General Hospital Transcript Thursday 10/31/13
Provided By Suzanne
Carly: Happy with your costume? Because you can be something different.
Josslyn: No!
Carly: Really? But you have all the other ones. You know, you could be a manatee or a supreme court justice.
Josslyn: No! I'm going as corn!
Carly: But you went as corn last year.
Josslyn: So?
Carly: Well, don't you want to do something different?
Josslyn: No! Ear of corn! Ear of corn!
Carly: Okay, okay, okay. I got it. I got it. You're gonna be an ear of corn, all right? I'm gonna pick my battles,.
[Doorbell rings]
Carly: Our first trick-or-treater! Come on. Who do you think it is?
Josslyn: More corn.
Carly: More corn? Honey, I'm pretty sure you're gonna be the only ear of corn on the block. I bet you it's Ruth Bader Ginsburg. What do you think?
Felix: Ooh. Hoo hoo hoo! Looking good, guys and ghouls. This place is almost in crypt shape. Oh, yeah. The kids in Peds -- they're not gonna know what hit 'em. Uh, apples to the right. I'll take the carbs.
Doo doo doo doo uh, where are my popcorn balls?
Brad: I got your balls right here.
Patrick: Help! Help! They've got me! Ohh. Ohh. Why does it have to be snakes?
[Heroic music plays]
Patrick: Who are you -- salvation?
Emma: Guess again! It's Dynagirl, and I'm here to rescue you!
Sabrina: Wait for me! Electrawoman and Dynagirl are a team, remember?
Emma: Let's do this thing!
Sabrina: Yeah!
Patrick: Come on! Get off. Get off. Get off me. Get off me. Gah! Ugh! Ugh! Good job. Good job.
Emma: [Laughing]
Patrick: Ugh. Thank you so much.
Sabrina: [Laughs]
Emma: [Laughing continues]
Patrick: Oh, my gosh. How am I ever gonna repay you?
Emma: All in a day's work.
Patrick: Yeah?
Sabrina: It's what we do.
Emma: I wonder who we'll save next.
Sabrina: [Gasps]
Robin: Hasn't anyone ever told you that "no" means "no"?
Dr. Obrecht: Just try it on.
Robin: I am not your doll. Go play dress-up with your daughter.
Dr. Obrecht: I already tried.
Britt: Nikolas! Nikolas!
Nikolas: What? What -- what's wrong?
Britt: My mother.
Nikolas: What'd she do now?
Britt: Nothing to me. It's what she did to Ben.
Dr. Obrecht: Come now. It's my favorite holiday.
Robin: Well, then, go gorge yourself on candy and leave me the hell alone.
Dr. Obrecht: What is this? You don't like Halloween?
Robin: Clearly not as much as you do.
Dr. Obrecht: [Sighs] Live a little! Have some fun for a change!
Robin: Listen, lady -- you can kidnap me, you can fake my death, but you cannot -- I repeat, you cannot -- make me have fun.
Dr. Obrecht: [Sighs heavily] Always so sour. You sit around, coming up with reasons to mope. You disappoint me, Robin.
Robin: I'm sure Faison will let you cry on his shoulder. Where the hell is he, anyway?
Lesley: Now, what are you gonna do when daddy answers the door?
Spencer: Say, "trick or treat!"
Lesley: That's right.
Spencer: And then we get candy.
Lesley: Unless we scare him so much that he faints. [Laughs evilly]
[Door opens]
Lesley: Oops. That's your cue.
Spencer: Trick or treat!
Faison: Trick.
Patrick: Yes. I think they're fantastic.
Sabrina: But?
Patrick: But I was just hoping that the purple-faced grapes would come back again this year, because grapes are where it's at.
Sabrina: Oh, yeah?
Patrick: Mm-hmm.
Sabrina: Well, you're in luck, because I still have it.
Emma: You're not gonna change, are you?
Sabrina: Oh, me? No! But if your daddy is really into that fruit look, then he's welcome to squeeze into those purple tights.
Patrick: [Chuckles]
Emma: Please, daddy?
Patrick: You know I would, but I just -- I don't think I would do them justice like Sabrina did.
Sabrina: Maybe next year.
Emma: It was a good costume -- better than Britt's. She made fun of nurses.
Patrick: Oh, nobody's gonna make fun of nurses this year, okay? [Clicks tongue] Plus, Britt's somebody else's problem now.
Nikolas: What happened to Ben? Is he -- is he hurt?
Britt: No. No.
Nikolas: What -- what did your mother do to him?
Britt: She tried to dress him up. I walked into Ben's room, and there she is, hunched over his crib, but it's not his crib. It's been replaced with a black bassinet, complete with a veil that's also black, by the way, and above it, she's hung this upside-down cross!
Nikolas: That's nuts. I don't even know what that is.
Britt: I was like, "excuse me. What the hell do you think you're doing?" And do you know what she says? She says, "oh, I'm getting him dressed to go trick-or-treating." So, I pull her away, and -- and then I notice she has something in her hand. Guess what it was. These creepy, evil, demonic-looking contact lenses!
Nikolas: Co-- for a baby?
Britt: Yeah! So, I-I was freaked out, obviously, and I say, "I'm sorry. Were you trying to put those in my kid's eyes?" And she says -- I don't even want to repeat what she says. It's so sick. She says, "yes. He won't look like rosemary's baby without them."
Nikolas: Yeah, well, thank --
Britt: Can you believe that?!
Nikolas: Thank God he's okay, hmm?
Britt: Okay?! My son is going to be scarred for life!
Nikolas: Did she actually, like, you know, touch his eyeballs?
Britt: Does it matter? I mean... I-I-I can't take this. I really can't. I'm losing my mind.
Nikolas: I know.
Britt: My psychotic parents are hovering over Ben, calling him some other name. I mean, it's not normal!
Nikolas: No, it's not. You're right.
Britt: I swear, I-I-I'm ready -- I'm ready to kill them.
Nikolas: Wait, wait, wait, wait. You can't kill your parents yet -- yet.
Britt: Why?
Nikolas: Because -- because they wield all the power right now. But how -- how's this, okay? I know. I promise you that I will keep them away from Ben.
Britt: Ha! Good luck.
Nikolas: Well, I may not need it. I can be very persuasive if I need to be.
Britt: Oh. Really?
Nikolas: Yeah.
Britt: You know, she also tried to get me to wear her costume, like we're some beer-swilling, braid-wearing duo. I mean, come on!
Nikolas: I-I know that this has been hell for you.
Britt: I hate dirndls.
Nikolas: Yeah. [Chuckles] I know. Look, we'll get through it, okay? And -- and when we do... [Transylvanian accent] Your parents will pay!
Britt: Promise?
Nikolas: Hey. You have my every word.
Britt: No one's ever made a vow to me like that before.
Nikolas: That is a damn shame.
Faison: Now tell me, little boy, which sinister creature are you supposed to be? Hmm?
Lesley: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Robin: Who's that?
Britt: What was that?
Faison: Hello. Hello. [Whistles weakly] [Snaps fingers]
Dr. Obrecht: What's happened?
Faison: Yeah. We were having fun.
Dr. Obrecht: What did you do?
Faison: I merely opened the door! The crone must be enfeebled. She screamed -- toppled over.
Robin: That's no crone. It's Lesley Webber.
Britt: We -- we heard a scream.
Nikolas: Is everyone all right? What -- Lesley? Ohh! Spencer, what --
Britt: What did you do to her?
Spencer: It was the bad guy!
Faison: Why -- no -- how - Betelgeuse is not bad. He's misunderstood.
Nikolas: Spencer, what are you doing here?
Spencer: We wanted to surprise you. But he scared us!
[Bach's "Toccata and Fugue in D Minor" plays]
Robin: Happy Halloween.
Emma: Last Halloween is when I told you about the nurse's ball.
Sabrina: That's right.
Emma: You had the idea to bring it back.
Sabrina: Well, I may have gotten the ball rolling...
[Doorbell rings]
Sabrina: ...But it wouldn't have happened without a good person like your mom to inspire it and certainly not without you helping out.
Patrick: And what am I -- chopped liver?
Sabrina: Okay, fine. You helped, too.
Emma: [Laughs]
All: Trick or treat!
Patrick: Whoa! Nice costume, fellas! Grab those.
Elizabeth: What do you say?
Cameron: Thank you.
Aiden: Thank you.
Patrick: You're welcome. Come on in.
Cameron: Emma!
Elizabeth: We would have been here sooner, but we had to hit Carly's neighborhood first.
Patrick: Oh. Well, Carly's candy collection is epic, is it not?
Emma: Yay!
Patrick: If there's a holiday that Carly does well, it's definitely Halloween.
Franco: Trick or treat.
Josslyn: Who was that?
Carly: Oh, no one. Can you do me a favor? Can you go in the kitchen and get me just a little more candy?
[Knock on door]
Carly: Go away.
[Doorbell ringing]
Carly: Are you kidding me?!
Franco: Whoa, easy. Easy.
Carly: Beat it for I beat you.
Franco: I will toilet-paper your house.
Carly: Is that a threat?
Franco: Yes, TP it. I got a whole trunkful of quilted 2-ply.
Carly: What do you want?
Franco: I want candy.
Carly: Happy?
Franco: Mm, almost never. That is a fantastic costume. What are you -- grumpy kitty, right?
Carly: That's not even a thing.
Franco: Very sexy grumpy kitty. That is totally a thing.
Carly: No.
Franco: Do you have the internet? You should go check. I'll check.
Carly: Goodbye.
Franco: Okay, wait. Ow. You don't want to throw me out just yet.
Carly: Yeah, I do.
Franco: No, you don't.
Carly: Why?
Franco: Because I have a treat for you.
Carly: Okay, hand it over.
Franco: I can't come in for a few minutes?
Carly: You got two.
Franco: I'll take it.
Carly: Oh.
Franco: Hey, Josslyn.
Carly: Hey. Excuse me.
Franco: Sorry.
Carly: I'll take that.
Franco: It's very impressive.
Carly: Don't call her "impressive."
Franco: But the costume is very impressive -- "children of the corn," right?
Josslyn: Finally, someone gets it!
Franco: I know! It's so hard to be completely misunderstood.
Carly: Josslyn, can you go upstairs and play in your room for a few minutes? As soon as we're done, I'll take you.
Franco: Give me five.
Josslyn: Okay.
Franco: Happy Halloween.
Josslyn: You, too.
Franco: Thank you so much.
Carly: Hey, rule number 1 -- no bonding with my daughter.
Franco: Why? She's awesome. And you're awesome for fostering her creativity.
Carly: Do you have something for me?
Franco: Oh, yes. I do. [Chuckles] Invitation to my opening. You should come because 10% of the proceeds go to pediatric-leukemia research.
Carly: How benevolent of you.
Franco: I'm a benevolent guy. So, I'll see you there?
Carly: Um, wow, I'd love to, but, you know, I mean, I can't make it -- I mean, not with this.
Franco: Why not?
Carly: Because there's no plus-one. So, I'm gonna need another for my date -- Derek Wells.
Felix: [Scoffs] What is this?
Brad: My costume. Seems like you had the same idea. Great minds...
Felix: Okay, note to self -- get a brain transplant. Note to brad -- go change.
Brad: Why?
Felix: Do you see this piece of art I'm wearing? I'm not gonna have it paled by your cheap-ass imitation.
Brad: Are you serious?
Felix: I don't play when it comes to Halloween. There's no more important holiday to our kind.
Brad: It's gay Christmas, which is why I worked so hard on this! I'm not gonna change just to satisfy your ego. I mean, besides, it's too late to get another costume.
Felix: Wrong. You can go as a deadbeat dad and come as you are.
Brad: [Sighs]
Nikolas: Did you scare my son?
Faison: Well, that's the point. It's Halloween.
Nikolas: You do anything to hurt my grandmother, I swear to God --
Robin: She's coming to.
Dr. Obrecht: We can't afford any witnesses.
Faison: Ah, let me deal with her.
Nikolas: Would you shut up?
Faison: Well, or what -- you will knock me over my head with your scepter?
Britt: Just get out of here, please.
Nikolas: Don't underestimate me.
Faison: Well, I couldn't have put it better myself.
Robin: Enough. Let's go, unless you want to be discovered.
Faison: Come on.
Nikolas: Grandmother. It's Nikolas. Can you hear me? Grandmother.
Lesley: [Chuckles softly]
Emma: Oh, I love these!
Elizabeth: I hear congratulations are in order.
Patrick: Oh, you did hear, huh?
Elizabeth: [Chuckles]
Sabrina: Felix?
Elizabeth: It's all he can talk about. In fact, it's all the entire hospital can talk about -- only because we're really, really happy for you guys.
Sabrina: Oh, thank you.
Patrick: Well, we're happy ourselves.
Elizabeth: I can tell.
Emma: So far, I have eight more pieces than last year.
Patrick: Hey, no more candy till we get to the party, all right?
Elizabeth: Hey, you guys, no more, all right?
All: Aw, come on!
Sabrina: I'll take care of this.
Patrick: How?
Sabrina: I'm not sure, but I'll figure it out.
Patrick: Good luck.
Elizabeth: Ooh. Brave woman.
Patrick: One of the things I love most about her.
Elizabeth: So?
Patrick: Yes?
Elizabeth: Well, I'm a little surprised. I mean, I'm -- I'm so happy, but last we spoke, you were having a hard time letting go of Robin.
Patrick: Well, our talk helped me realize that I was ready to move on from Robin.
Elizabeth: So, it's all good?
Patrick: I realized that I want to take the next step with Sabrina. So, yes, it's good, and I owe you for that.
Elizabeth: No. [Chuckles] No, you don't. Congratulations!
Patrick: Thank you.
Cameron: Who are you supposed to be?
Emma: I'm Dynagirl. This is my electracom. It'll protect us. Can't let anything happen to my new boyfriend.
Cameron: [Gulps]
Elizabeth: Okay. It's time to go. Come on, boys. Grab your candy and let's go. Hurry, hurry, hurry! Scoop it in! [Chuckles] Okay. We don't want to be late. Ready? Come on.
Patrick: Bye, you guys. We'll see you later.
Elizabeth: We'll see you there, right?
Patrick: Yes, for sure.
Elizabeth: Okay, say goodbye. Say, "thank you."
Aiden: Thank you.
Both: Bye. Thank you.
Patrick: You're welcome.
Emma: Bye, Woody.
Lesley: Nikolas?
Nikolas: Yes, it's me. I'm right -- I'm right here.
Lesley: I-I don't, uh -- wh-what happened?
Nikolas: I was just about to ask you the same thing. What -- what are you doing here? You and Spencer were supposed to be at the house in Como.
Lesley: Yeah, well, we wanted to meet Lulu's new baby, but first, Spencer had to surprise you. He couldn't wait to see the look on your fa-- oh, my God! It was Faison! Oh -- Cesar Faison answered your door! Ooh, we have to call the police. Derek Wells to my gallery opening.
Carly: Yes, I am. I told you I was going to.
Franco: I thought you were joking.
Carly: No.
Franco: Derek Wells is a philistine.
Carly: Well, I find that philistine interesting and incredibly sexy.
Franco: But I know someone sexier.
Carly: Forget the art show. I mean, Derek and I can find something more fun to do, so don't worry about the invitation.
Franco: Oh, I won't, especially because Derek Wells does not need to be invited to his own gallery.
Carly: What are you talking about?
Franco: Well, Derek Wells is Ava Jerome's silent partner. [Gasps] Ohh. Did your media-mogul, would-be boyfriend not tell you something?
Dr. Obrecht: Shh.
Lesley: Nikolas, what are we waiting for? The police need to know that I saw Faison.
Nikolas: Grandmother, calm down.
Lesley: No. No, will -- I will not calm down.
Nikolas: Just sit down. You -- you -- you didn't see Cesar Faison.
Lesley: Yes, I did. I did. It was him. He was answering your door.
Nikolas: It was actually -- it was Alfred that you saw, right?
Britt: Yeah.
Lesley: What?
Nikolas: He -- he -- yes. He's dressed up like Betelgeuse.
Britt: Alfred takes Halloween very seriously.
Nikolas: Yeah, and, I mean, it makes sense that you would mistake him in costume for Faison. He naturally resembles the undead.
Lesley: Oh, I could have sworn.
Nikolas: I know. Come on, grandmother. Do you -- do you really think I would be harboring the man that kidnapped lucky and terrorized Port Charles? I don't think so.
Lesley: No. No. Of course not. I -- just -- I -- [Sighs] I-I guess maybe I imagined it.
Spencer: What about the ladies?
Lesley: What ladies?
Spencer: The ones that helped you when you fell. They went in there.
Lesley: Spencer, sweetheart, I-I don't know what you're talking about.
Emma: Daddy, let's go!
Patrick: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's the rush?
Emma: We're gonna be late for the party.
Patrick: Oh, really? You didn't seem to care about the party before.
Emma: Oh, I care a lot.
Patrick: Yeah? Since when?
Sabrina: Since she found out that Cameron would be there.
Patrick: Miss Emma grace Scorpio Drake, you got something you want to tell me?
Emma: Yeah. I'm getting married, too.
Sabrina: [Gasps]
Both: What?!
Emma: To Cameron.
Sabrina: Does he know? [Chuckles]
Faison: Neutralize the grandmother and I'll handle the prince, okay?
Lesley: I don't remember any ladies.
Spencer: They were here. They helped you.
Lesley: Well, then, I guess I should go thank them.
Nikolas: Grandmother, I really think you should just take it easy.
Lesley: Oh, nonsense. I'm perfectly fine now. What do you say, kid? You want to come with me?
Spencer: Let's go.
[Doorbell rings]
Nikolas: Oh, doorbell! Trick-or-treaters! Let's see who it is, buddy. Let's see who it is.
All: Trick or treat!
Cameron: Spencer!
Elizabeth: Hi.
Dr. Obrecht: Saved by the bell.
Faison: For now.
Lesley: My other grandsons! Look how gorgeous and tall and handsome you are! Oh, no. I know you already. Your costumes are terrific!
Elizabeth: That Disney store is a trick-or-treater's best friend.
Lesley: Oh, no. Tell me about it. This one and I spent two hours looking for just the right costumes because they had so very many to choose from.
Elizabeth: Spencer, how did you decide on captain hook?
Spencer: Because the Cassadines own a lot of ships.
Lesley: [Chuckles]
Spencer: My dad took me on one once.
Cameron: Want to see all the candy we got?
Spencer: Yeah, sure. Want to come with us?
Lesley: Only if I get some!
Elizabeth: Go on, Aiden.
Nikolas: [Groans] Come on. Admit it. You think Spencer chose captain hook because all Cassadines are evil villains.
Elizabeth: Not all of them.
Nikolas: It's good to see you, snow white.
Elizabeth: You, too, prince charming.
Britt: Hi, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: Oh, hi.
[Chuckles] I was glad to hear that Ben is back home with you and not with your awful mother. She's pretty crazy, isn't she?
Britt: How's AJ.? Still facing a murder rap?
Nikolas: Anyway, um -- hey.
Cameron: Mom, can Spencer come to the party with us?
Elizabeth: Oh.
Nikolas: Party? There's a p--
Elizabeth: You know -- the one that they have at GH. In the assembly room.
Cameron: I'm going with my girlfriend.
Spencer: Who's your girlfriend?
Cameron: Emma Drake.
Emma: We're having the ceremony at the electrabase.
Patrick: Oh, really? Well, we'll have to see about that.
[Doorbell rings] Hold on a sec. Hey.
Duke: Hello.
Emma: Uncle Duke!
Duke: Hello, there, my little darling! Happy Halloween!
Emma: Where's your costume?
Duke: Oh, I'm wearing my costume. I mean, have you ever seen a more convincing legitimate businessman?
Patrick: Sorry we ran out of candy. We just got cleaned out.
Duke: Actually, I didn't come for candy.
Sabrina: Hey, Emma, let's go grab your coat.
Emma: And then can we go to the party?
Sabrina: Mm-hmm. Come on.
Emma: Yay!
Sabrina: [Chuckles]
Patrick: What's going on?
Duke: Have you heard from Anna?
Patrick: No, I haven't. Why?
Duke: That's what I'm concerned about. I think she might have got herself in a bad situation with Cesar Faison.
Carly: Well, that explains it.
Franco: Explains what?
Carly: Well, I found Derek at Ava's apartment, and they're partners, and I thought they were sleeping together.
Franco: The two are not mutually exclusive. Of course they're sleeping together. Why would you waste your time with someone who would sleep with Ava Jerome?
Carly: Like you? Oh, that's right -- you did sleep with her, huh?
Franco: That was a long time -- it was a million years ago. That was B.C.
Carly: What?
Franco: "Before Carly." I didn't know any better. You, Carly -- you should know better.
Carly: Why do you care? Really. Why do you care?
Nikolas: Emma Drake, huh? You have good taste. She's quite the catch.
Elizabeth: Please don't encourage this.
Spencer: I have a girlfriend, too.
Nikolas: Uh, excuse me?
Lesley: Don't look at me. This is the first I've heard of this.
Cameron: Bring her to the party.
Spencer: Can't.
Cameron: Why not?
Spencer: She lives in Italy.
Elizabeth: Wow. Italy? Well, your girlfriend will be missed, but the rest of you should join us. It'll be fun. There's haunted gurney rides and bobbing for apples. Everyone will be there -- Patrick, Sabrina. Did you hear they're engaged?
Britt: Oh, yes. Sabrina's joy was overflowing when she shoved her ring in my face.
Spencer: Can we please go to the party, dad?
Britt: I wouldn't mind getting out of here for a few hours.
Nikolas: Um, I don't know. We'd have to scrounge up some costumes.
Britt: What?! You don't have a wing for that?
Nikolas: [Chuckles] No.
Elizabeth: Why don't I take Lesley and the boys and you can figure it out?
Nikolas: You sure?
Elizabeth: Yeah, of course. Lesley, is that okay with you?
Lesley: Sounds great.
Elizabeth: Wonderful. Okay, come on, you guys.
Nikolas: See you there.
Spencer: Race you to the launch!
Lesley: Big race going on.
Elizabeth: Come on, Aiden. Run, run, run, but nobody goes past the gate!
Lesley: Thank you for the escape. This place kind of gives me the creeps.
Elizabeth: Yeah, well, it's not for everyone.
Lesley: Have you ever noticed Alfred's resemblance to Cesar Faison?
Elizabeth: Oh, don't say that name. Let's go.
Duke: Well, after she visited Faison and his subsequent escape from steinmauer prison, she -- she fetched Robert from the clinic.
Patrick: Trying to help smoke Faison out?
Duke: Well, that would be the obvious, wouldn't it? I mean, Anna's driven when it comes to that madman.
Patrick: Yeah, well, that'd be an understatement. Nobody would blame her.
Duke: Well, that's why I'm so concerned -- 'cause she hasn't checked in. I think it's possible that maybe she and Robert have caught up with Faison and he's turned the tables on them.
Patrick: All right. Well, I wouldn't sound the alarms just yet. Now, maybe we haven't talked to her, but she might have talked to Nikolas Cassadine.
Duke: When?
Patrick: I'm not sure when, but -- but Nikolas and Britt Westbourne went to go try and save her son.
Duke: From that madwoman Liesl Obrecht?
Patrick: Yeah.
Duke: And you think they came across Faison?
Patrick: They might have because Nikolas said that Anna was going after Obrecht, so maybe they talked. Maybe Nikolas knows something.
Nikolas: They're gone. You can come out.
Faison: Elizabeth has only grown more fetching since I saw her last.
Dr. Obrecht: Gott in himmel, Cesar.
Nikolas: Add her to the list of people to stay away from.
Britt: Yeah. Add everyone. What the hell is this?
Robin: Oh, your mother's trying to dress me up in costume.
Britt: Do you ever stop?
Nikolas: [Sighs] We're going out. I don't imagine there will be any more trick-or-treaters, but if I'm wrong and the doorbell rings, don't answer it. In fact, go squat upstairs.
Dr. Obrecht: At the very least, change your costume. This never would have happened if you'd dressed as David hasselhoff, as I advised.
Nikolas: [Sighs]
Britt: Ohh.
Nikolas: I assume that you heard all that out there?
Robin: Yeah. It's, you know -- go have fun at the party.
Nikolas: I-I wish you could go.
Robin: You and me both.
Nikolas: I mean, we can -- we can stay. It's not a big deal.
Robin: No, no, no. You should go after Lesley. Make sure she just doesn't talk about Faison to anybody.
Britt: Yeah. I sure wish she wouldn't have brought it up a second time.
Nikolas: I know. I'm hoping -- I'm hoping she'll just write it off. Yeah, you're right. We can't have Lesley mentioning Faison at the GH. Rumor mill.
Felix: I've got no use for a man who won't care for his child, no matter what costume he wears.
Brad: Are you still on this?
Felix: Are you still denying your son?
Brad: Felix, guess what -- it's not 1952. Children come into this world in all different ways now. Britt and I had an agreement. I'm just honoring it.
Felix: You did not just say, "honor" and "I" in the same sentence.
Brad: She doesn't want me involved with her baby's life.
Felix: Okay. What if she did? What if she changed her mind and came up to you? Am I to believe that you'd morph into dad of the year?
Brad: You know, I'm not nearly as awful as you always make me out to be.
Felix: Yeah? Prove it.
Brad: I already did. That christening ring a bell? Because of me, a huge, huge injustice was revealed.
Felix: Yeah, let me get my slow clap on. [Clapping slowly]
Brad: Really? No credit?
Felix: For perpetuating a lie about a baby's parents? Upending one, two, three, four, five people's lives with the whole thing at the said baby's christening, all because you wanted to get in good with yours truly? [Chuckles] Sorry. No credit here.
Brad: So, you rather I stay quiet? See? You know it was the right thing to do.
Felix: Okay. You did the right thing for someone else's kid. How 'bout doing the right thing for yours?
Carly: What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?
Franco: I wish.
Carly: 'Cause I find your --
Franco: My tongue?
Carly: Your preoccupation with my --
Franco: With your tail?
Carly: With my social planning surprising.
Franco: Do you?
Carly: Yeah.
Franco: Really?
Carly: I don't think it'll please Diane. Remember her -- your girlfriend? I'm sure she has your shoulder pads and garter all picked out for tomorrow night, so...
Franco: Why would Diane pick me out a garter belt?
Franco: Diane is nothing to me, okay? Let's just stop. Someone else has stolen my heart.
Carly: I hope this someone else has insurance, because she is bound to get hurt by you.
Franco: I will never hurt anyone I care about again.
Carly: And I'm sure you've said that before.
Franco: This time, I mean it.
Carly: So, this someone else -- do I get to meet her tomorrow night, or what?
Franco: Stop it. Stop it. You're the someone else, and you know it. Just cut it out, okay? Carly, every minute, every second that you spend with Derek Wells, you're wasting your time, because that's a second that you should be spending with me.
Carly: [Sighs]
Franco: Please stop. Stop playing games with me, okay? No more games. You feel the same way about me that I feel about you. You're in this up to your whiskers. Just admit it, Carly, and then we'll take it from there. Or... we can take it... from here.
Spencer: Come on.
Elizabeth: Cameron, wait for your brother!
Cameron: Come on.
Elizabeth: Hey, are you okay?
Lesley: Of course. [Chuckles] Why do you ask?
Elizabeth: You just seem a little anxious, and that comment you made earlier about Alfred's resemblance to Faison...
Lesley: I saw him, or -- or -- or I could have sworn I did. I -- Spencer wanted to surprise Nikolas, so we rang the doorbell, and when the doors opened...
Elizabeth: You thought it was Faison?
Lesley: It even sounded like him.
Elizabeth: But you know that's impossible, right? Faison is in Europe, safely behind bars, and if, for some reason, he wasn't, you know your grandson. Nikolas would never cover for him.
Britt: Mom.
Dr. Obrecht: What are you wearing?
Britt: A costume. Nikolas set up a whole set.
Dr. Obrecht: I see. And what happened to the one I gave you?
Britt: Not my style, just like everything else you try to push on me. Remember that one year, what was that? Oh, yes -- the water-filtration pitcher.
Faison: Sounds clever to me.
Dr. Obrecht: Even he thinks so, and his head is full of quatsch. Now, where is he?
Britt: Nikolas?
Dr. Obrecht: The baby. Your father and I will watch him while you trick-or-treat with those sick children.
Britt: Okay, first of all, the only reason we're going to the hospital is to do damage control, thank you very much. Second of all, there is no way in hell I'd let Ben stay here. He's coming with us -- in costume.
Dr. Obrecht: As rosemary's baby?
Britt: Your only jobs tonight are to stay out of sight and look after Robin, okay? Can you do that? Excellent!
Emma: We're ready.
Duke: Thank you for taking the time to talk to me. I know how busy a night this is gonna be.
Emma: Uncle Duke, are you coming with us?
Duke: Oh, you know, I would love to monster-mash the night away, but I have business to attend to. Happy Halloween, my darling.
Emma: Happy Halloween.
Duke: [Chuckles]
Patrick: Let me know how it goes.
Duke: Okay. Have a good time. Good night.
Sabrina: Business tonight? Is everything okay?
Patrick: Yes. Everything's fine.
Nikolas: [Chuckles] What do you think?
Robin: I think you look like a dark prince.
Nikolas: Ah, yes. Are you sure you're gonna be okay?
Robin: With those two looking after me, how could I not be?
Nikolas: We'll be back as soon as we can. I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you. I'm really sorry.
Robin: It's just when I heard Elizabeth's voice and -- those boys are growing up so fast.
Nikolas: I know. Tell me about it. And Spencer and Cameron talking about girlfriends?
Robin: Not just any girlfriend -- Emma.
Nikolas: Yeah.
Robin: My little baby, you know, and I just keep thinking about every single moment that I've missed and how, no matter what, I'm never getting those moments back.
Nikolas: Robin... you will get her back -- and Patrick.
Robin: I just want to see my family, Nikolas.
Nikolas: I know. I know you do. But you know that they can't see you. No one can know you're alive, let alone in Port Charles. It's just too dangerous. [Sighs] won't -- it won't -- it won't take much longer. I promise. We just need to find a way to neutralize our houseguests in there.
Robin: Is that all?
Nikolas: It'll happen. And when it does, you'll get your family back, okay?
Robin: That'll be great. [Sighs]
Nikolas: Hey!
Britt: Cool! Ben's dressed and ready.
Nikolas: Okay, good. Well...I'll see ya. And, uh, watch your back in there.
Robin: Will do. Bye.
Britt: Bye.
Robin: [Sighs] I just want to see my family, Nikolas.
Nikolas: I know. I know you do. But you know that they can't see you. No one can know you're alive, let alone in Port Charles. It's just too dangerous. up here?!
Carly: I have --
Franco: No, you don't.
Carly: I have to go.
Franco: No, you don't.
Carly: My daughter needs me, and... you need to leave. You need to leave now.
Franco: Okay. I'll see myself out. I'm a very patient man, so... [Sighs] I am so not a patient man, but are you -- are you kidding me? [Sighs] Alas. Have to wait until tomorrow night to win her heart.
Patrick: Sabrina, have you met Lesley Webber?
Sabrina: I don't believe I have. Hi. Nice to meet you.
Lesley: You, too.
Patrick: Lesley Webber a big deal around here for a very long time.
Lesley: "Was" being the operative word.
Patrick: I didn't mean it that way. Where is she going?
Emma: Hi, Woody. Kiss?
Cameron: [Gasps]
Emma: [Sighs]
Spencer: I'll be your boyfriend if you want.
Patrick: What are your grandson's intentions toward my daughter?
Lesley: [Laughing] Heck if I know.
Patrick: Please tell me I have nothing to worry about.
Lesley: Spencer is a wonderful boy, and he already has his father's beautiful manners.
Elizabeth: Oh. Well, in that case, sorry, Patrick. Emma's a goner.
Patrick: Don't tell me that, either.
Elizabeth: [Laughs] I used to tease Nikolas about being pathologically polite, but truth is few women can resist his looks, title, flawless manners.
Patrick: Well, speaking of Nikolas, is he coming?
Lesley: Should be here any minute. He's bringing his friend -- that, uh, Britt woman.
Brad: What?
Felix: Those are for the kids -- I mean, not that I expect you to care about them.
Brad: I-I care.
Felix: Yeah, so much that you'd abandon your own son?
Brad: You don't understand.
Felix: No, I understand perfectly. Britt's child needs a father, and that father is you.
Brad: It's not that simple.
Felix: That father is you.
Brad: What if I told you Britt's son isn't mine?
Dr. Obrecht: There's still time to dress as the Hoff. I grill up hamburger. You'll be all set. Dr. Scorpio-Drake, you should really join in the f-- where's that costume?
Faison: Or, better yet, where's Robin?
Patrick: Okay, you two. Let's go.
Emma: This is my new boyfriend -- Spencer.
Patrick: What?
Sabrina: It's a pleasure to meet you, Spencer.
Lesley: Come on, Casanova. Let's go.
Spencer: See you at the party.
Emma: Definitely.
Elizabeth: Come on.
Sabrina: Deep breaths.
Patrick: You've got to be kidding me. Did you see that? I thought I had another 30 years before I had to deal with this.
Sabrina: Oh, 30?
Patrick: Okay, fine -- 20.
Sabrina: [Chuckles] Don't worry. That little romance will be over by tomorrow.
Patrick: Better be.
Sabrina: Well, if it's not, you'll have me by your side to put Spencer through his paces.
Patrick: Thank God for you.
Sabrina: I got you.
Patrick: Hey, Dynagirl, snap out of it. Come on.
Sabrina: Come on.
Patrick: Don't look so sad.
[Elevator bell dings]
Robin: [Sighs]
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