General Hospital Transcript Monday 11/25/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By
Felix: You don't think that could be...
Sabrina: Oh, my God!
Juan: Sabrina.
Sabrina: Juan?! I can't believe it's you!
Patrick: Can I help you?
Brad: What the hell do you think you're doing?!
Luke: Faison! I got a present for you! A full clip with your name on it! Come out, come out, wherever --
Faison: Spencer. How good of you to join the party.
Dr. Obrecht: Our alliance is over, Lavery. I'm sorry it had to be this way.
Anna: Drop it!
Duke: Anna. I knew you'd come.
Anna: You all right?
Duke: I'm better for seeing you, yes.
Dr. Obrecht: Yes, yes, what a touching reunion. Unfortunately you're just a little too late to save him.
Robin: Hey! [Panting] Daddy.
Robert: Robin? Is it really you?
Robin: It's really me, Dad.
Robert: Oh.
Luke: What have you done with Lavery and Robin?
Faison: Who are these people of which you speak?
Luke: I realize English is not your first language. So allow me to make it very simple. Where...are... Lavery and Robin? Answer me, or I'll blow that beard right off your face.
Robert: Luke told me that he'd spoken with you and that he'd seen you, but I wasn't gonna believe anything till I could see you with my own eyes.
Robin: [Chuckles] Dad, it's me. It's really me.
Robert: You're beautiful. You're absolutely gorgeous. But, you know, I knew when I was on that clinic floor that this was no dream. I... I-I failed you, baby. I really -- I so failed you. When Obrecht stuck me with that needle, I couldn't tell anyone.
Robin: No, no, Dad. You didn't fail me. You saved my life. That needle was meant for me. She was gonna kill me. If you hadn't come, I mean, that's what she would have done. And then she used it against you.
Robert: Well, better that your old man get stuck with a needle...
Robin: [Sighs]
Robert: ...Than you. Still, I should have been able to -- should have been able to handle Obrecht. But I was just so scared that they were gonna hurt you.
Robin: I was terrified when I saw you collapse. Oh, Daddy, are you okay?
Robert: I'm good. I'm fine. Mind you, I just snapped out of a coma three weeks ago, but -- but, you know, I should have stopped Obrecht and that bloody handler of hers.
Robin: It's not your fault, okay? None of it is. The only thing that matters is that you're here now. I mean, Jerry showed me that footage of you and Mom in that lab. That's where he was keeping me for months. Jerry threatened me. He said that if I told anyone that I was alive that he would kill you and Mom. That's why I couldn't tell anyone -- not even when I saw Patrick and Emma.
Robert: You saw them?
Robin: I did, on Halloween. But I was wearing a mask, so no one recognized me. Dad, I saw Patrick, and I saw Emma. And she's so big, Dad. I mean, it took everything I had to not tell her who I was.
Robert: Must have been tough. But you've been so strong through all of this. It's over now, though.
Robin: Dad, I was in that lab for months, trying to figure out how to get out. I mean, how did you and Mom escape?
Robert: All those years with the WSB weren't a complete waste, you know. That and an endless supply of tutti-frutti gum, courtesy of your mother.
Robin: Okay, well, you'll have to tell me about that later.
Robert: Mm-hmm.
Robin: But Mom -- where's Mom?
Anna: I said drop the gun now.
Dr. Obrecht: You're in no position to issue orders, frau polizeichef. As you see, I am the one with the gun inches from your lover.
Duke: Anna, be careful. Faison is down --
Dr. Obrecht: Quiet! Faison is not your concern. I am! I give the orders now, and I say you drop the gun, or I fire.
Anna: You don't need to hurt him. You already tried to kill him once.
Dr. Obrecht: That was merely an accident. That Propofol-champagne cocktail was meant for you. If only you had drunk it, as I intended, we all could have been spared a great deal of trouble.
Duke: Glad I took the glass and not Anna.
Dr. Obrecht: Yes, yes. You saved your bony beloved's life by accident! But this time, you are my target, Lavery, and you can be sure my aim will be true.
Anna: You have no reason to hurt him.
Dr. Obrecht: I do. The best reason of all. To hurt you.
Sabrina: [Laughs] Oh, it's so good to see you!
Emma: Sabrina, why are you hugging that strange man on your wedding day?
Felix: Hey, she's not married yet, and he is far from strange.
Sabrina: Emma, Felix, this is my cousin Juan Santiago.
Felix: Man, I can't believe Juan Santiago is in my apartment. I'm a huge fan of your music.
Juan: Thank you, Felix. It's great to meet you. And who is this beautiful young lady?
Sabrina: Juan, this is Emma Drake. I'm so lucky that after today, I get to be a mommy to Emma.
Emma: Hello. Thanks for telling Sabrina about Port Charles. My daddy and I are really happy she came here.
Juan: Aw. You are very welcome, Emma. And I'm pretty sure you're all very lucky to have found each other.
Sabrina: And you two already know each other.
Juan: Hey, Elizabeth. Long time, no see.
Ava: Hello, Patrick. I'm not sure if you remember me.
Patrick: Yeah, I remember you. From when Franco was in the hospital. You're Ava Jerome. Julian Jerome's your brother. Turns out that he's not quite as dead as everybody thought he was.
Ava: Yes, that's right. I see you keep up with your current events.
Patrick: Well, it's not that difficult when your brother plasters the story all over the front page of his own newspaper.
Ava: Julian just wanted to clear the air, let the public know that he is indeed an upright, legitimate citizen.
Patrick: Right, well, I can't speak for the general public, but I've heard enough about you and your brother to know you're bad news, and I can't think of any reason why you'd need to talk to me. So I'm gonna cut this short. I'm getting married in a few hours.
Ava: Oh, I know. That's precisely why I'm here. This wedding is moving rather quickly, isn't it? From what I hear, you've only been engaged a few weeks.
Patrick: And that's none of your business.
Ava: No. Probably not. Marriage is such a permanent step, a solemn ceremony in front of friends, family.
Patrick: If you're looking for an invitation, it's not gonna happen.
Ava: Oh, no, no. No, you've misunderstood me. I have no interest in attending your wedding. In fact, I don't think you should be having a wedding at all.
Britt: Brad! You shouldn't just barge in like that. You scared me. I could've dropped this.
Brad: Um... it's my lab. And you're in here removing things from it.
Britt: Well, look, I just need to take this, and then you can have your lab all to yourself. Pretend you never saw me. Brad, get out of my way.
Brad: No. You're not taking anything out of here yet. And you're not ordering me around anymore, you or your royal boyfriend, okay? I'm sick of it.
Britt: Oh, uh, really? I-I don't know how you could be sick of it. It's not like you actually follow the orders. You were supposed to keep watch while our scientist was in here.
Brad: So?
Britt: So, Nikolas told me you disappeared after he specifically asked you to keep watch.
Brad: What was so important I had to stand watch here in the first place? And, uh, who was that woman Nikolas brought in here to work?
Britt: It's none of your business.
Brad: Why? Because it was Dr. Drake's dead wife?
Juan: So good to see you.
Elizabeth: You too.
Juan: Well, I'm just glad I could get here in time.
Sabrina: Juan, I'm thrilled to see you. But what are you doing here? I mean, I thought you were on tour. How did you even know about the wedding?
Juan: Your friend Elizabeth called me.
Sabrina: What?
Elizabeth: Well, Felix asked me to track him down, so I did.
Sabrina: Wow. It's so nice of you to come on such short notice.
Juan: And I didn't come empty-handed. Hold on.
Sabrina: Oh. Does this mean you're coming to the wedding? I see you brought your suit.
Juan: Ah, no. This isn't my suit. This is for you. Your wedding dress.
Patrick: I'm sorry. Why is my wedding any of your concern?
Ava: I think you should reconsider, Dr. Drake. I don't think this wedding should happen.
Patrick: Well, you don't know what you're talking about because you don't know me, and you sure as hell don't know Sabrina. So why do you care if we have a wedding?
Ava: I don't care, actually. But I have a very good friend that does.
Patrick: Right. So this is about Carlos, right? Because I know that he works for your family.
Ava: We've been friends for a long time, like I said.
Patrick: Well, is your friend that desperate that he'd send his mobbed-up employer to do his dirty work? I mean, what is this, some kind of veiled threat? I marry Sabrina, I end up with a horse's head in my bed?
Ava: Please don't insult me. I'm not here to threaten you. I'm here to help.
Patrick: Really? What are you gonna do to help me?
Ava: I can enlighten you. You see, there's something you should know, Dr. Drake. Your wife is alive.
Robin: Where's Mom? Is she with you?
Robert: Well, she's at Wyndemere. Myself, her, and Luke split up in order to find you.
Robin: What about Jerry?
Robert: Oh, I shot the bastard. Well, not fatally, tempted as I was. But he promised to tell me where you were, so I've got him stashed over at the Metro Court Hotel.
Robin: I kept telling myself that you and Mom would get the better of Jerry and that you would come and save me. But maybe I was expecting too much. You and Mom have your limits.
Robert: Not where our daughter's concerned. Nothing and no one is gonna stop us -- not an Obrecht. Not a Jerry Jacks. And certainly not a Faison.
Robin: [Sighs] Dad, Faison -- he's here. He's armed, and he's getting weirder and more desperate. I mean, who knows what he'll do when he finds out that you, Mom, and Luke are all on the island?
Robert: Sweetheart, we are on it.
Faison: Really, Spencer, I doubt you have it in you to pull that trigger.
Luke: Oh, but you're wrong. Hmm? It would give me the greatest of pleasure to splatter your brains across these walls.
Faison: That bloodthirsty?
Luke: Oh, yeah. After what you did to my family? You took my son, and you made us believe he was dead.
Faison: Helena was your real enemy. I was just providing a service. And I was the one who told you that Lucky was alive.
Luke: After you brainwashed him to hate me and his mother. You stole him, just like you stole Robin from Anna and Robert.
Dr. Obrecht: By hurting Lavery, I will hurt you, Anna Devane... the way you have hurt me.
Anna: You kidnap my daughter and you hold her hostage. You try to poison Duke. And then you break Faison out of prison. And somehow I'm the one who's hurt you?
Dr. Obrecht: The air you breathe hurts me. The physical space you occupy, the molecular shifts of the atmosphere when you move through it hurts me. You infect everything and everyone you come in contact with.
Anna: I infect what?
Dr. Obrecht: Yes. You infected my Cesar when he was young. And he can never be free of you, no matter what I do. I've given him everything, done anything he's asked. I even gave him a child. And still he sees only you.
Anna: I don't want any of that. I despise Faison. His twisted obsession with me has nearly destroyed my life. If I could have given him to you and be rid of him forever, don't you think I would have done that?
Dr. Obrecht: Because you are a fool. Someone as petty as you could never understand Cesar's genius. You could never deserve his love. Yet he still pines for you. Your very existence hurts me. Your beauty, your brains, your charm, your skills -- all the things Cesar loves about you hurt me! All the reasons he loves you are the reasons why he could never love me.
Duke: God, you are insane. You blame Anna for Faison's deranged fixation on her, and you're gonna kill me to punish her?
Dr. Obrecht: Yes. I want to see the color drain from your face. I want to feel the ache in your heart as I shoot and kill the man you love.
Faison: If you really want to kill me... don't you think you'd already shot me?
Luke: Good point. [Shoots Faison] [Breathes deeply]
Britt: You know that's insane, right? Where did you get this crazy idea?
Brad: From Sabrina's ex.
Britt: What? Wait a minute. Sabrina has an ex? I mean, as in someone other than Patrick that wanted her?
Brad: Yeah, some hot-looking guy named Carlos. He's the one who brought up Robin Scorpio-Drake's name.
Britt: [Scoffs] Well, I mean, he sounds like an idiot to me. I mean, so -- so you two just decided that a dead woman would be working in here rather than, I don't know, telling her husband and child that she's alive?
Brad: She's supposed to be dead. How would I know what she'd do? The woman obviously has issues.
Britt: Well, Brad, what did you tell Carlos?
Brad: Relax. Okay, I didn't say a word to Carlos. I told him Ellie was the woman working in the lab. But we both know that's a lie, don't we? Hmm? You told me to get rid of her, give her the day off. Then Nikolas shows up with this mysterious scientist lady who no one's supposed to see. So what's the deal? Is Scorpio-Drake back from the dead or what?
Britt: [Scoffs] No! But even if she was, why do you care?
Brad: Because of Felix.
Emma: Sabrina doesn't need a wedding dress. She already has one.
Sabrina: Yeah, that's true. I mean, I don't understand. Felix already picked out a beautiful dress for me.
Felix: It's okay, honey. We both know that that wasn't the dress. It was just always a plan "B." You deserve nothing but the best on your wedding day, so I asked Elizabeth to get in touch with your cousin to find the dress that you really wanted.
Juan: It took a little digging, but I found it.
Sabrina: Wait, you don't -- you don't mean --
Elizabeth: Will you just open it already?!
Sabrina: [Gasps] Oh, my God. It's my mother's wedding dress.
Patrick: What did you just say?
Ava: Your wife, Robin -- she's alive.
Patrick: Right, so this is about the phone call. Was it you? Your friend Carlos convinced you to try and help him gaslight me? I mean, I know that he's trying to come in between me and Sabrina, but using my dead wife -- that is disgusting.
Ava: I don't know what you're talking about --
Patrick: I know it wasn't Robin on the phone call, so it must have been you through all that convenient static. I mean, I got to say you kind of did sound like her, as much as I could hear -- or as little as I could actually hear.
Ava: Patrick, I assure you, I didn't call you pretending to be anybody. It probably was Robin trying to reach you.
Patrick: Get off my property.
Ava: I'm telling you the truth. And Carlos saw her. Carlos saw Robin alive.
Robert: So, do you have any idea at all where Obrecht is?
Robin: No, I don't. No one's seen her for at least 24 hours. Faison said that she took the launch, but Nikolas thinks Faison's lying about that.
Robert: Hmm, Faison lying. That's a surprise.
Robin: [Sighs]
Robert: Look, we got here, and the place was empty. Where is everyone?
Robin: Britt went to General Hospital. I-I don't know if Luke told you, but I was able to formulate a replacement cure for Jerry, so Britt went to go get it. Nikolas went into the tunnels to look for Obrecht, and that's when Faison locked me up in here. Dad, I was really starting to feel helpless, like I was so close to getting my life back and it wasn't going to happen. I could feel Faison unspooling and like everything was slipping away, and then the door opened, and there you were... my dad, my... my hero.
Robert: Oh, kind of a sad excuse for a hero, especially since my timing is so off.
Robin: [Scoffs] When Faison captured you and Mom, I thought I might not ever see you again. Thank God I was wrong and you're both safe.
Dr. Obrecht: Don't come any closer. Even you are not so perfect that you will get a clean shot.
Anna: Don't shoot. Put the gun down. Please don't shoot Duke.
Dr. Obrecht: Why ever not?
Anna: Because if you do, it'll be the last thing you ever do on this earth. I promise you.
Dr. Obrecht: Hmph. I doubt it. But even so, it will be worth it to know that I took away the man you love, just as you have taken Cesar away from me.
Anna: There's another way through this.
Dr. Obrecht: Oh, yes. [Chuckles] I should have a change of heart, surrender my weapon, and turn myself over to you. You and Lavery can have a romantic reunion and then haul me off to the WSB, where I'll be offered a chance to testify against Cesar while you get a commendation and a pay raise. I can console myself in my cell at Steinmauer knowing that you and Lavery are living happily ever after! I would rather die where I stand than allow you a moment's peace.
Anna: You're going about this all the wrong way. Obrecht, listen to me. It's me you despise, isn't it? Not Duke. Just let him go... and kill me.
Luke: Burn in hell, you miserable freak. [Sighs] Check his pulse, Spencer. Don't make that mistake again. [Grunts] Bulletproof vest, right?
Faison: Precaution. Simply precaution.
Luke: I knew I should have shot you in the face.
Faison: You should. Now it's my turn to put a bullet in you.
Anna: If you shoot me, then you'd have Cesar all to yourself. That was your original plan, wasn't it, when you first came to town. You just said so yourself. At Mac and Felicia's party, that drug-laced drink -- that was for me. Here I am. You hate me. Don't you? Not Duke. Let him go.
Duke: Anna, don't do it. Don't sacrifice yourself for me.
Dr. Obrecht: I don't trust you. You say you'd do anything for Lavery's freedom, yet you stand there poised to strike. You think you can threaten me and confuse me, and then you shoot me when my guard is down. Do you honestly think I would let that happen? You are playing games.
Anna: Okay. I'll put my gun down. Act of faith. All right? Then you can do with me what you will.
Duke: Anna, no.
Dr. Obrecht: All right. Do it. Put down your gun, hmm.
Robin: Dad, I'm so sorry that for even a second you thought that I was dead. [Sighs]
Robert: Well, it's a bad habit in this family.
Robin: And it always comes back to Faison.
Robert: It's this sick obsession he's got with your mother. He's stalked her her whole life. She blames herself for his obsession.
Robin: I think that's why I hate Faison most of all. Because he uses the people she loves to hurt her and torture her.
Robert: Well... it's all over now. Soon as Obrecht and Faison are dealt with, then we celebrate.
Robin: I really cannot wait to get my family back. But I really, really want to see you hand Faison his ass first.
Robert: Sweetheart... your wish is my command. Let's find that butt and kick it.
Emma: You were right, Sabrina. This is the perfect dress for you. So pretty.
Sabrina: [Chuckles] It's exactly how I remember it from the picture on the mantel in my mother's house. And you found it! [Chuckles] It's a miracle. Juan, I could never thank you enough.
Juan: Don't thank me. Thank your friends. They made it happen.
Sabrina: Felix. Thank you. Elizabeth, thank you! I always dreamed of getting married in my mother's dress, but I never thought it could come true.
Elizabeth: Well, you said you thought everything would be perfect for you and Patrick on your wedding if you had this dress, and we wanted everything to be perfect.
Felix: Hell yes. You are marrying Prince Charming. And, damn it, almost perfect just doesn't cut it.
Sabrina: Oh, you guys. I love you both so much.
Elizabeth: Aw.
Britt: Felix? What does that annoying twinkie have to do with anything?
Brad: If you must know, we're dating.
Britt: What?
Brad: I know. Look, Felix invited me to be his date for Sabrina's wedding. But if that dead woman turns out to be alive, it's gonna make for a pretty crappy wedding day for Sabrina.
Britt: So?
Brad: I know. I can't stand her either. But she's Felix's best friend.
Britt: Again, I ask, so?
Brad: So... I've got a real shot with Felix and --
Britt: Wait, why would you even want a shot with Felix? I mean, even you can do better than that, Brad.
Brad: And if this wedding is about to blow up in Sabrina's face, I could score some major points if I give him a heads up, so... you gonna tell me if the woman working in here was Drake's dead wife or not?
Ava: Carlos told me he saw your wife in the hospital lab. He even spoke to her.
Patrick: Carlos didn't know my wife.
Ava: He saw her picture when he was here. It's a bit cold. Might I come in?
Patrick: So let me get this straight. A woman that looked like Robin went up to Carlos and said that she was my wife.
Ava: No. She gave him a fake name, actually. Later, he recognized her. He was sure it was Robin. She's a doctor, yes? She was in the lab working when he saw her.
Patrick: This is exactly why I know Carlos is lying. Because if my wife was alive, she wouldn't be in the GH lab. And if Carlos is so concerned, why didn't he man up and come and talk to me himself? Why did he send you?
Ava: He didn't send me. He doesn't even know I'm here. I told him to come and speak to you himself, but he said that you wouldn't believe him any more than Sabrina did.
Patrick: He told Sabrina?
Ava: And isn't it interesting that she didn't tell you?
Patrick: No. It's not. Because she knows Carlos is lying, just like I do.
Ava: Or maybe there's a little part of Sabrina that wonders if it's true. Maybe there's a little part of you that's wondering the same thing, Dr. Drake.
Sabrina: You'll stay for the wedding, won't you?
Juan: I wish I could, but I am actually on tour. I got the pilot to take a little detour on our way to my gig, but tonight I have to be in San Diego.
Sabrina: Oh, my gosh! Juan, you went to so much trouble.
Juan: Of course, I did. Because you're worth it. I wish you every happiness in the world, prima. You're gonna be a beautiful bride.
Sabrina: Once again, you've changed my life.
Juan: No, no. Don't give me too much credit. Come on. [Chuckles]
Sabrina: You're the one who told me about Port Charles and General Hospital, and now... you've made my wedding dream come true. Wearing that dress will make it feel like Mama is actually there with me. [Speaking Spanish] Te amo.
Juan: Te amo. And you -- you'll take care of my cousin for me, won't you?
Emma: We will.
Juan: [Chuckles]
Sabrina: [Chuckles]
Felix: Thanks again, Juan.
Juan: Yeah. Thank you.
Elizabeth: I'll walk you out. I'm sorry you have to go so soon.
Juan: Yeah, me too. It was great seeing you, and you look wonderful.
Elizabeth: Thank you for doing all of this. I didn't even know if you'd take my call.
Juan: [Chuckles] Are you kidding? Hearing your voice brought back so many memories... of you... and Emily... I was so shocked, and I'm sorry to hear when she died.
Elizabeth: Yeah, I know. I still can't believe she's gone. I mean, it seems like just yesterday we were all hanging out.
Juan: Yeah.
Elizabeth: Life goes on, right? Are you married?
Juan: Uh, yeah. Yeah. To a wonderful girl named Becky.
Elizabeth: Oh. She's a very lucky lady.
Juan: No, no. I'm the lucky one. But what about you? You -- you have someone special in your life?
Elizabeth: No. I was seeing someone, but it didn't work out, so it's just me and my boys.
Juan: Well, I have a feeling that's gonna change. You're far too special to be alone for so long. Have fun at the wedding. Who knows, you know? You never know what could happen.
Patrick: This is ridiculous.
Ava: But what if it isn't? What if Carlos really did see your wife?
Patrick: Okay, if Robin was alive, if she was in Port Charles, she would be here with me. She wouldn't be hiding out at General Hospital.
Ava: How can you say that for sure? She's been missing for almost two years. Maybe there's a reason she stayed away.
Patrick: She's not -- she didn't stay away, okay? She's -- she's gone.
Ava: Are you sure?
Patrick: Why are you doing this?
Ava: I'm doing this because I care about Carlos.
Patrick: [Scoffs]
Ava: He loves Sabrina more than anything, and I... I happen to understand what that feels like. To know in your heart that you belong with someone and that someone wants to be with someone else.
Patrick: Well, that's very sad, but go project your romantic disappointments on somebody else and leave me and Sabrina out of it.
Ava: I don't even know Sabrina. But I know she's making a mistake -- throwing away a man who loves her for some romantic fantasy.
Patrick: Oh, no, see, me and Sabrina, it's not a fantasy. We're getting married.
Ava: Carlos would walk through fire for that woman. I don't know why. But his commitment to her goes a lot deeper than yours appears to.
Patrick: And you feel qualified to make that observation based on a 10-minute acquaintance?
Ava: Oh, Dr. Drake. I'm sure you're a really great guy. But your reaction proves that you are still deeply in love with your wife and therefore should not be gearing up to marry somebody e--
Patrick: Get out of my house.
Ava: Carlos can be with the woman he loves. And maybe so can you.
Patrick: I already am. I've had enough. Leave. And tell Carlos to stay the hell away from me and Sabrina.
Ava: I wouldn't be too quick to get married unless you know for sure. If there's even the slightest chance that Robin's alive, wouldn't you want to know?
Faison: Your pointless life is over, Spencer. Oh, yes, it is.
Robert: I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Luke: Bullet-proof vest! Aim high!
Faison: Ah!
Robin: It's over, Faison.
Luke: No getting out of it this time, you son of a bitch. It took you long enough, Captain Kangaroo. Another second, and I'd have been a plate of yesterday's mashed potatoes.
Robert: Yeah, I needed to reacquaint myself with my daughter. Sorry for the delay. Where's Anna?
Anna: Right here, yeah? I'm totally defenseless now. So go ahead. Shoot me. Right? I'm the one you want, right?
Dr. Obrecht: You offer yourself up as a sacrificial lamb. How noble, you stupid cow. But we both know Cesar would never forgive me if I kill you.
Anna: Please don't. I love Duke. All those years when I lost him, the pain was overwhelming. I couldn't go through that again. I couldn't bear the thought of you shooting because of me. Do you understand that? No matter how much you hate me, please don't force me to watch you kill the man that I love.
Dr. Obrecht: You don't know what love is.
Anna: No, but you do, don't you? Because that is obvious the way that you talk about Faison. I know that you understand the capacity of love so deep that no sacrifice is too great. I know you understand that. You and I -- we have that in common, don't we?
Dr. Obrecht: Perhaps you know more than I thought. And you are right. You are the one I have issue with, after all. If you want to die, then die. Ah!
Anna: Now! You think that we would let you get the better of us, you stupid cow?!
Dr. Obrecht: [Grunts]
Dr. Obrecht: [Speaking German]
Anna: That is enough.
Dr. Obrecht: [Grunts]
Anna: Well done, Mr. Lavery.
Duke: You had me scared to death. Couldn't you think of something else, another alternative, than sacrificing yourself?
Anna: Well, it worked, didn't it? I kept her attention while you got untied. You all right?
Duke: I'm fine.
Anna: This doesn't look fine.
Duke: It's a cut. It'll heal. I've been worried to death about you. You disappeared. And then you didn't communicate.
Anna: I know. I'm sorry. I should have been more truthful about what I was doing and why. But I wasn't keeping it from you because I couldn't trust you. It was... it couldn't possibly be true.
Duke: Of course, I forgive you. As long as you're fine.
Anna: I'm fine. I can tell you now. What I couldn't tell you then. Robert and I -- we went after Faison and Obrecht because of Robin.
Duke: What?
Anna: Robin's alive. She's here somewhere in this house.
Duke: Robin?
Anna: Yeah.
Duke: Have you seen her?
Anna: No, not yet. I haven't. But I came and I found you --
Duke: Well, forget about me. Forget about this. Forget -- go find her! Go find your daughter.
Robert: There you go! All trussed up just like the turkey you are.
Faison: This is not the end of me, not yet.
Luke: Really? Looks like it to me.
Robert: Get him down to the boat and keep an eye on him. I've got to look for Anna and Duke.
Robin: Duke? You didn't tell me he came with you.
Robert: He didn't. He's been a rather unwilling guest here for the last few days.
Robin: What?
Luke: Patrick said that Duke came here to talk to Nikolas and Dr. Westbourne about recent developments regarding her mother, Dr. Mengele.
Robin: I never saw him here. Are you sure?
Robert: Well, when your mother and I broke out of the lab, Jerry showed us a picture of Duke all trussed up, said he'd be dead within the hour if he didn't get this bloody cure.
Robin: Well, then we have to find him a-and Mom.
Robert: I'm on it, baby.
Robin: Okay. I'm coming with you.
Faison: Aah!
Robert: Right you are. I'm not letting you out of my sight. Get up. Don't fall over. Embarrassing.
Brad: Is the Scorpio-Drake woman alive or isn't she?
Britt: I don't know why you think I would even tell you that information.
Brad: Because if you don't, I may be required to tell everyone I'm not the father of that baby of yours.
Elizabeth: Did you try it on?
Emma: She looks beautiful.
Sabrina: It's perfect. Or it will be when Felix is done with it.
Felix: Well, good thing my mama taught me how to sew. It just needs a few nips and tucks, but wait till you see our girl in this dress.
Sabrina: [Chuckles]
Elizabeth: I love seeing a smile on your face. No bride should have doubts on her wedding day.
Sabrina: Oh, my gosh! I don't have any. I mean, I'm -- I'm just -- I'm so happy. I've got it all. I've got the perfect dress, the perfect daughter... and the most amazing friends in the world.
Emma: What about Daddy?
Sabrina: Oh, well, your daddy has always been the most perfect husband-to-be.
Sabrina: My face hurts from smiling so much! This...this is without a doubt the happiest day of my life. And the best is yet to come!
[Both giggle]
Ava: If there's even the slightest chance that Robin's alive, wouldn't you want to know?
Robin: Do you think Luke's gonna be okay with Faison?
Robert: Well, assuming he doesn't drop-kick him off a cliff, he'll be fine. Hey.
Both: Freeze!
Anna: Oh!
Robert: I could have killed you!
[Both sigh]
Robert: [Sighs] You all right?
Anna: Yeah. I found Duke.
Robert: Is he all right?
Anna: Obrecht had him. He's taking care of her now. What about Faison?
Robert: Spencer's got him outside.
Anna: And Robin?
Robert: See for yourself.
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