GH Transcript Wednesday 10/30/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 10/30/13


Provided By Suzanne

Spinelli: Maxie, it's Spinelli, and, yes, you've counted correctly. This is the third time I'm calling you. I-I'm just seeking reassurance you're not doing what I think you're doing, because if you are, I think it's a grave mistake.

Ellie: Damian?

Spinelli: Ellie. Hi.

Ellie: Hi. What are you doing here?

Spinelli: Uh...

Ellie: With a pint of ice cream?

Spinelli: It's not mine.

Ellie: Oh, I thought it might be Maxie's. It's her favorite flavor.

Spinelli: She was the intended consumer. But, uh, she ran off, and I'm afraid that I know where she's gone.

[Knock on door]

Maxie: How could you do this to me, Lulu? How could you?

Lulu: I don't know what you're talking about.

Maxie: You're suing me for custody of Connie and claiming that I'm an unfit mother?

Dante: Hey. You a little cold? I'm sorry. [Sighs] Look, you know, I've been meaning to have a little chat with you. I know the grownups around you have been acting kind of weird lately, maybe even fighting a little bit. What do you see?

[Airplane passes]

Dante: You see a plane? Yeah. Anyway, I wanted you to know that it might get a little uglier. Okay? But I don't want you to worry, because it's just 'cause everyone loves you so much. All right?

Olivia: Hey. Oh, hi, baby. And you. Look at you. She gets more gorgeous every time I see her.

Dante: I know.

Olivia: [Chuckles]

Dante: So what did you, uh -- what did you want to see me about?

Olivia: It's about your father.

Sonny: [Sighs]

Shawn: I arranged for our next shipment to come early. We should have all of our inventory replaced within a few days. Sonny.

Sonny: Yeah?

Shawn: Is that what I think it is? Did Lazaro come through with the intel?

Sonny: We got proof. Julian Jerome is alive and well. And goes by the name of Derek Wells.

Ava: I'm still not sure this is a good idea.

Derek: Well, do you have a better one? Because from where I sit, we don't have much of a choice now that your, uh, boy toy knows everything about us.

Ava: He isn't -- enough with the "boy toy"! Okay? I just don't like the idea of Morgan getting mixed up in all of this.

Derek: Well, to be honest with you, he's the same age I was when I got pulled into this life.

Ava: And look how well that turned out.

Derek: Look, Morgan wants to help us strike down his father. Now the kid has to prove it. The only way to do that is to hit Corinthos where he lives.

Michael: Morgan, hey. What are you doing here?

Ellie: We should probably get this back in the freezer. Maxie can have a celebratory sundae when she gets back with the baby.

Spinelli: Oh, the baby.

Ellie: I see all is in readiness. I'm assuming Maxie went to get your daughter.

Spinelli: I'm afraid not. The court order was denied.

Ellie: What? Why was it denied?

Spinelli: [Sighs] Dante and Lulu have decided to sue Maxie and myself for custody of Connie.

Ellie: I am so sorry, Damian.

Spinelli: Thanks. I appreciate your sympathy.

Ellie: You do realize this custody suit can only have one resolution, right? I mean, while Dante and Lulu are wonderful parents who love your daughter, they're not her biological parents. Court can't really rule in their favor.

Spinelli: They might if they determine Maxie to be an unfit mother.

Maxie: Do you get how insane this is? You are suing Spinelli and me for custody of our own baby.

Lulu: You didn't leave us much choice, Maxie.

Maxie: I didn't?

Lulu: Dante and I love our daughter, and you're trying to take her from us.

Maxie: She is not your daughter.

Lulu: Yes, she is. She is as much my daughter as if I'd given birth to her. And now I'm being told that I might lose her? How do you think I felt when Spinelli told me that you were getting a court order? I was devastated. I even talked to Dante about going on the run with her.

Maxie: You did?

Lulu: But I didn't do it. I chose to do the right thing, to stay here and fight for my daughter.

Maxie: Lulu, I actually understand how you're feeling. Because I feel that way right now, too. But it is not fair for you to try to take my baby away from me.

Lulu: You can go on and on about how this is not fair. But the only person who is responsible for any of this is you.

Olivia: Yes. Come here, you beautiful baby. Oh.

Dante: So what do you want to talk to me about Sonny? What's going on? Is it serious?

Olivia: It's true? Julian Jerome is not dead after all.

Sonny: [Sighs] Yes. Julian Jerome is very much alive.

Olivia: Oh, my God. Julian Jerome is Derek Wells?

Sonny: Julian Jerome got a whole new life. Now he's Derek Wells, media mogul, courtesy of WSB.

Olivia: You could say that. I'm just worried about what's gonna happen to him.

Dante: Worried? Why? What, is he off his meds or something?

Olivia: No, no, no. Nothing like that. He's right back on schedule. Carly and I are on him like a hawk. He's not gonna slip. It's something else. Um... it's about the men that are going after your father's business.

Derek: Thought you could use this. Nothing calms the nerves like bourbon. To the Jeromes. Before tonight is over, the next phase in our strike against Corinthos will be in play. Yeah.

Ava: [Coughs]

Derek: I'll, um... go pour myself another.

Ava: You better be right about this.

Derek: I am. You'd be able to see that if you didn't let your feelings for this kid blind you.

[Knocking on door]

Carly: Where is he?

Ava: Carly. What are you doing here?

Carly: Where the hell is he?

Ava: Well, I'm very sorry, but this is not a good time. I need to ask you to leave.

Carly: Gladly. And I'll be taking my son with me. Where's Morgan?

Michael: Look, if you came here for a fight, you're out of luck, okay. I'm not cooperating.

Morgan: Don't worry about it, Mikey. I'm not here to see you. I came to see dad.

Michael: Dad's not here.

Morgan: Oh, then I guess I'll wait.

Shawn: All this time, Julian Jerome was in witness protection.

Sonny: He must have had information that the WSB wanted. Who's to say, you know, who he ratted out? Now he's back. He's flipped. And he wants to take back the territory that he lost 20 years ago.

Shawn: Yeah, well, only one problem. We're in his way.

Sonny: Tell you what. I ain't moving.

Shawn: Okay, so now that we know Julian Jerome is Derek Wells, what are we gonna do about it?

Ava: This is my home. I'm not in the mood for guests. I must insist that you leave.

Carly: I'm not going anywhere without my son.

Ava: Morgan is not here.

Carly: Then where is he?

Derek: What is going on out here?

Carly: Derek?

Sonny: So, Olivia thought it'd be best if I sit down and talk with Derek and then, you know, just tell him that I'm onto him and, you know, work things out.

Shawn: You think Julian Jerome will be open to negotiation?

Sonny: I doubt it, but if I make an overture, it gives him a chance to, you know, recharge, reorganize. The Jeromes, this family, it's like they're so sloppy. You know what I mean? Especially when they're unnerved.

Shawn: What are you doing?

Sonny: Uh, just unnerving the bastard.

Shawn: [Chuckles]

Sonny: [Laughs]

Derek: Uh, Carly. What a, uh, nice surprise. You look absolutely radiant.

Carly: Don't flirt with me. What are you doing here with her?

Ava: I do have a name.

Carly: I have a lot of names for you.

Derek: Okay, let's try to keep this civil, ladies. I have been absolutely up front with you about my dealings with ms. Jerome. I'm simply buying some art from her.

Carly: Right, right. So where is all this art? Because the last time I checked, your office looks the same way it did when Connie left it.

[Cell phone rings]

Derek: Would you -- excuse me? I have to -- I have to take this. Derek Wells.

Sonny: Hi, Mr. Wells. Sonny Corinthos. Uh, I think it's time you and I had a little chat.

Dante: What are you saying, ma? What do you know about who's going after Sonny?

Olivia: Um, well, you know, this isn't normally the kind of thing that I would -- what? What? What? What, baby? What's the matter? What's the matter?

Dante: Nothing, nothing.

Olivia: No, it's got to be something. She was happy as a clam just a minute ago.

Dante: It's okay. It's not you.

Olivia: What?

Dante: She's just -- I don't know. Today she just acted like this. I think she senses all the tension.

Olivia: What tension?

Dante: Maxie and Spinelli tried to get a court order to take Connie away from us.

Olivia: My God.

Dante: It's okay. They didn't get it. But now they're going to court, which means Lulu and I have to go to court, too, so we filed papers today.

Olivia: Honey... so... so there's gonna be a custody fight?

Dante: Yeah.

Olivia: [Sighs] Honey, you know, that I love this little baby like nobody's business, but is this a fight you think you can win?

Dante: Not unless we fight dirty.

Ellie: So Dante and Lulu are actually claiming that you and Maxie are unfit parents?

Spinelli: I think they're focusing their allegation on Maxie.

Ellie: Well, no wonder she's upset.

Spinelli: I don't believe "upset" begins to describe her state of mind. She's in no shape to make any sort of rational argument, and yet I fear she's gone to confront Dante and Lulu.

Ellie: Which will only make things worse.

Spinelli: Right. So I need to get to Dante and Lulu's posthaste.

Ellie: Damian, wait.

Spinelli: No, forgive my abrupt exit, Ellie, but I really need to go.

Ellie: No, you can't do that.

Maxie: Where is she?

Lulu: Can't just come in here and take Connie.

Maxie: Where is Connie? I want to see my daughter.

Lulu: Thankfully Connie is with Dante right now. The last thing I want is you anywhere near her.

Maxie: Lulu, this is insane. We -- we both know how this is gonna turn out, okay? No judge is gonna grant you custody of a baby that is not yours. It is an open-and-shut case.

Lulu: Really? Really? If it's so open-and-shut, then why isn't Connie with you and Spinelli right now?

Spinelli: Ellie, Maxie is in no shape to deliver a lucid argument, let alone deal with the emotions that are bound to arise from a confrontation with Lulu.

Ellie: You're right. I'm sure Maxie is in a highly emotional state right now. One in which she should not be attempting any kind of peace brokering.

Spinelli: Okay, so why are you hindering my exit?

Ellie: Because I really think now would be a good time to start divorcing yourself from Maxie's actions... to prove to the court that you are capable of responsible and rational behavior and that you are a viable parent.

Spinelli: You're right.

Ellie: Yeah, occasionally I have a moment of clarity.

Spinelli: I'd say more than occasionally. Um... but I'm very appreciative for this one. [Sighs] Look, Ellie, I shouldn't be dragging you into all this.

Ellie: Yes, you should. I mean, all of this, everything that has to do with this baby -- it's my fault.

Maxie: Okay, I think we both just need to calm down for a minute.

Lulu: I am calm.

Maxie: Then think about what you're saying. Because you sound certifiable.

Lulu: Obviously the judge disagrees. Not only does he think that Dante and I have a case, but that we would provide a better temporary home, and it's the judge's job to decide what's best for Connie.

Maxie: Right. He -- he picked you because I'm so unfit.

Lulu: You said it.

Maxie: How can I be an unfit mother if I've never been a mother before?

Lulu: Exactly. You haven't been. But I have. I am the one that spent the last year reading all of those baby books and buying all of the baby gear and baby-proofing this entire apartment and changing diapers and -- and giving baths. And I'm the one that's up doing all of the midnight feedings.

Maxie: I'm going to do all of that, Lulu. I've already started catching up. I'm doing everything I'm supposed to be doing to get ready for this baby. Just because I'm not as experienced as you are does not mean I can't take care of this child.

Lulu: Really? Just like the baby that you killed on new year's eve?

Dante: I've never seen Lulu like this before. I mean, she's going for the jugular, doing everything she can to make sure Maxie is not capable of raising our child.

Olivia: But isn't that what you want, though, to keep Connie?

Dante: Of course it is. It's not like I want to let Maxie off the hook for what she did to us. It's just...

Olivia: What?

Dante: Like I said. She will do anything to keep Connie.

[Connie coos]

Dante: Even if it means destroying Maxie's life.

Olivia: And you're not comfortable with that.

Dante: I don't know. Would you be? I mean, the only way for us to keep Connie is to basically ruin Maxie's life. Okay, those actions resonate. I don't care how justified you think you are in your actions. Doing something like that, it stays with you. Yeah. I'm worried about how this case will affect Maxie, but I'm more worried about how it's gonna affect my wife.

Maxie: I can't believe you just went there.

Lulu: Believe it.

Maxie: Throwing that miscarriage in my face. Lulu, do you have any idea how hard that was for me?

Lulu: No. I don't. Because you never bothered to tell me about it.

Maxie: I wanted to.

Lulu: I can imagine how you felt, though. It's how I've been feeling ever since I found out what happened. I didn't get to mourn my baby when he or she died, but I am grieving now.

Maxie: And I wish that had never happened. But it was an accident. Lulu, I'm sorry that I lost your baby. But that does not mean you can take mine away from me.

Spinelli: I-I don't think everything with this baby is your fault. In fact, I'd say there's more than enough blame to go around.

Ellie: I know there were a lot of vectors that led us to this point. But if I hadn't listened to Maxie or let my insecurities get the best of me, this whole custody issue would have been avoided. I mean, we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now because you'd be busy... raising your daughter.

Spinelli: I-I don't know what you want me to say.

Ellie: Nothing. I just want to say this. Damian, if I could go back and change things, if I could go back and tell you the truth from the very second that I found out Maxie was carrying your child and tell you the truth, I would. I know that -- I know that doesn't mean anything to you right now.

Spinelli: You're wrong. It does.

Derek: Mr. Corinthos.

Sonny: Mr. Wells. You're gonna have to excuse Shawn. See, in my line of work, you've got to protect yourself. We've had a few incidents here, as you can see, you know. Oh, what's that about?

Derek: Well, you'll have to excuse me, but, uh, when I meet with somebody of your reputation, I have to, uh, protect myself. No offense.

Sonny: Oh, none taken.

Derek: So, um... what can I do for you?

Sonny: For me?

Derek: Yeah. I did just drop everything to come meet one of the big titans of the city. So I just -- I assumed you wanted something.

Sonny: Uh, some new enemies, they came into town, they blew up my shipment, and they tore up this place.

Derek: Yeah, yeah. I heard. It's very unfortunate. But, uh... what does that have to do with me?

Sonny: From where I stand, a hell of a lot.

Carly: Derek sure left in a hurry, huh? It's almost like he didn't want me to see you two together. You're everyone's dirty little secret, aren't you?

Ava: Derek had business, so he needed to leave. And now, sadly, so must you.

Carly: I don't think so.

Ava: You're a child. You know that.

Carly: Morgan is a child. And I'm not leaving here without my son.

Michael: Morgan, get your feet off dad's desk. Come on.

Morgan: Oh, touchy, touchy.

Michael: You know he doesn't like when people are in his office when he's not here.

Morgan: What are you, his enforcer now?

Michael: No, I respect our father.

Morgan: Actually, that would make sense, because you praised Jason, but correct me if I'm wrong -- didn't Shawn take that spot?

Michael: You're only gonna make things worse between you and dad. You know that.

Morgan: And since when do you care about my relationship with dad?

Michael: Always. Your whole life. Look, he loves you.

Morgan: Except he just loves you even more.

Michael: No, dad loves the same, okay, and I know you love him, too. That's what you were coming to the warehouse to tell him. I am sorry I got in your way.

Morgan: You want to start apologizing, Mikey? Okay, why don't you start apologizing for -- for stealing my wife, first of all. And then you can apologize for always coming first with mom, with dad, with everyone, and then you can apologize for stealing everything that should have been mine.

Michael: This is pointless. You got to leave.

Morgan: Oh, now I can't even stand in my dad's office.

Michael: You know the rules. No one's allowed in here.

Morgan: Oh, except you!

Michael: Morgan, get out of here, or I'm gonna throw you out.

Morgan: [Chuckles] Okay, Mikey. Then start throwing.

Ava: For someone who claims to love Morgan, you don't know the first thing about him. Do you actually think dragging him out against his will is going to endear you to him?

Carly: I'm not trying to endear myself to him. I'm trying to take care of my son.

Ava: Morgan is exactly where he wants to be.

Carly: Right. Here with you.

Ava: Two consenting adults having fun.

Carly: Okay, I don't care what the law says. I'm Morgan's mother. And we'll see how adult he really is when he finds out you've been sleeping with Derek Wells.

Derek: I'm not sure I follow, Mr. Corinthos.

Sonny: Call me "Sonny."

Derek: Sonny, okay. Uh, I'm still not sure how I have anything to do with the recent attacks against you.

Sonny: You are profiting, aren't you? With your newspaper.

Derek: My paper?

Sonny: Yeah, you seem to think that, you know, my difficulties are worthy of the front page. And everything that you've printed, you've never come to me for a quote to hear my side of the story. I'm not an expert, but isn't that the first rule of journalism?

Derek: I own the paper.

Sonny: Yeah.

Derek: I hire writers to write the stories. I'm sure they'd love an exclusive with you. I'd be happy to set up an appointment so that you can sit down with one of my writers.

Sonny: No, no, no, no. We're gonna do this right now.

Derek: Okay.

Sonny: Okay.

Derek: I don't have a notebook. You mind if I record this?

Sonny: Uh, no. You do what you got to do.

Derek: Good, good, good. So, Mr. Corinthos, Sonny, what would you like to talk about?

Sonny: Well, the first thing is, uh... I've never once seen in those articles anything about the people who have hit me.

Derek: Well, that is true. That information has been hard to come by.

Sonny: Well, how 'bout if I could fill in the blanks? I mean, that would sell a lot of newspapers, right?

Derek: Yeah, I'm listening.

Sonny: I can give you the name -- of the person who ordered the hit. His name is -- you ready? Julian Jerome.

Morgan: Forget it, Mikey. You're not worth it.

Michael: Look, if you want to wait in the restaurant --

Morgan: You know, on second thought, I don't need to see dad. I just came to give him something. This is grandpa Mike's. Dad gave it to me for my wedding. I guess I don't need to tell you how that turned out.

Michael: Morgan --

Morgan: I'm returning it.

Michael: I think dad would want you to keep it.

Morgan: Well, I don't want it. But, hey, cheer up, Mikey. Maybe dad will give it to you when you get married to Kiki.

Michael: [Sighs]

Ava: Ah. Me sleeping with Derek. That's absurd.

Carly: You don't think I bought the whole art story, do you? I mean, I saw the way that you two looked at each other. Not to mention his body language, the way he strolled in here with a drink in his hand. There's something going on between the two of you.

Ava: Whatever is going on between Derek and me, Morgan is more than aware, and he's perfectly fine with it.

Carly: You know, you're disgusting.

Ava: Carly, I never figured you for a prude. The point is Morgan knows where he stands. So the only person who has a problem with Derek and me is you. So tell me, is this really about Morgan, or are you just jealous?

Carly: [Chuckles] Oh, I don't know what you're talking about.

Ava: Oh, don't be coy. Derek told me that the two of you are seeing each other. What's the matter? You afraid I stole both your son and your boyfriend?

Sonny: Julian Jerome was a mobster who used to run this town with a family.

Derek: Really?

Sonny: Before my time. But, um, from what I've been told, his father was the brains of the operation. Julian was just like a -- like a wannabe who was gonna set himself up when his father croaked. And then his father ended up dying. He choked -- he choked on something. What did he choke on, Shawn?

Shawn: I believe it was a, um -- a necklace.

Sonny: A necklace. There's nothing more embarrassing than choking on a necklace.

[Both laugh]

Sonny: But anyway, you know, Julian, you know, he didn't build anything himself. He inherited everything from his daddy, right?

Derek: You know, now that you mention it. This story does sound familiar. But the way I heard it -- Julian Jerome is dead, just like the rest of his family.

Sonny: Well, see, that's -- that's, uh, that's what I thought, but since his name keeps popping up, I'm gonna have to, you know, take care of the situation.

Derek: Do what you got to do, right?

Sonny: Yeah, yeah. And what do you think? I mean, like... you know, a dead mobster returns to settle a score on his father. I mean, you print that -- you print that story, it's gonna sell a lot of paper.

Derek: Mm-hmm.

Sonny: Yeah. Unless, of course, there's a reason why you wouldn't want to print it.

Dante: Maxie was Lulu's best friend.

Olivia: Yeah, but Lulu's a mother now. Her daughter's her first priority.

Dante: Oh, I know. She keeps reminding me how she'll do whatever it takes to take Maxie down.

Olivia: But you don't believe her?

Dante: Look, whatever happens, whoever gets custody of Connie, Maxie and Lulu aren't gonna be friends anymore. But that doesn't change the fact how important Maxie was to Lulu. She was like the sister she never had. And when you hurt someone like that, that you love that much, there's a cost to yourself. And I know she wants to keep Connie, but she's so blinded by love that she doesn't see that.

Olivia: So what are you saying? You think this custody fight's a bad idea?

Maxie: I will never stop feeling guilty about what happened on new year's eve, but that doesn't change the fact that Connie is my baby. And I don't owe it to you to give her up.

Lulu: As if you even want her.

Maxie: Excuse me?

Lulu: Can we please just stop pretending? We both know the reason that you're fighting for Connie, and it's not because you're her mother. It's because -- she's this season's hottest accessory.

Maxie: What are you talking about? I love her.

Lulu: Sure you do. Just like you loved being vegan for a month. And those Cartullo sandals -- you called in so many favors for those, and then you never wore them because they were too on trend. You want Connie right now. What happens when you find a shiny new toy?

Maxie: Lulu, I get it. Okay? What I did was wrong. And maybe that makes you think that I am being careless now. But I'm not. Just because I lied about whose baby she was does not make me an unfit mother.

Lulu: Well, maybe it doesn't. But what about all of the other horrible things that you've done?

Spinelli: You wishing that you'd handled things differently, that does mean something to me. Because I know it's true. [Sighs] I know you, Ellie. I know that you're one of the kindest people I've ever met. I know that you would never intentionally do something to hurt someone else. And I know that the terrible way this all played out is the last thing you ever wanted. You're the same person that you always were, Ellie. And that's the person I fell in love with.

Ellie: Wait. Are you saying -- that you still love me?

Spinelli: Of course. Of course, I still love you. Don't -- don't you understand? Being mad at anyone, especially someone I know so well and see on a regular basis, doesn't come easy to me. It's -- frankly, it requires a lot of work. And it's exhausting. And with everything else that's going on, I'm -- physically, mentally, all of it, just exhausted. So staying mad at someone I love -- I-I just wish I could let it go.

Ellie: You can. Damian, you can let it go. And I promise -- no, no. I swear that I will never do anything to hurt you like this again. And you don't have to worry about my fear clouding my judgment because I won't be afraid of anything. Because I'll know that if we can get through this -- that nothing -- nothing can break us. That is -- if you can just forgive me.

Maxie: Come on, Lulu. We all make mistakes.

Lulu: Really? Maxie, do you think that everyone makes mistakes on the same level as you? I doubt it. And, please, before you deny it, remember that I have had a front-row seat to every single dirty deed you have ever done.

Maxie: Like what?

Lulu: Wh-- you want me to start listing them?

Maxie: Is that what this is gonna come down to? You listing off every little thing I've ever done wrong?

Lulu: Not all of the mistakes you've made were little, Maxie. A lot of these so-called mistakes -- they were huge and ugly and life-altering.

Maxie: And now you're going to throw them in my face.

Lulu: If I have to. I am Connie's mother, and I will do anything to protect her from you. Even if that means airing your dirty laundry in court.

Maxie: Fine. I've messed up. A lot.

Lulu: It's good of you to admit it.

Maxie: But -- so have you, Lulu. You say you know all of my dirty secrets. Well, I know yours. I don't want to have to do this either, but if this is what I have to do to fight for my daughter, I will.

Dante: Hey. To tell you the truth, ma, I don't know if a custody battle is the right thing to do or not. But what I do know is that I'll protect Connie with my life. Because she is my daughter. Right?

[Connie cries]

Dante: Okay, okay. I just -- I just wish there was a better way than having to go to war with Maxie and Spinelli.

Olivia: I am so sorry.

Dante: It's okay. Okay. Look, there's nothing to do but wait right now, anyway. So in the meantime, why don't you tell me what you wanted to tell me? Who do you think is going after Sonny?

Derek: Well, that is a fascinating story, Sonny. But I can think of a few reasons why I can't print it.

Sonny: Enlighten me.

Derek: Well, for starters, I don't have any corroboration -- only you and your word.

Sonny: Not just me. One of Julian's enforcers named him. Right, Shawn?

Derek: That's interesting. So how do I contact him?

Sonny: Oh, unfortunately, he disappeared.

Derek: That's a shame. I mean, uh, I just can't print the story without a second source. I mean, I don't want to get sued.

Sonny: Sued? Who -- who would sue you?

Derek: Julian Jerome, of course.

Sonny: Oh, yeah.

Derek: [Chuckles] Especially if the story turns out to be false.

Sonny: Oh, well, if it's false -- he's a dead man.

Derek: Well, you do have a valid point, but -- I-I just can't risk tarnishing my paper's reputation over a story that could be, you know, just about unsubstantiated rumors. I'm sure you understand my position.

Sonny: More than ever.

Carly: You can think what you want, but I'm not jealous of anyone.

[Keys jingling]

Ava: Ah, that must be Morgan now, with his key.

Carly: Great. We can find out exactly what he knows about you and Derek Wells.

Morgan: [Sighs] Mom?

Carly: Come on. We need to go right now.

Morgan: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up. No, I'm not going.

Carly: This is not up for discussion. Let's go.

Morgan: Dad couldn't get me to leave. You really think you can?

Carly: Your father didn't tell you that she is sleeping with Derek Wells.

Morgan: [Scoffs]

Carly: What? What is so funny?

Ava: [Chuckles] I told you. Morgan knows just where we all stand. And I think he's told you what he wants from you, so. Do I need to call Security on you this time?

Carly: Wow. Okay, fine. I'll go. But one of these days, I will smack that smug look off your face.

Sonny: Thank you, Mr. Wells, for everything. Shawn, can you give the gentleman his weapon back?

Derek: I'm really sorry I couldn't be of more assistance.

Sonny: Hey, don't even worry about it. You know why? 'Cause I'm gonna try to figure out what's going on with this Julian Jerome thing on my own. It's probably best. Because when I find -- [Chuckles] When I find out who messed with me, I am gonna mess with them back.

Ellie: I'm sorry. I don't want to push you. But when you're ready to talk, just let me know. In the meantime, I'm -- I'm gonna give you some space.

Spinelli: Don't go. I don't need space from you. I don't want space from you. I love you.

Ellie: I love you, too.

Lulu: If this is how you want to play it, then I'll see you in court.

Maxie: Bring it on.

Lulu: You bet I will. And get the hell out of my house.

Maxie: Gladly.

[Door slams]

Ellie: I promise, Damian -- we're in this together.

Lulu: [Breathes deeply]

Dante: Ma, what is it? Ma, what do you know?

Sonny: If I go to Dante and tell him that Derek Wells is Julian Jerome, he's gonna go after him. I don't want to use my son to protect me.

Olivia: Of course not. He's got the whole police force behind him, Sonny. Maybe even the WSB gets involved and makes this Jerome guy leave town.

Sonny: I don't want to do that, though. 'Cause he's got enough going on with his baby. I don't want Dante to be in the middle of my bad business.

Olivia: I don't know anything, really. I just wanted you to keep an eye out for your father. That's all.

Dante: You're sure?

Olivia: Yeah, yeah. I want you to be focusing on your family right now, okay? You know your father. He can handle himself.

Sonny: Hey, Michael.

Michael: Hey, Dad.

Sonny: What's going on?

Michael: Morgan was here.

Morgan: I probably, you know, shouldn't have enjoyed watching my mom squirm like that.

Ava: Let's not talk about your mom.

[Keys jingle, door opens]

Derek: Am I interrupting?

[Door closes]

Ava: Where have you been?

Derek: Work.

Ava: Is everything all right?

Derek: I'll let you know. So, kid, did you get the job done?

Michael: [Sighs] Morgan knows you don't want anyone in here, but, uh, insisted on returning this.

Morgan: Yep. It's done. The bug you put in that old clock's up and running. Now you can listen on my dad's every word.

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