GH Transcript Friday 11/1/13

General Hospital Transcript Friday 11/1/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Dr. Obrecht: There's still time to dress as the Hoff. I'll grill up a hamburger. You'll be all set. Dr. Scorpio-Drake, you should really join in the... where's that costume?

Faison: Or better yet, where's Robin?

Dr. Obrecht: She's gone.

Patrick: Did you see that?

Sabrina: Deep breaths.

Patrick: Thought I'd have 30 years before I had to deal with this.

Sabrina: 30?

Patrick: 20.

Sabrina: This little romance will be over by tomorrow.

Patrick: It better be.

Sabrina: Well, if it's not, you'll have me by your side to put Spencer through his paces.

Patrick: Well, thank God for you.

Sabrina: Back at you.

Patrick: Hey, Dynagirl, snap out of it. Come on.

[Elevator bell dings]

Carly: I, uh -- I got to go.

Franco: No.

Carly: Um... my daughter needs me, and, um... I should go. You -- you need to go.

Franco: Okay. I will. I'll see myself out. I'm a very patient man. Or at least I can pretend to be a patient man. I guess I'll just have to wait until tomorrow night to win her heart.

Brad: You don't understand.

Felix: Oh, I understand perfectly. The Britch's kid needs a father, and you're the father.

Brad: It's not that simple.

Felix: You are the father.

Brad: What if I told you Britt's son isn't mine?

Felix: What does that mean? Oh, right on cue -- the Britch and the little munchkin in question.

Britt: [Clears throat] Felix. Brad.

Felix: Happy Halloween.

Nikolas: You too.

Felix: Well, it's nice to see him settling in after his big adventure.

Britt: Oh, you have no idea.

Felix: Must have been scary.

Britt: Try terrifying.

Felix: Yeah. I'm sure that daddy Brad felt the same, but, you know, what's funny is, Brad said that Ben's not his son. Now, why would he say that?

Dr. Obrecht: The party at General Hospital. Robin's on a quest to see her husband and daughter. Verdammt. We must call and alert Britta immediately to watch for her --

Duke: Hello? Nikolas? Are you home? It's Duke Lavery.

Epiphany: Excuse me, Miss. Can I help you?

Franco: Wow. [Chuckles nervously] Great costume. Love the knife. Very sinister. Do you...really need it? I mean, you have the fangs. Oh, my, my, Grandmother, what -- what enormous, sharp fangs you have. Look, I don't have any candy, all right? So why don't you go pillage somewhere else?

Carly: All right, well, I'll be down here when you're ready.

Franco: Stop playing games with me, okay? No more games. You feel the same way about me that I feel about you. You're in this up to your whiskers. Just admit it, Carly, and then we'll...take it from there? Or... we can take it... from here.

[Doorbell rings]

Carly: All right. Ok.

Derek: Trick or treat?

Franco: Okay! Whoa, whoa! You are really craving sugar. Uh... I'll tell you what. There's a snack tray back there. Knock yourself out. But not my macadamia nuts 'cause I really -- oh! Whoa! What is your problem?!

Heather: Boo.

Franco: Aah! Ohh! Ohh! Now I'm really scared! Ohh!

Epiphany: Can I help you? You seem a little lost.

Robin: No hablo ingles.

Epiphany: Oh. Okay. I can't help you there. My Spanish is pretty rusty. Um... are you looking for the Halloween party? La fiesta?

Robin: Sí.

Epiphany: Okay. All right. Well, it's down the hall and to the left. Okay. I -- I could take you. Um, I can introduce you to one of our nurses -- Sabrina Santiago. She speaks Spanish. Come on.

Patrick: You know, as Dynagirl, you're gonna be so busy rescuing people that you're not gonna have time for a boyfriend.

Emma: Uh, not true. Sabrina's marrying you.

Patrick: Yeah, that might be true, but that has nothing to do with you, Dynagirl.

Emma: Sabrina rescues people every day at the hospital. Why can't I do both, like her?

Sabrina: Yeah, Daddy, why not?

Patrick: Take her side, and you will live to regret it.

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Elizabeth: Oh, hey.

Patrick: Hey. There's Romeo himself. Where's Lesley?

Elizabeth: Aiden was having a complete meltdown -- thank you, sugar -- so she decided to take him home. But I think she needed a rest, too.

Patrick: Is she all right?

Elizabeth: I think so. You know, she made a comment about Nikolas's butler and -- I don't know. I'm sure she's fine.

Patrick: Will you give me a second?

Elizabeth: Uh-oh. If this is any indication on how he's gonna be when Emma really starts dating, she's in trouble. Actually, he's the one that's gonna be in trouble, 'cause the more you try to lock up teenage girls, the quicker they fly out their bedroom windows. That's what me and my best friend Emily used to do. God, don't you just wish you could go back there? The only thing you had to worry about was getting caught after curfew. [Breathes deeply]

Sabrina: Are you okay?

Elizabeth: It's that obvious?

Sabrina: Well, just to me.

Elizabeth: I'm trying really hard for the sake of my kids, and I'm just not in a party mood.

Sabrina: Would this have anything to do with Nikolas's date?

Britt: I don't know what you're talking about.

Felix: Well, Brad just said, and I quote, "What if I told you that Britt's son isn't mine?"

Britt: Little late to be denying paternity now, don't you think? I mean, everyone knows what we did. I used your sperm to get pregnant with Ben, who I tried to pass off as Patrick's, and in return, you got a promotion. Why lie when it's all finally out in the open?

Brad: I don't know. It was...dumb.

Britt: Yes, it was. But there's no surprise there. Moving on.

[Wolf howls, woman screams]

Britt: So, what's with the matching costumes? Oh, is it a date?

Felix: More like a horrible nightmare. Don't ask.

Britt: Thirsty?

Nikolas: Yes.

Britt: Okay.

Britt: Hey! Hey.

Felix: What's wrong with you?

Brad: You're gonna have to be more specific.

Felix: First, you deny the kid's even yours, and then when you see him come here all in one piece, you don't even bat an eye.

Brad: What do you want from me?

Felix: Some semblance of human emotion would be nice. That adorable little child there is your flesh and blood. And he was kidnapped by the evil Dr. Obrecht. You seriously cannot sit there and say you don't care. She could have killed him.

Faison: So, what the hell is Lavery doing here?

Duke: Nikolas? Nikolas, I need to speak to you about Anna. May I come in?

Dr. Obrecht: [Speaking German]


Duke: What was that? Nikolas? What is going on here?

Brad: Obviously, I'm relieved Britt's crazy mother didn't hurt our son.

Felix: Huh. Not so obvious to me.

Brad: Look, back off, okay? I'm just... the kid doesn't know me. I don't want to scare him off.

Felix: But you care about the child's welfare.

Brad: And when I see a quiet moment, I'll take to...check in on him.

Felix: Seems pretty quiet right now.

Brad: [Sighs]

Nikolas: So, that was, uh, strange, wasn't it?

Britt: What do you mean?

Nikolas: Well, Brad telling Felix that he wasn't Ben's father.

Britt: Oh, well, Brad's strange, so...

Nikolas: Right. But why would he say that?

Britt: I don't know. I have no idea.

Erica: I love your costumes.

Britt: Hey, isn't that the nurse, Erica, that you said you wished you had a chance to thank and never did your last stint here at the hospital? Maybe you should go talk to her before she leaves.

Nikolas: Right.

Brad: Is it okay if I...?

Britt: Sure. You are the dad, after all. Care to explain why you told Felix you weren't?

Brad: [Sighs] Oh.

Erica: Well, it's great seeing you again. No more gunshot wounds.

Nikolas: Right. Of course. I'll do my best.

Erica: All right.

Felix: See you, Erica.

Erica: Bye, Felix.

Felix: Unbelievable. Parent has zero concern for his child. I don't care how Ben came to be. He's still Brad's.

Nikolas: Yeah, it is unbelievable.

Felix: Well, the good news is, in the looks department, he doesn't take after his daddy. Doesn't look much like his mama, either, to tell you the truth. Must take after some long-lost relative.

Britt: Oh, Ben. Oh, my God. Oh, my God, I'm so happy you're okay.

Faison: How come you're so happy to have him back, Britt? According to yourself, you're not even that baby's natural mother.

Duke: Well... I suppose I'll try back tomorrow. What on earth...?

Spencer: Away, matey!

Nikolas: Oh! I surrender! Don't make me walk the plank!

Felix: That is one sinister-looking pirate.

Nikolas: Felix, this is my son, Spencer.

Felix: What up, Spence?

Spencer: Spencer.

Elizabeth: Hey, guys.

Felix: Hey, all! Nurse Webber, kudos on the costume selection.

Elizabeth: Thank you.

Felix: You were born to be a princess.

Elizabeth: Aww.

Felix: Excuse me.

Elizabeth: Sorry we're late. Lesley had to take Aiden home.

Nikolas: Oh, good, good. I mean, not for -- sorry. Not for Aiden. I'm sorry he's missing the party, but Lesley was tired.

Elizabeth: Oh, yeah, I know. I thought so, too. You, uh -- you look good. Like your costume.

Nikolas: Thank you. Felix was right on about you.

Elizabeth: Where's Britt?

Nikolas: Oh, she's, uh... right there, bonding with her baby-daddy.

Elizabeth: Does that bother you?

Cameron: Mom, can I go play that game?

Elizabeth: Oh, yeah.

Spencer: Can I play, too?

Nikolas: Yeah, of course.

Elizabeth: Go. You guys have fun.

Nikolas: Whoa. [Chuckles]

Elizabeth: Oh, that little Emma. She has a way with boys.

Nikolas: What? Spencer, too?

Elizabeth: Oh, yeah. Didn't you know? They're a thing. And I don't think Cameron's too happy about it, either.

Nikolas: Love triangle, huh? Well, that can only end in heartbreak, right?

Emma: You get to go next.

Spencer: Why?

Emma: Because you're my boyfriend now.

Spencer: Oh, okay.

Cameron: But I was your boyfriend first.

Emma: Just play.

Felix: Breaking hearts already. I like your style. Uh, you might want to invest in some, uh...wire fence and guard dogs 'cause you're gonna need them.

Patrick: I'm not worried about potential suitors because Sabrina's gonna talk to her and tell her that boys are evil and she's never, ever, ever going to date them.

Felix: Good luck with that.

Patrick: Yeah, thank you. It's gonna work, right?

Sabrina: Oh, yeah. Totally.

Patrick: Thank you for lying to me.

Sabrina: Anytime.

Epiphany: Well, there's Nurse Santiago with her fiancée now. I'll introduce you. Drake Jr.

Patrick: Yeah.

Nikolas: Hey. So, how'd it go with Brad? Did he finally show some concern for his son?

Britt: Oh, Brad is...Brad. Let's not waste time trying to figure him out. What's wrong?

Nikolas: Hmm?

Britt: What's wrong?

Nikolas: Nothing. I'm fine.

Britt: You seem...distant all of a sudden.

Nikolas: Yeah. Yeah, I -- I just -- I feel... I feel bad for Ben. I mean, here's this innocent little boy and anyone would be lucky to have him. Meanwhile, his own family doesn't even acknowledge he exists.

Britt: What do you mean?

Nikolas: Well, you got Faison claiming that Ben's not yours, and now Brad's walking around saying Ben's not his.

Franco: So, to what do I owe this visit? You here for a holiday cocktail? Can I make you some hot chocolate or some eye of newt?

Heather: What were you doing with Carly?

Franco: I was... what? You followed me?

Heather: It's a good thing, you little liar.

Franco: Okay, no, you hold on a minute. Hold on a minute!

Heather: "Don't worry, Heather. I'm not seeing Carly, Heather."

Franco: You think I sound like -- that's how I -- I -- I don't say "Heather" that much.

Heather: Yet there you were, at her door, begging to be let in. It really is so beneath you.

Franco: It's Halloween.

Heather: And?

Franco: And... Carly has the best candy.

Heather: I thought you said you didn't need any candy.

Franco: Well, maybe I ate Carly's candy the whole way home. At least I thought about it.

Heather: Now there's just another lie. I saw everything, Franco. You tried to kiss her. And her little alley-cat costume? So fitting. She's probably wandering the streets, probably howling in heat. Maybe she even has rabies.

Franco: Carly doesn't have rabies, and I didn't just try to kiss her. I actually -- I, well -- okay, I... we came... okay. More to the point, why would you follow us?! Carly deserves better!

Heather: She doesn't deserve you. I'm telling you, she's not right for you.

Derek: You look incredible. Love the costume.

Carly: Next time you go trick-or-treating, you should bring your own bag.

Derek: Hmm. I'll take that under advisement. Thank you.

Carly: Goodbye, Derek.

Derek: Whoa, whoa! Hold on. I went out and bought this whole costume.

Carly: Really?

Derek: Fine. My associate did it for me, but it was still an effort. Couldn't I at least just come in for a moment? Being Zorro has left me absolutely parched.

Carly: You know what? Yes, come on in. Go ahead. 'Cause I would love to discuss something with you.

Derek: Shoot.

Carly: Franco stopped by.

Derek: Did he?

Carly: Yes, and he invited me to his gallery opening, and I said, well, I need an extra ticket for you.

Derek: I'm honored.

Carly: Really? Why? Because the owner shouldn't need a ticket. Or should I say co-owner? 'Cause we can't forget about Ava. Remember her, the woman sleeping with my son?

Derek: I'm sensing a little anger here.

Carly: Why didn't you tell me about your business situation?

Derek: Because it's just that -- work, business. Ava's my partner.

Carly: Really?

Derek: Mm-hmm.

Carly: Well, maybe you're in bed in life, as well as business.

Derek: [Chuckles]

Franco: What is your beef with Carly, anyway?

Heather: You really have to ask me that?

Franco: Yeah.

Heather: She's dangerous... which you would remember if you were thinking with your brain and not another part of your anatomy.

Franco: You and I are not going to discuss another part of my anatomy.

Heather: Franco, she tried to have you killed, for heaven's sake.

Franco: Allegedly. Nothing's ever been proven.

Heather: So, now you're gonna defend her.

Franco: No, what I'm saying is, a lot of people would like to see me dead, okay? I don't really blame them, and if Carly's one of them, hey, it was a long time ago.

Heather: So all is forgiven.

Franco: Well, she did save my life twice since then.

Heather: Well, that just proves she can't be trusted. She likes you, she hates you, she likes you, she hates you. Which is next?

Franco: Well, according to your pattern, next, she likes me.

Heather: I wouldn't be so cavalier if I were you. You and Carly do not belong together. It can't be.

Franco: Why do you care? Really, Heather, why do you care? What is it? You just want me all to yourself? Is that it?

Epiphany: Hey, Indy, get over here and bring your superwoman.

Robin: Tengo sed.

Patrick: Yes?

Sabrina: For the record, I'm Electrawoman.

Epiphany: Yeah, yeah, well, I, uh -- I wanted you to meet this woman that I was talking to, but she only speaks Spanish, but she seems a little out of it. And I thought that she knew I was calling you over, but maybe she didn't understand.

Patrick: Is she still here?

Epiphany: Yeah, she went to get some punch.

Cameron: Emma, do you want some punch?

Emma: Yes, please.

Spencer: I'll get it.

Cameron: No, I'll get it!

Duke: Is someone in there?

Anna: Duke? What are you doing here?

Duke: Anna.

Emma: Hi. I'm Emma. But tonight I'm Dynagirl. Who are you supposed to be?

Britt: It's sweet of you to worry about Ben like that, but he has me, and that's all my son needs.

Nikolas: All right.

Britt: And, plus, anything Brad or especially my father has to say about the situation is irrelevant. I mean, don't forget -- they're both insane.

Duke: I've been looking for you everywhere. I've been calling you 20 times a day. What -- what are you doing here?

Anna: Isn't that what I just asked you?

Duke: No. All I understood was that you and Robert had disappeared from the clinic. I didn't know anything else. I spoke to Patrick, and Patrick had heard from Nikolas, and I thought I'd come here and fill in some of the gaps.

Anna: Yes. That's why I'm here, too. Unfortunately, it seems no one's home. They must be all out... trick-or-treating.

Duke: Is that it? Is that all I get? I've been going crazy looking for you. I never heard from you. And what about Robert? Where is he?

Anna: Uh, he's at the clinic. The exertion of being out and about was too much.

Duke: And you?

Anna: Well, I'm sure you realize that I'm in pursuit of Faison and Obrecht.

Duke: No, I assumed that, never checked in with me. I didn't hear from you.

Anna: I'm sorry. I was so close, Duke, following them, and I just thought if I contacted you, it would tip them off.

Duke: It's such a relief to see you. I'm very, very happy to see you, but in this place, of all places... can this really be you?

Anna: Of course. Who else would I be?

Faison: Careful, Obrecht... or he will see through your disguise.

Cameron: Here, Emma.

Spencer: No, I got it!

Emma: [Gasps] [Crying] Oh, no!

Cameron: Nice work.

Spencer: It was your fault!

Cameron: I didn't do anything!

Elizabeth: Hey, hey, hey! What is going o-- excuse me. Come back in here, please. This is a party. We're not supposed to be fighting.

Nikolas: Fighting? What's going on?

Spencer: He spilled punch on Emma.

Cameron: Emma said I'm her boyfriend.

Spencer: But she said I'm her new boyfriend.

Elizabeth: Guys, how about we all just be friends?

Nikolas: Yeah, that sounds like a perfect idea. Oh, hey, look, look! They're bobbing for apples. Why don't you go over there? And get me one, too.

Elizabeth: I'm sure that'll be fun.

Nikolas: Geez.

Elizabeth: You were right -- heartbreak.

Britt: Those little kids look like someone ran over their puppy.

Elizabeth: And that's what happens when two people love the same person.

Epiphany: So, I heard the big news, over and over and over again.

Felix: So I'm excited. Sue me. These two getting hitched is the best thing to happen since Magic Milo disrobed at the Nurses' Ball.

Epiphany: Ha! Amen to that!

Sabrina: Right?

Patrick: All right.

Sabrina: I mean, who knows.

Epiphany: No, I'm happy for the both of you, really.

Sabrina: Thank you.

Epiphany: So, when's the big day?

Patrick: Well, as soon as possible.


Emma: [Crying] It's ruined!

Robin: Don't worry. Don't worry. Everything's gonna be okay.

Emma: Thank you. [Hug]

Heather: So that's what you think? I-I want you all to myself... as in, romantically?

Franco: Well, that is generally how that phrase is used. So, right?

Heather: Wrong.

Franco: Okay, look -- you don't need to be embarrassed. I mean, it is a little weird 'cause we're related, but we're like second cousins or... first cousins, once removed. It doesn't matter. Look, hey -- it's not like it's the first time that happened in this town.

Heather: Stop.

Franco: Okay. I'm right. You are way too involved in aspects of my life, particularly the aspect of my life where I almost have sex with a really hot girl who's wearing a black leather catsuit.

Heather: I don't believe this.

Franco: You see Carly as a threat. You are obsessed with my career --

Heather: Because I think you're brilliant.

Franco: And then there are the compliments...

Heather: Yes, but that comes from admiration, because I think you're talented and wonderful and smart and... as a -- as a human being. You know, I just...really admire you, and I care for you enough to want you to steer clear of a lethal relationship.

Franco: Thank you.

Heather: But I'm not in love with you. That's disgusting.

Franco: "Disgusting"? Is that what you just said? "Disgusting"? That's a little harsh, don't you think? I mean, okay, fine. [Laughs] I know I'm not conventionally handsome, but maybe somewhere t there, there's one woman who might find me...mildly attractive.

Derek: [Laughs] You think I'm sleeping with Ava?

Carly: You're not?

Derek: No.

Carly: And why should I believe you?

Derek: Ava and I are business partners, Carly.

Carly: Which you lied about.

Derek: [Laughs] Omitted. You never actually asked.

Carly: Oh, shame on me for taking you at your word when you said that you were her client.

Derek: [Clears throat] Can we start again?

Carly: Please, go ahead.

Derek: Okay. Here's the deal.

Carly: Hmm.

Derek: I am... Ava's silent partner.

Carly: Why silent?

Derek: Complicated tax reasons. I really don't want to bore you, but that is why I never said anything. We're just trying to keep it on the Q.T.

Carly: That's it? Nothing else?

Derek: Yes. I give you my solemn vow that Ava Jerome and I... are not sleeping together. Better?

Carly: Getting there.

Derek: I will go one further. The very thought of touching Ava in a sexual manner is disgusting to me.

Carly: I wish my son felt that way.

Derek: Now, you, on the other hand... touching you... is a whole different story.

Carly: Really?

Derek: Uh-huh. Yeah, and unlike Franco, I am only interested in you.


Heather: Look, I didn't mean to insult you --

Franco: Yeah, well, you did, so, there you go.

Heather: I think you're very handsome.

Franco: Thank you.

Heather: And I'm sure that there's plenty of women that think of that way. I'm just not one of them.

Franco: Okay, really?

Heather: Positively.

Franco: Are you sure? Because you're actions, they speak otherwise -- they scream otherwise. They scream otherwise very, very loudly.

Heather: You know, you act like I'm not capable of romantic feelings. Well, that's not true. I've been there. There was Jeff and there was Joe and there was Scotty, Luke, and --

Franco: You are right on the edge -- the verge -- of oversharing.

Heather: Okay. I just don't put you in the aforementioned category. You see, they're, like, men, and --

Franco: What? Wh-a-a-a-a-a-at? Okay. Let me get this straight. You're saying to me that you would rather have sex with Luke Spencer than have sex with me?

Heather: Enough with the sex talk, young man, or I will wash out that mouth with soap.

Carly: Um...

Derek: Hmm.

Carly: Um, my daughter's upstairs.

Derek: Really? Not out trick-or-treating?

Carly: Uh, we were supposed to go, but, um... she got caught up in a movie.

Derek: Really?

Carly: "Children of the Corn," yes.

Derek: How long does that movie last?

Carly: You need to go.

Derek: [Chuckles] Hmm.

Felix: Oh. Thought you'd be gone for good. Was it really that painful to be in the same room as your child?

Brad: That's not why I left.

Felix: What happened to your sorry excuse for a costume?

Brad: Took it off. Now I'm a...

Both: "Cereal" killer.

Brad: Won't win me any awards, but under the circumstances, it was the best I could do.

Felix: Huh. I don't understand. Why did you change your clothes?

Brad: For you.

Britt: Those apples don't stand a chance, do they?

Nikolas: Right. Looks like Spencer and Cameron have channeled their competitive juices into bobbing.

Britt: [Chuckles] Who's winning?

Nikolas: I was afraid to ask.

Britt: Hey.

Nikolas: How you doing?

Britt: I'm okay.

Nikolas: Yeah?

Britt: Yeah.

Nikolas: You having a good time?

Britt: Beats being stranded on a secluded island with my psycho parents playing dress-up.

Anna: I didn't mean to snap. I'm just jumpy. It's been a trying time.

Duke: I understand.

Anna: Yes. And I apologize for not contacting you. I'm trying to protect you from that dreadful yet brilliant Dr. Obrecht. She almost killed you with Propofol, and I refuse to take a chance.

Duke: I still don't understand what you are doing here. I mean, have Obrecht and Faison been spotted in Port Charles?

Anna: No. There's been whisperings that they're coming for their grandson, and since she kidnapped the child before, you see...

Duke: I think there may be more than whisperings.

Anna: What do you mean?

Duke: When I came here, I heard a crash.

Anna: You did?

Duke: Yes. And I came over here... and I found this pot on the floor.

Anna: Yes.

Duke: And I looked over, and there was a gap in the wall. And the gap leads to... a tunnel.

Anna: Ah.

Duke: What if that's where Faison and Obrecht are hiding?

Nikolas: Speaking of your parents...

Britt: Can we not?

Nikolas: I'm worried about Robin back in Wyndemere. I don't want to leave her there with them.

Britt: I know my parents are crazy, but they're not gonna hurt Robin. They need her, or there's no cure for Jerry Jacks.

Nikolas: And if there's no cure, then they'll be outed to the authorities.

Britt: Yes, exactly, so you don't have to worry about Robin, which is more than I can say for Nurse Santiago when she finds out that Robin's still alive. Punch?

Nikolas: Yeah.

Sabrina: Have you seen this?

Elizabeth: Yes, but it's worth another look.

Patrick: So, are you really happy for me?

Epiphany: When do I not say what I mean, Drake Jr.?

Patrick: That's true, but I'd like to hear it again.

Epiphany: Okay. Uh... it's been a long road, and, at times, I didn't think you were gonna make it, like when I couldn't get your scrawny butt off the couch.

Patrick: Okay. Don't hold back now.

Epiphany: And then there were the drugs, getting mixed up with Dr. Westbourne...

Patrick: I've made some mistakes.

Epiphany: Yeah. But Sabrina wasn't one of them. She's a good person. Kind, hardworking, sometimes a little too mooshy for me, but...

[Both laugh]

Epiphany: You made a wise decision asking her to marry you.

Patrick: Thank you.

Epiphany: Now don't you mess it up.

Patrick: I won't.

Epiphany: I'm proud of you, Drake Jr., and I think that Dr. Scorpio-Drake would be, too.

Patrick: Thanks.

Sabrina: Oh, I'll be right back. It looks like there was a spill. Hey, Emma. What happened, honey?

Emma: I got punch on my costume.

Sabrina: Oh, no.

Emma: She helped me clean it up.

Sabrina: Oh. [Speaking Spanish]

Emma: This is Sabrina. She's gonna be my new mommy.

Patrick: Was that the woman that Epiphany wanted you to talk to?

Sabrina: Yeah. I tried speaking to her in Spanish, but she didn't respond. It was hard to tell from the costume, but she seemed pretty upset.

Emma: Do you think she's okay?

Patrick: Oh, I don't know, kiddo, but I'll go check, okay? See you in a second. Bye.

Emma: Love you.

Felix: Okay, I must have entered the Twilight Zone.

Brad: No.

Felix: "Candid Camera"? Okay, I've been punk'd, right?

Brad: No.

Felix: Well, why would you change your costume for me?

Brad: Because you asked me to.

Felix: Look, I know you wanted to be the only Cavity Sam, and... I also know you think I'm a deadbeat dad.

Felix: Both true.

Brad: I just... wanted to prove I'm not all bad all the time... that I can actually be nice.

Felix: [Scoffs] I -- I don't know how to respond to this.

Brad: Smile. You're the only "Operation" dude in the room.

Felix: [Chuckles] So, you stepped aside, so I could be the star? Well, don't just stand there. Let's go get a drink.

Derek: I know Halloween is sacred, so I will, uh... let you enjoy it with your, uh...daughter.

Carly: Thank you.

Derek: Mm-hmm. But, you know, I would like to be your date to the art show, if that's still open.

Carly: I think that would be okay.

Derek: Hmm. Fantastic. Who knows? That night be a night. Hey, come on, now. Zorro can dream, right?

Carly: [Shuts door]

Franco: All right, all right. Don't get your knickers in a twist. I get it -- you don't "heart" me.

Heather: Finally, the man listens to reason.

Franco: Ah, let's not get carried away. If that is the case, and I believe that it is, why are you so opposed to me being with Carly?

Heather: Because.

Franco: Because what? I honestly don't understand. Nut?

Heather: Someday, you will.

Anna: Duke, don't! Don't go in there. Let me handle this.

Duke: Are you insane? I'm not leaving you alone with those two lunatics.

Dr. Obrecht: If they're here, which I doubt. Besides, this is police business.

Duke: And you are my business. And we are in this together, whether you like it or not.

Anna: Duke, don't! Duke!

Nikolas: Is it me, or was that woman that just ran out of here wearing the same costume your mother tried to force on Robin?

Sabrina: Hey. I love you. You know that, right?

Emma: I love you, too.

Sabrina: What you said to that woman before, it really meant a lot to me. Because, yes, I am gonna be... a mommy to you. And I can't wait. But I want to make you a promise, okay?

Emma: Okay.

Sabrina: Okay. I promise that I will never try to replace your real mommy, ever. She has a permanent spot in your heart, and I want you to know that I know that. Okay? Okay. [Gasps] Good news, Dynagirl. Your costume is now punch-free. That woman who helped you before did such a good job.

Emma: She seemed so sad. I could tell, even behind her mask.

Robin: [Breathing heavily]

Patrick: Hey, Erica, did you see a woman come through here wearing a long cloak?

Erica: I think she went into Exam 1.

Patrick: Perfect. Thank you.

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