GH Transcript Wednesday 11/13/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 11/13/13


Provided By Suzanne

Julian: No, Ava. I -- [Sighs] I haven't spoken to Sonny. What do you mean? Like a -- like a gift basket or something?

[Knock on door]

Julian: Hold on. Hold on. There's somebody at the door. Would you relax? It's not Sonny. The guy can't lay a finger on me, not after I neutralized him last night.

Sonny: Morning, sunshine.

Olivia: Morning? What's -- what time is it?

Sonny: [Chuckling] A little -- a little past 8:00.

Olivia: [Sighs] I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I got to go.

Sonny: Wait. Wait. Where are you going?

Olivia: I got to get to the court, to the custody hearing. I can't believe I slept so late.

Sonny: Olivia, hold on. Do you -- you want to talk about what happened last night?

Tracy: Would you hurry up, please? I want to get to the hospital and make sure that cure is really working.

Luke: Everything seemed to be working fine last night.

Tracy: I can't complain.

Luke: Besides, the hospital can wait. We need to get to the cops and tell them about Jerry Jacks.

Tracy: Oh, uh-huh. Clearly your mind is not as sound as the rest of you. We already agreed, last night, that until we get absolute proof that the cure is working, the cops can't know anything about this.

Dante: Cops can't know anything about what?

Ellie: Well, I think I'm the luckiest person alive. We're finally back together because you found it in your heart to forgive me for my unconscionable lie about your baby.

Spinelli: There's more than enough blame to go around. And as for you, you apologized and did all you could to make amends. So how could I not forgive you?

Ellie: And now you and Maxie are going to fight for your baby. Everything's as it should be.

Spinelli: [Chuckles]

Ellie: Except for brad the cad -- the lab supervisor from hell who intentionally changed the schedule so I had to work today, which, therefore, makes it impossible for me to accompany you to court.

Spinelli: But you'll be with me in spirit.

Ellie: [Chuckles] I will think only good thoughts for you and Maxie and your daughter.

Spinelli: Well, they are most gratefully accepted.

Ellie: Now, shouldn't you go? The fate of your daughter is being decided today.

Felicia: Hey, sweetheart.

Maxie: Hey.

Felicia: I just talked to Mac. He's so sorry he can't be here.

Maxie: I understand. He needs to track down Robert and Anna.

Felicia: He asked me to give you a hug from him. How are you holding up?

Maxie: Well, I'm doing my best to make sure I don't look like an unfit mother.

Diane: Scott. How nice to see you. I guess congratulations are in order.

Scott: Ah, I am proud to be the district attorney of Port Charles once again.

Diane: Oh, for heaven's sakes. I wasn't talking about your career. I was talking about your son.

Franco: [Chuckles] Hi.

Carly: Hi.

Franco: Good morning.

Carly: Good morning.

Franco: [Chuckles] You're here.

Carly: Of course I'm still here.

Franco: Can I ask you something?

Carly: What?

Franco: In the cold light of day, isn't there a part of you that thinks that this is a mistake?

Tracy: Look who's here -- Lulu, Dante, and their beautiful offspring. I'm not much of a baby person, but this one's gorgeous. Can I hold her?

Lulu: Of course.

Tracy: Hi.

Lulu: Dad.

Luke: Hey, cupcake.

Lulu: I got the message that you were back, but I had to see you.

Luke: How do I look?

Lulu: Really good. And you're here. And you're alive.

Luke: And kicking!

Lulu: [Laughs]

Luke: Come here, you.

Lulu: [Sighs] I didn't think that I would get to do this again. So, what happened? I mean, you found the cure?

Luke: Well, aspirin may be a wonder drug, but it does nothing for polonium.

Lulu: Where did you go? How did you find it?

Tracy: You know what? The point is we found it and he's here, right where he belongs.

Lulu: Okay. What's the catch?

Luke: No catch. Look at me.

Tracy: We're gonna focus on the positive. You get to know this baby.

Luke: Aww.

Tracy: And bask in the glories of grandparenthood.

Dante: That all depends on what happens in court today.

Maxie: Do you think that my dress looks okay? I mean, I want to look good but not too good. I don't want the judge to think that I spend too much time thinking about fashion and not enough time thinking about my baby, but my hair and my makeup and my clothes -- they need to scream, "good mother."

Felicia: Yeah. You look lovely.

Maxie: [Sighs]

Felicia: Although I'm not sure I'm the best person to give you the seal of approval.

Maxie: [Chuckles] I will take anyone's approval I can get. I'm sorry. That came out...wrong. Of course I want your approval, mom. Let's face it -- this courtroom's gonna be full of people who don't approve of me. And I really -- I don't want the judge to be one of them. He has to think that I'm gonna be a good mother.

Felicia: Yeah.

Maxie: You think I will be a good mother, don't you?

Felicia: Yes. I do. Although I think you know better than anyone I'm no expert. If anybody was an unfit mother, it would be me. I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most.

Maxie: But you're here for me now, when I need you more than ever. I'm really scared, mom.

Spinelli: I wish it didn't have to be so ugly. I know Dante and Lulu are determined to keep Connie and that Maxie will surely be the target of many...vicious attacks -- not all unfounded, unfortunately.

Ellie: Yeah. Alexis will most likely use the most persuasive and hurtful arguments she can.

Spinelli: One can almost guarantee it.

Ellie: But Diane is nothing if not her equal. She'll counteract Alexis' arguments, guaranteeing that Maxie's protected. Diane must have gone through her strategy with you, yeah?

Spinelli: Uh, she did float an idea this morning, something that I could do to...protect Maxie and strengthen our case.

Ellie: I knew it. So -- so, what did she suggest to you?

Spinelli: That I marry Maxie.

Scott: Do you mind? I don't want to hear that name -- Franco. I'm afraid that that scandal with my new son and some crazy old girlfriend could tank my political career before I'm even sworn in.

Diane: Oh, come on. Franco's not that bad, especially since that vicious tumor was removed.

Scott: Oh, right. Right. The tumor did it all. I liked that. You really went to the mattress for your boyfriend.

Diane: For Pete's sake, Franco was never my boyfriend.

Scott: He wasn't?

Diane: No. It was all just a smoke screen to cover his involvement with Heather. No, your son's heart really belongs to Carly.

Scott: Oh. This gets worse and worse. I mean, I'm crazy about Bobbie, but Carly is a pain in the neck.

Carly: Why would you ask me if I think I made a mistake?

Franco: Because...I'm the son of a second-rate D.A. And I got a brand-new crazy-person mother who hates my guts and --

Carly: [Chuckles] No. You have a brand-new crazy mother who hates my guts.

Franco: Yeah, exactly.

Carly: [Chuckles]

Franco: Exactly. And, by the way, um, I do owe you a crapload of money for this overpriced hotel room.

Carly: Uh, by the way, you owe me a crapload of money for my competitively priced hotel.

Franco: [Chuckles] Yeah. So, I'm just wondering if...this isn't when you just dump me and run back to your boyfriend, Derek Wells.

Julian: What a pleasant surprise. If I knew you were coming, I would have put some pants on or, I don't know, maybe not.

Alexis: I'm not staying. And don't flatter yourself. I don't care what you're wearing.

Julian: Well, in that case, you, uh, look very nice. It's good to see you. So, what brings you here?

Alexis: I brought you your paper. Proud of yourself?

Olivia: Sonny, last night, you were upset about what Morgan did and Julian Jerome and -- I mean, what can you do? He's -- he's Danny's grandfather. You can't move against him without hurting Jason's son, and you were in pain, and you needed someone, and I'm -- I'm just glad I was there for you.

Sonny: So that's how you see what happened last night?

Olivia: Uh...look, Sonny, we don't have to turn this into something it's not.

Sonny: Okay.

Olivia: Now, I know you're still grieving for Connie. And so am I. We jumped into this -- this for all the reasons that I just said, so -- so we don't have to make it mean something.

Sonny: But it did.

Alexis: Well-played. Really. I particularly liked the part about the sacrifice you made coming out of hiding after all those decades to donate bone marrow to your poor grandson.

Julian: Mm. So, is there a point you'd like to dispute?

Alexis: I suppose, uh, it's true, technically.

Julian: Uh-huh.

Alexis: I got to hand it to you. You really slanted this in your favor. Sonny's gonna come out, tell everyone you're a notorious mobster and you beat him to the punch and you splash it all over the front page and you come out smelling like a rose.

Julian: So, is that -- is that really why you're here -- to tell me what's in my own paper?

Alexis: What other reason would there be?

Julian: I don't know. I thought it might have been about that kiss that we shared last night. So, am I right, Alexis? Did you come back for more?

Alexis: [Chuckles]

Julian: Ouch. Did I strike some sort of a nerve?

Alexis: No, actually. That felt really good.

Julian: Oh, good.

Alexis: The reason I came here is because, whether I like it or not, you are now a part of my family, and I have no idea what I am supposed to do with that.

Julian: So, it's a problem that Sam suddenly has a father?

Alexis: No. The problem is it's you. She was already involved with someone in the mob. He didn't survive. I just ended a relationship with someone in the mob because I don't like it!

Julian: Okay, okay. Hold on now. I-I came public with my name and my history because I wanted to be honest, come clean about my past. That doesn't make me a mobster. I told you. I-I'm a changed man.

Alexis: Well, your actions prove otherwise.

Julian: All those years of living as Derek Wells, I made my living legitimately as a businessman. And I was very successful at it.

Alexis: Well, that's super. You can print those protestations of innocence in your paper.

Julian: [Sighs]

Alexis: I saw what I needed to see in the gallery. You know what? I've made a decision. You are not to go near Sam or Danny.

Julian: Isn't that up to Sam?

Alexis: You're not dragging her into a mob war.

Julian: Okay, hold on now. I'm not involved in any mob war. And let's be honest. There is no proof that I'm the one going after Sonny.

Sonny: You've been here every step of the way for me. You even sacrificed your own happiness when you stepped aside for Connie.

Olivia: I really wanted you two to have your chance.

Sonny: You don't think I know that? You've never turned your back on me, and you know how much loyalty means to me. You always, you know, wanted the best for me, even when -- when I didn't know myself, even when I fought you, and I fought you hard. [Laughs]

Olivia: [Chuckling] You're not the easiest person to be around. But the dimples are a major compensating factor.

Sonny: You can joke about that all you want, but I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for you. That's the God's honest truth. Now, where this goes, I don't know, but to say that it doesn't mean anything -- that's not true, 'cause I wouldn't be that way with you. I-I wouldn't. You mean more. And, by the way, um... have -- have I told you how beautiful you are? [Chuckling] What? How sexy you are? 'Cause if I haven't, then, you know, shame on me.

Olivia: Well, I'm glad you still think so. I got to get to court.

Sonny: Yeah. I want to go. But, um...just not yet.

Alexis: You're actually going to stand there and deny that you had anything to do with those attacks against Sonny?

Julian: You choose what you want to believe, but I'll tell you this -- I wouldn't let anyone or anything hurt you, Sam, or Danny.

Alexis: Certainly not Danny, 'cause he's your insurance policy against -- what did Sonny call it again? Oh, against accidents.

Julian: Listen, Alexis. I care about you. Why wouldn't I? Now, we shared a lot together, and we didn't even know it. And I'll tell you something. I'm good at reading people, and when Danny was sick and we were sitting there at the hospital worrying about him, there was something going on between us. It was -- it was almost instinctual. So, whatever drew us together in the past, it's still there. Only now it is more mature, like red wine...ripe for the tasting.

Alexis: There may have been a connection between us. But when you lied by omission and purposely left out pertinent details about yourself, the wine soured. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to court.

[Door closes]

Maxie: I know that I'm kind of freaking out right now, but I have absolutely no control over the situation... except for my dress, which I'm starting to rethink. Do you think that I have time to change?

Felicia: No. No. And, as I told you, you look absolutely wonderful. But, you know, there's no reason to worry about this. You have to calm down.

Maxie: But what if I lose? What if...I don't get my baby back?

Felicia: Hopefully it won't come to that. But if it does, we'll get through this together.

Ellie: I'm sorry. Did -- did you just say "marry Maxie"?

Spinelli: Uh, yeah. Um, Diane posited the idea under the assumption that if Maxie and I were married, it would give us the advantage. By presenting ourselves to the court as an official union, we might impress the judge with our commitment to providing our daughter with a stable family environment.

Ellie: Oh. And...what did you say to that?

Spinelli: I said no.

Ellie: [Sighs]

Spinelli: Of course. I told Diane, in no uncertain terms, that I couldn't possibly do that, not in a million years.

Ellie: Good.

Spinelli: Marrying Maxie under those circumstances would be a fraud. It would be an intentional deception and...Maxie and I shared a non-marriage years ago, and that was painful enough. No, if I ever walk down the aisle again... it will be with you, because I love you.

Ellie: I really like that answer.

Spinelli: [Chuckles]

Ellie: And I love you, too, Damian.

Spinelli: As much as I'd like to stay and bask in our reaffirmed love, need to get to the courthouse.

Ellie: Yes, you do. Good luck. I sincerely hope that today ends with you being one step closer to getting to raise your daughter.

Spinelli: [Sighs]

Luke: The baby is Maxie and Spinelli's?

Lulu: Biologically, yes, but she's our daughter. Maxie promised to give birth to a child for us, and she did. We couldn't love her more if she was our own flesh and blood.

Dante: But if we want to keep her, we have to go to court. And we're desperate for a babysitter, right? [Chuckles]

Luke: Well, leave baby cupcakes with us.

Dante: Yeah?

Luke: Uh, go do what you have to do.

Tracy: Well, provided she's portable. We have to go by the hospital it okay with you if we bring her with us?

Lulu: So much for "no catch."

Luke: Oh, no. No. None whatsoever.

Lulu: Well, if this hospital visit has something to do with my father's recovery, then, of course, it's okay with us.

Dante: We, uh, really appreciate it.

Lulu: You really have no idea how much.

Luke: Well...

Lulu: Here, um...

Luke: ...It's a pleasure. Come here, little one. Hi! Come to grandpa.

Lulu: Thank you.

Luke: Oh!

Tracy: Oh, please. Stop. Just -- good luck. I always knew you were gonna be a wonderful mother, but you need to make sure that you get to keep that baby.

Luke: Well, don't worry about Connie. I will teach her to play Texas hold'em in the waiting room.

Dante: Awesome. Oh, yeah. And if you guys want to tell the police what you didn't want to tell the police, you know where to find me.

Luke: Sure. [Chuckles]

Scott: Scott Baldwin.

Julian: This is Julian Jerome. I need to see you.

Carly: I wasn't really with Derek Wells any more than you were with Diane.

Franco: Yeah, I'm just saying might be nice to hear that again.

Carly: I don't want Derek Wells. I want you. I thought I made that clear last night.

Franco: Mm, yeah. I know you only let me get with you 'cause, you know, I saved your son's life.

Carly: [Laughs] Oh, God. Well, yeah, of course, you know. That -- that is the only reason, you know? This wasn't just about gratitude.

Franco: [Laughs]

Carly: Why -- why are you trying to, like, you know, talk your way out of this, you know? Why are you trying to push me away after all that time you spent pursuing me? I don't get it.

Franco: [Sighs] We get to be here, right? We're here.

Carly: Yeah.

Franco: Yeah. As soon as you go out there, Carly, the whole world's gonna tell you that you should just dump me and run for the hills.

Carly: I know. But you know what? I've never really cared what people think. I don't waste my time. And I decided to be with you, and I want to be with you. And if someone doesn't like it, they can go to hell. So, will you please stop trying to push me away?

Franco: I wanted you more than I ever wanted anything in my whole life. And now that you're here, I'm scared I'm gonna lose you.

Carly: You're not gonna lose me. I'm right here.

Franco: Where you going?

Carly: I'm gonna take a shower and, should join me. And then I'm gonna tell everybody to go to hell and mind their own business.

[Knock on door]

Franco: I didn't order those.

Man: They're for Mrs. Jacks.

Franco: Dude. They're dead. Really? Dead roses?

Tracy: Excuse me, Miss Trout?

Ellie: Yes, can I -- Mr. Spencer! You're alive!

Luke: So it would appear.

Ellie: Despite the lethal amount of polonium in your bloodstream, it's -- well, it's remarkable.

Tracy: Uh, that's why we're here.

Ellie: Wait a minute. Where did you get that baby?

Luke: On eBay. The bidding war was brutal.

Ellie: [Chuckles] That's Damian's baby. Why do you two have Damian's baby?

Spinelli: I apologize in advance should my speech start to ramble. I'M...more than a tad bit nervous, I must confess. How are you?

Maxie: Nervous doesn't even begin to cover it.

Dante: Come on. Hey, Alexis.

Lulu: Hi. Sorry. We had babysitting issues.

Alexis: It's not a problem.

Dante: Anything we need to go over before we, uh, get into this?

Alexis: Yeah. You sure you want to go through with this? Because I can almost guarantee it's not gonna be pleasant.

Lulu: We're ready. I mean, I know it's gonna be tough, but we'll do whatever we have to do to keep our little girl, right?

Dante: Yeah. Right. Hey. Wh-what are -- I didn't think you were coming today.

Sonny: You're fighting for your kid. Where else would I be?

Dante: Well, I read the papers. You don't have to be here, you know?

Sonny: No, look, as far as Julian, you let me take care of all that. You do what you need to do, okay?

Scott: Quite a revelation from last night, Mr. Jerome.

Julian: Yeah. Sorry I had to bump your election Victory off the front page of the news. A bigger story came up. [Chuckles] But congratulations none the less. It was an impressive Victory.

Scott: Thank you.

Julian: You know, it was quite an interesting election, wouldn't you say? D.A. Lazaro had to drop out of the race on the day of the vote. I mean, after all those months of campaigning...

Scott: Interesting, maybe. But not too surprising -- at least, not to you.

Julian: Why would you say that?

Scott: 'Cause you're the one that gave me that recording of Lazaro conspiring with Corinthos.

Julian: You think I had something to do with, uh, some recording?

Scott: Yeah. You had Morgan Corinthos deliver it to me. You practically handed me the DA's office. Lazaro had no choice but to resign.

Julian: You...are a smart man, Mr. Baldwin.

Scott: I'd like to think so. Smart enough to know that you didn't do this out of the kindness of your heart. So, Mr. Jerome, what is it that you want?

All rise. This courtroom is now in session. The honorable judge David Walters presiding.

Judge Walters: Be seated. This is a custody hearing to determine permanent legal custody of the child Constanza Louise Falconeri. Current custodial parents are Lesley Lu Spencer Falconeri and Dante Falconeri, who are petitioning for parental rights and legal custody of the child in question. A previous request for a court order to hand over the child to Maximiliana Jones and Damian Spinelli was denied. Have I got it right so far?

Diane: Yes, your honor.

Alexis: Yes, your honor.

Judge Walters: I've reviewed this case, and as I understand it, the Falconeris contracted with Miss Jones to be a gestational surrogate for a child they conceived through in vitro fertilization. Through a series of circumstances, the baby in question is not, in fact, one they conceived through IVF, but, rather, is the biological child of the respondent, Miss Jones, and Mr. Spinelli. Though the contract the Falconeris entered into with Miss Jones was for a different child, they are suing for parental rights for this child. On what grounds, Miss Davis?

Alexis: On the grounds that the biological mother is unfit to raise the child.

Judge Walters: Do you have witnesses to support this contention?

Alexis: Yes, I do, your honor. I'd like to call my first witness, Elizabeth Webber, to the stand.

Alexis: Miss Webber, are you acquainted with the respondent, Maximiliana Jones?

Elizabeth: Yes. We've known each other for years.

Alexis: Are you friends?

Elizabeth: No. I wouldn't exactly say that.

Alexis: Why not?

Elizabeth: Maxie had an affair with my husband, lucky Spencer.

Luke: This is my daughter's child.

Ellie: Look, I don't question the legitimacy of adoptive parents, but the fact remains -- this child is the offspring of Damian and Maxie.

Tracy: And why is that, exactly? Because Maxie lied, deceived, and defrauded Lulu and Dante, and from what we heard, you did your best to cover it up, as well.

Ellie: Which is something I sincerely regret. But I did end up telling him the truth -- that she is his daughter. And while I feel terrible for Dante and Lulu, this little girl belongs with her biological parents.

Tracy: Well, we'll just have to see what the judge says about that after he gets an earful of what Maxie did.

Alexis: Miss Webber, that's not the end of your story, is it?

Elizabeth: No. At the time, my husband was fighting a drug addiction, and Maxie knew that if he had stopped using and was in his right mind, that he would end things with her, so she would steal drugs from the hospital and give them to him to keep him using, until I caught her.

Diane: Your honor, I-I think we get the point.

Alexis: Well, I haven't made my point yet. I'm not finished.

Judge Walters: Continue, counselor.

Alexis: And was that the end of Miss Jones' machinations?

Elizabeth: No. Eventually, my husband got sober and broke things off with Maxie, but she didn't take it very well. She told him she was pregnant with his baby.

Alexis: And was she, in fact, pregnant?

Elizabeth: No. But she went around town trying to get pregnant.

Diane: Really, your honor?

Alexis: Still not finished.

Judge Walters: Miss miller, this is not an open forum. Your objection has been overruled. Keep your comments to yourself.

Alexis: What happened then, Elizabeth?

Elizabeth: When Maxie couldn't get pregnant, she threw herself down a flight of stairs to fake a miscarriage.

Alexis: Now I'm finished. No more questions.

Maxie: I am so sorry.

Julian: The public has a right to know that D.A. Lazaro was in the pocket of a -- of a known mobster.

Scott: So now you want me in your pocket? Is that the idea?

Julian: Why would I need you in my pocket? I'm a legitimate businessman.

Scott: Oh, yeah? I got some swampland in Florida you might be interested in, then.

Julian: [Laughs] Okay, I know. I know. I know. You -- you have an issue with my paper, so I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna make it up to you for dropping your Victory off the front page of the paper.

Scott: Not necessary.

Julian: Of course, it is. Of course it is. We'll -- we'll do a huge spread about you and your campaign, and it wouldn't be complete without including a, uh, lovely picture of your ex-wife, Lucy Coe. I mean, she was on the campaign trail with you, wasn't she? Working tirelessly to get you elected?

Scott: You noticed that, huh?

Julian: Well, I'm a newspaperman. [Chuckling] You know, it's my job. [Laughing] Funny -- funny coincidence about you and your ex-wife. She used to be involved with my dad. Oh, yeah, yeah. They were very tight. He was quite taken with her. In fact... she was responsible for his death.

Franco: Hey. Who sent these?

Read the card.

Franco: "Dearest Carly, stay the hell away from my son, or else. Hugs, Heather Webber." Oh, my...

Carly: Hey! I thought you were gonna join me, huh? What the hell are those?

Franco: Uh...roses.

Carly: Uh, yeah, I-I can see that. Um...they're dead. Chuckles] That's a little creepy. Who are they for?

Franco: They're for you.

Carly: Me? Why? Who sent them?

Franco: They're from me.

Carly: You got me dead flowers? Why?

Franco: Uh... it -- it's just a misunderstanding. A misunderstanding florist. Believe me, some florists' heads are gonna roll.

Carly: Okay, I-I've dealt with many problems from florists before, but they've never sent dead flowers. I mean, that's a little weird.

Franco: Yeah, it is. It's really weird. I-I'm sorry. I don't know what to say. I just wanted to get you something.

Carly: You don't have to buy me flowers. Race you back to bed. I'm waiting! [Laughs]

Franco: [Chuckles] I can see that. You're beautiful.

Carly: I'm also the winner. I challenged you to a race, and you lost.

Franco: Uh, yes, I did.

Carly: Mm-hmm.

Franco: So...what? Are you expecting a prize?

Carly: I want a prize.

Franco: You want a prize?

Carly: I want a prize.

Luke: Spanky, maybe we should put the brakes on this baby talk until we do what we came here to do.

Ellie: Right. Please tell me -- how are you still alive?

Luke: I found an alternative to chelation therapy. We're actually here to make sure that it worked.

Tracy: Can you do a blood draw?

Lulu: I can't believe that the judge would give Maxie custody after hearing all of that.

Dante: I just know I wouldn't want to be Maxie right now.

Lulu: You don't think that I like this, do you? I don't. This is the only way that we can keep our baby, Dante. Maxie is the one who set this all in motion.

Alexis: All right. I need to know how much farther you want to push this.

Lulu: As far as we have to.

Dante: What does that mean? What else are you gonna bring up?

Lulu: Well, whatever...she needs to to make sure that Connie stays with us.

Maxie: I am so sorry you had to hear all of that. I mean, I know we've already been through the whole lucky mess already, but to have to hear it in court... even I can't believe I did all of that. Oh, God. I don't even want to think about who they're gonna call next.

Bailiff: All rise.

Judge Walters: Be seated. Miss Davis, are the petitioners ready to proceed with their next witness?

Alexis: Yes, your honor. I'd like to call Miss Jones to the stand, please.

Diane: Don't panic. Alexis is just calling you a little earlier than we anticipated, but we have prepared for this.

Maxie: I don't feel prepared. Who knows what she's gonna ask me? Lulu has probably told her every terrible thing I've ever done.

Diane: Maxie, stay calm. Just answer the questions as simply as possible.

Olivia: [Sighs] Poor kid. What is Alexis gonna hit her with now?

Sonny: No one said it was gonna be easy.

Olivia: Yeah. Of course I want Dante and Lulu to win. They love Connie so much, and they deserve to keep her, but at what cost?

Sonny: Alexis has no choice but to push, okay? If the judge takes the baby away from our kids, they are gonna be heartbroken.

Olivia: And so are we.

Julian: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. A long time ago, Lucy, your ex, broke my father's heart. Mm-hmm. A fact which was directly responsible for his death. Now, any other kind of man would want to [Growls] You know, avenge his father's death -- you know, a man like, uh, Sonny Corinthos. But me? Ah, you know, all that stuff doesn't matter. It's in the past, you know? It's -- it's what happens now... that matters. Anyway... [Chuckles] Congrats. Not to say that the press and the D.A. Won't have some conflicts, but, you know, that's just -- that's just city life, you know? But I am more than confident that you and I... will be able to work things out.

Scott: I'm sure.

Julian: Mm.

Scott: Goodbye, Mr. Jerome.

Ellie: I'm gonna analyze this ASAP. If there are any traces of polonium still present, I'll find them.

Luke: Yeah. Thank you.

Ellie: Hey! Hey. Epiphany said that you took the stand at the custody hearing today. How's it going for Maxie and Damian?

Elizabeth: Actually, I was testifying for the other side. I'm afraid things aren't going so well for Maxie.

Maxie: So help me God. Before we start, can I say something?

Judge Walters: If you wish.

Maxie: It's about Elizabeth Webber's testimony. I just -- I wanted to say that I deeply regret hurting lucky and Elizabeth, but I only did it because, at that time, I was... very messed up. But I am not that same person anymore. I swear.

Judge Walters: But you're not denying the validity of Miss Webber's testimony and the events she described?

Maxie: No. I did all of those things, but that does not make me an unfit mother.

Alexis: What about the fact that you're a murderer?

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