GH Transcript Friday 11/15/13

General Hospital Transcript Friday 11/15/13


Provided By Suzanne

Diane: We know, all of us, that Maxie Jones didn't kill Robin. In fact, Maxie hasn't killed anyone. No, if anyone in this custody trial is a murderer, it's you.

Lulu: Excuse me?

Diane: What part of "you are a murderer" doesn't translate?

Alexis: Objection. Argumentative. Assuming facts not --

Judge Walters: Relax, counselor. Ms. Miller, need I remind you that your job is to ask questions. It's up to the witness to testify.

Diane: Absolutely, your honor. Questions. Ms. Falconeri, are you a murderer?

Dante: This is ridiculous. Lulu has never killed anyone.

Judge Walters: This is the last time I will admonish the gallery. Any further outbursts and I will clear the courtroom.

Diane: Your honor, I will offer proof that this woman is not only a murderer but she's killed twice. Isn't that correct, Mrs. Falconeri?

Mac: Wow. Is Alexis --

Felicia: Just as bad. Any sign of Robert and Anna?

Mac: No, it's like they vanished into thin air.

Anna: Careful. You don't want to trip the anti-tamp--

Robert: Aah!

Anna: God. We're never gonna escape out of this door!

Robert: Doesn't mean to say we give up.

Anna: I'm not saying we give up. I'm just saying that every time we try to escape, we're just met with failure. We're both out of bullets. Guess we could use our guns as projectiles. Other than that, we don't have anything to throw at the guards and Jerry other than bad language.

Robert: Yeah, well, waiting for the cavalry's a waste of time. We can't allow our daughter to just be taken away by Faison.

Anna: Duke will come.

Robert: Honey, no one's gonna come. They're all clueless, my brother included.

Anna: Don't blame Mac for this. He didn't get us into this mess.

Robert: I'm not blaming him. We only have ourselves to blame. Perhaps if I'd brought him into the loop right at the start, by now, he would have tracked us, we'd be off this place, home with our daughter, having milk and cookies. Instead, we're here as the prisoner of Jerry and his -- his German shepherd.

Britt: Mother?

Dr. Obrecht: Kotzbracken. I thought you were in the nursery with little Cesar.

Britt: Benjamin fell asleep after I fed him. What are you doing? Why are you going back down there with a tray of food?

Dr. Obrecht: As I told you, Britta, your father's down there.

Britt: Right. Spelunking.

Dr. Obrecht: Wyndemere was once his home. He's reminiscing and working up an appetite, so if you'll excuse me...

Britt: Uh, you don't actually expect me to believe that you're taking a picnic to my father in a cave.

Dr. Obrecht: Believe what you like. The man is hungry.

Britt: That's bull. He's up to something, and I want to know at it is.

Duke: Oh!

Faison: Rise and shine, Lavery! This is your wake-up call! How do you like the accommodations here? Hmm? A little better than that prison cell in turkey?

Duke: Burn in hell --

Faison: Shut up! Shut up. Get used to it. Because you're gonna be my prison for a very long time.

Robin: [Sighs] Focus, Robin. Save Jerry, save yourself. See Patrick again.

Dr. Dosky: Drake.

Patrick: Hey, Dosky, what's up?

Dr. Dosky: I hear you're giving up the single life.

Patrick: Yeah, well, Sabrina and I are tying the knot.

Sabrina: I'm sure Felix will be back to pick you all up at some point.

[Doorbell rings]

Dr. Dosky: So, when's the happy day?

Patrick: Next week.

Dr. Dosky: Congratulations. Sabrina's a great girl.

Patrick: Thanks, man.

Dr. Dosky: Robin would approve.

Patrick: Well, thank you for saying that. I think so, too. Carlos?

Carlos: A moment of your time. May I come in?

Sabrina: No, actually, I'm getting ready to leave for work.

Carlos: This won't take long. What's all this?

Sabrina: They're wedding dresses, and... I'm getting married next week. You wanted to speak to me about something before you go back to work? Mr. Wells must be waiting for you.

Carlos: You heard the news.

Sabrina: That the man who signs your paychecks is some sort of organized-crime boss? How could I miss it? He put it on the front page of his own paper.

Carlos: He wanted to have full disclosure before --

Sabrina: Carlos, this is the life that you've chosen since I left Puerto Rico?

Carlos: Whoa, whoa, slow down. Wait, wait. That's why I'm here, okay? When I went to work for Mr. Wells, I had no idea about his history, okay? And -- and I need you to know that if he -- Mr. Wells -- decides to go back to being Julian Jerome that the business is completely aboveboard and that what I do, my duties, are totally legitimate. [Breathes deeply]

Sabrina: If you say so.

Carlos: You don't believe me.

Sabrina: Look, whatever you do with your life and what you do for work has nothing to do with me, so I don't know why you thought that I should know about it.

Carlos: Simple. I intend to spend the rest of my life with you.

Patrick: Well, I got to pick up Luke Spencer's lab results from brad cooper.

Dr. Dosky: I think I just saw him take off.

Patrick: Oh, really? Okay. Well, I know my way around the lab, so... I'll see you later.

Britt: Lead the way, mother. I can't wait to see what you and father have been up to in the depths of Wyndemere.

Dr. Obrecht: I am sorry, Britta. You can't go down there. Why not?

Dr. Obrecht: It's dangerous. There are no lights. The paths are perilous and unforgiving. You take a wrong step and who would take care of little Cesar? Kiss my little schnitzel good night for me. [Clicks]

Britt: [Grunts]

Nikolas: Britt? Oh.

Britt: Oh. You startled me.

Nikolas: Sorry. Is everything okay?

Britt: I don't know. I have a bad feeling my parents are up to something.

Duke: I swear to God, I will kill you with my own hands.

Faison: What was that? What was that?

Duke: Help! Nikolas! I'm in the catacombs! Help me!

Faison: They can't hear you. No one knows you're here.

Duke: By all that is holy, I will take your miserable life!

Faison: Open your mouth. Do you know what?! You should have stayed out of my affairs! And away from Anna.

Anna: Okay. Those two guards will be here with our food soon. Better prepare.

Robert: Prepare what? You mean like set the table? Come on. We got two adolescents out there. They can probably bench press both you and I with one arm. That'd be after they shot us to death. And we have?

Anna: Charm. We can negotiate.

Robert: First rule in negotiation -- you got to have something the other party wants, and we have nothing. I mean, damn it! How could I have been so stupid?

Anna: Is that rhetorical?

Robert: I mean, we're the best of the best. Remember Bangkok?

Anna: Yeah. I was thinking about Addis Ababa.

Robert: That little goat, the one that chewed us to freedom?

Anna: Yeah. We could use her now. Maybe she could chew our way out of here. God, what I wouldn't do for a ruminant. We don't need a ruminant. We've got something better. We've got you.

Anna: I'm sorry?

Robert: How much more of that gum do you have left?

Felicia: No sign of Robert or Anna?

Mac: No, not yet. I'll fill you in later. How is our girl holding up?

Felicia: We were afraid it would get ugly. We were right.

Lulu: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Diane: Well, then let me refresh your memory. Does the name Logan Hayes --

Alexis: Objection, your honor. Relevance.

Diane: Your honor, opposing counsel opened this door when she questioned my client's alleged history of violence. Certainly, I'm allowed the same latitude.

Judge Walters: I'll allow it. Please answer the question.

Lulu: I know the name.

Diane: In fact, you had a close personal relationship with Logan Hayes.

Lulu: If by "close personal relationship" you mean that Maxie and Logan conspired to manipulate me into falling for him, then, yes, I did.

Diane: Mrs. Falconeri, you surprise me. You're able to remember all of these other fascinating details yet you cannot remember murdering --

Alexis: Objection!

Lulu: I didn't murder him.

Diane: So you did not stab him and then leave him to die?

Lulu: I was afraid for my life. It was self-defense.

Diane: Did Logan Hayes die of the stab wound you inflicted upon him? Yes or no?

Alexis: Objection, your honor. Counsel is badgering my witness.

Judge Walters: Move on, ms. Miller. Absolutely, your honor. In summation, ms. Falconeri, do you feel justified in killing Logan Hayes?

Lulu: I had no other choice.

Diane: Because you felt that he was a threat to you.

Lulu: Yes.

Alexis: Your honor, counsel is attempting to badger the witness --

Diane: Then how do you justify killing someone who poses no threat at all?

Lulu: I don't understand the question.

Diane: You don't know who I'm referring to?

Alexis: Objection, your honor. Leading.

Judge Walters: Ms. Miller, I'll allow you to rephrase.

Diane: Thank you, your honor. I am of course referring, Mrs. Falconeri, to the murder of your unborn child.

Lulu: How could you ask me a question like that?

Alexis: Good question.

Diane: I think it's only fair to wonder why the witness is so eager to take custody of my client's baby when she was once so eager to get rid of her own.

Lulu: How could you? How could you?

Judge Walters: Mrs. Falconeri, you are reminded not to converse with the gallery.

Alexis: Your honor, last time I checked, my client's right to choose was upheld by the supreme court. This is not up for discussion.

Judge Walters: Quite right. Ms. Miller, you're trying my patience. Mrs. Falconeri, you don't have to answer that question.

Lulu: No, it's okay. I want to answer it, your honor. Yes, I had an abortion. I was a teenager. I had sex before I was ready, and I got pregnant as a result. And deciding what to do next was the hardest decision I've ever made. But given my circumstances, it was the right choice for me. I wasn't ready to be a mother, but I am now.

Nikolas: I don't blame you. Your parents worry me, too, but you're gonna have to be a little bit more specific. What is it you think that they're up to?

Britt: You know what? Don't worry about it. Let's just... let my parents be their creepy, bizarre selves. As long as they steer clear of Ben, I'm fine.

Nikolas: Well, something must have unsettled you. What was it?

Britt: It's just this coming and going between the wall.

Nikolas: [Laughs] The catacombs.

Britt: Yeah. No offense, but it reminds me of that movie, "the people under the stairs." Ugh!

Nikolas: [Laughs] Your father is one sick mother. You know that?

Britt: My mother is one sick mother, too.

Nikolas: Yeah, don't worry. You're in -- you're in good company. Most of my family is, or at least was, demented.

Britt: Um, were you able to smuggle Robin into the lab?

Nikolas: Yeah, yeah. I put brad on guard duty.

Britt: Brad?

Nikolas: Yeah. What? What's wrong?

Britt: Nothing. It's just... I mean, he's not the most conscientious.

Sabrina: We can have this conversation as many times as you want. It's always gonna end the same.

Carlos: I'm not giving up on you.

Sabrina: Carlos, you're just setting yourself up to be hurt, and I don't... I don't want that.

Carlos: 'Cause you still care about me.

Sabrina: Yeah. Yes, Carlos, I do. I do -- I do still care about you. You were a huge part of my life for a very longtime, and I want you to be happy.

Carlos: Then come away with me.

Sabrina: That's not gonna happen. This is home. I'm staying here with Patrick. I love him. I'm marrying him. Really? Really? This? These dresses? These dresses aren't even you! They're not even you!

Sabrina: I didn't even realize that you were an expert on bridalwear.

Carlos: I'm sorry. That's not -- I didn't mean to insult you.

Sabrina: Yeah, you know what? You do that a lot. You don't mean to insult me, but you do. But you know what? It doesn't matter. I'm gonna find the right dress, and even if I don't, it's fine, because I have found the right guy.

Carlos: I'm not finished.

Sabrina: Yes, you are. Bye.

Faison: Finally. Lavery hungers.

Dr. Obrecht: I know the feeling.

Faison: Where were you?

Britt: Satisfying your daughter's curiosity. We can't keep this up much longer.

Faison: Well, had you given me a boy, we wouldn't have that kind of problem.

Dr. Obrecht: I'll forward your complaint to your sperm.

Duke: You're both as mad as hatters.

Faison: What is this? Is that all you're gonna bring our guest -- a day-old Danish and a grapefruit?

Dr. Obrecht: What's wrong with Danish? You certainly never passed one up.

Faison: No, but we've got to keep our customer here healthy, well-fed...

Dr. Obrecht: Gott in himmel, why? He's seen us. He can expose us. The longer he lives, the greater the danger he poses. We have no choice but to eliminate him.

Alexis: Your honor, how much longer must we be subjected to opposing counsel's vulgar theatrics?

Judge Walters: I appreciate the inventive ground for your objection, ms. Davis. You're overruled. However, ms. Miller, I would advise you to get to where you're going and note that you have two strikes against you.

Diane: Absolutely noted, your honor. I have just one more matter to bring before the court. [Clears throat] Mrs. Falconeri, can you please describe your state of mind when you found out that my clients intended to claim custody of their child?

Lulu: My state of mind?

Diane: How did you react to the news?

Lulu: I was upset. What else would I be? They're trying to take my daughter away from me. Whose daughter she is the court will determine.

Alexis: Objection! That's argumentative.

Judge Walters: Sustained. Get to the point, ms. Miller.

Diane: Thank you, your honor. Okay, you were upset. How upset?

Lulu: Very.

Diane: Enough to take drastic action? I don't know what you're talking about.

Diane: I'm talking about your plan to flee the country with a child that isn't yours.

Alexis: Assumes facts not in evidence.

Diane: Did you or did you not tell Maxie Jones that you tried to persuade your husband to flee this jurisdiction with the child even with the knowledge that custody would now become a matter for the court to decide?

Maxie: She is not your daughter.

Lulu: Yes, she is. She is as much my daughter as if I'd given birth to her, and now I'm being told that I might lose her? How do you think I felt when Spinelli told me that you were getting a court order? I was devastated. I even talked to Dante about going on the run with her. No. I did not. Maxie's lying.

Nikolas: Should I go back to the lab and make sure that Robin's okay?

Britt: No, I'm sure brad has it under control.

Nikolas: You weren't so sure a second ago.

Britt: Well, it's just my encounters with brad have proven that he's prone to distraction.

Nikolas: I want to make sure that nothing goes wrong.

Britt: Then again, I could never threaten him with bodily harm the way you can, so I'm sure he'll be careful.

Nikolas: It might have been crazy to leave Robin there with brad as the only lookout, but what could I have done? I mean, I'd have stayed at the hospital, then you would have been here with Ben on your own...alone with your parents, and... I don't know. I just, I don't want to let them near you or your son ever again.

Faison: No harm will come to Lavery as long as he's in my care.

Dr. Obrecht: What of the harm he can do to us? Lavery is a liability --

Duke: I'm sitting right here.

Dr. Obrecht: His escape will mean our ruin.

Faison: Lavery is going nowhere.

Dr. Obrecht: [Chuckles] You thought so once before and landed in steinmauer as a result. You'd be rotting there right now if not for my intervention.

Faison: I had the situation in my hand.

Dr. Obrecht: Yes.

Faison: Yes.

Dr. Obrecht: Yes, what a fool I was, breaking you out of a maximum-security prison... when you had the WSB right where you wanted them.

Faison: Shut up.

Dr. Obrecht: I bow before your gen--

Faison: Damn it, woman!

Duke: Oh, damn.

Dr. Obrecht: Stand aside. If prison has softened you, I'll do the deed.

Faison: You will not touch a hair on Lavery's head.

Dr. Obrecht: His life serves no purpose.

Duke: I beg to differ.

Faison: It does to me.

Dr. Obrecht: How? What good can come of this?

Duke: Don't you get it, you stupid woman? He needs to keep me alive... in order to get to Anna.

Robert: You wouldn't have any cinnamon, would you? I mean, I'd much prefer cinnamon.

Anna: Tutti frutti's it. What kind of secret agents suck on tutti frutti?

Anna: One whose granddaughter prefers it. Shut up and chew.

[Door opens]

Robert: Oh, joy, Anna. Look -- more moussaka.

Guard: You don't like it, don't eat it.

Anna: Do you have any news of our daughter? Has Jerry told you anything?

Guard: Not for you to know.

Robert: Uh, before you go, guys, you wouldn't have any salt, there, would you? Moussaka goes well with salt. In this case, lots of salt. And maybe, um, a vino?

[Door opens]

Robert: Mouton cadet is good. Flushes it all down quite... adequately.

Guard: It's your lucky day.

Anna: Thank you.

Robert: Well, have a nice day.

Anna: Bye. Shall we?

Robert: Let's blow this joint.

Sabrina: Patrick.

Patrick: Hey. What are you doing down here?

Sabrina: I'm dropping off Ellie's wedding invitation. Everything's happening so fast, and I don't trust the mail.

Patrick: Yeah? Well, we'll put that there. How did your, uh... wedding-dress try-out go?

Sabrina: Oh. Felix had me try on a whole slew of dresses, and nothing worked.

Patrick: Well, I'm sure you'll find something.

Sabrina: Well, I better find it fast 'cause we're running out of time. Our wedding is next week. I can hardly believe it! Oh, my God.

Patrick: Well, believe it. 'Cause soon -- very, very soon -- you are going to be Mrs. Dr. Patrick Drake.

Patrick: Hey. What's wrong?

Sabrina: What? What do you mean?

Patrick: Usually my kisses generate a little more enthusiasm.

Sabrina: I'm sorry. I'm -- I've just got a lot going on in my mind right now.

Patrick: Look, I know this isn't what a bride wants to hear, but you could literally wear a paper bag and be the most beautiful woman in the room.

Sabrina: Thank you. That's really sweet. But I'm not worried about the wedding dress.

Patrick: Okay. What is it?

Sabrina: Carlos.

Patrick: Carlos. Right. So what is your ex up to now?

Sabrina: He came by the house again to assure me that even though his boss is some sort of... mafia kingpin that he really had no idea and he wants me to know that everything he does is legit.

Patrick: Right. You can't be serious.

Sabrina: No, his boss is Derek Wells, who is also Julian Jerome.

Patrick: I read it in the paper today, but I didn't put two and two together that that was Carlos. Sabrina, he cannot be coming to the house when Emma is there.

Sabrina: No, Emma's fine. She's at her sleepover.

Patrick: No, no, you're not gonna convince me that this is okay.

Sabrina: I know. Okay? It's not gonna happen again. I think that I finally got the message across that my future is with you, not with Carlos.

Can I help you?

Carlos: Well, I hope so. I'm looking for Sabrina Santiago.

Britt: Nikolas, I am so sorry.

Nikolas: Oh, Britt, it's not your fault.

Britt: Well, Jerry Jacks and my parents have us all in an impossible position. I mean, there's only so much you can do to protect Robin and me and Ben.

Nikolas: I know. But there has to be a solution, a way to even the playing field with your parents and Jerry. Come on. I'm a Cassadine. I should be able to figure this out. I don't know. I think I just need to... let go and connect to the twisted, treacherous part of myself.

Britt: Twisted and treacherous? What?

Nikolas: Trust me -- my uncle and grandmother would know what to do in the situation.

Britt: And from what you've said about them, they would probably go with murder.

Nikolas: And that would solve a lot of problems, yes.

Britt: Would you really consider it?

Nikolas: If it meant protecting my family and friends and the people I love? All options would be on the table.

Dr. Obrecht: What did you say?

Duke: Open your eyes. He's more obsessed with Anna now than he's ever been.

Dr. Obrecht: No. He may still...pine for her... but further attempts to win her over would be disastrous for all of us. Even Faison knows that.

Duke: No, all he's ever known is his desire for Anna. He'd do anything and use anyone to get to her, coerce his way into her life. I should know. He used me. He used me to try to worm his way into her arms, but it failed. But now he's set another trap. He's gonna blackmail her. She has to be with him or I pay the price. Well, Faison? Isn't that your plan?

Diane: I'm sorry. Could you repeat that?

Ellie: Did you know anything about this?

Maxie: Lulu is lying through her teeth.

Lulu: Maxie made it up. I never said anything about taking Connie away.

Diane: Did you tell anyone else about this plan that you suggested to your husband?

Lulu: There was no plan. I never even considered taking off with Connie, much less discussed it with my hand.

Diane: I have no further questions, your honor.

Judge Walters: You may step down, Mrs. Falconeri. The court will take a brief 10-minute recess. [Bangs gavel] Holding up?

Spinelli: I kept hoping it wouldn't come to this. I thought somehow Dante and Lulu would come to their senses and we could work it out, but, I mean... throwing Lulu's abortion in her face? There's no way back for our friendship. It's just as Diane predicted -- scorched earth.

Maxie: I swear on my life, Lulu told me she was gonna go on the run with Connie. She even brought Dante in on the plan. I mean, who knows who else she told. Who knows better about disappearing than a mob boss? Or Luke -- he's been on the run for most of his life.

Mac: Honey, we believe you, but there may be no way to prove it.

Felicia: It's your word against Lulu's.

Diane: That's not necessarily true.

Lulu: Thank you so much for coming. We appreciate the support.

Olivia: Of course, honey. We'll support you guys no matter what. You know that.

Sonny: Let Alexis do her job, because she'll take Diane down. Trust me.

Dante: Can I just talk to my wife for a second? Do you want to tell me what that was up there?

Lulu: What do you mean?

Dante: What I mean is we did exactly what Diane said we did. We were gonna take Connie out of the country. Did you tell Maxie?

Lulu: It was a moment of weakness. I was trying to get through to Maxie.

Dante: So why did you lie about it?

Lulu: If I told the truth, it would ruin our chances of keeping Connie. You get that, right?

Dante: Well, I get that you just perjured yourself on the stand.

All rise. Court is now in session.

Lulu: Who cares? If Diane can't prove it, it's Maxie's word against mine.

Dante: Sit down.

Judge Walters: Ms. Davis, you may call your next witness.

Alexis: I have no further witnesses, your honor.

Judge Walters: Ms. Miller.

Diane: We call detective Dante Falconeri to the stand.

Carlos: Do you happen to know where I could find nurse Santiago?

Last I saw her, she was looking for Patrick Drake. I'd try the lab if I were you.

Carlos: Thank you very much.

Patrick: Sabrina, I'm sure that you were clear with Carlos like you were clear with him last time, but he still didn't back down, and now we find out that he's working for the mob.

Sabrina: It's the first I heard about it.

Patrick: Look, any time Carlos is near you or Emma, it's dangerous, and I'm not gonna have it.

Sabrina: He would never hurt us. No matter who his boss is --

Patrick: Men like that attract violence. Believe me -- I know. Robin was close to two men, both of them criminals. And our family was in danger more than once, and I'm not gonna risk it again, not with Carlos.

Sabrina: Okay. So, look, then why don't we bring Anna into it? She can put the fear of the law into Carlos, and if he really is that dangerous, then I don't want you antagonizing him.

Patrick: Sorry. Just... yes, okay. We'll call Anna.

Sabrina: Okay.

Patrick: All right. I got to get back to work. Luke Spencer's waiting for his test results.

Sabrina: I'm really sorry about this. Really. I just wish I knew how to get Carlos to back off.

Patrick: We do. Marry me next week.

Sabrina: Done.

Patrick: Come on.

Britt: Stop it. You're not going to kill anyone.

Nikolas: Tempted though I might be, you're right. I would never hurt your parents.

Britt: This has nothing to do with my parents. It has to do with you. You're so good, so generous, so honorable... that I thought it was an act. But it's not. It's very real. It's who you are. And killing someone... even someone as vile as my father, even in defense of someone you care about... it would change you, and I'm not gonna stand by and watch you be corrupted like that.

Nikolas: You don't really know me, Britt.

Britt: I know you're my hero. I've never had one before. I never thought I deserved one. But then you showed up -- an honest-to-God prince, riding to my rescue, protecting me at every turn, even when I've given you plenty of reasons to abandon me. I've done bad things. I mean, people despise me and have every right to. But you've -- you've given me a chance to be better. You've stuck by me, and I'm sticking by you. Okay? So just hold on a little bit longer. Please? We'll beat my parents and keep our souls intact, together.

Dr. Obrecht: Lavery's right, isn't he?

Faison: A broken clock is right twice a day.

Dr. Obrecht: [Scoffs] What a fool I was to believe that, at last, you'd given up on Anna.

Faison: Did Sisyphus give up?

Dr. Obrecht: Sisyphus was cursed, you idiot... doomed to eternal failure, as are you.

Faison: That's where you are so wrong. I had Anna before. And I shall have her again. Whether it was a mistake to skip that class on unlikely methods of escape.

Robert: Okay. Watch... and learn.

Anna: I always learn by participating.

Robert: Yeah, I always heard that about you. So, the tape will pick up the guard's thumbprint.

Anna: Okay.

Robert: Douse the tape with salt to raise the print, giving it three dimensions. Apply the tape to a wad of gum from the impression in the print. There it is. Et voilą -- gum thumb. Truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

Dante: I do.

Diane: Detective Falconeri, in her testimony just now, your wife swore that Maxie Jones is a liar. She also swore that she never told Maxie Jones that you and she planned to abscond with the baby. In fact, she swore that you never even discussed the possibility of fleeing this jurisdiction with the baby to avoid these proceedings. So I really just have one question for you, detective -- is your wife telling the truth, or is she the liar?

Britt: Promise me you won't do anything crazy, you won't put yourself at risk.

Nikolas: I won't take any unnecessary chances.

Britt: Sounds like equivocation to me.

Nikolas: I'll just say that I can't be held accountable for my actions if anyone tries to hurt you, because... because I care too much about you.

Britt: When did...that happen?

Nikolas: I have no idea. It just snuck up on me. But I like it. And now that I have it, I don't want to let it go.

Dr. Obrecht: You dummkopf. You'd risk our safety to sate your obsession with Anna? Your obsession has finally robbed you of your wits.

Faison: Do you know what, Obrecht? You can curse me as much as you like! It's not gonna help you! I don't give a damn!

Duke: Obrecht, you're not as powerless as he'd have you believe.

Faison: Why don't you just shut up?

Duke: And you don't have to listen to him.

Faison: Shut up.

Duke: You don't have to play his game, and you can also save yourself. Why don't you give him up?

Faison: Never. Do you know, Obrecht, she's loyal -- a word that you don't know! Loyal! Like a dog!

Duke: He'll never give up this mad quest for Anna. He'll sacrifice everyone in the process -- you, your daughter, and his grandson. But you -- you can save us all. Give yourself up and cut a deal. Go on.

Faison: No, no, no, no. She would never dare to do that. Would you?

Dr. Obrecht: Watch me.

Faison: What are you thinking, huh? You're going nowhere.

Anna: I'm awed by your technique.

Robert: Assuming it works, that is.

Anna: Oh, well. "A" for effort.


[Door opens]

Robert: [Laughs]

Anna: [Breathes deeply]

[Door opens]

Carlos: I told you I wasn't through, Sabrina.

Sabrina: I thought the only treatment for polonium poisoning was a palliative. I had no idea there was an actual cure.

Patrick: Well, neither did I. I mean, Luke should be dead right now -- would be dead right now if it wasn't for this genius doctor and her miracle cure.

Sabrina: Sounds like she should be on the short list for the Nobel prize.

Patrick: At least.

Sabrina: So, who is she?

Patrick: I have no idea. And it doesn't sound like I'm ever gonna find out, either.

Carlos: Didn't you hear me? Look at me, Sabrina. Oh!

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