General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 11/6/13
Provided By Suzanne
Heather: That little son of a --
Sam: I'm going to that opening tonight.
Silas: What? Franco's show?
Sam: I know, I know. If you would have asked me about it yesterday, I probably would have said that I would crawl over broken glass first, but a percentage of the proceeds are going to leukemia research.
Silas: Oh, come on! That means I can't get out of it, either.
Sam: Oh, come on. It must really suck being a brilliant life-saving doctor and all.
Silas: Subject change. Whose idea do you think it was to tie Franco's show to leukemia research?
Sam: I don't know. I mean, it had to be Franco, right?
Silas: You got to be kidding me, right?
Sam: He's the one in charge. Who else would he let make that decision?
Silas: Well, he doesn't really hit me as the generous type.
Sam: No, me neither, but Franco really does love surprising people.
Carly: Don't be so surprised. I told you I was gonna bring Derek.
Franco: Yeah, that was before.
Carly: Before what?
Franco: Okay, don't freak out, but I know something about Derek that you don't know.
Carly: This jealousy of yours is getting out of hand! I'm pretty sure Diane would not appreciate it. I know she wouldn't.
Franco: Carly... Derek is sleeping with your son.
Morgan: I couldn't help but notice your disagreement with Mr. Lazaro just now.
Scott: Well, you know, he's trying to take me down.
Morgan: Well, take him down first... with this.
Scott: What's that?
Morgan: Just give it a listen.
Scott: Where'd you get it?
Morgan: A friend.
Lucy: Um, hey, pal, I -- I don't know about this.
Scott: You're gonna have to be more specific. Who's your friend?
Sonny: You can tell me all about Franco's show because you're going.
Max: I am?
Sonny: I want you at the gallery at 9:00 'cause I intend to take Derek out.
Ava: That doesn't sound good.
Derek: [Breathes deeply]
Michael: Look, you know my father's been having business difficulties. His warehouse is trashed, his shipment was blown up.
Kiki: I thought they didn't know who was responsible?
Michael: The name "Jerome" had been mentioned.
Kiki: They think that my mom's behind it?
Michael: I don't know. But nobody should make an enemy of my father.
Kiki: Wait. Hey, hey, hey! Where you going?
Michael: I got to tell my dad about this.
Kiki: No, you can't do that.
Max: Boss, a-are you sure about this?
Sonny: No matter what, this ends now. Julian Jerome dies tonight.
Sam: Come on. If we are gonna make it to the gallery on time, we have to go.
Silas: Where are running to? Are you sure you want to do this? I'll write a check for a billion dollars right now. We'll go to the movies.
Sam: Okay, that sounds nice. We could do that, but I have to keep my eye on him. I want to figure out if he's up to something myself.
Silas: Are you sure that's what it is?
Sam: Yes.
Silas: I don't buy it.
Sam: Excuse me?
Silas: Whether you like it or not, I'm starting to be able to read you.
Sam: And?
Silas: You're up to something. Why do you really want to go to Franco's show?
Sebastian: Did you ever think you'd see this in your life?
Heather: Never.
Sebastian: The real Franco returns. And to a gallery, no less. His commentary on the conventionality of art distribution alone is worth the price of admission. But that's Franco -- full of surprises.
Heather: So these are Franco's works.
Sebastian: It's a new series. A real departure from his earlier pieces. The other works were fluid and immediate, closely tied to Franco's origins as a street artist. These pictures are much more... controlled, regimented, and yet you can still feel the chaos bursting to break through. Genius, aren't they?
Heather: I'll say. They're mine.
Carly: What did you just say?
Franco: Carly, if we're gonna have this conversation, I think we should make it a private conversation.
Carly: I'm not coming inside.
Franco: You were just banging on my door like you had something to say.
Carly: No. No, don't. No.
Franco: Carly, please.
Carly: Start explaining yourself.
Franco: I'm not the one that needs to explain myself. Derek is sleeping with your son.
Carly: Derek is sleeping with Michael.
Franco: No, not Michael. The other one.
Carly: Oh, my God. You're ridiculous! What is wrong with you?!
Franco: It wouldn't be ridiculous if he were sleeping with Michael?
Carly: Morgan doesn't swing that way! Unfortunately, he's sleeping with Ava.
Franco: Yeah, well, Ava and Derek are working together.
Carly: So?
Franco: So, maybe they're taking turns with the kid. Maybe they're passing him back and forth. I think both of them are sleeping with Morgan.
Morgan: Look, man, listen to it, don't listen to it. It's your election to lose, and the exit polls aren't exactly, you know, going your way, so...
Lucy: That is not true. Wait a minute. Where did you hear that? It doesn't matter because we have not yet begun to fight.
Morgan: Look, if you want to beat Lazaro, you're gonna need all the ammunition you can get, right? So that'll give you a clear picture of the guy you're up against.
Scott: What could you possibly know about Lazaro?
Morgan: I'm just the messenger, dude. We're just trying to help you.
Scott: All right. Well, what's the big secret? If you want to help, tell me where you got it?
Morgan: Well, don't worry about where I got it. Just worry about what's on it.
Olivia: Morgan, Morgan! Hey, hey, hey! What're you doing talking to Scott Baldwin?
Max: Okay, boss. How do you want this to go down?
Sonny: Julian's gonna be at Franco's art show tonight.
Max: You sure you want him taken out in front of all --
Sonny: I don't want any mistakes. I don't want any civilian casualties. That's why Shawn's gonna be, you know, outside waiting for him. He's gonna have nowhere to run. And I'm gonna take him out.
Kiki: Michael, please, you can't talk to your dad, not right now.
Michael: Look, Kiki, you just confirmed that your mom's part of a rival mob family. This is exactly what my dad was worried about from the first time he asked you about your name. The Jeromes were heavy hitters. They're known to be ruthless.
Kiki: My mom's an art dealer. Yes, she's ruthless but about getting the best price for a painting.
Michael: Kiki, I'm sorry, but there's obviously a lot you don't know about your mother.
Kiki: Yeah, she's a liar -- I know that -- but it's about personal things -- about who my father is, where she came from. And I know that she's used me, she's used Franco, she's used a lot of people, but that's not the same thing as being a gangster.
Michael: Look, my father's business problems started around the same time your mom showed up to Port Charles. People said it was the Jeromes, but there are no Jeromes. Just your mother. Look, I have to tell my dad. He has to be able to protect himself.
Kiki: Protect himself? How? I know the stories, Michael. What do you think your dad is going to do? Do you think he's going to talk to my mom? He already has it out for her after what she did to Morgan.
Michael: Kiki, I have to tell him.
Kiki: [Breathes deeply]
Michael: Whatever you think's gonna happen to your mom, well, she started it. She's the one who came after my father.
Kiki: Even if we think that this is right, we don't have proof. It is still just a theory. Please, there has to be another way.
Sebastian: These paintings are yours?
Heather: Yes.
Sebastian: Oh, yes! I understand. I know the feeling. You simply must have them. Well, let me assure you, they can be yours for the right price. Sebastian Leeds. I'm Franco's art dealer. I put this show together.
Heather: Charmed.
Sebastian: And you are?
Heather: An escaped mental patient.
Sebastian: [Laughs]
[Both laugh]
Sebastian: How delightful. Yes, I suppose we are all a little mad. So true. I should have known to expect such wit from one of Franco's fans.
Heather: Oh, I'm not just one of Franco's fans. I'm his number-one fan.
Sebastian: Ah.
Heather: At least, I thought I was.
Carly: Wow. I got to give it to you. This new line, it is original. It's very original.
Franco: You don't believe me.
Carly: Not for a second.
Carly: You want me to believe that my son can't make up his mind between his ex-mother-in-law and the new guy I'm seeing?
Franco: Well, looking at it objectively, they both have their own unique qualities.
Carly: Morgan's not bisexual, okay?
Franco: Well, kids today, they don't want to label things.
Carly: I'm gonna label you delusional, and I'm out of here.
Franco: This isn't Morgan's fault, all right? Morgan's just had his heart broken. He's looking for affection and support anywhere he can find it. He is the victim. Derek -- really, what kind of a guy cheats on you at all, let alone with your own son?
Carly: What kind of a guy makes up a story like this just to cause trouble?
Franco: You think that's what I'm doing? You think I would do that to you?
Carly: Is it beneath you? Are you too honest?
Franco: Carly, look, I have done some horrible things in my life, but I know how you feel about your children. I know how worried you are about Morgan. I would never do something like that to you.
Carly: That's exactly what you're doing to me!
Franco: Carly, I saw them!
Carly: You saw them in bed together?
Franco: Well, no, no. [Stammering] No, they weren't in be-- I saw Morgan leaving Derek's hotel room, and Derek was... he was -- he was in a robe.
Carly: So what? So what that you saw Derek and Morgan together and he was in a bathrobe? That does not mean anything sexual was going on.
Franco: Quote -- "remember, no one needs to know about our relationship," unquote. I'm pretty sure I know what that means. There is no possible other explanation for this.
Scott: What was that kid's name again?
Lucy: Shh! Morgan. It's Morgan Corinthos.
Scott: Yes, Corinthos I got. So that's Sonny and Carly's son.
Lucy: You betcha. Bobbie's grandson.
Scott: Well, that's a point in his favor. How do we know he's trustworthy?
Lucy: I don't know. How would I know? Why are you asking me that?
Scott: Well, I'm just saying, look at the parents, for crying out loud. One's a criminal, the other's a pathological liar. How do we know how the kid turned out?
Lucy: Well, we don't but you can't always blame the person for their parents' mistakes.
Scott: You don't mistakenly just become a mobster. I want to put Corinthos away for the rest of his life.
Lucy: I know you do, and you will, but first you have to get elected D.A., Which means we got to figure out this flash drive that Morgan gave you. Why did he say it has something on it that would take down Lazaro?
Scott: Well, I don't know. I hope there is something on this doohickey that could run him right out of office. He is gonna make a stink about finding you, me, and Heather in this voting booth.
Lucy: Well, at least he didn't know it was Heather, an escapee from a mental institute, in the voting booth with you.
Scott: Well, it doesn't really matter 'cause he can still cause trouble, and I can't afford a scandal this late in the game.
Lucy: No, you can't. So tell me, oh, pal of mine, really, why was Heather in that voting booth with you?
Scott: How do I know what goes on in that tweetie-bird head of hers here? Every time I turn around, she seems to be there. Maybe she's got a crush on me again.
Lucy: Oh, brother. You know, you can't really have the D.A. Position if you have some mental patient that thinks she's a tweetie bird having a crush on you. You can't do it, okay?
Scott: Yes, I'm well aware of that, Lucy, but first thing's first. I may not even get in to the DA's office if there's not something on this flash drive that can help.
Lucy: What do you think is on it?
Scott: Well, there's only one way to find out.
Sonny: I want you and Shawn at the art gallery tonight. That way, when Derek leaves at the end of the evening, this will all be over.
Derek: [Scoffs] Well, that was quite entertaining.
Ava: Thank God I talked you out of killing Morgan. If he hadn't planted that bug in Sonny's office, you wouldn't know to stay far away from Franco's show tonight.
Derek: Except I'm going.
Ava: What? Were we not listening to the exact same conversation here?
Derek: I was listening.
Ava: Well, then you should know that you can't go anywhere near that gallery tonight. Sonny is gonna have you killed.
Derek: Corinthos has his plan for tonight. Now I have mine. yourself? You will say anything to come in between me and Derek.
Franco: Yeah, you're right. I want to come between you and Derek. Although, given this new information about Derek, not like that. Look, I find the whole concept of you and Derek completely revolting, but that it not why I am telling you that Morgan --
Carly: Then you tell me what you think you saw. Tell me.
Franco: I didn't think I saw anything! I saw saw. I saw Morgan leaving Derek's hotel room, I saw Derek wearing a robe, and I saw Derek put his hand on him and say, "nobody needs to know about our relationship."
Carly: Okay, wait. What the hell were you doing there? What were you doing? Nope! I don't want to know. I don't want to know because I don't believe it, and guess what -- I don't believe you.
Franco: Why would I make -- if I were gonna make something up, you think this is what I would make up?
Carly: I don't know what you would or wouldn't make up, but instead of trying to convince me, you need to worry about your art show tonight.
Franco: Look, you're not hearing me, all right? You think Ava is a predator? Derek is a predator to the 51st power, and he's got his manicured claws --
Carly: Stop! Stop it! Forget Derek, okay? Because if you don't sell these paintings, you're in the poor house and out on your ass.
Sebastian: I can understand why you still might feel uncomfortable about being a Francophile, especially after that murder-spree unpleasantness, but that's long in the past. Let me assure you that tonight is about Franco's new perspective -- a window into his innermost thoughts.
Heather: Yes. I know exactly what he was thinking.
Sebastian: Well, you're a little early for the start of the show, so can I offer you a drink at the bar in the meantime?
Diane: Mr. Leeds? Sebastian?
Sebastian: Excuse me one moment. Ms. Miller, I trust everything is up to the agreed specifications?
Diane: Absolutely. The debut of Franco's new works is just fabulous.
Franco: I need more.
Heather: More?
Franco: Yeah.
Heather: More what?
Franco: More -- more -- more of this inspiration, this -- this... colorful, stripey humanity.
Heather: My painting.
Franco: Yeah. Your painting. This painting.
Heather: You get it. You really get it!
Franco: Oh, yeah, no, I really get it. What I would really like to get is maybe a dozen more of them.
Heather: Why that little liar.
Diane: All that is left is for you to sign here.
Sebastian: Ah. Gladly.
Diane: Thank you.
Sebastian: Oh, before you head off, I just met the loveliest woman. She's terribly eccentric, which suggests old money.
Diane: Oh.
Sebastian: She's intensely interested in the paintings. Apparently, she's a big admirer of Franco's. I was having a wonderful chat with her, and I thought, with the addition of your formidable charms...
Diane: Oh, stop.
[Both laugh]
Sebastian: ...We might be able to sell her this evening.
Diane: Interesting. Well, anything I can do for the cause. Where is she?
Sebastian: Oh, well, she's -- well, that's strange. She was just here.
Sam: You think that I have an ulterior motive?
Silas: If I didn't before, I do now.
Sam: Okay, fine. If I'm being honest, Franco is not the only reason why I want to go to the gallery.
Silas: I'm listening.
Sam: Ava's hosting the show, and I figured that maybe, in some other setting -- a little bit more relaxed -- I could get her to talk to me.
Silas: Mm. Maybe find out a little bit more about your father.
Sam: About any of the family. I want to know if Ava is following in the Jerome footsteps and is up to no good.
Silas: Just be careful how you approach Ava. She fights dirty, and you may get more than you bargained for.
Sam: Don't you worry. I can handle her. Besides, I really don't have another choice. I don't have anything concrete here. I'm just going on hunches.
Silas: Well, over the past few months, I've -- I've learned to trust your hunches.
Sam: Are you kidding me? You're not gonna try and talk me out of this right now?
Silas: I'm gonna let you in on a little secret right here.
Sam: Okay.
Silas: I don't care what your reason is for going to the show tonight. I'm just happy I get to spend a little time with you.
Lucy: Okay, as far as anybody knows, Dr. Collins signed out the room. We'll have about an hour. Is that enough? What?
Scott: Look at him gloating. He thinks he's got it in the bag. Enjoy it while you can.
Lazaro: And, furthermore, I think that, as the D.A....
Morgan: Is Scott Baldwin on the list of people I'm forbidden to see now?
Olivia: No, of course not.
Morgan: Are you gonna report to my dad that I'm talking to someone he hasn't approved?
Olivia: No, I'm telling you, it's nothing like that. It's just I've heard a lot of stories about Baldwin and none of them are very pretty.
Morgan: Okay. Well, I can handle myself.
Olivia: I'm sure you can.
Morgan: Look, all right, this is my first election, all right? I was just telling Mr. Baldwin that he has my vote, though I guess Lazaro has yours because you had to follow orders.
Olivia: What is that supposed to mean?
Morgan: Forget it.
Olivia: Morgan --
Morgan: What are you gonna accuse me of now?
Olivia: Wait, wait! No accusations. I'm sorry. I just -- I thought maybe I could talk to you about your father.
Sonny: Michael, I didn't think you'd still be here.
Michael: Yeah, I didn't think I would be. But, uh... look, I need to tell you something.
Sonny: What is it?
Ava: Have you lost your mind? Sonny is going to have you killed tonight. And I'll be there playing host. I won't be able to protect you, not without exposing myself.
Derek: Better run along, sis. I have to finish getting ready for tonight.
Ava: You must have a death wish.
Derek: Please. Sonny's not gonna have me killed in a room full of people. Remember the Franco fiasco? Olivia Falconeri was shot.
Ava: Yes. By me. Sonny knows it wasn't his man that screwed up the job, so what is gonna stop him this time?
Derek: He's not gonna have me taken down inside the gallery. He's gonna wait until after the show.
Ava: Okay, fine. So his man will wait for you outside the gallery. Why are you so determined to go when you know you have a target on your back?
Derek: Because we're gonna settle this once and for all. Sonny was right about one thing, Ava. This all ends tonight.
Sam: I better get going -- go home, get dressed if I'm going to the show.
Silas: Why? I think you look real pretty right now.
Sam: Thank you. I appreciate that, but I do think there's a dress code.
Silas: Ugh.
Sam: Besides, I have to see if maybe Molly or Rafe can babysit.
Silas: Okay. Well, I'll go home and see if I have anything clean and not wrinkled, and I'll come by and pick you up around 7:00?
Sam: Yeah, I'd appreciate that.
Silas: Yeah, we'll be good. Last chance -- you sure you don't want to go to the movies?
Sam: Come on. If you don't want to go, you don't have to.
Silas: What, and miss you get all dressed up? No way. No, if you're going, I'm going.
[Elevator bell dings]
Silas: Just don't think some stupid art show is gonna be very romantic.
Sam: Well, I mean, think of it this way -- Ava and Franco are hosting. At least it's gonna be interesting.
Diane: Looks like your buyer has flown the coop.
Sebastian: She must be here. She said she was Franco's number-one fan.
Diane: How Stephen king of her.
Sebastian: Well, she's delightfully odd. Let's look around for her. I'm sure you'll love her.
Diane: Well, I will love anyone who wants to buy Franco's work. [Chuckles]
Sebastian: I'm curious. Have you ever had any dealings with Franco, um, before...?
Diane: You mean before his brain tumor was removed? Well... only briefly. I represented him at his arraignment. How about you?
Sebastian: Oh, I've represented Franco on and off for years.
Diane: On and off?
Sebastian: Oh, he's very erratic. He'd let me do one of his shows, and he'd turn around and give it to someone else. He likes to keep people off guard.
Diane: [Chuckles] Well, that certainly hasn't changed much.
Sebastian: He's different, though. And it's not just this series. I mean, though those paintings are a complete departure from his earlier work, Franco seems -- well, I can't say "sane," but he just appears less disturbed.
Diane: I think the word you're looking for, Sebastian, is "grounded." Yes, Franco is still arrogant and annoying, but he seems more anchored in reality.
Sebastian: If he could be a little more consistent in his work output, be very lucrative for his representation.
Diane: Something to ponder.
Sebastian: I think we should discuss his future in greater detail.
Diane: Under other circumstances, I would say yes, but I'm afraid I must dash and get ready for this evening.
Sebastian: Of course. You're going to be the center of attention.
Diane: Oh. Hardly.
Sebastian: Don't be so modest, ms. Miller. You are being escorted to the party tonight by the guest of honor himself. [Chuckles]
Franco: My stuff is gonna sell like crazy at this show. I am giving the people what they want. You're the one who said I should do that, right?
Carly: Me?
Franco: Yeah, you -- when you came here and you said that my work was crap.
Carly: I didn't say the word "crap."
Franco: Yes, you did. There was one painting that Sebastian kind of liked. You said, "you should make more like that one," and that's what I've done. That's all I've done!
Carly: Yeah, you have, and now you're having this big show. What -- why are you doing all this? What's really going on? Tell me.
Franco: You're right, Carly. There's something that I... that I want to say to you. Derek is making your son his inside spoon.
Carly: I don't know how you expect me to believe a word that comes out of your mouth when you keep lying to me.
Franco: I -- I don't want to lie to you.
Carly: You're wasting my time, okay? I got to get ready for Derek. I don't want to be late. Good luck at the show.
Franco: Carly... Carly!
[Door slams]
Sonny: Michael, is something wrong? Huh?
Michael: Uh... it's just, you know people are out there gunning for you right now. Max, you're gonna keep an eye on him, right?
Max: Of course.
Michael: Just -- just watch your back.
Sonny: Any particular reason?
Michael: No, no. Nothing -- nothing concrete. Just, you know, someone's coming after you right now. They hit your shipment, then your warehouse. Just be careful. This town's gotten a lot more dangerous lately.
Ava: Are you delusional? You think that taking a gun into the gallery is gonna help you? Sonny's men will have lots of guns.
Derek: Not at the show. We have metal detectors posted at the entrance, and as co-owner of the gallery, no one will think twice if I bypass those security measures and enter through the back.
Ava: So you're just gonna start shooting up my gallery?
Derek: Calm down. This is just for protection, okay? Just in case.
Ava: So, what is your plan?
Derek: Go get dressed, Ava. You wouldn't want to be late for your own party, now, would you?
Scott: Let's see what the fuss is all about.
Lucy: Wait! Wait, wait, wait! Whoa! Hey, what if, when you plug that thing in, it explodes and is booby-trapped and it gets stuff all over, like poisonous stuff?
Scott: Have you been watching James bond movies again?
Lucy: I'm just saying.
Scott: We got it from a college kid, not Blofeld.
Lucy: Okay, okay, okay. [Breathes deeply]
Scott: All right, here we go.
Lucy: What -- what is that?
Scott: It seems like some kind of a recording.
Sonny: Seems like you're wound up pretty tight. Maybe you're not as confident about beating Scotty Baldwin as you claim to be.
Lucy: It's Sonny.
Lazaro: If Scotty Baldwin is elected, it's bad for me and worse for you. Or maybe you don't care...
Lucy: That is that snake Lazaro!
Sonny: Lazaro, you're getting on my nerves.
Scott: Lazaro. God bless you, Corinthos, you just said his name out loud.
Lazaro: Hand over the file.
Both: File?
Scott: Files?
Lazaro: The county is digitizing its archives. Every piece of paper's going to be scanned and put in the system. If the techs discover that the file is missing, they'll track it to me and then to you.
Lucy: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute. That is the D.A. Speaking and planning with Sonny Corinthos. They're working together.
Lazaro: I have no objection.
Sonny: I got everything I needed.
Lucy: Do you know what that means? Wait a minute.
Scott: Yeah. It means that I just hit the jackpot -- that Lazaro was in bed with the mob. He's out. I'm in. I'm the D.A. again.
Lucy: You did it. You did it. You did it! You did it!
Scott: I won, Lucy! I won, I won, I won, I won, I won, I won, I won!
Sebastian: There you are. I've been looking all around for you.
Heather: Well, I was looking at all the lovely art. And I needed a drink.
Sebastian: Ah, a woman after my own heart. So, you were looking around?
Heather: Oh, yes.
Sebastian: And what do you think? Are you interested in purchasing a Franco?
Heather: Oh, I definitely want to make them mine.
Sebastian: In that case, I shall make sure that Brandon here keeps your glass full. I want you to have a very good night.
Heather: Oh, I will, Sebastian. I will.
Silas: You know, I could really do without getting frisked over a set of car keys.
Sam: Yeah, the metal detectors were a little much. Don't they just normally check your purse or something?
Silas: Yeah. I guess they can't be too careful in the world of high-- oh! Oh, what is that?
Sam: Huh. You don't like it?
Silas: No, I do not. Although that does remind me -- I need to repaint my bathroom.
Sam: This is not Franco's normal work. This is different. It's like, uh... I don't know -- simplistic. Some sort of minimalism he might be going for. I don't know.
Silas: Minimalism, yeah. I don't know. I'm not getting much out of it.
Sam: It kind of makes me hungry, actually.
Silas: Yeah?
Sam: Yeah.
Silas: Let's look around. Maybe we can find some of those little pigs in a blanket from someone on a tray.
Sam: Sounds good. I --
Derek: Sam.
Sam: Derek, hey. I wasn't expecting to see you here.
Derek: Likewise. Dr. Clay.
Silas: Mr. Wells, you're blocking the incredible view. No, I'm just kidding.
Derek: Apologies. Good to see you. So, how's Danny?
Sam: Oh, he's excellent. Thank you. Thank you so much for asking. Actually, Molly and her boyfriend are watching him right now.
Derek: Oh, good, good. And what about Alexis? Is your mom going to be joining us this evening?
Sam: My mom? Um, she didn't say anything about -- she must have plans 'cause I know she would have insisted on watching Danny. She really loves spending time with him.
Derek: Yeah, they actually honored me with a visit the other day.
Sam: They did! I know. They did, and you gave him a car as a gift. I'm so sorry. I meant to send you a thank you.
Derek: Don't mention it, please. It's okay. So, what brings you here? I didn't really peg you as a Franco fan.
Sam: Oh. [Clears throat] No, I am not a Franco fan.
Silas: No.
Sam: Far from it. But when I heard that he was donating a portion of the proceeds to leukemia research, I had to come. I can't believe Franco would do such a good thing, though.
Derek: He didn't.
Sam: What do you mean?
Scott: Well...celebrating just got carried away, there.
Lucy: Right. You know me. I always get caught up in the moment.
Scott: Yes, and what a moment we just had. Lazaro is doing favors for Corinthos. His career is over.
Lucy: So, what are you gonna do about it?
Scott: I'm gonna go pull him away from the press, I'm gonna make him listen to that, and then I'm gonna have him pull out of the race.
Lucy: Okay. But do you really think it's gonna be that easy?
Scott: What choice does he have? And to think, Morgan just waltzed in, gave me that. Who'd have thought I'd ever be indebted to the Corinthos family?
Lucy: Okay, wait, wait, wait. About that...
Scott: Yeah, what about it?
Lucy: Why? Why would Morgan give you evidence that incriminates his father?
Morgan: I've got nothing to say to you about my dad.
Olivia: I know that you blame Sonny for ruining your marriage.
Morgan: Wow. That's -- that's a great assessment, Liv. Really, your visions are just getting clearer every day.
Olivia: I don't appreciate the attitude.
Morgan: Okay, well, I don't appreciate my father standing up at my wedding reception and telling everyone that I lied to Kiki, okay? So forgive me for not giving a damn about that bastard!
Olivia: Hey, hey! Don't you ever talk about your father like that. You have no idea how much that man loves you.
Morgan: Actually, yes, I do, Olivia, and it's a lot less than he loves Mikey. Okay, dad made his choice.
Olivia: He did no such thing, Morgan.
Morgan: He promised me -- he promised me -- that he would keep my secret. He said he would do it to prove to me that he loved me. He knew how much Kiki meant to me, okay? But like always, Mikey won out.
Olivia: Can you really not see how telling the truth has saved you from a world of hurt? I know -- I know that you don't feel it right now, but this really is for the best.
Morgan: That's not -- that's not true.
Olivia: Why? Because your marriage was so great? Because you enjoyed lying to your wife every time you looked in her face? Because that marriage was everything you ever dreamed it would be? Honey, I know how much you loved that girl, but the truth is, she -- she just didn't love you back the same way. And you deserve to find someone who will.
Sonny: What's this about, Michael?
Michael: Nothing. It's just been a rough couple of months, and I -- I worry about you.
Sonny: You don't have to worry about me. I know what I'm doing. You know, I'm gonna take care of my own business, you take care of yours, and you make me proud.
Kiki: Michael's not telling you everything.
Sonny: I don't know what you mean.
Kiki: I'm very sorry that I put him in that position. I'm sorry that I told you not to tell him.
Sonny: Tell me what?
Kiki: We found out something today -- the truth about my mother.
Diane: What are you doing? It's after 7:00. Why aren't you dressed? Look, it's one thing to be fashionably late, but we're due to make our big entrance in mere minutes.
Franco: Yeah, I'm not going.
Sam: Wait a minute. Franco's not the one donating?
Derek: Uh, Carly, hi. Come join us, please. You look, um, stunning.
Carly: Thank you.
Sam: Are you guys seeing each other?
Derek: Uh, well, we're just getting to know each other.
Carly: Although Franco just informed me that Derek's also seeing my son.
Olivia: It was wrong of your father to just announce in front of everybody that you lied.
Morgan: I'll never forget the look on Kiki's face.
Olivia: Your father was not in control that night. He was off his medication --
Morgan: That is no excuse, Olivia! Okay? And regardless, he would have picked Mikey!
Olivia: I get it. You're angry, okay? But don't you think you might be just a little angry at yourself for letting the lie get this far? Honey, you had to know, deep down, that this marriage couldn't work if you had to lie every day to keep your wife.
Morgan: Well, what was I supposed to do, okay? I didn't want to lose Kiki.
Olivia: I know how much it hurts to lose your first love. I do. And you know that this is not all Sonny's fault. You both could have handled this better. But it's not too late. You could still make things right.
Derek: You know what to do?
Morgan: Yeah, simple enough. I just hand this over and deliver the message.
Derek: Good. Hey, hey. And remember, this is all about discretion. We can't let anybody find out about our relationship.
Morgan: That's where you're wrong, Olivia. It's already too late.
Scott: I don't know why Morgan would give me the dirt on Sonny. But I'm not about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Lucy: Okay. But Morgan said a "friend" gave that drive to him, right? And this "friend" wants to take Sonny Corinthos down maybe, so this "friend" could be very bad news.
Scott: Enough of the air quotes. I don't care if he's buddies with Frank Smith. This is going to put me in the DA's office.
Lucy: Okay, but you need to think about something before you do. You can't just go rushing out --
Scott: You crooked lizard!
Lazaro: Ah, Mr. Baldwin. I was just on my way to the voting commission to report you.
Scott: Good. So was I, to mention the fact that you're in bed with the mafia don of Port Charles.
Sonny: What truth about your mother?
Michael: Kiki, you don't have to do this.
Kiki: Yes, I do. Because I love you.
Sonny: I'm glad you love my son, but somebody's got to start talking 'cause I need to know.
Kiki: My mom was lying to me. She's been lying to everyone. She is connected to the Jerome crime family. Her brother was Julian Jerome.
Derek: [Laughing] I'm sorry. Franco thinks I'm what?
Carly: Franco claims that he saw Morgan leaving your hotel room and you were half-dressed and you made Morgan promise not to tell anyone about your relationship.
Silas: You said this was gonna be interesting.
Derek: [Clears throat] Uh, Carly, I really don't think I need to tell you I'm not sleeping with your son.
Carly: Yeah, I didn't think you were, but Franco is insisting that he saw you and Morgan together. So, there's no truth to any of this? You and Morgan were not together? He was not in your hotel room?
Derek: Okay, Morgan was in my hotel room, but I can assure you, I'm not having an affair with your boy -- or any boy, for that matter.
Carly: Okay, then you need to explain to me what kind of relationship you have with my son that he's not supposed to tell anybody about.
Ava: Looks like the jig is up, Derek. Isn't it about time you told everybody the truth?
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