General Hospital Transcript Monday 11/4/13
Provided By Suzanne
Luke: [Sighs] Home, sweet home. Oh, damn. Caroline has downgraded me from a suite.
Tracy: Oh, the horror.
Luke: Yeah, the horror. I never freeload anything but first-class accommodations. I have to have a chat with her. But first I need to contact Anna Devane.
Anna: Duke, don't.
Duke: So this is your hiding place, Faison. Cassadine catacombs. Old habits die hard.
Faison: Congratulations. You found me. Now what are you gonna do about it?
Sabrina: Let's hit the little girls' room. Most of that stain came out of your costume, but I want to make sure to sponge off the rest.
Emma: Then can we find daddy?
Sabrina: Yep. As soon as he's done making sure that lady who helped you is all right.
Emma: Why do you think the lady ran away like that? And why was she so sad?
Sabrina: You know, I don't know. You know, she didn't speak any English. Maybe she's far away from her family and she misses them. Come on. Let's go.
Patrick: Are you sure she's in here?
Erica: Yes, Dr. Drake.
Patrick: Just, going into the exam room seems a little bit strange. Don't you think?
Erica: Maybe she works here.
Patrick: Yeah, I guess anything's possible. All right, I'm just gonna make sure she's okay. Thanks for your help.
Erica: Mm-hmm.
Patrick: Excuse me. Miss?
Britt: Yes, the mask looked familiar, but are you sure it's Robin?
Nikolas: It looked exactly like the mask your mother tried to put on Robin.
Britt: Well, if she's here, she's gonna go straight for Patrick.
Nikolas: I know. I know. We can't let that happen.
Patrick: Excuse me. Miss, are you all right? Can I help you?
Tracy: Really? We're back 20 minutes, and you want to call slim?
Luke: I believe that was my stated intention, yes.
Tracy: Sick of me already?
Luke: Oh, come on, Tracy. Insecurity does not look good on you.
Tracy: I'm not insecure. Thank you. I'm empirical. I was the one who tracked you down. I was the one who infiltrated a heavily guarded criminal compound. I was the one who subdued a highly trained mercenary soldier -- thank you, Alice -- and stole his unflattering uniform so I would be in disguise.
Luke: Oh, I don't know. I thought that uniform fit you --
Tracy: Shut up! I'm not done yet. I get the upper hand on an international criminal mastermind... and help you steal the cure for what's killing you.
Luke: What was killing me! [Sighs] Sorry.
Tracy: I get you out of that compound and off the island and leave Jerry Jacks to die in the dust. Not superspy Anna Devane, with her -- uh, let's see -- her secret-agent background, her high-powered backup. No, just little old me, child of corporate America. I was the one that did it. And as soon as your feet hit American soil, you want to call her!
Luke: I'm only calling her because she's the police commissioner. I want to let her know that the madman from Melbourne is still alive and kicking -- barely -- on Cassadine island.
Tracy: I'm going home.
Luke: Tracy, I have to call her because she has connections to the WSB. She can round up those guys, send them in, and they can pick Jerry up. That's the only reason.
Tracy: I can't let you call Anna.
Luke: [Sighs]
Anna: Cesar! Uh, Duke! Duke! What's going on in there?
Faison: Oh!
Duke: Don't do that.
Anna: Darling?!
[Indistinct shouting]
Duke: Look who I found living between the walls like the cockroach he is.
Anna: Faison.
Duke: Don't you look at Anna. Don't you even think about her! Your days of making her life a living hell are over. Do you understand me?
Anna: Yes.
Duke: You're going back to prison. Arrest this lunatic, Anna. What are you waiting for? Arrest him.
Anna: All right. Cesar -- Faison... you're under arrest.
Duke: Read him his rights.
Anna: His what?
Faison: I think I know my rights by now, Lavery.
Duke: No, we don't to lose him on a technicality.
Anna: No, of course not. Uh... you have the right to remain silent. You have the right for -- uh, consult an attorney. You have the rights -- if there's any evidence --
Faison: Please don't bore me reading my rights. I know my rights, okay.
Anna: That's good enough, yes?
Duke: What do you mean it's good enough? What are you saying, Anna?
Anna: Well, he knows his rights. So he'll serve his sentence. Justice will be done. Now give me the gun, and we'll take him down to the station.
Duke: You want me to give you this gun.
Anna: Yes, of course. You know as well as I do he's one of the most lethal men in the world. So I need to prevent him from escaping, and I need for my safety --
Duke: You came here in the first place to apprehend two of the most dangerous criminals in the world.
Anna: That's right. And you bravely captured one of them.
Duke: So where is your weapon?
Nikolas: All right, you stay here and run interference if you have to. I'm gonna go find Robin.
Britt: Okay, no problem. Go.
Nikolas: Okay.
Elizabeth: Where was Nikolas going in such a hurry?
[Knock on door]
Patrick: Hello? Hi. I'm sorry to bother you. It's just, um, you were helping my daughter earlier, and it was very nice of you, but you just ran off and you seemed a little bit scared or nervous, and I just wanted to make sure you were okay.
Emma: [Crying] It's ruined!
Robin: Don't worry. Don't worry. Everything's gonna be okay.
Emma: Thank you.
Patrick: All right, you don't speak English. Um... es bueno? Um... mi nombre Patrick. I'm a doctoro. Um... medico.
Nikolas: Hey, Patrick? Patrick? Don't go in there.
Patrick: I just wanted to see the woman that helped Emma, make sure she was okay. And this is a hospital function, so I just want to know who she is.
Nikolas: Yeah, you don't really need to do that. I-I know who she is.
Luke: Tracy, I know Anna Devane is not your favorite person, but enough is enough.
Tracy: Luke, this is not about your precious slim. This is about you and whether or not you're getting better.
Luke: I am getting better.
Tracy: You don't know that for sure, Luke! And until we do, we can't let anyone know where Jerry Jacks is or that he's even alive. We need him and that doctor exactly where they are. And by the way, if we alert the authorities now, we could very well be putting that doctor in jeopardy, not to mention yourself.
Luke: Can you explain to me how telling the police commissioner that there is a doctor half a world away who's being held hostage is somehow going to affect my well-being?
Tracy: Unless we get your specialist to confirm that you're actually on the mend, we might have to go back to that island and get that doctor.
Luke: Tracy, it's been over a week since you gave me the injection. And I'm well. I mean, look at me. I am spry as a 15-year-old! Whoa-ho-ho, baby!
Tracy: Yeah. Now your emotional development and your physical progress are running neck and neck.
Luke: The polonium poisoning is miraculously making its way out of my system. [Sighs] I just wish I could say the same for poor old Sean Donely.
Tracy: We did what we could for Sean Donely.
Luke: Well, that's cold even for you.
Tracy: Would you have preferred that Sean got the injection and you were the one counting the days until you were laid in your grave?
Luke: I would have preferred to get the cure for both of us.
Tracy: Well, sweet, but that was not one of the options. There was one dose. You got it, or Jerry Jacks got it. And you won the toss. And I, for one, am thrilled!
Luke: Well, if you're so thrilled, I sure wish I knew why you were doing all this barking.
Tracy: Because we're fighting! And by the way, that means that you are still here for me to fight with. Luke, I am thrilled that the color is back in your cheeks and the spring is back in your step. But I am not -- not -- going to let this go until Dr. Beckett confirms that you are really and truly getting better!
Luke: Okay, I'll make you a deal. I'll make you a deal. We get a good night's sleep, and first thing in the morning, we go to the hospital.
Tracy: Or we can forgo the step where you pull a fast one and take off before I can get you to the doctor and we just leave for the hospital right now.
Britt: Uh, Nikolas? He, uh...
Elizabeth: Oh, I'm -- I'm sorry. Did you guys have a fight?
Britt: About?
Elizabeth: I don't know. You tell me.
Britt: [Scoffs] Okay, first of all, why would you just assume we had a fight? And second of all, if we did a fight, why would I tell you?
Elizabeth: Well, he was running away from you, so...
Britt: Well, you must be so happy he finally took your advice.
Elizabeth: Actually, he looked kind of upset, so no, I'm not happy.
Britt: Wow. You're really great at reading the backs of people's heads. What a gift.
Elizabeth: What'd you do? Or maybe I should say, what'd you do this time?
Britt: Amazing. Nikolas runs off for no apparent reason and you instantly assume I did something wrong.
Elizabeth: [Chuckles] Honestly, Britt, even you can't deny that that's a pretty safe assumption.
Britt: Well, since we're being honest, how about you tell me why you care so much about what happens between Nikolas and me.
Nikolas: Yeah, the woman in there is Spencer's new nanny.
Patrick: Oh.
Nikolas: Yeah. Her name's Ruta.
Patrick: Ruta...Bega?
Nikolas: [Laughs] Yeah. Actually -- actually, yes. Uh, of the Montevideo Begas. Actually, she -- she just started with us. I mean, is there a problem or... everything okay?
Patrick: No, but I could have swore that Elizabeth said that Lesley was doing double duty as Spencer's nanny now.
Nikolas: Well, that's true. She is. She has been caring for Spencer. But now that Britt and her baby are staying with me at my house, I just thought we needed an actual nanny on the premises, you know.
Patrick: I see.
Nikolas: Yeah, and with Lesley under the weather tonight, I brought Ruta with us to the party so she could get to know some people.
Patrick: Yeah, well, she was very nice to Emma. The boys spilled a little bit of punch on her costume.
Nikolas: Oh, that's right. I'm sorry about that.
Patrick: No, it's the course of true love, right?
Nikolas: Yeah.
Patrick: Yeah, anyways, and then Sabrina went and talked to her in Spanish, and then she ran away like she was upset or something.
Nikolas: Look, she's -- she's been away from home for a long time, away from her family, and her English is not -- it's not very good yet, you know. So maybe it wasn't a great idea to bring her to the party. Anyway, I should have been paying closer attention.
Patrick: No, it's fine. I just, um... I just wanted to make sure she was okay, and I, uh, I guess she is.
Nikolas: Yeah. Good. Well, you should get back to the party. I'll go in and talk to her.
Patrick: Okay.
Nikolas: All right.
Sabrina: Hey. Is everything okay?
Patrick: [Sighs] Well, um... I'm not sure.
Nikolas: What were you thinking?
Anna: My weapon? Oh, yes. I must have left it somewhere when I was searching the house.
Duke: Well, that's not like you, darling.
Anna: Yes, it's embarrassing. With the jet lag and the stress of dealing with this evil genius, I'm not quite myself today. This monster kept us apart for so long.
Duke: He can't harm us now. I've got the gun on him.
Anna: Okay, uh, now, I know he's been horrible to us for decades, but we mustn't take justice into our own hands. We need to get him to the proper international authorities, you see.
Duke: I'll keep an eye on him while you contact your friends at the WSB.
Anna: No, I'd prefer to take him down to the station. Then we can put him under lock and key until they arrive.
Duke: They'll be perfectly happy to come here and pick him up.
Anna: Duke, I'm very grateful for you capturing him. I need to handle this now. So give me the gun, and we'll get him to the station.
Duke: And what about Obrecht?
Anna: What about her?
Duke: She sprung him from prison.
Anna: I know. I was there.
Duke: Well, it's safe to assume the Teutonic bitch is somewhere in the vicinity.
Anna: There's no need for name calling, is there?
Duke: Those were your words, darling, not mine.
Anna: Oh, yes. That's right.
Faison: Don't worry about Obrecht. She's not here. I sent her away. And if you think I'm gonna tell you where, then you're more stupid --
Anna: Oh, you will tell us! [German accent] Because we have ways of making you talk. [Normal voice] And you'll tell us everything, and you will sing like a nachti-- like a nightingale. So give me the gun, and let's take him to the station.
Duke: I don't think so.
Tracy: What are you waiting for? Get your coat on.
Luke: Tracy, it's late. I'm tired.
Tracy: Really? Two minutes ago, you were as spry as a 15-year-old.
Luke: I am moved by your concern.
Tracy: I am annoyed by your patronizing. Your coat.
Luke: Thank you. We have more important things to take care of first.
Tracy: Such as?
Luke: Well, I want to check with Lulu and find out how this whole motherhood thing is going with her.
Tracy: Correct me if I'm wrong. Lulu wants you alive.
Luke: And she's got me alive. But, look, I promise you, in the morning, first thing, we're off to the hospital. But right now, we have more important things to deal with -- something very important.
Tracy: What could possibly be more important than your health, Luke?
Luke: Something that I need to give you.
Tracy: [Chuckles] If this something turns out to be some tacky trinket that you shoplifted from the airport --
Luke: If you will be quiet for a couple of seconds, you'll find out exactly what it is.
Tracy: Fine, Luke. What is it that's so important that you have to give it to me now?
Luke: The whole enchilada.
Elizabeth: Nikolas and I are friends.
Britt: Really? Wow, I've never heard that nauseam.
Elizabeth: We have been for a long time.
Britt: Speaking of nausea, here it goes.
Elizabeth: Actually, I care about what happens to him.
Britt: Don't stop there, in the friend zone, when everyone knows you and Nikolas had way more than that.
Elizabeth: What happened between us happened a long time ago.
Britt: Yeah, I know. It's been years and years. Way before I even got here. Way back when you were married to his brother.
Elizabeth: Your point?
Britt: Back off. As you can tell, I'm a little busy. And I don't have the time nor the energy to sit here and have a catfight with you over Nikolas now or ever.
Elizabeth: I just care about my friend.
Britt: Well, like it or not, he's my friend, too. And before you throw it in my face, yes, he's the only one I have.
Elizabeth: I don't want to see him get hurt.
Britt: Well, then maybe you should have taken him back instead of throwing him out for A.J., Who now is, despite the love of a good woman, facing a murder rap.
Elizabeth: Look at you. I thought you didn't want to fight.
Britt: Just stating facts.
Elizabeth: [Chuckles]
Britt: Look, am I a bad person? Maybe. Have I done bad things? Definitely. But you, my friend, are in no position to throw stones.
Elizabeth: Never said I was.
Britt: Please! Everything about you screams, "I live in this glass house that's bullet proof. Now hand me a rock so I can throw it at the Britch." Look, I know your whole tortured story with Nikolas and Elizabeth -- the whole saga, okay? And I know you were the one who rejected him, several times, which doesn't seem really intelligent on your part, by the way. But, oh, well. I mean, you had your chance. You made your choice, so live with it and leave me alone.
Nikolas: Robin!
Robin: [Sighs]
Nikolas: What are you doing?
Robin: I know. I know, okay. I shouldn't have come here.
Nikolas: For a brilliant person, that was a really stupid thing to do.
Robin: But I needed to see them, Nikolas. Patrick and Emma -- I just -- it's been way too long.
Nikolas: I know. And I can't imagine how hard this is for you, but you can't do that.
Robin: Patrick spoke to me. Granted, it was through a door, but my husband -- he talked to me. And my little girl -- she put her arms around my neck, and she hugged me.
Nikolas: It was too big a risk.
Robin: I know. I know. It's just that it's Halloween, you know, and everyone's in costumes and masks. I thought I could just blend in with everyone. Honestly, when am I gonna get the chance to do that again?
Nikolas: Robin, what if Patrick had come in here and seen you without the mask?
Robin: But he didn't, okay?
Nikolas: And what if Emma would have recognized you?
Robin: Nobody saw my face. Nobody recognized me. I even disguised my voice.
Nikolas: You would have been exposed. Do you understand that? Have you really forgotten the consequences?
Dr. Obrecht: The terms were clear. Your orders come from me and from him. Noncompliance or any attempt to reveal our presence here will only result in a call to Jerry, who will be all too happy to dole out punishment to your parents, Robin.
Emma: Did you find the nice lady?
Patrick: Yes, I did. She's in the exam room.
Emma: Is she sick?
Patrick: I don't think so. I think she's just a little overwhelmed.
Sabrina: Did you find out what was wrong?
Patrick: No. Nikolas interrupted us, but he did say that it's Spencer's nanny.
Sabrina: Really?
Patrick: Yeah, I don't know. There's something weird about the whole thing.
Nikolas: Robin...your parents -- if anyone discovers that you are alive, Jerry will kill them.
Robin: I know, Nikolas.
Nikolas: Faison is champing at the bit to call Jerry and have him kill your father. The only thing that's slowing him down is Obrecht trying to knock him out of the way to get to the phone. She wants to kill Anna more than he wants to kill Robert.
Robin: My parents have survived worse than Jerry Jacks, okay. For all we know, they could have escaped by now.
Nikolas: That's wishful thinking. And wishing isn't gonna save your parents. To save them, you need to meet Jerry's demands. I know that you love Patrick and Emma and that you're desperate to be with them, but this cannot happen again.
Robin: Don't worry, okay? It won't.
Nikolas: We just have to hope that Obrecht and Faison didn't already go to Jerry and tell him about your little excursion here.
Robin: I'm sure they're too busy arguing to even notice that I'm gone.
Nikolas: Don't underestimate them.
Duke: What's going on here, Anna?
Anna: I don't know what you mean.
Duke: Well, none of this adds up. You've been here in Port Charles, and you made no attempt to contact me.
Anna: I explained that to you.
Duke: Yes, you did. Inadequately. And when I discovered Faison's hiding place, you tried to stop me, as if you didn't want me to find him.
Anna: That's absurd. I didn't even know he was here, let alone behind the wall.
Duke: And then when I apprehended him, when I got him --
Anna: You're a civilian! It's not your job!
Duke: Exactly. I capture a man who's made your life hell for decades, and you do nothing. You don't even call for backup. You don't have a weapon with you. You ask me to give you the gun that I got from him.
Anna: I-I was trying to stop you from hurting yourself.
Duke: I can handle a gun, thank you. And what about you? Where is your weapon? And when I asked you to read him his rights, you couldn't even remember the words.
Anna: Yes, I'm in shock! Yes, I'm not proud of it when I see you with this man who's hurt you. It affects me.
Duke: Yeah, obviously. Obviously. 'Cause you take his word for it that Obrecht has flown the coop.
Anna: Because I've searched this whole house. I didn't find her. And his explanation, it made sense.
Duke: Really? Well, I have a better explanation. I believe Obrecht is here.
Faison: [Chuckles]
Duke: I believe she's standing in front of me... right now.
Elizabeth: You're right. What goes on between you and Nikolas is none of my business.
Britt: I'm glad you see it that way.
Elizabeth: I better get back to the party and get Cameron home.
Britt: Have a great night.
Elizabeth: You too.
Elizabeth: Oh, by the way...
Britt: Oh, my God.
Elizabeth: ...Nikolas said Spencer could spend the night, so I'm gonna take him with me.
Britt: I'll let Nikolas know.
Elizabeth: You know Spencer's great grandmother, Lesley, right? She took Aiden home earlier, and, you know, she seemed kind of shaken up.
Britt: Mm. Well, you know, she's a physician. I'm sure she can nurse herself back.
Elizabeth: See, a polite person would have asked why she seemed so shaken up.
Britt: Okay, Elizabeth, why was she so shaken up?
Elizabeth: She thought she saw Faison at Wyndemere. You know Faison, don't you? International criminal, deranged lunatic.
Britt: Yeah, I've heard of him.
Elizabeth: Yeah, of course you do. He's your mother's -- I don't know what their relationship would be called.
Britt: Uh, why don't you ask her, okay?
Elizabeth: Oh. Okay.
Anna: Darling, what are you doing?
Duke: What does it look like I'm doing, darling? Aiming for the bridge of your nose.
Anna: I don't know what you think is going on here or what you're accusing me of --
Duke: Accusing you of? Oh, let's see. Breaking a psychotic criminal out of prison, kidnapping, false imprisonment, and impersonating an officer of the law. There's a very long list, Dr. Obrecht.
Anna: Duke, listen to how you sound. When I said earlier that I wasn't feeling myself, I didn't mean I was literally not myself.
Duke: And yet that seems to be the case.
Anna: Don't you know who I am, Duke? I'm the woman that you love.
Duke: Take off the mask.
Anna: The mask? What do you mean?
Duke: Don't insult me. This clown over here wore a very sophisticated mask of my face, fooling people. It's not a stretch to assume that you're doing the same with Anna's face. Now take off the mask right now. Or else I'll shoot you.
Dr. Obrecht: Oh, damn you, Lavery! [Grunts as she removes the Anna mask]
Nikolas: We need to get you back to Wyndemere now. You've already taken too many chances. We need to get you home now.
Robin: I know. Okay? I know that I shouldn't have come here. But you know what? I'm gonna tell you something. I don't regret it for a single second. I mean, I saw my husband. I saw his face.
Nikolas: I know. Robin --
Robin: But he's changed. I mean, he still has this pain in his eyes.
Nikolas: Patrick mourned you deeply. He still does.
Robin: And Emma. I mean, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She's so... grown up and so beautiful and so art.
Nikolas: Yeah. I know. Spencer and Cameron seem to think so, too. They nearly drowned each other bobbing for apples, trying to impress her.
Robin: They are so grown up, too. I just can't believe how much everything has changed. Everything is so different, you know. [Voice breaking] I-I lost all of those moments, Nikolas, with her, and I'm just -- I'm never getting them back.
Nikolas: No. No, Robin, you'll never get them back. But you will be back home with them, okay. And then you can start making new memories.
Robin: [Sighs] Well, I better hurry. Because Emma introduced Sabrina to me as her new mommy.
Nikolas: Oh, God. Is that why you ran out?
Robin: That was part of it. And you were right, by the way. Sabrina is really nice and really pretty. I mean, how long am I supposed to let this go on? I just hide in the shadows while somebody takes my place?
Nikolas: Sabrina is not taking your place, Robin.
Robin: I mean, that's what they say. No one can replace your mom. But that's exactly what's happening. And... I mean, part of me feels happy that someone's taking care of Patrick and Emma, but... it's just so wrong. I mean, another woman is sleeping with my husband and taking care of my child. It's my family, and I'm gonna get them back.
Emma: Daddy?
Patrick: Yes?
Emma: Did you find out why the lady is so sad?
Patrick: No, I didn't because I couldn't really understand her because she doesn't speak English.
Emma: Yes, she does.
Patrick: What do you mean she does?
Emma: When I hugged her, she held me real tight, and she said, "don't worry. It's gonna be okay."
Tracy: What did you just say?
Luke: You heard me.
Tracy: I-I did, but knowing you, you could be making some, uh, cheap double entendre, or you could actually be talking about late-night Mexican takeout.
Luke: Did you forget what we were talking about?
Tracy: Well, that depends. Uh, what do you think I want you to remember? Oh, probably you fetchingly cross-dressed as one of Jerry's guards, me taking my penultimate breath in that musty, ugly guest room, and us waiting to find out if the doctor actually had come up with a cure. Does any of that sound familiar?
Tracy: You were in and out of consciousness. You might have dreamt something.
Luke: I said I want to give you the whole enchilada. And I meant what I said. It's the real deal I'm talking about.
Tracy: Could we drop the food metaphor for just a moment and you tell me what you're talking about.
Luke: I love you, Tracy. W-what is that look?
Tracy: Well, uh... I thought you said that because you were dying or because you were in an advanced state of delirium or, best, because... you could make promises you knew you weren't gonna have to keep because you were gonna be 6 feet under.
Luke: No, I said it because I meant it. I said it because what I feel for you is the real deal.
Tracy: Okay, I know you said that. But when we were on the plane, I brought up the enchilada, and not subtly, I might add, and you ignored me.
Luke: [Sighs] I didn't -- I didn't ignore you.
Tracy: [Sighs] Good night, Luke.
Luke: [Sighs] Tracy -- Tracy, please. I knew what you wanted to hear. I wasn't sure that I could give you the whole enchilada at that point. I wasn't even sure I'd be able to come up with a limp taquito. I was pretty sick. But I'm not now. I'm well. And I know what I'm saying. I want to give you all of me.
Tracy: Stop, Luke.
Luke: Why? I thought you wanted the whole enchilada. I'm here offering you an entire Mexican fiesta, and you're telling me to stop?
Tracy: Before we do something that we can't take back. I need to know what you mean by the whole enchilada.
Luke: Well, what do you think I mean? There can only be two definitions. And I ain't talking tortillas here.
Tracy: That's the problem! I don't know what you mean! And I can't afford to make any more mistakes. I have used up all of my mistakes in this lifetime, and I need to know that we're speaking the same language.
Luke: Okay. Allow me to clarify. I want to be with you. Tracy, I want to be your friend, your partner, and your lover. Not with one foot out the door. All of it -- you and me together. Now, that doesn't mean that I won't hurt you or disappoint you. Nobody can promise that. But I promise you this. I'll do whatever is possible to make you happy. What do you say?
Nikolas: When I said Sabrina wasn't taking your place, I didn't mean she wasn't metaphorically taking your place. What I meant was she's not taking your place because you're going home. Okay? It's just for a little while longer.
Robin: I hope so.
Nikolas: You are. You are. I promise. And then you'll find Luke. You'll find him, and then you'll whip up another batch of that cure for Jerry, and then it will all be over.
Robin: I wish there was a "cure for Jerry."
Nikolas: And he'll let Anna and Robert go. And you can be with your family again.
Robin: [Sighs] I wish that I believed that it would go that smoothly. Nikolas, Faison and Obrecht and Jerry, they're monsters.
Nikolas: Yes, I know they are. But one thing we have in our favor is we already know that and we're keeping our eye on them.
Robin: But if they could cheat death and the international prison system --
Nikolas: I didn't say it was gonna be easy.
Robin: They could break every promise that they have made to us. At this point, anything could happen.
Nikolas: I know. That is why we can't do anything to upset them.
Dr. Obrecht: Well, well, well, Herr Lavery. Aren't you the clever one?
Duke: Where is Anna?
Dr. Obrecht: Your Anna's somewhere where you can't touch her.
Duke: Where is she? What have you done to her -- ah!
Patrick: I just think it's a little bit weird. Epiphany brings the woman over to talk to you because you speak Spanish, but then she speaks English to Emma, and then when you do talk to her in her native language, she runs away and hides in the exam room?
Sabrina: Yeah, well, I guess it wouldn't be Halloween if something strange didn't happen.
Patrick: [Sighs] They've been in there a little bit. I'm gonna go check and make sure everything's okay.
Sabrina: Wait. It's none of our business.
Nikolas: Patrick. Hey. Hey. I thought you'd be back at the party by now. Hi, Sabrina.
Sabrina: Hi. So, who's your friend?
Nikolas: Oh, uh, as I was explaining to Patrick this is, uh, Ruta, Spencer's new nanny. She's new to the states and a little overwhelmed, so I'm sending her home. Excuse us. We really --
Patrick: Hold on a second. Um... I'm sorry. It's just that you said you only spoke Spanish, but my daughter says that you spoke English to her.
Nikolas: Yeah, she knows a few words.
Patrick: I was actually asking her.
Nikolas: Well, unless you ask her in the few words she does know, you're not gonna get much of an answer. What did she say to Emma, exactly?
Patrick: She said, "don't worry. Everything's gonna be fine." Which is a complete sentence for somebody that doesn't speak the language.
Nikolas: "Everything's gonna be --" that's -- I taught her to say that to Spencer when he has bad dreams. It's -- I'm sorry. Why are we making such a big deal about this?
Patrick: [Sighs]
Britt: Hey, is everything okay?
Nikolas: Yeah. Yeah. Nothing to be concerned about.
Britt: Elizabeth says that Spencer's gone to spend the night with her boys. Ben is really tired, so I think I should get him home.
Nikolas: Say no more. Thank you, uh, again for your concern, but we really need to get home. Go ahead.
Britt: Excuse me.
Nikolas: [Clears throat]
Emma: Thanks for taking care of me.
Patrick: Okay, hey, come on. They've got to go home. Come on.
Sabrina: Buenos noches.
Luke: Look, I just laid all my cards on the table. I'm waiting for your answer. Please don't leave me hanging.
Tracy: You know my answer. You've always known my answer.
Luke: You're not gonna say the words out loud, are you? I like that about you.
Tracy: One more thing. This... enchilada of which you speak... I like it spicy.
Luke: I know you do. And it will be as spicy... as I can possibly make it.
Faison: Oh, look at that.
Dr. Obrecht: Heinous, nine letters.
Faison: "Execrable."
Dr. Obrecht: Hmm.
Britt: Well, isn't this cozy?
Dr. Obrecht: Good. You're back. Cesar and I were just discussing whether or not we should call Jerry and have him kill your mother.
Faison: Obrecht, that's already settled. Scorpio is the first to die.
Nikolas: No one needs to die.
Robin: He's right. You can relax. Nobody saw me.
Patrick: There's something off about Nikolas' nanny. Why would she lie about speaking English?
Sabrina: Well, maybe Nikolas was telling the truth. Maybe that's one of the few phrases that he taught her to comfort Spencer.
Patrick: You believe that?
Sabrina: Well, I mean, Nikolas seems to be a very gracious, polite person. But he is the heir to a huge fortune and most of his family were homicidal maniacs, so --
Patrick: I just don't know why he would lie about something like that.
Sabrina: Maybe because you don't know he was actually lying. Why does this bother you so much?
Patrick: I don't know. It shouldn't. Okay, come on, Dynagirl and Electrawoman. Let's get you back to Electra-base, huh?
Emma: Okay.
Patrick: Okay.
Dr. Obrecht: How can you be sure no one saw you? More importantly, how can we be sure?
Robin: Do you see any floodlights? Do you see any helicopters, any WSB agents storming the gates? No. I can assure you no one saw me.
Dr. Obrecht: You are shrill and unpleasant. Perhaps your blood sugar's low.
Faison: Some candy, little girl?
Robin: No, I don't want any candy.
Faison: Well, more for me.
Dr. Obrecht: And how did you manage to stay undetected, Robin?
Robin: Because I wore your stupid costume, okay?! No one recognized me. So you can stop worrying and stop threatening my parents.
Dr. Obrecht: I hope you are telling the truth. Not just for their sake... but for your own.
Faison: Yeah, we don't want anyone to get hurt, do we?
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