GH Transcript Tuesday 11/5/13

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 11/5/13


Provided By Suzanne

Ava: Check with the caterers, okay? Make sure they have tables that'll fit in the annex. I want everything ready by the time Franco's paintings arrive. Nothing like waiting to the 11th hour to hang a show.

[Door closes]

Ava: Oh, good. I have a chart right here for where I want the paintings hung.

Sam: I'm not your movers, and I, uh -- I don't have your paintings.

Kiki: Welcome back.

Silas: Thank you. It's nice to be back.

Kiki: No qualms about leaving New York City?

Silas: You know, it'll always be a very special place to me. But when I got on Route 84 -- I don't know -- it just felt right, you know? Somehow, when I wasn't looking, Port Charles became home.

Kiki: So, you wanted to talk. I'm hoping that it's about a job.

Silas: I'm working on it. Actually, the reason why I called is I want to talk to you about your mother.

Sam: I thought maybe we could have a little chat.

Ava: I have an opening tonight. I don't have time.

Sam: Not even -- not even for my father?

Derek: [Breathes deeply]

[Knock on door]

Derek: Morgan.

Morgan: Uh, yeah. Were you expecting somebody else?

Derek: Was kind of hoping for your mom.

Carly: Oh, wait. What's going on here?

Man: We're moving Mr. Franco's paintings.

Carly: Do I want to get into this with him?

Diane: Careful, careful, careful with that. As far as the insurance company is concerned, that is a priceless work of art, and you're gonna be held personally liable if anything happens to it. Oh, there you are.

Franco: How'd you get in here, Diane?

Diane: Magic.

Franco: Yeah, was kind of on my way out.

Diane: Right. Go. Have a good time. I am here to personally supervise the transfer of your works of art to the gallery. Of course, I use "your" and "works of art" very loosely because we all know this dreck belongs to somebody else. And if we ever get found out, we're sunk.

Morgan: So, why were you hoping to see my mom?

Derek: You wouldn't want to start the day with a visit from a beautiful woman?

Morgan: Uh... why my mom?

Derek: And why so many questions, Morgan? And be careful with the computer. It's sensitive equipment. I wouldn't want to lose the feed from your father's office.

Morgan: So is the bug I planted -- is it paying off?

Derek: Let's find out.

Michael: Yeah, we wanted to farm the table, which means greenhouses for winter months, as well as supplemental produce from...warmer parts of the country. Look, we can do this later if you want.

Sonny: I'm sorry. I got -- I just got a lot on my mind, Michael.

Michael: I'm here if you need to talk.

Sonny: No, no, this is all on me.

[Knock on door, door opens]

Max: Boss, visitor.

Sonny: Michael, can we talk about your plans later? Mike? Is that all right?

Michael: Yeah. Well, if it isn't our esteemed district attorney. Shouldn't you be out... politicking?

Lazaro: I've got the election in the bag.

Scott: What in the Tammany Hall are you doing?!

Lucy: I am just doing my public service. I am showing everybody your opponent is truly a devil.

Scott: But you're opening me up for a raft of voting-day violations, Lucy.

Lucy: What? Wait a minute. Here, here, here! I would've done that. I can tear down all the rest of the posters. I didn't know that wasn't against the law.

Scott: Will -- will you -- will you behave?

Lucy: No. Yes. I'm just trying to help you win this election.

Scott: Okay. If you want to help me win, then go in there and do your civic duty and vote Baldwin, okay? And no more monkey business.

Lucy: Okay.

Scott: Let's go. I can't have any shenanigans sink this election. Ah, yes, hello. Tweet it out there -- "Baldwin for D.A." We're here to do our democratic process.

Woman: Name?

Scott: Baldwin.

Lucy: You don't have to tell her -- you should know who he is. This is Scott Baldwin. He's on the ballot. He's in this election. He's running for district attorney. Listen, everyone -- Scott Baldwin will flood this town with justice! He'll defend the weak, and he'll persecute and punish the guilty. He is absolutely, undeniably the very best man for the job.

Woman: No electioneering in the polling place, ma'am.

Lucy: Oh.

Scott: [Grumbles] This is Lucy Coe, and, um, she is very sorry for doing that.

Lucy: Oh, I'm -- I'm very sorry. Here you go. There you go.

Scott: Thank you.

Woman: All right, and the voting booths are right there.

Lucy: Thank you. Vote Baldwin. Baldwin. Thank you. Baldwin.

Scott: Uh, so, well, um... I assume I have your vote.

Lucy: Well, of course, you do. And you have Kevin's. Although he is out of town again. He did vote absentee.

Scott: Well, I appreciate you being here in person.

Lucy: I would not miss this for the world, because you really are my favorite ex-husband. Well, except there's Alan and Tony and maybe --

Scott: All right, come on, come on, let's vote.

Lucy: Okay, I'm voting, I'm voting. All right.

Scott: All right, here we go. Oh! I am so sorry. Sorry, sorry. Baldwin. [Sighs] Lucy, all you got to do is find on the ballot wh-- who the hell are you?

Heather: Just a concerned constituent here to lobby the hell out of you.

Diane: You know, Franco, I hope you're on the same page with me regarding this, because if our relationship were to ever come to light, the consequences...

Franco: Hey, Diane.

Carly: Don't stop on my account. Please, go on about your not-so-secret relationship I know all about.

Franco: I already told you --

Carly: I know -- you're not sleeping with Diane, right? I mean, who would want to get with her?

Diane: I beg your pardon? There are any number of men who would like to get with this.

Franco: Absolutely. You make a valid point. I'm just not one of them. There's nothing going on between us.

Carly: Okay. So if you weren't talking about keeping your relationship under cover, so to speak, what were you talking about?

Kiki: Look, I've barely spoken to my mother since her first round of lies came out, especially now with her sleeping with Morgan, so whatever it is you want to tell me, I doubt that I want to know.

Silas: I get it, Kiki. Believe me. I think it's important that you hear this.

Kiki: Okay.

Silas: Step into my office.

Kiki: Nice office.

Silas: Mm. Yeah, one of the reasons I went to New York was to help Sam Morgan find out about her -- her family's past, hers and Ava's.

Kiki: I'm sorry. You lost me. What would Sam's past have to do with my mom?

Silas: Remember when I told you about Ava's brother?

Kiki: Right. You said that you never met him, but he was rich and connected and helped her start her art gallery, right?

Silas: Yeah, we have a name for him now. Julian Jerome.

Derek: Well, so far, the bug hasn't given us anything.

Morgan: Okay, well, I installed it just like you told me to, so if you're not --

Derek: It's transmitting fine. Unfortunately, your father's been rather tight-lipped.

Morgan: I mean, he's not real chatty.

Derek: So we wait. Sooner or later, Sonny will give us something valuable.

Michael: Hi. Uh, we haven't been introduced. I'm Michael Corinthos. You're prosecuting my -- uh, A.J. Quartermaine.

Lazaro: What of it?

Sonny: Michael, Michael. Mr. Lazaro and I have business to take care of, okay?

Michael: Right. Um... sorry. We'll talk later.

Lazaro: Uh, don't forget. Vote Lazaro.

Max: You got it.

Sonny: Could you do me a favor? Next time, call first.

Lazaro: I'll make this quick. That file I lent you, I need it back -- the file on Julian Jerome.

Ava: Well, I'm so sorry, but I don't know anything about your father. And from what I've heard, neither do you or your mother.

Sam: That's no longer the case.

Ava: Really? Well, I'm sure that must be a comfort. But I don't see what it has to do with me.

Sam: Plenty, actually. My father is your brother.

Jason: Julian Jerome?

Silas: Mm. Did Ava ever mention him?

Kiki: Have you met my mother? She never told me the truth about anything.

Silas: Yeah. Your grandfather's name is Victor Jerome, and obviously Julian was his son.

Kiki: "Was"?

Silas: Mm. I'm told he's dead. Your grandfather's dead, but your grandmother is very much alive.

Kiki: Grandmother?

Silas: Yeah -- Delia. There was several last names -- I believe the final one was Crane. She's alive and well in New York City, and -- I don't know -- I think she'd like to meet you at some point. I have her number, in case you ever want to look her up.

Kiki: Wow. I'm guessing, in keeping with the family tradition, she doesn't know about me, either?

Silas: No.

Kiki: Awesome. There's this whole family that I knew nothing about. You and a grandmother?

Silas: And Sam's your cousin.

Ava: I don't have a brother.

Sam: Sure you do. Doesn't the name Julian ring a bell?

Ava: Ah. I see you've bought in to the Jerome crime-family story that keeps surfacing. Tell me -- who's spreading the rumors this time?

Sam: A woman named Delia. She's had plenty of last names. She works at a bar called Ryan's in the city. You know her. She's your mother.

Ava: You spoke to Delia?

Sam: Actually, she did most of the speaking. When she started, she really couldn't stop, to be honest with you. But, yes, she, um... told me that a man named Victor Jerome got her pregnant, and then she explained to me how she had to give you up. Years later, you went looking for her, searching for your roots, just like me.

Ava: Delia is a money-grubbing liar.

Sam: Maybe. But she is telling the truth. Isn't she, Ava? Come on. You found out you were adopted. You went looking for your family, you found Delia, she told you about Victor, and then you went running straight to Daddy.

Ava: Fine. Yeah.

Sam: Yeah. I am the bastard daughter of Victor Jerome. Now it's your turn to answer a question. Why does any of this matter to you?

Morgan: File? What file?

Lazaro: I've got to get it back to storage ASAP.

Sonny: Seems like you're wound up pretty tight. Maybe you're not as confident about beating Scotty Baldwin as you claim to be.

Lazaro: If Scotty Baldwin is elected, it's bad for me and worse for you. Or maybe you don't care that you have an ally in the D.A.'s office.

Sonny: Relax, Lazaro. You're getting on my nerves. Don't let the voters see you panic.

Lazaro: Then hand over the file.

Sonny: What's the rush?

Lazaro: The county is digitizing its archives. Every piece of paper is going to be scanned and put in the system. If the techs discover that the file is missing, they'll track it to me and then to you.

Sonny: It's all yours.

Lazaro: If you want to copy it, I have no objection.

Sonny: I got everything I needed. Julian Jerome is still alive. Cut a deal with the WSB to start over. Comes back to town with a new life, new face, and a new name -- Derek Wells.

Scott: Ah, Heather.

Heather: The one and only.

Scott: What are you doing here?

Heather: What do you think? I'm voting Baldwin.

Scott: You're a felon. You can't vote.

Heather: Well, I'm not supposed to be out of the institute, either, but here I am.

Scott: So you risked everything to come over here and vote?

Heather: Yeah, the last time I voted was for Justin Guarini. And then Kelly Clarkson came along. Damn her. Damn her all to hell!

Scott: Okay, okay. Heather, listen to me, all right? I'm gonna have to get you out of here 'cause...

Heather: No.

Scott: ...You're not supposed to be here. I can't be seen with you.

Heather: I didn't go to all this trouble to track you down for nothing.

Scott: That's exactly why you got to vamoose, okay? You got to get out of here, go.

Heather: I am not going anywhere until I deliver my message.

Carly: If nothing's going on, then what are you trying to hide?

Franco: It's complicated.

Diane: It's no use, darling. Our secret is out. Won't be long before Carly is telling the world that she is witness to our lust. There's just no use denying it anymore. I will personally shepherd your works to the gallery, and when you speak of this, and you will, be kind.

Carly: Be careful getting that through the door, please. And make sure you use the freight elevator. I don't want you tying up the elevator to the lobby.

Diane: Look, one word to Carly, and we're sunk. Never mind about the damage to the hotel! You are transporting priceless works of art!

Carly: Goodbye, Franco.

Ava: So, you know the truth. So what? Why does it matter?

Sam: Well, growing up, I had, um...I had no idea I was adopted. I thought my father was a con man, a grifter. And then I found out the truth, and, of course, I was curious about my biological father, but my mother, she never really wanted to talk about him, so I didn't -- I didn't push the subject.

Ava: Might have been wiser just to let it go.

Sam: My son got sick. It's the only reason why I wanted to look for my father. I found him, and he's dead.

Ava: Well, I can relate with you, to a point, wanting to know where you came from.

Sam: So, can you tell me something... anything about your brother... my father?

Ava: Julian... was a strong, vital man. He would have been a devoted father. I wish that I could've gotten to know him better myself, but by the time I met the Jeromes, they were in decline, and very shortly thereafter, they were gone completely.

Sam: No, that is not true. You're here.

Ava: Make no mistake -- we may be blood, but we are not family.

Sam: What are you -- are you telling me you don't care about me at all?

Ava: I don't mean to sound unkind. It's just, we tend to mythologize these sorts of biological connections. We -- we build them up to be so much more important than they actually are. But of course I care. Enough to worry what'll happen to you... when you learn what Silas is keeping from you.

Kiki: Sam Morgan is my cousin. This is a mess.

Silas: Oh, yeah. Well, Sam's not so bad. She's a little feisty, but once you get to know her...

Kiki: Oh, no, no. That's not what I meant. No, Sam -- Sam is great. Michael has nothing but great things to say about her. I'm just -- I thought that I was related to Danny for two seconds when I thought that Franco was my father, and now I found out that I am related to Danny but through Sam.

Silas: Yeah, it's very confusing.

Kiki: Very. Kind of like starting "Game of Thrones" with Season 3.

Silas: With less bloodshed -- hopefully.

Kiki: I just wish that my mom gave me just the slightest clue that I was related to these people.

Silas: It's possible Ava wasn't just covering up her family's mob ties but her own.

Michael: Okay. So, we have to limit the dessert menu to six choices. So which one do you pick?

Max: Me? Black coffee. I got to watch my girlish figure.

Michael: One bite's not gonna kill you. Come on.

Max: How about Morgan? Get him to taste these babies. He can afford the calories.

Michael: He's not interested.

Max: Ah. You two still on the outs because of Kiki.

Michael: Well, Kiki's only part of it. He basically resents everything about me, which I hate, because we were so close when we were kids, you know?

Max: Don't beat yourself up over it, Michael. You were a great big brother to Morgan. You know, always took care of him, tried to make sure things were okay for him. So, whatever Morgan is going through now, deep down, he knows you're his big brother and that you love him.

Michael: Yeah, yeah, I hope so.

Max: You could always try smacking him upside the head.

Michael: Like you do with Milo?

Max: See? Now there's a perfect example. Milo quit working for the boss. Mother of all blowouts. But we worked our way back. You and Morgan will, too. You'll see.

Morgan: You want to start apologizing, Mikey? Okay, why don't you start apologizing for stealing my wife? First of all. And then you can apologize for always coming first with Mom, with Dad, with everyone! And then you can apologize for stealing everything that should've been mine!

Michael: This is pointless. You got to leave.

Morgan: Oh, now I can't even stand in my dad's office.

Michael: You know the rules -- no one's allowed in here.

Morgan: Oh, except you!

Michael: Morgan, get out of here, or I'm gonna throw you out.

Morgan: [Chuckles] Okay, Mikey. Then start throwing.

Lazaro: How do you intend to deal with Wells?

Sonny: Plausible deniability, remember? The less you know, the better.

Derek: [Scoffs] [Sighs] I'll give Sonny this much -- when we sat down to has things out, he knew exactly who I was.

Morgan: Whoa, whoa, not because of me.

Derek: I know. Not because of you. But what impresses me most... is that Sonny didn't let on a thing.

Morgan: But what I don't get is that... if he knew who you were, then why didn't he go after you right away?

Derek: He needs to know more about my operation. Sonny won't act until he has a complete picture of what he's dealing with.

Morgan: So, what's your move?

Derek: [Chuckles]

Scott: Listen, Heather, I'm not making any deals with you, all right? There's no messages, there's no tête-à-têtes, there's no BLTs. I cannot be seen with you. You got it?

Heather: [Chuckles] You are so cute when you're irked.

Lucy: Psst! Scott. Who do you like for city council? I kind of like that Bill guy. You know, the bald one that's so handsome and... what?

Scott: Now, could you be a good lunatic and get out of here?

Lucy: Scott?

Heather: Are you still fooling around with that --

Scott: Quiet! Quiet, you! Yes, Lucy?

Lucy: You okay?

Scott: Oh, yes, yes. I'm right as rain.

Lucy: Having a little trouble with your ballot?

Scott: No, not at all. I'm just kind of enjoying seeing my name on the ballot, you know? Democracy in action. Bye.

Lucy: More like you in action! What th--

Scott: Oh.

Carly: What's left to say? That's what I thought.

Kiki: I know that my mom is a liar and she always has an agenda, but if I'm hearing you correctly, you think that she is a mob boss?

Silas: No, she's very bossy, but I'm not sure she's the boss, you know? She's just involved. After all, she's the one who told me her brother Julian was connected.

Kiki: I know that you're angry with my mom, and God knows I am, but to assume that she's an actual criminal? There could be another explanation, right?

Silas: Yes, and maybe you'll have better luck getting answers from Ava than I did.

Kiki: I'll think about that one.

Silas: I just wish I could've brought you better news.

Kiki: You brought me the truth. And that's a real improvement.

Sam: Another warning about Silas? And here I thought we were making progress.

Ava: I am trying to help you. Silas clay has secrets, and you would do well to use your skills as an investigator to find out what they are before you get in too deep.

Sam: And you're an unimpeachable source. You have no agenda, no axe to grind? Silas and I are over.

Sam: Okay. Great. So if you're over, why don't you tell me whatever it is that you know? You claim that you actually care about me. Why don't you tell me what the secret is? Because there is no secret.

Diane: Now, gentlemen, when you bring the paintings in, be extremely careful. I cannot tell you how much depends on this. Ms. Jerome, as promised, I am bringing you 13 new works by my client.

Ava: And you've given me next to no time to hang them properly. Thank you.

Diane: Hello, Sam.

Sam: Hello, Diane. How are you?

Diane: Fine. How's little Danny?

Sam: Oh, he's not so little anymore. He's growing up really fast. The transplant worked. Thank you.

Diane: That's wonderful news.

Sam: Yeah, it's everything that I prayed for.

Diane: So I'll see you tonight at the opening.

Sam: No, no. You could not pay me to come to this opening.

Diane: Would it help to know that 10% of the proceeds go to pediatric leukemia research?

Sam: Are you kidding me? Whose idea was that?

Diane: Well, I wasn't in the decision-making loop, but it might help the cause if the mother of General Hospital's latest success story made an appearance, Franco or no Franco.

Lucy: Heather, what are you doing here?!

Scott: Shh, shh, shh, shh!

Lucy: No, I'm not gonna shh, shh, shh, shh, shh! I'm gonna shout it from the rooftops! What are you doing? This is Election Day. You cannot be seen cavorting with some crazy lady in a voting --

Scott: Nobody was cavorting. She let herself in while I was trying to vote. Ow! Ow! Aah!

Lucy: Why? Just tell me why. Why would you come here and try to ruin Scott's big day?

Heather: I was just about to tell him, until you joined the party -- uninvited, I might add.

Lucy: What is with you? This isn't a party. This is a voting booth.

Heather: Go ahead. Keep on interrupting. I'm sure there's no one in line to vote in this booth.

Scott: Spread out, spread out. Heather, what is it you want?

Heather: I don't like your tone, Scott.

Scott: This election is hanging by a thread, and any kind of inappropriate behavior could cause me a lot of trouble, so...

Lucy: A lot.

Scott: ...Spit it out!

Lucy: Spit it out!

Heather: I am not here to cause trouble. I simply wish to extend an invitation.

Lucy: An invitation? To what? To some sort of Christmas pageant for special people at Miscavige Institution?

Heather: Well, that's a capital idea, but, no. Not this time. This is an invitation to a different sort of art -- Franco's.

Sonny: Max, make sure no one sees our guest leave.

Max: You got it.

Lazaro: Thank you, Mr. Corinthos.

Sonny: Yeah, anytime.

Michael: Dad.

Sonny: Yeah.

Michael: That's not the first time I've seen you and Lazaro together. So, what're you up to?

Morgan: Well, you got to go after Sonny before he goes after you, right?

[Knock on door]

Carly: Derek, it's Carly. I kind of need to talk to you about something.

Derek: Carly. What a nice surprise. Come on in.

Carly: Thanks. Sorry to interrupt whatever you were doing.

Derek: You are always welcome. What can I do for you?

Carly: Well, I want to talk to you about Franco's opening.

Derek: Yes, Franco's opening. Where and when would you like me to pick you up?

Carly: Can we meet there?

Derek: I don't see why not.

Carly: Great.

Derek: Okay.

Carly: I'll see you there.

Derek: See you there.

[Door opens, closes]

Derek: Any questions?

Morgan: Uh...

Derek: Good. I have a job for you.

Morgan: Okay. Does it involve taking down my father?

Derek: You know it does.

Morgan: All right. Then let's get to work.

Scott: So, you want me to go to an art show? That's why you broke out of Miscavige?

Heather: Of course not. Don't exaggerate, Scott. I'm just on a field trip. You see, I get to learn about civics, and you get to go to Franco's opening. His new show is gonna be groundbreaking.

Lucy: Uh, Heather, I don't know how to break this to you, but Scott and I, we're really not big fans of contemporary art.

Heather: You're not invited. Franco is a genius, and when you see his work, you're gonna realize that. Please, Scott, I want you to go. I would consider it a personal favor to me.

Lucy: Why? Why -- why do you want Scott to go with you? Why?

Heather: Because he needs to be there. Come on, Mr. Almost D.A. I don't want to make any trouble for you. But I'll make trouble if I have to. I'll open those curtains, and I will yell and tell everybody --

Scott: Heather, Heather, you know what? You know what, Heather? You know what? If it means that much to you, of course I'll go to the art show.

Heather: Don't be late. I'll be watching.

Scott: Okay.

Woman: You'll be in booth 2.

Lazaro: You mean that one?

Woman: Yes, sir.

Lazaro: Well, well, well. What do we have here?

Michael: Look, Lazaro was prosecuting A.J. I know how much you hate him, how much you want him to pay for Connie's death, but even A.J. deserves a right to a fair trial.

Sonny: We don't need to discuss this.

Michael: Hey.

Kiki: Hey. Mr. Corinthos, hi.

Sonny: Hello, Kiki.

Kiki: What was that about?

Michael: Just me trying to have a conversation about something that's not my business to have. How'd it go with Silas? Was he able to get you a job?

Kiki: No, but I did get a grandmother, a cousin, and a... dead uncle.

Silas: Hey.

Sam: Hi.

Silas: Wow. You just missed your cousin.

Sam: Uh, Kiki?

Silas: Yeah. I, uh... I told her about her secret family.

Sam: Okay. How'd she take it?

Silas: Well, she seemed happy about her connection to you and Danny.

Sam: Good. Me too.

Silas: I think the rest of it was a little harder for her to process -- you know, that her uncle's a mobster and Ava might be one, too.

Sam: Well, I guess this was the day for our uncomfortable conversations. Ava wasn't thrilled to hear that I had spoken to Delia, and let's just say that her finding out that I am her niece didn't -- it didn't really cheer her up.

Silas: Wow.

Silas: Well, did she tell you anything about your father?

Sam: T really, no. She couldn't wait to change the conversation from her secret past to yours.

[Cell phone rings]

Morgan: All right. I'll let you know.

Derek: Hold on a second. Yeah.

Ava: I'm coming over. We need to talk.

Derek: About what?

Ava: A revealing conversation I just had with your daughter.

Derek: I'll be here. You know what to do?

Morgan: Yeah, simple enough. I just hand this over, deliver the message.

Derek: Good. Hey, hey, and remember -- this is all about discretion. We can't let anybody find out about our relationship.

[Door closes]

Man: I don't get it.

Diane: Ours is not to reason why, gentlemen. Ours is simply to collect the fee. Thank you. Provided Franco can actually pull this off and the real artist doesn't get wind of it and make a big ol' mess.

Franco: Hey.

Carly: Hey. No! I just came here to tell you that I will come to your show, but I'm not coming alone. I'm bringing a date. Derek Wells.

Ava: She knows, Julian. Are you listening to me?!

Derek: Trying not to. You're blowing this way out of proportion.

Ava: Really? Because I think my reaction is completely appropriate, given the fact that your daughter knows who her father is. She knows who I am. Sam is one step away from identifying you and blowing our plans out of the water.

Sam: I realize that Ava was trying to deflect attention from her own sketchy past by putting the spotlight on yours, and I also realize that... everybody has baggage and everybody has the right to privacy, and that is including myself.

Silas: Well, that's intriguing. Does that mean you're keeping secrets?

Sam: It means that you have the right to keep yours.

Silas: Thank you.

Sam: You're welcome. Anyway, going to Ava's wasn't a complete waste. I'm gonna go to that gallery.

Silas: Franco's show? Ugh! Come on.

Sam: Listen, I know. If you were to ask me yesterday, I would have told you I would have probably liked to crawl on broken glass before attending, but part of the proceeds are going to pediatric leukemia research, so...

Silas: Oh, come on. That means I can't get out of it, either.

Sam: Oh, really? It's so hard being such a charming, life-saving doctor?

Silas: Subject change. Whose idea do you think it was to tie Franco's show to leukemia research?

Sam: It had to be Franco, right?

Franco: You're not going anywhere with Derek Wells.

Carly: Okay, it's not up for discussion. And you know what? It's not like it's a surprise. I already told you about this.

Franco: Yeah. Before. That was before.

Carly: Before what?

Franco: I know something you don't know about Derek Wells.

Derek: Thanks for the update on my daughter's activities. Sadly, Sam isn't high on my list of priorities right now.

Ava: Are you listening? If Sam figures out who you --

Derek: Sam doesn't know who I am, not yet. But right now, somebody else does. Sonny.

Sonny: I need to bring you into the loop on something. I know who's after me.

Lazaro: Care to tell me about your friends?

Scott: What friends?

Lazaro: The two women in your voting booth.

Lucy: Oh! Oh, that was nothing. That was just me. Confused. [Chuckles] As usual. Um, I just need a little help -- not on who to vote for, just about the process -- you know, the technique. Those little dot things are so confusing. And Scott -- Mr. Baldwin -- was so helpful. He wanted to show me exactly how it was done, so that's what I asked him was how to do it.

Lazaro: And the other woman?

Scott: What other woman?

Lazaro: Maybe a board inquiry will refresh your memory. I'm filing a complaint as soon as I finish casting my ballot. And with any luck... I'll prosecute you myself.

Scott: See? You see, Lucy? Heather Webber -- she's nothing but trouble. Now she has just torpedoes my career.

Lucy: Okay, think. What are we going to do?

Morgan: Hey, uh, Mr. Baldwin?

Scott: What do you want, kid?

Morgan: I just -- I couldn't help but notice your disagreement with Mr. Lazaro right now.

Scott: Well, he's just trying to take me down.

Morgan: Well, why don't you take him down first? With this.

Scott: What's that?

Morgan: Just give it a listen.

Scott: Who gave it to you?

Morgan: A friend.

Ava: Sonny knows?

Derek: And it won't be long before he tries something.

Ava: Well, it wasn't Morgan who told him.

Derek: No. It wasn't.

Ava: So, when did Sonny find out, and how? And does he know anything else?

Derek: Okay, if you'd shut up and let me listen, maybe I could find out.

Ava: You -- you're listening to Sonny right now?

Derek: Uh-huh. And if we're lucky, he'll give something away.

Kiki: I found out that my mystery uncle's name is Julian Jerome.

Michael: Oh, so your mom is one of those Jeromes.

Kiki: It looks that way. It is that way. Her father was Victor Jerome. Julian Jerome was her brother, and Silas thinks that that's proof that she is a member of the mob.

Michael: Kiki, that day you told me that your mom might have a brother and my dad overheard and asked you about it?

Kiki: Yeah, I remember.

Michael: Well, you know, my dad's business has been having difficulties. A shipment was blown up, and his warehouse was trashed.

Kiki: They didn't find out who did it, right?

Michael: The name Jerome had been mentioned.

Kiki: They think my mom is behind it?

Michael: Look, we're not sure, one should make an enemy of my father.

Max: Derek Wells?

Sonny: Only he's not Derek Wells. He's Julian Jerome, and he wants what I have.

Max: What are you gonna do about it?

Sonny: Are you an art lover, Max?

Max: I don't know. I guess it depends on the artist.

Sonny: Well, you can tell me all about Franco's show 'cause you're going tonight.

Max: I -- I am?

Sonny: Yeah. I want you at the gallery 'cause I am gonna take Derek Wells... out.

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