GH Transcript Monday 11/18/13

General Hospital Transcript Monday 11/18/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Diane: Question for you, Detective. Is your wife telling the truth, or is she the liar? Detective, shall I rephrase the question?

Dante: Yeah, could you? 'Cause I-I'm not sure I understand.

Diane: Absolutely. Simple enough. Your wife just now told this court that she never suggested running away with the baby known to the court as Constanza Louise Falconeri. When she made that statement, was your wife lying?

Tracy: Finally.

Patrick: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Tracy: You should.

Patrick: We have your test results.

Tracy: And?

Luke: Give the man a chance to speak, will you?

Patrick: It's great news. There's not a trace of polonium in your system.

Luke: Well... I'll be damned.

Tracy: You're cured. You're cured! It worked!

Luke: Oh, oh, you're choking me!

Tracy: Here, can you take this?

Sabrina: Oh.

[Connie crying]

Sabrina: Oh, it's okay.

Patrick: Oh, she -- oh.

Sabrina: It's okay, honey.

Tracy: Thank you. Thank you so much!

Patrick: I would love to take credit, but, really, you should be thanking this mysterious doctor of yours.

Carlos: You hear me? Look at me, Sabrina!

Robin: [Sighs]

Carlos: You're not Sabrina.

[Fire crackling]

[Crackling continues]

Duke: Faison will never give up his mad quest for Anna. He'll sabotage everybody in the process -- you, your daughter, and his grandson. But you -- you can save us all. Give yourself up and cut a deal.

Faison: Save your breath, Lavery. Obrecht knows her place. She would never dare!

Dr. Obrecht: [Sighs] Watch me.

[Both grunt]

Dr. Obrecht: Agh!

Faison: You are going nowhere!

Dr. Obrecht: Get your hands off me! Agh! [Grunts]

Faison: What's the matter with you, huh? You could've ruined everything!

Dr. Obrecht: [Exhales sharply]

Faison: Don't you understand that?! Anna can never know that we have both her daughter and her lover trapped here! Get it right!

Dr. Obrecht: [Breathing heavily]

Robert: [Sighs]

Anna: [Sighs] "A" for effort.

Robert: Yeah.

[Door opens]

Anna: I don't believe it.

Robert: One of these days, you'll stop underestimating me.

Anna: We got to get out of here.

Robert: Wait, wait, wait, wait!

[Alarm blaring]

Anna: Oh... [Sighs] What's up?

Robert: I'm concerned about what's behind that door over there.

Guard: Something tripped the alarm.

[Alarm blaring]

Jerry: Oh, that would be our guests hard at work mounting an escape.

Diane: It's a yes or no question, Detective. Was she lying or not?

Dante: I'm still not clear on what you want to know exactly.

Diane: Your honor, I-I don't know how much plainer I can make my question.

Judge Walters: Try rephrasing, Miss Miller. Keep it simple, no hyperbole, no editorializing.

Diane: With the court's permission, I would like to remind Detective Falconeri that not only is he testifying under oath, but that he is also an officer of the law and as such is expected to adhere to it.

Judge Walters: Detective, Miss Miller is going to ask you a question. I'm directing you to answer it truthfully in accordance with your oath to this court and as a police officer. Proceed, Miss Miller.

Diane: Thank you, your honor. Okay. When your wife, Lulu, just now told the court that she never considered running away with the baby, was that a lie?

Dante: Yes.

Diane: I'm gonna need you to say it, Detective. Yes, your wife lied?

Dante: Yes. She spoke of the possibility of running, but she didn't mean it.

Diane: So this wasn't a well-thought-out plan?

Dante: Well, it wasn't a plan. It was a momentary lapse in judgment.

Diane: A momentary -- all right, so, when your wife came to you, Detective, with this momentary lapse in judgment, had she already considered some of the ways that she was gonna disappear with the child?

Dante: Yes.

Diane: Can you tell us about some of those options?

Dante: They weren't options. Uh, she wasn't actually g--

Diane: Just describe them, Detective.

Dante: She suggested using my father.

Diane: In what respect?

Dante: Using his resources. [Sighs]

Diane: To flee with a child that wasn't yours?

Alexis: Objection -- leading.

Judge Walters: Sustained.

Diane: To be clear, when you refer to your father, you are, of course, speaking of Michael "Sonny" Corinthos Jr., the alleged crime lord?

Dante: Yeah.

Olivia: This is not good.

Diane: So, your wife backed out of the plan?

Dante: There was no plan!

Diane: So she changed her mind then?

Dante: Yeah, of course, she did.

Diane: Okay, did Mrs. Falconeri have a change of heart on her own, or did you help her with it?

Dante: [Sighs] We talked about it, and we realized it was a bad idea.

Diane: Okay, to sum up, you prevented your wife from kidnapping my client's child?

Dante: No!

Alexis: Speculation, your honor.

Diane: Withdrawn. Thank you, Detective. No further questions.

Anna: Drop it!

Jerry: And why on earth would I do that?

Tracy: You're really gonna be all right.

Luke: Ah, what'd I tell you? You got to keep the faith, baby.

Tracy: Yeah, says the atheist. Science cured you. You are here because of that mysterious doctor and that doctor right there.

Patrick: Again, all I did was read the results.

Tracy: I don't care. I could just kiss you.

Luke: Hey, watch that.

Patrick: I wouldn't mind, but my fiancée here might object.

Sabrina: Oh, no, not at all. You have at him, Ms. Quartermaine.

[Connie crying]

Sabrina: But be warned, you've only got until the wedding, and after that, he's all mine.

Robin: Uh, I think you've mistaken me for someone else.

Carlos: I am so sorry. Uh [Sighs] I'm looking for Sabrina Santiago. A nurse told me that I could find her down here with Dr. Drake, not that he deserves to be in the same room --

Robin: Well, I'm here alone, so, yeah. If you'll excuse me.

Carlos: Of course. I am so sorry. I d-- I didn't mean to grab you.

Robin: No problem. It's fine.

Carlos: All right, then.

Robin: [Sighs]

Carlos: Hang on a minute. I know you from somewhere, don't I?

Dante: [Sighs] Sorry. I didn't have a choice.

Lulu: Yes, you did. You didn't choose us.

Spinelli: Uh, do you -- do you think L-Lulu will face legal troubles for perjuring herself?

Diane: Fortunately, that's not our problem.

Spinelli: That's a bit harsh.

Diane: Spinelli, no one forced Lulu to lie on the stand, but the fact that she did... just take the gift and say, "Thank you."

Maxie: Yeah, Lulu just helped us out in a big way.

Spinelli: And destroyed herself in the process.

Judge Walters: Miss Miller, do you have any more witnesses to call?

Diane: I do not, your honor. I believe we have made our case.

Spinelli: Actually, I-I have something to say.

Diane: Uh, Mr. Spinelli, that's very generous of you, but it's completely unnecessary.

Spinelli: Maybe to you, but it's [Sighs] It's necessary for me.

Robin: You're staring.

Carlos: Yeah, I know, but [Sighs] It's 'cause you look so familiar. You're sure we haven't met somewhere?

Robin: Positive.

Carlos: Huh. Oh, maybe I've just seen you around the hospital.

Robin: Yeah, uh, maybe. Do you work here?

Carlos: No, but you obviously do. Uh, what's your name?

Robin: Uh, E-Epiphany.

Carlos: W-what? Epiphany?

Robin: Right, uh, Epiphany Johnson. [Clears throat]

Carlos: Ah. That's an... interesting name.

Robin: My parents are interesting people.

Robert: Ditch the gun, Jerry.

Jerry: [Chuckles] So you can take me to custody. I have no patience for that.

Anna: Would you prefer a bullet between your eyes?

Robert: Come on, you're a done deal.

Jerry: I'm not trying to be argumentative here, but from where I stand, you have no more of an edge than I do.

Robert: Let me spell it out for you. You shoot one of us, the other one shoots you, and you'll be dead before you hit the ground.

Anna: What's it gonna be?

Dr. Obrecht: Autsch!

Duke: Let her go!

Dr. Obrecht: You're hurting me! Agh! [Breathing heavily]

Faison: You know what? I can tolerate just about everything. But betrayal never!

[Both shouting]

Dr. Obrecht: [Breathing heavily]

Faison: Hey, hey, where do you think you're going?

[Both shout]

Dr. Obrecht: [Shouting indistinctly]


Britt: Mm! [Sighs] Wow. [Sighs]

Nikolas: "Wow" is good.

Britt: [Sighs]

Nikolas: [Sighs]

Britt: Uh [Sighs] Can I be honest with you?

Nikolas: Yes, please.

Britt: [Sighing] I didn't [Sighs] I didn't see that... coming, like, at all.

Nikolas: Really? Because I-I kind of feel like we've building toward this for a while now.

Britt: Well, whatever this is, I mean [Sighs] Come on, let's be honest, Nikolas. I mean, we're -- we're -- we're essentially being held hostage by my parents, and -- and while we're holding a-a dead woman... a-and her dead woman's family. [Sputters, sighs]

Nikolas: And?

Britt: [Sighs] And... it's traumatic. [Sighs]

Nikolas: [Laughs] So?

Britt: [Sighs]

Nikolas: S-so, you're saying us kissing I-is like sort of a-a PTSD disorder or something?

Britt: Don't make fun of me.

Nikolas: I-I'm not. I'm not -- I'm not making fun of you, not at all.

Britt: I'm saying that it's... [Sighs] It's our way of coping.

Nikolas: Okay. Now it's time for me to be honest with you. I think that's a load of crap.

Britt: Can princes say, "Crap"?

Nikolas: When warranted, we can. Come on. You know there's something between us.

Britt: Uh, us getting together is a mistake.

Nikolas: It's what? It's what? Why? Why?

Britt: I don't want to hurt you.

Nikolas: You' not gonna hurt me. We've already had this discussion. I do not hold you responsible for your parents' crimes.

Britt: I'm not talking about my parents' crimes. I'm talking about mine.

Tracy: Congratulations.

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Patrick: Thank you.

Tracy: I hope you both will be very, very happy.

Sabrina: We will.

Tracy: Are you registered anywhere? I'd like to get you a little something.

Luke: Tracy, give them a break. You're making them uncomfortable.

Tracy: Oh, I'm not making them uncomfortable. Am I making you uncomfortable?

Patrick: I've just never seen you this effusive.

Luke: No one has.

Tracy: They are getting married!

Luke: Well, mazel tov. Okay, I need to get out of here. I got to go to the police station and give Slim a head's up?

Patrick: What, you mean Anna?

[Connie crying]

Tracy: Do you know another Slim?

Patrick: Yeah, well, Anna's not at the station.

Luke: Playing hooky?

Patrick: Actually, nobody knows where Anna is. She hasn't been heard from since she and Robert took off from the clinic.

[Connie crying]

Robert: Two against one, Jerry.

Jerry: Wow, your math is spot-on. You do outnumber me. Ending my life would be a cakewalk.

Anna: A well-deserved one.

Jerry: But what a shame about Mr. Lavery, hmm?

Anna: What did you say?

Jerry: Well, you see, if you kill me, you also kill your dear friend, Duke.

Dr. Obrecht: Agh! Unh!

Faison: Oh, mother of my kin. How I wish things had... ended... differently for us.

Diane: I can imagine you have a lot to say regarding the testimony that was just given.

Spinelli: I do.

Diane: How does it feel to have one of your supposed friends plan to kidnap your baby?

Spinelli: There's nothing supposed about it.

Diane: I'm sorry?

Spinelli: Lulu is my friend. Unequivocally, and I don't believe for one second that she actually would've left with my child.

Diane: Yes, but her husband just said --

Spinelli: She was panicked. Who wouldn't be? T-the little girl that Lulu had grown to love, that she thought of as her own was in danger of being taken away from her. But I know my friend. She's an honest person, and I've always known her to do the right thing.

Diane: Except today when she perjured herself on the stand. So, I believe if there's nothing further, Spinelli --

Spinelli: Actually, there is.

Diane: Oh, God, you're killing me.

Spinelli: [Sighs]

Diane: Please continue.

Spinelli: Dante. Lulu. [Sighs] I am deeply and eternally... sorry. T-t-that it's come to this? [Sighs] I-I-I-I have no words. I mean, determining who's fit, who's unfit. Drudging up each other's dirty laundry. We're friends, family even. I never wanted to hurt you, a-and despite Maxie's deception, she didn't either. A-and I think that's what started this I-in the whole -- t-the whole thing in the first place. She -- she could not bear to tell you that she had miscarried your child. She was trying to spare you pain, and yet... yet here we are. All hurting. And even worse, hurting each other. You love that little girl. I understand. My heart breaks for it.

Diane: But... you are the baby's father.

Spinelli: [Sighs]

Diane: And you want to be able to raise your little girl, right?

Spinelli: With everything in me.

Diane: I think we're done here.

Spinelli: [Sighs]

Nikolas: Britt, you're not a criminal.

Britt: Because I haven't been arrested?

Nikolas: Uh, well, actually, you have. I bailed you out, remember?

Britt: I've done bad things to -- to Patrick, to Sabrina, to a lot of people. I'm not a good person, not like you.

Nikolas: Britt, y-you're not the only who's made mistakes. I-I've made plenty. You just weren't around to witness them all.

Britt: If you're talking about your affair with Elizabeth...

Nikolas: Yeah, for starters, yes, I am.

Britt: ...That doesn't even compare. You got carried away. You didn't intend to hurt people.

Nikolas: But you did?

Britt: No, I didn't. Not exactly. I just... I don't care. Okay, I-I think for myself. I do what I want.

Nikolas: No, that's not true. Y-you -- not anymore anyway. Y-you think about Ben. You care about Ben, right?

Britt: Yeah, I love Ben.

Nikolas: I know you do. So maybe sometimes... you think about me, too?

Britt: Yeah. More than sometimes. I... I care about you [Sighs] A lot.

Nikolas: Okay. Y-y-you don't have to say it like it's such a bad thing.

Britt: I've never been with someone like you... who's...

Nikolas: What? W-who's what?

Britt: Who's good for me. Who's good to me. You've been there for me more than anyone, Nikolas, and I can tell you anything.

Nikolas: Yes, I -- yeah.

Britt: Almost. I just -- I don't want to risk that, okay? I-I don't want to lose you as a friend.

Nikolas: You're not gonna lose me. What's really stopping you?

Britt: I'm scared.

Nikolas: So am I.

[Fire crackling]

[Crackling continues]

Carlos: So sorry for the mix up. Hope I didn't interrupt any important science or anything.

Robin: No, it's fine.

Carlos: I'll see you around. Epiphany. [Chuckles]

Robin: [Chuckles] Uh, wait. I know this might sound strange, but are you... Carlos, Sabrina's ex?

Carlos: [Laughs] Yes! Yes! I thought we hadn't met.

Robin: No, we haven't. Just, you know, it's the hospital. People talk around here. So, you guys used to date?

Carlos: I think it was a little more serious than that. I wanted to marry her. I still do. But she -- she chose someone else.

Robin: Patrick Drake.

Carlos: Mm. Apparently, they're getting married next week.

Robin: Yeah, I, uh... heard. [Chuckles]

Carlos: Well, you sound about as thrilled as I do.

Robin: I'm not.

Carlos: Why is that?

Luke: You're saying Robert Scorpio is conscious?

Patrick: Yeah, Mac got the call a few weeks ago. I'm sorry. I-I thought you guys knew that.

Luke: Uh, we've been a little bit busy. Well, that crafty old bastard. I knew he wouldn't rot in a bed for the rest of his days.

Tracy: Good news all around today.

Luke: Uh, except for the part about him going missing.

Tracy: So, Robert and Anna left the clinic in Switzerland together?

Luke: Something big must've happened. I mean, he must've been just barely out of his coma. Where did they go?

Patrick: Well, nothing's confirmed, but Duke seems to think that they went to go track down Faison.

Dr. Obrecht: [Breathing heavily] Cesar?

Faison: Shut up.

Dr. Obrecht: What?

Faison: Shut up.

Dr. Obrecht: [Breathing heavily]

Faison: You know what? You can blame it on your new friend here, hmm? Look at him, your new friend, trying to turn you against me!

Duke: And succeeded. She finally realizes it. Nothing in this world means more to you than your mad fascination for Anna.

Faison: Fascination?

Dr. Obrecht: [Breathing heavily]

Faison: Do you know what, Lavery? It comes from a place so deep, and... I'll never stop until I have Anna. Never. Do you know why? Because Anna is my reason for living.

Dr. Obrecht: [Shouts] [Breathing heavily] Cesar! You can't just leave me down here!

Faison: In a heartbeat.

Anna: I want to be really clear with you. My patience is just about reaching its limit.

Jerry: Oh, so is Lavery's life.

Robert: No more games, Jerry.

Anna: What does Duke have to do with any of this?

Jerry: Oh, it's quite sweet, really. He was concerned that you failed to resurface after your visit to Faison.

Anna: [Sighs] I told you he'd come looking for us.

Jerry: Unfortunately, he didn't get too far. You see, Dr. Obrecht and Faison got the jump on him.

Robert: [Chuckles] You are such a lying piece of garbage.

Jerry: [Chuckles] I had a hunch you'd be skeptical, so... I brought you proof.

Anna: Hey, hey!

Robert: Careful!

Jerry: It's all right, it's all right. I assure you it's just a phone. Phone? There he is. He looks gorgeous, doesn't he?

Anna: Oh, damn it.

Jerry: Yes, despite his valiant efforts, uh, Mr. Lavery proved no match for Dr. Obrecht and Faison. They might actually turn out to be worth what I paid them. Hmm. So, however impressive your near escape was, either you or your ex lower their weapons or you can bid adieu to your present lover -- for good this time.

Diane: It should never have gotten this far. Why? Because at its heart lies one simple fact. The baby in question does not belong to Lulu and Dante Falconeri.

Alexis: There is nothing simple about this case. But what I do know is that baby is as much my clients' as the one that you miscarried on New Year's Eve.

Diane: Yes, there is a moral ambiguity regarding my client's actions, but that has no bearing on the law regarding custody.

Alexis: Ambiguous? Miss Jones lied over and over for months and months. In fact, the only reason that she kept the baby was to pass it off as my clients'. And then Miss Jones put the baby at risk when she didn't provide the parents with the accurate medical history. All to perpetrate a fraud. Miss Jones has demonstrated over and over again that she is unfit to raise the child. While my clients have proven over and over again that they are. In fact, my clients are the only ones looking out for the best interests of this baby.

Diane: The only real ties the Falconeris have to this baby, who is not their biological child, stem from the utterly non-binding suggestions of my client.

Alexis: Lulu and Dante paid for all of Miss Jones' medical expenses. They were in that NICU day in and day out. They brought that baby home with them. They christened that baby. In fact, they fell in love with that baby... from the moment Miss Jones told them they have conceived.

Diane: At the end of the day, this is not a battle about who loves this child more. What we are deciding here is who the parents are. And they are indisputably Damian Spinelli and Maxie Jones.

Alexis: Without any doubt, Lulu and Dante Falconeri.

Judge Walters: I must admit, this is one of the most complicated cases I have ever encountered. Both sides giving me much to consider. I'll adjourn for now. We'll reconvene when I've reached my decision. [Bangs gavel]

Tracy: So, Anna and Robert left Switzerland to look for Faison?

Patrick: It's just a theory.

Tracy: I thought Faison was locked up in a super-Max facility.

Patrick: No, Faison escaped.

Tracy: When?!

Patrick: It's all over the news.

Luke: Who broke him out?

Sabrina: Dr. Liesl Obrecht, but nobody's seen her or Faison since.

Luke: When did this happen?

Patrick: Right when Robert woke up.

Luke: Huh.

Patrick: What's going on?

[Knock on door]

Faison: Prince Cassadine. What are you doing with my daughter?

Nikolas: None of your business.

Britt: Nothing I do is your business, Father. Remember, you made that abundantly clear.

Faison: Oh, you can do much better than this.

Britt: Oh, yeah?

Faison: Yes.

Britt: Should I find someone more like you?

Faison: Oh, he's a second-rate Cassadine, turned his back on his family.

Britt: His crazy family. Nikolas is a good man, not that you would know what one is, and not that I care one iota what you think.

Faison: Don't defy me.

Britt: Defy you? Aren't we going along with your insane plan? But is, everything else, you don't have a say in.

Faison: We can talk about it later.

Britt: Oh, whoopee. I'm sure you'll have brought Mother into the mix, too. Where is she, by the way?

Faison: I don't know. What are you talking about?

Britt: She went to find you earlier. What happened to her?

Duke: Just by the by, you managed to take out a super spy like Scorpio without any problem, and then when it comes to Faison, you couldn't handle him. He's practically a corpse, by God.

Dr. Obrecht: You're one to talk. [Sighs]

Duke: [Sighs]

Dr. Obrecht: How could I ever let you convince me to turn my back on Cesar?

Duke: Well, just for the record, it didn't take much convincing, lady.

Dr. Obrecht: That damned Anna.

Duke: You watch your mouth.

Dr. Obrecht: How does she evoke that kind of obsession? She's a fraction of the woman I am.

Duke: [Scoffs] Well, apparently, Faison doesn't agree. [Chuckles]

Dr. Obrecht: Huh. He can pine away for her all he wants. He'll never get her. Not with Jerry holding her captive on that island.

Anna: What have they done to him?

Jerry: Oh, not to worry. Lavery's perfectly safe right now. However, I'm in constant contact with my associates daily. If they don't hear from me every 24 hours, they're under strict orders to kill your friend. I assume you don't want his death on your hands, so why don't you put the guns down and go back to your room like the little dogs that you are?!

[Robert shoots Jerry]

Jerry: Ohh! Agh!


Jerry: Agh! Agh!

Patrick: You guys just came from Cassadine Island?

Tracy: That was where we got the cure.

Luke: And where we last saw Obrecht.

Patrick: Okay, and Cassadine Island, that's where Lulu was held, right? There's a lab there.

Luke: Yes, put to very good use recently.

Tracy: Thank God.

Patrick: And Obrecht was there. Now, did you -- did you see what she was doing? Do you know?

Tracy: She was aiding and abetting Jerry Jacks for starters.

Patrick: H-hold on. Hold on a second. Did you say Jerry Jacks is alive?

Luke: Yeah, I'm afraid so. He and Obrecht hosted me at gunpoint.

Patrick: Now, is -- is it possible that Obrecht came up with the cure? I mean, she's a -- she's a psychopath, but she's brilliant.

Luke: No, no, it was a different doctor, another woman, but we didn't get her name.

Robin: Hey, I'm sorry. It's -- it's none of my business.

Carlos: No, no, no, don't apologize. Obviously, I'm not a fan of Patrick and Sabrina getting married either.

Robin: Anyway... uh, I really have to get back to work. [Sighs]

Carlos: You got it. And good luck with whatever it is you're doing in here. [Chuckles]

Robin: Thanks. You too. Hey, you know, I hope it works out with you and Sabrina. Don't give up on it. You know, I mean, things could change between her and Patrick really soon.

Carlos: Yeah. God, you look so familiar! [Grunts] I-I'll get it. Wish I could place it. [Grunts]

Robin: Yes, please, Carlos, do me a really big favor and sweep Sabrina off her feet. Do something really romantic, and then by that time, Patrick will not have married her, and I can... finish this in time to go home to him. [Sighs]

[Telephone ringing in distance]

Diane: How about you and I adjourn to the Metro Court?

Alexis: Seriously?

Diane: Well, honey, custody hearings are never pleasant, but this one was particularly excruciating.

Alexis: No kidding. [Sighs] That's why I'm not in the mood. Sorry.

Diane: Mm. Hang in there, okay?

Ellie: Yeah, soon this is gonna be over, and you'll have your daughter in your arms.

Maxie: Maybe.

Felicia: Definitely. You heard Diane. No one can argue that that baby's DNA comes from you and Spinelli.

Ellie: Look, I'm thinking happier times are right around the corner.

Spinelli: I just [Sighs] Wish it wasn't at Lulu's expense.

Felicia: Yeah, well, I wasn't wild about that part either, but, you know, you got to trust your lawyer. I mean, if what Diane did causes you to get custody of that little girl, won't it be worth it?

Maxie: Completely.

Sonny: I can't stand that it had to come to this.

Olivia: Yeah, you get me alone with Maxie, I'll show her who's fit. Sorry, I know that's not helping.

Alexis: All right, it's gonna be a while before the judge returns, so why don't we all... get some rest, huh?

Sonny: Good idea.

Dante: Yeah, let's, uh, let's get out of here.

Lulu: Actually, I could use a minute alone.

Patrick: Okay, you're -- you're gonna have to back up here for a second. Do the police know that Jerry's alive?

Luke: Not yet.

Patrick: Not -- you know he almost killed the entire town.

Luke: Yeah, I know, Patrick.

Patrick: No, Luke, you weren't here, okay? You didn't see people dying. If it wasn't for Edward, my -- my daughter wouldn't be here right now.

Tracy: Patrick --

Patrick: No, this is insane!

Tracy: Patrick, I remember what Jerry Jacks did not only a year ago but to my brother, and nobody wants to see him pay more than I do, but if he is in league with Obrecht and Faison, these are not ordinary criminals.

Luke: We have to play this very smart. We can't go to the cops. We bypass them, go to Anna and the WSB.

Patrick: How are we gonna go to Anna? We don't even know where she is.

Luke: No leads at all?

Patrick: No. Duke and I seem to think that Nikolas might know. He was the last person to talk to her.

Luke: And?

Patrick: And -- and I don't know. Duke went to Wyndemere on Halloween to try and find something out, and I haven't talked to him since.

Duke: Anna is nothing if not resourceful. Though I hesitate to say it, she and Robert Scorpio make a very fine team.

Dr. Obrecht: Indeed. I'd be careful, Mr. Lavery, if I were you. Nothing rekindles that loving spark like two exes caught in a pickle.

Duke: Oh, shut up. Anna loves me. Which is more than you can say for Faison. But you could get back at him. When you get out of here, you could turn on him.

Dr. Obrecht: Just skip right over to the WSB, tell them everything I know?

Duke: I could think of no better way to punish him for choosing Anna over you. Can you?

Jerry: Agh! Congratulations. You just secured Lavery's demise.

Robert: Not if we get there first.

Jerry: [Moans]

Anna: No sudden movements. I doubt Mr. Jacks is paying you well enough for you to be willing to die for him. Welcome to your new accommodations. Hope you'll be as comfortable as we were.

Robert: You know, I'm usually a merciful sort of a chap except for those people that mess with my daughter. And then they're just plain dead. Any last requests? [Cocks gun] I didn't think so.

Jerry: No, no, wait, wait. Kill me [Breathing heavily] And you'll never find Robin. I know where she is.

Robin: Oh, my God, that's it. [Sighs] Luke's antibodies are regenerating. [Sighing] The cure can be synthesized.

[Indistinct talking]

Carlos: You're together with this Patrick person?

Sabrina: Yes, we met at the hospital.

Carlos: My God.

Patrick: Look, normally I don't get too worried about this kind of thing. It's not like Duke and I talk every day, but now that I know what's going on --

Sabrina: Do you think something happened to Duke?

Luke: Oh, I can't be sure, but that mausoleum has been a mecca for the deluded and deranged.

Tracy: Wait, wait, wait. Where the hell do you think you're going?

Robin: Okay, you have to finish generating, and once you're done, I'll be able to go... home. [Sighs] Until then, it's just... back to Wyndemere.

Tracy: Where are you going?!

Luke: Where I can get some answers -- to Wyndemere.

Tracy: Luke? He gets a clean bill of health, and 10 seconds later, he's off on another quest.

Patrick: At least you know he's back to his old self, which is good news.

Tracy: Yeah, well, you're not the one who has to deal with his old self. Are you sure -- absolutely 100% positive that he's cured?

Patrick: All the signs point to him making a full recovery.

Tracy: [Sighs] Thank you so much.

Patrick: Let me know if you hear from Duke, okay?

Tracy: I will. [Sighs] Let me give you a word of advice, sister, woman to woman. If a dashing rogue with an addiction to...

[Connie coos]

Tracy: ...Danger shows up on your doorstep, run. Do not walk in the opposite direction 'cause he's gonna cost you money. He's gonna break your heart, all the while giving you the time...

[Elevator dings]

Tracy: ...Of your life. [Sighs]

[Connie coos]

Ellie: So, the hearing's over.

Tracy: Already?

Ellie: Well, it's not over over, but the closing arguments have been made. Now they're just waiting for the judge's ruling.

[Connie coos]

Spinelli: [Sighs]

Lulu: Why were we called back so soon?

Alexis: This comes directly from the judge.

Diane: Judge Walters has made his decision.

Britt: Hello? Why aren't you answering me? Mom came to bring you some food earlier. Where is she?

Faison: It's quite expansive down there. Maybe she simply got lost. Maybe she enjoys exploring. I know I do.

Britt: That was... fun.

Nikolas: [Sighs] Y-you know, you didn't have to -- you didn't have to stand up to him like that.

Britt: Someone has to defend your honor.

Nikolas: [Sighs] Just please proceed with caution. I know he drives you crazy, but he's still a dangerous man. Hey, and he seemed a little creepier than usual, didn't he?

Britt: Everything with my father is creepy.

Dr. Obrecht: You're forgetting a vital piece of this puzzle.

Duke: Oh, what would that be?

Dr. Obrecht: I'm wanted, as well. If I give up Cesar... I give up myself.

Duke: [Sighs] Take a close look around Port Charles. It's full of people who've cut deals.

Dr. Obrecht: This discussion is pointless. We're stuck down here.

Duke: [Sighs]

Dr. Obrecht: And with your annoying girlfriend captive, as well... [Sighs] ...There's nothing anybody can do about it. [Sighs]

Robert: Tell me where she is, you smarmy bastard!

Jerry: Oh, she's quite safe and coincidentally being held at the same place Duke is!

Anna: What's he saying? Robin's with Duke?

Jerry: Yes, unbeknownst to them, yes!

Anna: Either you tell me where she is or I swear to God I'll shoot you down!

Jerry: I think not! But I can take you to them. If you want to see Robin and Duke alive, I need to be under your full protection. [Breathing heavily]

Nikolas: Well?

Britt: How'd it go at the hospital?

Robin: Well, I got in and out undetected, so...

Nikolas: Great, that's a relief. What?

Robin: Well... almost undetected.

Carlos: [Breathing heavily]

Sabrina: Oh, my gosh, I'm so...

Carlos: [Breathing heavily]

Sabrina: Damn it, Carlos! What are you doing here?!

Carlos: Sabrina, I have to tell you something.

Sabrina: No, you don't. I don't have -- I don't want to hear anything from you.

Carlos: Sabrina, you --

Sabrina: I am so over this, okay? I don't want to hear anything else you have to say about Patrick.

Carlos: What if I told you his wife is still alive? [Sighs]

Nikolas: Define "almost."

Robin: It doesn't matter. Within 48 hours, Luke's antibodies will reproduce enough to synthesize a cure for Jerry.

Nikolas: So what? You did it?

Robin: Yeah. [Chuckles] I did it.

Britt: Oh, thank God. Soon this will finally be over.

Nikolas: Yeah.

Robin: Well, we have to make sure that nobody sees me until then.

Luke: Nikolas! It's Luke! We need to talk!

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