General Hospital Transcript Friday 10/25/13
Provided By Suzanne
[Baby cries]
Nikolas: I called ahead and sent the staff away. No one knows you're here.
Britt: Shh, shh, shh.
Faison: It's good to be home.
Britt: "Home"? What are you talking about?
Faison: Obrecht, didn't you tell her?
Britt: Tell me what?
Faison: I once owned Wyndemere. And Spoon Island. This was my home long before it became the Cassadines'.
Nikolas: Yes, I vaguely recall my uncle telling me that former owner was a psychotic criminal.
Faison: Yeah, I had a lot of fond memories of living here.
Britt: No one's interested in your memories.
Faison: Obrecht, would you please tell your daughter that I will not tolerate her rudeness.
Dr. Obrecht: Britta, tell your father I'm not speaking to him until he apologizes for his attempt to co-opt me into his pathetic obsession with Anna Devane.
Anna: Oh! You all right?
Robert: You mean apart from the pain?
Anna: Oh, for God's sake. Come on, sit down. Please. Can you move it?
Robert: My shoulder?
Anna: Yeah.
Robert: Yeah, I'm not worried about me, Anna.
Anna: Well, I am.
Robert: Well, help me find a way out of this burg here so we can find Faison, get our daughter, and leave!
Nikolas: I'm tolerating you for one reason and one reason only.
Faison: Yes. You are our hostages.
Nikolas: No, no, no. I'll cooperate with you for Robin's sa-- where is Robin?
Dr. Obrecht: She's escaped. She's so insignificant. No one noticed she was gone.
Faison: Well, find her! If she is caught, she endangers my Anna.
Dr. Obrecht: Not one more word about your scrawny shrew, or I will personally fly back to that island!
Nikolas: Shut up, the both of you. I'll find Robin.
Robin: It's fine. I'm right here.
Nikolas: Where did you go?
Robin: I just went out on the terrace to look at the city. I had forgotten that you could actually see general hospital from here.
Felix: Okay, just stop it.
Sabrina: Oh, I'm sorry. Did you just say something?
Felix: Look at you two, all moonbeams and afterglow while some of us are doomed to age out our best and most marketable years single or pursued by cretins.
Patrick: We can probably hook you up with somebody.
Sabrina: Oh, mm-hmm.
Felix: I'm sorry. Did you just offer to find me a date?
Sabrina: Oh, he most certainly did.
Patrick: Okay, you two are more gooier than usual. What -- what's happening?
Patrick: You think we should tell him?
Sabrina: Oh, I don't know if he'd appreciate it.
Patrick: Yeah.
Felix: Appreciate what? Don't leave me hanging. What's going on?
Sabrina: Take a look. [Giggles] We're engaged!
Ava: Why are you calling Carlos in? What are you gonna do?
Derek: What do you think I'm doing? I'm having that kid taken out before he spills his guts to Sonny about us!
Ava: You're joking.
Derek: Am I?
Carlos: You lookin' for me, boss?
Derek: I have a job for you.
Carlos: Name it.
Derek: Find and kill... Morgan Corinthos.
Michael: Dad, thank you so much. I really --
Sonny: Thank me? You're doing me a favor. After everything... after everything that's gone down, you know, it's great to have my son close to me.
Michael: Morgan?
Sonny: I didn't see you there. What're you doing?
Morgan: There's something I got to tell you.
Britt: Shh! Quiet! You'll wake the baby.
Nikolas: Can I get you anything?
Robin: A gun and two bullets.
Nikolas: Gladly, but I don't think Jerry Jacks will approve.
Robin: Then how about a launch? Tonight, after everyone goes to sleep.
Nikolas: Do you really want to risk it?
Faison: [Speaking German] I'll take the master suite -- master suite.
Nikolas: Well, you'll have to be more specific. You know, there are more than 30 rooms in this house. Which one do you want?
Faison: The east turret, overlooking the cliffs! And for Obrecht, dump her in the basement!
Nikolas: I don't take orders from you.
Faison: Well, Jerry Jacks wouldn't agree.
Dr. Obrecht: The terms were clear. Your orders come from me and from him. Noncompliance or any attempt to reveal our presence here will only result in a call to Jerry, who will be all too happy to dole out punishment to your parents, Robin. Hmm?
Anna: Let me know when it's my turn.
Robert: For what?
Anna: To pace. There's only enough room for one person to do it at a time.
Robert: By all means. You know, I still can't get over the fact that a guy with a name like Jerry Jacks got the drop on us.
Anna: Hey, remember all that advice you were doling out when I was beating myself up after I'd been outmaneuvered by Obrecht? Allow me to return the favor.
Robert: But we were so close. Robin was actually here.
Anna: I know. We'll find her.
Robert: Yeah, only if we ever get out of here.
Anna: Faison is one of the most wanted criminals on the planet. The WSB are gonna be hot on his trail.
Robert: [Laughing] Yeah, and that bunch have never screwed up an operation.
Anna: Oh, they're just part of the picture. Mac --
Robert: Yeah, who has no idea where we are.
Anna: All right, holly. You know, she -- she's gonna get back from this whole trouble with Ethan, and then she's gonna discover that you're missing from the clinic, and -- and, um... and then -- well, Duke. Duke's definitely gonna be searching for me.
Duke: Well, let me speak to the clinic director. No, then get her out of the meeting. This is urgent. All right. Page Robert's brother. His name is Mac Scorpio. He-- hello? Damn.
Mac: Hey, Duke. You okay?
Duke: What are you doing here? When did you get back from Switzerland?
Mac: Last night. Is everything okay?
Duke: Well, you tell me. I've been trying to call Anna to get an update on Robert's condition, and I can't reach her.
Mac: Something about where that clinic is located. The mountains play havoc with cell reception. But there's nothing to worry about. I left Robert in Anna's capable hands.
Duke: Well, I just spoke to Robert's nurse, and Anna checked him out of the clinic, and they left together.
Mac: Robert was better, but he was in no condition to travel. Why the hell would they leave?
Robin: We get it. You're in charge. So, now you can go back to pretending that you weren't made for each other.
Dr. Obrecht: "Made for each other"! As if!
Faison: As if you could ever get over me.
Dr. Obrecht: Eat boksballen!
Britt: Okay, enough! Oh, I can't stand one more minute of this. Oh, my God. I'm gonna take Ben to G.H. To get some blood work done. I mean, God knows what he was exposed to in that creepy lab. No offense.
Robin: None taken. That lab was no place for a baby. And I understand that you want to take care of your son.
Nikolas: I'll take you.
Robin: Well, if you're going to GH, then... I'm going with you.
Patrick: Well, does it meet your approval?
Felix: Tasteful, elegant. But I need details. Okay, when did this epic event occur?
Sabrina: Well, it happened last night. We... we were just hanging out in Patrick's place, and all of a sudden, he popped the question.
Felix: And what were you wearing?
Sabrina: Clothes.
Felix: Okay, okay. I can forgive the sweatpant proposal on one condition -- this rock is real.
Sabrina: Oh, it's incredibly real.
Patrick: Yeah, it's real.
Sabrina: Just like the proposal. Just like my acceptance. We are getting married.
Felix: We're getting married!
Sonny: What's going on?
Morgan: I need to talk to you, okay? Alone.
Michael: Look, if this is about the annulment, I was there when --
Morgan: Yeah, I know. Yes, I know you were there.
Michael: Look, Morgan, I'm sorry, all right? I know this situation is... horrible, and --
Morgan: Yeah, it's really easy for you to say, Mikey, considering you got what you wanted.
Sonny: Okay. Can we just sit down? Just sit down. We'll hash this out.
Morgan: No, no, no, no! Because what I need to tell you has nothing to do with him.
Sonny: Okay, that's fine. That's fine. Just tell me what you need to tell me, and I'll --
Morgan: I'll tell you what I need to tell you, but it's just gonna be me and you, not him.
Michael: Okay. I'm gonna head over to Pozzulo's. I want to get working as soon as possible.
Morgan: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What did you just say? Michael's working for you?
Carlos: You want me to kill Morgan Corinthos? Sonny's boy?
Derek: You have a problem with that?
Ava: Of course he does. He knows that executing Sonny's son would turn our carefully designed coup into a bloodbath, for both sides.
Derek: Is that true, Carlos?
Ava: Think this through. Whatever success we've had with Sonny, we are nowhere near ready to escalate to this level.
Derek: We don't have a choice! Morgan knows who I am, and he's on his way to tell his father.
Ava: Morgan will not talk.
Derek: It didn't look like that when he left here, now, did it?! Look, I understand you have some affection for the kid, and I am sorry about that, but I cannot take a chance that Sonny finds out who I really am. Not yet. And neither can you.
Ava: Don't even pretend this is to protect me.
Derek: I want you to find that kid, before he finds his father, and fix this!
Ava: Carlos... you take one more step... and you answer to me. There will be no execution tonight.
Derek: Carlos doesn't work for you.
Ava: This is a partnership.
Derek: Tell me, Ava -- what have you contributed to this so-called partnership? Hmm? I make the money. I pay the salaries, Carlos included.
Ava: I provide a valuable service. I give you legitimate cover, don't I?
Derek: You go to parties with a lot of silly people. You hang bad pictures on walls of ugly houses. That is what you do. I run this business. I took it from our father.
Ava: And you lost it all! And you were forced into hiding. And Frank Smith took his territory back, and he got himself killed, and when the dust settled, Sonny Corinthos was the last one standing, and he's been standing ever since, raking in profits on everything our father built!
Derek: That's about to change.
Ava: So you keep saying. But I'm the one with the last name Jerome! I'm the one faced with all the questions -- from Duke Lavery, from Anna Devane, from Carly Jacks and her trusty P.I. -- While you hide behind your little desk and your alias.
Derek: Hey, nobody's hiding. I'm right here.
Ava: There's no pressure on you. You're above suspicion. You donate money to charity, bone marrow to babies, while I take all the risks.
Derek: You see, Ava, when Morgan goes and squeals to his father... about us... he you won't be the first one that Sonny comes gunning for. It'll be me. Why are you still here?
Ava: Julian, don't do this.
Morgan: So, since when did you start working for Dad?
Michael: I asked him for a job --
Morgan: That's funny, because I asked him. And you said no. Remember that, that you would never have any of your kids work for you?
Sonny: The circumstances have changed.
Morgan: Why? Because Mikey asked you? So to hell with all the danger. But if I ask you, I don't even get to stay in the same zip code. You ship me off to military school.
Sonny: That wasn't my choice.
Morgan: Well, this is your choice! This is your choice, and you chose Mikey!
Sonny: Hey, take it easy. Okay? I did not ask Michael into the organization. I would never have my kids in the business. You know that. He knows that.
Michael: Look I got fired from ELQ, okay? Tracy had me escorted from the building, and nobody is gonna hire me. I'm an ex-con.
Morgan: I really -- I don't want to hear yet again how you suffered and how you're entitled to everything, including my wife.
Michael: I'm trying to tell you that I came to Dad for help, and he offered me a job managing Pozzulo's. I'm running a restaurant, Morgan. That's all. The only danger I'm gonna be facing is probably a few broken dishes and a temperamental chef.
Sonny: Do you want that? That's great.
Michael: Yeah, look. Why don't we run it together?
Sonny: There's nothing I would want more than to have both of my sons running a restaurant. What do you say?
Morgan: I say that I wouldn't work with my bitch brother if you offered me the last job on earth.
Felix: I'm so happy for you!
Patrick: Okay, you continue the celebration. I've got work to do.
Felix: Do do do do do
Patrick: No ducklings.
Sabrina: Okay.
Felix: [Breathes deeply] My romantic intuition must be way off. I had no idea this was coming.
Sabrina: Yeah, neither did I. I mean, it's a pretty big shift after the other night.
Felix: What happened the other night?
Sabrina: Patrick got a phone call...from his late wife.
Robin: If I'm going to extract Jerry's cure from Luke, I will need medical supplies.
Faison: An excuse. Are you hoping to bump into your husband?
Dr. Obrecht: Her wayward husband. Oh, why use polite euphemisms? The man is a dog, as all men are. Patrick Drake did not wait for you to be cold in your grave before he found his way to my daughter's bed and then, after that, to that mousey nurse Sabrina's.
Robin: Yet I am not cold in my grave.
Dr. Obrecht: You are also not going to general hospital. Britta will be able to collect whatever you need. Won't you, Britta?
Robin: Britt is an O.B. She's not a researcher.
Dr. Obrecht: On second thought, go. I'll be happy to call Jerry. And I'll be sure to... specify that he should kill Anna.
Faison: No. He will take Scorpio out.
Dr. Obrecht: Nein!
Nikolas: Robin, it's too big a risk, okay? We have to protect your parents, here.
Robin: I know.
Nikolas: The tables will turn. We just have to cooperate for now.
Britt: Hey, are... are you okay, being here by yourself with them?
Robin: Sure. I can hold my own.
Nikolas: Harm Robin... and you'll soon discover that my grandmother and I aren't so different.
Felix: from his late wife?
Sabrina: Well, obviously, it wasn't really Robin. Someone was just messing with Patrick's head.
Felix: Okay, that's just cruel. I mean, who would do something like that?
Sabrina: I accused Carlos of it, but he swore he didn't do it. And I have to say that... although Carlos can be really ruthless... he wasn't sneaky, you know? I never knew him to be mean like that.
Felix: Maybe it was just a wrong number.
Sabrina: Well, whoever made the call knew all about Patrick's history with Robin. Patrick swears he heard the caller say, "it's me -- Robin."
Felix: Sounds like something the Britch would do.
Sabrina: Britt can be an easy scapegoat, but I don't buy it. I mean, she's not making harassing phone calls to Patrick or to anyone else. All Britt can think about is getting her son back.
Patrick: Hey, is that Ben?
Nikolas: Yeah.
Britt: Yeah, he's, uh, finally home.
[Ben cries]
Patrick: Where did you find him?
Nikolas: Well, I had a hunch that Obrecht was hiding out on my family's island in Greece.
Patrick: In Greece? Why would she take him there?
Nikolas: Well, she used to work with Faison, right? Who has ties to Helena, and now that Helena is dead and I've been living here in Port Charles -- I don't know -- I guess she just assumed that the home was empty and...
Patrick: So what about Obrecht? Where is she now?
Faison: I'm famished! Whip me up some of your famous aelplermagronen. How about that?
Dr. Obrecht: Whip it up yourself. See if you touch your tongue to anything of mine again.
Robin: See you haven't lost your charm.
Faison: Why so hostile? We were good friends once.
Robin: You and I?
Faison: Yeah.
Robin: We were never friends.
Faison: I was your favorite writer.
Robin: I was a child. I thought you were P.K. Sinclair and you wrote a book called "grandmother's fang" and "horselords of rainbow ridge."
Faison: Surely, you read all my books to your little sweet daughter, Emma.
Robin: Don't even say her name.
Faison: I can't wait to read them to little Cesar.
Robin: You'll be in prison before he can even sit up. If you survive.
Faison: Yeah, and who will kill me? Anna loves me. Scorpio's nothing. A petty little bureaucrat. Oh, I'll outlast them all.
Robin: My parents are more than a match for you.
Faison: Then why are they Jerry's prisoners while I'm free?
Robin: It's true, my parents can't...come now... but there's someone else... someone in Port Charles. And once he figures this out, you're a dead man.
Faison: And who's that paragon?
Robin: An old friend of mine, actually. And, uh... he does a lot of work on the waterfront, so he looks at this island almost every day, and... he's smarter than most people. He picks up on things that other people don't.
Faison: Yeah, is that a warning, so I can take my precautions?
Robin: You won't even see him coming, anyway, so it doesn't matter. And when he sees you... he's going to put a bullet in your head.
Faison: What about your parents?
Robin: He's come up against Jerry before, so if my parents can't free themselves, he will help. But first, he's gonna take you out.
Faison: You seem very confident.
Robin: Because he's very good at what he does. You know, it used to make me really sad, because I thought... he could've done something else with his life instead of becoming a killer, but now I have to say I'm so grateful. After all of this...hell that you've put me through... and torturing my mother for years and years... finally, Jason is gonna be the one to kill you.
Faison: I doubt it.
Robin: Then you don't know Jason Morgan.
Faison: I know him well enough. I killed him, after all.
Mac: Faison?
Duke: Yes, she went to see him at steinmauer -- it's the supermax near Zurich -- to question him.
Mac: This is starting to make sense. While I was there, Anna had to leave, without an explanation. Robert said she was working on a case and wasn't at liberty to discuss the details. And when she came back... I could tell something was off. But Anna said no, everything is fine, so I just let it go.
Duke: Well, it wasn't fine.
Mac: Wow. Something must have happened at that prison for Anna to take Robert out of the clinic without a word to anyone.
Duke: Well, I have to find them. And knowing why she went to see Faison is the key.
Anna: Well, Duke knows I went to see Faison. As soon as he finds out about the escape from steinmauer, he's gonna realize I went after Faison, so...
Robert: Well, let's hope that Lavery's criminal connections can at least steer him towards Cassadine island.
Anna: That's not fair. He's had nothing to do with organized crime. And he severed all ties to that as soon as he got out from under the Jeromes.
Robert: Lavery went legit?
Anna: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Robert: Hmm.
Anna: Got a job at ELQ.
Robert: [Laughing] ELQ, yes, the paragon of corporate honesty.
Anna: Well, now he's working for some big media baron -- Derek Wells.
Robert: Did you say Derek Wells?
Ava: This is a mistake. Sonny will hit back, hard.
Derek: He'll have to know who to hit first. Carlos will beat him to the punch, eliminate the kid before he can tell Sonny who I am.
Ava: "Eliminate the kid." Well, that's nice, Julian. That's... that's compassionate.
Derek: It's the way it has to be. It's business.
Ava: And you're the boss.
Morgan: You think a job offer's gonna make things right between us? Mikey stole my wife, and you helped him do it, so thank you for the job offer, Dad, but no, thanks. I could think of about a million other things I'd rather do than coop myself up at Pozzulo's with my traitor brother.
Sonny: Michael, do me a favor. Can you give us a minute? 'Cause he needs to tell me something, and I need to hear what he's got to say.
Michael: All right, no problem.
Morgan: You know what? I'm sorry. On second thought... I don't have anything to say to you.
Derek: One day, you'll thank me for shielding you from the big decisions.
Ava: I can feel the gratitude bubbling up as we speak.
Derek: You're welcome. And, Ava, let me be clear -- don't ever question me in front of a subordinate again. You won't like the consequences.
Ava: I'll leave you to your big decisions. I have a silly art show to plan.
[Cell phone rings]
Ava: Come on, Morgan. Pick up your phone!
[Ringing continues]
Carlos: Hello, Morgan.
[Ringing continues]
Carlos: Lavery works for Derek Wells?
Anna: Yeah. Duke's his chief of staff. Do you know him?
Robert: Heard of him.
Anna: And?
Robert: Well, uh... it's my turn to get back and pace, so excuse me --
Anna: N-o-o-o-O. What is this?
Robert: Nothing. Look, we're gonna be in here for quite a while. Can't we just get along?
Anna: Oh, what are you hiding, Robert?
Robert: [Sighs] Nothing, baby. I've been in a coma for 12 months. I'm little more than a vegetable.
Anna: You jumped when I said the name "Derek Wells," so what do you know about him?
Robert: We shouldn't be discussing that in here. It's confined space. It's...a testy subject. You got a bad temper. You might launch around and kick me in the head, and I really wouldn't like that.
Anna: Oh, stop it, Robert! Quit stalling! Do you know Derek Wells?
Robert: You know him, too, under another name.
Anna: What name?
Robert: Julian Jerome.
Ava: Pick up!
[Cell phone rings]
Morgan: I know you?
Carlos: I work for a man named Derek Wells.
Morgan: Oh. Okay. Well, I'm on the phone with his sister, so hold on a second.
Carlos: Oh, okay, well, I think Ava can wait.
Ava: Morgan, this is important. Go to my place, lock the door, and --
Derek: Planning an art show?
Ava: You're hurting me.
Derek: Ava, you used to be so dependably ruthless. You know, you almost had me convinced that you wanted to use Morgan against Sonny. But you're falling for the kid, aren't you? It's sad for him and sad for you. Because it's too late.
Morgan: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's that for?
Carlos: Mr. Wells sent me to fetch you.
Morgan: Okay, fine, but you don't need the gun.
Carlos: Come on. Let's go. Go.
Lazaro: Sorry. Your guy outside told me to come in.
Michael: You're, uh... Lazaro, the D.A.
Sonny: Can you give us a minute? I got to talk to him for a second.
Michael: Yeah.
Sonny: Lazaro, did you turn up the file on Julian Jerome?
Lazaro: It was buried deep. Had to call in some favors. Greased a lot of palms to get my hands on it. But I got it.
Patrick: No offense, but I hope your mother rots in a cell.
Nikolas: Unfortunately, she got away.
Patrick: What do you mean "got away"? Does Anna know that?
Nikolas: Yes, she's with Robert. They are aware of the situation.
Britt: I want to get some blood work done on Ben just to make sure he doesn't have any ill effects from his kidnapping.
Patrick: Of course, yeah. I'll take care of it right now. Follow me.
Nikolas: Thanks.
Britt: That was uncomfortable.
Nikolas: I don't like lying to Patrick any more than you do, but we can't tell him the truth. It'll lead him right to Robin. Let's go.
Robin: You're lying. Jason isn't dead. You didn't... you didn't kill him.
Faison: Jason died on pier 52. I shot him in the back, kicked him in the water. He's the one who never saw me coming.
Robin: No. Jason would not let you get the jump on him.
Faison: Well, if you don't believe me, Google it. Poor Jason. Never got to see his son. I ought to pay that boy a visit. He could need a father figure. And little Cesar could need a playmate.
Britt: Oh, doing such a good job, babe. Just one more minute, okay?
Felix: Does Brad know the baby's safe?
Britt: Mind your own business.
Felix: I can see motherhood hasn't changed you. Shame.
Britt: [Gasps] What is that?
Felix: Oh, it's her engagement ring. Sabrina and Patrick are getting married.
Britt: No, he -- he can't marry her.
Patrick: Why not?
Felix: Completely out of line? Maybe you should mind your own business.
Sabrina: Britt's entitled to her opinion. Although I thought we were in a better place after I delivered Ben.
Patrick: Britt, you don't have to be happy for us, but I'd like to think that we can co-exist.
Nikolas: We, uh -- we need to get Ben home. He's been through a lot.
Britt: Yeah, you're right. Just forget what I said.
[Door opens]
Robin: Jason's not dead. They never found his body.
Faison: Well, it's been a year. By now, his corpse has disintegrated.
Robin: He can't be dead.
Faison: What, just because you need him? I'm sorry, Robin. Sank like a stone. He won't be the one who comes to your rescue. No one will.
Mac: All right, thanks, Frisco.
Duke: Not good news?
Mac: Obrecht broke Faison out of steinmauer. They're still at large.
Duke: Are there any leads?
Mac: Faison could be anywhere.
Faison: All your talk of "lethal" Morgan... in the end, he was an easy kill.
Robin: You just admitted that you shot him in the back.
Faison: Well, he was a professional. He should have been a little more careful.
Robin: So smug, so... pleased with yourself.
Faison: No, I'm not.
Robin: You murder people and you torture them and you act like it's a joke.
Faison: I do not. You said it yourself. Jason was a killer. How does that make him better than me?
Robin: Because Jason was my friend.
Faison: But he is dead.
Robin: And because he made me believe that I had a future when I didn't, and I thought that he would always be there for me when I needed him!
Faison: But he's dead, Robin.
Robin: You son of a bitch! Unh!
Faison: So spirited. So willful. So like your mother.
Anna: Julian Jerome is dead. We found his body.
Robert: I found Julian. He'd been shot, but he wasn't dead.
Anna: You told me he was.
Robert: When I got to the scene, the EMTs were about to bring him over to the morgue. They discovered he was breathing, so they stabilized him. And then... a bunch of international authorities just turned up.
Anna: WSB.
Robert: They claimed that Julian was in possession of certain information, so he was taken into custody, and I was told to tell everybody that he died.
Anna: You were ordered to lie, to everyone, including me.
Robert: There's no arguing with the WSB. They're as bad as the DVX.
Anna: And the fact that I was grieving Duke at the time, which we then later learned was Jonathan Paget... and you knew that his killer was alive? That didn't trouble you?
Robert: I would've been a lot more troubled if you'd known Jerome was alive and then gone off and killed him.
Anna: Oh, you were protecting me. I see.
Robert: No. I was doing my job, and they're the rules I live by, like it or not!
Anna: How did Jerome turn into Derek Wells?
Robert: He cut a deal!
Anna: Of course he did.
Robert: In exchange for the information... he got a new identity... protection, and a new face.
Derek: What am I gonna do with you, Ava? First you contradict me in front of Carlos. Then you defy my direct orders. This is not the kind of loyalty I've come to expect from you.
Ava: I'm loyal.
Derek: I hope so. Betrayal doesn't sit well with me. Just ask your big sister, Olivia. Oops. Can't do that. You see, 'cause I got rid of her for going against me. So I really hope that doesn't happen to you. I've always liked you, Ava.
[Door opens]
Morgan: Unh! Ava! Thank God you're here. Talk to them!
Derek: What the hell did you bring him here for?!
Carlos: By the time I got to him, he'd already talked to Sonny. I thought you might want to question him before I finish him off.
Morgan: Ava, no, don't let him do this, please.
Derek: So, tell me, Morgan... what did you tell your father?
Sonny: Am I reading this right? Julian Jerome is still alive?
Lazaro: Looks like. He got shipped off to a new life, courtesy of a WSB deal. There's a copy in there somewhere, complete with Robert Scorpio's signature.
Sonny: All I care about... is who he became after he went into hiding.
Lazaro: Turn the page.
Derek: Anthony Morgan, what did you tell your father?
Morgan: Nothing! Not a thing!
Derek: Don't lie to me.
Morgan: I'm not!
Morgan: Sure Sonny doesn't know anything?
Morgan: I swear, I don't know what he knows, but I didn't tell him anything.
Ava: You see? I told you -- Morgan didn't say a thing about us!
Derek: Well, unfortunately, I've got no way of knowing if that's true. Finish it.
Morgan: No. Shove my wedding plans in your face.
Felix: Okay, well, let's just hope there's an actual wedding to plan.
Sabrina: What is that supposed to mean?
Felix: You saw Britt's reaction to your engagement. I know you said she was too busy focusing on Ben to make that call, but for whatever reason, she seemed invested on you not marrying Patrick.
Robin: Let go.
Faison: Or what? Nikolas will banish me?
Robin: It's me you have to worry about, not Nikolas.
Faison: We shall see. Oh. How's Cesar?
Britt: Ben is fine.
Faison: [Smooches] Dream big, little boy. I would like my muesli at 7:00.
Nikolas: You all right?
Robin: No. I'm not all right. Faison just told me that he killed Jason, and I just... looked it up online, and...
Nikolas: I'm sorry.
Robin: Why didn't you tell me?
Nikolas: Robin, I'm sorry. I just -- I didn't think to tell you right away.
Robin: So it's true, then.
Nikolas: Jason is dead.
Britt: Jason Morgan? He was a friend of yours?
Robin: Yeah. Uh, way more than a friend. He was the boy with no past, and I was the girl with no future, and he changed all that. He helped me to go on with my life. I mean... he made it possible for me to fall in love with Patrick.
Britt: About Patrick...
Nikolas: No, Britt. Now's not the time.
Britt: If we wait too long, it could be too late for Robin.
Robin: Too late for what?! What? What are you talking about?
Britt: Patrick proposed to Sabrina. Your husband's engaged to be married.
Anna: I just hate the fact that Jerome walked away a free man!
Robert: Wait a minute. I didn't say that. Now, I've had certain visits with him over the last few years. He's been told to stay out of Port Charles. Otherwise, he'll be outed, deal or no deal.
Anna: Okay. So probably he felt he was safe when you fell ill. Right?
Robert: I'm sorry that I never got to give you and Lavery more of a warning, there.
Anna: Yeah, so am I, because now Duke is working for the very people that he fought so hard to get out from under!
Mac: Look, I have to go. There's people that need to know that Faison's on the loose, like Luke and Felicia.
Duke: Of course.
Mac: We're gonna find him if Robert and Anna don't find him first.
Duke: Or he's found them.
Morgan: No. No, no, no. Don't do this.
Ava: This -- this is not necessary.
[Cell phone ringing]
Derek: Not here.
Duke: Derek, this is Duke Lavery. I'm loathe to do this, since I've only been on the job for a few days, but, uh...something has come up. It's an emergency. I -- I have to go away.
Ava: Julian, please. Please don't do this.
Derek: I want you to know I am sorry about this. As it happens, I like you. You're -- you're a good kid. This isn't personal. It's...self-preservation.
Ava: There has to be another way.
Morgan: There is! There is! There's another way! I can help you!
Derek: Carlos, Carlos. Help me how? How can you help me?
Morgan: Look, I didn't say anything, okay? I swear, I was going to. Yes, that was the plan. But then I got there... and my father did something to prove to me that I was right about him. He doesn't deserve my loyalty.
Sonny: Get out.
Lazaro: But what are you gonna do?
Sonny: Get out now.
Morgan: My brother Michael's gonna work for my father. I want to come work for you. Mr. Wells... I mean... Mr. Jerome.
Sonny: I've got you now, Julian Jerome.
Morgan: Look, let me come work for you... and I'll give you my father in return. Whatever you got going against him... I'm in.
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