General Hospital Transcript Friday 11/8/13
Provided By Suzanne
Heather: It's a BLT! Anybody that doesn't see that doesn't deserve to own this.
[Crowd murmuring]
Heather: What? You call yourselves art lovers, yet you fail to see that this painting immortalizes the bacon, lettuce, and tomato? Bread, perfectly toasted. Bacon, ultra crispy. Romaine lettuce, beefsteak tomato, and a hint and just a hit of mayonnaise, just like they do it at Kelly's.
Derek: Who the hell is this woman?
Sam: It's Heather Webber. She's supposed to be locked up.
Silas: Heather.
Heather: You stay away from me. Stay away!
Kiki: Michael, be careful.
Olivia: Sonny, you don't think it's possible, do you? Morgan couldn't...
Michael: Morgan knows you don't want anyone in here, but, uh, he insisted on returning this.
Olivia: Sonny?
Kiki: Michael, she has a knife.
Sam: Silas.
Silas: Yeah, I got it, Sam.
Sam: Don't bet on it. You have no idea what she's capable of.
Heather: BLT, meet Dr. Clay. Dr. Clay, meet BLT. You two would know each other a lot better if you'd kept your promise to deliver a Kelly's BLT to me once a week in exchange for my DNA. By the way, how is Danny?
Sam: Keep my son's name out of your mouth.
Heather: I guess you forgot about our deal. But mark my words -- no one will forget about me or Kelly's sandwiches anymore. The Reuben...
Silas: Sounds like fun, but I think I'm gonna call a cop.
Heather: ...The roast beef.... and the tuna... of course... all hung wrong! And then we have Kelly's sandwich of the day, a special served only at the height of tomato season.
Max: The Caprese.
Heather: Yes...hung wrong!
Diane: For the love of everything that is Cartullo, please tell me that this is a performance piece. Okay, I'm gonna take that as a "no."
Heather: Wrong -- just so wrong.
Derek: I just got a text. Looks like Lazaro just dropped out of the race for D.A.
Heather: And just look at these! Look at these!
Scott: Who let Heather out?
Lucy: I don't know, but, obviously, no one at Miscavige knows how to work a straitjacket.
Heather: All wrong!
Derek: I take it you gave Baldwin the good news -- that his opponent's in bed with Sonny Corinthos, metaphorically speaking, of course?
Morgan: Yeah. Yeah, I threw my dad under the bus, just like you asked.
Derek: Morgan, Morgan, Morgan. I think this is gonna be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Olivia: It can't be.
Sonny: A bug.
Olivia: Morgan planted that in here?
Sonny: My son, my own flesh and blood. Morgan betrayed me.
Silas: Hey.
Alexis: Hey. Sorry m late. What did I miss?
Silas: Nothin'.
Heather: Now, that's the way it should be.
Alexis: Is that Heather Webber?
Sam: Yeah, in all her whacked-out glory, mom.
Alexis: What is she doing here?
Scott: Heather is completely unhinged.
Lucy: You think? She threatened to accuse us of breaking her out of that institution just so we could have a ménage three. Scott, what if she tries to "sextort" you? You have just become the district attorney. That would be absolutely terrible.
Scott: You think?
Lucy: [Sighs]
Derek: I just managed to strike a major blow against your father -- or should I say, "we"? You did good, kid.
Morgan: I'd do it again.
Derek: With Lazaro gone, Sonny no longer has a D.A. In his pocket. And I have one in mine.
Olivia: Maybe there's some mistake.
Sonny: No mistake. My son did this.
Olivia: You're positive?
Sonny: It's a bug! It's a clock that I gave my -- my -- Morgan as a wedding gift. He came in here into my office, put it on the desk, and... they were listening!
Olivia: What did they hear you say?
Sonny: The recording that Lazaro's talking about -- him and I, we had an understanding.
Olivia: Yeah, yeah, I got that impression.
Sonny: But I pretty much spelled the whole arrangement. Damn it! They heard everything! Probably had something to do with what you saw Morgan handing off to Baldwin -- a recording of me and Lazaro.
Olivia: Why? Why? Sonny, I get it that Morgan is angry, but would he really do this to you? He goes to extremes to get involved in an election?
Sonny: Not on his own.
Olivia: So, you're saying someone put him up to this?
Sonny: Julian, Olivia. My son has thrown in... with Julian Jerome.
Ava: In case you hadn't noticed, Julian, there is a madwoman brandishing a cheese knife at our art show.
Derek: Where?
Ava: Perhaps you should appear more interested in that and less interested in Morgan.
Derek: Relax, would you? I'm just...checking on something.
Diane: Please tell me that Heather Webber is just having another one of her psychotic episodes. Please tell me that when you told me that an obsessed fan painted all of these, you weren't referring to her. Oh, God.
Franco: No, no. Look, I never lied, okay? I said it was a she, and I said that she was happy to do it.
Diane: You also told me that she wanted the world to appreciate her work. What you failed to tell me was she is certifiable and that she is Heather Webber! Oh, God.
Heather: You told me that you knew what the paintings meant.
Sebastian: Forgive me, but I'm not following here. You said you wanted to purchase the collection, yes? But not until you heard what was behind every piece from the artist, and now you're explaining it for him.
Diane: Well, yes. There's a very good reason for that.
Sebastian: But how are you able to interpret the work when Franco clearly can't?
Diane: Because Heather is his number-one fan.
Heather: Yes, I am.
Diane: She has studied the works of Franco. She is an expert in all things Franco.
Heather: Thank you.
Diane: Only Heather would know that Franco is the only one who could elevate the sandwich menu to the realm of the sublime and the immortal.
Heather: Not just any sandwich menu.
Diane: No, no -- the one and only Kelly's. But there is so much more going on here than meets the eye. These are not simply lunch choices. These are the layers of Franco's tormented angst sandwiched between the crusty, yeasty crusts of -- of his genius. Bologna is not merely disks of processed pig -- no. It is -- it is the layers of Franco's soul sliced to fit the very -- the very bread of society. The Reuben is rubenesque in its -- in its depiction of the tumor that tormented him for so long. The caprese is -- is...
Sebastian: Genius.
Diane: Yes, it is genius, isn't it?! And only Heather Webber could speak for Franco when Franco cannot speak for himself.
Franco: Stop it.
Diane: No, just as his art...
Franco: Diane, will you stop it?
Diane: ...Is so elevated --
Franco: Please. That's enough.
Diane: [Sighs]
Franco: No more pretending. It's over.
Heather: Franco, don't.
Diane: Just listen to her. Listen to her. I can't believe I just said that. Ahh! Listen to her!
Franco: Look at these paintings. Really -- look at them. I didn't paint these. Heather did.
Diane: [Sighs]
Franco: Sorry... for trying to pass Heather's paintings off as my own.
Heather: Why?
Franco: 'Cause I suck at painting now. Really, I'm -- I'm no good at it.
Heather: Did you try?
Franco: Of course I tried. I tried and I tried, and... a good friend told me that my painting was crap, and she was right.
Heather: Doesn't sound like a friend to me.
Franco: Turns out... when they sliced that tumor out of my brain, they sliced whatever talent I might have had along with it. I didn't know what else to do.
Heather: You were desperate.
Franco: And broke. And it was my birthday. And you showed up with that beautiful gift of your BLT, And Sebastian liked it so much that I manipulated you into painting more like it so that I could pass them off as mine. Heather, I'm so sorry. I am. And if you want to cut me to ribbons with that cheese knife of yours, I wouldn't blame you.
Heather: No, Franco -- never. I forgive you.
Franco: Well, I don't expect anyone else in this room to -- to be quite so generous. I know...I really thought, after the surgery, that I'd be a better man, and I think that I am. I didn't know that it would turn me into a shoddy artist. Look, to be clear, I'd give whatever grain of creativity I ever had to be the kind of man that you want me to be.
Ava: Leave it to Franco to screw this up. What an idiot. Hey.
Morgan: Yeah?
Ava: Are you all right? My brother get to you?
Morgan: No.
Ava: But someone did?
Morgan: Yeah -- Olivia.
Ava: Is she here?
Morgan: No, I just -- I ran into her earlier. She just gave me this bull about how much my dad loved me.
Ava: Oh. That could not have been easy to hear.
Morgan: Whatever. Obviously, she was just working me.
Ava: Mm. And did it work? Did Olivia get to you? Morgan? Are you having second thoughts about working with Julian and me?
Olivia: You think that Morgan is working for Julian Jerome?
Sonny: Why else would Ava let Morgan shack up with her? He's a kid, for God's sake, and who was married to her daughter.
Olivia: Maybe Ava's just trying to stick it to Carly.
Sonny: Or maybe she's just trying to soften Morgan up so that scum-of-the-earth brother of hers can get him on their side.
Olivia: What kind of monsters prey on a hurt boy? Morgan is obviously in pain. He's confused. He's obviously blaming you.
Sonny: Well, it's an ultimate way to get back at me. I never thought that my own son would hate me enough to do something like this.
Olivia: Morgan does not hate you.
Sonny: No?
Olivia: No.
Sonny: Then what is this about?
Olivia: No. He's confused. His feelings are blown up into a million pieces right now, Sonny. They're going this way. They're going that way. But I saw him. I looked into his eyes. I saw his body language. Sonny, that kid still loves you. He just doesn't know what to do with it right now.
Sonny: Well, he sure knows what to do with this, Olivia.
Olivia: Has it occurred to you that maybe Morgan didn't have a choice?
Sonny: Everybody has a choice.
Olivia: In this business? Really? Ava and Julian are very powerful people. How do you know they're not forcing him to work for them. They could even be threatening to kill him.
Ava: It's okay, Morgan. You can say anything to me. Do you want to back out of this?
Morgan: No.
Ava: Are you sure?
Morgan: Yeah. Forget Olivia. She's made it real clear that she's team Sonny. Tsk. She'll do anything to make him feel better about himself... if that's even possible after screwing me over.
Kiki: I just feel so bad for Franco. His whole life, he's been known for his art.
Michael: He was known for a couple of other things, too.
Kiki: Okay. Well, the only good thing then, and now it's gone. To be outed in front of a roomful of people like that -- that's humiliating. What is so fascinating?
Michael: Morgan. He and your mom seem closer than ever.
Kiki: Yeah, I just don't understand. Why would he be all over her, especially after we tell him that she's the daughter of a crime lord?
Michael: Maybe because he's the son of one. I think that's why Morgan's acting like this -- to stick it to my dad.
Olivia: Admit that it's possible the Jeromes are strong-arming Morgan.
Sonny: Yeah, it's possible. But if that's the case, then he should have come to me to let me protect him.
Olivia: Well, maybe we're talking a matter of life or death, Sonny!
Sonny: I don't care what we're talking about! I don't care if they're forcing him or he's doing this on his own will. It's got to end tonight!
Olivia: Okay. What does that mean, Sonny? And don't even think about trying to keep me out.
Sonny: You brought this information to me.
Olivia: Yes, I did. And it means I'm in it. There's no turning back.
Sonny: There's something that you have to keep to yourself. Other-- you know, usually, I tell you to wait outside the room. You know that, right?
Olivia: Are you asking?
Sonny: You want me to? I, uh -- I've worked everything out. Julian Jerome dies tonight. And this time, he ain't coming back from the dead.
Scott: Officers, this is Heather Webber. She has escaped from Miscavige institute. Please disarm her, read her her rights.
Heather: Disarmament won't be necessary. I don't want to cause Franco trouble.
Carly: It's a little late for that, don't you think?
Alexis: A-a-a-nd she's cuffed.
Sam: Thank God.
Silas: Is it just me, or does something really bizarre happen every time we try to go out?
Sam: [Chuckling] Actually, I think it is you.
Silas: [Chuckles] I thought so.
Scott: Ladies and gentlemen, Lazaro is conceding in the race for district attorney. The mayor has asked me to pick up the reins, effective immediately, so here we go. I have promised you good people that I would clean up the crime in this town, and I intend to do that, starting with the prosecution of these two criminals to the full extent of the law.
Heather: You can't do that.
Scott: I can, and I will. You have been escaping from Miscavige over and over again, and that is a travesty and that will stop, let me assure you. And you -- I don't know how you haven't been prosecuted. That boggles my mind. But you will pay for these crimes -- perpetrating fraud, aiding and abetting Heather here in her escapes, and trying to make a profit off of stolen goods. Officers, take 'em.
Heather: Scott, no, please. Punish me if you want, but you cannot hurt Franco.
Scott: Why?
Heather: Because he's your son. I'm telling you, you're Franco's father, and I can prove it.
Michael: Okay, wait. Hold on. You want us to believe that Jason's parents are Susan Moore and Scott Baldwin, not Alan Quartermaine?
Heather: Who cares about Jason?
Sam: What the hell are you talking about? Alan was Jason's father, and Susan, your cousin, was Jason's mother.
Michael: Jason and Franco are twins. Pretty sure it's not possible to have different fathers.
Heather: It is if they're not really twins. In fact, Franco and Jason -- they're not even brothers. Franco's no more a Quartermaine than Kiki is.
Sam: Wh-what? How?
Heather: Sometimes, as we all know, mothers lie about these things.
[Crowd murmuring]
Franco: Okay, Heather, look -- I appreciate you making up this outrageous story to spare me prosecution, but there
no way that this man is my father.
Scott: Now there's something I can get behind. Officers, take her away.
Carly: Wait! Heather says she has proof, so let's hear it. If Franco isn't Jason's twin, then who is he?
Olivia: So, we're back to this now -- taking out Julian Jerome? Honey, no. No. We already talked about this.
Sonny: Julian forced my hand. I didn't have a choice.
Olivia: Who just told me that there's always a choice?
Sonny: It's done. Max is at Ava's art gallery right now.
Olivia: Franco's show is going on there tonight. You can't just open fire on a roomful of people, Sonny. You remember what happened when someone tried to take out fra--
Sonny: Do you have to remind me?
Olivia: Well, I think maybe I do.
Sonny: When I saw you on the ground of that terrace -- I'm not gonna let that happen again.
Olivia: Because you're just that good?
Sonny: I got Max...waiting on Julian, and Shawn is outside the place.
Olivia: Waiting for Julian?
Sonny: He knows... not to make a move unless the coast is clear.
Olivia: So, that's it, then? End of the conversation?
Sonny: Julian Jerome dies tonight, alone and miserable... like the filthy rat that he is.
Carly: Go on, Heather. You're the center of attention.
Heather: Are you giving me the floor because you want Franco to go free or because of your misguided love for Jason?
Carly: I'm just trying to get to the bottom of all this.
Heather: For whom?
Carly: For everyone. You say you have proof. Let's hear it.
Scott: Come on. Come on. You're not gonna get a straight answer out of Heather.
Carly: Well, we damn sure deserve one, don't we? You tortured Jason and Sam. You made Sam think that Franco was Danny's father, and then you kidnapped Danny and you jumped off a roof!
Alexis: Carly, not now.
Carly: I'm sorry, okay? I am sorry.
Silas: Maybe Sam doesn't need to relive all this.
Carly: I get that, and I am sorry to bring up bad memories, but don't you want to know what kind of game Heather's playing? Don't you want to know why she put you through everything?
Franco: Okay, hold on a second.
Sam: Just stop talking about Jason, please.
Heather: Jason has nothing to do with anything.
Carly: Except you were obsessed with ruining his life.
Heather: Past tense.
Carly: Why?
Heather: Because --
Carly: Because he's dead?
Heather: Because my focus is on Franco now.
Carly: Who you now claim has no relation to Jason but suddenly is Scott Baldwin's son?
Heather: Correct.
Carly: Really? Then who the hell is Franco's mother?
Heather: I am.
[Crowd murmuring]
Heather: That's right. You're my son. Come to Mama.
Heather: We made a baby together... a beautiful son... our Franco.
Scott: No. No. No, Heather. It didn't happen. That's not true.
Lucy: Of course it's not true.
Heather: But it is.
Scott: No. We didn't have sex before Jason and Franco were born. I remember Jason was a baby, and --
Heather: Don't stop there, Scott. We were after Jason's inheritance. We wanted to control that money as our own.
Scott: That was a long time ago, Heather. I've changed.
Lucy: Yeah. Oh, boy. He most certainly has changed. All the mistakes of his youth -- they're gone. They're way, way back there. And now he has chosen, because he's the new D.A., To live his life with honesty and integrity.
Scott: I could never have conceived a child with you, especially this child in question!
Heather: Not the second time we had relations, but what about the first? You really don't remember? Let me set the stage for you. Luke and Laura had just returned from beecher's corners. Laura wanted a divorce. You were heartbroken, and, coincidentally, so was I. Jeff had just had me institutionalized for a few minor hallucinations.
Scott: Right. You used to sneak out of there all the time.
Heather: I took furloughs, as I do now.
Lucy: This couldn't have actually happened.
Heather: It was a cold, dark night. You and I ran into each other. You were drunk. You were hurting over Laura, so I took you to my favorite place.
Scott: Kelly's.
Heather: That's right. We shared a BLT.. and oh so much more. We made a baby that night. And here he is, standing before you, all grown up.
Lucy: She's not...lying, is she?
Heather: Of course I'm not lying. Why would I lie?
Ava: Not interested in Franco's father? Too busy thinking about your own?
Olivia: Sonny, this whole thing could backfire.
Sonny: It won't.
Olivia: How do you know that?! This whole taking out this Julian Jerome guy -- this could come back to haunt every person in this family! Damn it, I knew I should have told Dante.
Sonny: Hold on. I asked you not to say anything to Dante.
Olivia: Yeah, and I asked you not to off a guy.
Sonny: Did you tell him, Olivia?
Olivia: No! I kept my word, which is more than I can say for you.
Sonny: Well, thank you. I mean, that's nice.
Olivia: Are you kidding me? This was not for you. This was for Dante. He's got enough going on right now with his custody hearing. He does not need me adding to his plate right now. But I was this close to telling him because, Sonny, I am worried about you...
Sonny: You don't have to worry about me.
Olivia: ...And Dante would be worried about you, too.
Sonny: Involving Dante would have been a mistake!
Olivia: Dante's not just our son, Sonny -- he's the police!
Sonny: I don't care if he's the police!
Olivia: He could have helped you!
Sonny: No! You don't understand how this works! The local police -- they'll do anything the WSB says. The WSB are the ones that kept Julian Jerome alive to come after me and mess with me and my son.
Olivia: I under--
Sonny: Now, I can tell you right now... if I had any doubts... about going after that son of a bitch before, they've all disappeared now that he's come after my son.
Olivia: Sonny, I understand.
Sonny: Do you understand, really? Put yourself in my position. What -- you're -- Dante -- your baby boy, right? -- If he was in this guy's clutches, forced or, you know, his own will -- you pick one -- would you not want to end the danger...
Olivia: I guess.
Sonny: ...Once and for all? "Yeah, I guess"? "I guess"? Don't guess, 'cause I know what you would do. You would do anything you could to protect your child. And that's what I'm doing for mine.
Heather: Scott never knew I was pregnant.
Carly: Why not?
Heather: Because I didn't want him to know. Yes, we had a one-night stand, but I was still in love with Jeff, so... I hid my belly, and I laid low.
Sam: Wait a minute. You said that Susan gave birth to Jason and then she passed out, never even knowing that she had a baby.
Heather: Yes, that's what I said. I lied. My cousin and I both had babies in New York. Susan gave birth to Jason, and I gave birth to Franco.
Sam: You sold your own baby? You sold your baby to Betsy?
Heather: Yes, that's right. But I never stopped loving you, Franco -- never stopped admiring you from afar, yearning to tell you how proud I was of you, but I couldn't until now.
Carly: Why not? Franco's been in trouble before.
Heather: Because now Franco's fate is in Scott's hands.
Lucy: Oh, no. Nuh-unh. Unh-unh. Heather, you don't get to do that. You don't get to make this Scott's fault. Okay. So, he had one night of indiscretion with the likes of you. That does not excuse what you have done. You took advantage of his broken heart, took him to some place in a drunken stupor and took advantage of everything, and now, decades later, you're coming up with all these lies?! Come on! This is nothing but another one of your lies.
Heather: Scott, please. You are Franco's father. Love him enough to let him go, like I did.
Sam: We don't even know if this is real.
Alexis: You said you had proof.
Heather: I do.
Carly: Then where the hell is it?
Lucy: Give me that. It's a birth certificate.
Sam: Whose is it -- Franco's?
Lucy: It says, "baby boy grant"... and it lists the parents as Heather grant... and Scott Baldwin.
Carly: Okay. It's a birth certificate. Anyone can have that forged.
Heather: There's a DNA test in it.
Sam: Oh, co-- like Carly said, because you've never forged one of those before?
Carly: Sam's right. You have lied over and over again. Why the hell should any of us believe you now?
Heather: I'm your mother, Franco. Deep down inside, I think you must know it's true. Why else would I care so much about what happens to you? Why else would it be so important for me to protect you from Carly?
Lucy: So, are they real?
Diane: Well, I must say, D.A. Baldwin... I have to agree with ms. Webber.
Scott: What a surprise. Franco's lawyer doesn't want me to throw him in jail.
Diane: For what, exactly -- trying to pass off his mother's work as his own? Clearly, she was a willing participant. She doesn't want to press charges.
Heather: No. Of course I don't.
Max: You know what? I can't believe you.
Diane: What?
Max: Not only are you sleeping with this guy, but you're defending him after what he did to Jason?
Diane: Max...
Max: No. You are not who I thought you were. I'm done.
Diane: Done with what?
Max: Carrying a flame.
Diane: It's a torch, Max.
Max: Whatever. No more.
Diane: Okay, Max, Max, I told you there was never anything between Franco and myself.
Max: But tonight you show up on his arm?
Diane: Again, I can explain that. Look, if you and I can just go somewhere once I'm done with this, private, just you and me -- Max, I've missed you.
Max: I can't. The boss needs me.
Franco: So, what's the verdict? It's a forgery, right?
Carly: We all know Heather's skilled at faking a DNA test.
Scott: I'm sure the birth certificate's a phony, too.
Alexis: I'm sorry.
Scott: What?!
Alexis: From what I can see here, the markings are that of a genuine document.
Silas: Kind of looks like a legit DNA test, too.
Heather: Please feel free to run another one. I don't want there to be any doubt in your mind that Franco's our son.
Sam: What the hell is wrong with you? After all the crap you pulled, how is this even possible? You said that Jason and Franco were twins, that they were brothers, and now they're not? Why would you do that?
Heather: You don't know why? I think you do.
Sam: Because of the ridiculous letter?
Heather: It wasn't ridiculous to me.
Sam: You know what?! Screw you for ruining my life! Screw you for stealing my child! Screw you because my husband will never know his son, all because of your ridiculous letter!
Silas: Hey. Hey. What do you say we get this woman out of here?
Scott: Officers, take her back to the institution, all right? Make sure she stays put.
Heather: Franco... my beautiful flesh... and my talented blood, now that the secret's out, we can be mother and son. Don't you see? Don't you see now? You're just like me. I would do anything --
Franco: No, no, no, no.
Carly: Go.
Heather: And you, Carly -- you better watch yourself. Don't you test me. You get too close to him, and you will pay. You just ask Sam! I love you, Franco. I love you, my son. I love you!
[Crowd murmuring]
Ava: Why are you still standing here? Sonny's goon left. Take advantage of this chaos and go before Sonny sends someone else to kill you.
Olivia: I don't want to lose you -- not now, not when we're finally...
Sonny: Finally what, Olivia?
Max: Hey, boss. [Sighs]
Sonny: How you doing? I've been waiting to hear from you.
Max: Uh, things kind of blew up at the gallery.
Olivia: What is that? What blew up? Is everyone okay?
Max: Oh, no, no. Okay, it's, uh -- it's got nothing to do with that. Everyone's fine.
Sonny: No. You -- she -- she knows what's going down. Where's Shawn right now?
Max: He's waiting outside of the entrance for Jerome, but he wants one more go-ahead from you, especially with what happened with the Franco hit. So, he doesn't want to make any mistakes.
Sonny: Right.
Max: Told him I'd check in. You want me to make the call?
Sonny: No. I'm gonna handle this myself.
Olivia: Wait a minute. Sonny, what are you gonna do?
Sonny: I'm gonna do what I got to do, Olivia.
Olivia: Well, then, I'm going with you.
Sonny: [Chuckles] Do me a favor. Stay with Olivia.
Max: You got it, boss.
Olivia: Wa-- Sonny!
Sonny: Hey, listen to me. You've already been hurt. I don't want that to happen again. Do you understand me? I got to take care of my family.
Ava: Please, Julian. I know we've had our differences, but, still, I prefer you breathing.
Derek: Aww. That is sweet, sis. But don't worry. Sonny can't kill me.
Ava: Why not?
Derek: I have a guardian angel.
Sam: I think I'm probably the one who looks like I need to be institutionalized now.
Alexis: You want to see with your own eyes that she gets thrown into the cop car?
Sam: I want to see that she doesn't take my son. That's what I want to see.
Silas: Let's go. Let's do that.
Sam: Yeah?
Silas: Yeah. Come on.
Sam: Okay. Bye, mom.
Diane: Excuse me for one moment. I'm gonna try and do some damage control, but I don't know how far that's going to get me. I just don't. Look, keep your chin up, all right?
Sebastian: Chin up? You're finished, Franco. Your patrons, your fans -- nobody will ever take you seriously again.
Diane: Well, in case it isn't obvious, he's all yours.
Carly: You're upset. I don't blame you. I mean, what Heather just dumped on you -- I can't even imagine. Talk to me, please. Are you okay? [Sighs]
Lucy: You all right?
Scott: I don't know if I'm all right. I think Heather might be telling the truth.
Lucy: I am so sorry.
Scott: I can't believe that I had a baby with her. He turned out the same way as her. My career is finished.
Lucy: No. No. No, no, no. Listen to me. It's not. I am not gonna let this destroy my third favorite ex-husband or the brand-spanking-new D.A. Come on. You will persevere.
Scott: How's that?
Lucy: I don't know. But we'll figure something out. We will. I promise. Come on. Let's -- let's get out of here before the press gets wind of this and starts circling around. Let's go.
Lucy: Hey, Morgan. I-I just -- I wanted to thank you for, um, helping Scott win the election.
Scott: I appreciate what you did, kid.
Morgan: Yeah? No problem.
Lucy: Well, I kind of think it might be a pretty big one. Does your father know how you betrayed him?
Morgan: I'll deal with my dad.
Lucy: Good luck with that.
Scott: [Sighs]
Michael: [Sighs] Something is going on with Morgan.
Kiki: Besides him sleeping with my mother?
Michael: Well, he was talking to Derek Wells, and then just then, he was getting into it with the new D.A., Scott Baldwin.
Kiki: What business would he have with him?
Ava: After this fiasco of a night is over, I'm gonna take you home, and I am gonna make you forget all about Kiki, Michael, your father -- all of them.
Olivia: God, I hate this. I hate Sonny going into that gallery.
Max: I hear you.
Olivia: [Sighs] What if this all goes wrong the same way that hit on Franco did?
Heather: Now that the secret's out, we can be mother and son. Don't you see? Don't you see now? You're just like me. [Echoing] Like me. Like me.
[Door opens]
Franco: Go away, Diane. Whatever you have to say, I don't want to hear. Just leave me alone.
Carly: It's not Diane.
Ava: So, who's going to take home a memento this evening? Oh, now, all you Francophiles, you know that it wouldn't be Franco if the event didn't have some surprises.
Derek: [Chuckles] He certainly did deliver on those, didn't he?
Ava: Well, take a brochure, then! Consider a purchase! [Sighs] Well, I guess it's safe to say this party's over.
Sonny: Are you kidding? This party's just getting started.
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