GH Transcript Monday 11/11/13

General Hospital Transcript Monday 11/11/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Silas: You can relax.

Sam: Thank you.

Silas: Crazytown is handcuffed, in the back of a squad car. She's not going anywhere.

Sam: You do not know Heather the way I do. She is an escape artist. Every time she gets locked up, she somehow slips away.

Silas: You kidding? She'll be wrapped up in a straightjacket at Miscavige before you can say "schizoaffective disorder."

Sam: [Chuckles] I don't care what she does or where she is. I just don't -- I don't ever want to see her again.

Silas: Could be worse. She could be your mother.

Sam: [Chuckles] You know, I never thought I'd say this, but I actually feel sorry for Franco.

[Lock beeps]

[Door opens]

Franco: Go away, Diane. Whatever you have to say, I don't want to hear it. Just leave me alone.

Carly: It's not Diane.

Franco: What are you doing here?

Ava: Well, I guess it's safe to say this party's over.

Sonny: You kidding? The party's just getting started.

Ava: Uh-oh. This can't be good.

Derek: Well, maybe, uh, Sonny had a last-minute impulse to see Franco's work.

Ava: I told you to get out of here while you had the chance.

Derek: Easy, Sis. Let's just see how this plays out.

Michael: Dad, what are you doing here? What's going on?

Sonny: Why don't you ask your brother?

Sam: Just, Heather showing up like that -- it really did freak me out.

Silas: Yeah, I'd be worried about you if you weren't freaked out. She's clearly nuts, and she's fixated on you, which means you've got to be on guard. You've got to be ready to defend yourself, to defend Danny. I mean, the way you fired up against her in there -- that was impressive.

Sam: [Laughs] Impressive? She's lucky I didn't take that knife out of her hand and stab it in the place where she's supposed to have a heart.

Silas: And she would deserve it. She would. It's probably better you didn't do that because there was a lot of eyewitnesses.

Sam: Don't tell me you're gonna lecture me on the sanctity of life right now.

Silas: No. A mother's right to protect her child takes precedent. Hey, look, it's over for now. Heather's gone, and the excitement's over for one night.

Michael: What do you mean? What about Morgan?

Ava: Damn. Do you think he knows about the bug? [Gasps] He's got a gun.

Sonny: Gave you a clock for your wedding. It was an heirloom. You gave it back, right? Put it on my desk.

Morgan: Yeah. So? My marriage is over. Kiki's with Michael. I don't want your damn clock.

Sonny: That's not why. You returned it to spy on me... on your own father. Why would you stab me in the back?

Alexis: We can't let Sonny --

Derek: No, no, no, no. Just -- just wait. Wait. Let's see how the Corinthos clan handles this.

Morgan: I don't know what you're talking about.

Sonny: You don't know what I'm talking about? You've never seen this? It was on the base of the clock, hidden in my desk. You didn't plant this, Morgan? You didn't tell your brother you were coming to my office and let yourself in and use a family heirloom to bug my desk? You're gonna tell me you didn't -- you didn't give a recording of my private conversation to Scott Baldwin?

Alexis: Oh, not here. Not now. We're gonna take this outside, and we're gonna discuss it there.

Sonny: No, we're gonna do this right now. Did you or did you not... plant this recording device in my office?!

Morgan: Yes! I did!

Carly: I wanted to see if you were okay. Ava Jerome -- she can sure throw a party, huh? And with her name on the invitation, we should have known the opening was gonna be a disaster. Can I -- can I come in?

Franco: Uh... pbht! You own the hotel. You got a key to every room, right?

Carly: I'm gonna take that as a "Yes." Hey... hey... are you okay? I mean, it is a huge revelation finding out that Heather Webber is your mom.

Franco: Yeah, well, you... think about it, it... makes a lot of sense.

Carly: What do you mean?

Franco: I mean I always knew, right, that this... this whole "the tumor made me do it" defense was a little flimsy, right? I mean, you -- you pull a... chunk of my brain the size of an heirloom tomato out of my head, and presto chango, I'm a changed man.

Carly: Franco, that's what the doctors said.

Franco: Yeah, because that's what the doctors were paid to say. Diane could get a medical expert to testify to just about anything if the price was right. Let's face it, okay? Ever since I woke up from the surgery... you were there... and you looked at me like I was a person... like I was a human being. And ever since then, I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop. I've been thinking that the tumor can't be the only explanation for me being a crazy person, and now it turns out that I'm right. I am a crazy person, because I have crazy-person genes. That's why. Crazy genes were a gift from my loving mother.

Silas: Well, it's like you said. She's obviously forged another DNA test.

Sam: Yes. Oh, God. I don't -- I don't even know where to start, actually. Heather is out of her mind. She made me believe that Jason and Franco were twins. And then she made me think that Franco is the father of my child, Danny. So I didn't -- I mean, I didn't tell Jason for a really long time, and it just messed everything up. Heather -- she just was pulling all the strings, you know. She also made me think that my child was dead, and she switched him with another baby. I thought you knew some of this. I-I-I don't know if I said anything before.

Silas: No, you don't talk about it much.

Sam: Well, it's not really that easy to kind of segue into conversation. It was a very, very difficult time in my life. You know, they never -- they never tried Heather, but I bet you if they did, they would have locked her up in Pentonville for a very, very long time.

Silas: But, you know, the nuthouse is such a good fit for her. I mean, she's clearly insane.

Sam: Yes. She's insane. But she is sick. Silas, she's -- she's sick. She's destroyed my family. She wanted to, too. She did everything to do it. I hate her for it. I really hate her for it.

Silas: You know, she deserves your hate. But you're wrong about her destroying your family. You know, Danny is safe, and -- and he is healthy because of you. And that little kid -- he took everything that Heather Webber could throw at him, and he survived leukemia because his mother didn't give up on him and kept fighting for him no matter what.

Sam: I just -- I can't stop worrying about him all the time.

Silas: Guess it comes with being a parent, or so I'm told.

Sam: Oh, you're gonna figure that out pretty soon.

Silas: [Chuckles] Yeah, I don't think I'm up for it.

Sam: No, I think you are. In fact, do you know who the real hero through this whole thing is? You. You're the one who saved Danny's life.

Silas: I was just doing my job.

Sam: Don't. Unh-unh. Don't do that "I'm modest Dr. Clay" thing. Not allowed. Well, I do have, um, Derek to thank, as well, too. And I am really glad the two of you showed up when you did. And I'm really, really happy that Derek agreed to get that test run again so it could be on the back burner for Danny if he needs it.

Silas: Who would have thought, right? The guy in the really slick suit turns out to be the selfless type.

Sam: You found a way to make that happen. I am so grateful that you and Derek are in our lives.

Michael: You insisted on going into Dad's office. When I finally got you to leave, you left the clock on Dad's desk. Now, I thought it was a-a gesture, you throwing something Dad got you right back in his face. But you -- you planted a bug? W-why would you do that, Morgan?

Sonny: Yeah, Morgan. Why? I want to hear that answer.

Alexis: Do you really want to have this conversation in front of other people?

Sonny: What other people? Who the hell do you think put him up to this?

Kiki: You're talking about my mother, aren't you?

Ava: Kiki! Don't!

Kiki: Cut the act. We all know that you're a part of the Jerome crime family. You are Victor Jerome's daughter.

Alexis: She's right. Sam told me. Now, before we make anymore allegations, let's take this outside.

Sonny: I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going anywhere.

Michael: Is that true, Morgan? Ava put you up to this? I mean, 'cause after all, she's the one who understands you, right, the one who's on your side. You know, Ava's been helping you out a lot ever since your marriage ended.

Morgan: Ever since you stole my wife?

Michael: Will you grow up and just look past your own hurt feelings for one second?! This woman that you're sleeping with is using you. She got you to betray your own father.

Kiki: Of course! Of course, Morgan. Don't you see? She's been behind this whole thing.

Sonny: I just want to know the truth. That's all. Did Ava put you up to spying on your father?

Sam: I'm still really touched that Derek wanted to donate some of the proceeds tonight to leukemia research. It's very kind.

Silas: It is kind, you know. The guy goes from heartless publisher to your very own fairy godfather.

Sam: [Chuckles] I never thought I'd have one of those.

Silas: You don't seem like the type that needs one.

Sam: Wait a minute. What -- what type do I seem to be?

Silas: That may have been a poor choice of words.

Sam: Maybe. You are definitely not a type. You are unique, unexpected, very, very independent.

Sam: Eh, I try.

Silas: You hate asking for help.

Sam: Yeah, pretty much.

Silas: You'll do it for Danny, but you hate asking for yourself, because you never want to appear vulnerable.

Sam: Come on. Come on. How do you know all these things?

Silas: I'm the observant type.

Sam: You know all these things because you're basically the same exact way. You don't want to... ask for things, and you don't... want to need anyone.

Silas: That may be true. I've learned one thing. Some things are... worth asking for.

Sam: Such as?

Silas: Sam... may I kiss you?

Sam: I thought you'd never ask.

Franco: Maybe I've been going about this all the wrong way.

Carly: I agree. Don't let Heather do this to you.

Franco: No, I mean, how 'bout just denial? How 'bout I just refuse to accept Heather as my mother?

Carly: You don't know that you have inherited this crazy gene. You're not doomed to become her. You're still yourself.

Franco: Yeah, I know. You keep saying that. But who are you? Who are you, Robert Frank, A.K.A. Franco? Hey, guess what. Turns out I'm the product of a one-night stand between a politician and a lunatic.

Carly: This isn't your fault.

Franco: [Chuckles] No, you're right about that. You're right. That's the one thing in this world that isn't my fault. That is the one thing in this world that you can't blame on me -- my existence here on this planet. In fact, if we want to feel sorry for somebody in this whole tragedy, it should be Baldwin. I bet that's one game of mattress tag he wishes he could take back.

Carly: You... are gonna need to just think about this for a few --

Franco: No, I don't want to think about this anymore. I don't want to talk about this anymore. You know what? Call Security. Throw me out of your hotel, as you have always wanted to do. But let me tell you something. If you're gonna sue me for the bill, you had better get in line.

Carly: I don't want to sue you. I just wanted to make sure --

Franco: Yeah, you want to make sure I'm okay! I'm okay, all right?! I'm better than okay! I'm peachy keen! And while I appreciate your concern, you can go. Don't give me another thought in your pretty little head. Go back to your boyfriend.

Sonny: So now you got nothing to say? You already admitted you planted the bug. I just want to hear why. Were you threatened?

Morgan: No. No one had threatened me. I planted the bug because I wanted to, not because someone made me. No, you know what? Actually, I take that back, Dad. Somebody did make me. You.

Sonny: So this is payback? Is that what you're saying?

Morgan: What'd you think? What, you think I wasn't gonna hurt you after all you did to me? You think I was just gonna accept an apology, and we were just gonna go back to the way everything was before?

Sonny: What happened between us before, however painful, that was personal. This is business.

Morgan: Oh, well, I guess you're a bad businessman.

Michael: Hey, show your father some respect!

Morgan: I don't respect him!

Michael: No, Morgan, you don't respect yourself, okay? You have no pride. You have no honor. You lie. You steal. You screw people over you're supposed to love, and then you whine --

Morgan: Oh, Michael, I'm just a big disappointment, aren't I?! Well, it's a good thing Dad has you to console him!

Sonny: We're talking about you, Morgan. Why did you choose to betray me?!

Morgan: It's simple. You chose Michael over me, so I chose them over you.

Franco: You're still here.

Carly: I'm not kicking you out. Not gonna sue you. And I'm not involved with Derek.

Franco: And I'm not involved with Diane. Maybe now you believe me.

Carly: Well, Diane's still in love with Max. I mean, if I ever doubted that before, she proved it tonight.

Franco: Come on. How could you believe for one second that I was actually in a relationship with Diane?

Carly: What was I supposed to think?! You guys kept throwing it up in my face.

Franco: I didn't have a choice about that. I couldn't let you know that I was hiding Heather in here. I couldn't let you know that I was conspiring with an escaped mental patient.

Carly: It all makes sense. I mean, Heather was the groupie that was here when Felix and I --

Franco: Look, I only let you think that because I was trying to protect you.

Carly: Protect me from what?

Franco: Heather was in here with a butcher's knife. God only knows what that woman was capable of doing to you.

Carly: Well, what about the show that you put on at the restaurant?

Franco: I only went to the restaurant, because you insisted on going with that sleaze ball Wells. I had to make you think that I was there with Diane.

Carly: You were kissing her in the restaurant!

Franco: Come on! For one second, did you believe that was anything other than a pathetic attempt to make you jealous because you were with Wells?

Carly: You guys were really convincing.

Franco: It was an act! Come on. You know that. You know there's only one woman in this world for me.

Alexis: What do you mean you chose them over him? What exactly are you talking about?

Michael: The Jerome crime family. They blew up a coffee shipment, trashed the warehouse, knocked out a security guard. But you wouldn't care about that, would you, Morgan? He's probably okay.

Morgan: Seriously, you want me to feel bad for some security guard?

Michael: Oh, no. Why would you? He's just an employee, right? Who cares if he got a concussion, maybe some brain damage? As long as you got one over on Dad, right?

Morgan: Screw you, Mikey, okay? I didn't trash the damn warehouse.

Michael: Yeah, but you know who did, and she's standing right there. So during all that hot sex with Ava, did she ever mention to you that she was using you?

Morgan: Ava wasn't using me, okay? I'm with Ava because I want to be with Ava!

Michael: Oh, don't be so naive. How do you think you racked up $50,000 in gambling debts? Then you stole my card, and you maxed that out at $10,000. So why didn't the gambling site cut you off? I'll tell you why. Because Ava wants you in debt. She wanted you to go to her place in New York.

Morgan: You don't know that.

Michael: It's not that hard to figure out, Morgan, once you put the pieces together, okay. Dad was warned that somebody was gonna use you to get to him. And now we know who that is -- the Jeromes. Look, she was using you then, and she's using you now.

Kiki: Is that really how far you've gone with this, Morgan? You're working with my mother?

Morgan: I don't owe you any explanations.

Sonny: Maybe not, Morgan, but you owe me one. Okay, you're angry. I get that. You got your reasons. But being mad at me, getting in bed with my enemies -- how could you do that to me? Your own father. You know what I felt when I f-- when I found this? It destroyed me. It broke my heart, Morgan.

Morgan: Good. 'Cause you broke mine first. You know what, Dad? I don't have to listen to any of this.

Michael: Oh, no, no. You're not going anywhere. For once, you're gonna stand here and face what you did.

Morgan: Go to hell, Michael!

Silas: This asking for things...

Sam: Mm-hmm.

Silas: ...I could get used to it.

Sam: Me too. Mm. Morgan? Morgan!

Silas: That's okay.

Kiki: Michael! Michael, let him go.

Michael: No, no. That's the problem. I keep letting him go. I keep making excuses, telling myself he just needs a little more time. But you heard him. He wanted to betray our father. It was his choice.

Kiki: I know. I don't think he even understands how serious this is.

Michael: Yeah, well, I'm gonna make him understand.

Sam: Michael? Okay, what do you think's going on in there?

Silas: Whatever it is, it's contagious.

Sam: Come on. We got to go find out.

Silas: Really?

Sam: Yes.

Kiki: It wasn't enough to get Morgan in your bed, was it? You had to bring him into your business, too, pit him against his own father?

Ava: Kiki, please try to understand.

Kiki: Michael was right, wasn't he? Right?! You were using Morgan. He was probably right about the gambling part, too. Because now that I think about it, why were you so supportive when I told you that Morgan was running from debt collectors and needed a place to crash? Most parents would have freaked out, but no. You welcomed him with open arms. That was the plan, wasn't it? You've been playing Morgan from the start, which -- surprise, surprise -- means that you've been playing me, too.

Sonny: You know what? I'm not gonna defend your mother. Trust me. I'm not. But you know what? Preying on my son's vulnerability, that is disgusting. But she's not... the brains of the operation.

Kiki: If it wasn't her, then who was it?

Derek: [Sighs] Sonny's talking about me.

Carly: You could have just told me the truth?

Franco: I wanted to. I wanted to tell you the truth, Carly. I did. It's just there was always another reason to make you think that I was with Diane.

Carly: Not talking about Diane. I'm talking about Heather!

Franco: What? Oh, no, no, no. No, no, no.

Carly: No, no, wait.

Franco: No way.

Carly: No way why?

Franco: I wasn't gonna pull you into that mess that I'd made.

Carly: So it's better to let me think you're sleeping with Diane or some groupie.

Franco: Anything was better than telling you the truth. What, that I'd sunk that low? That I'd stolen artwork from a psychopath and tried to pass it off as my own or worse than that? That the one thing in my life that defined me, the one thing about myself that I was actually proud of... that my ability to make art... is gone? I couldn't tell you that. Not you. Carly, if I had told you the truth about myself... I'd lose you.

Sonny: So how long did you think you'd hide in plain sight?

Derek: Who's hiding?

Sam: What's going on? I just saw Michael and Morgan tear out of here.

Alexis: I'm not sure. There was some sort of a blowup. Sorry. That was the wrong choice of words with this group. Morgan got upset about something, and Michael went after him.

Sam: What's going on? Talk to me.

Alexis: I don't know. Something to... something to do with -- I think the Corinthos brothers were right, and we should all run screaming out of here.

Kiki: Do you care at all about what you've done to Morgan, how you've trashed his life?

Ava: Whatever you're thinking --

Kiki: Morgan was such a goof when I first met him. Yes, he could be a jerk sometimes, but for the most part, he was actually a really great person. And I know -- I know that I broke his heart when I left him for Michael, but... this, for him to sell out his own father, that's not him. That's you! That has you written all over it, and I hope that you're proud of yourself.

Ava: Can we go somewhere --

Kiki: Don't touch me! Michael ran out of here to chase after Morgan, and now I have to go find them.

Michael: Oh, you're not running away from this.

Morgan: What the hell? What, are you following me now?

Michael: You're damn right!

Morgan: Well, I got nothing to say to you, okay?!

Michael: Oh, you don't have to talk, but you sure as hell are gonna listen to me.

Morgan: No, thanks. I think I've heard more than enough from the perfect son.

Michael: This isn't about your pathetic jealousy, Morgan! Do you have any idea the danger you just put our father in?!

Silas: Someone want to tell us what we just walked into?

Alexis: Sonny chose to ignore my advice and discuss this in the open. I can tell you what I do understand. Apparently Morgan put a bug in Sonny's office, and Ava set him up.

Sam: Oh. Well, that's not a total shock, considering what we just found out about Ava.

Silas: What's that? That Ava's up to her neck in organized crime and now she's used some messed-up kid and used him against his own father? That's right up your alley, isn't it?

Alexis: Ava's failings notwithstanding, it doesn't explain what Derek had to do with this.

Sam: Derek? Can -- can you tell me -- can somebody tell me what's going on here? What was he talking about when I walked in and -- and he said something about you hiding in plain sight? What does that mean?

Sonny: I'm gonna tell you right -- this -- he's Ava's partner.

Sam: In what? The gallery? What?

Derek: What Sonny's hinting at... is that Ava is my sister.

Sam: What?

Derek: My name isn't Derek Wells. It's Julian Jerome.

Michael: This isn't a game, Morgan! Our father could have died. Is that what you want?!

Morgan: Don't be dramatic, Mikey.

Michael: You know how I was shot in the head? That bullet was meant for Dad. When his first wife died, she was starting his car. Dad was supposed to die. That is how this business works. Okay, that's why he doesn't want us anywhere near it, because if you lose, you die. And Ava's people, the Jeromes, they want to force Dad out. Okay, that means they want him dead. And you -- you were gonna help them do that.

Morgan: You're overreacting, Mikey! Okay, last time I checked, Dad's still breathing!

Michael: You know, you are such a tool, letting Ava use you to put our father's life --

Morgan: You leave Ava out of this, okay. She didn't make me do anything. I wanted to do it. Dad deserved it after what he did to me!

Michael: Okay, hold on a second. Are you saying that Dad deserves to die, because he told the truth?

Morgan: No, because he chose you over me, Mikey!

Michael: [Scoffs] Let me -- let me get this straight here. So if Dad loves me more than you, more than -- more than Dante, more than Kristina, he deserves to die because of that. Is that what you're saying?

Morgan: He's not gonna die!

Michael: Are you delusional? How can you grow up in this family and say that?

Morgan: I didn't grow up in this family! Do you not remember?! I was sent away!

Michael: They were protecting you, Morgan!

Morgan: Protecting me. No, they sent me away, because they wanted you, Michael, not me! Just like Kiki wanted you, not me!

Michael: If you want to pay me back because Kiki chose me, you know, then come at me. But don't serve our father on a silver platter to people who want to kill him!

Sam: You're Julian Jerome? No, Julian Jerome is dead.

Sonny: Well, that's what we're all supposed to think. Thanks to the Witness Protection Program.

Alexis: What?

Sonny: In exchange for cooperating, the WSB gave him a new life, a new face, and a new name. His name is Derek Wells. I guess -- I guess you missed the old life, huh, Julian? Couldn't stay away, so you had to come back and mess with my business. He blew up my coffee shipment, trashed my warehouse, and the worst thing him and Ava did... is turn my -- my son Morgan, my own flesh and blood, against me.

Alexis: No, this doesn't make any sense.

Sonny: I understand why you don't want to believe it. Because he saved Danny's life, and he donated bone marrow, and he wants to make himself look like a hero. But you people -- you got to know who you're dealing with. He's no hero. He's the scum of the earth.

Sam: And he's my father.

Carly: You are wrong to think that you are never gonna paint again. No. Stop. Because I know you think that when they cut out that tumor, they cut out your talent. But you give it time. You are going to be amazing.

Franco: You don't understand. You don't get it. You don' okay? Everything that I thought I knew about myself, turns out I was wrong. All of the ideas that were central to my identity, central to my art -- all based on fallacies.

Carly: What are you talking about?

Franco: I'm talking about you of all people. A big chunk of my life... I was obsessed... with Jason, with my twin brother. I thought we had a connection, okay. And I thought that that connection informed everything that...I felt... and all the work that I did, and now it turns out that there was no connection. Guess what. He's not even my brother.

Carly: That doesn't change who you are.

Franco: I don't know who I am. I don't know. I am the son of a hack politician and a whack job, and my whole life has been a lie. I'm a cipher. I'm nothing. And I have nothing to give to you. You need to get out. [Sighs]

Sam: No. I don't believe it. This is -- this is a joke, right? I mean, this has got to be some sort of a twisted theme party first. Heather is Franco's mother. Now you -- you, Julian, Derek, you're my father?

Silas: I don't think anyone's joking.

Alexis: You're Julian.

Silas: Makes sense. He was a match for Danny. The odds of a non-relative fitting that description are about 50,000 to 1. The odds are considerably better if Derek is in fact Danny's grandfather.

Sam: Is it true? Are you Julian Jerome? Are you my father?

Julian: Sam -- Sam, I had no idea when you first walked into my office. I didn't even know when you told me I was Danny's match. And when I first saw you at the Floating Rib, I-I knew that I'd met you before. I told you that you looked familiar to me. Remember that? I just -- I just couldn't put it all together. I couldn't put it all together until you told me the story of how -- how Sam was conceived. And then I remembered. All those years ago in New Hampshire. That young boarding-school girl who tried to pass herself off as older. You were looking for an adventure that night. And I was all too happy to provide.

Alexis: You are Julian.

Julian: [Sighs]

Alexis: My baby's father. Oh, my God.

Michael: Since you refuse to believe that you almost got our father killed, why don't you tell me why you did it? Was it to punish Dad for telling the truth or to punish me because I'm with Kiki? What?

Morgan: How many times were you with Kiki, anyway? Were you guys hooking up when -- when you still thought you were cousins?

Michael: We kissed twice, Morgan. That's it. That's all we did to cheat on you. And you knew Kiki and I weren't cousins the whole time, and you tricked her into marriage. You guilted Dad into going along with your lie, which only proves, Morgan, how much he loves you.

Morgan: I should have known how that would turn out, considering Dad doesn't love me.

Michael: Dad's bipolar. You know that. He was off his meds. He was having a manic episode. You don't know what that is? Go ahead and look it up on the internet. But Dad was out of his mind when he revealed your lies.

Morgan: [Scoffs] You -- you really love saying that, don't you? Because I lied, I'm the bad guy. But you get a free pass even though you stole my wife.

Michael: You know what, little brother? Your marriage to Kiki wasn't gonna work out anyway, because she didn't love you, not the way that you wanted.

Morgan: She did love me. Okay, she loved me until you showed up. How about that, Mikey? How about that? You knew that I was together with her. You knew I was with her. And you moved in on her anyway, your own brother's girl.

Michael: Did you ever think that Kiki and I belong together, and you didn't deserve her, not at all?

Morgan: Go to hell.

Michael: Why would she love you, anyway, Morgan? Look at you. What a little sniveling, backstabbing traitor you turned out to be.

Julian: There were so many times that I wanted to tell you both, from the moment that I first found out.

Alexis: When was that, exactly? No, I'd really like to know. Out of all those moments we spent in the hospital, which one was it? Was it before or after the inappropriate saga of Sam's conception? When did you figure it out?

Julian: When I first met Danny. The baby whose life that I was supposed to save. When I... when I held him in my arms... I don't know. I just -- I just knew. Somehow I knew that he was my own grandson. And I was overwhelmed.

Sam: Why didn't you say anything?

Julian: [Sighs] I couldn't.

Sonny: That's right, you son of a bitch. You couldn't. You know why? Couldn't give yourself away, because you needed to make a move on my territory and -- and turn my son against me.

Morgan: Not one more word, Michael.

Michael: You know what? I am sick of this "poor me" act. So you were dealt a bad hand. So what? A lot of people are. But you know what? They don't -- they don't whine like a 4-year-old or run and go stab their father in the back, because they didn't get their way. Morgan, how many times have you hit me, but I don't hit you back? But I swear if you hit me one more time -- stay down, Morgan.

Franco: Carly, if you were smart... you'd get the hell away from me.

Carly: You're scaring me, and I think you need a friend.

Franco: I don't -- I don't want you to be my friend. Friendship is a two-way street, right, Carly? I've got nothing for you. I'll pack my stuff and get out of here.

Carly: No. I don't want to leave, and I don't want you to leave either.

Franco: Well, why not? What, do you feel sorry for me? I don't need your pity.

Carly: This isn't pity. This isn't pity.

Julian: Sonny is right about one thing, though. I wasn't in a position to tell you who I really am. I had no choice but to keep that from you. But that doesn't change the fact that you are my daughter. And Danny is my grandson. And I love you both. [Chuckles] You have no idea how long I've wanted to tell you that... how much I wanted to claim you as my family, to really get to know you. But I, um... can't do that, because it's just not gonna happen.

Morgan: [Panting]

Michael: I blame myself for this.

Morgan: Damn right, you backstabbing son of a bitch.

Michael: I was protecting you.

Morgan: From everyone except yourself!

Michael: You have no idea the world you were born into, Morgan. This isn't some video game. You don't die, hit the reset button, and keep playing. There are consequences to your actions.

Morgan: Like stealing your brother's wife?

Michael: You almost killed our father!

Morgan: [Grunts]

Michael: You know what? Think about that when you're lying in bed, screwing Ava. Think about our dad lying on the ground in his own blood, his blood on your hands, you little piece of crap.

Morgan: I hate you.

Michael: Yeah, I guess so. Whatever happened to the brother that I loved, Morgan?

Morgan: You stole my wife, and I'll never forgive you.

Michael: You know, I thought I could forgive you of anything, Morgan. But if our father dies because of you, I will never forgive that.

Morgan: [Mutters]

Kiki: Michael! Michael! Michael, don't! What are you doing?! Morgan! Morgan! Michael! Morgan!

Sam: What do you mean that's not gonna happen? Why not?

Julian: As much as I want to build a real relationship with you and Danny, it's never gonna happen. You see, I, uh... don't have much longer.

Sam: What's that supposed to mean?

Julian: Sonny has people waiting outside for me. The moment I leave this gallery, I am a, um... dead man. Isn't that right, Sonny?

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