General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 11/26/13
Provided By Suzanne
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Robert: I could've shot you!
Anna: I could've killed you, too. Are you kidding me?
Robert: You all right?
Anna: Yeah. I found Duke.
Robert: Is he all right?
Anna: Yeah, he is. He's in there. He's got Obrecht. Where's Faison?
Robert: Luke's got him outside.
Anna: All right.
Robert: Yeah.
Anna: Robin?
Robert: See for yourself.
Brad: Tell me -- is the Scorpio-Drake woman alive or isn't she?
Britt: I don't know why you think I'd ever give you that information.
Brad: Because if you don't, I may be required to tell everyone I'm not the father of that baby of yours.
Britt: What did you just say?
Brad: Why so surprised, Britt? Hmm? I'm not saying anything you don't already know. I'm not the father of your baby.
[Door opens]
Ellie: Maxie. Hey. How are you doing?
Maxie: Were you with Spinelli all night?
Ellie: Yeah. I, uh... I just wanted to be of assistance. You know, in case he had any questions.
Maxie: About the baby. Well, how is she? How's my daughter?
Spinelli: Okay, something's amiss. You're pleased. Just please tell me what I can do.
Sam: Spinelli, guess what. She's full. You did great. You did. Here, give me this.
Spinelli: You don't say.
Sam: Yes, you are, aren't you?
Spinelli: Oh, well, I hope I'm doing better, for her sake.
Sam: You are. You're doing a lot better. It's a big improvement.
Spinelli: Over last night? Yeah. Oh, I don't know what I would have done without you and Ellie.
Sam: Well...
Spinelli: Um... you look clean. And elegant, if I may say so. Are you going somewhere?
Sam: I have, um... yes, I'm going to Patrick and Sabrina's wedding.
Emma: Sabrina!
Sabrina: Oh, look at you! You look like a princess in that dress.
Emma: Thank you, but, Sabrina, we're in trouble.
Sabrina: What do you mean?
Emma: I don't think there's gonna be a wedding.
Elizabeth: Hi.
Patrick: Hi.
Elizabeth: Need help with that?
Patrick: Look at you, all dressed up. You look beautiful. You took your glasses off.
Elizabeth: Well, a little aspirin and hydration works wonders. My hangover wasn't that bad.
Patrick: You were drinking out of your shoe.
Elizabeth: You're exaggerating. I was not drinking out of my shoe.
Patrick: Damn it.
Elizabeth: What's going on?
Patrick: Nothing. I was never good at these.
Elizabeth: Hey, what's wrong? And don't tell me it's the tie. Hey. I'm your best person. That's why I'm here -- for you. What's on your mind?
Patrick: Robin.
Robin: Oh, Mom.
Spinelli: Thank you again for last night. I don't know what I would've done without you and Ellie.
Sam: Of course. Ellie seems to be a natural.
Spinelli: Which is an enormous surprise. Ellie had no plans to have children. Deep down, I thought she had some misgivings about caring for a child, but such is not the case. Soon, she'll be as proficient as you, right?
Sam: Well, I didn't really see myself as a maternal kind of person, but look at me -- I'm doing pretty good. I'm learning every day. I think you're gonna learn.
Spinelli: Right.
Sam: Right, little cutie?
Spinelli: If you hadn't taken in my daughter and me, I don't know where we'd be.
Sam: Are you kidding me? I am so happy that you're here. Now that Rafe's gone, we have so much room. And besides, I think single parents should stick together.
Spinelli: [Sighs] It's -- it's so unjust. Jason's dead, so there's a reason that Danny doesn't have a father, but Maxie's alive, and it just doesn't seem fair to leave our daughter without her mother's love.
Sam: Well, how long does Maxie have to stay away?
Spinelli: She's not allowed any contact until the judge revisits the case in six months. I mean, it's killing Ellie and me, but it has to be unimaginably worse for Maxie.
Ellie: Maxie, rest assured the baby's being well cared for. Um, she ate, and, uh -- and she slept...a little. Samantha's been a wonderful mentor. And she's tutoring us in all aspects of infant care. Oh, and, um... and young Daniel? He's -- he's thrilled to have the opportunity to socialize with another child. I mean, the baby coos whenever he's near her.
Maxie: Sounds like one big happy family.
Brad: Look at this face. What do you see?
Britt: That you're spending too much time in a tanning bed?
Brad: I am Asian. That kid of yours looks nothing like me! And the older he gets, the more obvious that's gonna be. Why you need me as father --
Britt: I-I panicked, okay?! Patrick was threatening to sue me for custody. I had no choice. I had to tell him he wasn't the father. And then he demanded to know who was.
Brad: And claiming a randy, gay Asian dude being your baby daddy seemed like a good idea?
Britt: Yeah! Patrick already knew there was some sort of quid pro quo going on between you and me. He knew you had faked various test results and that I gave you the lab-manager position. It made sense to him. And I figured you'd go along with it.
Brad: I wish I didn't. I wish I'd just blown this whole thing wide open back then!
Britt: Well, you didn't, okay? And it's a little too late now. We're both committed.
Brad: Oh, no, no, no, no. Think again. Okay, I can still tell. Or you can tell me the truth about Robin Scorpio-Drake.
Sabrina: What do you mean, Emma? Why can't we have a wedding today?
Emma: Felix is in his bedroom.
Sabrina: Yeah. He's working on my mother's dress.
Emma: He's saying bad words, one after the other, some I've never even heard before, but they sound bad.
Sabrina: Oh. Well...
Emma: I think that means there's a problem.
Sabrina: Well, I happen to know for a fact that Felix's sewing machine has a tendency to eat the thread and it drives him crazy. Cursing is just part of his process.
Emma: Well, what if he doesn't finish your dress in time? What if he messes up? What if you can't marry Daddy today?!
Elizabeth: Of course, you're thinking about Robin. I'm thinking about Robin. You're getting married today. It's a big step. It says you're moving on.
Patrick: It's more than that.
Elizabeth: What do you mean?
Patrick: Ava Jerome came to see me today.
Elizabeth: What? What did she want?
Patrick: She said that she was here on behalf of her good friend Carlos.
Elizabeth: Carlos? Sabrina's ex, Carlos? He recruited Ava to come make trouble for the two of you?
Patrick: To be honest, I'm not sure what to make of it, but... he told her something about Robin.
Elizabeth: What?
Patrick: That he'd seen her in the lab.
Anna: I knew you were alive. I knew it. I heard your voice on those audio logs in the lab. And then I saw your writing, and -- and Luke said that he'd seen you, but I couldn't trust it until right now.
Robin: All I kept doing was concentrating on what was right in front of me, because every time I thought about it, it hurt too much thinking about... how much I missed you, mom, and I thought I'd never see you again.
Anna: I'm right here.
Robin: I was really scared.
Anna: I know. I'm here, darling. I'm here. Oh, God. I got you back. Wow. I got you back.
Robin: I'm here.
Anna: I promise you, I will never lose you again.
[Both laugh]
Britt: Saying you're my baby's father doesn't cost you anything. Why are you using it as leverage to find out about Patrick's wife?
Brad: Because Felix thinks I'm this deadbeat dad, and I need to change that.
Britt: I thought everything was sunshine and unicorns between you and your girlfriend. I mean, didn't you just say that he asked you to be his date to go to Patrick and Sabrina's wedding?
Brad: Yeah, he's starting to come around.
Britt: Okay.
Brad: But the fact that I could care less about this baby you keep telling everyone is mine is a problem, all right? I need to redeem myself. So if Patrick's wife is still alive, tell me so Felix's best friend won't be humiliated!
Britt: [Scoffs] No, you mean so you can go to the wedding and play hero, right? Like you did when you went to that christening and told Dante and Lulu that their baby actually belonged to Spinelli and Maxie.
Maxie: It's just so ironic. You -- you never wanted children. And I know the reasons were, um...overpopulation and resources, but... you didn't want to be a mother, and now you are one to my daughter.
Ellie: No, Maxie, I'm not her mother. I'm just trying to help Damian out for a little while.
Maxie: For six months. Half of a year. Suddenly, that seems like forever. Let's face it. I mean, it probably is. What's supposed to change in six months? Somehow, I'm just supposed to suddenly become a better person?
Ellie: No. You are such a good person.
Maxie: No, Ellie. I'm not. I blackmailed you into keeping my secret, and you almost lost your relationship with Spinelli. For what? Why was I so invested in this lie? I mean, how could I have possibly thought it would be a good idea to give up my baby? And now there isn't anything I can do to get her back.
Ellie: Maxie, I am so sorry. I'm so sorry.
Maxie: I, uh... I think you should go.
Ellie: Is there anything that I can do?
Maxie: Just... just kiss my little girl for me.
Ellie: Okay.
[Door closes]
Sam: Can you believe it, Spinelli? I am from a mob family, after all.
Spinelli: Yeah, it's almost too much to take in.
Sam: No, you actually have no idea. I'm -- I'm really happy that you're here, because it is a little bit too much to take in.
Spinelli: Right.
Sam: Derek -- he keeps on calling, and he wants to talk to his grandson. And to hear him say that -- like, his grandson -- it just -- it makes me cringe. It's almost like he -- he, like, feels like he has some sort of ownership over him. But, then, a part of me has to think that I'm gonna have to find a way to actually deal with him. I'm just -- I'm not ready for it yet.
Spinelli: Well, if there's anything I can do to provide assistance, I mean, after all you're doing for me...
Sam: No. You are here, and that is enough.
Spinelli: Okay, let's...
Sam: [Giggles] Are you trying to burp her?
Spinelli: Well, yeah. The book said gentle tapping.
Sam: No, you got to put her over your shoulder. I mean, normally, it works a little bit better.
Spinelli: Hence the dish towel.
Sam: I would do it for you...
Spinelli: No, please, you're dressed to kill. Consider us slain.
[Knock on door]
Spinelli: Rar! Oh.
Patrick: Ava took it upon herself to come and see me.
Elizabeth: To tell you that Carlos saw Robin in the lab, the guy who's only been here for a few weeks, who's never even met Robin?
Patrick: She said that he recognized her from a photo.
Elizabeth: Yeah, and I'm sure he knows that she died in the lab. Patrick, this is a sick way to torture you with an obvious lie to get you to postpone the wedding.
Patrick: I know. That's what I thought at first, too.
Elizabeth: But what?
Patrick: I... when she was walking away, she said something that... I can't shake. She said, "if Robin was alive, wouldn't you want to find out?"
Robin: I still can't believe it. You're both here.
Robert: Together again.
Anna: I love you both. [Smooches] I want you to know something -- that my daughter is the greatest gift I ever got. And... thank you for convincing me that she was out there. You know it's your father that saved you. You know that, right?
Robert: Hey, don't you believe a word of it. Your mother's just being overly generous. It was a joint effort. Now the best stuff we've ever done, we've created together, and you're the proof of that.
[Door opens]
Anna: [Gasps]
Duke: Whoa! Whoa. Take it easy. It's -- it's only me. Robin. Is that you?
Robin: [Laughs] When Obrecht had me locked up, you came to save me. Only it wasn't you. It was Faison wearing that terrible mask.
Duke: Oh, terrible for him. He's nothing compared to the real thing.
Robin: Exactly. You're much more handsome than he is. Oh, Duke, I thought you were dead.
Duke: No more tears. No tears unless they're happy tears.
Robin: Okay.
Duke: It's all over now. You're home.
Robin: I've been dreaming of this moment for so long. I can't believe it. It's exactly happening that you're all...really here.
Sabrina: I've been dreaming about this for such a long time, and it's finally happening. It doesn't matter what I wear.
Emma: But you didn't like the dress that Felix got you.
Sabrina: Then I'll wear my bathrobe.
Emma: Mnh-mnh.
Sabrina: Okay. I promise -- I won't wear my bathrobe. Although your daddy said that he would marry me even if I were wearing a paper bag. So, no worries. There will be a wedding today. You and your daddy and I are going to be a family -- a happy, wonderful little family, even if Uncle Felix botches my mother's dress.
Felix: Ye of little faith. Your gown is ready. The wedding can now proceed as imagined.
Emma: No, it won't. Not until we make sure Sabrina has good luck today.
Patrick: You don't think I should go to the lab and check it out for myself?
Elizabeth: Check what out? A story from Julian Jerome's sister, a known liar?
Patrick: I know. I barely know the woman, but...
Elizabeth: You know that Ava showed up at the Quartermaine's doorstep, lying about her daughter being a Quartermaine just to get a piece of Edward's legacy.
Patrick: Yeah, but that's about money. Why would she try and do this to me?
Elizabeth: I don't know. I don't know what her connection is to Carlos or what he's promised her.
Patrick: Well, she said it was about true love -- that Carlos belongs with Sabrina, and I belong with Robin.
Elizabeth: You did. You guys were amazing together, and you were truly in love. But she's gone. You know that.
Patrick: I just --
Elizabeth: And Carlos wants Sabrina, so he's made up this whole story. He's lying and so is Ava.
Patrick: I know, but where would the story about her being in the lab come from?
Elizabeth: Patrick, don't do this. Don't undermine your happiness. Nobody is questioning your love for Robin. You honored her memory, and you grieved for her for a really long time, and now you're moving on. I know you love Sabrina, and you're supposed to marry her in an hour. Are you really gonna go chase Robin's ghost now?
Robin: Mom, I just -- I can't -- I can't believe that you're here.
Anna: I am here. Oh, God. You got to relax now, all right? Just relax. Your father and Duke and I will take care of everything from here on out, all right? There's no one that can stand in your way now. You can go Emma... and Patrick.
Felix: Let's see -- the dress is old and it's also new, because, hon, you won't believe the new-and-improved version. Now all we need is something borrowed.
Emma: You could borrow this.
[Both laugh]
Sabrina: Oh. Thank you, Emma.
Felix: While we appreciate the effort, Emma, we're gonna have to make sure it works with the veil.
Emma: Just make it work, Felix.
Felix: Yes, ma'am.
Emma: Now all we need is something blue.
Felix: Hmm. Hey, psst! Any of those scanties you wearing under that gown blue?
Sabrina: No. But I do have a turquoise necklace that Carlos gave me.
Felix: [Gasps] Turquoise! From your ex? With that gown?
Sabrina: Okay. Fine. Look, we'll just take our chances and go without the "something blue."
Emma: We can't. Maxie told her mother that if they didn't do all the somethings, something bad would happen.
[Knock on door]
Felicia: Maxie, it's us!
Maxie: I already told you, I'm not going to Patrick and Sabrina's wedding.
Silas: Wow. You look beautiful.
Sam: Thank you.
Silas: You sure you want to be seen with me? At this wedding? I mean, what was it that Dr. Drake called me again?
Sam: A jackass, arrogant... there were other choice words. I don't really care to remember them at the moment. You don't make the best first impression, you know.
Silas: Mm-hmm. Thanks for giving me a second chance.
Sam: Patrick is the one who talked me in to going on that first date with you. You can thank him.
Silas: Mm. No. But to be fair, our first date was a disaster.
Sam: I think all of our dates have been a disaster.
Silas: What's gonna happen this time?
Sam: Well...
[Door opens]
Ellie: Hi.
Sam: Hi.
Ellie: Wow. You two look so elegant.
Sam: Thank you. Um, we're going to Patrick's wedding. Aren't, uh -- why aren't you going? Aren't you friends with Sabrina?
Ellie: Yeah, but for some reason, I didn't get my invitation.
Anna: So, after your father convinced me that you were out there somewhere -- mwah! -- We decided that we would keep that to ourselves. We didn't want to tell anyone, just in case it didn't kind of pan out.
Robin: Yeah, yeah, I understand.
Anna: So, Patrick and Emma are gonna be shocked, but it's gonna be the happiest day of their life, I would think.
Robin: Mom.
Anna: What?
Robin: So you don't know, then?
Anna: Don't know what?
Robin: I swiped this from the lab.
Anna: What is it?
Robin: Patrick is getting
Brad: Dante and lulu deserved to know that baby they were raising belonged to Maxie and that weird P.I. Okay, I had to prove I could do the right thing, and that's what I'm trying to do now!
Britt: Did it ever occur to you that maybe that's exactly what I'm trying to do, too? That there are things that carry more weight than your desperate attempt to impress Felix? I can't talk about things -- not to you, not to anyone. Actual matters of life and death, so shut up about Robin! I can't say anything about her.
Brad: I think you just told me everything I want to know. So it's true. Patrick's wife is still alive.
Felicia: It would mean a lot to Patrick if you were there.
Maxie: He's marrying the woman who gave his life meaning after Robin died. I doubt he'll even notice if I show up.
Mac: Oh, come on. He'll miss you. We all will.
Maxie: If I could be happy for anyone, it would be Patrick. He fell in love again. He's moving on with his life. I think that's great. If I were a strong enough person, I would show up and wish him well. But the entire time I would be there, I would just keep thinking about how I wish it could be, you know, that I -- I would be there with my little girl in some gorgeous baby dress, rocking her to keep her quiet. Probably having to walk her out halfway through and finish watching the ceremony for the vestibule. I used to feel really sorry for parents with fussy kids and... now all I want is to be one of them. [Sighs] I can't stop thinking about how I've messed this up and that I wish it was different.
Mac: And that's exactly -- exactly -- why you should go to the ceremony. You know, so you stop focusing on what's bad in your life and focus on what's good, like your family, especially Emma.
Felicia: Emma's the flower girl again. She'll be expecting her stylish Aunt Maxie to be there to take pictures and to cheer her on.
Maxie: Okay, well, I wasn't planning on going, and I didn't buy anything, so I have nothing to wear.
Mac: Oh, yes, you do.
Spinelli: Do you find it strange that neither of us received invitations to the Santiago/Drake nuptials?
Ellie: I guess we, uh, didn't make the cut.
[Cell phone rings]
Ellie: Hello?
Felix: Hey, do you remember that sapphire and diamond semi-bezel-set bracelet that you wore when you arrived at the Nurses' Ball?
Ellie: Oh, the one that you insisted I take off, because I was wearing an overabundance of blue?
Felix: It's the law of evening wear. You get fully dressed and you remove one piece of jewelry to avoid overkill.
Ellie: Okay. Thank you, Felix. I will remember that. Uh, is that why you called?
Felix: I was hoping Sabrina could borrow it. She needs something blue.
Ellie: Oh, of course.
Felix: Great. Just bring it by the church.
Ellie: Um, actually, I'm not coming. I -- I didn't get an invitation.
Felix: You didn't invite Ellie?
Sabrina: What? Of course, I invited her. Ellie, of course I invited you. I left an invitation for you and Spinelli in the lab.
Ellie: Oh. That's funny. I-I never saw it.
Sabrina: What? That's weird. I wonder what happened to it.
Anna: Patrick is marrying Sabrina. Oh, no. Oh, God. I knew it was serious, but -- but, Patrick -- he told me that he was having the hardest time getting over you. We talked about it. I guess after your father woke up from the coma, I was gone. I was trying to find you. So, they must have put this wedding together. It's happened so fast.
Robin: It's happening today, Mom.
Anna: You can go. You can talk to Patrick before the ceremony, all right? I'll get your father.
Robin: Okay. Wait, wait, Mom.
Anna: What?
Robin: Where's Nikolas?
Epiphany: Nurse Webber. I am surprised to see you vertical after your carrying on last night. [Laughs] Girlfriend, you can definitely throw one hell of a bachelor party.
Elizabeth: You were there?
Epiphany: Oh, so maybe it wasn't so unforgettable, hmm? But I do happen to have some very wonderful candids to jog our memory.
Elizabeth: Oh, God, no, not pictures. No, please. [Gasps] Oh, no! Wait, go back. Am I drinking out of a shoe?
Epiphany: I couldn't talk you out of it.
Elizabeth: No! Wait. Whose shoe is that?
Epiphany: All I know is it wasn't mine.
Elizabeth: Oh, please delete them. Please!
Epiphany: Oh, no, no. Not until after the wedding and we had a few laughs. But don't worry about your job. I won't hold it against you. Much. [Laughs] So, where's the groom? Where's Drake Jr.?
Patrick: What are you doing here? I thought you were still on maternity leave.
Britt: Yes. I-I am. I'm just here to...
Patrick: See Brad? Finally taking an interest in your son, Brad?
Britt: Um, aren't you supposed to be getting married, like, now? What are you doing?
Patrick: I'm checking on something.
Britt: What?
Patrick: Brad... can you look at that photo? This is my late wife. Have you ever seen her here?
Anna: Look, all I know is that Nikolas was trying to free Duke and Obrecht, and --
Robin: Obrecht?
Anna: Yeah. Faison had them tied up together.
Robin: So Faison double-crossed Obrecht. I love it.
Anna: Yeah. Anyway, Nikolas was trying to free them, and Faison came along, and he cracked him across the head with a pistol and took him with him. That's all I know.
Robin: Wait. But if Luke and Dad found Faison, they didn't find Nikolas with him?
Anna: No, he wasn't with him.
Robin: Duke, Dad, we have to find Nikolas. He's in trouble.
Robert: We know, baby. Duke here told me. We've been upstairs and had a look, but we can't find anything.
Robin: Mom, Nikolas was the first friendly face that I saw. He's the one that found me. He's the one that has protected me against Faison this entire time. No one can leave until we've found him.
Anna: All right, we will. We'll find him.
Robert: Look, I'll have a quiet talk with Faison and apply a little judicious pressure until his arm snaps and he tells me what he's done with Cassadine.
Anna: All right.
Duke: I'd like to come with you and help.
Robert: Sure.
Duke: Oh.
Anna: Oh, darling, are you all right?
Felicia: Sweetheart, I know you don't feel like going to this wedding, but you have to take care of yourself. For your daughter's sake. Now come on. Let's go to the wedding. Get a shower, get all dolled up, and let's go to this wedding. There will be plenty of people there that love you very much, and I think it'll make you feel a teensy bit better.
Mac: Sometimes you got to fake it till you make it. Come on, Maxie. How about it?
Sam: Hey, guess what. I just got off the phone with my mother, and she said that she would be more than happy -- actually, thrilled -- to watch the baby if you guys wanted to come to the wedding.
Spinelli: I appreciate your mother's generosity, but I couldn't possibly tear myself away.
Silas: Understood. Shall we?
Sam: Yes, of course. Well, if you change your mind...
Ellie: Oh, thank you. You have been so kind.
Sam: Of course. It's my pleasure. Bye, cutie. Ready?
Silas: Yeah.
Spinelli: I'm content to stay, but you should go.
Ellie: No. No, no, no. I'll stay.
Spinelli: But Sabrina needs your lucky blue bracelet, and if something goes wrong with the wedding, it'll be on your adorable red head.
Felix: So, Ellie is bringing that bracelet to the church, so you're all set.
Emma: You're gonna get lucky, Sabrina.
Felix: Hoo-hoo-hoo! Yeah.
Sabrina: Hey, Emma, I think you're gonna need a new bow, since you were so kind to lend me the ribbon on your head. Would you go into my room and see if I have any? I think there might be some on the dresser.
Emma: Sure.
Sabrina: Okay.
Felix: Okay. Spill. What's wrong? You're pale. You're tearing up. If you mess up this makeup...
Sabrina: I'm not gonna cry. I promise.
Felix: Okay. Well, what is it? I know you miss your mom.
Sabrina: She would have been really happy for me.
Felix: Oh, honey, I'm sorry. What can I do to make it better?
Sabrina: By hearing me out without thinking that I'm losing it.
Felix: What is it?
Sabrina: Okay. Well... so, I'm certain that I left an invitation for Ellie and Spinelli at the lab, but it disappeared.
Felix: Are you thinking Brad took it? Because that wouldn't make any sense. He's going as my plus-one.
Sabrina: No, not Brad.
Felix: Then who?
Sabrina: Okay. Do you remember how I told you that Carlos swore that he saw Robin in the lab?
Felix: So her ghost stole the invitation?
Sabrina: No, no, not -- not Robin's ghost.
Felix: Wait. So you think Robin, in the flesh, took it?
Robin: I need to check you, make sure you don't have a concussion, all right?
Duke: Well, nothing that a one-on-one with Faison wouldn't cure.
Anna: Well, you're not going anywhere.
Duke: Do you think I'm gonna stay here and miss out on all the fun?
Anna: Someone needs to stay here with Robin.
Robin: They do?
Anna: Yes. Well, it doesn't make any sense, us all traipsing around looking for Faison.
Robert: Your mother's right.
Anna: I am? Oh, God, you so rarely admit that.
Robert: Just leave this to the pros. You two sit here while we go off and find out whatever Faison's done with Nikolas.
Robin: Be careful, please.
Anna: Yes. Nothing's gonna stop us from coming back to you. Mwah! You be careful. All right? Come on.
Duke: What is that?
Robin: [Sighs] It's an invitation to Patrick's wedding. He's getting married today.
Duke: Well... you have to call him. You have to call him and tell him that you're alive. Here -- lucky. I managed to reclaim this. Well, go on. Go on. Call your husband.
Patrick: Brad, have you ever seen this woman in here?
Brad: Uh, I didn't start working here until after your wife died.
Patrick: I'm sorry. I mean recently. Was there a woman in the lab, looked like her, in here, maybe? Yesterday?
Britt: Patrick, what are you doing? What makes you think that Robin is alive?
Patrick: Because somebody swore that they saw her in here, okay? Look, I know this is very... it's very unusual. I'm just -- I'm just trying to make sure.
Britt: Is that really what you're doing, Patrick? Or are you trying to find a way out of getting married?
Patrick: No, I'm not.
Britt: 'Cause if you're having second thoughts, it's not too late to call off the wedding.
Spinelli: All right, well, look, if you head home to change, you get that lucky blue bracelet for Sabrina, you'll make it there in plenty of time.
Ellie: Are you sure?
Spinelli: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, as much as I enjoy your company, she's fairly tranquil, and I have every app on my Smartphone for infants. And if all else fails, there's always the internet. And I found, when it comes to nurturing, it's less about knowledge and more about love.
Ellie: Oh. Well, then, in that case, you are an expert.
Spinelli: [Chuckles]
Ellie: That one was from your mother. That one was from me. Goodbye, exquisite one. And, hey. You're pretty exquisite, too.
Spinelli: Say bye-bye.
Epiphany: Some jackass told Drake Jr. that his wife was alive and working in the lab, and he believed it?
Elizabeth: No, I don't think he necessarily believed it. He just felt the need to check it out.
Epiphany: Well, that's not possible. If there was even the remotest chance that Robin was alive -- and trust me that there isn't -- why in the hell would she be working in the lab instead of here with her husband and child?
Elizabeth: I know.
Epiphany: Look, there's nothing more that I would like than to see that spunky, smart doctor back here on earth with us. But they found her body.
Elizabeth: Patrick just needs to find some peace of mind.
Epiphany: Well, I hope that he finds somebody at that lab who will give him peace of mind.
Britt: Patrick, if you want to call the wedding off, I'm sure Sabrina will understand. Honestly, if she knew you were here, looking for your dead wife, she would realize you're not ready, and she'd probably call it off herself.
Patrick: Britt, I shouldn't be having this conversation with you.
Britt: All right, I -- I understand. You don't trust me, and you have every right not to listen to me, but... if you are still stuck on Robin, you should wait. You really should.
Robin: Is it really that simple? You think I can just... call Patrick?
Duke: Why not? Your mother and father are safe. There's nobody who can force you to remain silent any longer.
Robin: You're right. All I have to do is call. [Exhales deeply]
Britt: You wouldn't be the first groom to take a step back and wait. It's okay. You can do it.
Patrick: I'm not having second thoughts.
Britt: You sure?
Patrick: I shouldn't have come here. My fiancée's waiting for me. And my wife is gone.
Brad: Except... I'm not so sure she is.
Epiphany: All right, Nurse Webber, it's time to get to the church. It wouldn't do for the best person to be late. Someone might think that she was out drinking last night.
[Cell phone rings]
Elizabeth: Wait.
Epiphany: Unh-unh-unh, nope.
Elizabeth: Patrick left his phone.
Epiphany: Leave it, leave it! Patrick doesn't have time to answer phone calls on his wedding day.
Sabrina: Look, there have just been too many incidents involving Robin, and I can't help but wonder if Carlos is telling the truth.
Felix: Sabrina Maria Domenica Santiago... [Speaking Spanish] Come on, look at me. Do you trust me?
Sabrina: Yeah, I do.
Felix: Then listen to me. I can tell you with the utmost confidence that Patrick's dead wife did not steal Ellie's invitation to your wedding from the lab.
Patrick: Hi. This is Dr. Patrick Drake. I can't get to the phone. Leave me a message.
Robin: Uh, Patrick, it's -- it's me. It's -- it's Robin. You're not hearing things. I'm alive, and I'm coming back. I'm coming home to you and Emma. What happened?
Anna: We didn't find Faison.
Robert: Spencer and he are both gone.
Anna: And there's no sign of Nikolas, either.
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