General Hospital Transcript Friday 11/22/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Britt: Nikolas? Are you awake?
Nikolas: Yeah. Come in.
Britt: Oh, I'm sorry. We can talk another time.
Nikolas: No, no. Come in. Come in, please. What's wrong?
Britt: Uh, besides the fact that I just barged into your bedroom? Uh...[Clears throat]
Nikolas: I think I invited you in. Twice, actually. What's wrong?
Britt: Um, I'm worried.
Nikolas: About Ben? No, he and Spencer are safe out of this house with my grandmother. They're fine.
Britt: No. And I'm so grateful to you for getting him away from all of this. I mean, of course, I miss him. But I know he's better off. That's not what I'm worried about.
Nikolas: Okay. Then tell me. Maybe I can help.
Britt: Well, maybe it's nothing, but I still can't find my mother.
Dr. Obrecht: Aah! Du hurensohn! [Translation: Son of a bitch!]
Duke: Oh, you have only yourself to blame. I should have known Faison would have turned on you eventually. You should have left him in Steinmauer Prison. You shouldn't have broken him out. That's why we're in this situation.
Dr. Obrecht: Oh, no. This is not of my doing.
Duke: Ha! He was rotting in maximum security for a very good reason. He was dangerous to people, including you. You should have left the bastard there to rot!
Dr. Obrecht: As usual, Lavery, you are several steps behind the best of us. If you want to blame anyone for this fine mess we're in, I suggest you start with Luke Spencer.
Luke: Yes, I get that, Dante, but what you have to understand is that Lulu's a Spencer, and we don't exactly become chatty when things aren't going well. [Sighs] Well, what you have to do is love her, you know? You're in this thing together.
[Knock on door]
Luke: You're both in a world of hurt. Just tell her that I love her and to give me a call, will you? Okay, bye. Well, I'll be damned!
Robert: Come on. Tell me how much you missed me.
Faison: Why are you so sad, Robin? Hmm? If you cooperate, today will be the day you will be reunited with your family.
[Cell phone rings]
Sabrina: Dr. Drake, I was just thinking about you.
Patrick: Good thoughts, I hope.
Sabrina: Oh, the best. I was thinking about how in a few hours, I'm going to be Mrs. Patrick Drake. Provided you don't stand me up.
Patrick: Oh, don't you worry. Nothing's gonna stop me from marrying you today. hearing from you so early. Have you recovered from your bachelor party?
Patrick: Me? I'm fine. I was a perfect gentleman.
Sabrina: [Scoffs] I'm sure. Oh, no.
[Door closes]
Sabrina: I think Felix has sprained his wrist.
Patrick: What?
Sabrina: Oh, nothing. It's a false alarm. My person of honor wants me to get ready.
Patrick: He does realize that the wedding's not for a couple hours, right?
Felix: Get off the phone!
Sabrina: It's best not to question him when he gets this way.
Patrick: Okay. Well, I'll leave you to it. Hey, I love you.
Sabrina: I love you, too. Oh, relax, Fee. We've still got hours before the wedding. And thanks to you for not letting me go out last night, I am well-rested.
Felix: Well, as dearly as I would have loved to have a drink or six to celebrate your upcoming nuptials, there's no way you're marching down that aisle with bleary eyes or a puffy face.
Sabrina: Look, I'm not complaining. I mean, I was happy to spend my last night as a single person watching classic movies with you.
Felix: Mm-hmm. Well, leisure time is over. It's my responsibility to make sure you're ready and at the church on time. I got everything you need. Coffee, CoeCoe cosmetics, and, of course... [Sighs] Your new wedding dress. You're welcome.
Robin: Faison, why don't you just leave me alone? This is a big house, full of a lot of people that don't like you. I'm sure you could find someone else to torment.
Faison: Change your tone, Robin. One call from me to Jerry Jacks and your parents are done for.
Robin: Except that Jerry is calling the shots, not you. And so far, I have done nothing to break the rules that he set.
Faison: Well, I'm the one to decide that.
Robin: [Scoffs]
Faison: Not you.
Robin: You can make all the threats that you want. But I know that you would never hurt my mother. I know how you feel about her. You are obsessed with her.
Faison: Perhaps. But as far as I'm concerned, your father is fair game.
Luke: Robert Scorpio, come here, you cranky, old relic! Hey!
Robert: Come on. It takes more than a crackpot doctor with a needle to finish me off, my boy.
Luke: What are you doing on my doorstep? The last I heard, you and Anna were being held hostage by... him.
Anna: You believe everything you hear?
Faison: If you want to help your parents, or yourself, for that matter, then behave until the cure is ready.
Robin: Well, cure or not, my parents will find a way off Cassadine Island. And when they do, they're coming for you.
Faison: Listen to me. Don't be such a kid! Grow up!
Robin: All my life, I have seen my parents do the impossible. They're a team, and that's why you tried to separate them -- because you want to manipulate my mother and lure her into loving you. But you know what? That's never gonna happen, because my mother despises you.
[Gun cocks]
Nikolas: Just because you haven't seen your mother doesn't mean something happened to her. Wyndemere's huge. You simply could have missed each other.
Britt: Maybe, but you saw how weird my father got when I asked him about her.
Nikolas: When is your father not weird?
Britt: Okay, yes, he is consistently creepy, but he was even more evasive than he usually is about her.
Nikolas: Well, he seems to think that your mother went exploring underground passageways, of which there are many, so...
Britt: Yeah, well, I didn't believe him then, and I definitely don't believe him now. It's been too long. I just went to her room, and her bed hadn't been slept in. So, something must have happened to her.
Duke: What are you talking about, woman? This has nothing to do with Luke Spencer. Besides, he has problems of his own right now.
Dr. Obrecht: I see Miss Devane told you that Spencer was suffering from polonium poisoning. The late Helena Cassadine left him with a parting gift. I always liked her style.
Duke: Yes. You would. What about Luke?
Dr. Obrecht: Spencer went in search of a cure. He found one.
Duke: I thought there was no cure.
Dr. Obrecht: Hmm. Well, there is one now. Luke stole it from Jerry Jacks.
Duke: Brilliant. What does any of this have to do with Faison?
Dr. Obrecht: Cesar helped develop the cure, along with a certain...gifted physician.
Duke: Oh, and I suppose this brilliant doctor just so happened to be you.
Dr. Obrecht: No, Mr. Lavery. But from what I understand, you know her quite well.
Duke: I do? Who is she?
Patrick: Good morning.
Elizabeth: What happened last night?
Patrick: A bachelor party is what happened last night.
Elizabeth: Coffee. Thank you.
Patrick: That was mine.
Elizabeth: You totally owe me.
Patrick: Whoa. Hey, this bachelor party was your idea. You practically insisted on it.
Elizabeth: I just wanted to prove that even with a best person instead of a best man, you could still...
Patrick: What? Bro out?
Elizabeth: I don't know. Something like that. How much did we drink?
Patrick: I actually lost count after the shots.
Elizabeth: Oh, God.
Patrick: Yeah.
Elizabeth: The shots. Wait a minute. Why are you not hung over?
Patrick: Because this isn't my first rodeo there, darlin'. I used to be a professional at this. I've been hydrated since dawn. Plus I have to look good for my bride when she meets me at the altar.
Felix: I told you not to worry about the dress, that I'd have it covered. Well? What do you think?
Sabrina: I-it's great. Oh, my gosh. It's amazing. Definitely an improvement from -- from the disasters that I had picked out. [Chuckles]
Felix: Yeah. It is that. Uh, in fact, Brad and I had to drive all the way up to Corinth to pick this baby up. That place gives me the creeps. It's practically a ghost town.
Sabrina: Wow. You just -- you've gone above and beyond. And Brad, too. I just -- I -- wow. I can't believe that he's actually -- that he's helping out. I mean, this dress -- oh, my gosh. It's gorgeous.
Felix: But it's not your mother's dress.
Sabrina: Felix, aren't you always telling me how you have flawless taste? I mean, you picked out this dress, and I am gonna look fabulous.
Felix: And now that you made sure to duly appreciate my efforts, you can be honest. Tell me what's up, Sabrina.
Sabrina: I just thought -- I don't know. Um... [Exhales sharply] I just thought that if I had my mother's dress, that everything would be perfect. You know, Patrick and I have had so many things get in our way this year, and I thought having her dress would make me feel like I had my mother's blessing, you know, like something would finally go right for us.
Felix: Come here, Bri.
Britt: [Scoffs] I-I can't believe I even care what happens to that woman. I mean, after everything that she's done to me, kidnapping Ben, insisting on calling him Little Cesar, everything she's done to Robin and to you!
Nikolas: I'm fine. We're all getting through this.
Britt: Oh, what are you talking about? My parents have completely disrupted your life. I mean, you had to send your son away, too!
Nikolas: Come here, come here, come here. Spencer is safe, okay? Ben is safe. And soon the rest of us will be, too, okay? Jerry will get his cure. We'll all get our lives back no matter what your mother's done.
Britt: Oh. What my mother's done could fit into a book. That woman has hurt so many people. She deserves what happens to her. [Sighs] But I am still worried.
Nikolas: Hey, I completely understand that. You can't choose your parents, right? I know exactly what it -- what it feels to have compassion for -- even love -- for someone, and deep down, you know you shouldn't.
Britt: You felt the same way?
Nikolas: Absolutely. Of course. I told you I was raised by my uncle, who was a very complicated man. Firm believer that the ends justify the means. But he loved me, did the best he could for me. And even at the end of his life when he gave in to his worst impulses as a Cassadine, I still couldn't stop loving him.
Britt: Yeah, but at least you have some fond memories to look back on. I don't think my mother and I have ever shared a warm moment.
Nikolas: [Chuckles] I'm sorry. Not to brag, but even on your mother's worst day, she doesn't come close to my father. No way. He was a murderer, a rapist, amongst other things. He was a danger to everyone around him. But I can't say that I was indifferent when he died. Same with my grandmother. I certainly won't say that I loved her, but she was a formidable influence in my life. When Luke finally killed her... she left a void, you know, an emptiness there.
Britt: [Chuckles]
Nikolas: What?
Britt: We're a sorry lot.
Nikolas: [Laughs]
Britt: Aren't we?
Nikolas: We have each other. Right? Let's get dressed and go find your mother. When's the last time you saw her?
Britt: Um, in the living room. She was carrying a tray of snacks into the tunnels.
Nikolas: All right, well, let's start there.
Britt: Even though you don't ever want to see her again?
Nikolas: It's just like you said. She's your mother.
Duke: Well, go on, woman. Tell me. Who is this brilliant doctor?
Dr. Obrecht: Wouldn't you like to know.
Duke: Oh, how typical! Here we are captives of some maniac you used to be the lap dog for, and you want to play mind games! Don't you realize we're wasting valuable time now?
Dr. Obrecht: [Scoffs] We have nothing but time down here. [Sighs] Cesar will never let us go.
Duke: Well, you can speak for yourself. I want to get out of here. I want to get home. I want to get back to Anna.
Luke: Mr, Jacks, what a delight to see you again!
Jerry: My God, my day keeps getting better and better.
Luke: Hey, wait a minute. Tracy didn't shoot him there. Who else got to shoot him?!
Robert: That would be me.
Luke: Oh, you always did get the fun rides. I don't know why I worried about the two of you. I should have known you would get the better of this spud.
Jerry: In all fairness, I didn't put up much of a fight. How could I? You stole the cure.
Luke: Aha. But you're still breathing. I hope that's all you're managing to do.
Jerry: Your health keeps getting better and better. I take it the antidote I paid for worked.
Luke: You know, there's nothing more satisfying than eating someone else's lunch.
Jerry: So you're polonium-free, huh?
Luke: Nary a radioactive isotope in my blood.
Jerry: The cure works, which means my doctor is well on her way to developing another dose.
Robert: Your doctor? You mean our daughter, the one you've held prisoner there for all that time. But not for much longer, methinks.
Anna: Listen, this may be hard to believe, but we found out that Robin is alive.
Luke: Anna, I know. I saw her.
Robin: No matter how much you obsess over my mother, she will never love you back. [Exhales sharply]
Faison: You're right. My love for your mother will never die, but you, on the other hand, I couldn't possibly care less. You know exactly why you're here! But maybe you have become a little more trouble than you're worth, huh?
Nikolas: Faison!
Felix: I promise you that everything's gonna go perfect at the ceremony for you and Patrick, mother's dress or no mother's dress. You hear me?
Sabrina: Yeah. You're right. You're right. My dream is coming true. I am marrying Patrick. I'm gonna be his wife. It doesn't matter what I wear. It's just a dress, you know. It's not about the outer trappings. It's the wedding itself that matters.
Felix: Now, outer trappings have their place in the scheme of things, but... love is the main event.
Sabrina: Thank you for reminding me of that.
Felix: Right. Okay! We need to make you fabulous. We need to go get yourself ready. Go hop in the shower.
Sabrina: Okay.
Patrick: Hey! There she is! Hi, pumpkin!
Emma: Hi, Daddy!
Elizabeth: Emma. Emma.
Mac: [Chuckles] Did you guys have fun last night?
Patrick: Yeah, we did.
Emma: Auntie Elizabeth?
Elizabeth: Mm-hmm?
Emma: Why are you wearing sunglasses inside the house?
Elizabeth: Um, well, baby, because your dad --
Patrick: Auntie Elizabeth has a, uh, headache. Yeah, she is gonna feel better soon, though.
Elizabeth: Yeah. Yeah, real soon.
[Loud musical ringtone plays]
Elizabeth: Oh, my -- what is that noise?
Patrick: You downloaded a new ringtone last night.
Elizabeth: And you let me? You're not a very good friend. Hello?
Felix: Best person, this is the person of honor, uh, calling from the humble apartment I share with the bride-to-be. I need you down here stat. We have a code blue. Huh. Something blue.
Elizabeth: [Sighs]
Anna: You saw her?! You saw Robin?
Robert: I told you I wasn't imagining it.
Luke: Not only did I see her, I spoke to her. Last night at Wyndemere.
Anna: Oh, my God? She's here? She's in Port Charles? Has she seen Patrick yet?
Luke: Slow down, now. Nikolas and Britt, his new squeeze, are the only two that know she's alive.
Anna: Okay, what? Britt Westbourne?
Robert: Obrecht's daughter?
Luke: Yeah, the mad doctor and Faison are keeping them on a very short leash, thanks to him.
Jerry: How kind of you to remember I'm still here. Could I trouble you for some refreshments?
Robert: Oh, shut up, Jerry, otherwise it's gonna be drain cleaner up with a twist.
Luke: Okay, he told Robin that he would kill the two of you if she showed herself before she whipped up a batch of the cure.
Robert: Well, that's not gonna be a problem anymore.
Luke: No, she can tell the world she's alive. He has no more hostages to take.
Anna: No, Luke. He has one.
Dr. Obrecht: Anna, Anna, Anna! That's all I ever hear! If I have to listen to one more man fawning over that beanpole, I'm going to show you what scary really is.
Duke: Can't we just stick to the point and try to get out of here? We have our lives to go back to. I would imagine yours is a little bit more duplicitous than mine.
Dr. Obrecht: A brilliant idea. Let's get out of here. After you! Hmm?
Duke: Great.
Dr. Obrecht: What?
Duke: Well, I've almost got one of my hands free.
Dr. Obrecht: Are you able to free yourself?
Duke: No.
Dr. Obrecht: Are you trying to drive me mad?
Duke: Too late for that. But what I can do probably is, I can't loosen my own knot, but I can probably loosen yours, then you, in turn, can loosen mine.
Dr. Obrecht: And what's to stop me from leaving you behind once I free myself?
Duke: Oh, you stupid woman! Don't you understand?! The only chance we have is if we work together!
Dr. Obrecht: Together? You despise me.
Duke: I do. But that's beside the point.
Dr. Obrecht: I have nothing but contempt for you, Lavery. You threw away everything that mattered -- your power, your criminal connections -- to fawn at the feet of that scarecrow. Have you no self-respect?!
Duke: Obviously not, because I'm offering to work with you.
Dr. Obrecht: And now you insult me?
Duke: Listen, we both loathe each other for very good reason. We both hate each other. But we can set our hatred aside just for now. I am capable of doing that. Are you?
Faison: This is none of your concern, Prince.
Nikolas: This is my house, and I strenuously object to anyone pointing guns at my friends in it. Lower your weapon, or I will shoot you.
Faison: Where did you get that gun? Why -- why are you threatening me?
Nikolas: Well, like you, Faison, I'm a man of my word. You said that no harm would come to Robin's parents or any of us as long as we cooperated. And that's what we're doing.
Faison: Yeah. Right.
Nikolas: But if you decided to change the rules, I'm happy to respond in kind. I don't have a problem with that.
Faison: That's exactly what I told her! I mean, we stick to the --
Nikolas: Harm one hair on Robin's head, and I will shoot you where you stand.
Faison: Take it easy. We was just having a little chat here. No reason to overreact. Please.
Nikolas: You all right?
Robin: Yeah.
Britt: What happened to my mother? Did you lose your patience with her, as well?
Faison: What's going on here? Is it Mother's Day or what?! I have no idea what you're talking about!
Nikolas: Oh, stop dodging. You were the last one to see her. She went to look for you in the catacombs.
Faison: Well, I believe yesterday she was talking about going into town, buying a new hat for the season or whatever!
Britt: You're lying. You're lying!
Faison: I'm not lying. And if I were you, I would be much more concerned about what's going on at the General Hospital lab than whatever trouble your mother's gotten herself into!
Robin: He's right. The cure should be done soon. And then all of this can be over.
Nikolas: I'll get the launch ready.
Robin: Thank you. I'm going to G.H. now. [Gasps]
Faison: You will stay where you're told to stay.
Felix: Hey, what happened to you?
Elizabeth: Best person duties. Don't ask.
Emma: Where's Sabrina?
Felix: She's in her room. I know she'd love to see you.
Elizabeth: Go. Go find her. What's the emergency?
Felix: Sabrina hates the dress?
Elizabeth: What? She said that?
Felix: Of course not. This is Sabrina we're talking about, not some out-of-control bridezilla. She was sweet and gracious and smiling way too bright and trying way too hard to act like it was the dress of her dreams.
Elizabeth: You sure you're not reading too much into this?
Felix: Oh, I know she doesn't like the dress, which, for a bride, is the same thing as hating it. Nothing but her mother's dress is gonna do.
Elizabeth: I tried, okay? I don't know if my friend's gonna be able to help. He said he would try. I don't know.
Felix: [Sighs] So, what? You saying that our Hail Mary pass isn't gonna work in time?
Sabrina: What Hail Mary pass?
Mac: I thought Emma was excited about Felicia's and my wedding, but this takes on a whole, new level. It's all she talked about.
Patrick: Yeah, well, I'm a lucky guy. She loves Sabrina just about as much as I do. And you know how excited she gets when the whole family gets together. And speaking of, have you, uh, heard anything from Anna and Robert?
Mac: No, not yet. But that's the problem with former spies. Always sneaking off somewhere.
Patrick: Well, I hope, for Emma's sake, they get back in time from wherever it is they ran off to.
Anna: And then he showed us a picture of Duke tied up.
Luke: Do you think they got the drop on Lavery when he went to Wyndemere?
Anna: Yeah.
Robert: Well, so he claims that Duke's being held where Robin is.
Luke: Well, I didn't see any sign of him last night, but the place is the size of a theme park with a complete underground labyrinth.
Jerry: And many places to a conceal prisoner, or a hostage, if you prefer.
Anna: I don't.
Jerry: My point is, you can't just knock on the door and inquire about Lavery, which means I'm still in charge.
Luke: Yes. Look at you. I'm terrified.
Jerry: It's amazing what you can accomplish with a little foresight, don't you agree, Miss Devane?
Anna: Faison has orders to shoot Duke if he doesn't hear from him every day.
Jerry: Yes, I made a call yesterday as a gesture of good faith, but I'm not making any more calls until I get the cure. If I don't contact Faison within an hour, Lavery's a dead man.
Robert: One hour. I'd say that's more than enough time to rescue Duke and Robin.
Robin: Get your hands off me!
Nikolas: Was I not clear, or do I need to prove to you how happy I would be to shoot you?
Faison: Easy. Robin has been coming and going far too much for my liking. And besides, I can't risk anyone recognizing her before this day is over.
Robin: What do you expect me to do? The cure is at the G.H. lab. Somebody has to go and get it.
Faison: I agree. Britta, you go.
Britt: Me?
Faison: Yeah. I don't trust Robin. You're a doctor. You can easily make your way into that lab.
Britt: I don't want to go unless I know my mother is okay.
Nikolas: I know. Just go get the cure and come right back. I'll find your mother, all right?
Britt: You sure?
Nikolas: Yeah, the sooner you get back, the sooner you'll be out of your father's life for good. Go ahead.
Britt: All right. Thank you.
Nikolas: All right. Follow me.
Faison: Where do you think you're going?
Nikolas: Into the catacombs to look for Obrecht. Unless you have a reason why we shouldn't.
Faison: Oh, you -- you waste your time as you like, Prince. But Robin stays right here.
Nikolas: After that display? No chance in hell. Sorry.
Robin: Nikolas, it's okay. Faison can threaten me all he wants, but he's not gonna hurt me.
Nikolas: That's a chance I'd not like to take.
Robin: It's fine. Britt can go get the cure, but I'm the only one who knows if it generated properly. And I am the only one that can administer it to Jerry without killing him. Faison needs me.
Nikolas: Robin, I really don't like the idea of you staying up here.
Robin: Nikolas, you told Britt you'd go look for her mother, and I know how OCD you are about keeping your word, so...
Nikolas: Are you sure?
Robin: I'm positive.
Nikolas: All right.
Faison: You've always been too brave for your own good, Robin. Even as a little girl.
Robin: And you were always too cocky, because even if Jerry does get his cure, my mother and my father will come and get you, and they will make you pay. You and Britt's mother.
Dr. Obrecht: [Straining] Oh, it's useless. This is a waste of time.
Duke: Well, unless you have any better suggestions, short of a miracle, this is the only chance we're gonna get to get out of here.
Dr. Obrecht: You are too eager to secure my cooperation. How do I know you don't plan to double-cross me?
Duke: Oh, my God! It's got to be exhausting being you! You spend your whole life doing the bidding of some maniac, or else you're -- you're, like, conjuring up evil plots or bouts of delusion and paranoia! Did it ever cross your mind just because you are a poisonous viper, not everybody is?
Dr. Obrecht: Of all the insipid fools I could have been tied up next to, why you?
Duke: Shut up! Now concentrate in getting us out of here!
Dr. Obrecht: Oh, no. Cesar's returning.
Nikolas: Duke?
Duke: [Sighs]
Robert: The plan is that you stay here.
Luke: Wait a minute. You're mounting an assault against Wyndemere, and I don't get to come?
Anna: You have to stay here and watch Jerry, make sure he doesn't get away.
Jerry: Oh, feel free to join your companions, Spencer. I mean, they need your expertise.
All: Oh, shut up!
Jerry: I mean that sincerely. I mean, you made short work of my guards on the island, and that was when you had polonium in your system. It was really quite impressive you were able to do so much. I mean, having your organs shut down hurts like a son of a bitch.
Anna: Don't tell us that you are asking for sympathy.
Jerry: A little compassion maybe. I guess that's not part of the WSB handbook. [Coughs]
Luke: All right. Let's handcuff him to the bed. He's too weak to go anywhere. You two need backup.
Robert: Luke, let us handle Faison. I mean, this is our daughter. This guy's had her for over two years.
Luke: Robert, Faison was doing Helena's dirty work when he kidnapped Lucky and brainwashed him. So don't tell me that you're the only two who have unfinished business with this son of a bitch.
Faison: Those defeats you mention, I'd rather call it minor setbacks.
Robin: And still you pursue my mother, try to get rid of my father. Isn't that the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again, hoping to get a different result?
Faison: If you think I'm so ineffectual, how come you still fear me?
Robin: I steer clear of you like a rabid dog. I am not afraid of you.
Faison: And who's cocky now? Unworthy of Anna's daughter.
Robin: [Scoffs] I pity you.
Faison: You what?
Robin: I pity you. You're not even original. You're -- you're a textbook sociopath. I mean, your only purpose in life is scaring people and trying to win over my mother. So, what happens when all of this is over, huh...
Faison: Be careful.
Robin: ...When you don't have any more power and any more resources, and you certainly won't have my mother. You'll be alone. How pathetic.
Faison: That's enough. Get out. I'm gonna put you somewhere where you are less bothersome to me. Get out! Get out!
Mac: Okay, well, I guess I should be going. I'll let you get ready for your big moment.
Patrick: Yeah, uh, thank you for watching Emma again. And, uh, thank you for coming to my wedding today.
Mac: Why wouldn't I be there?
Patrick: Well, I just, you know, I don't know how you feel about all this -- me moving on.
Mac: I told you how I feel. Robin would want you to be happy.
Patrick: Yeah, but, you know, there's a difference between finding peace and -- and moving on and starting a new life with someone else.
Mac: [Chuckles] You know, I'd be lying if I said that you and I started off on the right foot.
Patrick: [Chuckles] Oh, well, that is true. We -- we did not.
Mac: But you know what? You proved yourself to me time and time again. You became Robin's family, which made you part of mine. And, yeah, there were times where I wanted to strangle you for hurting her, but, uh... re often than not, Patrick, I was grateful to you.
Patrick: Wow. Grateful.
Mac: It's every parent's hope that their child finds someone who loves them, someone who puts them first. You did that for Robin.
Patrick: [Sniffles]
Mac: Look, she was hurt, you know. She was hurt very much at a very young age, and... well... I was afraid that she wouldn't be able to give her heart again. And truthfully, I was actually more afraid when I realized she'd given her heart to you.
Patrick: [Chuckles]
Mac: But you made her happy. You did. Robin was like a daughter to me. And you became a son. So, just because you're starting a new family doesn't mean you're leaving mine. Hey, I'm sorry, my friend. You're stuck with me.
Patrick: [Chuckles] Thanks, buddy. Thank you.
Sabrina: Something isn't gonna work out? What are you guys talking about?
Felix: Nothing. Nothing.
Elizabeth: Oh, please, don't even worry about it. It's just wedding stuff. You know.
Felix: And you wouldn't want to ruin the surprise, now, would you?
Sabrina: Never, because I know how passionate you are about your surprises. What's going on? What's up with the sunglasses?
Emma: Don't ask.
Elizabeth: Yeah. Where's your dress? I want to see your dress.
Sabrina: It's right here.
Emma: I want to see it, too!
Sabrina: All right.
Elizabeth: Yes.
Emma: It doesn't have a parasol with it, does it?
Elizabeth: A parasol?
All: Don't ask.
Elizabeth: Okay, open it up. Let me see.
Sabrina: No, Emma, no parasol today. Felix got me a different dress.
Elizabeth: Ohh! That's beautiful.
Sabrina: You think so?
Elizabeth: Patrick's not gonna be able to take his eyes off of you.
Mac: Good luck at the church. But don't worry -- once you put that monkey suit on, everything will be smooth sailing from there.
Patrick: Easy for you to say. You're already safely married.
Mac: And that's the thing to focus on. You see, you can get caught up in the arrangements and the guests and the party and the dress you're not supposed to see her in, but it means the world that you think she's beautiful. But all that will fade. What matters is saying the words, making that commitment to share your life with someone you love.
Patrick: I can do that.
Mac: And don't forget the ring.
Patrick: Already gave them to Elizabeth.
Mac: [Chuckling] Okay. Uh, you haven't heard from Duke yet, have you?
Patrick: No, not yet. He'll turn up sooner or later.
Nikolas: How long have you been down here?
Duke: I don't know. I've lost track.
Nikolas: I'm gonna get you both out of here.
Dr. Obrecht: Both of us?
Nikolas: Britt happens to be worried about you.
Dr. Obrecht: Britta? Really?
Nikolas: Your daughter has more consideration for you than you've ever had for her. If left to my own devices, I'd let you rot down here. I wouldn't even bother searching for you.
Dr. Obrecht: Nikolas!
Nikolas: [Groans as Faison knocks him out]
Felix: Oh, is that so? Well, lucky for you, I have enough breakfast to go around. Elizabeth, do you want some more coffee?
Elizabeth: No, I'm fine. Thank you. Sabrina, the dress is beautiful. You have nothing to worry about.
Sabrina: I know. Felix just has the best taste. Can you believe that he drove all the way over to Corinth? I mean, this -- this is gonna be great.
[Knock on door]
Sabrina: Who could that be?
Felix: You don't suppose that's, uh...
[Door opens]
Sabrina: Oh, my God.
[Patrick's doorbell rings]
Anna: Clear?
[Door closes]
Luke: Not a creature a-stirring, not even a Danish rat or a Teutonic weasel.
Robert: So, where is everyone?
Faison: So much for your knight in shining armor.
Dr. Obrecht: Cesar, please. This was just a mistake. We can make it all right. Everything --
Faison: Shut up! Shut up! You were only worth your loyalty. And now you're worth nothing.
Luke: There are at least 20 rooms on the second floor alone, plus underground passages that run all over this bloody island.
Anna: Right.
Luke: Did that picture give you any idea where Lavery was being held?
Anna: No, it was just dark and gloomy.
Luke: Oh, that narrows it down.
Anna: Right. We should split up. Can you take the upstairs?
Robert: Hmm.
Anna: Luke, you know the grounds, right?
Luke: Where are you going?
Anna: Down the rabbit hole.
Dr. Obrecht: [Laughs]
Duke: You're free?
Dr. Obrecht: The prince works faster than Cesar gave him credit for.
Duke: Untie me! What are you doing? Untie me!
Dr. Obrecht: I'm afraid I can't do that, Mr. Lavery. [Pointing a gun at him]
[Upstairs, Robert checks the bedrooms]
Luke: Grounds are clean. That means he's in the house. Faison! Got a present for you! A full clip with your name on it! Come out, come out, wherever you are!
Faison: Hello, Spencer.
Duke: Oh, come on, Liesl. We're on the same side this time.
Dr. Obrecht: If I let you go, you'll turn me over to the WSB. I won't let myself be taken prisoner.
Duke: That's just gonna be -- that'll be a minor setback. I'm sure they'll offer you a very sweet deal in exchange for testimony against Faison. I mean, he's the one they all want. They -- they don't want you.
Dr. Obrecht: Our alliance is over, Lavery. I'm sorry it had to be this way. [Points her gun at Duke]
Anna: [Kicks door down] Drop it!
[Robert kicks a bedroom door open]
Robin: Hey!
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