GH Transcript Monday 10/28/13

General Hospital Transcript Monday 10/28/13


Provided By Suzanne

Ava: You're up early.

Morgan: Yeah, I couldn't sleep. So, what do we do first when we start going after Sonny?

Ava: What are you talking about?

Morgan: I told you and your brother if you're going after Sonny that I want in. So, what do you and Julian want me to do?

Olivia: Hey.

Sonny: Hey.

Olivia: Remember me? Your friend? The one you haven't spoken to in God knows how many days?

Sonny: I'm sorry. I just haven't -- been real busy.

Olivia: Yeah. Yeah, I heard on the news that someone trashed this place. God, it looks like you got hit by a hurricane. Any idea who did this to you?

Sonny: I might.

Alexis: [Laughs] I brought someone I thought you might want to see! Doesn't he look great?

Derek: Yeah, he looks fantastic. Hey, buddy! Do you remember me? [Chuckles]

Alexis: Does he remember you? How is he gonna forget? You saved his life.

Derek: You here alone?

Alexis: Uh, just me and Danny. Sam's in New York on business.

[Indistinct conversations]

Sam: Okay. So, this is Ryan's?

Silas: Hmm.

Sam: Is it the way you remember?

Silas: Ava only brought me here a couple times, so my memory's a little vague, but, uh, yeah, place must have changed a bit, but this is it.

Sam: Okay. Well, hopefully the clientele's still the same or maybe -- maybe some of the staff.

Silas: Mm-hmm. They all have good memories.

Sam: [Chuckles] Amen. I need to know some answers about my father's family.

Maxie: I got diapers, uh, the crib sheets, blankets, the baby monitor. Ooh, and, Spinelli, I got the cutest onesie you've ever seen. No, it's not pink. Anyone can wear pink. It's blush. But you should get the car seat and figure out how to put that crib together, because once Diane gets the court order, we get to bring the baby home. All right. I'll talk to you later.

Patrick: Hi.

Maxie: Hey!

Patrick: You look busy.

Maxie: Oh, you have no idea. I have like a million things to do, and I keep thinking I'm gonna forget something crucial.

Patrick: Well, I won't keep you, but, uh, now that I have you here, there's something I'd like to tell you. Sabrina and I are engaged.

Sabrina: Carlos.

Carlos: Sabrina!

Sabrina: I'm sorry to bother you here at work, but, um... but I need to talk to you.

Carlos: Look, I already told you. I'm not responsible for Patrick getting the call from his dead wife. There's got to be some other explanation.

Robin: [Gasps]

Robin: [Sighs] Nikolas. You scared me half to death. I thought you were Faison or Obrecht.

Nikolas: May I ask where you're sneaking off to?

Robin: You know damn well where I'm going. I'm going to stop my husband from marrying another woman.

Sabrina: I'm not here about that call, although I still don't know who made it.

Carlos: Oh, sure you do, Sabrina. Somewhere, someone dialed the wrong number. The other end was garbled. It was probably a woman, or maybe not. Patrick picked up. He heard what he wanted to hear -- a call from his dead wife. I feel bad for the guy. I really do.

Sabrina: I'm not -- I'm not here to talk about Patrick. Well, I mean, I guess I am. It's just not in the way that -- that you think.

Carlos: You sound so nervous. It's cute. What is it? What is it? Spit it out.

Sabrina: I thought you should hear it from me.

Carlos: What is this?

Sabrina: I-I'M...

Carlos: Yeah, I get it.

Maxie: You're engaged? When did that happen?

Patrick: Few days ago.

Maxie: Wow. [Chuckles] I didn't know things with you and Sabrina were that serious.

Patrick: Yeah, they are. Look, I would really like it if you were happy for us and that hopefully you give us your blessing.

Maxie: You're engaged. I just didn't expect that to happen. I don't know, Patrick. Are you sure about this?

Olivia: Just a wild guess -- there's something in that file right there about whoever trashed this place? You care to enlighten me, Sonny?

Sonny: I appreciate your concern, but I just -- it's best that you stay out of this. Come on. Let's go. I don't want -- I don't want to see you hurt.

Olivia: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Sonny. We've both been hurt. Okay, the point is that we got through the worst of it...

Sonny: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Olivia: ...Together.

Sonny: Right. Right.

Olivia: And if we're being honest, we both know that there is more to come, right? We need each other.

Sonny: I agree with -- with that, to a certain point.

Olivia: Okay. So I take that to mean that you got something big and bad going on in your business and you're keeping it from me for my own good. Hey. You think you need to protect me. Don't do it, Sonny. Do not shut me out right now.

Morgan: I'm ready for this. I want to help take Sonny down.

Ava: I know what you said last night about wanting to come and work for us. But, Morgan, listen to me, you don't know what you're talking about.

Morgan: Yes, I do.

Ava: This is a situation that you do not want to be involved in, in any way.

Morgan: Look, if Mikey can work for Sonny, then I can work for you and Julian.

Ava: Michael is running a restaurant. He is not joining the family business. Sonny would never allow it.

Morgan: Well, think again, 'cause it may not happen right now, but a year or two years down the line, he's gonna become Sonny's right-hand man, okay? It's just like a king. He chooses one heir, right? I was never in the running for that.

Ava: Not everything is a competition with you and Michael.

Morgan: Well, this is. This is, okay? And if Mikey can be a part of the Corinthos family, then I can be a part of the Jerome family.

Ava: And it doesn't bother you a bit that the man you want to work for nearly had you killed last night?

Derek: He does look terrific, though. He's put on some weight. He's got some color in his face.

Alexis: Yeah. And he's grown. Look at how big he's gotten, thanks to you and your bone marrow.

Derek: Has he given you any indication that he loves fast cars and single malt bourbon?

Alexis: Not yet. Well, unless, of course you mean fast cars, like, plastic, little cars.

Derek: Oh, hey! Speaking of which, I, uh, saw this in a store window, so I couldn't help myself. What do you think, little buddy?

Alexis: Hey.

Derek: Huh? Look, doors open and everything.

Alexis: He loves it. That's really nice of you. Thank you.

Derek: Not supposed to eat and drive.

Alexis: No.

Derek: Hey, really, it's nothing. It was just an excuse to stop by and see Danny anyway. But I have been a little busy, so...

Alexis: Yeah. Yeah. I haven't seen you since, uh, you went out on a date with Carly. Yeah. How'd that go? I mean, I've known her a lot of years, and there's a lot to admire about her, in which I'm sure you'll find out for yourself. Or not. Uh, it's none of my business.

Derek: Want to change the, uh, subject?

Alexis: Yeah. That -- that'd be good.

Derek: Okay.

Alexis: Uh... how about politics? [Chuckles] Uh, global warming, football. Do you like football?

Derek: I do.

Alexis: Yeah, I don't. Uh, but Molly's boyfriend, TJ said that I should probably learn something about it if I want to have a conversation with him in the next 10 years.

Derek: I think TJ's on to something.

Alexis: Yeah.

Derek: You know, if he keeps growing like this, he has all the makings of a quarterback.

Alexis: Yeah, well, that's not gonna happen, 'cause if anyone tackles my grandson, I'd have to sue them.

Derek: Hmm. Well, that's something that you and Danny can discuss in a decade or so. But, uh, in the meantime, let's talk about his mom. What's, uh -- what's Sam doing in New York?

Alexis: Oh, uh, she went there to see if she could find some information on this Ava Jerome's brother.

Sam: Ava must have had a reason to bring you here, because from what I know of her, this is not her style.

Silas: You know, maybe it was a proximity thing, you know? This place isn't far from Columbia, where I went to medical school.

Sam: Oh, yeah? Well, how many bars are between there and here?

Silas: 802, although if I remember correctly, this place had great burgers.

Sam: You think Ava came here for the food? Because I don't.

Silas: Is that your professional opinion?

Sam: No, I just -- I don't think it's a coincidence that Victor Jerome brought his mistress here.

Delia: Welcome to Ryan's. What can I get you?

Sam: Hi. Um, he actually tells me that you serve a decent burger here.

Delia: Decent? Our burgers are handcrafted. Our beef is grass-fed and grain-finished. I'm not sure what the last part of that means, but trust me, they are terrific. And I'd know, 'cause I was married to the guy whose family owns this place. Delia Ryan Coleridge at your service.

Silas: Well, it's nice to meet you, Delia.

Delia: You look very familiar.

Silas: Well, I used to -- I might have come in here a few times a lot of years ago.

Delia: No, no, no, no, no. You remind me of someone. Wait! I got it!

Derek: I wasn't aware that, uh, Ava had a brother.

Alexis: Well, apparently it's a very well-kept secret. She even told her own daughter that she was an only child.

Derek: Hmm. So, what makes you think that, uh, Ava has a brother?

Alexis: Well, years ago, she told that to this Dr. Silas clay. Apparently her brother has a lot of money and he helped her get into the art business.

Derek: Hmm. Well, so why is, uh -- why is Sam looking into this? Is it -- is it for a client?

Alexis: Well, not so much a client. Um, she's partially doing this to help Kiki out and get some information on her uncle. But Sam is, uh, doing it for her own reasons. Personal reasons.

Derek: Such as?

Patrick: If you're asking me if I -- if I'm sure that I want to marry Sabrina, the answer is yes, I do. But it sounds like you have some misgivings.

Maxie: I'm happy for you, Patrick. Really.

Patrick: Look, Maxie, I know obviously you and Robin were very close.

Maxie: Yeah, we were like sisters. I know that sounds cliché, but Robin was the person that I went to for advice. I'd like to think that I helped her, too. Do you remember when she was determined to be a single mom and she refused to move out of her apartment? She was gonna turn her closet into Emma's nursery? I mean, poor Emma. Not only would she have been sleeping in a room with no windows, but where would Robin have put her clothes? Thank God I talked her out of that.

Patrick: Really? 'Cause I thought I did.

Maxie: [Scoffs]

Patrick: Had to convince her that I loved her and that I loved -- that I loved our child and that I just... sorry.

Maxie: No, it's... it's okay. That happens to me a lot. I think of something that Robin said or did. It makes me smile and...then it hits me that I'll never see her again or hear her voice.

Patrick: I heard her voice. Correction -- I thought I heard her voice.

Maxie: How?

Patrick: A couple days ago, my cell rang. I picked it up, and I...could have sworn it was Robin on the line.

Carlos: So, when did Patrick pop the question?

Sabrina: The other night after I accused you of making that phone call.

Carlos: Oh. I get it. So, one minute he's getting a call from his dead wife, and the next minute, he's proposing to you.

Nikolas: Robin, you understand that you -- you can't leave this house, right? And you certainly can't contact Patrick. Obrecht and Faison are watching. If they find out that you're planning to reveal that you're alive, they'll call Jerry, and he'll kill your parents. Simple as that. And you remember the terms, don't you?

Robin: How could I forget?

Nikolas: Jerry had no problem shooting you at the metro court. He certainly won't hesitate to kill Robert or Anna or -- or both if he doesn't get what he wants.

Robin: What am I supposed to do, Nikolas? Just -- just stay here and do nothing while my husband marries another woman? I mean, I haven't seen my little girl in two years. I have to get to them. They have to know that I'm alive.

Nikolas: You will see Patrick and Emma again. But first, you have got to find a cure for Jerry.

Robin: Formulating that cure will take time. And then meanwhile, this horrible Sabrina person just moves in on my family?

Sabrina: What are you saying, Carlos?

Carlos: Sounds to me like Patrick's got something to prove. Doesn't sound like a man who's in love with you, Sabrina. Sounds like he's trying to convince himself of something. You sure you want to marry a guy like that?

Patrick: Obviously it was a wrong number or a prank call. But for a second, I could have swore that I heard Robin's voice. And I know that sounds crazy.

Maxie: If you're crazy, then I'm certifiable.

Patrick: [Chuckles]

Maxie: I've seen Georgie. She came to me to give me grief that the baby I was carrying for Dante and Lulu was really Spinelli's and mine. You know about all that, right?

Patrick: Yes. I heard. How's the custody issues? Have they been resolved?

Maxie: Well, Diane's in front of a judge right now trying to get us a court order so we can take our baby home today.

Patrick: Congratulations.

Maxie: Thank you. [Chuckles] I know what you're probably thinking, though. "What about Lulu?"

Patrick: Hey, I know how difficult this must be. I mean, when I found out that Britt's baby wasn't mine, it was...

Maxie: I know. And I know that I will be getting my daughter but losing another friend, which I deserve.

Patrick: For what it's worth, I can tell that this is costing you. And however misguided you were, I know that you acted with the best of intentions, and I know that Robin would think the exact same thing.

Maxie: Patrick, I miss Robin so much. I keep thinking that if she had been here the last few months, she would have found out the truth and...given me grief about it. [Chuckles] It's...

Patrick: It's what?

Maxie: It's just funny that Georgie came to me from beyond the grave but...Robin never did.

Nikolas: What makes you say that Sabrina's such a horrible person?

Robin: Obrecht. She told me that Sabrina has been manipulating Patrick this entire time.

Nikolas: Robin, you might -- you might want to consider the source. Because from my experience, uh, Sabrina's nothing like that.

Robin: You know her?

Nikolas: No, I don't know her well, but...

Robin: Well, what? What's... what is she like?

Nikolas: I don't know. She's -- she's nice. She seems kind. And from everything I've heard from Elizabeth, Sabrina genuinely loves Patrick and adores Emma.

Robin: I don't know if that makes me feel better or worse.

Sabrina: I had that same reaction when Patrick proposed after the supposed phone call from Robin.

Carlos: Hmm. Well, what changed your mind, hmm? I know it wasn't the ring. You never gave a damn about stuff like that. Because if you did, I would have showered you with jewelry and clothes all the time.

Sabrina: Yeah, well, you wouldn't have wanted me if I could be bought.

Carlos: That's right. I wanted you 'cause you're so real, so honest. And when you told me you loved me, I thought it meant you always would.

Sabrina: I've changed.

Carlos: So you say.

Sabrina: I'm marrying Patrick.

Carlos: So you say.

Sabrina: He loves me.

Carlos: Maybe he's threatened, hmm? Maybe he senses that he could lose you to me.

Sabrina: Oh, you know what? We actually talked about that. Yeah, we talked about you.

Carlos: Really?

Sabrina: Yeah.

Carlos: What did Patrick have to say about me?

Sabrina: Well, I asked him if he was concerned about our history, was that prompting the proposal. And Patrick was pretty adamant that it had nothing to do with you.

Carlos: Hmm. Okay, well, then so answer me this, Sabrina. If you and Patrick are so happy and in love and everything is so perfect and wonderful, why are you always coming to see me?

Ava: When Julian realized that you knew who he really was, he sent Carlos after you to kill you. That's who Julian is. He's an extremely dangerous man. And this is serious business. Things could escalate very, very quickly, and they will not end until Julian gets what he wants.

Morgan: I understand that.

Ava: Do you? Really? Because what Julian wants is to take Sonny down and then take him out. So think about it. I know you're angry with your father, but do you really want to go down this road?

Sonny: I'm not trying to shut you out. Truth is, I wouldn't have gotten through Connie's death if it wasn't for you. You -- you saved my life, literally. But it's always best to stay out of my business. Less you know, the better.

Olivia: I'm a big girl.

Sonny: Yes.

Olivia: And I'm telling you that I'm willing to take the risk.

Sonny: I already lost Connie. I don't want to lose you.

Olivia: You will lose me if you don't let me in! I'm not gonna be one of those women that just walks in the other room and pretends that I don't see what's right in front of my face! There's obviously something eating you alive. Sonny, I want to feel like you -- like you trust me enough to tell me what it is.

Sonny: I do trust you. You know I trust you, right? Well, that's just -- no, no, no.

Olivia: Give it. Give it. Oh, my God. It's true? Julian Jerome is not dead after all.

Sonny: [Sighs] Yes. Julian Jerome is very much alive.

Alexis: Sam's interest in Ava's brother has to do with Julian Jerome.

Derek: Julian Jerome. The, uh, dead mobster.

Alexis: The one and only. Sam's theory is that...Ava's brother could be Julian Jerome.

Derek: Wait. I-I -- I thought Ava denied any connection to those people.

Alexis: Well, she has repeatedly. But there's more reason now than ever to think that she's lying.

Derek: Why is that?

Delia: Johnny! My Johnny!

Silas: Who's Johnny?

Delia: Johnny Ryan, my son! I don't know. Something about your eyes. No, he runs this place, and I come here, and I help him out every once in awhile, you know, when I have the time... which is most of the time. See, my husband, roger, and I, we had a really successful nightclub called Delia's. And we were just starting to turn a profit, and then the economy tanked, and then everything went south.

Silas: We're sorry to hear that. Yeah.

Delia: Yeah, well, you know, what can you do about it? That's life. And maybe it just wasn't in the cards that I should be a successful nightclub owner. So, uh, I came back here to the family bar where I spend so much of my time. Coffee?

Silas: Please. Yeah.

Sam: Yeah. Sounds great.

Delia: Okay. You got it.

Sam: Thank you.

Silas: So, you've, uh -- you've been around here for a while, then?

Delia: Yeah. More years than I care to remember.

Silas: That's -- that's good. You might be able to help us. We're -- we're trying to get some information about a woman who used to come here a lot. A lot of years ago.

Delia: What's her name?

Sam: Well, actually, we -- we don't know her name. Uh, but she used to come here with a man named Victor Jerome. I think they probably came --

Silas: Oh.

Sabrina: I came here as a courtesy. I was trying to be nice, because I thought you might get upset hearing my news.

Carlos: Could have called.

Sabrina: Okay, clearly you've got some big theory about why I came here to see you, so might as well just spit it out.

Carlos: Well, I'm thinking that maybe you're not as certain about Patrick's love as you say you are, that maybe part of you wanted to come and check in with the one who truly loves you with all his heart and soul. And that this courtesy is just a way of keeping the door open in case this engagement doesn't work out.

Sabrina: You are so arrogant.

Carlos: I can be. But not when it comes to you. Now, Patrick, on the other hand, I think it's arrogant of ho take you for granted.

Sabrina: Oh, he doesn't take me for granted.

Carlos: Oh, no?

Sabrina: No.

Carlos: When's the wedding date? You set one yet? Didn't think so. This is gonna be one of those two-year engagements, hmm, that kind of drag on and on and on because one of you -- or both of you -- deep down really don't want it to happen.

Sabrina: Look, Patrick wouldn't have proposed, I wouldn't have accepted if we didn't want a future together.

Carlos: Let me see that ring again. It's nice. But I know you, Sabrina. Shiny diamond don't mean a thing if there ain't no love behind it.

Sabrina: I should have known better than to come here.

Maxie: If Robin had come back from the dead [Chuckles] She would have been pretty upset that I was lying to Dante and Lulu and Spinelli about this baby. Especially after everything she went through to become a mother.

Patrick: Yeah, tell me about it. We broke up because of it. We got back together the night that Georgie passed away. That was actually the night that Emma was conceived.

Maxie: Best mistake the two of you ever made.

Patrick: [Chuckles] By far. But we had our obstacles, mostly because of my immaturity.

Maxie: Don't sell Robin short. She was pretty stubborn.

Patrick: Point is, we got over all those things. All our fears and our absolute joy, the pregnancy, the -- the birth. That day that we were supposed to get married. Five years ago today. [Exhales sharply] Five years ago today.

Robin: Well, I feel like a hypocrite. I mean, I made a DVD for Patrick, and I told him that I wanted him to move on, that I wanted him to find someone else to love, and I wanted that person to love Emma. And now you're telling me that this person is Sabrina, this person that I actually told him to find.

Nikolas: Yeah, it seems to be. It sounds like Patrick is doing exactly what you asked him to do.

Robin: Yeah, except for one, tiny problem, Nikolas! I'm not dead! You know, I woke up this morning, and I realized that Patrick is making wedding plans and today exactly five years ago was our wedding. This -- this can't be happening.

Alexis: If you were related to a mobster, wouldn't you be tempted to lie about it?

Derek: Well, I haven't given that question much thought.

Alexis: Thank you. I have, trust me. [Clears throat] You know, my daughter, Kristina, had a very difficult time reconciling herself to her father's alleged profession.

Derek: And you?

Alexis: I just accept the fact that I find dangerous men attractive.

Derek: You said Sam's interest in Julian Jerome was personal?

Alexis: You know, I probably shouldn't be talking to you about this because it's -- oh, wow -- this is Sam's business.

Danny: [Coughs]

Alexis: Ooh, you okay, buddy? There you go. But you're kind of like family now, aren't you, so... right, Danny?

Derek: Yeah, I'm sorry. I really, uh -- I really shouldn't pry. It's a bad habit, asking questions. I suppose it goes along with -- with the territory.

Alexis: It also makes an interesting front page. This is off the record, right, between you and me?

Derek: Hey, I would never do anything to hurt you and your family.

Alexis: So, remember when I told you about this one-night stand and I thought that perhaps it could be with this man named Julian Jerome in new Hampshire?

Derek: Yeah, you said it was a long shot, probably just a coincidence.

Alexis: Sometimes long shots pay off. As it turns out, the man that I followed into that car was, in fact, Julian Jerome. He's Sam's father.

Delia: I don't know what's the matter with me. I got, uh -- I got -- what do you call it? Uh, what do you call it? Dropsy or something.

Sam: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. So you -- so you knew him?

Delia: Who?

Sam: What do you mean, who? Victor Jerome.

Silas: Victor Jerome.

Delia: No, that name doesn't even ring a bell.

Sam: Really? Because he was very well-connected. Hold on. Wait. I have a picture. Can you just at least look at the picture? Does he look familiar at all?

Delia: Oh, yeah, that Victor Jerome. Yeah, yeah. I-I sort of remember him.

Sam: Okay, well, do you remember him coming in here with a woman ever?

Delia: Are you two cops?

Silas: Cops? Believe me, I'm no cop. I'm -- I'm a doctor.

Delia: Then what's with all the questions?

Sam: Um, listen, I'm -- I'm a private eye, and I just wanted to know if you knew anything about Victor. And apparently he had a mistress, and she might have had a daughter, and her name is Ava. Do you know anything about that?

Morgan: Look, it's not really a question of whether I can go down that road with you and Julian. 'Cause I'm on it, Ava. I know too much.

Ava: I just don't want you to get hurt. Physically or emotionally hurt.

Morgan: I understand, but that's the least of my worries.

Ava: You're still so young. And you think you're invincible. But you're not.

Morgan: I'm not all that young.

Derek: Well, you do like them dangerous, don't you? What do you say, Danny? Huh? Is your grandpa a gangster? [Chuckles]

Alexis: I suppose the saving grace is that Julian Jerome is no longer with us. I didn't mean that the way it sounds. It's terrible that Sam and Danny won't ever get to know him, but after everything I've been through with all of Sonny's business...

Derek: Yeah, no, I understand. You, uh, want to protect your family. Speaking as a publisher, are you sure about your, uh, facts?

Alexis: We had a DNA test.

Derek: How? I mean, uh [Chuckles] I can't imagine that would have been easy getting a DNA sample from a dead mobster.

Alexis: No, we didn't need it from him. We got it from another family member.

Derek: What, uh, family member?

Olivia: Oh, my God. Julian Jerome is Derek Wells?

Sonny: Julian Jerome got a whole new life. Now he's Derek Wells, media mogul, courtesy of WSB.

Olivia: Bastard. This is the guy who pushed Connie to write that article and backed her into a corner. And now he's using this paper to push you?

Sonny: Yep. Yeah. While sending his people to blow up my shipment and trash my warehouse.

Olivia: Okay. So, now that you know who's doing this, what are you gonna do about it?

Nikolas: [Exhales sharply] Are you saying that this is Patrick's and your wedding anniversary?

Robin: Not exactly.

Patrick: We were at the altar. The priest had just gotten to the part about procreation of children.

Robin: My water broke right there in the church. [Sighs] All of our friends and family were gathered for the wedding, but...instead... it was...

Maxie: Complete insanity. I will never forget that. [Chuckles]

Patrick: It was crazy. All of us in a limo, Mac stopping traffic so we could speed to the hospital. And I mean speed. Anna was driving like she was at le mans.

Robin: My mother nearly killed us with her crazy driving. But anyway, we made it to the hospital, and even though there were complications...

Patrick: Robin was amazing. Never gave up. And then... I mean, just like that, Emma was there.

Maxie: I remember that, too. It was so scary.

Patrick: It was, but we made it through. All the way to our second wedding, which went off without a hitch.

Maxie: It was better. Without the baby bump. And the ceremony was beautiful.

Patrick: Robin promised me that she would love me more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.

Robin: Patrick promised to return the gift of love that I gave to him tenfold. He promised to love me and our daughter for as long as we both shall live.

Nikolas: Mm-hmm.

Robin: We exchanged rings, and we kissed. [Exhales sharply] It was the happiest day of my life.

Nikolas: Hey.

Robin: And now he's making plans to do exactly that with someone else.

Alexis: Obviously we couldn't get a sample from Sam's father because he's dead, gone, buried. Actually, I don't even know where he's buried. That's a good question. I'll have to ask Sam if she wants to find that out.

Derek: Okay, so this, um, other family member...

Alexis: Yeah. After a lot of research, we found out that Julian Jerome had a --

[Door opens]

Carlos: So, this problem with the lease here.

Derek: Uh, we're in the middle of something.

Alexis: No, no, no, that's okay. I have to go anyway. We have to go, because I have to drop him off at grandma Monica's, so... um, I have to go to court. But it was nice to see you.

Derek: Yeah, you and, uh, Danny, of course.

Alexis: Bye.

Delia: I don't know Jerome Victor.

Sam: Victor Jerome.

Silas: Victor Jerome.

Delia: Know him, neither. And I really don't know what you're talking about, so nothing's ringing a bell. I'm gonna go check on your burgers.

Silas: Forgot your coffee pot. She would be the worst poker player ever.

Sam: Yeah, she's a bad liar.

Silas: So, why is that? What's -- what's the reason for that? I mean, clearly whatever it is she knows about Victor Jerome, it's affecting her on a very personal level.

Sam: Yes, I know, and unfortunately, it's gonna be very hard to get her to talk.

Silas: What?

Sam: Yes.

Silas: What do you mean? You -- you're a professional, right? How do we get this out of her?

Ava: I have to go. I have a new gallery to open.

Morgan: Ava. I just -- I want you to know, whatever side you're on, I'm on. I'm with you now.

Ava: God help you.

Morgan: I can't wait to see the look on my dad's face when he sees I chose your family, not his.

Sonny: What are my options? Am I supposed to just sit back while Julian Jerome destroys my business and then he comes after me?

Olivia: He is a problem.

Sonny: Well, usually when there's a problem...the problem needs to be eliminated.

Carlos: So, that's your grandkid and your baby mama?

Derek: Yeah. Well, I'd prefer you refer to them as Alexis and Danny. But, uh, yeah.

Carlos: She still has no clue?

Derek: Not yet. Although it seems my daughter, the, uh, P.I., Is close to finding out who I really am.

Delia: Okay, so, here are your burgers. Can I get you anything -- pickles? Relish? Mustard? Ketchup?

Silas: No, I think -- I think we're good. You know, unless you happen to remember anything about that woman we were talking about.

Sam: Yeah.

Delia: No, I don't. No can do. I don't know what woman you're talking about.

Sam: Actually, we think you do, Delia. You either know her... or you are her.

Carlos: So, what are you gonna do when your daughter finds out who you are?

Derek: We'll, uh, cross that bridge when we get to it. Something else? Is there a problem?

Carlos: Hmm? Oh. No problem. It's just... the woman I love is about to marry someone else.

Sabrina: Am I interrupting something?

Maxie: No. [Chuckles] Of course not. I-I understand that congratulations are in order. I was just telling Patrick how happy I am for him. For you both. Let me see your ring. It's very elegant. I approve.

Patrick: Yes, Sabrina inspired me.

Maxie: Oh, well, it's getting kind of late, and I have a million things to do. My baby's coming home today.

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Maxie: I'll see you.

Patrick: Bye.

Sabrina: Wow. That's so exciting.

Patrick: Yeah, she has no idea how much her life is about to change.

Sabrina: Patrick... I want my life to change, too. I can't wait to be a part of Emma's and your family. I just want to dive in and make a thousand plans and decisions and marry you as soon as possible.

Robin: For two years, all I've wanted to do is go home. I've prayed for it and wished for it. It's like one of those fairy tales, you know, where you have to get the wording perfect or the wish goes all wrong.

Nikolas: [Sighs]

Robin: I mean... [Sighs] I'm just so close to them, and I-I can't...

Nikolas: I know.

Robin: ...Get to them.

Nikolas: Robin.

Robin: [Sighs]

Nikolas: You will find that cure. And then you and Patrick and Emma will all be together soon.

Robin: I hope so. I hope it happens before Patrick has a new wife.

Patrick: So, I take it you don't want a long engagement? What about Felix? He needs time for his wedding-vision board or whatever it's called.

Sabrina: [Chuckles] No, I just want to be married to you, Patrick. I want our life together to start. You, me, and Emma. Is that what you want, too?

Patrick: Yes, it is.

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Patrick: Yes. The sooner I'm married to you, the better.

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