General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 11/12/13
Provided By Suzanne
Julian: Sonny is right about one thing, though. I wasn't in a position to tell you who I was. I had no choice but to keep that from you, but that doesn't change the fact that you are my daughter and Danny is my grandson, and I love you both. You have no idea how -- how long I've wanted to tell you that -- how much I wanted to claim you as my family -- to really get to know you. But that's never gonna happen.
Sam: What do you mean that's not gonna happen? Why not?
Julian: Because, as much as I want to get to know you, I want to have a real relationship with you. It's never gonna happen.
TJ: I can't reach Shawn. It keeps going straight to voicemail.
Molly: Well, maybe he's in a dead zone.
TJ: Yeah, that's what I'm worried about.
[Gun cocks]
Julian: Sonny has people waiting outside. As soon as I leave this gallery, I'm a dead man. Ain't that right, Sonny?
Sam: Come on. Is that true? Is it, Sonny? Are you planning to have my... father killed?
Michael: You know, I thought I could forgive you of anything, Morgan.
Morgan: [Coughs]
Michael: But if our father dies because of you, I will never forgive that.
Morgan: [Sighs] That's right. Come on.
Kiki: Michael! Michael! Michael, don't! What are you doing?! Morgan! Morgan! Michael! Michael! Morgan, what have you done?!
Olivia: You are way out of line with this. I don't care who's giving you the orders. You got no right to do it. Max. Max, you're taking this way too far.
Max: Olivia, you are a terrific person. But you can be a real pain in the ass.
Olivia: Thank you. Some of us object to being dragged off against our will.
Max: The boss told me to keep you safe and under wraps, and that's what I'm gonna do.
Olivia: Even if it means, uh, manhandling me?
Max: Oh. The way you manhandled me? Aah. Is there -- is there a mark?
Sonny: Julian Jerome is a liar and a fraud. Why would you believe anything he says?
Sam: He just said that you were gonna have him killed. Is it true?
Alexis: Answer my daughter.
Julian: If you're asking Sonny to confirm his intention to commit murder, he can't do that. But I can assure you it's true.
Sonny: Consider the source.
Ava: You're not denying it. We heard you. Julian and I heard your voice, Sonny. You ordered my brother's execution for tonight -- here, right outside those doors. When Julian walks out of the gallery, he's gonna get a bullet in the back, courtesy, I presume, of your ex, Shawn butler.
Julian: We have no future, Sam -- not if Sonny gets his way.
Sonny: "Future"? Why would Sam want a relationship with you?
Julian: [Chuckles]
Silas: Well, that's up to Sam, isn't it? Although I couldn't help but noticing that Ava just confirmed that she and, uh -- was it Julian now? -- Were listening to your conversations using the bug that Morgan planted.
Ava: Julian has a right to protect himself. Sonny's trying to off him.
Sonny: According to who? Julian? But Mr. Jerome came to Port Charles under false pretenses and, you know, hiding under a different identity, blowing up my shipments. You know what else he did? He assaulted a simple security guard. But I'll tell you where you really messed up -- going after my son.
Alexis: He's Sam's father.
Sonny: Well, nobody knew that until wh-- before what, 15 minutes ago? They're the only two that knew that.
Silas: Pretty convenient timing, or is the word "advantageous"?
Julian: This -- this involves you how, doctor, exactly?
Silas: Well, I already missed my bus home, so I'm just sort of an impartial observer, but that makes it pretty easy to pull apart your agenda.
Ava: His agenda is simple. It's to stay alive.
Alexis: I want to talk to you outside now.
Sonny: No, I'm not gonna go outside. Sam may be his daughter, but you're Kristina's mother. You want me to protect her, right? That's all -- that's all I'm doing is protecting my family.
Sam: What about my family? This has nothing to do with me or my mom. This is about Danny.
Molly: I'm sure there is a perfectly good reason why Shawn's phone's off. Maybe it died, or maybe he's in a meeting.
TJ: He's not in any meeting. He's on a job for Sonny.
Molly: Oh, well, my mom works for uncle Sonny, and --
TJ: She doesn't carry a gun. Molly, Shawn's not a lawyer. He's a bodyguard. The whole point of his job is to get hurt so that Sonny doesn't.
Molly: I-I didn't realize that Shawn's job bothered you. It never seemed to before.
TJ: I don't know. I just get the feeling that no one's ever wanted to hurt Sonny this bad before.
Carlos: Oh, whoa! Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho. Whoa. Don't shoot. Don't shoot. Can I help you?
Carly: Oh. No, no, no. What the hell? Oh, my God. What am I doing? [Sighs] Oh, my God. This can't happen.
Franco: Um, okay. This can't happen.
Carly: I mean, what -- what am I thinking, here?
Franco: I-I don't -- I don't know.
Carly: I mean, after everything that's happened, this doesn't make any sense, does it?
Franco: No. I mean, you're right. This does not make sense. You're beautiful. You're so beautiful. You're amazing. I'm...
Carly: It's not about pity, Franco. It's not at all about that.
Franco: Okay, so what is it, then?
Carly: I don't know. I just have these feelings, okay? I have these feelings, and I-I want you. I want you.
Franco: You know how I feel about you.
Carly: But I keep trying to fight it. I'm trying to fight this attraction and pretend like it doesn't exist. I tried to distract myself with Derek.
Franco: Okay, can we please not talk about Derek?
Carly: Clearly, that didn't work because I'm standing here, Franco. I'm here.
Franco: Look, whatever -- whatever argument you are having with yourself -- this fight between two parts of yourself -- which, believe me, I-I-I understand and -- and must have been terrible -- it's over now.
Carly: It's just beginning.
Franco: What? Why? Carly, why? Why? If you can get past the fact that I'm a product of lunatic parents -- that -- that -- that I'm an artist completely devoid of talent and ability -- if you can get past the fact that I'm completely broken, what is it? What's stopping you?
Carly: 'Cause of what you did to my daughter...and my son.
Kiki: Morgan, what have you done to Michael?!
Morgan: Get off my back, okay?! I was just defending myself! He started it!
Kiki: I don't care if you were! I don't care who started it! Get him out! Help me get him out! Morgan! Oh, Michael! Michael! Oh, my --
Morgan: He's fine.
Kiki: Oh, thank God! Thank God! Michael. Michael. Come on. Help me get him out! You have to go get him!
Morgan: He doesn't need me!
Has you! You get him out!
Kiki: Morgan! Morgan, you can't leave him! Michael! Michael! Honey! Honey, come here. Come on. Come on. I'm right here. Swim towards the ladder. Come on. -Come on, Michael. Michael!
Kiki: Help! Help! Help! Somebody help me! Please! Please! There's a man in the water! Oh, my God. Michael! [Panting] I'm coming in! Michael!
Franco: Oh. What I did to Michael. What happened to him in prison.
Carly: He was raped.
Franco: Because of me.
Carly: Okay, I get it. I get that you didn't mean for Michael to get hurt and -- and that you just were playing some sick game with Jason, okay? I-I know that.
Franco: I was stupid. I was arrogant to think that I could control things in this world. In my own misguided way, I thought I was trying to protect Michael. I thought I was keeping him safe. But if you believe anything that I've ever told you, you have to believe this -- I never meant for Michael to get hurt.
Carly: I believe you.
Franco: That's not enough. It's not, is it? It's like you said to me in court -- when they removed that tumor, it's not like they absolved me of all of my sins. [Chuckles] You still don't trust me with your children. [Sniffles] [Sighs]
Carly: I don't know. I don't know.
Franco: Well, look. Hey, if you don't know, I'll take it, 'cause that means there's a chance, right?
Carly: Franco.
Franco: Carly? All right, what can I do? What -- what can I do -- what can I do to prove myself to you?
Carly: How could you prove it to me? What -- what -- I don't know. What could you do to prove that to me?
Franco: All of the horrible things that I did in my life -- okay, I look back on them now, and it -- it's like someone else did them. It's very hard for me to explain. When I woke up from that surgery and you were there, it's like you woke me up. It's like I woke up.
Carly: Okay, you just told me that -- that it wasn't the tumor -- that the darkness started a long time ago when you were young. What if that comes back?
Franco: I am terrified of that.
Carly: [Sighs]
Franco: I am. But I don't think it'll happen, Carly. I don't.
Carly: The people you hurt were my family and my friends.
Franco: Mm-hmm.
Carly: I mean, if I were to be with you, that would take such a leap of faith...
Franco: Exactly.
Carly: ...For me to trust that you would never hurt them again.
Franco: Please.
Carly: I'm sorry. Man, I want you. I want you. But I can't. I can't.
Franco: Hey. Let her go. Let her go. Let her go. Let her go. Let her go. Let her go. Let her go.
Molly: Try not to worry. Shawn is a capable guy. He was trained to fight, and he knows how to protect himself.
TJ: All right.
Molly: He's gonna be okay.
TJ: I know. It's just Shawn's really been there for me, unlike my mom, who can't even bring herself to visit. I mean, Shawn's the closest thing I got to family, so if something happens to him -- if I lose him -- I've got nothing.
Molly: You have me.
TJ: You're right. Come here. [Sighs]
Shawn: Who are you?
Carlos: I'm gallery security. Now, do you mind putting that thing away?
Shawn: Well, this isn't Louvre, so why does the Jerome gallery need an armed guard?
Carlos: How do you know I'm armed?
Shawn: Call it a gift.
Carlos: The paintings are done by a guy named Franco. He's got a very strange following. We can't be too careful.
Shawn: So, are you protecting Franco or Derek Wells? But we both know that's not his real name, right?
Carlos: Oh, you've done your homework. Still, if you want to go in the gallery, you got to check the weapon.
Shawn: Who says I'm going inside?
Carlos: Oh, what's wrong? Not a fan of art...Mr. Butler?
Shawn: Oh, you know my name.
Carlos: Yeah, I did my homework -- familiarized myself with all the Corinthos employees. Now, come on. The gun.
Shawn: You know, I don't really care too much for contemporary art.
Carlos: Oh, okay. Well, then you got no business here. So let's say our "good nights," and you can be on your way.
Shawn: And what if I want to stay?
Sonny: Danny has nothing to do with this.
Sam: No, Sonny, it is has everything to do with Danny.
Sonny: Listen, Julian is Danny's grandfather, just like A.J. Is Michael's father. They supply the material, but there's no connection.
Alexis: In Danny's case, that may be all that matters.
Sam: No, no, no. You guys, Julian donated the marrow that saved Danny. If his leukemia reoccurs, I'm gonna need him again. Needing another donor -- we searched for months -- it's gonna be like having lightning strike twice. It's not gonna happen.
Ava: What my niece is trying to tell you, Sonny, is that if you kill my brother, you could be killing Danny, as well.
Sonny: Nothing's gonna happen to Danny.
Sam: Not as long as Julian, my father, lives. He just agreed to go to the hospital tomorrow. Silas is working on a procedure to bank some marrow to keep it on hand just in case Danny ever gets sick again.
Sonny: He agreed to it? Just right -- he agreed to it?
Sam: I asked him earlier.
Alexis: So whatever you have planned, drop it.
Sonny: Okay, you know what, uh, doctor? I just want to confirm something. Danny is fine at the moment?
Silas: He's in remission, but if he has a relapse, he'll need more bone marrow.
Ava: My brother's bone marrow. So, you can roll the dice, Sonny. Silas, what are the chances that Danny's leukemia will return?
Silas: The five-year survival rate is just over 85%.
Ava: 85%. And Danny's what? 2? So then, when he's in the second grade, getting ready for reading and writing and soccer, there's a 15% chance that he'll get sick again.
Silas: Shut up, Ava.
Ava: And then again when he's 12, getting ready for his first kiss, and 17, applying to colleges, and 22, getting ready to graduate.
Sonny: I get the point.
Ava: Do you? Is 15% an acceptable chance to take on the son of Jason Morgan?
Max: I know you care about the boss.
Olivia: [Sighs]
Max: And I know he cares about you, too.
Olivia: Sonny's just been through so much. Any -- any feelings we had -- a romantic attraction -- I just had to put it aside -- you know, wait for him to heal. [Sighs] Maybe he's ready. But what if our moment came and went?
Sonny: I'd never do anything to hurt Danny.
Sam: I know. Thank you, Sonny.
Julian: I'm sure we're all grateful.
Sonny: You -- you know what Dr. Clay said about, um, the timing is to your advantage? He's right.
Julian: Not sure I follow.
Sonny: Well, you say you're in fear of your life, but you're not, because as long as Danny's alive, he's like your insurance policy, isn't he? I'm sorry. Uh, you know, he's in -- he -- he says he wants to, you know, be a part of Danny's life, his future, and everything, but he -- he -- he won't donate bone marrow in advance 'cause it wouldn't be to his advantage. He wouldn't have leverage. You understand?
Sam: "Leverage"?
Sonny: Well, just in case. Just saying -- accidents happen. Slip and fall in a bathtub. Your tire blows out. You fall on a knife in the kitchen. You know, 'cause they do say that, uh -- that's the most dangerous room in the house.
Julian: You all realize that, uh, Sonny is threatening me, right?
Son: See, Julian thinks he's safe from all the accidents as long as Danny needs him to live, which makes Danny a hostage. And Morgan a hostage, right?
Ava: Don't listen to that, Sam. My brother loves Danny, and you know that. He saved his life.
Sonny: Okay. Let me tell you something. If I was your father, I would do anything to get those tests done. Your mother would do the same thing. We could crawl on glass. We would -- every ounce of blood we would give. But I want to tell you right now -- he's not going to the hospital. He's not going tomorrow, the next day, or the next day.
Sam: You -- you told us that you were willing to help Danny. You would let Silas run the tests. Are you gonna do that tomorrow, or is Sonny right?
Shawn: Stand down.
Carlos: I'm sorry, Mr. Butler, but I'm afraid I can't do that.
Shawn: Then we have a problem...
[Door opens]
Shawn: ...And it's gonna get a very ugly solution. Sonny?
Sonny: You can leave.
Shawn: You sure about that? I got this.
Sonny: No, no, no. It's -- it's -- it's over.
Kiki: [Coughing, gasping] Michael.
[Footsteps approaching]
Carly: Kiki. Kiki, what are you doing in the water?
Kiki: [Coughing, gasping] Help! Help! Help me!
Carly: Oh, my -- it's freezing.
Kiki: [Panting] Mi-- [Groans]
Carly: Oh, God!
Franco: It's okay.
Kiki: Mi-- Michael's in the water!
Carly: What?!
Kiki: He's in the water!
Carly: Michael's in the water?!
Kiki: He hit his head, and I can't get him out. I can't find him.
Carly: I'm at pier 52, and my son just went in the water, and he hit his head, and he went under, and my friend jumped in to try and find him, and now we can't see either one of them, and the water is freezing.
Kiki: Franco's got him! Franco's got him! Carly, Franco has him!
Carly: Michael? Are you okay?
Kiki: Franco! [Groans]
Carlos: I think your boss just told you you need to get out of here.
Shawn: You know, I didn't catch your name.
Carlos: I didn't give it.
Shawn: How about we just call you "dead man walking"?
Carlos: I prefer "Carlos."
Shawn: Right. You know, just so we have an understanding, me knowing your name doesn't alter your future. The only thing that's gonna save you is you ditching your boss.
Carlos: Well, now, that wouldn't be very loyal, would it? You see, I'm paid to provide protection...among other things, and seeing how our employers' interests are on a collision course...
Shawn: Oh, so are we.
Carlos: ...I think I'll be seeing more of you, Shawn.
Shawn: Nah. You won't even see me coming... at all.
Olivia: Sonny. Oh, thank God.
Max: How'd it go, boss?
Sonny: It didn't. Thanks for keeping, uh, Olivia company. Um...okay, can you get a first aid for whatever happened to your eye?
Max: Uh, do you want me to do a quick perimeter check?
Sonny: Not necessary.
Max: Okay. Uh... [Clears throat]
Olivia: So, what happened with Julian Jerome?
Sonny: Nothing. Not a damn thing.
Olivia: I don't understand.
Sonny: It's just -- it's very simple.
[Glass shatters]
Sonny: Son of a bitch is still alive.
Sam: Will I see you at the hospital tomorrow?
Alexis: Of course you'll see him at the hospital tomorrow to take those tests, just like he said he would, because he's Danny's grandfather. Isn't that right, Julian?
Julian: I will do everything in my power to protect Danny, but I need to be here to do that. I need to be alive.
Sam: Okay, just to be clear, what exactly are you saying?
Silas: He's saying no.
Julian: Look, Sam, please, try to understand what I'm saying, here, okay? This -- I-I love Danny, okay? Not -- not because he's my grandson, but because he is the most amazing child, and I would move heaven and earth for him. If, God forbid that, he should have a relapse, I will be here tomorrow to donate without hesitation, but -- but if Dr. Clay finds a way to... [Scoffs] ...Bank my marrow, Sonny's gonna be free to kill me.
Sam: Earlier today, you told me that you would donate your marrow -- you would let Silas run those tests. What -- what, did you change your mind, or were you lying all along?
Julian: [Sighs]
Sam: What is it?
Julian: Look...
Sam: What?!
Silas: He was lying.
Julian: Look, stay the hell out of this, okay?
Silas: I'm already in it, whether I want to be or not, and it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out what's going on here. You provoke Sonny -- the exploding shipment, the trashing of his warehouse, having Morgan plant the bug in his office.
Julian: Yeah.
Silas: You needed a really good insurance policy, and little Danny fit that bill.
Sam: And -- and Sonny was right. You were keeping Danny hostage.
Julian: Look, Sam, please, the best thing for me to do right now for Danny is to stay alive, and given the situation with -- with -- with Sonny, the only thing to do here is -- is nothing.
Sam: "Nothing"? Do you know what doing nothing is, Julian? No. Excuse me. Dad. Do you know what doing nothing is? It's sitting there, powerless, watching your child wasting away, not being able to stop it. You're doing that to me -- my own father.
Ava: Silas, would you reason with her? It really is the best thing for Danny.
Silas: You do not speak to me. Let's get out of here.
Julian: Look, Sam. Please, wait.
Alexis: You want to talk to someone, you talk to me. You bastard.
Carly: Come on, Michael.
Kiki: Michael, I love you! Please, wake up!
Carly: I got this! Michael!
Kiki: [Sobbing]
Carly: Michael, come on, baby. I'm your mother. Now, wake up.
Kiki: Michael, please! We love you! Please, Michael! Michael.
Carly: Come on, Michael. I love you.
Kiki: Michael, please!
Michael: [Gasps, coughs]
Kiki: Oh, my gosh! Thank God! Oh, he's okay. He's okay.
Carly: You're gonna be okay.
Kiki: Come on. Sit up. Sit up. Sit up. Sit up.
Carly: You're okay. Calm down, baby. You're okay.
Kiki: You're okay. Oh, thank God. Oh, thank God.
[Video game warbling]
Molly: Oh, my God. How did you get to be so good at this?
TJ: I'm a natural. I see you're catching on fast.
Molly: [Groans]
[Door opens]
Sam: Hey.
Molly: Hey. Uh, TJ Was just teaching me how to play this --
Sam: Where's Danny?
Molly: Um, he's --
Sam: Where's Danny?
Molly: He's in his room, asleep. Did something happen at the art show?
Silas: It was an eventful evening.
TJ: Did anybody get hurt?
Silas: Everybody's okay. I'll tell you what. Um, I'll stay with Sam. Why don't you guys, uh -- why don't you go grab some pizza on me?
Molly: Are you sure? Because if she needs me to stay --
Silas: I got it. I got it. You'll make sure that Molly gets home safe?
TJ: Of course.
Silas: Good man.
TJ: Come on.
[Footsteps approaching]
TJ: Is Danny okay?
Sam: [Sighs] Yeah, he's, uh -- he's perfect. Pink cheeks, steady breathing. You'd never even know he was sick. [Sighs]
Silas: You want to talk about it?
Sam: What -- what do you want to talk about -- the art show? What -- I mean, do you think anyone bought the Reuben?
Silas: I was thinking that maybe you'd want to talk about your father.
Sam: Oh, my father. Yes. The fact that he's alive -- that he is a mob boss. He tried and failed to take down Sonny Corinthos, and now he's using my son as hostage to save himself? That guy?
Silas: Pick one.
Sam: I don't know. I thought -- I thought Danny was finally safe, and now he's in the middle of a mob war between Sonny and my long-lost father. I don't -- I don't know what to do, Silas. I don't know how to protect him.
Kiki: Are you sure that you're okay?
Michael: Yeah. Yeah.
Kiki: You're sure?
Franco: Hey. Give him this. Warm him up.
Kiki: Thank you. Yes.
Carly: The paramedics are on their way.
Michael: No. Mom, mom, mom. I'm fine. I'm fine.
Carly: No, you're not fine. You almost drowned, and you're shivering. What the hell were you doing in the water?
Kiki: Well, I-I walked through the doorway, and -- and I saw --
Michael: Look, you know what a klutz I am, okay? I-I dropped my cell phone in the river. I-I tried to get it. I slipped, hit my head, and I fell in. I'm just lucky Kiki showed up and got me -- got me out.
[Sirens wailing]
Kiki: Well, no, it wasn't me. I-I mean, I-I jumped in after you, but I couldn't find you.
Michael: Well, then who got me, then?
Carly: It was Franco. He saved your life.
Michael: [Sighs] Thank you.
Franco: I just got you out of the water. Your mom saved your life. She got you breathing again. She's always looking out for you, Michael.
[Wailing continues]
Franco: You have a good mom.
Olivia: So, Morgan confirmed that -- that he did it -- he put that bug in your office?
Sonny: He was proud of it.
Olivia: [Sighs] Sonny, Ava and Julian must have put him up to this.
Sonny: I wanted to believe at, you know? I really did. I gave him a chance to tell me, gave him -- him an out. He said he made a choice between me and the Jeromes, and he chose them.
Olivia: But he was so angry and confused.
Sonny: My son turned on me. I lost my son.
Olivia: Come here.
Sonny: [Sighs]
Looks like he's got a concussion.
Carly: Okay, that settles it. We're going to the hospital. Dr. Drake's gonna check you out.
Michael: No. No. No, we're not. No.
Carly: Michael, you can't ignore a head injury. You can't.
Michael: I'm refusing medical treatment, okay?
Carly: I'm his mother. Ignore him.
Michael: And I'm an adult, and I don't want to go to the hospital.
Look, it's his call.
Carly: Michael, I just want you to be examined by Dr. Drake. That's it, okay?
Michael: Mom, I'm -- I'm -- I'm okay, okay? Because of you. I just need a hot shower, and I'll -- I'll be fine.
Kiki: Okay, you know what? You know what? I -- I'll take him home. I'll make sure that he doesn't fall asleep, and I'll call you if we have any problems.
Carly: You better.
Kiki: Yeah.
Carly: Here.
Kiki: Come on. Let's go.
Carly: Come on, baby. The next time you drop your phone in the water, leave it, for God's sake. Come on.
Sam: I want to believe that this guy genuinely cares about me and Danny -- I really do -- but then I-I start thinking about what you -- you said about advantageous timing, and then I think about what Sonny said -- that this guy has been lying to me for months. He's my father, and he hasn't said anything, and now he's using Danny as a shield. I mean, is there -- is there anything he won't do? Is -- is there anyone that he -- he won't exploit?
Alexis: Why did you lie?
Julian: I-I had to, Alexis. I had to.
Alexis: Nobody forced you to go after Sonny. That was your idea. And if we meant something to you, you had ample opportunity to call off your little campaign the minute you found out who we were.
Julian: Okay. Okay, you know what? If I'm not mistaken, Alexis, Sonny Corinthos is a gangster. He's a killer. You work for him. You should know that. And -- and you're -- you're faulting me for going after him, for exposing him -- who -- for who he really is? You're picking sides right now.
Alexis: You know that little stunt you pulled? Pulling Danny out of your pocket.
Julian: Oh, come on.
Alexis: No, that was brilliant. It really was. Because now you can take Sonny apart piece by piece, and he can't touch you. Very clever. But that is my daughter that you are hanging over the abyss and my grandson, and you are damn right if you think I'm gonna -- if I'm gonna choose sides, because I will do anything that is necessary to protect my family.
Julian: Well, you don't have to protect them from me.
Alexis: You've proven otherwise. And your little tryst with Carly -- good luck with that. [Clicks tongue] They're like that.
Julian: I don't want Carly. I never have.
Kiki: Are you okay?
Michael: No, I'm not.
Kiki: What happened with Morgan?
Michael: I tried to, uh, make him see that what he did -- planting that bug -- it could have gotten our father killed, but he can't see past his own hurt. He's jealous that you chose me, and I understand that, but he doesn't understand that if he doesn't -- if he doesn't stop, someone is gonna die.
Kiki: Yeah, you almost died, Michael. He left you there to drown. When you were going under the water, I begged him to help me, and he walked away. You should have told your mom.
Michael: No. What, and break her heart and my father's? 'Cause you know she would have told him.
Kiki: After everything that he just did, you're still protecting him?
Michael: No, I'm protecting my parents. They've been through enough. [Sighs] And besides, Morgan -- you know, he's my brother, no matter how much I hate him right now. I have to hope there's a chance that he can be saved from the Jeromes... and from himself.
Ava: There you are. Why didn't you answer your phone? [Gasps] Oh. What happened to your face?
Morgan: [Chuckles] Mikey hit back.
Ava: Oh. [Smooches] Are you okay?
Morgan: I don't know.
Ava: That was difficult at the gallery. I tried to warn you. Pitting yourself against your father...comes at a cost.
Morgan: Yeah. Don't worry. I'll pay it.
Ava: And I will help you.
Alexis: You got rid of Carly already? She wasn't useful to you, huh?
Julian: Okay, Alexis, I can tell that you're a little angry right now, but you need to believe me that I love our daughter and I love our grandson and I would do anything to protect them. Now, does this -- I don't know -- benefit me vis--vis Sonny? Sure. But that doesn't change how I feel about you, Danny, and Sam.
Alexis: Great. Go get tested.
Julian: [Chuckles] There's not just one simple answer to this, Alexis. You know that, okay? Now, if you trust me...
Alexis: Why would I trust you?
Julian: You did, once upon a time. You looked in my eyes. You walked out of that bar and into my car.
Alexis: Are you going to seduce me now?
Julian: You tell me. I remember you. I'll see you soon.
Silas: From past experience, I know how it's hard to wash your hands of family, no matter how...troubled or screwed up they may be.
Sam: Yes. And I think Julian is trouble. Period. I don't want to think about this right now. Ugh. [Sighs]
Silas: I'm gonna get out of your way.
Sam: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You are not in my way.
Silas: You want me to stay?
Sam: Yeah.
Danny: [Crying]
Silas: [Chuckles]
Sam: [Groans]
Silas: I'll take a rain check.
Sam: Ok. I'd like that.
Silas: Hey. You need anything, just call. I'll be there.
Sam: I know.
Silas: You look pretty.
Franco: Hi.
Carly: Hi.
Franco: What are you doing here, Carly?
Carly: Um, you let Michael use your jacket. I just wanted to return it.
Franco: He's doing okay?
Carly: Yeah. He's gonna be okay.
Franco: Okay. Well, if there's nothing else, then...
Carly: There is.
Sonny: I couldn't stop Julian. Now he has my son.
Olivia: Just tell me what to do, Sonny. Tell me how to make it better.
Sonny: Just be here, Olivia. Just -- just be with me.
Franco: What else is there?
Carly: Well, when I said before that, um...being with you and believing that you were a changed man would require a leap of faith, and, uh... you just saved my son's life. [Chuckles] And I don't know. I don't know if that makes it even or what. I just, um... I want to take that leap. Did you hear what I said? I said I wanted --
Franco: Yeah, I heard what you said.
[Ed Sheeran's "Kiss Me" plays]
Settle down with me cover me up cuddle me in lie down with me and hold me in your arms and your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet and with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now kiss me like you want to be loved you want to be loved you want to be loved this feels like falling in love falling in love falling in love ooh, ooh settle down with me and I'll be your safety if you'll be my lady yeah, I've been feeling everything from hate to love, from love to lust, from lust to truth I guess that's how I know you kiss me like you want to be loved
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