GH Transcript Thursday 11/14/13

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 11/14/13


Provided By Suzanne

Brad: Oh, hey! Didn't see you there.

Felix: Did you page me?

Brad: Oh, right. Yeah, I did. Uh... I have something for you.

Felix: Dr. Coyle's labs?

Brad: No. Uh... this.

Britt: Mother? Did you just -- did you just come out of the wall?

Tracy: I hope Ellie fast-tracks those lab results.

Luke: Well, just remember, it was your idea to come to the hospital.

Tracy: Look at her. Do you think she's hungry?

Luke: Can't you tell? You had kids.

Tracy: So did you! Mine had nannies. I'm winging it here.

Luke: I wonder... I wonder if she's sensing her parents are in court, fighting for custody.

Tracy: I don't know. Maybe. But I think she's hungry. And Lulu gave me a bottle for her.

Luke: Me?

Tracy: Oh, yeah. Have at it, papa.

[Connie coos]

Luke: Hi. Hi, there. You willing to risk this? Might be my only chance... to, uh...actually give you nourishment.

Maxie: No, I did all of those things. But that does not make me an unfit mother.

Alexis: What about the fact that you're a murderer?

Maxie: You think that I murdered someone?

Diane: Objection! Your honor, counsel, is making inflammatory and false statements.

Spinelli: If you're talking about Lisa Niles, she confessed to that, but she was just covering for Patrick Drake's brother, Matt.

Judge Walters: Sit down, sir.

Alexis: I'm not referring to Maxie's false confession in the Lisa Niles matter, where she attempted to cover up a murder. But Mr. Spinelli brings up yet another example of Maxie's extremely poor judgment.

Maxie: Who are you talking about? Who did I supposedly kill?

Alexis: I'm referring to your cousin by marriage and best friend, Dr. Robin Scorpio-Drake.

Robin: I've been up all night trying to calculate how to isolate the cure for Jerry Jacks from Luke Spencer's blood, and...imagining the moment that I get to go home to Patrick and Emma.

Emma: So pretty!

Sabrina: Do you like it?

Emma: I love it!

Sabrina: Oh, good! 'Cause this is your flower-girl dress.

Patrick: For our wedding.

Emma: The wedding? Already?

Patrick: Yes. Sabrina and I are getting married next week. killing Robin?

Alexis: It was your fault. You said so yourself. I have witnesses.

Felicia: It was an accident, and you know it! Lulu, how dare you? Maxie didn't kill Robin. She loved her. She was too grief-stricken to think straight!

Judge Walters: [Bangs gavel] Order in my court, please. Sit down.

Maxie: It's okay.

Judge Walters: Anymore outbursts like that, and I'll have this courtroom cleared. Am I understood?

Olivia: Our son did not know this was coming.

Sonny: I can tell you right now Dante's not happy about this.

Dante: You need to tell Alexis to back off. This is too much.

Judge Walters: [Bangs gavel] Quiet down. Ms. Jones, were you or were you not responsible for the death of Dr. Scorpio-Drake?

Maxie: Yes, your honor, I was.

Robin: It already feels like forever since Halloween and we got to see Patrick and Emma. When Emma hugged me, I mean, I nearly died. I couldn't just take off my mask and just tell her that her mom is alive.

Nikolas: Robin, you took quite a risk walking into the hospital like that, even if you were disguised in a costume.

Robin: Nikolas, my family -- they're so close.

Nikolas: I know how much you love Patrick and Emma. I understand why you did it. I do.

Robin: And after being locked up for so long, it's almost worse because they're so close. I mean, all I would have to do is go to the house and get my family back.

Nikolas: But you understand if you do that, Jerry will kill your parents.

Robin: I know. And with Faison and Obrecht watching my every single move, it's nearly impossible. I mean, Faison is skulking around upstairs. That's why I came down here.

Nikolas: Is he harassing you?

Robin: Just with his presence. I mean, I opened my bedroom door, and he was standing there, staring at me. It reminded me of after the explosion, the first thing I saw was his rodent face.

Dr. Obrecht: Schatzi, I was just with your father.

Britt: In the wall?

Dr. Obrecht: Didn't the prince mention his secret passage?

Britt: No, you know, somehow that never came up. So where does this lead?

Dr. Obrecht: To a labyrinth of catacombs. Your father just took me on a stroll down memory lane.

Britt: Memory lane in the sewer?

Dr. Obrecht: Not the sewer. Tunnels. The underground network of this place used to be Cesar's home.

Britt: Oh, along with the rats. I couldn't think of a better place for him.

Dr. Obrecht: Nastiness is unbecoming, Britta. No wonder Patrick grew to despise you and you had to go searching the hospital lab for another father.

Brad: Do you like it?

Felix: Where'd you get it?

Brad: Epiphany sent it to me.

Felix: You're kidding me.

Brad: Yes. I am.

Felix: [Chuckles]

Brad: An accounting assistant I know sent it. I thought it might remind you that I'm not such a bad dude.

Felix: Oh, okay. Just because you changed your costume so we both wouldn't be cavity Sam, that makes you a saint?

Brad: It's a start.

Felix: Yeah, it is.

Brad: Well, with more to come. So, you, uh... you like it?

Felix: I do. I like it a lot.

Ellie: I have the most fascinating blood sample that could signify major advancements in polonium poison-- [Gasps] Oh. Yikes. Did I inadvertently interrupt something nonwork-related?

Felix: Mnh-mnh. No, no, no. I was on a mission from Sabrina. Thanks for this.

Brad: Yeah, you're, uh... you're welcome.

Ellie: See ya.

Brad: You idiot. Could your timing be any worse? Felix was finally willing to get close to me again after that whole mess with Britt's baby.

Britt: Speaking of alienating men, I thought you and father were estranged. Now you're telling me he's taking you on a romantic tour of the catacombs?

Dr. Obrecht: We are a part of each other -- your father and I. A disagreement won't keep us apart for long.

Britt: I know you, mother, and you're lying.

Nikolas: Obrecht and Faison will be gone soon. Once you deliver the polonium cure to Jerry, he'll release your parents, and you can go home.

Robin: Patrick is already engaged. He could get married at any time.

Emma: You're getting married next week? Seriously?

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Patrick: Yes. Sabrina and I love each other and we love you so much, we figured why wait to become a family? Let's do this as soon as we can.

Sabrina: So we have booked the church, and we've sent out the invitations, and we have arranged for the reception.

Patrick: So what do you say? Let's do this, huh?

Emma: Yes!

Patrick: Yes!

Sabrina: Yes!

Patrick: Good.

Emma: But...

Patrick: But what?

Emma: Are Spencer and Cameron gonna be there?

Sabrina: Why? Do you want them to be there?

Emma: No! They'll ruin my new dress the way they ruined my Halloween costume. They fought over me and spilled punch on me. And that nice lady helped me get cleaned up. Remember?

Sabrina: [Speaking Spanish] She's talking about the woman who didn't seem to speak English.

Emma: But she did speak English. She talked to me.

Patrick: She must really like you, because she didn't talk to anybody else. Nikolas told me that that's Spencer's nanny and she works at Wyndemere with them, which seems a little bit weird to me still.

Emma: The lady got sad and ran away. I want to thank her again. Can you take me to Wyndemere so I can thank her? We could invite her to the wedding. It would cheer her up. Wyndemere because I've got to go to work.

Emma: Can you take me, Sabrina?

[Doorbell rings]

Patrick: I'll get it.

Sabrina: We'll see. Who is that?

Patrick: I think it's Felix.

Felix: The one and only. May in confer with the bride of the house?

Patrick: You may. She's conferring with the flower girl. Let me help you with those.

Felix: No touching the wedding dresses. No grooms allowed.

Sabrina: I don't think there are any rules against the groom touching potential wedding dresses.

Felix: I'm not taking any chances.

Emma: OMG! Look! There's so many!

Felix: And there's more in the car.

Sabrina: Felix, I thought we were gonna do this at the bridal shop.

Felix: How plebeian! I sweet-talked the owner of the shop into letting me borrow the dresses that you tried on without me.

Sabrina: Oh. Fancy!

Felix: I take my consulting duties very seriously. Dr. Groom, what are you still doing here? You definitely cannot see the bride in her dress before the wedding. I don't want anything to mess this up.

Patrick: Okay, okay. I'm going to work.

Felix: Okay.

Patrick: Believe me. Nothing's gonna stop me from...

Sabrina: [Laughs]

Patrick: ...Marrying Sabrina.

Nikolas: Robin, the only way that you can assure that Patrick doesn't get remarried is if you go home to him yourself.

Robin: I'm gonna do that. [Sighs] According to the calculations I made last night, the cure that Luke stole from Jerry has been in his system long enough that it's created the antibodies I need to make another dose.

Nikolas: Well, only you can find a cure for polonium poisoning while being held captive.

Robin: Well, I'm motivated. I miss my family so much, and I just hated that all of you thought I was dead.

Nikolas: I know. I know. I felt horrible when I heard the news. I mean... you've been such a good friend to me all these years. I've always felt guilty that I didn't come to your funeral.

Robin: No, don't feel guilty. I mean, don't feel guilty for something that shouldn't have happened in the first place. And you're here now, and you're helping me now. And I am so close to finding the cure. All I have to do is get my hands on some of Luke's blood.

Nikolas: Okay, well, I have some new information that may be helpful. He has a doctor's appointment today at the hospital.

Luke: Good work, kid. You're tougher than you look.

Tracy: It was a bottle feeding, not a high-speed chase.

Luke: Close enough. The inefficiency of my childcare skills are legendary.

Tracy: Well, she'll probably forgive you. Lulu always did.

Luke: I know. It always worried me how Lulu built me up in her mind to more than I really was.

Tracy: Fortunately, I had no illusions.

Luke: No illusions at all?

Tracy: Ha! No. I know exactly how awful you can be.

Luke: Oh.

Tracy: Then again... I know how amazing you can be, too.

Dr. Obrecht: I'm not lying to you, Britta. Yes, your father and I bickered, but he wanted to show me his old shtupping grounds.

Britt: I-I think you mean "stomping" grounds. And if that's not what you're referring to, please do not tell me. Okay, so, you know, if you are telling the truth, where's father? Why are you alone?

Dr. Obrecht: Oh, he was awash with nostalgia and elected to spend more time in the catacombs.

Britt: Oh, well, then you don't mind if I just go and see what father's up to, do you?

Dr. Obrecht: Why?

[Door opens]

Robin: We need your help.

Nikolas: It involves Ben's deadbeat dad.

Brad: You know how hard I've worked to get back into Felix's good graces? I was just finally getting --

Ellie: Don't be hard on me, brad. Not today.

Brad: Why? What makes today different from any other day?

Ellie: Because today is Damian's custody hearing, which you know perfectly well, because you refused to give me the day off so I could be there with him.

Brad: Oh, yeah. I forgot. What? You gonna be mad about that all day?

Ellie: Yes! I am! Especially because I just got a progress report from Elizabeth about the hearing.

[Sighs] And it's not going well for Damian and Maxie.

Spinelli: Maxie, stop! Robin's death was not your fault!

Maxie: But it was. It really was.

Judge Walters: [Bangs gavel] Sir, I'm not gonna warn you again.

Spinelli: Apologies, your honor.

Judge Walters: Tell me what happened, ms. Jones.

Maxie: It was February 2012. And my boyfriend at the time, Matt, was mad at me for getting Elizabeth Webber fired from her job. He said I was a bad person. I wanted Robin to make things right between us. You have to come to this party with me.

Robin: You do know that my mom is in town, right?

Maxie: Wow. How nice that you have a mother that, "a," actually comes to visit you and, "b," you want to see.

Robin: No, I'm not telling you that because -- I'm telling you because if I wasn't doing this research, I would be with my mom.

Maxie: I'm sure that Anna gives you tons of great advice about love and relationships and stuff, but my mom's too busy to be bothered. So that leaves me stuck with you. I'm sorry, Mom. I never should have said that. [Voice breaking] I'm so sorry.

Judge Walters: Ms. Jones, please continue.

Maxie: Right. Um... I kept insisting that Robin go to this party with me. And she said no. I didn't take that very well.

Robin: Look, even if I could go, which I can't, I can't make things right between you and Matt and Elizabeth. You have to do that yourself.

Maxie: You're really not gonna go to this party with me?

Robin: No.

Maxie: Wow. I can't believe you're making this whole thing into some teachable moment about how to be a better person when we both know you'd rather be here working on headache medicine for Jason.

Robin: Maxie, you are not a bad person, okay? And this is not a lost cause.

Maxie: Honestly, Robin, you are so selfish sometimes. My purse got caught on the gas valve, and I yanked it and broke the gas line. I caused the explosion that killed Robin. She's dead because of me. And the last thing I ever said to her was, "you can be so selfish sometimes." Which couldn't be farther from the truth. Robin was wonderful and brilliant and incredibly generous. She was like my sister and my best friend. And I will never be able to tell her how sorry I am. First, and then I'll give brad a call.

Robin: Thank you.

Nikolas: Start packing, frau verruckt. If all this works out, you and Gandalf the gray will be out of here.

Robin: And I will be home.

Dr. Obrecht: Don't get ahead of yourself, Robin. You've been gone a long time. When Patrick does finally see you again, how do you know he won't choose Sabrina over you? Hmm?

Sabrina: Oh, Emma, you're so beautiful.

Emma: I am?

Felix: You look like you stepped off a page of I do magazine. You are the most fabulous flower girl I've ever laid my eyes on.

Emma: Thank you. Sabrina, I love my dress.

Sabrina: Oh! Muñequita, you look so pretty. I'm so lucky to have you in my wedding and in my life.

Emma: Me too.

Tracy: Dr. Drake!

Patrick: Hey.

Tracy: Good to see a familiar face. Since Monica's been fired, I don't have any clout around here.

Patrick: It's good to see you, too. I see you finally got the daughter you've always wanted.

Luke: [Chuckles]

Tracy: [Chuckles] That's funny. Actually, we're here to see Dr. Beckett.

Patrick: Dr. Beckett just walked into emergency surgery. I'm sorry. Somebody should have told you that. Is there anything I can do for you?

Tracy: Uh, well, actually, we, uh... we want to find out if Luke's polonium poisoning has been cured.

Patrick: Oh, I'm sure Dr. Beckett explained to you that --

Luke: Yeah. Uh, yes, doctor. He explained that it's incurable, but he was wrong. There is a cure. A brilliant doctor has been working towards this serum for the last year and a half.

Patrick: Haven't heard anything about it.

Tracy: She maintains a very low profile.

Luke: Yes. I took the cure a few weeks ago, and I feel great.

Tracy: We just need to know if it's working.

Patrick: Well, um, well, if it is, this doctor sounds like a genius. I'd like to meet her.

Robin: Patrick and I are soul mates, okay. Nothing and no one can get in the way of that.

Dr. Obrecht: That's a romantic notion. But your soul mate had sex with my daughter mere months after he thought you were dead. That's...hardly everlasting devotion.

Robin: You don't know what you're talking about.

Nikolas: Don't let her get to you. She's just bitter because Faison can't stand the sight of her.

Dr. Obrecht: But certainly you can't deny that Patrick connected to Britta through that baby. And he was devastated when he found out he wasn't the father.

Brad: What's the big deal whether your boyfriend gets the baby or not? Spinelli and Maxie were gonna let Dante and Lulu think the kid was theirs, right? Now all of a sudden they want it back?

Ellie: You have no right to judge. You told Dante and Lulu the truth about the baby when it was none of your business.

Brad: Hey, I did it to prove to Felix that I'm a better man than he thinks I am.

Ellie: You want to prove yourself to Felix? Try showing some interest in your own child.

[Cell phone rings]

Brad: Oh, you're --

Ellie: You should probably get that. Perhaps it's your baby's mom calling to say the same thing.

Brad: Britt, this doesn't have anything to do with the baby, does it?

Britt: What? Of course not. I need to know if Luke Spencer's blood sample is in the lab.

Brad: Yeah, Ellie's working on it. Or at least she should be. Why? Hello?

Robin: Is it there?

Britt: Yes.

Robin: Great. Then I'm gonna go to the lab and start working on it right away.

Dr. Obrecht: You're not going anywhere, weisse maus.

Diane: Is ms. Davis finished, or does she want to accuse my client of something else she didn't do?

Alexis: No, I-I have no further questions.

Judge Walters: Your witness, Mrs. Miller.

Diane: Thank you... your honor. Ms. Jones, did you intentionally kill Dr. Robin Scorpio-Drake?

Maxie: No, of course not.

Diane: So you're not a murderer. And what happened to Dr. Scorpio-Drake was a horrific accident and nothing more?

Maxie: Yes, it was an accident.

Diane: Thank you. Nothing further.

Judge Walters: I think we can all use a break. [Gavel bangs] 10-minute recess.

Bailiff: All rise.

Felicia: Maxie, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Alexis should have never brought that up.

Maxie: Well, obviously Lulu will do anything to prove I'm an unfit mother.

Spinelli: Well, she didn't. All she accomplished was showing the judge just how desperate she and Dante are.

Felicia: Come on. Let's go outside. Go out with us. Take a little break.

Maxie: No, no. Um, you two go. I need to ask Diane something.

Felicia: Are you sure? Okay. All right.

Dante: I'm gonna go take a break.

Lulu: Okay, I'm gonna come with you.

Dante: No, no. Just don't bother.

Lulu: Dante, wait.

Maxie: Lulu, how could you do that? [Voice breaking] How could you use Robin's death against me?

Dante: I want to keep our daughter. I just don't want to do it like this.

Sonny: Yeah, you do. I know it doesn't seem like the thing to do, but you know what? You got to keep your kids close, otherwise you're gonna lose them.

Maxie: You know how much I loved Robin. You know how much I suffered over her death. You were the one who -- who helped me realize it was an accident, the one who helped me make peace with it. And now you're gonna hold it against me?

Lulu: Yes. Yes, you grieved Robin. And then you turned around and you lied to me about my own child. You let us fall in love with that baby, Maxie. And now you're trying to take her away from us. You are trying to deprive Connie of the only mother and father that she's ever known. It's like -- it's like you're incapable of empathy. You have no idea the damage that you're doing until it's too late, and then you just throw your hands up in the air and you say, "oops, I didn't mean to."

Maxie: No, I know that I screwed up, but I wasn't being malicious. I was trying to do the right thing.

Lulu: But you never know what the right thing is, do you, Maxie? Why do you even want Connie? You're only gonna hurt her, just like you hurt me and Robin.

Dr. Obrecht: Certainly you haven't forgotten Jerry's rule. If anyone sees you before he's cured, your parents die.

Nikolas: We're all aware of the rules here.

Dr. Obrecht: Yet you snuck out of here on Halloween and risked the lives of die mutter and der vater.

Robin: I was in costume. Yes, I wanted to see my family with my own eyes, but I did not tell them who I was, okay? I followed the rules.

Dr. Obrecht: Sentiment makes you weak and careless. Britta will go. She can bring your blood sample back here.

Robin: You're a doctor. Certainly you haven't forgotten that it takes complex equipment to process blood -- equipment that I don't have here.

Dr. Obrecht: You're a prince. Buy her what she needs.

Robin: No, that will take too long. Jerry is already running out of time. So what's it gonna be? You want Jerry to die, or are you gonna let me go to GH?

Ellie: Why did Dr. Westbourne want to know if Luke Spencer's blood sample was here?

Brad: How should I know?

[Cell phone rings]

Brad: [Sighs] Now what?

Britt: I need a favor from you -- a big one.

Brad: [Sighs]

Felix: Okay, miss bride, let's see what you got.

Here I'm spinnin' 'round, 'round, runnin' into walls again, again I don't seem to know what's comin' till it knocks me in my head, and I go don't waste your breath on something you'll regret I'm bored of getting upset you need to cut me loose your fears become a noose wrapped too tight around my neck [Vocalizing]

Sabrina: This one isn't too bad. What do you think?

Felix: Um, you look like a Las Vegas drag queen channeling a bad Scarlett O'Hara.

Sabrina: Emma, what do you think?

Emma: Uh, what he said.

Sabrina: It kind of is a lot of fabric.

Felix: A lot of fabric? Honey, there's enough here for an entire thanksgiving day float. I mean, what were you thinking?

Sabrina: Well, I mean, at least this one's comfortable. Sort of.

Felix: No. No. I mean what were you thinking about any of these? I mean, have I taught you nothing?

Sabrina: Felix, these are the only dresses that can be ready by next week. What am I gonna do?

Emma: What about a dress like this?

Tracy: Meeting that genius doctor could be a problem.

Patrick: Why?

Tracy: She's not in the country.

Patrick: So? What's her name?

Luke: She's very secretive. She keeps all her work under lock and key.

Patrick: Even more evasive than usual, Luke. What's going on?

Luke: Well, it's a complicated situation.

Tracy: Uh, you know what? It's completely off the point. I don't care about the doctor. I care about Luke. And I need to know how much, if any, polonium is still in his blood stream.

Patrick: I will say this. Luke, you look very healthy.

Luke: Thank you. I feel great. But, you know, Tracy -- she wants actual medical confirmation that I'm not at death's door.

Patrick: Okay, well, let's go take some blood, and we'll see what we got.

Tracy: Ellie Trout already took blood. Could you just do me a favor, please, and go get the lab results now?

Brad: How far have you gotten with the analysis on Luke Spencer's blood?

Ellie: I'm just completing it now. Did Dr. Westbourne say something?

Brad: Okay, you're done here. Get out.

Ell: You're firing me?

Brad: No. Of course not. I'm just giving you the rest of the day off.

Ellie: Why?

Brad: What do you mean "why?" You were telling me about how worried you are about Damian and his custody case. I'm not heartless.

Ellie: Yes, you are.

Brad: Look, I told you before I'm trying to be a better man, okay. But if you insist on looking a gift horse in the mouth, it'd be easier to fire you.

Ellie: Okay! No. No, no, no. I mean, if you truly mean it, I'll go.

Brad: Uh, w-what are you doing?

Ellie: Well, I'm properly storing the blood samples so I can take the analysis upstairs.

Brad: No, no, no. L-leave everything. I'll take care of it.

Ellie: No, brad. Protocol dictates --

Brad: Just go before I change my mind, all right?!

Ellie: Okay. Okay. Okay.

Brad:'re welcome.

Ellie: Thank you, brad.

Robin: Is the launch here? I'm ready to go.

Nikolas: Yes, they're waiting for us.

Britt: I'm gonna stay here. I need to feed Ben, and someone has to look after this woman.

Nikolas: All right, let's go.

Dr. Obrecht: Communicating with anyone is verboten. If someone finds out you're there and reports anything to the authorities, your parents are as good as dead.

Robin: Don't worry. I'm not going to do anything to endanger my parents. Especially when I'm so close to being able to go home.

Nikolas: Ready?

Robin: I've been ready for a long time.

Maxie: How dare you?!

Lulu: How dare I? Are you serious, Maxie?!

Dante: Come on. Let's go. Let's go. Over here. What the heck was that?

Lulu: She grabbed me!

Alexis: You're gonna have to calm down. Fighting with Maxie is not gonna help your case any more than making her out to be a killer did.

Lulu: No, we had to do it. We can't let the courts take our baby.

Alexis: Okay, okay. Listen, what's done is done. Right now I'm gonna have to do some repair work, and I'm gonna need to put you on the stand. Can you handle it?

Dante: Can we go sit down for a second, catch our breath? Come on.

Spinelli: Are you all right?

Maxie: I will be once we get custody of our baby.

Spinelli: Well, I'm sad to say it's not looking good for us. Not because of the ridiculous allegation about Robin's death, but because of Elizabeth's damning testimony.

Maxie: Well, then let's turn things around. Let's go after Lulu as hard and as heartlessly as she went after me. It's time to bring up her past. Let the judge see how fit she is to be a mother. Maxie's account of Dr. Robin Scorpio-Drake's death. Do you agree it was a terrible accident?

Lulu: Yes, it was an accident... caused by Maxie's carelessness. And Robin was killed. Maxie has a lot of accidents. Tripping over that dog that wandered into her apartment -- that was an accident, too. But chasing the dog when she was supposed to be on bed rest was carelessness. She knew that getting up would endanger our baby, and she did it anyway. That carelessness killed our baby. So what happens if she's careless with this one? Could she cause another accident? Could Connie die because of her carelessness?

Alexis: I have no further questions. Lulu, you can step down.

Diane: Uh, I'm so sorry, your honor. But since Mrs. Falconeri is on the stand, I have a few questions I'd like to ask her.

Spinelli: Ellie. I thought brad wouldn't let you leave work.

Ellie: He changed his mind for some reason.

Brad: Who's that?

Nikolas: Someone who needs to work here for a while. You spoke to Britt.

Brad: Yeah, but what is this all about? Britt didn't say much on the phone.

Nikolas: That's -- that's funny. You're not even curious about your own son, but you're already asking questions about this. Where are your priorities, cooper?

Brad: I'm the lab manager. This is my responsibility. I can't just let --

Nikolas: Your child isn't? You know what? Get out and make sure no one comes in.

Brad: But...this is my lab!

Nikolas: This is my hospital. I'm its greatest benefactor, so if you want to keep your job, do as you're told. Now go on.

Brad: [Sighs] Fine! Luke Spencer's blood sample -- right there. I'll be outside.

Robin: [Sighs]

Nikolas: You okay? What's wrong?

Robin: [Sighs] This lab, this... this is the last place that Patrick saw me alive.

Sabrina: This is such a beautiful dress. But this was your mommy's dress. It wouldn't be right for me. Besides, we should save it in case you want to wear it when you get married.

Emma: I can wear it?

Sabrina: Yeah. If you want to. I always wanted to wear my mommy's wedding dress. I used to dream about it all the time.

Felix: Wait. You did?

Sabrina: Yeah. My, mommy would show me pictures of her wedding, and she would tell me how happy she was when she married my father.

Felix: Show me those pictures stat. We'll find a dress just like it.

Sabrina: See, that's the problem, is my father put every picture of my mother away, and, um, wouldn't let me have any when he shipped me off.

Emma: Why?

Sabrina: Because he was sad.

Emma: Why?

Sabrina: Because she died.

Emma: Your mommy died when you were little?

Sabrina: Yeah.

Emma: Like me?

Sabrina: Yeah. Just like you.

Emma: That's how you know so much. That's how you know that nobody, not even you, can take my mommy's place.

Patrick: I feel like I should tell you I'm not a specialist with radiation, but if your lab results are ready, I'll take a look and see how much polonium's left in your system.

Luke: Terrific. Let's just get the results and see if this doctor is the genius we think she is.

Patrick: I'll go down to the lab now.

Luke: Thanks.

Robin: Being in this lab again is just... strange.

Nikolas: Are you gonna be okay?

Robin: I have to be. Patrick has to know that I survived the explosion.

Nikolas: I'm gonna let you get to work. I'll be back in a little while, all right?

Robin: Thank you.

Patrick: You're not going in there. It's too dangerous.

Robin: I can make it.

Patrick: Robin, don't. Don't! Robin! Ro-- [Coughs] Robin! Robin! I have always wanted a little girl. [Chuckles] Then Lulu came into my life. And not that being her stepmother, or stepmonster, as she liked to say, was easy. But it was the most rewarding thing I've ever experienced in my life.

Luke: Hmm. Well, you may not be finished, darling. Lulu's gonna need you if this court situation doesn't go her way.

[Connie laughs]

Luke: Ha ha ha!

Judge Walters: Opposing counsel may question the witness. Sit down, Mrs. Falconeri.

Diane: Mrs. Falconeri, we all now know that Maxie didn't kill Robin. She didn't kill anyone, in point of fact. The only one in this custody battle who is a murderer is you.

Britt: Mother?

Dr. Obrecht: Kotzbrocken! I thought you were at the nursery with little Cesar.

Britt: Benjamin! He fell asleep after I fed him. What are you doing? Why are you going through the wall with a tray of food?

Nikolas: Make sure that no one disturbs that doctor. And do not let anyone in, or you'll be fired. Do you understand?

Brad: As you wish... prince charming.

Patrick: Robin, I'm gonna get you out of there.

Evacuate. Safety doors will lock...

Robin: Patrick, you have to take this.

Patrick: No, Robin. I'm not going anywhere. I've got to get you out of there.

Robin: Listen to me. You got to take the medicine to Jason. Listen to me!

Patrick: I'm not going anywhere!

Robin: You have to go, Patrick. The doors are about to lock. You're running out of time.

Sabrina: Even though I know that nobody can take your mommy's place, I promise you, Emma, I'm going to take the very best care of you, just like your mommy, okay?

Emma: You already do. Te amo, Sabrina.

Sabrina: [Chuckles] I love you, too.

Emma: I should take off my dress before some boy spills something on it, Felix DuBois!

Felix: Moi?! Never!

Emma: [Giggles]

Felix: Don't worry. You are gonna have the perfect wedding day.

Sabrina: Not if I have to wear my birthday suit.

Felix: Mm. Look, Briderella, I'm gonna find you the perfect wedding dress no matter what I have to do to get it.

Sabrina: [Chuckles] Well, you transformed me the night of the nurses' ball. I trust you can do it again.

[Cell phone rings]

Brad: Hey. That really you?

Felix: Yes, and I need your help. Can you get away?

Brad: Yeah. What's up?

Robin: Patrick?

Patrick: What?

Robin: Just hug our daughter. Please, just hug her -- hug her twice as hard.

Patrick: Robin!

PA: Evacuate.

Patrick: I love you.

PA: Security doors lock in 20 seconds.

Robin: [Crying] I love you so much. I love you always, okay? I love you.

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