GH Transcript Wednesday 11/27/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 11/27/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Sam: Your turn.

Silas: What happened just now?

Sam: I was signing the guest book.

Silas: You had this look on your face. You seem sad.

Sam: Okay. I was thinking about Jason. Patrick's late wife was one of Jason's very good friends, and Patrick and I have recently been having a lot of pep talks about moving on and letting go, and -- I don't know -- I guess Patrick was able to find love. Maybe there is hope for the rest of us. Come on. Sign the book.

Sabrina: [Sighs] How do I look?

Emma: Almost done.

Sabrina: What's missing?

Felix: The dress.

Emma: You're late.

Felix: Okay. Check the attitude, flower girl. I had to make an adjustment. Worry not. This dress is pure refinement, and, once donned, you will finally, finally be marriageable.

Emma: Sabrina can't get married yet. She still needs something blue.

Felix: Where's Ellie with that bracelet?

Ellie: Maxie. What are you doing here?

Maxie: I've, um, come to see my daughter.

Patrick: Rings?

Elizabeth: Check.

Patrick: Carlos?

Elizabeth: No sign.

Patrick: Birdseed?

Elizabeth: Felix.

Patrick: I'm gonna check on that just to make sure --

Elizabeth: Okay. Hey, you just need to calm down. You keep this up, you're gonna sweat through your tux, and don't you want to look nice when your dad and Bobbie show up?

Patrick: Yeah. Shouldn't they be here by now?

Elizabeth: I told you your dad's taking a late flight. He's cutting it close. But Bobbie should be here any minute. She just wanted to drop in on her brother first.

Bobbie: Oh, Noah, I thought Dr. Kelsey was gonna cover for you. Well, of course, I understand. It's just -- yes, yes. I will explain to Patrick. Yeah. I'm -- I'm on my way to the church right now. I just stopped by to collect my brother. Yes, I will. I will tell everyone you love them. All right. I'll talk to you soon. Bye. Luke! Luke, come on! You're late! Don't make me come in there and drag you out of bed! Okay. One of the perks of being the hotel owner's mother -- easy access. Well, you...are not my brother.

Jerry: Lucky you.

Anna: So, I put Duke and Obrecht on the launch. I have a squad car to pick them up at the other end.

Robert: Did she give you any trouble?

Anna: No. She -- she was very well-behaved -- a little too much for my liking. But I told Duke not to turn his back.

Robert: Did Obrecht give you any idea where Faison might be?

Anna: If he's told her his escape plans, she's not saying.

Robert: I know he's not gonna leave this island without you. You guys have got to get out of here.

Anna: Yeah, we should.

Robin: No. I'm not going anywhere.

Anna: But we're safe. And -- and you can get to the wedding.

Robin: But, Mom, Nikolas risked his life for me. I am not going anywhere until I know he's okay.

Britt: I got it! I got Jerry's cure! Which I guess is now moot. Commissioner, wh-when did you get here?

Robert: After we turned the table on Jax and -- who are you?

Robin: Uh, Dad, Britt. Britt, my dad.

Anna: It's Obrecht and Faison's daughter.

Robert: Are you, now?

Britt: It's not like it's great news for me, either. So, since you're both safe, does that mean that this nightmare is finally over -- that my father's been caught?

Anna: Not quite.

Luke: If anything's happened to Nikolas, you won't live to see your execution.

Faison: I was given to think that you didn't care much for Laura's other whelp.

Luke: Well, you might also be given to think that I don't care for Irish whiskey, but you would be misinformed. Where is he?

Faison: Through that door, if you would open it.

Luke: Happily. Hey!

Nikolas: Ohh!

Luke: Don't worry, Nik. Your ride's here.

Ellie: Uh, Damian?

Spinelli: No, Maxie. Maxie, you can't be here.

Connie: [Fusses]

Spinelli: Shh, shh, shh, shh.

Maxie: I have a gift for her.

Spinelli: Okay. Give it to Ellie and go.

Maxie: No. It's my gift. I want to give it to her.

Spinelli: The judge says you can't be within 20 feet of her.

Maxie: I don't care what the judge said. No court can keep me from my daughter.

Spinelli: Actually, it can. Please, Maxie. You have to go.

Maxie: Spinelli, please. I-I just want to see her.

Connie: [Crying]

Ellie: Damian, really, what's the harm? I mean, who's gonna know? Can't we just let Maxie in for a little bit?

Connie: [Crying continues]

Spinelli: Shh.

Patrick: Bobbie and my dad seem to be doing pretty well.

Elizabeth: Yeah. Who'd have thought they'd reconnect after all these years, and at the Nurses' Ball, for which we have Sabrina to thank?

Patrick: That is true.

Epiphany: You have a lot to be thankful for where your bride is concerned, Drake Jr.

Patrick: Don't I know it?

Epiphany: Oh. Well, that sounded almost humble -- almost. [Laughs] But I do have to admit you look...good in that tux.

Elizabeth: Mm-hmm. Doesn't he?

Epiphany: Mm.

Elizabeth: What are you doing here?

Brad: Oh. I was invited.

Elizabeth: By whom?

Brad: The, uh, maid of honor.

Sabrina: Everything's gonna be just fine. Ellie is one of the most reliable people we know. I'm sure she'll get here with that blue bracelet with plenty of time to spare.

Felix: She seemed pretty gracious about the whole invitation mix-up.

Emma: There was a mix-up?! See?! The bad luck has already started!

Felix: Which is why we can think only good and happy thoughts. Now, what do you say we get the bride dressed and down the aisle?

[Knock on door]

Lucy: Yoo-hoo!

Emma: Lucy!

Lucy: Hi, my little munchkin! Oh, let me see you. I don't think you could get any cuter at all.


Lucy: Oh, Sabrina, your hair and your makeup -- you look just absolutely lovely.

Sabrina: Thank you.

Felix: Thank you. She'll look lovelier dressed.

Lucy: Oh. Oh, right. Well, I will leave you to that. There's just one teeny, tiny little thing that I need.

Felix: I thought you might. That's why I brought you a copy of the script, so in case you go up, now you can officiate away.

Lucy: Oh, right. Well, thank you. That's very thoughtful of you, but --

Felix: And I have copies in case you lose those, so no problem.

Lucy: Actually, there is a problem. I can't do it. I can't marry you and Patrick.

Epiphany: So, how are the nerves?

Patrick: Nothing I can't handle.

Epiphany: Good. I'm glad that you're not letting that nonsense about Robin get to you.

Patrick: What do you mean?

Epiphany: Sabrina's ex -- he was pushing some story about having seen Robin haunting the lab.

Patrick: Yeah.

Epiphany: Some fools just don't know when to quit.

Robert: Faison's in Luke's custody, and now they're both missing.

Britt: Could my mother be involved?

Anna: Mnh-mnh. Duke just escorted her off the island.

Britt: Well, we need Nikolas. He can help us search the tunnels. What? What aren't you telling me?

Anna: We think that, somehow, Faison has Nikolas.

Luke: Drop the gun. Set him loose.

[Faison's hunchman drops his gun]

Faison: Or what?

Luke: Or the gravy train stops here. So much for continental superiority.

[Another hunchman shows up behind Faison and points his gun at Luke]

Faison: You're fired. You were saying?

Bobbie: Jerry?

Jerry: [Coughs]

Bobbie: I heard you died.

Jerry: Did that make you sad?

Bobbie: Yeah, well, people have been wrong about your death before.

Jerry: You always gave me the benefit of the doubt.

Bobbie: And I regretted it every single time. did you manage to survive this time, only to wind up cuffed to my brother's bed?

Jerry: [Chuckles] [Coughs]

Luke: [Grunts] You owe me.

Nikolas: For what? All you did was get caught.

Luke: That was all part of the plan, son.

Nikolas: Great plan.

Faison: Listen, Spencer, I'm the man with the plan, and the question is, is there room in it for either of you?

Elizabeth: He invited you here to Sabrina and Patrick's wedding? I don't believe it.

Brad: Oh, believe it.

Elizabeth: Since when is Felix even friendly with you?

Brad: Miss a day, miss a lot. Bride's side, please.

Elizabeth: [Sighs]

Emma: But you have to do the ceremony! You promised!

Felix: Yes, you did.

Lucy: I know. Um, I-I-I did, but something has come up.

Felix: Unh-unh. Push it back down. We told the minister to take the day off, because a goddess incarnate was on tap to seal this union.

Lucy: Well, you're just gonna have to find somebody else to do the deed. Hey, maybe Epiphany or Mac or somebody can do it.

Sabrina: I doubt either of them is ordained.

Lucy: Well, so what?! You know, all you need is a credit card and a cell phone and your thumbs, and you can get ordained lickety-split. I can't do it. I-I-I just got to go. Good luck to everyone.

Felix: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Lucy, did your license to wed expire?

Lucy: No, worse. I cannot do the ceremony, because I don't know if I even believe in marriage anymore.

Felix: Say what?

Sabrina: Why?

Lucy: Because my marriage is over.

Patrick: Don't worry. Carlos' mind games are not gonna stop me from marrying Sabrina.

Epiphany: Good, 'cause you and Sabrina have come too far to let some Carlos-come-lately gum up the works.

Patrick: I couldn't have done it without you.

Epiphany: Oh, I don't know about that. [Chuckles]

Patrick: You know what your problem is, Nurse Johnson?

Epiphany: No, Dr. Drake. What is my problem?

Patrick: Well, you're great at giving orders, but you're terrible at taking compliments.

Epiphany: [Laughing] Oh, really?

Patrick: Yes.

Epiphany: Try me.

Patrick: Okay. After Robin died... you were with me every step of the way. You stood by me when I was...

Epiphany: On drugs?

Patrick: I was gonna say, "Having a hard time coping," but you're right. I don't know what to say. I can't thank you enough for seeing me through. I almost lost it.

Epiphany: Oh, you totally lost it. [Laughs] But you found it again with Sabrina. And I am so happy for you.

Patrick: Thank you.

Epiphany: Mm. [Sighs] All right, Drake Jr. Go get it done.

Patrick: Get it done.

Britt: We need to find Nikolas. My father won't hesitate to kill him, if he hasn't already.

Anna: All right. All right. We'll find him.

Robin: Mom, you'll cover more ground with me and Britt if we help you.

Anna: No.

Robert: You're not coming.

Robin: Why? I want to help find them, and I know this house!

Anna: No. It is too dangerous. We already lost you once, and we fought like hell to get you back.

Robert: We're not gonna risk losing you again. You're gonna stay here, and that's the end of it.

Robin: Fine. I'll stay here.

Anna: We'll come back, and we'll have Nikolas.

Bobbie: You're dying?

Jerry: Well, this time it's really happening. I've -- I've been in hiding since the incident last year.

Bobbie: Incident? Oh, right -- when you poisoned the town's water supply and nearly killed a long list of my loved ones.

Jerry: Look at it this way -- they're all fine, while I'm slowly wasting away. I mean, I only poisoned the entire water supply to get the money to develop a cure for the condition that's killing me, and, sadly, your beloved brother, Luke, stole the cure and left me for dead.

Bobbie: This is all a little much.

Jerry: Barbara Jean. Barbara Jean, wait. I'm reaching the end. I need the cure. I'll be nothing but a memory, and not a particularly fond one for most.

Bobbie: Oh. And how are you going to get this cure?

Jerry: There's one more dose. It's at the lab at General Hospital. I'm asking you, let me out of these handcuffs to save myself. What are you doing?

Bobbie: I-I'm calling my brother.

[Phone ringing]

Luke: Okay, Faison. Let's discuss terms.

Faison: Why would I discuss terms with a man who just ruined my new jacket, hmm? What the hell do you have to offer me?!

Luke: Well, what do you want?!

Faison: How 'bout a song, a little dance, and Scorpio's head upon a lance?

Luke: Well, why don't we start with a boat?

Faison: No, I don't want a boat from you. Remember? No. I have my own boat -- plenty of room for me, Anna, my men, and one hostage.

Luke: Oh. One?

Faison: One.

Luke: Well, then, take the hostage and let the other guy go free.

Faison: I wouldn't go that far.

Spinelli: It would be literally against the law for me to give you one second with our daughter.

Maxie: That's not fair.

Spinelli: No, you're right. It's not fair, but it's -- it's not my fault, and I don't appreciate being cast as the bad guy here.

Ellie: Hey, no one's doing that.

Maxie: You're right. That evil, power-crazed judge is the bad guy. None of this is on you.

Spinelli: Yeah, but it will be on me if the judge takes Connie away, because I went against his decision, and, Maxie, you'll go to jail.

Ellie: That can't possibly be true.

Spinelli: Ellie, it is. It says so in the decree. Diane brought it over. Feel free to look at it.

Maxie: Spinelli, please. I know you don't want to do this.

Spinelli: You're right -- I don't want to bar you from our daughter, but this is the way things are. Maxie, you have to go.

Maxie: I'm not going anywhere.

Lucy: [Crying] And after Kevin told me that he couldn't come with me to the wedding ceremony, because he had yet again another patient emergency... I blurted out something that I couldn't take back, and then he blurted out something that he couldn't take back, and then we just blurted back and forth and blurted, blurted, blurted until there was nothing left to say and the only thing left to do was walk out, so I did. I walked out.

Felix: I'm sorry to hear that, Lucy. I am. But you and Kevin have survived bigger things than his busy schedule, so I think there's hope for you. Your marriage is made of sterner stuff. You can fix this.

Lucy: [Crying] What if I can't? What if I can't? I can't possibly just go up there in front of all our family and all our friends and extol the virtues of marriage when I can't even make mine work -- again!

[Knock on door]

Sabrina: I bet that's Ellie with the bracelet.

Robin: Patrick's still not picking up.

Britt: Oh, my God. Forget calling him. Just go to Patrick -- now.

Robin: I can't do that.

Britt: He's about to marry Sabrina.

Robin: Britt, if something happened to Nikolas while I was racing off to crash Patrick's wedding --

Britt: I can take care of Nikolas. I'm a doctor, remember?

Robin: But he rescued me. I owe Nikolas.

Britt: Oh, come on. Now I know why my mother gets so furious with virtuous people. I mean, maybe there's still a chance Patrick will take my advice and call it off.

Robin: Wait. What?

Britt: It's so painfully obvious that he has reservations about this marriage.

Robin: Well, why -- why would he have reservations?

Britt: Because he's still hung up on you.

Robin: Really? I mean, what -- how do you know that for sure?

Britt: I ran into Patrick a little while ago in the lab when I was picking up the cure.

Robin: You did today?

Britt: Yeah.

Robin: But it's his wedding day. What was he doing in the lab?

Britt: Looking for you.

Faison: Which of you is of greater value, hmm -- Nikolas, keeper of the Cassadine fortune, worth untold millions, or --

Nikolas: Billions, actually.

Luke: Billions? Are you kidding me? Have you kept an eye on what's happening with the Greek economy lately?

Nikolas: No.

Luke: Well, you should, 'cause there's not billions there anymore. I, on the other hand, have my fingers in the till of the Quartermaine fortune.

Nikolas: From who -- Tracy? Come on. You're not even married to her.

Luke: Well, that's never stopped me before. Besides, I know where they keep all their offshore money.

Faison: Yeah, I'm sure you do. I'm sure you do. But you know what?

Luke: What?

Faison: I think I'll go for Nikolas.

Luke: Why?

Faison: He's less annoying, Spencer. But I'll be fair. I'll leave your fates up to lady luck.

Luke: Heads, I win, tails, you lose, huh?

Bobbie: Luke's not picking up.

Jerry: Now what?

Bobbie: We wait for him to call back.

Jerry: You're not serious?

Bobbie: Or I can call the PCPD in on this. Up to you.

Jerry: No, there's -- there's a third option. If you won't set me free, go to the hospital yourself, get the cure from the lab, and bring it back to me to save me -- please.

Bobbie: Mm. No. I -- you know, no. No. I think I should wait. I got to talk to Luke.

Jerry: For God's sake, Bobbie. We used to mean something to each other.

Bobbie: Oh, yeah? Well, anything we had ended on our wedding day, when you got arrested.

Jerry: [Sighs] [Chuckles] I's all in the past, then. I don't mean anything to you anymore, do I?

Bobbie: It's in the lab?

Anna: There's three. There's Faison and two of his men.

Robert: All armed?

Anna: Yeah.

Robert: We got one shot at this.

Anna: Well, we can't go in, guns blazing. We could hit Luke or Nikolas. We need a plan.

Robert: Something...simple, straightforward. No time to get cute.

Faison: Gentlemen... [Clears throat] All right. The universe has spoken. At long last, Luke Spencer's time... has finally come.

Robin: So, he did recognize me. I-I thought I had covered with him.

Britt: Obviously not, because Patrick came in and started asking all kinds of questions, trying to figure out if Carlos' story could even be remotely true.

Robin: And that all happened today?

Britt: In the tux and everything. And Patrick even asked me and Brad if we'd seen you, and if I knew your parents were already safe, I would have told him the truth right there, but the only thing I could do was strongly advise him to listen to his doubts.

Robin: And what did he have to say to that?

Britt: He said he's sure about Sabrina.

Robin: Of course, he is. She took care of him and Emma, and she loves him. And I'm dead.

Emma: Go away, Daddy! You can't see the bride before the wedding!

Sabrina: Technically, I think we're okay, since I don't have the gown on.

Felix: No, you don't, and people are arriving. Uh, just sayin'.

Patrick: I need a minute with the bride.

Felix: Okay. Then a minute you shall have. Come on, ladies. Have to respect the process.

Emma: What process?

Felix: The wedding process. It's complicated and terrifying but so, so rewarding -- or so I hear.

Sabrina: Nice tux. [Chuckles]

Patrick: Thank you. You -- you take my breath away. I can't wait to see you in that dress.

Sabrina: [Chuckles] Well, it won't be long now.

Patrick: No, it won't. Look, before we do this, I would just like to clear the air.

Sabrina: About what?

Patrick: I know Carlos told you that he saw Robin in the lab.

Sabrina: Oh, my God. I can't believe he told you that.

Patrick: No, he didn't tell me. Ava Jerome came to the house, and she told me.

Sabrina: I should have been the one to tell you. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I thought you were gonna be upset.

Patrick: I know why you didn't tell me. And I just want you to know that I know and that I know it's not true.

Sabrina: Good.

Patrick: Look, I'm not gonna lie. Hearing Robin was possibly alive -- it got to me a little bit. I actually went to the lab.

Sabrina: You did?

Patrick: Yeah. But I left there, and I closed the door on my old life. And I can't wait to start a new one with you.

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Patrick: I love you... and I can't wait to be your husband... so get that dress on and let's do this, okay?

Sabrina: [Chuckles] Okay.

Spinelli: Why can't you understand that if I let you near our daughter, we could both lose her for good?

Ellie: Maxie, Damian's right. This decree is pretty clear about parameters and consequences.

Maxie: I don't care about that, okay? I just -- I just want a few minutes to hold our daughter to let her know that her mother did not abandon her, so she knows that I love her -- please.

Spinelli: Okay, I'm sorry, Maxie, but if you come any closer, I'll have to call the police.

Bobbie: [Sighs]

Jerry: Did you get the cure?

Bobbie: It wasn't there.

Jerry: But -- but it has to be.

Bobbie: It wasn't. I looked everywhere. So, you know, if your people were using the lab to put this cure together for you, they left. They cleared out. Maybe they took it with them.

Jerry: Or -- or -- or your brother has it.

Bobbie: Well, I don't know. You know, I tried calling Luke again, but he didn't pick up, so I don't know what else I can do.

Jerry: Yes. Yes, you do. Let me go.

Bobbie: No. I can't.

Jerry: Please, Bobbie. Bobbie, look, don't leave me here to die. If you can't save me, just give me the chance to save myself, please. Please.

Nikolas: Luke, I wasn't serious about you taking a bullet for me.

Luke: I know, son. I know.

Faison: I find it fitting. Don't you, Spencer? You lived your life standing tall. Now you're gonna die on your knee. Goodbye. And say hello to Helena.

[Anna bursts in]

Faison: Hey! Don't shoot! Don't shoot! Hello, Anna. I knew you would come.

Anna: I'm here. Now let them go.

Faison: I can't. I-I-I need to take a hostage.

Anna: All you need is me, right? So, let them go. I'll willingly take their place.

Faison: Take it easy. I can't let you trade yourself for your friends. Will you come with me willing or not?

Anna: Will I?

Faison: Yeah.

Luke: What are you doing?

Anna: I'm saving your life.

Luke: I'm not worth it!

Faison: [Stammering] You won't do that. And leave Robin?

Anna: She's dead -- and Robert and Duke. Obrecht escaped, and she killed them all. You'd be very proud. She was quite efficient.

Faison: How can you say that, Anna?

Anna: Hmm?

Faison: I would kill her for hurting you.

Anna: Really?

Faison: Yeah.

Anna: Whereas everything you've ever done to me has caused me pain, and you justify it by some kind of twisted love. You can't hurt me anymore. Everything I've ever cared about has been taken from me, and now I'm numb.

Faison: Anna... you've got to understand --

Anna: What I understand is that there is one thing else I can do with my life, and that is to save theirs by giving myself to you. It's what you've always wanted, isn't it? Right? All you have to do... is let them go.

Faison: I can't, Anna.

Anna: No?

Faison: No.

Anna: Okay. That's fine. If you're not gonna agree to my terms, then you don't get me. Goodbye.

Faison: No! How could you do that?

Anna: Safety was on. See? Right here.

Luke: As if she'd kill herself for you.

Nikolas: What about R-Robin and Duke?

Robert: Right as rain.

Nikolas: So, that just leaves this psychopath.

Anna: He's all mine.

Bobbie: As it turns out, I'm not going to the wedding. Um, I-I have a splitting headache. So, maybe you could send Elizabeth a text and just let her know what's going on. Yeah. No. I, um -- I don't need anybody to check on me. I'm, uh -- I'm absolutely fine.

Elizabeth: There you are.

Patrick: Hi.

Elizabeth: I was about to send out a search party for you.

Patrick: Sorry to keep you waiting. Just some last-minute stuff.

Elizabeth: Everything okay?

Patrick: Everything's perfect.

Lucy: Okey-dokey. Uh, so, um, Felix was actually right just because my marriages to Tony and Alan and Scott and Kevin didn't work out, and the fact that a lot of first-time marriages -- I think the odds are 50-50 that they do end in divorce -- it doesn't mean that you and Patrick -- your whole marriage won't succeed and be faithful and happy and fun.


Felix: If anyone can do it, it's Patrick and Sabrina, right?

Lucy: R-right. Right. I have complete faith that you're gonna beat the odds, that your wedding and your marriage will be a huge success. I promise.

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Lucy: So, Felix, may I have the script, please?

Felix: By all means. And just in case.

Lucy: Just in case. [Chuckles] Okay. Well, hey, um, then let's get this wedding started. All right.

Emma: Wait! We still don't have anything blue!

Lucy: Oh. Oh, yes, we do. Hey, you know what? My Aunt Charlene gave this to me right before I married Alan, and, well, actually, that marriage lasted a lot longer than it should have, so it must be good luck. Here you go. I will see you at the altar. Ha! Ta!

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Felix: [Sighs] I'm sure she doesn't have a cold. Now let's get in that dress and get married.

Robin: Oh, my God.

Britt: Nikolas, what happened?

Nikolas: I'm all right. I'm okay. Everyone's okay.

Britt: Are you sure?

Nikolas: Yes. Yes.

Robin: Where are my parents?

Luke: They're at the stables. They're fine.

Robin: Faison?

Luke: He's there, too -- in custody. It's done, Robin. It's -- it's all over.

Robin: Not everything. There is something else that I have to take care of.

Felix: The bride's ready to go. Where's your dad?

Lucy: Uh, wait. Noah is actually coming?

Felix: Well, no one from Sabrina's side of the family could make it, so Dr. Drake Sr. offered to give away the bride.

Patrick: He'll be here in a minute.

Lucy: Oh, good.

Elizabeth: Actually, I just got a text from him. He's in Seattle -- emergency surgery.

Patrick: All right. Well, at least he's consistent, but, then again, that's the job.

Lucy: The jo-- he has a job to do here! Okay. So, now who's gonna give away the bride?

Felix: Let me go deal with that. You get this party started here, and we're good.

Lucy: Okay. Check. I'm going in there. I'll be in -- I-I better go in there. Okay.

Elizabeth: [Chuckles] ready?

Patrick: I'm ready.

Robert: There we go. Prisoner's secured. Let's call the WSB and the police department and get this guy off our hands.

Anna: Let's hold off on that, all right?

Robert: What for?

Robin: Oh, my God. Are you all right?

Robert: Nary a scratch.

Anna: We're fine.

Faison: You were right about your mother.

Robin: Of course, I was right.

Faison: Okay, okay, okay.

Robin: I'm just glad you're okay.

Robert: Well, things will be fine as soon as you're reunited with the family.

Anna: Your father's gonna take you back to the mainland now, okay?

Robin: What about you?

Anna: I'm gonna stay here till Faison is disposed of. For God's sake, get to the church. Come on.

Robin: Okay.

Anna: Get out of here. Come on.

Spinelli: For once, you need to accept reality, okay? If I let you near our daughter, she'll be taken away from me, most likely put in foster care, and I'm not gonna allow that to happen, okay? I need to prioritize her needs, not yours.

Maxie: Wh-what are you gonna tell her when Connie's old enough to ask where her mother is?

Spinelli: Well, if it happens anytime soon, I'll rejoice 'cause it means she's a prodigy, but until then, Maxie --

Maxie: I cannot wait six months to see her!

Ellie: You have to, Maxie. If Damian lets you violate that order, your baby's gonna be taken away from both of you, and I don't think that's what you want.

Connie: [Crying]

Spinelli: Shh.

Maxie: In six months, she could be walking. She'll be trying new foods, recognizing people. I'm gonna miss all of that.

Spinelli: I'm sorry, Maxie. You have to go.

[Pachelbel's "Canon in 'D' Major" plays as Elizabeth and Emma make their separate entrances]

Luke: Yeah, that's enough excitement for one day. Uh, I'm gonna be going.

Britt: Wait a second. Do you want this for Jerry?

Luke: I do want it, but, uh, why should we commute Jerry's sentence? No. In memory of cook, this is for Sean Donely.

Britt: Come on. You're a mess.

[Cell phone rings]

Nikolas: All right. Think you can help me?

Britt: Oh, trust me. I'm a doctor.

Luke: Ooh, Barbara. Hey! Barbara Jean, what's up, baby?

Jerry: Sorry, Luke. Bobbie can't come to the phone right now.

[Music continues]

Sabrina: [Crying] Thank you for doing this.

Felix: Please. You didn't think I'd let you walk down that aisle by yourself? This is your wedding.

Sabrina: [Laughing and crying] Yes. [Sniffles] It is.

Felix: Don't you dare start crying and mess up that makeup.

Sabrina: [Laughing and crying]

Felix: [Sniffles] [Exhales sharply]

[Wagner's "Bridal Chorus" plays]

Emma: Daddy?

Patrick: Yeah, sweetie?

Emma: She's so pretty.

Patrick: Yes, she is.

[Music continues]

Faison: Only learn. Our little dance continues. You and I... the steps we only knew too well... by heart. I'll declare my love for you. You'll deny any love for me. And you'll send me away -- far away -- in chains. But you know what? I'll be back, Anna. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later, but believe me... I'll be back.

Anna: You're such a blight on my life.

Faison: Don't say that.

Anna: Yeah, you are.

Robert: Okay. I got her to the mainland, put her in a car, but I don't think she's gonna make it in time.

[Music continues]

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Robert: All right, then. Let's get this bastard off to prison, shall we?

Faison: Yeah. Let's move. Ahhhhh! The sooner you take me away, the sooner I'll be back! All right.

Robert: Come on.

Faison: [Grunts]

Anna: No. There'll be no prison for him this time.

Robert: What?

Anna: The only place Faison is going to is hell. After everything he's done... he has to die.

Robin: [Breathing heavily] Oh, my God.

Lucy: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God and in the face of this company to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony.

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