General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 11/19/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Felix: Well, that was a bust.
Brad: [Sighs] You can't say we didn't try.
Felix: We checked out every last wedding dress at Wyndham's -- every last one.
Brad: Well, not all of them.
Felix: Well, pastels and animal prints don't count.
Brad: Then yes, we checked all of them.
Felix: And not one of them was right for Sabrina.
Brad: [Sighs] Look. I know none of them were perfect, Felix, but given how soon this wedding is, maybe a little compromise is --
Felix: Absolutely not! This is supposed to be the happiest, most romantic day of Sabrina's life. I'm not gonna have my girl walking down the aisle looking like a cream puff on steroids.
Brad: I know, I know. I was just...trying to help.
Felix: Yeah. Yeah, you were. Thanks, Brad.
Brad: [Chuckles] No problem.
Felix: I hope I wasn't taking you away from anything too important.
Brad: Ooh. [Sighs] Now that you mention it, there was something I was supposed to be doing at the lab.
Carlos: There's something you need to know.
Sabrina: No. No. No, there isn't -- not from you.
Carlos: Sabrina!
Sabrina: I am so over this, okay, Carlos? I don't have time to hear anything else you have to say about Patrick.
Carlos: What if I tell you his wife is still alive? [Sighs]
Sabrina: Excuse me?
Carlos: Patrick Drake, the man you're about to marry is --
Sabrina: I know who he is, Carlos!
Carlos: His wife did not die in a tragic accident. She is still very much alive.
Robin: Within 48 hours, Luke's antibodies will reproduce enough to synthesize a cure for Jerry.
Nikolas: So, um, you did it?
Robin: Yeah, I did it.
Britt: Oh, thank God. This will finally be over. [Sighs]
Nikolas: Right.
Robin: We just have to make sure nobody finds me until then.
Luke: Nikolas! It's Luke! We need to talk!
Robin: [Sighs] Oh, my God. Luke's here.
Luke: Oh, Nik!
Tracy: So, as I was telling you earlier, Luke -- or you can call him Grandpa Luke, 'cause it really annoys him -- Grandpa Luke has somebody save his life, and then he's right out there again, risking it.
Tracy: What? Oh, you are so right. He's irresponsible. He's unreliable. He's pigheaded. Any reasonable woman would wash her hands of him. But, of course, I'm not reasonable when it comes to Luke, but then again, you probably won't be, either.
Olivia: Tracy!
Tracy: [Gasps] Uh, you scared me to death!
Olivia: Oh, it's okay, little Connie. I was gonna call the police! I was so worried about you!
Tracy: How did you get in here?
Olivia: I'm the hotel manager. I can get in anywhere.
Tracy: Well, relax. Nobody's taking that baby from Lulu and Dante.
Olivia: Well, that's up for the judge to decide. He's about to deliver his ruling right now. Sweet baby girl.
Lulu: The judge reached his decision already? Isn't that kind of fast?
Dante: Yeah, I thought this was, uh, gonna take a lot longer.
Alexis: So did I.
Maxie: I-I thought you said this was a complicated case.
Diane: I did, and it is.
Maxie: Well, if it's so complicated, how come the judge came to his decision so quickly?
Spinelli: Speculation will only create more anxiety, as evidenced by my inability to stop considering every possible contingency, thus causing this.
Maxie: Okay, stop that.
Spinelli: [Sighs]
Maxie: And I-I will stop speculating... because that's your job. So, uh, did we win, or are we doomed?
Diane: We're about to find out.
Bailiff: All rise.
Nikolas: Luke! Feel free to come into my home whenever you like.
Luke: Thank you. I just did. Hello. I'm Luke Spencer.
Britt: Hi.
Luke: You must be the reason he didn't answer the door.
Britt: [Chuckling] Uh...
Nikolas: Yes. Yes, this is my...friend... Dr. Britt Westbourne.
Luke: Ah! Your mother is Faison's sidekick, Dr. Obrecht, pin-up queen for the S.S.
Britt: Whatever she did to you, don't blame me. I didn't ask her to be my mother.
Nikolas: Is there something we can do for you, Luke?
Luke: Yes, actually, there's something you can do for everybody, and it involves her mother.
Britt: Why? What has she done now?
Luke: She busted Faison out of prison, and now they're hiding out on Cassadine Island, along with Jerry Jacks.
Nikolas: Jerry? He's still alive?
Luke: He's alive, but not well. He's withering away at your family compound, along with the doctor who saved my life.
Sabrina: Unbelievable.
Carlos: I know. I couldn't believe it myself. But it's true.
Sabrina: Carlos, stop!
Carlos: Sabrina! I saw her, as clear as I'm seeing you right now.
Sabrina: Okay, then. Where exactly did you see her?
Carlos: In this lab right here.
Brad: Yeah, so, I really should get back to the lab.
Felix: You're right!
Brad: Oh. Uh, okay. See ya.
Felix: Maybe I should compromise. Uh, there's this vintage store down-- where you going?
Brad: Uh...back to the lab.
Felix: Oh. Uh, okay. Sor-sorry. Thanks for coming with me today.
Brad: [Chuckles] Sure. Uh, actually, I was thinking maybe we this again sometime.
Felix: Go to wedding salons and look at hideous dresses.
Brad: Uh, as fun as that was, I was thinking next time, we could do something different, like maybe, uh... dinner?
Felix: Oh, you mean like a date.
Brad: Yeah, like a... like -- like a date.
Felix: Okay.
Brad: Y-yeah, I-I figured it was a long sh-- w-wait, wait. Did you just say yes?
Felix: [Chuckles] I did, didn't I?
Brad: Wow. I didn't think you'd say yes.
Felix: Would you rather I hadn't?
Brad: No! I-I'm just... y-you really want to --
Felix: Just take yes for an answer, Brad.
Brad: Okay. Uh, great., sh-should I just --
Felix: We can arrange the details later.
Brad: Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We -- we totally can. Uh...okay! So, I'm...gonna... see ya.
[Both laugh]
Patrick: Don't tell me you're getting involved with that guy. Believe me, Felix. You can't trust him.
Tracy: How's that? Better? Good. Well, all we can do is wait until the judge hands down his decision. Let's hope he does it before we run out of diapers!
Olivia: [Chuckles] Who would've thought we'd ever see Tracy Quartermaine changing a diaper?
Tracy: Well, I hope you enjoyed it, because it's the only time you're ever gonna see that, and I hope it stays a little secret between you, me, and Connie. You're a good girl. You are.
Olivia: You know, Sonny and I were so...touched when we heard that Dante and Lulu were gonna name her after Connie.
Connie: [Babbling]
Olivia: She's just as feisty and beautiful as her namesake.
Tracy: I can't believe she's gone.
Olivia: Yeah, you and me both. You know, I wanted to thank you. Hi! I wanted to thank you for the beautiful roses.
Connie: [Continues babbling]
Tracy: I'm glad you enjoyed them. [Sighs] I hope Connie would've approved.
Olivia: Yeah, she would've, and that is no mean feat, you know?
Tracy: She has very high standards.
Olivia: She could be a real pain in the ass that way.
Connie: [Babbles]
Olivia: Yeah.
Tracy: You know, I, uh -- want this one? I've been wanting to get ahold of you.
Olivia: About what?
Tracy: Uh... [Inhales deeply] Before Connie died, she and I were becoming friends, and I don't... have very many of those.
Olivia: You don't say.
Tracy: She was the, um... person who told me that... Kiki wasn't a...Quartermaine, and I was the one that pushed her to publish it, and...if I hadn't done that...
Olivia: Tracy, don't.
Tracy: ...She would probably still be alive.
Olivia: Don't. Don't do that. It is not your fault that Connie is dead. It's nobody's fault but the person that pulled the trigger, and you did not put that gun in AJ's hand.
Tracy: Well...thank you.
Connie: [Fussing]
Tracy: I appreciate you saying that, but it doesn't make me feel any less responsible.
[Cell phone beeping]
Olivia: Oh, my God.
Tracy: What is it?
Olivia: Oh.
Tracy: Is it news?
Olivia: Yeah, it's Dante! The judge is about to deliver his decision.
Ellie: Damian, I came as soon as I got your text.
Spinelli: Yeah, not a moment too soon.
Ellie: The judge made his decision already?
Spinelli: Yeah, he has, and we have yet to hear if that's good or bad news.
Ellie: [Sighs]
Judge Walters: I have carefully considered the petition of Dante and Lesley Lu Falconeri for permanent legal custody of the biological child of Damian Spinelli and Maximiliana Jones, and I have examined all the evidence presented. The fact that a child was contracted for and promised to them by Ms. Jones, the fact that the Falconeris invested financially and emotionally throughout Ms. Jones's pregnancy, and that they did not discover the child's true biological parentage until after they started to raise her as their own -- these are strong points in their favor.
Maxie: [Whispering] No. This cannot be happening.
Judge Walters: However, in spite of all of this... I am denying the Falconeris' petition for custody.
Lulu: What did he just say?
Alexis: I'm sorry, Lulu.
Lulu: No. No! No, you -- you just said that there were persuasive arguments for giving us our child!
Judge Walters: Ms. Davis, restrain your client!
Alexis: I apologize, your honor. I'm sure you can understand that my client is extremely overwhelmed. Lulu, I need you to take a seat, all right?
Lulu: I-I'm sorry, your honor.
Judge Walters: I know what I said, Mrs. Falconeri, and I'm sorry. But the fact remains this is not your child. That is the basis of my judgment. And it didn't help your case that you lied to this court. Perjury is a serious offense!
Lulu: God, I am so sorry! I'm so sorry! I was -- I was desperate!
Judge Walters: It is the duty of the court to set aside --
Lulu: I'm sorry that I lied! I'm sorry! I will do anything to make it up to you -- anything! You can't do this. Connie's mine. She's -- she's Dante -- she's Dante's and mine! Please don't take our child away from us!
Judge Walters: My decision has been made.
Lulu: [Sobs]
Dante: Wait. Wait. Lulu! Lulu, wait.
Felix: I haven't forgotten how Brad helped the Britch keep you in the dark about the baby and it, you know, not being yours. I'm not giving him a pass on any of that.
Patrick: Why you going out with him?
Felix: Well, I don't know. He's trying to do better. But I hate to say it -- he does have a point.
Patrick: About...?
Felix: He and Westbourne had an agreement. He was only supposed to be the sperm donor. He never agreed to raise the kid.
Patrick: [Sighs]
Felix: And Britt doesn't seem to want his help with the baby. I mean, maybe it's 'cause she's spending time with Prince Nikolas. But...
Patrick: But what?
Felix: I can't help but think that there's more to it. Brad hasn't even taken a look at the child.
Patrick: [Scoffs]
Felix: Maybe he's not interested in raising a kid that doesn't look anything like him. Maybe he's having a hard time believing that he's the father.
Luke: That's it? I tell you the league of evildoers is running amok on your family theme park, and you don't even blink?
Britt: Sorry, but nothing my mother does surprises me anymore.
Luke: What about you?
Nikolas: I'm aware of the situation, and I'm monitoring it.
Luke: You're monitoring it? Look, nick. This is not the neighbors getting busy with the drapes open. You don't just watch. These people have to be rounded up.
Nikolas: I've got it covered, Luke.
Luke: Anna and Robert are missing. Jerry Jacks could be holding them prisoner. Have you got that covered? Come on, Nik. We've got to get to Cassadine Island! Now...round up your jet, and let's get going!
Nikolas: No.
Sabrina: So you're telling me that you saw Patrick's late wife here in the lab working.
Carlos: Yes. Right there.
Sabrina: It had to be someone else.
Carlos: No, it was not.
Sabrina: Well, did she tell you that her name was Robin Scorpio-Drake?
Carlos: No. She said it was Epiphany Johnson.
Sabrina: [Laughing] Oh, my God! That's even better. Come on.
Carlos: Where we going?
Sabrina: We're going to the nurses' station, so I can introduce you to Epiphany Johnson, and you'll see the -- the resemblance is amazing! Come on.
Carlos: I know what Epiphany looks like! I saw her picture in the hall! That's when I put it all together. The woman in this lab -- Robin -- was lying about who she was. And then I remembered where I saw her from.
Sabrina: At a séance?
Carlos: In a photograph... at your fiancé's house. Don't you remember that first night, hmm? That shot of a smiling Patrick with his little girl and his supposed dead wife?
Sabrina: Okay, that's enough. Have some respect for the dead!
Carlos: Sabrina! The woman in that photograph and the woman in the lab are the same woman! It's your... it's your fiancé's wife.
Alexis: I am so sorry, Dante.
Dante: [Grunts, sniffles] Alexis, you said it was, uh... it was gonna be a long shot, so thank you. You did -- you did... everything you could.
Judge Walters: Detective Falconeri?
Dante: [Sighs] Yes, your honor.
Judge Walters: In the matter of surrendering the child to her proper custodian, I --
Dante: I'm sorry. Your honor, I have to go.
Alexis: Wait, please.
Judge Walters: Mr. Falconeri, we're not done here! There are other matters as --
Alexis: Your honor, I apologize. I will be sure to pass along any relevant information and instructions.
Maxie: We won, Spinelli. We actually won.
Spinelli: At what price?
Maxie: We did what we had to do.
Spinelli: I know, and it hurts my heart.
Maxie: [Sighs] Thank you so much, Diane. And -- and thank you, your honor. Um, so, when can we go get our baby?
Judge Walters: Sit down, Ms. Jones.
Maxie: Why? It's over, right? You just need to tell us when we can go get our daughter? Can we get her tonight?
Judge Walters: I'm sorry, Ms. Jones. You won't be picking up the baby.
Maxie: I understand you wanting to let Dante and Lulu have one last night with her, but she belongs to us.
Judge Walters: No, she doesn't.
Spinelli: Diane, what's happening?
Diane: I wish I knew. Your honor, m-my clients are understandably confused. You ruled against the Falconeris petition.
Judge Walters: Yes, I did. And if you would all sit, I'll finish my ruling, and all questions will be answered. As I stated previously, the best interest of the child is paramount. After listening to the evidence, Ms. Jones, I'm not persuaded that it's in this child's best interests to be raised by you.
Tracy: Anything else?
Olivia: Not yet.
Tracy: Are you sure?
Olivia: Tracy, you're staring at the thing just as hard as I am -- if anything came through, you would've seen it, too! Maybe we should just get over to the courthouse.
Tracy: I don't know. If the judge is gonna hand down his decision now --
Olivia: Yeah, maybe there wouldn't be enough time.
Tracy: Lulu and Dante are probably gonna be on their way over here soon.
Olivia: Yeah, it's -- it's probably stupid, you're right. We should just -- we should just probably wait here.
Tracy: You're right. I'll get the keys.
Olivia: I'll take the baby.
Tracy: You ready?
Olivia: Yep. Let's go.
[Both gasp]
Tracy: Lulu, you're here already!
Olivia: Oh, my God! What was the judge's decision?
Lulu: We won.
Olivia: [Gasps]
Lulu: The judge said that the baby is ours.
[Both gasp]
[Both chuckle]
Felix: I'm not pretending to understand why Brad feels the way he does about that baby, and I never will -- and I know that Brad can be a jerk.
Patrick: When has he not been a jerk?
Felix: Believe it or not, you know, more than once. I mean, less than five times, but enough for me to give him a chance.
Patrick: Well, I'm just saying, Felix, I think you deserve better.
Felix: So did I, but after a long dry spell of bad dates and straight crushes, maybe it's time to try a fixer-upper.
Patrick: Well, if anybody's gonna bring the good out of Brad, it's gonna be you.
Felix: So you're okay with this, even after everything Brad did?
Patrick: Look. I'm over it. Britt's life is Britt's. Brad's is Brad's. And a week from now, I'm gonna be married to Sabrina. I don't have time to hold a grudge.
Felix: Exactly! You and Sabrina won. Enjoy it.
Patrick: I will. And, listen. Thank you for everything you've done pulling off this wedding without any notice. Sabrina's very lucky to have you as a friend in her life.
Felix: I'm taking credit for all this.
Patrick: Well, you deserve it.
Felix: [Chuckles] [Sighs] Just think. In a couple days, you and she are gonna be marching down the aisle together.
Patrick: [Chuckles] That's right. Now we just got to make sure Carlos stays out of the way.
Carlos: I'm telling you, she was right in there.
Sabrina: Carlos...stop it. Oh, Brad.
Brad: Unh-unh! Say what you want, Santiago. Even you can't ruin my day.
Sabrina: Actually, I'm glad to see you. Would you mind settling this for us? Can you tell us who was working in the lab today?
Brad: Uh... [Chuckles] How am I supposed to know?
Sabrina: You're the lab manager.
Brad: That's right! Uh, I am, and you're not. So the lab schedule's none of your business. Uh, is that Luke Spencer's file?
Sabrina: Yeah, it is, but if you wouldn't just mind --
Brad: Thank you! Now, if you will both excuse me, I have a lab to manage. The hell did she go?
Carlos: Huh? See?
Sabrina: Where did who go?
Luke: What do you mean "No"?
Nikolas: I mean you don't get to come into my home barking orders, telling me how to handle my home in Greece.
Luke: I tell you that Robert and Anna may be being held hostage by Jerry Jacks, and you say you won't help because of my bad manners?
Nikolas: Luke, I know what I'm doing.
Luke: Yeah, so do I. You're sitting on your hands and playing footsie with her while people's lives are at risk.
Nikolas: No, what I'm doing is telling you quite clearly to stay out of this.
Luke: Well, I'm not gonna do that. Anna and Robert are my best friends, and if you won't help, I'll go to wacko island on my own and get them out of there!
Robin: Luke, no! I'm sorry, but I... [Sighs] I can't let you do that.
Luke: Robin. Robin, it's... it's really you!
Robin: Yeah, it's really me. I'm alive.
Britt: Should she be doing that?
Nikolas: It's kind of late now.
Luke: But how -- how is this possible?
Robin: It's a really long story, but all you need to know right now is that the doctor that Jerry was hiding on Cassadine Island -- that was me.
Luke: You're the one who saved me.
Robin: You're welcome.
Luke: [Sighs] Well, I -- I-I -- how did -- how did --
Robin: [Sighs] Jerry was dying and needed a cure. Obrecht was working on it, and then after poisoning my father, she had to go on the run. So Jerry held me hostage on Cassadine Island, let everyone, including my family, think that I was still dead. I mean, the only good thing that's come out of any of this is the fact that you were cured and not him.
Luke: [Gasps softly] You knew about this? You knew about this and didn't say anything?
Britt: Don't blame Nikolas.
Luke: I'm blaming both of you. Don't tell me you didn't know what your mother was up to.
Nikolas: She didn't.
Luke: It's really cute how the two of you have each other's backs.
Robin: Luke, they're telling the truth. Nikolas went to find Britt's baby. Her son was being held on Cassadine Island also, and Nikolas found me by accident.
Luke: Okay. Well, if she vouches for you, that's good enough for me.
Britt: What a relief.
Luke: I'm so... I mean, this is fantastic. You're alive. Look at you. Why, w-w-we have to tell Anna and Robert. We have to find them.
Robin: [Sighs]
Nikolas: It's true. You were right. Robert and Anna are on Cassadine Island.
Robin: But Jerry is holding them prisoner, and... we have to leave them there... for now.
Brad: Did you see anyone in here?
Sabrina: Like who?
Brad: You know what? You two look like you're in the middle of something. I'll just leave you to it.
Carlos: Yeah, hang on. It's Brad. Brad, right? Do me a favor, man. Why don't you tell Sabrina here who you were looking for in there.
Brad: Uh...who do you think I was looking for?
Carlos: A woman... in the lab, working?
Brad: Hmm. Now, I don't know where you're from, amigo, but we've had women scientists in this country for years, so you're gonna have to narrow it down.
Carlos: Oh, I'll narrow it down. The woman scientist I'm looking for... is Patrick Drake's wife, Robin Scorpio-Drake.
Brad: Um, isn't she, like... dead?
Carlos: You tell me, amigo. Who's the woman you were looking for?
Patrick: Carlos showed up at my house again, still trying to convince Sabrina that I'm hung up on Robin. I mean, the guy does not know how to mind his own business.
Felix: Well, I guess that's one thing that Carlos and I have in common.
Patrick: What would that be?
Felix: [Sighs] You know how you said that you're glad Sabrina has a friend like me?
Patrick: Yeah.
Felix: Well, I wouldn't be a friend if I didn't ask. How right is Carlos? I mean, I know you love Sabrina. But do you love her with your whole heart?
Judge Walters: Ms. Jones, I believe you entered into the surrogacy agreement with a full heart and the best intentions.
Maxie: I did!
Diane: Maxie.
Judge Walters: However, your actions have been nothing short of appalling from the moment you discovered that you had miscarried the Falconeris' baby, up to and including these proceedings.
Diane: Your honor? No one is arguing that Ms. Jones' actions have been sterling, least of all Ms. Jones. But is it fair to punish her by taking away her child?
Judge Walters: I'm not making this decision to punish Maxie Jones for her many lies and deceptions. In fact, I believe, as Mr. Spinelli so eloquently put it, that Ms. Jones never intended to hurt anyone.
Maxie: You're right! I didn't! I swear!
Judge Walters: But, again, I must consider the best interests of the child. Ms. Jones showed a flagrant lack of ethical decision-making. She allowed the Falconeris to believe the lie for so long, when so much damage could've been avoided if she'd simply told the truth. I don't believe a person demonstrating such a complete lack of judgment is qualified to raise a child.
Maxie: No, you cannot just take my child away from me! You said yourself she's ours! You can't give her away!
Diane: Your honor, if I may just have a moment with my client -- Maxie, sit down and shut up.
Maxie: But I don't understand! If you're not gonna give her to Dante and Lulu or us, what is gonna happen to the baby?
Olivia: [Gasps] Thank God. I knew that the judge wouldn't be able to take little Connie away from you. I mean, I feel bad for Maxie and everything --
Lulu: No, so do I. Uh, this is by far the worst lie that Maxie's ever told, and it's -- it's costing her the most. The only good thing is that it's over.
Olivia: Yeah, and that the judge made the right decision, thank God. Wait a minute. Where's Dante?
Lulu: He went home. Uh...said that he just wanted to get everything ready.
Tracy: Get what ready? All Connie's stuff is here.
Lulu: Uh...uh, that is what I told him. But you know Dante. He is probably planning something special for his two best girls, so I'd better go. Thank you so much for watching her.
Tracy: There's no rush.
Lulu: Well, Dante's waiting.
Tracy: Well, good. I'll go with you.
Lulu: Oh, you know what? You do not have to do that, but thank you.
Tracy: Of course, I do. You can't carry all this stuff.
Lulu: Thank you. Please. You know what? I just -- I -- you've done enough. Thank you so much. Say bye! Say bye, Connie!
Olivia: Dante! That's so great! You won! Lulu told us you get to keep the baby! [Sniffles, chuckles]
Dante: Lulu...
Lulu: Connie is -- is really tired. We should take her home. Let's go.
Dante: I'm sorry. I can't -- I can't let you do that.
Lulu: You have to.
Tracy: Lulu, is everything all right?
Olivia: What's going on?
Connie: [Fussing]
Dante: [Voice breaking] We didn't -- we didn't win. Ma, we -- we lost.
Olivia: What are you talking about? Lulu -- Lulu said that the judge -- the judge said you get to keep the baby.
Dante: She told you that because she wants to run off with the baby. [Sniffles] Is that right, Lulu?
Diane: Your honor, my client, distraught though she may be, has raised an excellent question. What happens to the baby?
Judge Walters: I am granting parental rights and full custody of the child known as Constanza Louise Falconeri... to her biological father, Damian Spinelli.
Brad: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second. You're telling me you saw Drake's dead wife working in the lab?
Carlos: That's exactly what I'm telling you.
Brad: Who's that?
Nikolas: Someone who needs to work here for a while. You spoke to Britt.
Brad: Yeah, but what is this all about? Britt didn't say much on the phone.
Nikolas: That's -- that's funny. You're not even curious about your own son, but you're already asking questions about this. Where are your priorities, Cooper?
Brad: I'm the lab manager. This is my responsibility. I can't just let --
Nikolas: Your child isn't? You know what? Get out and make sure no one comes in.
Sabrina: Brad.
Brad: Hmm.
Carlos: I'm right, huh?
Sabrina: No, you're not right. Brad, can you just tell him who was working in the lab, so we can all move on with our lives?
Carlos: Yeah, Brad.
Brad: Sure! Sure. Uh, the woman I was looking for in the lab was... Ellie Trout.
Sabrina: Ellie Trout.
Brad: Yeah. She's, uh, supposed to be working, and she's slacking off... again. So, if you'll excuse me, I got to her job.
Sabrina: Satisfied? The person working in the lab was Ellie Trout. That's got to be the woman you saw.
Carlos: Mm. Well, that depends. Does Ellie Trout look anything like the woman in Patrick's family portrait?
Patrick: You're a good man, Felix. And I know that you love Sabrina. And so do I.
Felix: I know.
Patrick: Look, when Robin was alive, she came first. And now Sabrina will. And I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure that she's happy and that I never hurt her. Other than that, I don't know what else I can say.
Felix: That's good enough for me.
Patrick: Good. I'm glad.
Felix: So...would it be weird if we hugged?
Patrick: Yeah. Definitely. But I still think we should.
Luke: You really want to leave your parents on that island?
Robin: No, of course, I don't. But right now, we don't have a choice!
Luke: There's always a choice! Robin, there's always a choice. We have to get to them. They have to know you're alive! Look, I don't care what Jerry Jacks promised you. You have to know that he can't be trusted.
Robin: Well, I trust him when he says that he will kill them if anyone sees me before his cure is finished.
Luke: Well, to hell with his cure! Don't you understand? Robert and Anna... [Sighs] Your father -- he needs to know that you're alive. He almost killed himself when he thought you were dead.
Robin: What? My dad wouldn't do that.
Luke: But he would, and he almost did. [Sighs] Whoever faked your death -- they put a body, charred and burned beyond recognition, but they put your wedding ring with the body.
Robin: [Scoffs]
Luke: And Robert insisted on going to the morgue.
Robin: [Sighs] What?
Luke: He saw it, Robin. He thought he was looking at his little girl. He was so wrecked... that he went to the bridge above Blackstone Canyon.
Nikolas: Luke. Luke, come on. That's enough.
Robin: No, hold on. [Scoffs] What happened?
Luke: Well, I had to talk him down. In order to do that, I had to lie to him. I had to tell him a-a terrible lie.
Robin: What about my mother?
Luke: She was devastated, Robin. I didn't think she was gonna make it.
Nikolas: I know that you think you're doing what's best for Robin, but you're really not.
Luke: Well, what about Anna and Robert?
Nikolas: If you go to Cassadine Island...they could be killed. So I'm asking you. Please don't pressure Robin into making a decision that could cause her to lose her parents before she even gets to see them again!
Luke: Okay, well, what am I supposed to do? I can't just stay here! I have to do something to help them!
Robin: Luke... [Sighs] You're already helping them.
Sabrina: No. Ellie Trout looks nothing like Robin.
Carlos: Then it wasn't her.
Sabrina: Then maybe it was another lab tech.
Carlos: I know who I saw, Sabrina! I know what Patrick's wife looks like.
Sabrina: Okay, from a photo that you glimpsed for, what, five seconds when you were trespassing in Patrick's home?
Carlos: Yeah. You know I have a gift for remembering faces.
Sabrina: You do realize that what you're saying is insane, right?
Carlos: Yeah. That doesn't mean it's not true.
Sabrina: Okay. Even if Robin was still alive, don't you think that she would come running to Patrick and Emma? But no. In this fantasy that you've dreamed fiancé's late wife has risen from the grave and has gone straight back to work? Now, that's devotion.
Carlos: [Laughs] Okay! Fine! Forget it! Forget everything I said.
Sabrina: Done.
Carlos: Okay. Hey. Convince yourself that I'm a liar, and go ahead with your wedding plans if you want to.
Sabrina: Thank you! I will.
Carlos: Good. Get your nice, little, pretty dress and your beautiful cake, and plan a nice, little, exotic honeymoon for yourself. But you mark my words, Sabrina! It'll all be for nothing.
Luke: So, you're telling me you've got my blood percolating at G.H. in order to make a cure for Jerry Jacks.
Robin: Yes. And it will be ready within 48 hours.
Nikolas: Then, and only then, can we go back to Cassadine Island.
Robin: And we're gonna trade the cure for my parents.
Luke: Okay. I've got a better idea. How about we give that cure to Sean Donely... and we let Jerry die a slow, agonizing death?
Nikolas: Jerry has already warned us. Any sign of a rescue attempt, and Robert and Anna will be killed. And we all know that he doesn't give idle threats.
Robin: And until the cure is ready, nobody else can know that I'm alive.
[Knock on door]
Felix: Hey.
Brad: Hey!
Felix: Everything under control here?
Brad: Uh, least, I hope so.
Felix: Uh, so, about our date.
Brad: Uh, you...changed your mind, didn't you? It's -- it's okay. I figured you would.
Felix: I didn't change my mind.
Brad: You didn't? Uh, good! That -- that -- that's good!
Felix: In fact, I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me to Patrick and Sabrina's wedding.
Brad: Uh, I don't think the groom likes me very much...
Felix: [Sighs]
Brad: ...Or the bride, for that matter.
Felix: Uh, they don't, and... for good reasons -- I mean lots of good reasons.
Brad: Thanks for sugar-coating that.
Felix: But Patrick and I have come to an understanding. So what do you say? Come with me to my best friend's wedding. It'll be memorable. She finally got her Prince Charming, and she deserves to have the best night of her life. So what do you say?
Brad: [Chuckling] Okay. Yes. Yes. I'll go with you.
Sabrina: [Gasps quietly]
Patrick: Hello.
Sabrina: [Chuckling] Hi.
Patrick: Where were you? Did you get lost bringing Luke's labs back?
Sabrina: Oh, I just got a little tangled up in something.
Patrick: Yeah?
Sabrina: Yeah.
Patrick: Nothing serious, I hope.
Sabrina: Nothing I couldn't handle.
Maxie: You're not gonna give the baby to me, but you're gonna give her to Spinelli?
Judge Walters: Mr. Spinelli was innocent of any deception. In fact, he was as deceived and as manipulated by you as the Falconeris were. He never knew the child you were carrying was his. Yet he has behaved gallantly, even expressing empathy for the other side in this matter.
Maxie: [Exhales] Spinelli, do something?
Spinelli: Um, your honor, if -- if I may?
Judge Walters: You may, Mr. Spinelli.
Spinelli: Uh, w-with all due respect, your ruling, though I understand the reasoning behind it, I-is -- is unfair to Maxie. Uh, she's made some mistakes, some terrible ones, but, uh, the child is as much hers as it is mine!
Maxie: Thank you!
Spinelli: So I-I have to ask... she'll be able to see the baby, right? You're -- you're...granting her visitation rights?
Maxie: Wait. What? Visitation rights?
Diane: Your honor, certainly Ms. Jones will be able to visit the child.
Judge Walters: No, I'm denying visitation.
Spinelli: But Connie needs both of her parents!
Judge Walters: No, Mr. Spinelli. At the moment, it is not in the best interests of this child to go anywhere near her biological mother.
Maxie: So you're saying... I can't even see my baby. Is that it?
Judge Walters: I'm sure Mr. Spinelli can send you photos. In the meantime, I want you to think about what you've done, Ms. Jones. Think about the damage you have inflicted on all -- all of the parties involved, including yourself.
Maxie: Your honor, I have thought of nothing else for months!
Judge Walters: Ms. Jones, at the very least, you have committed fraud by allowing the Falconeris to believe you were carrying their child. You violated the terms of a contract you signed by failing to disclose the miscarriage. In addition to the emotional damage, the Falconeris suffered a financial loss by covering the substantial cost of your medical care. Furthermore, it was your stated intent to jeopardize the child's health by failing to disclose an accurate history. These are serious lapses in judgment, and it is the opinion of this court that any contact with you would be detrimental to the child --
Maxie: No, I am not detrimental!
Judge Walters: You will go nowhere near that baby for a period of six months.
Maxie: Six months?!
Diane: Maxie, Maxie. Two seconds ago, it was never. Just quit while you're still in the game.
Judge Walters: If, after six months, there have been no problems, we will revisit the issue of visitation. Court is adjourned.
Maxie: No, your honor, wait! Please!
Diane: Shh!
Maxie: They can't do this to me, can they?
Diane: They can, and they did.
Alexis: [Sighs]
Olivia: Lulu... honey, is that true? Were you trying to run off with Connie?
Connie: [Fussing]
Lulu: I need to take my baby home, so I would appreciate it if you would get out of my way.
Dante: I am so... so sorry.
Lulu: I don't care if you're sorry. I just want you to let me go.
Dante: I can't let you take the baby.
Lulu: I have to.
Dante: And I can't let you. This is wrong, and you know it is. You got to stop this.
Tracy: Sweetheart, I'm sorry it worked out this way, but you need to listen to Dante.
Lulu: [Crying] If I don't take her... then I'm gonna lose her. I can't lose her!
Dante: Come here. We already lost her. Okay? We just have to, uh... [Sniffles] We just have to accept that.
Lulu: No, I can't accept that! I can't accept it! [Sobbing] No! No!
Dante: I know, I know. I know.
Connie: [Cries]
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