GH Transcript Wednesday 11/20/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 11/20/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Kiki: Michael. Look. Ah!

Michael: What, do you need change for the vending machine or something?

Kiki: It's a heads-up penny. It's good luck. Hello.

Michael: Right. Thank you. Not just for the penny, but, you know, thank you for coming with me today. I appreciate it.

Kiki: AJ's on trial for murder. Of course, I'm with you.

Monica: Hi. Where's AJ?

Michael: They haven't brought him out yet, actually.

AJ: I'm here.

Ellie: Hey, did you hear the news?

Elizabeth: Yeah, I did. The D.A. said the case against AJ is open and shut.

Ellie: Oh. Yeah, that's big news, too. But I was actually referring to the outcome of the custody hearing.

Elizabeth: No. What happened?

Ellie: Maxie was found unfit.

Spinelli: Words cannot express the magnitude of my regret. It is not the way it should be. You are our baby's mother. And yet I'm forced to completely vacate your apartment because --

Diane: The judge ruled that Maxie isn't allowed near her daughter.

Lulu: Hey, baby girl, what do you want to do today? You want to go to the park? Yeah, we could get you all bundled up, and we could watch the wind blow the tree branches. That'd be fun.

Dante: Hey, Lulu, you, uh -- you okay?

Lulu: You know what? If it's too cold outside, we could go to the aquarium. Yeah, we could say hi to all the fish.

[Knock on door]

Dante: I'll get it. Hey, Ma. Hi, Sonny.

Olivia: We won't stay long.

Sonny: We just wanted to say bye to baby Connie.

Dante: Yeah.

Felix: Now, when Patrick and Sabrina make their first entrance as husband and wife, it's gonna be just like a renaissance fairy tale. Now, I know she doesn't have her gown right now and the wedding's tomorrow, but they don't call me a miracle worker for nothing.

Carly: I slept with Franco.

Franco: Hi. This is Franco Quarter-- Quarter-- I'm...not really sure who I am, but I'm calling because, um... one of the loonies in your bin, Ms. Heather Webber -- turns out she's my mother. I just found out. Uh, no, that's not sweet, and, no, I did not call to say hello. I called to make sure that she is securely locked up. I'm not kidding. I called to find out if she's securely locked up. Go check. I'll hold.

[Knock on door]

Franco: I don't care if you are my mother. I will not let you hurt Carly. Aah!

Scott: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on a sec here. It's me -- your -- your father.

Franco: Um, sorry. Thought it was Mother.

Scott: Yeah, I -- I can see that, but, uh, isn't Heather locked up at Miscavige?

Franco: Um, yeah. Maybe. I don't know. She has a habit of getting out. I'm a little -- I'm a little freaked.

Scott: You think so?

Franco: I have a right to be. Look at this. Look at what she sent to me yesterday. Okay, you can't see it, but she is threatening Carly.

Scott: Well, it looks that way.

Franco: You're the new district attorney. What are you gonna do to protect Carly?

Carly: Okay, before you say anything, I want you to know I didn't tell you to get your permission, and I didn't tell you for you to talk me out of it. I told you, because I need someone to listen without judging. Do you think you can be that kind of a listener?

Felix: I don't know, because it sounded like you said you slept with Franco.

Carly: I did sleep with Franco. After the art show.

Felix: It was that good?

Carly: The art show was a disaster. You know, and everything Franco thought he knew about his... parents and himself turned out to be wrong. He found out he's not a Quartermaine.

Monica: I brought your suit.

AJ: Thanks. I want you to know how happy I am that you're here. Mom, I know I've hurt you.

Monica: You are my son, AJ. No matter what happened, I'm not gonna let you go through this alone.

Michael: Neither will I.

AJ: Thanks, Michael, Kiki. Just, I'm really grateful that you guys are here. Just seems like there's one person missing, though.

Elizabeth: So, Lulu and Dante get to keep the baby?

Ellie: No. Actually, he ruled against them, too. He awarded sole custody of the child to Damian.

Elizabeth: What? Are you kidding me? Not that Spinelli won't be a great dad, but... Ellie, when they called me to testify, I had to tell the truth. It was never my intention to keep Maxie away from her baby.

Ellie: No, no, I totally --

Elizabeth: And I didn't want to dredge up any of that stuff. But you know how some people hate hospitals? Well, that's how I feel about courtrooms.

Ellie: So, I'm guessing you won't be at AJ's trial today.

Diane: I would be remiss in my duties as your attorney if I did not impress upon you the seriousness of Judge Walter's ruling yesterday. It's all there in the court order. Spinelli, you have sole custody.

Spinelli: Yeah, that was made clear to us both.

Diane: Well, Maxie, in the past, has had a tendency -- uncanny -- to hear only what she wants and to just ignore what inconveniences her. It's not gonna fly this time, Spinelli. For Maxie's sake, you both have to understand. Maxie, you go within 20 feet of your daughter, and you will go to jail. Spinelli, if you allow her access, you will lose your daughter immediately.

Olivia: Hey, my little sweetheart. Can I see you? How are you, my little sweetheart? You know what? You know what? When my cousin died, you were the only bright spot in my life. And you were the only thing that brought me joy... when I didn't think I had any joy left in me. Oh, honey. You're so special, you got people fighting over you. [Sniffles] I'm gonna miss you like nobody's business.

Sonny: You know what? Hey. I got something to tell you. When Connie...died...I just...

Olivia: Oh!

Sonny: ...I didn't think I could go on. But you know what? You gave me reason to.

Olivia: Yeah.

Sonny: I am not gonna forget you, ever. Never forget you.

Olivia: Oh, yeah. It's okay, honey. There.

AJ: Still no sign of Elizabeth?

Monica: No, I'm sorry, AJ.

AJ: [Sighs] Well, I mean, I guess it's no big surprise. I mean, I haven't seen her since the arraignment. She made it pretty clear the only reason she showed up was because Michael begged her to.

Michael: Well, don't count her out. She still could make an appearance.

AJ: Look, it's pretty nice of you to say that, but, uh...

Diane: I have to get to court for AJ Quartermaine's trial, but I need to make sure you are both very clear about this custody ruling. Judge Walters is extremely strict. There's gonna be no leeway on this custody order. Maxie, you are to have no contact whatsoever with the child. You understand?

Spinelli: Yes.

Diane: Maxie?

Spinelli: Uh, what's this?

Diane: That is a bill for one half of the total of my services. It's all itemized. You're a single father, so you can pay it in installments. It's the least I can do. As regard to your half of the bill, Maxie... I'm waiving my fee in light of the verdict. I really thought I could win this for you, and I'm -- I'm very sorry that I didn't.

[Door closes]

Spinelli: I guess I should -- I should take my leave, as well. [Sniffles] Ellie's helping me with... with the baby. Um... I-I hate leaving you like this. Is -- is there someone that I can call to...keep you company? I should go.

Maxie: [Sniffles] Spinelli.

Spinelli: Yeah.

Maxie: Take good care of our little girl.

Olivia: We're so sorry, Lulu. We know how much you love that baby.

Lulu: I'm sorry, too. I'm sorry that Maxie will be raising my baby.

Olivia: Wait. You guys didn't hear? Not Maxie.

Lulu: What do you mean?

Dante: Yeah, the judge ruled in their favor, granting Maxie and Spinelli custody.

Olivia: No. Th-that's not...

Sonny: That's what Alexis has been trying to tell you. She's been trying to call you, and you haven't answered the phone.

Dante: Well, we've been busy focusing on the baby.

Sonny: You don't have to explain it to me. It's just that Alexis got desperate. That's why she called us.

Olivia: She said you ran out of the courtroom so fast that you didn't hear the end of the judge's ruling.

Dante: Well, who gets to keep Connie?

Olivia: Spinelli. He got sole custody. They ruled that Maxie was unfit. I-I don't know if this makes it better or worse, but Maxie's not allowed within 20 feet of that baby.

Sonny: You know what? We should go. If you need -- if you need us, call.

Olivia: Damn right. You've got it.

Dante: All right. Thanks. Both of you.

Olivia: You don't have to thank us. This is our job.

Sonny: And if you don't call, we'll be thinking about you.

Olivia: And praying. We love you.

Dante: Love you, too, Ma.

[Connie cries]

Lulu: Hey, it's okay. Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

[Door closes]

Lulu: Well, how is that for a hollow victory? We did what we thought we had to do. We proved that Maxie is an unfit mother, and it doesn't change the fact that we have to give Connie up.

Dante: No, it doesn't.

[Both sniffle]

Lulu: And it's all your fault.

[Baby crying]

Franco: I feel like I finally got a chance here to make things work with Carly, so... you' the new D.A. You're my brand-new D-A-D. Could you help me? Could you keep Heather away from her?

Scott: You know, uh, Franco, the news about you and me and Heather, uh... couldn't have come at a worse time for me. My career, that is.

Franco: You don't say.

Scott: Well, you see, I'm in a sticky situation here. Lazaro's people are mobilizing a recount, because of you being my son and Heather. So I'm sort of downplaying that scandal -- you know, trying to stay out you and Heather's business.

Franco: So, you're not going to help me?

Scott: I'll tell you what I will do for you. I will tighten up the security at Miscavige. That I will do for you.

Franco: Oh, that's just -- that's so...big of you. That's...great. Can I ask you something? Why did you come here?

Scott: To tell you that I had no idea that you were my son. I am -- I'm sorry about that. I-I truly am. You know, and with your brain tumor and all, I... it's just that, you know, I'm trying to re-establish myself back here in Port Charles. You know, prove myself as the D.A. again. There's a lot of great stuff I can do for this town, and I'm sure that you wouldn't want to get in the way of that. And the fact that we're basically strangers... I don't think it would be such a hardship for you to sort of... keep your distance?

Franco: Right. Wouldn't want a little thing like being father and son want to come between you and your huge career. Well, don't worry...Pops. It's not something you need to worry about.

[Door closes]

Carly: Scott Baldwin is his father.

Felix: And Heather Webber, psycho supreme, is his mother?

Carly: Yes, and Franco was devastated.

Felix: Okay, look, devastated or not, it still doesn't change the fact that someone besides you was sharing his bed. Or have you forgotten that he's playing "hide the tort" with his lawyer?

Carly: He wasn't sleeping with Diane. He only lied about that relationship to cover up what was really going on.

Felix: And what, pray tell, was that? Nothing good, I'm sure.

Carly: You really don't have this listening, nonjudgmental thing down at all, do you?

Felix: Okay, now you're stalling, which means it must be really bad.

Carly: Heather Webber.

Felix: Yep, it's really bad.

Carly: Okay, he was hiding in his room. He -- he told me he was with another woman because he didn't want me to know that he was harboring an... escaped psychotic criminal... who turned out to be his mother.

Felix: Heather Webber, barking mad, LSD-injecting, psycho-killing Heather Webber is his mother?

Carly: Uh-huh.

Felix: Carly, run. Run before things get any worse.

Sonny: You enjoying your new office?

Scott: Well, I understand that you supported the other candidate.

Sonny: I'm sure you heard more. I know you strong-armed Lazaro with that recording my son gave you. You know why Morgan did that? For Julian Jerome, which means Julian owns you now.

Scott: I was elected by the people. I have the people's best interests at heart.

Sonny: That's fine. That's fine. As long as you put AJ Quartermaine away for good.

Scott: You're gonna lecture me on law and order?

Sonny: Well, you have a longstanding relationship with the Quartermaines. So I thought maybe -- just maybe -- you might be tempted to maybe cut AJ loose or... screw up the trial. Don't.

Scott: Are you threatening me?

Sonny: You can take that any way you want.

Scott: Mm.

Diane: Looks like you have a lot to lose with this case.

AJ: Elizabeth, you came. I can't believe this. I never thought you would come and support me.

Elizabeth: AJ, I wanted to get a chance to talk to you before --

[Door opens]

Elizabeth: I --

Bailiff: All rise. Superior court for the state of New York, city and county of Port Charles, is now in session. The Honorable Judge Amber Chua presiding.

Judge Chua: This court is now in session. We are here in the matter of people vs. Alan James Quartermaine Jr. in the death of Constanza Louise Falconeri, also known as Katherine Hardwicke Howard. Mr. Quartermaine is charged with murder in the first degree. D.A. Baldwin, you may begin.

Scott: Thank you, your honor. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that AJ Quartermaine intentionally murdered Connie Falconeri. Once you have the facts, there is no question that you will punish this cold-blooded, heartless killer that sits in front of you.

Felix: I want to be that nonjudgmental listener, but I wouldn't be much of a friend if I didn't point out the man you just slept with put your son in the path of a rapist.

Carly: Okay. When I found out what happened to Michael, no one hated Franco more than I did. But I believe that Franco never meant for my son to get hurt.

Felix: So you forgive him?

Carly: Well, I didn't think that I could, and then he saved Michael's life, and --

Felix: When? How?

Carly: After the art show, at the pier. Michael hit his head and he fell into the water. He would've drowned, just like Jason, if Franco wasn't there --

Felix: Okay, this -- this makes much more sense. Naturally, you were -- you were grateful.

Carly: It wasn't gratitude. It's not a... I mean, I've seen a different side of Franco, even before the tumor. I saw Franco trying to fight the darkness inside of him. And after the surgery, I truly -- I honestly believe he's changed.

Felix: Okay, look, what about his mother? What about all the people that she's hurt? And then you said she was in his hotel room and at the art show? I mean, what's up with that? Isn't she supposed to be locked up?

Carly: Yes, yes, she's been escaping on a regular basis, but Scott Baldwin has assured us that he has tightened security at Miscavige. Look, I don't have a lot of faith in Scott, okay? I don't. But he's trying to make a good impression now that he's the D.A., and he's the last person that wants her out, running around, so... I'm sure everyone's safe from her.

Heather: Good morning, sunshine.

Franco: Good morning. Just the person I was hoping to see. Please, come in.

Heather: Well, my, my. Someone's in a good mood today.

Franco: Hello, Mother Dearest. Something to say to you. You stay away from Carly or I'll kill you.

Heather: Don't you understand? I'm doing this for you. You're my son, and I'll do whatever I have to to keep that woman from hurting you.

Franco: Well, then I will kill you.

Heather: You don't have it in you to kill your own mother. [Gasps]

Franco: Watch me.

Ellie: Did you talk to Sam?

Spinelli: I did, and she enthusiastically offered to share her home with me and the baby. Yeah, she understood immediately the urgency of the situation. Obviously, my infant daughter can't stay with me on the couch in my office, and we can't stay with you and Maxie, since Maxie isn't allowed to see her daughter.

Ellie: How is she?

Spinelli: Shattered. She's not speaking. I mean, the only words she uttered to me were to admonish me to take good care of our daughter, but... who's gonna take care of Maxie?

[Knock on door]

Maxie: Go away.

[Knocking continues]

Maxie: Go away! I don't want to see anyone! I don't want to talk to anyone! What part of "go away" do you not understand?!

Lulu: The judge said that we made a strong argument, but then he still wouldn't give us custody, partly because I perjured myself.

Dante: Diane asked you if you planned on leaving the country with Connie, and you denied it.

Lulu: There was no proof. It was Maxie's word against mine, and Maxie's credibility was already shot. You were the only person who knew that I wanted to take off with her, and that's exactly what we should have done, but you said no.

Dante: That is crazy.

Lulu: I am your wife! You are supposed to have my back. The least you could have done was just say that you didn't remember.

Dante: I'm a cop. I couldn't perjure myself.

Lulu: You've given false testimony before. Sonny shot you at point-blank range. You were an undercover officer in the line of duty. That is murder with special circumstances. Your father should be in prison for the rest of his life, but you perjured yourself... to protect him. Why couldn't you do the same for your wife?

Diane: Ladies and gentlemen, District Attorney Baldwin's case is circumstantial. It is unfounded. The murder charge itself, as well as the weeks my client has spent in jail, held without bail constitute a gross miscarriage of justice. AJ Quartermaine is a victim of the state, as surely as Connie Falconeri was a victim of a murderer. AJ is innocent, and the real murderer is still out there. Thank you.

Judge Chua: D.A. Baldwin, you may call your first witness.

Scott: I call Michael Corinthos Jr., otherwise known as Sonny.

Scott: Sonny, can you describe to the jury what happened on August 9, 2013, when you walked into your house and you found the defendant with your girlfriend, Connie?

Sonny: He had his hands around Connie's neck. He was hurting her.

Scott: Had you not gone home, what would have happened?

Sonny: He'd have killed her with his bare hands.

Diane: Objection -- calls for speculation.

Judge Chua: Sustained.

Scott: So, once you subdued AJ, then what happened?

Sonny: Michael, my son, showed up with AJ's girlfriend, Elizabeth, and I said to Michael, I said, "You get him out of here."

Scott: Did the defendant say anything before he left?

Sonny: Yes. He said, "Connie, you're gonna pay for this. I promise you."

Scott: Can you describe to the court what happened on the night of August 23rd?

Sonny: I went to Connie's office.

Scott: Was she there?

Sonny: Yeah, she was bleeding on the floor. She'd been shot. She could hardly breathe. She couldn't talk, but she managed to tell me that she loved me. I got on -- I called 911. Uh, the phone didn't work, so I had to use the landline. Then, by the time I went back to her... I saw the -- the... the light going -- going out of her eyes. I held her in my -- my arms. She died.

Scott: What happened after that?

Sonny: I'd seen -- there was -- she had written something in her own blood.

Scott: What had she written?

Sonny: Two letters -- one was "A." The other was "J."

Scott: Mr. Corinthos, are these the two letters that you are talking about, written in the victim's blood?

Dante: No, you're right. I perjured myself for Sonny, but that was complicated, and you of all people know how complicated that was.

Lulu: So that made it okay, because it was complicated?

Dante: That's not what I said.

Lulu: Just admit it. You were willing to set aside your morals for your father, for the family that you never had growing up, but when it came to me and protecting our family, you couldn't compromise yourself. If you had, then we could keep Connie.

Dante: Look... we had to face reality. Okay, the decks were pretty heavily stacked against us.

Lulu: You could've tried, Dante. I would've done anything for our daughter. Why couldn't you? Why couldn't you just tell one tiny, little lie for me? For our daughter?

Felicia: Oh, sweetheart, we didn't know anything that had happened until this morning.

Mac: Diane called us to say she was sorry. Why didn't you call us last night?

Maxie: And say what? "Mom, Mac, I lost my little girl"? I can't do this. I can't live without her.

[Cell phone rings]

Ellie: Is it...?

Spinelli: It's time. Social worker's ready to meet us.

Dante: I couldn't lie because... Connie isn't our daughter. She's Maxie and Spinelli's biological child. And as much as I love her... she doesn't belong to us. She never did. And we have to -- we have to face that.

Lulu: No, no.

Dante: Yeah, we do. We do, okay? We won't be taking her to the park... or the aquarium or anywhere else because we're under a court order... to surrender our daughter to Spinelli today.

Spinelli: I've been dreading this moment, taking the baby away from Dante and Lulu. I can't imagine anything more painful.

Ellie: Hey. I can be there with you, if you want.

Spinelli: That would be most appreciated.

Ellie: All right, well, let's do this together.

Diane: Mr. Corinthos, I, too, am very sorry for your loss. You've made no secret of your hatred for my client, have you?

Sonny: No.

Diane: In fact, AJ Quartermaine is the biological father of your son, Michael Corinthos III, seated in this courtroom. Is that correct?

Sonny: Yes.

Diane: Now, you and AJ had some problem with the terms regarding Michael's adoption.

Sonny: AJ signed away his parental rights. Michael's been my son most of his life.

Scott: Objection, your honor. Why is she rehashing all this family history?

Diane: Foundation, your honor. Mr. Corinthos has a longstanding vendetta against my client.

Scott: Objection -- inflammatory.

Judge Chua: Sustained. Spare us the hyperbole and get where you're going, Ms. Miller.

Diane: Certainly, your honor. Mr. Corinthos, did the late Connie Falconeri write those letters or did you?

Scott: Objection!

Diane: Withdrawn. All right, let's assume that Connie Falconeri did write "AJ" She did not write, "AJ shot me," did she?

Sonny: No.

Diane: Did Ms. Falconeri tell you that AJ had shot her?

Sonny: She couldn't, because she was choking on her own blood.

Diane: Did you actually see Mr. Quartermaine shoot Connie Falconeri?

Sonny: No.

Diane: So all of this evidence that the D.A. is presenting is purely circumstantial.

Scott: Objection, your honor. That's for the court to decide, not opposing counsel.

Judge Chua: Sustained.

Diane: No further questions, your honor.

Judge Chua: The witness may step down. Mr. Baldwin, your next witness.

Scott: I call Elizabeth Webber.

Carly: I think Franco is a changed man and know he makes me happy, and that's enough for me.

Felix: Terrible taste in men is one thing, but a death wish? That's something else.

Carly: Really? What about Brad Cooper?

Felix: Okay, pump your brakes. I -- I'm not... into Brad the Cad.

Carly: Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh. At least I have courage enough to admit that I have feelings for Franco.

Felix: Okay, fine. I -- there's...something budding...between us.

Carly: Okay. But this is how the listening thing goes. I don't judge you for your choices. You don't judge me for mine. Franco's changed. He's a good man now.

Franco: Outside this room, they all think I'm a changed man, but you and I, we both know the truth. We both know that I still have it in me.

[Knock on door]

Guard: Mr. Franco, we're from the Miscavige institute. We've come for Ms. Webber.

Heather: [Choking]

[Knock continues]

Guard: Mr. Franco, are you all right in there?

Heather: [Gasps] [Panting]

Franco: We're clear, right? If you hurt Carly, I'll have to kill you. She's right here.

Scott: Mr. Corinthos just testified that, when he came in, he found the defendant strangling the victim.

Elizabeth: I wouldn't say AJ was strangling her.

Scott: Well, how would you know? I mean, were you there for the altercation?

Elizabeth: No. No, but when Michael and I came in, Connie was upset, but she wasn't having a difficult time breathing.

Scott: Well, okay. Let's talk about what happened after you came in. Mr. Corinthos said that you and Michael escorted Mr. Quartermaine out.

Elizabeth: That's right.

Scott: So you heard Mr. Quartermaine promise Ms. Falconeri that she would pay for this.

Elizabeth: Yes, I did.

Scott: Did AJ realize that he overreacted? Did he regret hurting Connie?

Elizabeth: I-I don't know what you mean. AJ felt like he had just lost everything. He was very upset.

Scott: How upset was he?

AJ: They're lucky I wasn't armed myself, because I swear to God, if I was, I would've killed Connie right then and there.

Scott: Did you hear Mr. Quartermaine say that he wanted to hurt Connie? Your honor.

Judge Chua: Ms. Webber, you need to answer the question.

Elizabeth: Yes. AJ said if he'd had a gun... he would have killed Connie.

Olivia: And you didn't say anything?! What the hell is wrong with you?!

Judge Chua: [Bangs gavel]

Olivia: Could've saved my cousin, but instead we lost her! We lost Connie!

Lulu: How am I supposed to do this? How am I supposed to let you go?

Dante: I don't want to give up Connie any more than you do. But if we're gonna do this, we got to stay together. We got to help each other. Hey. 'Cause when Connie's gone... all we're gonna have is each other. I need you.

[Connie fusses]

Dante: It's okay. And I love you so much. Look at me. Please, baby, look at me.

[Knock on door]

Diane: Ms. Webber, when my client said that if he'd had a gun, he would've killed Connie, do you think he meant it?

Elizabeth: No, it was a figure of speech.

Diane: And he didn't say, "I'm gonna go out, get a gun, and kill Connie," did he?

Elizabeth: No. He was upset and venting. That's all.

Diane: No further questions.

Scott: Your honor, I would like to redirect.

Judge Chua: I'll allow.

Scott: Ms. Webber, maybe Mr. Quartermaine was just using a figure of speech. Maybe his intent was to kill Connie. Correct?

Elizabeth: All I can tell you is what he said.

Scott: I mean, had he been armed, he probably would have killed Connie, correct?

Elizabeth: Yes.

Scott: No further questions.

Judge Chua: Ms. Webber, you may step down. Counselor, who's your next witness?

Scott: I call Olivia Falconeri.

Guard 1: Your phone call to Miscavige alerted us. When we went to check for her, she was gone.

Franco: Yeah, you might want to beef up security around there.

Guard 1: It's in the process of being overhauled. We're plugging up all the holes.

Guard 2: She won't bother you again.

Franco: That's great. I think you might want to get her out of here now.

Heather: Someday you'll understand that everything I do -- everything -- I do it for you.

Franco: I don't care. You stay away from Carly.

Carly: Oh, come on. Can't you be happy for me?

Felix: Carly, you know I'll always have your back.

Carly: Awesome.

Felix: And I know it's technically a violation of the nonjudgmental-listening thing to say I told you so.

Carly: But?

Felix: Don't say I didn't warn you.

Franco: Hasta la vista, mamacita. Well done, Franco. Another problem solved.

Heather: Can you believe how angry my son was with me? I mean, I'm just trying to be the best mom I could be. Whew! It's a good thing he doesn't know that the two people Miscavige sent to get me... were the same two people that helped me escape in the first place. Shall we, boys?

Spinelli: I want to tell you both how sorry I am. I --

Lulu: It's over. You fought and you won. And you're taking her out of here, so... "I'm sorry" doesn't mean anything.

Dante: This one's got toys. Clothes.

Lulu: Um, she loves music by the Arctic Monkeys. Anything from them usually makes her laugh.

Dante: Just don't play Robin Thicke. It makes her cry.

Lulu: And if she's having trouble sleeping, you just rub her tummy a little bit. That usually helps.

Dante: And wash her face with the ducky washcloth. She likes that.

Lulu: Got to watch her on the changing table, too. She -- she really moves.

Dante: Yeah, for real. Don't blink.

Spinelli: I promise, I'll keep both eyes on her at all times.

Dante: Okay, so... guess we have to, uh... guess we got to say goodbye to you.

Maxie: I don't know how I'm supposed to do this, Mom. I can't live without seeing her.

Felicia: Yes, you can. Mac and I are going to help you.

Mac: That's right. We love you very much, Maxie. Very much. We're here, okay? We've got you.

Lulu: I love you so much. I love you so much. You're my little girl. You're my little Connie. Yeah, you make me so happy. I love you.

Dante: Hey. So long, sweet little angel. We're gonna love you, always, okay? Everything's gonna be okay. And you be a -- be a good girl for your daddy, okay? Okay, bye. Come on. Okay. [Smooches] I love you.

Lulu: [Sobbing]

Dante: Okay. Okay.

Scott: Before we go any further, I would just like to say how sorry I am for your loss. I know that you and your cousin were very close.

Olivia: Like sisters.

Scott: As the manager of the hotel, I'm gonna need you to authenticate some security footage that originated from there.

Diane: Objection, your honor! What footage is the prosecutor referring to?

Scott: Security footage provides frame-by-frame account of the night that AJ Quartermaine murdered Connie Falconeri.

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