. I'll see you in the morning. Okay. They're fine.

Britt: Five frogs? Wow.

Nikolas: Yeah. [Chuckles]

Britt: Wonder what Ben thought about that.

Nikolas: Yeah. How early do you want to pick them up in the morning?

Britt: You can't wait to see him.

Nikolas: Can you? I mean... no parent should be away from their child that long, you know? Hey. What's wrong?

Robert: You're the police commissioner.

Anna: I'm aware of that.

Robert: You're not a judge or jury or an executioner.

Anna: The system is broken.

Robert: You don't believe that?

Anna: Well, then, explain this. Explain him -- how he manages to evade it at every turn. God. What he has done to our family, the amount of time he has stolen from us when we should have been with Robin, all the difficult times in our life when we weren't there -- God, she loses her boyfriend to H.I.V., And she gets diagnosed.

Robert: But she had a good support system.

Anna: It should have been us, Robert, and it would have been but for him. And how does he mark his return? By stealing even more time from us. You're consistent. I'll give you that.

Robert: Anna!

Anna: He keeps Robin hostage for two years, almost, and what's to stop him from doing it again? [Voice breaking] Or, God forbid, Emma? Ohh. Don't say, "prison walls." Do not say that, because you know it's not enough. There's only one way to stop this man, and you know it as well as I do. Do you want him to hurt someone else?

Robert: Of course not.

Anna: Right. Then stand with me. We end him -- for good. It's the only way to protect our family.

Lucy: We will now open the ceremony with one of my absolute favorite reading-- it's not about me, is it, Sabrina?

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Lucy: Mac, it's your turn. You're up.

Mac: From Corinthians, "love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Patrick: I love you.

Sabrina: I love you, too.

Bobbie: Jerry, please! You don't want to hurt me.

Jerry: Of course I don't, but that doesn't mean I won't.

Bobbie: This is not the man I fell in love with.

Jerry: You're right -- it's not. That man had his whole life ahead of him. Can't say that about me, can we? So, please, stop fighting! Or this might end poorly.

Bobbie: Where are we going?

Jerry: Somewhere a little more private. Come on.

Carly: Oh, my God. Jerry? been waiting for. I do believe the ever-so-adorable bride and groom have prepared their own vows, so I am going to leave you to it.

Sabrina: I am, uh -- I don't even know what I am. Um, I'M... nervous... ecstatic... madly in love. Family has always been important to me -- really important -- maybe because I didn't have the best experience with mine. After my mother passed away, my father sent me to live with her side of the family. Don't get me wrong -- they were wonderful, kind, supportive. But I was never really one of them -- not in the way that I belonged to my mother. At the end of the day, I was a guest -- a welcomed one, but still. So I kept to myself, mostly. I read a lot. And people would make fun of me for getting lost in fairy tales.

Patrick: No. I don't believe it.

Sabrina: [Laughs] I loved those stories -- the common girl first laying eyes on her prince. That's what it was like when I met you. Ohh! I dreamed about us getting together. Just ask Felix. Little did I know that the reality would be so much better. Thank you, Patrick, for bringing out the person I always wanted to be. You gave the confidence to stand up for myself. You gave me love, honesty, support, and, best of all... you gave me family. You and Emma are my home. I don't need to daydream or read fairy tales anymore. I found my happy ending... because of you. And I will forever love you for that.

Robert: You have a point.

Anna: Just the one?

Robert: Faison will always be a threat as long as he's alive.

Anna: Yes.

Robert: But you got to hear yourself here. It's not like this man's gonna die because we're trying to apprehend him.

Anna: I know.

Robert: This isn't even self-defense.

Anna: I don't care.

Robert: The guy's in custody.

Anna: For now. For now.

Robert: Cold-blooded murder -- this is your idea of justice?

Anna: After everything he has done to our family, damn straight it is. Come on, for God's sake. It's not like we haven't killed before.

Robert: That was different. That was business. It was under orders. And we never did it unless there was a threat we couldn't neutralize.

Anna: This is a threat we can't neutralize!

Robert: This is a man we're gonna kill because we can!

Anna: Oh, he's a man now? He's a man, not an animal or a monster?

Robert: Suppose we do it your way. What happens next?

Anna: Don't know. They throw a ticker-tape parade in our honor? I don't know.

Robert: We kill Faison... you'll live with yourself?

Nikolas: I promise Spencer won't bring home any frogs.

Britt: [Chuckles] I...actually like frogs.

Nikolas: Well, that's good to know. Hey, I told you the kids were fine.

Britt: Yeah, no. That's -- that's great. That's -- that's great. I, um...

Nikolas: What, then? What?

Britt: Well, my son is so young, and he's spent more time away from home than he has at home, and it's just --it's just not fair.

Nikolas: I know. That -- no, you're right. It -- it's not. But my grandmother was -- was happy to watch him, and she's excellent with kids, so, seriously, Ben may not want to come home.

Britt: My point is, though, is that he -- he should have never been kept from his family in the first place.

Nikolas: No. No. You're right. But that's not your fault. At any point during this whole nightmare, brad could have stepped up and took in Ben. Look, I-I just -- I don't know how a father can turn his back on his -- on his own son like that. I just -- I don't understand. I never will.

Brad: No, I'm not saying anything that you don't already know. I'm not the father of your baby.

Britt: There's something I have to tell you about brad. He's not my baby's father.

Patrick: It's funny that you would mention Emma and me being your home. It's only a home because you ma it one. I wasn't whole... when I met you. I had just lost somebody that meant everything to me. Emma and I were kind of just limping along. I was pretty sure that I was never gonna love again, so I kept my head down, just like you. I'm sure I asked you for files or made small talk or something, but I didn't see you, this beautiful, strong, passionate woman standing right in front of me, and I didn't see you -- it's not because you're common. It's because I was blind. But I see you now, Sabrina. I see you, and I respect you. And I love you... for teaching me that people may die, but hope never does... for leading me along the way when I was lost, for loving and guiding my daughter when she so desperately needed it. You gave my life back. You put me back together when, believe me, I know it wasn't easy.

Sabrina: [Crying]

Patrick: And I'm gonna spend the rest of my years making it worth it.

Carly: Mom?

Bobbi I'm o-- I'm okay.

Carly: Okay? What is going on?

Jerry: What, no "welcome back"? No "so glad to see you back from the dead"?

Carly: I guess I'm not surprised that you're alive because you cheated death before.

Jerry: So kind of you to notice.

Carly: What the hell are you doing with my mother?

Jerry: Step...

Bobbie: Carly, don't.

Jerry: ...Back. My deepest apologies. I hadn't counted on running in to you.

Carly: Really? I own the hotel, jerry.

Jerry: Well, touché. [Chuckles] My brain's a little scattered these days. Well, it's not the end of the world. Our Spencer family reunion just got a little larger, that's all.

Carly: What is he talking about?

Bobbie: Jerry, please. Carly has nothing to do with this.

Jerry: Well, she does now.

Carly: Let her go.

Jerry: No, not until the trade-off happens. You see, your uncle has something that I want.

Carly: Oh, my God! It's always Luke!

Jerry: And then I'll be glad to release your mother and leave, but not until your uncle delivers.

Carly: Jerry, have -- have you seen the room?! There's a wedding reception here tonight! Any minute, people are gonna be filing in!

Jerry: I'll be gone by then. A helicopter is on its way. All that's missing is --

Luke: Is me! gotten yourself involved with?

Luke: It's nice to see you, too, Caroline.

Carly: You fix this. You fix this right now.

Luke: That's the plan, but first I need you to back off.

Carly: Back off? Are you kidding me? This is jerry jacks we're talking about. He gives a damn about three people on this planet, and my mother is not one of them. What the hell did you do to piss him off?

Jerry: Are you done with the chitchat? I have a ride to catch.

Luke: Yeah, well, don't let us hold you up. Please go.

Jerry: Not until you hand over the cure -- now!

Carly: What cure? What?

Luke: Sorry. I can't do that, jerry. You see, this is meant for a friend of mine. But I'm sure you're first on the list of the new batch.

Carly: Okay, you can't be serious here!

Luke: I'm deadly serious.

Jerry: Appropriate choice of words.

Carly: No, jerry! Don't!

Jerry: Don't test me, Spencer!

Carly: Okay, I don't give a damn about what's going on! You give him what he wants!

Robert: Picture this.

Anna: Yeah. I am.

Robert: I'm serious.

Anna: Yes. [Sniffles]

Robert: We kill Faison. Can you go on with your life? I mean, can you walk into the police department, sit behind that big desk, and uphold the law that we've just broken? Can you -- can you even look at yourself in the mirror? Can you look at Robin? What about Emma, knowing the truth? You'd better be damn positive about this, because once we've done it, there ain't no going back.

Anna: I know. I've thought about it. I've thought about the consequences, and I know that if I make this decision, I have to live with it for the rest of my life. But just knowing that Robin will live the rest of hers in safety and that Emma will never have to endure the things that we've gone through -- I can live with it. I want you to know... I can live with wiping you off the face of the earth. The question you need to ask is if you can live with yourself if we don't do this.

Nikolas: I'm sorry. D-did you just say that brad wasn't Ben's father? Because -- because if you did, I don't -- I don't understand. Like, what have we been doing this --

Britt: No. No. Just -- just -- just hold on. That -- that's -- that's not what I meant.

Nikolas: It's not? Well, then, what did you mean?

Britt: That I don't think of brad as Ben's father. I mean, he's just a sperm donor. That's it. And for me or anyone else to expect more of him, it's not right.

Nikolas: Okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Britt: No, don't be. Please.

Nikolas: No, I shouldn't have assumed the worst like that. It's just kind of the way you said it.

Britt: Well, I've only given you a hundred reasons not to trust me, so...

Nikolas: Yeah. We're past that now, right? And, for the record, I think it's very gracious of you to be worried about brad, but what about you?

Britt: It was an arrangement. End of story. Brad is no more Ben's father than a stranger on the street.

Nikolas: I-I'm sorry. I just don't think that's entirely true.

Britt: Why not? Because they share DNA doesn't make someone a father. Look at mine. Now, you -- that phone call you just had with Spencer -- that's a father. That's a family.

Lucy: Wow. Wow, wow, wow. That was so [Sniffles] Absolutely beautiful. [Laughs]

Patrick: Do you need a minute?

Lucy: Yeah, I do need a -- no. No. I'm good. Okay. So, now is the time for the exchange of the rings. maid, that's your cue.

Elizabeth: Oh, yeah. The -- the -- the rings. Of course. Um...

Patrick: Elizabeth?

Elizabeth: Yeah, it's just --

Patrick: You have the rings, right?

Felix: You looking for these? You handed these off to me for safekeeping. Wise precaution.

Elizabeth: Felix.

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Elizabeth: There you go.

Lucy: Sabrina...

Sabrina: Okay. [Sighs] Ready? Yeah?

Patrick: So ready.

Sabrina: Okay. [Chuckles] With this ring, I thee wed.

Patrick: With this ring, I thee wed. I-I shouldn't have said that.

Britt: Can we please not talk about this?

Nikolas: If you forgive me, I'll stop.

Britt: There's nothing to forgive. I'm gonna go to my room. It's been a really long day, and with the kids coming tomorrow and everything --

Nikolas: Wait. Wait.

Britt: Nikolas, please. We don't have to talk about this anymore.

Nikolas: I don't want to talk, either -- not about that, anyway. It's just this is the first moment we've had to ourselves without the weight of the world pressing down on us, and... I just want to sit with you. Would that be okay?

Britt: Okay.

Nikolas: Okay. [Grunts]

Britt: [Chuckles]

Nikolas: Can you believe it's only been five months since we met?

Britt: Uh, fourth of July. I was having a really bad night.

Nikolas: That makes two of us. Britt, I just -- I just want you to know that -- that since then... you really mean a lot to me. Did it happen fast? Yeah, it did. Was it under some, uh...intense, uh...perhaps treacherous circumstances?

Britt: [Laughs]

Nikolas: Yeah. You bet. But I-I don't -- I don't want whatever it is that we have between us to change. I don't want to go backwards.

Britt: What are you saying?

Nikolas: Spend the night with me.

Britt: Nikolas, I don't -- I don't know.

Nikolas: We don't -- we don't have to do anything. We just -- we've both been through so much. I don't want to be anywhere else but right next to you tonight.

Anna: I know what I have to do. If you can't handle this, you should leave.

Robert: Hey. [Sighs] For Robin? For Emma?

Anna: [Crying] For Robin and for Emma -- for us.

Robert: If we're gonna do this, we're gonna do it together.

Lucy: The family being created today is one of many histories, faiths, and traditions, and together, they become one. This flame symbolizes that coming together, and, traditionally, the bride and groom use the flame to light one candle to symbolize their union. But today we have three flames that are going to come together as one.

Patrick: Sweetheart, you want to come up?

Emma: Okay. [Giggles]

Patrick: Today isn't just about me and Sabrina. This is about you, too -- the family that we're gonna become.

Sabrina: Do you want to help us light the candle?

Emma: Yeah.

Lucy: And while they are doing that, epiphany Johnson is going to sing a very, very special song. This is a song that's near and dear to our bride and groom's hearts.

Epiphany: You're not alone you're not alone anymore you're not alone you're not alone anymore I know you think there's no way out like you've been living in the dark but you don't have to feel alone I know you're reaching up for the sky and you keep searching for that light but you don't have to search anymore we'll be the hands to hold you up we'll be the eyes to help you see we are here, we are now we are one you are the strength inside our hearts you are the reason we believe we are here, we are now we are one you're not alone you're not alone anymore you're not alone you're not alone anymore we'll be the hands to hold you up we'll be the eyes to help you see we are here, we are now we are one you are the strength inside our hearts you are the reason we believe we are here, we are now we are one you're not alone you're not alone anymore you're not alone you're not alone anymore knock 'em dead, Drake Jr.

Lucy: [Crying] Thank you so much, epiphany. That was beautiful. Wow. My goodness. This has been quite an emotional day. I guess all that's left is the "I dos."

Jerry: Right on time!

Luke: Nice ride!

Jerry: Now, this is what's gonna happen -- you give me the cure, I give you your sister! It's quite a bargain for such a lovely creature -- and feisty, too!

Carly: What are you waiting for?! Give him the damn vial!

Jerry: Come on!

Bobbie: No!

Jerry: It's quite a fall -- one Barbara jean wouldn't survive!

Luke: You think that he is gonna keep his promise?!

Carly: What choice do we have?!

Luke: I heard your plan! I don't like it! I like mine better!

Jerry: You wouldn't dare!

Luke: Oh, never dare a Spencer, jerry! We always take a dare, don't we, ladies?!

Carly: What are you doing, Luke?!

Luke: You let go of my sister, or I let go of this!

Lucy: Sabrina... do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do you part? Wow. That's a mouthful, isn't it? Sorry. Do you?

Sabrina: I do.

Lucy: Patrick... do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you part?

Britt: [Gasps] Oh.

Nikolas: Hey, hey. It's okay. Okay?

Britt: Sorry. [Clears throat]

Nikolas: Bad dream?

Britt: Um, it's just gonna take time to get used to the silence. No one's shooting off guns or tying people up anymore.

Nikolas: Nothing horrible is gonna happen -- not tonight, not tomorrow. No more secrets weighing us down. Feels pretty good, doesn't it?

Britt: Yeah. Great.

Robert: You all right?

Anna: I'm fine.

Robert: You were right.

Anna: I know.

Robert: You know, I hate to admit it... but you could never depend on that bastard to stay behind bars. We did the right thing. Anna...

[Both sigh]

Lucy: Patrick? I-I believe that was your cue. I do.

Sabrina: [Crying]

Lucy: Good answer, Patrick.

Sabrina: Very good answer.

Lucy: And now, by the power vested in me by the state of new York, I now pronounce you --

Emma: Mommy? Mommy! Mommy! [Crying] Mommy!

Robin: Come here.

Emma: Mommy!

Robin: Hi, baby. Ohh. Oh, it's okay. Mommy's here.

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