General Hospital Transcript Thursday 11/7/13
Provided By Suzanne
Diane: Look, it's one thing to be fashionably late, but you and I are due to make our big entrance in mere minutes.
Franco: I'm not going.
Diane: I'm sorry. What?
Franco: It's not even my comeback. It won't be my art that's on the walls.
Diane: But the buyers won't know that. So get up.
Franco: Carly's gonna be there...with Derek.
Carly: So, Morgan wasn't in your room?
Derek: Okay, Morgan was in my room earlier, but I can promise you -- I'm not having an affair with your boy or any boy, for that matter.
Carly: Okay, why don't you tell me what kind of relationship you have with my son that he can't share with anyone?
Ava: Looks like the jig is up, Derek. Isn't it time we told everyone the truth?
Olivia: It's not too late. Morgan, you can still make this right.
Morgan: No! That's where you're wrong, Olivia. It's already too late.
Olivia: How is it already too late?
Lazaro: Mr. Baldwin, I was just on my way to the voting commission to report you.
Scott: No kidding. So was I. Tell them about your involvement with the mafia don of Port Charles.
Lazaro: I don't know what you're talking about.
Scott: Well, let me explain. You see, I've got this recording that proves that you're in bed with Sonny Corinthos. Would you like to have a listen?
Kiki: She is connected to the Jerome crime family. Her brother was Julian Jerome.
Sonny: Say that again.
Kiki: My mother is Victor Jerome's daughter.
Derek: Tell them the truth? About?
Ava: You know.
Derek: [Chuckles]
Sam: Now you've got my attention. Silas?
Silas: No, not me. I haven't paid attention to Ava for years.
Sam: Well, obviously, the truth isn't in Ava's skill set.
Ava: Oh, all right. I've suffered your little slings and arrows long enough. Mr. Wells, would you like to let them in on our little secret, or shall I?
Lazaro: Wh-where did you get this?
Lucy: Uh, that's kind of what I've been wondering some.
Scott: Does it matter, really? I didn't think so. What matters is how you're gonna handle this.
Lazaro: What do you suggest?
Scott: Well, I could take it to the voting commission. I could go to the papers, the press. I could download this to the --
Lucy: [Clearing throat]
Scott: What?
Lucy: Upload.
Scott: Upload this. If I do that, you're done. You're probably gonna do some jail time.
Lazaro: Unless what?
Scott: Well, unless you, um, pull out of the race. And the new D.A. -- That would be me -- makes sure that this never sees the light of day.
Lazaro: You expect me to drop out of the race when it's election night?
Scott: Well, it would have been better had polls not opened, but that ship has sailed.
Lazaro: When the race is so close? What'd I tell the people?
Scott: You tell the people what all politicians say when they're caught with their pants down -- "I'm gonna spend some time with my family now." I have a party to go to, so I expect to hear of your resignation within the hour.
Lucy: Um, hi. [Chuckles] You know, I-I really wish I could say, "I'm so sorry," but I'm not. Good luck to you.
Olivia: Morgan. Honey, what is the matter? Why would you think it's too late to make things right with your father?
Derek: I have a job for you.
Morgan: Okay. Does it -- does it involve taking down my father?
Derek: You know it does.
Morgan: All right, then let's get to work. Just forget it.
Olivia: What? Wait. Honey, are you gambling again?
Morgan: [Scoffs] Not with money.
Olivia: I'm telling you -- I swear, if that's what it is, you can tell me. You can be honest.
Morgan: I got to go.
Olivia: M-Morgan, wait! Wh-- [Sighs]
T.J.: Are you seriously gonna read that whole thing before you vote?
Shawn: No, you're right. I shouldn't have waited till the last minute to do this.
T.J.: Why are you even bothering? I mean, it's not like we're voting for president this year or governor or even lieutenant governor. What's the point?
Shawn: Good men fought and died for you to be able to do this.
T.J.: What? Read a booklet?
Shawn: Look, nobody's forcing you to be here, okay? You can always catch the bus to Molly's.
T.J.: You mean I can catch three buses to Molly's. Or you could let me borrow your car.
Shawn: Mm. No. I'll drive. Look, don't worry. You'll get there.
[Cell phone chimes]
Shawn: [Sighs]
T.J.: What is it?
Shawn: Nothing. Just work.
T.J.: "Just work"?
Sonny: Ava is Victor Jerome's daughter? Who's her mother?
Kiki: She was a mistress of his from New York.
Sonny: Huh. How about that?
Kiki: I-I don't know if my mother's family are the people that have been causing you problems --
Sonny: They are.
Kiki: I-I just thought that I should let you know in case my mom is involved.
Sonny: You know what? You did the right thing by coming to me and giving me a heads up.
Kiki: I just really don't want you to kill her.
Michael: Kiki, I don't think that's a discussion we should be having right now.
Kiki: No, look, I'm sorry that I said that. It's just I -- no matter what my mother has done to me, she is still my mother.
Sonny: I promise you, Kiki -- Ava's not the one I'm after.
Michael: Who are you after?
Derek: Um, you seem to want to do the honors, so, uh, please, go ahead.
Ava: Oh, I'd love to. You see, Carly, Sam, Silas, what you don't know about Mr. Wells here is that he is not merely a corporate big shot. He is also my silent partner here in the gallery. [Gasps dramatically] [Chuckling] I know. It's shocking, isn't it?
Carly: That's it? That's the big secret?
Ava: Well, no, not for you. You knew about this, didn't you?
Carly: Yes. Yes, I did.
Sam: Wait a minute. You're...silent partners with Ava?
Derek: Partners, yes. "Silent," not anymore.
Ava: [Chuckles] Well, Mr. Wells has an image to protect.
Derek: [Clears throat]
Ava: He wants people to think he's all business, although I've told him time and time and time again that he oughtn't hide his love of the arts.
Carly: Thank you, Ava, for that spectacular diversion, but before you decided to crash the conversation, the question on the table was your secret relationship with my son.
Ava: Oh, m-Morgan was simply dropping off contracts for me. Derek likes to keep our financial relationship under wraps.
Carly: Really? Boy, that's some secret.
Sam: Wait a minute. [Sighs] A share of the proceeds are going to leukemia research. That was your idea, wasn't it?
Derek: Yeah. It was. It's, uh -- it's for Danny.
Sam: Thank you. Thank you so much. That -- that is amazing.
Derek: You're welcome. So, does that answer all your questions?
Diane: You're joking, right?
Franco: No, I don't need to joke. My whole life is a joke.
Diane: Okay. Be that as it may, the point of this evening -- the point of you showing up at the gallery -- this whole charade -- is money.
Franco: What about love?
Diane: [Laughing] What about love? You, of all people, should know that love and money are inexorably intertwined. For instance, I love clothes from Paris, shoes from Milan, masseurs from Scandinavia, and all of those things cost money.
Franco: Yeah, you are my heart.
Diane: I don't give a crap about your heart! I give a crap about your bank account. Now, I have spent countless billable hours making sure that you don't serve that prison sentence that you so richly deserved, and I have spent countless hours making sure that your art showing goes off without a hitch, and I expect to be richly compensated.
Franco: Well, then, you should have gotten your money up front.
Diane: My darling, my darling Franco. We're both going to get our money tonight and lots of it. So why don't you focus on that? As opposed to, oh, I don't know, being a dopey, lovelorn teenager who's fawning over his landlord?
Franco: Well, but I'm a fraud.
Diane: Yes, the paintings may be counterfeit, Franco, but the money is gonna be good old-fashioned U.S. Legal tender, so I'm gonna say this with lots of love, lots of respect -- get your ass in the shower. Get clean. Get dressed. Now.
Franco: You are a redheaded tin man.
Diane: I'm a what?
Franco: You have no heart.
Diane: I have a heart... somewhere. I also have zero tolerance for wallowing in self-pity. Franco, relax. This is all going to go off flawlessly. Provided the artist -- the real artist -- doesn't actually show up, we're in the chips.
Sebastian: Which reminds me what the great modern-art theorist Thaddeus P.Q. Crisp said about the work of Ephraim Justice and Sojourner Sin-jin. Um, now, let me see -- what were the words, exactly? Ah, yes. "Franco exorcises the 'faux' in post-contemporary neo..."
Franco: Oh. Yeah. It's just what I've always wanted. What is it?
Heather: Don't you get it?
Franco: I'm still absorbing.
Heather: Oh. Of course. I see what it is. There. See?
Sebastian: Which reminds me of -- of another anecdote that I was told by Andrew Wyeth. Uh, now, how did it go? Oh, yes.
Franco: I need more.
Heather: More?
Franco: Yeah.
Heather: More what?
Franco: More -- more -- more of this inspiration -- this -- this -- this colorful, stripy humanity.
Sebastian: And, um, the flightless waterfowl said [Chuckles] "I'm -- I'm not an eggplant." [Chuckles] Because of... you didn't laugh. You seem angry.
Heather: You don't know me very well. My mad face and my happy face are the same face.
Sebastian: [Chuckles] So, um, uh, you are having a good evening this evening?
Heather: [Chuckling] Oh, Sebastian, I'm just getting started.
T.J.: So, who you voting for -- Baldwin or Lazaro?
Shawn: [Sighs] Lazaro.
T.J.: How come?
Shawn: Because Baldwins have a long history of having a bad reputation.
T.J.: What makes Lazaro so much better? I mean, it's not like he's got the highest conviction rate. Uh, I've seen the campaign ads.
Shawn: Well, I think Lazaro's conviction rate is just as good as any D.A. In this town.
T.J.: I guess.
Shawn: It's time to get this done. Hi.
Michael: Wait, Dad, are you saying you know who hit your shipment in the warehouse?
Sonny: I want you at the gallery tonight, 'cause I intend to take Derek out.
Sonny: Nothing for you to worry about, okay?
Olivia: Sonny. Hey. You got a second, or is this a bad time?
Kiki: It's -- it's actually a perfect time. Michael and I were just leaving.
Sonny: I'll see you, guys. All right, do me a favor, okay? Uh, call Shawn. Head for the show. Keep an eye on Julian.
Max: You got it, boss.
Sonny: [Exhales deeply]
Olivia: [Sighs]
Sonny: What's wrong?
Olivia: I ran into Morgan, and I tried to talk to him, and it didn't go very well.
Sonny: Kid hates me.
Olivia: No, he doesn't hate you. Sonny, he's just hurting. But you should have heard the things that he said.
Sonny: What'd he say?
Olivia: Nothing that made any sense, but I'm telling you, I think that kid is in big trouble.
Derek: I swear -- that's the whole story. If you don't believe me, you can ask Morgan yourself.
Morgan: Ask me what?
Ava: Your mother had this crazy idea that you and Derek, here, are involved.
Morgan: "Involved"? Oh, my God. Mom, are you -- what? You mean, like -- like I --
Ava: Like this.
Derek: [Clears throat]
Ava: Does that clear things up for you?
Carly: Get the hell off my son, you bitch.
Sam: Whoa, Carly! Carly, hey!
Shawn: Well, I've done my civic duty. Now I can take you to Molly's.
T.J.: That's it? I mean, you studied that voting pamphlet for like an hour, and you were done voting in 10 seconds.
Shawn: Okay, so, first you're complaining I was taking too long. Now you're complaining the process was too fast? Come on, man. You can't have it both ways.
T.J.: Sure, I can. This is America, man.
Shawn: Yeah, I'm sure Molly would be pleased you're quoting "the wire." Come on, man. Let's go.
T.J.: [Chuckles]
[Cell phone ringing]
Shawn: I need to take this. Yeah, what's up?
Max: Boss wants Derek Wells, A.K.A. Julian Jerome, handled tonight.
Shawn: You sure this is coming from Sonny? Because you know the last time...
Max: Straight from the boss. You want me to put him on?
Shawn: [Sighs] No. No. I trust you. When is this going down?
Max: Outside Ava Jerome's gallery. I'm headed there right now to keep an eye on him. When he leaves, you're on. Got it?
Shawn: Yeah. Got it.
T.J.: You got to go to work?
Shawn: Uh, yeah.
T.J.: [Sighs] Whatever.
Shawn: Don't worry, T.J. I can still take you to Molly's.
T.J.: It's not that. It's just...
Shawn: It's what?
T.J.: [Sighs] What if something happens to you?
Sonny: What kind of trouble? Is it a gambling debt?
Lazaro: Mr. Corinthos, I need to speak with private.
Sonny: Olivia, meet the district attorney.
Olivia: Uh, Olivia Falconeri. I voted for you today.
Lazaro: I appreciate that. Mr. Corinthos.
Sonny: Olivia is a friend of mine from the neighborhood. I'm sure she's surprised that I would welcome somebody in here, into my establishment, making demands, even if it is the district attorney.
Lazaro: This is urgent. I'm sure ms. Falconeri will understand.
Olivia: Leave me out of this.
Sonny: Okay, if this is about the file...she knows about it.
Lazaro: Well, she's not the only one! It turns out my illustrious opponent, Scott Baldwin, has a recording of us discussing the matter.
Morgan: Hey, hey, hey!
Ava: I can't help it if your baby boy wants me.
Carly: You cradle-robbing whore!
Ava: Do what you want. You will not keep Morgan and me apart.
Carly: You watch me!
Sebastian: Ladies and gentlemen!
Derek: What has gotten into you?
Carly: What? That woman is a predator. She's having sex with my son.
Sebastian: [Whistles] Thank you. Thank you all for coming. Tonight, you will bear witness to the triumphant return of one of the 21st century's greatest artists. Please let me present to you the one [Chuckles] The only, the recently resurrected Franco.
Diane: You can do this.
Franco: Well, thank you all for coming, and thank you for not losing faith in me. The fact that you're here means that you still have faith in me, even though I've given you no reason. You stuck with me through the darkest hours. I guess what I'm saying is your love and support mean everything to me.
Shawn: T.J., what's going on?
T.J.: [Sighs] Look...I lied, okay?
Shawn: About what?
T.J.: This summer, when you told me what it is you do for Molly's uncle, I said I was fine with it.
Shawn: But you're not.
T.J.: I thought I was, but, Shawn, you told me you protected people.
Shawn: I do.
T.J.: But that's not all you do, right? I mean, sometimes, you have to hurt people.
Shawn: But not the people who don't deserve it.
T.J.: But that means the -- those other guys -- they can come after you, right?
Shawn: No. Not to me directly.
T.J.: Shawn, you know what I mean! [Sighs] Look, doing your job could get you killed, right?
Shawn: T.J., look -- I spent a lot of years as a soldier, okay? That can get you killed, too, right?
T.J.: Like my dad.
Shawn: Yeah.
T.J.: That's my point, Shawn. You're the only one out here looking after me. If I lose you, then --
Shawn: You won't. You won't.
T.J.: But if I did. Shawn, I have no one. My dad's gone. And you know my mother -- she wants nothing to do with me.
Shawn: Okay, now, hold on. You know it didn't go down like that.
T.J.: Oh, yeah? Then how come I've been living with you almost two years... and she hasn't visited me once?
Sebastian: I expect confirmation of the wire before delivery.
Sam: Hey, can I have, uh, two whiskeys, neat, please?
Silas: Hmm. Thank you.
Sam: Oh, you wanted one, too?
Silas: Ahh.
Sam: [Chuckles]
Silas: To, uh -- to whiskey, angry women, and emergency rooms.
Sam: [Sighs] Story of my life.
Silas: Me too.
Sam: I should probably go check on Carly.
Silas: [Groans] I sense some history there.
Sam: "Some"? Yeah. Sometimes we hate each other. Sometimes we don't. Depends [Chuckling] What day of the week it is and whether or not we have any enemies.
Silas: Okay.
Sam: Yeah.
Sebastian: Wonderful news. I've just sold one of Franco's paintings to someone at Wyndemere. It must have been Nikolas Cassadine -- a prince. [Chuckles]
Heather: Huzzah. Hooray. Bully, bully for you.
Sebastian: Well, if you want to buy one of these new masterpieces, you better hurry.
Heather: Masterpieces? You really think they're that good?
Sebastian: Yes. I do. I think that they are painted by a genius -- a mad, mad genius.
Heather: Hear, hear.
Sebastian: Um, by the way, there are, um, some divine hors d'oeuvres over there. Do you fancy a mini quiche or canapé or -- or perhaps even a bagel?
Heather: No, thanks. I'm good.
Sebastian: Um, perhaps some coffee? A triple espresso?
Heather: I said I'm fine. But there is something I would like -- to buy all the rest of those paintings.
Sebastian: To buy the rest of them?
Heather: Every damn last one.
Sebastian: Well, I'll get the paperwork together.
Heather: Good. You do that. [Chuckles] But --
Sebastian: Yes?
Heather: There is one teeny, tiny little thing I'd like first from the artist himself.
Carly: Nice speech.
Franco: I'm glad you liked it.
Silas: She looks fine to me.
Sam: Carly is always gonna be fine. It was just a little uncomfortable.
Silas: Then again, it's really none of our business.
Sam: It's still a little uncomfortable.
Silas: Hmm.
Sam: Where's Derek?
Silas: Hmm.
Sam: Let's go find him.
Silas: Okay.
Franco: So, I heard there was a little bit of a catfight earlier.
Carly: [Chuckles]
Franco: Sorry I missed that.
Carly: Well, Ava had it coming.
Franco: Well, next time, my money's on you.
Carly: Hopefully, there won't be a next time.
Franco: There will definitely be a next time.
Carly: Okay. [Chuckles] You were wrong about Derek and Morgan.
Franco: I was?
Carly: Yeah.
Franco: Really?
Carly: Yeah, really.
Franco: Nothing physical between them?
Carly: Apparently not.
Franco: Okay, well, I'm happy for you, and I'm happy for Morgan.
Carly: And Derek?
Franco: I hope you two have a really lovely evening.
Carly: I hope you have a great evening with, um...Diane. Where is your girlfriend, by the way?
Diane: Oh, I thought I --
Max: Excuse me. Sorry. Diane, hi.
Diane: Max.
Max: Hi.
Diane: Max. Well, I-I didn't know you were an art fan.
Max: Well, you know I love my comics, so...
Diane: [Chuckles] Yes. Yes. Well, it's good to see you. You look good.
Max: Oh, thank you. Uh, you -- you look good, too. Real good.
Diane: Ohh.
Max: Um, so, is it -- is it true that you're seeing Franco?
Ava: Sonny's personal bodyguard just arrived.
Derek: I see that.
Ava: So don't you think you should be somewhere else?
Derek: Don't worry. The no-neck thug had to go through the metal detectors like everyone else. He is, um, unarmed.
Ava: [Sighs] Damn it, Julian. It doesn't matter that he's unarmed. Sonny's men are waiting for you outside, and they are going to kill you.
Derek: Relax. I know what I'm doing.
Lazaro: Do you know what this means?
Sonny: No.
Lazaro: My opponent somehow got proof that I swiped the Julian Jerome file for you. If there's an investigation, it won't take much digging to discover that you and I are deeply connected.
Sonny: Did Baldwin give the recording to anybody else?
Lazaro: No, not yet! But he made it clear that, if I don't drop out, he's gonna send me to prison. So I have to ask you, Sonny, did you set me up?
Sonny: What -- what'd you say?
Lazaro: You heard me. Were you wearing a wire?
Sonny: I've never worn a wire in my life!
Lazaro: Then what the hell happened?!
Kiki: [Clears throat]
Morgan: Kiki, what are you doing here?
Kiki: I came here to warn you...about my mother.
Shawn: Your mother loves you, T.J.
T.J.: Oh, well, she sure has a great way of showing it. [Sighs]
Shawn: Look -- look, I-I'm not saying what your mother did was right, okay? But it's not easy for her, either.
T.J.: Look, I lost my dad, too.
Shawn: So did I. Okay, but with you and your mother, it's different, man. [Chuckles] Look at you, man. T.J., You look so much like your old man. It's crazy.
T.J.: He was my dad. Of course I'm gonna look like him.
Shawn: But when he was younger. You know, that's when I met your mom and dad, you know?
T.J.: I know.
Shawn: Boy, I'll tell you -- you put a picture of you right now next to a picture of him back then -- I don't think I could tell you two apart. Look, I know it's unfair, okay? But I just think, you know, your mom has a hard time looking at you without remembering what she's lost.
T.J.: But, see, she didn't lose me. Shawn, I'm here. Like, why can't she see that?
Shawn: I don't know.
T.J.: [Sighs] Just tell me -- is that what you see? You look at my face and think, "I killed him. My friendly fire took his life"?
Shawn: No, no, no. Hold on, okay? I look at you -- I look at you, and I see my best friend -- my brother. And I see a young man that I know he'd be proud to know today.
Lazaro: Did you cut some kind of a deal?
Sonny: [Sighs]
Lazaro: Expose corruption in the DA's office for some kind of immunity?
Sonny: Not that I owe you any answers -- I don't cut deals. I don't wear wires.
Lazaro: I'm sorry. I'm just trying to figure this out. If you didn't wear a wire, how did Baldwin get ahold of that tape?
Sonny: How the hell do I -- get out of here! Get the hell out of here! I'm tired of you.
Lazaro: Fine. My time as finished.
Sonny: All right.
Lazaro: [Exhales deeply] But you remember this, Mr. Corinthos, coffee importer -- I'm not the only one that lost a connection to city hall tonight.
[Door slams]
Olivia: Sonny, how did this happen?
Sonny: Somebody must have gotten close -- close enough, you know, to -- to spy on me.
Olivia: But Lazaro -- you think he could have come in here, waving around accusations, trying to trap you?
Sonny: It's not Lazaro. It's not Shawn. It's not Max.
Olivia: Oh, God.
Sonny: What's wrong?
Olivia: When I saw Morgan earlier...Sonny, he was talking to Scott Baldwin.
Scott: This is nice.
Lucy: Oh. Uh-huh. Very nice.
Scott: Snap out of it, Lucy. This is gonna be a-a great night. If everything goes as planned, I've got the election in the bag.
Lucy: Yes, uh, you do. I'm happy. I'm -- I'm very, very happy for you.
Scott: There's a "but."
Lucy: But...
Scott: There's the "but."
Lucy: Yeah, it's a great, big "but." I can't help thinking that this gift Morgan Corinthos has given you came with strings attached.
Derek: I'm sorry about the commotion back there.
Sam: Yeah, your -- your new business partner, Ava -- she might want to know that Carly is not the woman to mess with.
Derek: I will, uh, make that clear to her.
Sam: Um, actually, Derek, I have -- it might not be the most appropriate time, but I did have a question for you.
Derek: You know you can ask me anything, any time.
Sam: It's about Danny.
Derek: The answer's "yes."
Sam: I-I wouldn't say that just yet. You -- you don't know what I'm about to ask.
Derek: It's still a "yes."
Sam: Even if it means another trip to the hospital?
Ava: Kiki, I am truly sorry that my relationship with Morgan upsets you.
Kiki: I didn't come here to talk to you.
Ava: Maybe we should talk.
Kiki: We have nothing to say.
Morgan: Hmm, what a coincidence. 'Cause I don't have anything to say to you, either.
Kiki: Morgan, please, just listen to me. You need to hear her latest lie.
Ava: Wh-- what lie?
Michael: We know the truth, Ava. You're connected to the Jerome crime family, and your brother is Julian Jerome.
Morgan: Dude, even if that's true, so what? We're dad's kids -- that doesn't mean that we're in the mob.
Kiki: Can you just please get past your anger for just one second, Morgan, and listen to us? Think about all of the horrible things that my mother has done, all of the lies that she has told. Do you really want to risk it?
Morgan: What do you care?
Kiki: I've never stopped caring about you, Morgan.
Michael: Just listen to her, Morgan.
Kiki: Please. Stay away from her...before you get caught in the cross fire.
Olivia: Sonny, I went to talk to Morgan to -- to -- to tell him how much you love him and that maybe he should go and try to patch things up with you, and he just got -- he got so upset but not, like, angry upset -- like -- like, he was sad. And he said it was too late. God, Sonny, you don't think that Morgan could have...
Lucy: Is that what I think it was about?
Scott: Lazaro's chief of staff. That horse is out of the race. You're looking at the new district attorney of Port Charles...again.
Lucy: Mm. Yay. That's fantastic. I'm very, very, very happy for you. Great.
Scott: A little more enthusiasm.
Lucy: [Inhales deeply] I'm s-- I'm serious. I am. I'm very happy for you. I'm thrilled. It's just --
Scott: That you'd like to throw a wet blanket on my -- my -- my victory.
Lucy: No. No. That's not it. I'm just concerned about who you're getting involved with.
Derek: So, you need me at the hospital? I thought you said Danny was fine.
Sam: He is.
Derek: Okay.
Silas: It would be for research.
Derek: Research? So, Danny is okay?
Silas: Yes.
Derek: Okay, well, you might want to lead with that next time. So, what kind of research are we talking?
Silas: Currently, there are no ways to store bone-marrow donations.
Sam: Yes, and if Danny ever got sick again and he would need another transplant...
Silas: I'm just in the research phase, all right? But the data's promising, and I think I might be making some progress soon.
Sam: We're not saying the cancer is gonna return, but if it does and you are -- I don't know -- maybe somewhere, um --
Silas: "Unavailable" might be a good word. Unavailable.
Derek: So, this is, like, a, uh, an insurance policy should something happen to me?
Silas: Something like that. Yeah. I just -- truth be told, I need to run a battery of tests.
Derek: Absolutely.
Sam: Really?
Derek: Yeah, well, you had me at, uh, "it's for Danny."
Sam: Oh, my God.
Silas: Well, good. Since we caught you in a good mood, we can run the tests tomorrow, if you're available.
Derek: I'll make myself available.
Sam: Ahh! Oh, thank you so much. You have no idea how much that means to me.
Derek: You're welcome.
Morgan: Thanks, Kiki. You too, Michael. I really appreciate the, uh, concern.
Michael: We are concerned.
Morgan: And I am touched. Really. But I'm a big boy, okay? I can handle myself.
Michael: Are you even listening to us? Ava could be involved with the Jerome family, okay -- the same people who are attacking dad.
Ava: Michael, I'm sure your intentions are noble. You want to protect your criminal father's crooked business. I respect that. But not everybody is a criminal. I know I'm not, and to hear you say it aloud is both absurd and, frankly, it's a little embarrassing.
Michael: Well, that's a lot of words for one denial.
Kiki: Captain, please?
Morgan: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You don't get to call me that anymore.
Kiki: If you won't believe Michael, can you please believe me? Something seriously wrong is going on here. Just walk away from her until we figure it out.
Olivia: Sonny, you don't think it's possible, do you? You don't think Morgan could have...
Michael: Morgan knows you don't want anyone in here, but, uh, he insisted on returning this.
Sonny: [Sighs]
Olivia: Sonny?
Sonny: [Sighs] [Sighs]
Morgan: Why should I believe a word you have to say, when you're not even convinced yourself?
Kiki: I am convinced. I just don't have proof.
Morgan: And let me ask -- where -- where do you get off calling your mother a liar, when that's all you've ever done is -- is lie to me?
Michael: That's not true, Morgan.
Morgan: You know what? You betrayed me, Michael. Both of you did. And, in fact, the only person who's been on my side is Ava. Hey, let's go look at some art.
Kiki: Great. Well, that went really well. [Sighs] What?
Michael: It's just Morgan didn't seem surprised at all when we told him about Ava's brother.
Heather: So, do we have a deal?
Sebastian: I'll get right on it.
Heather: [Muffled burp]
Carly: Looks like your comeback's a success. Although I can't understand why.
Franco: Yeah, well, it's not your fault. You just don't understand the complexity of my oeuvre.
Carly: [Chuckles] You can keep your oeuvre to yourself. Guess I won't have to kick you out onto the street.
Franco: That's good, 'cause I like living under your roof.
Carly: And just because I don't get your vision doesn't mean you don't have a gift. I mean, look. You're an artist.
Franco: Carly, there's something I really need to tell you.
Max: I can understand why you wouldn't want to be with a guy like me, but Franco? Why would you ever be with someone like him?
Diane: Max, I promise you it's not what it looks like.
Max: Then explain it to me.
Diane: [Sighs]
Carly: What is it? Tell me.
Franco: It's about the show.
[Glass clinking]
Sebastian: Ladies, gentlemen, everybody. Everybody? Eyes up here. Thank you. I am happy to announce that not only have we sold one of our paintings, but we also have a buyer lined up to purchase the rest.
Franco: What?
Diane: Yes!
Sebastian: She's being, uh, very shy at the moment, but our buyer did have one request before finalizing the sale, and that is that Franco himself personally tell us the meaning behind each and every one of the pieces here tonight. Ladies and gentlemen, you are in for a real treat.
Carly: Be brief and be brave.
Franco: Baz, you, uh -- you know my rule about art. It's not art if you have to explain it.
Sebastian: I'm sure you can make an exception, Franco, especially for a sale of such magnitude.
Diane: And -- and you're a genius, so you can do this.
Sebastian: The buyer was particularly interested in this one. Tell us, Franco, what is it? What inspired you?
Franco: Um, well, uh... pbht! A verticality, and there's, uh -- there's a rigidness -- rigid-- ri--rigidity? Rigidity?
Diane: Mm-hmm.
Franco: Of...
Diane: Society.
Franco: What about it?
Diane: Well, that's -- when you explained it to me -- uh, just recently, that's what you said.
Franco: Right. Uh, s-s-society. The -- the, um -- yeah.
Diane: Perhaps you could talk about your color choices, 'cause they're so specific. So, you could talk about colors.
Franco: Uh, sure, yeah. Colors.
Kiki: This isn't happening.
Franco: Green -- money -- consumerism, and...I sure did make an awful lot of paintings, didn't I?
Diane: [Chuckles]
Franco: I'm sorry. Where was I?
Diane: Colors.
Franco: Right. Colors.
Silas: What the hell is this guy talking about?
Sam: I don't know.
Silas: That's what I was thinking.
Franco: Red is...blood.
Diane: Unh-unh.
Franco: No, not blood. Not -- no. Life. Life. Uh...yeah. Life.
Diane: Perhaps you could simply talk about the -- the work in general -- the totality...
Franco: Oh, the totality?
Diane: ...Of the work.
Franco: The totality. The -- the -- the -- the -- uh, the totality --
Heather: No! No. No. It's a BLT, you idiot. You said you got it, Franco, but you lied to me. You didn't get it at all. You just wanted to take credit for my genius. A B...L...T. And anybody that doesn't get that doesn't deserve to own this.
[Crowd murmurs as Heather turns the painting the right way]
Heather: What?
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