General Hospital Transcript Thursday 10/24/13
Provided By Suzanne
[Door closes]
Franco: This is, uh, my new work, dozen or so paintings, just like the one Sebastian said he loved so much. Here we are. Ready to take the show on the road.
Diane: Yes, well, we would be, except we have one major problem.
Franco: What's that?
Diane: You didn't paint any of this.
Franco: What makes you say that?
Diane: Because you told me that you couldn't paint this one, and these look remarkably similar. How do you explain that?
Scott: Excuse me, madam. Have you given any thought as to...
Heather: Scotty?
Scott: Heather?
Heather: Long time, no see, Scotty B. How about a big hug for your old friend?
Sam: Ryan's bar still exists in New York city.
Lucy: Unbelievable! Okay. So, who knows? Maybe this will lead you to yet another one of Victor Jerome's many mistresses. But listen, you.
Sam: What?
Lucy: Remember, I was never, ever one of Victor Jerome's mistresses. Got it?
Sam: Yes, of course. Got it.
Lucy: Okay. Well, then what are you -- what are you doing? Why are you interested in his business? What is this about?
Mrs. Collins?
Lucy: Oh, um, hi. Ms. Coe. Ms. Coe. Yes.
Dr. Collins wanted me to tell you he's sorry, but he has a patient in crisis.
Lucy: Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You know, he always has a patient in crisis, so why can't this particular crisis wait till after lunch?
Dr. Collins asked me to tell you that he needs a rain check.
Lucy: A rain check? I'd like to give him a rain check! Listen to me, you. Do not ever, ever, ever, ever fall for a doctor.
Michael: Dad? Dad? What the hell happened? I saw the cops leaving. What were they looking for?
Sonny: The cops didn't do this, Michael. Someone else did.
Ava: You're not gonna believe this. But Morgan thought that we were sleeping together.
Derek: You and me?
Ava: [Laughs] I nearly choked. Do you believe that, Julian? He actually thought I was sleeping with my own brother.
Morgan: That guy's Ava's... oh, my God. Derek Wells is Julian Jerome. painting, but I-I-I painted all the rest of them.
Diane: And yet they all look so similar.
Franco: [Clears throat] Uh, yeah. What? You never heard of Picasso?
Diane: Sure.
Franco: Okay, well, Picasso was influenced by Cezanne and Pissarro. And it works the other way, too. Picasso influenced, uh, Lichtenstein and Hockney and Pollock, who, in turn, influenced anybody who wanted to drip paint on just about anything.
Diane: So you're saying you were influenced by whoever painted this.
Franco: No, I was inspired to create my own interpretations. Whoever painted that is my muse.
Diane: Do you think your muse might get angry that you're plagiarizing his or her work?
Franco: Nah. She doesn't mind. She's my biggest fan.
Diane: Of course your muse is a woman. What's her name?
Franco: I'm not telling you her name. Why do you need to know her name?
Diane: So that I can get her signature on a release or something.
Franco: No, she prefers to remain anonymous.
Diane: Uh-huh. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Is your muse that groupie that you had in here, the one that made Carly so furious?
Franco: It could be.
Diane: Something doesn't compute here! A week ago, you had this, and it's not even yours. Now you have all these.
Franco: Hey, what can I say? Nothing gets your juices flowing like a deadline.
Diane: You know what I think? I think you've lost your mojo. I think when the doctors removed that tumor, you lost all capacity for violence, and you also lost your talent. You didn't paint one of these, did you? Not one.
Heather: What? No hug?
Scott: [Coughs] I've got a bit of a cold. I wouldn't want you to catch it.
Heather: Oh, Scott. If I can survive a fall off the roof of the hospital and a ShadyBrook all-patient production of "Brigadoon," I can handle the sniffles.
Scott: This is a surprise, you know. I-I must admit I almost didn't recognize you in this getup.
Heather: Well, you know me. I like to mix it up.
Scott: Well, speaking of mixed up, aren't you supposed to be locked up in the Miscavige institute for the criminally insane?
Heather: Yes. I am. Us residents like to call it "Micey." See what I did there? M-I-c-I. And let me tell you something, Scott. Mice abound!
Scott: It's good to see that you still have your sense of humor. But if you're supposed to be locked up there, why are you here?
Heather: Oh, isn't it obvious?
Scott: I wish it was.
Heather: Well, we're at Kelly's. What does Kelly's have?
Scott: Chipped beef on toast?
Heather: No. The world's greatest BLTs! I'm a big fan of Kelly's BLTs from way back, since when rose and paddy owned the place, remember? I was dating Joe at the time. You remember Joe Kelly, don't you?
Scott: Of course I do.
Heather: Ah, yes. Joe. With him, it was all the BLTs I could eat all the time.
Scott: A girl does need her bacon.
Heather: And he loved to give it to me. The bacon, Scott.
Scott: Mm-hmm. Yes.
Heather: I was in love with Joe. I mean, between the sandwiches and the sheets, we were in bliss. Until you destroyed it!
Scott: Oh! Whoa!
Lucy: You see, doctors actually don't really care about people. They just care about their "patients." Case in point -- Dr. Silas clay.
Sam: Huh?
Silas: Hi.
Sam: Hi.
Silas: How you doing?
Lucy: So, do not ever get involved with a doctor, because not only, for example, is this doctor a doctor, he also happens to be very insensitive perhaps to those who love him, not to mention the fact that his blood brother was a serial killer. And doc has said that studies have proven overwhelmingly in the evidence that evil runs in the DNA. So there.
Silas: And only if doc was here, we could ask him.
Lucy: [Chuckles] Excuse me. Nurse! Hey, I want to get a message to my so-called husband!
Silas: For what it's worth, I hope you don't take her advice.
Sam: Actually, it's a little late for that. I think I have, um -- I might ha just as much evil in my DNA as you do.
Silas: I really doubt that.
Sam: No, I just found out that my father is a mobster.
Silas: Nice. How did you come by this good news?
Sam: Oh, my mom did some digging, and she found out that my father might have been a part of this major crime family right here in Port Charles.
Silas: Here? So, your old man's still around?
Sam: Um, no. He's been dead a long time. But it turns out that, um -- that he had a -- he had a son, and my mom ran a DNA test, and -- and this mobster's son is my brother.
Silas: Wow. Well, look, I guess on the bright side, you finally got some answers about your father, you know. It's too bad he's gone. Bad guy or not, I'm sure you would like to have met him.
Sam: Silas, it's -- it gets a little bit more complicated. My -- my father had a sister who might live here in Port Charles.
Silas: No kidding. Anyone you know?
Sam: I know her. Yeah. Um, you -- you -- you know her better.
Silas: Sam, I just moved here. Who could it be?
Sam: Ava Jerome.
Derek: Yeah, well, I hope you set your little boy toy straight, sis.
Ava: Of course I did. In fact, I told him the truth.
Derek: What?
Ava: I did. I looked Morgan straight in the eye, and I told him that I find the very idea of sleeping with you revolting. Which I do, obviously.
Derek: Yeah, well, right back at you, sis. I have, uh, done some pretty adventurous things in my life, but a family member? That is where I draw the line.
Ava: Well, how do you know you haven't? I mean, given how much our father slept around, I'd be surprised if he didn't have a whole slew of inbred grandchildren. You know, he might.
Derek: It's true dad did have a problem keeping it zipped, but you, on the other hand, you're -- uh, you're playing house with a kid who's, uh, what -- half your age.
Ava: As if dad didn't have mistresses that were half his age?
Derek: Okay, don't get so defensive. I told you, I admire your dedication and your creativity for going after Morgan after Kiki left him for Michael.
Sonny: Shawn and I got here this morning. The security guard was knocked out. Place was trashed.
Michael: Well, first, one of your shipments gets blown up, and now this? It's got to be the same people, right?
Sonny: That's what I'm thinking.
Michael: You still think it has something to do with that Julian Jerome guy?
Sonny: Yeah, Michael. I do.
Ava: You are oversimplifying a complicated situation. Morgan has had a tough time.
Derek: Well, I'm moved by your compassion. I'm sure Morgan is, too. Just make sure you're keeping an eye on little Corinthos lite.
Ava: Of course. Why would you even question that?
Derek: Uh, well, didn't you just tell me that he's jealous of us being, uh, lovers?
Ava: And I've disabused him of that notion.
Derek: Yeah, but for him to have that notion in the first place, he must have overheard you on the phone with me or something. In any event, he clearly knows that there's more to our relationship than just art.
Ava: He doesn't know. He suspected. And I told you I can handle him.
Derek: Well, as long as he doesn't know that we're going after this father.
Diane: You can tell me the truth. Murder, fraud, plagiarism. I'm bound by confidentiality.
Franco: Diane... I just... couldn't do it. I tried so hard to get my brush on the canvas. I did everything I could think of. I closed my eyes and thought of my high-school girlfriend. Nothing worked. My paintings just looked like cheap drugstore greeting-card art. And so, I appropriated another artist's work.
Diane: So, I'm writing a contract for the comeback of Franco, formerly known as the artist, and you didn't paint any of these?
Franco: No.
Diane: A groupie did.
Franco: Yes.
Diane: Not the most trustworthy of subspecies. What if she makes trouble for you?
Franco: She's not gonna do that. She's my number-one fan.
Diane: Something tells me you're not up on the works of Stephen king.
Franco: God, no. Why?
Diane: Because Stephen king wrote a novel, which was then turned into a movie starring James Caan, who played a writer whose number-one fan, played by Kathy bates -- who won an academy award for this, by the way, very well-deserved -- kidnaps him, ties him to the bed, and then hobbles him using a sledgehammer. Ring any bells?
Franco: No, it doesn't make -- no bells. It's nonsense. Why would Kathy bates hit him with a sledgehammer?
Diane: Because she felt that he betrayed her artistically. And when obsessed fans feel betrayed, they can become violent. Are you telling me this woman is not capable of that?
Heather: It's all your fault Joe left me.
Scott: That's not really the way I remember it.
Heather: Really? You don't remember him walking in on us together in bed? You don't remember him telling me I made him want to puke?
Scott: I do remember that. It kind of seems like it was yesterday. But, Heather, you know, come on, I mean, our affair, it was -- it was mutual, wasn't it?
Heather: Don't flatter yourself.
Scott: It wasn't like I forced myself on you, like, say, the way Luke forced himself --
Heather: Don't say that about Luke.
Scott: You're right. This isn't about Luke. This is -- this is about us and how we felt about each other before Joe caught us in bed. Heather, come on! You know, we were crazy about each other! I was like a bee to honey. I had so much passion for you, and it was very, very real. And you told me that you felt that way, too. Come on, now. We're not just old friends, babe. We had a lot of good times together. Don't you remember?
Heather: Yeah, Scotty. I remember that, too.
Lucy: Tell Dr. Collins that this is approximately the 20th time he has canceled a date with me. Obviously he does care more about the mental health and stability of his patients than his wife. So, you can also tell him that if he ever gets around to missing his wife, then he can find me out on the campaign trail -- on the campaign trail with my very attentive, very attractive ex-husband, Scott Baldwin.
I think I need to write this down.
Lucy: With whom I'm going to be spending a lot more time with because obviously my doc never is available to me.
Silas: Whoa. Slow down. Brain freeze. In what world are you and Ava even remotely related and how?
Sam: Okay, so a DNA test proved that my father is a man named Julian Jerome, and just the other day, you told Kiki that -- that Ava had a brother.
Silas: Yeah?
Sam: Yes! A brother who was very rich and had connections, one that she had never mentioned his name to you, nor did she ever mention anything about him to her daughter.
Silas: Even so, have you considered the fact that Jerome is a relatively common name?
Sam: Okay, I know. But have you considered the fact that Ava has constantly lied about being a part of the Jerome family and -- and she does lie about anything and everything?
Silas: Hey, look, if Ava was the daughter of a mob boss, she wouldn't be lying about it. She'd be bragging about it.
Sam: Okay. I know this is a long shot, but can you just hear me out for a second? Okay.
Silas: Sure.
Sam: Okay, come here. So, Lucy told me that Julian Jerome, his father was named Victor, and he had a problem with staying faithful to his wife, so he had tons of mistresses. And so, he had Julian, and then there were two other brothers by two other women, and there was also a third mistress, according to Lucy, but she couldn't remember her name. The only thing she can remember is that this woman was from New York city.
Silas: Oh, well, that narrows it down.
Sam: And she said that Victor would take this woman to, um, a bar named Ryan's. Have you ever heard of that?
Ava: Trust me, Julian. The only thing Morgan knows about us is that we are in the art business together. He doesn't have a clue about anything we're doing, and it's gonna stay that way.
Sonny: Michael.
Michael: Look, Ava always told Kiki that she was an only child.
Sonny: Right.
Michael: Why would she leave out the fact that she has this rich brother? And the only thing I can think of is that there's something shady about him.
Sonny: I am waiting on information that could prove that Jerome is still alive.
Michael: If Julian is Ava's brother, they could be working together to bring you down. And that means Morgan's caught in the middle.
Derek: If the kid is asking questions, then he already suspects something.
Ava: Yes! An affair. Not a conspiracy. We have nothing to worry about. Morgan will never know.
Derek: You sure about that?
Ava: I'm sure.
Morgan: Maybe you shouldn't be, Ava. Looking forward to the "Franco come back from the dead" comeback show, so that's exactly what they're gonna get.
Diane: Does your number-one fan know that you're passing off her work as your own?
Heather: You said that you wanted my paintings because you admired my work, my artistic genius. And now based on what you were telling Carly, it sounds like you're just trying to pass them off as your own!
Franco: Yes. In fact, she's really happy about that.
Diane: She is?
Franco: Uh-huh. Ecstatic. She says that it's the only way that the world will ever really get to recognize her true genius.
Diane: And this "genius" doesn't mind remaining anonymous?
Franco: Well, I offered her a share of the proceeds for her discretion.
Diane: Okay, so you have an oral contract?
Franco: Yeah, basically.
Diane: What you need is a written contract.
Franco: No! There's not gonna be a written contract! No! Okay?! No! No contract! The bottom line here is money, okay? There's a whole lot of it to be made by everyone, including you! Okay, so forget about your contract! Let's just roll with this! And for the love of God, can we please stop talking about my muse?!
Heather: Mmm!
Lucy: Oh, for heaven's sake! Scott Baldwin, you're supposed to be kissing babies, not -- Heather Webber?!
Diane: If you go through with this show, you are perpetrating a major fraud. You are marketing work that isn't your own.
Franco: Yeah, I'm okay with that.
Diane: Yes, but your buyers won't be.
Franco: Then my buyers don't need to know.
Diane: Franco, you're not the only one who stands to lose everything here. My head is also on the chopping block, not to mention Ava Jerome.
Franco: Ava Jerome? What does Ava Jerome have to do with any of this?
Diane: Well, I'm -- I'm sure I told you about this.
Franco: I'm sure that you did not.
Diane: It's her gallery that is opening your show.
Franco: How long have you known that?
Diane: Well, I tried telling you the other night, but you were so upset when you assumed that -- Carly assumed that you and I were sleeping together. Uh, then I didn't want to tell you because I just thought you'd freak out, just like you're doing right now.
Franco: Tear it up. You tear up that contract. There is no way that Ava's gonna make a dime off of my artwork that isn't even my artwork.
Ava: Morgan. What are you doing here, huh? Did you follow me here, baby?
Morgan: Yeah, I did. 'Cause I wanted to see what was going on between you and this loser.
Ava: [Exhales sharply] Because you were jealous? I have to say I'm flattered. But really, it's unnecessary. In fact, I was just telling Mr. Wells here how ridiculous it is for you to suspect that we were sleeping together.
Morgan: Oh, I know you're not sleeping together.
Ava: Because he's my business partner.
Morgan: No, because he's your brother.
Michael: Dad, Morgan could be in trouble.
Sonny: Living with Ava? Even if she wasn't connected, she'd still be dangerous.
Michael: Okay, what if we're right? Then what if Ava's brother is Julian? And what if she's only with Morgan to somehow get to you?
Sonny: Well, that's entirely possible.
Michael: We should do something, then. Morgan's vulnerable. We got to get him out of there.
Sonny: You think I don't know that?
Michael: Okay, then what are we waiting for?
Sonny: Proof. Look, I already, you know, went over there, tried to get him out of there, and it didn't work. What's gonna happen if you and I try to get Morgan away from Ava without it?
Michael: [Sighs] He won't believe us.
Sonny: And?
Michael: And he'll dig himself even deeper in at Ava's.
Sonny: Okay, I'm taking the proper steps. Nothing excessive. I went over there. I warned Morgan about Ava. He didn't want to listen. And he's not gonna listen to you if you go over there.
Michael: Yeah, you're right. He won't. [Sighs]
Sonny: So, we got to do what we need to do, right? What's with the suit? You going to a funeral?
Michael: Yeah. I'm going to a funeral for my career. I had another job interview today.
Sonny: What happened? They turned you down 'cause of your prison record?
Michael: No, actually, they turned me down because of you.
Morgan: Your name isn't Derek Wells, all right? It's Julian Jerome. And you're trying to take down my dad!
Heather: That's what he said.
Scott: Okay, uh, why don't we just spread out and calm down, Lucy?
Lucy: Calm down? I left you for one minute, and what do I do? I come back and find you making out with an escapee from an insane asylum.
Heather: Oh, yeah, like you've never tried to escape from a nuthouse. Did your ex-wife here ever tell you about the time that we escaped from Ferncliff together?
Lucy: We weren't together. There's no "we" in this. I -- listen to me -- I was completely exonerated. You, on the other hand, you deserve to be in some sort of wraparound straitjacket in some sort of padded cell with locked doors inside a big fortress with thick, thick walls surrounded by electrified barbed wire!
Heather: What a coincidence. That's where I was this morning.
Lucy: Ohh! And you! You -- you -- what are you thinking? You are running for district attorney. You cannot be seen with the likes of her, much less kissing on her!
Scott: Yes, I know that, but I was trying to keep her from stabbing me! And one thing led to another.
Lucy: Oh, my God! Well, it's a good thing I showed up when I did. Okay, listen. I think what we should do is, you try to grab her purse, subdue her, and I'm gonna call the police.
Heather: Yes, Scotty. Subdue me.
Lucy: Stop! Hey.
Scott: Hmm?
Lucy: Actually, pal, I just had a stellar idea. You know what? You're running for district attorney. What do district attorneys do? They catch criminals. So you need to catch Heather Webber. You're the big hero of the town. You win the election. So listen, you -- you call the police. Call them!
Heather: He won't. Unless he wants me to tell the police that my escape was all his idea.
Franco: Ava Jerome is a faithless bitch. She used me. And maybe I deserved it. But that little girl who I thought was my daughter did not. There is no way I am putting one penny into the pocket of Ava Jerome.
Diane: Ava was resistant to doing business with you again, too. But she saw the light. She came to her senses. Now it's your turn.
Franco: No, I am not coming to my senses. You're right. This is crap. Look at this! There's no way I'm showing this crap. Come on. Les call the whole thing off.
Diane: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I never said I didn't want you to show the crap. I just want legal assurances that it's not all gonna come crashing down on your head.
Franco: You said it was fraud.
Diane: Yeah, well, maybe there's a way to work around that. Right now, I have to stage your comeback.
Franco: What comeback? Diane, you were right. Whatever talent I ever had is gone.
Diane: But your debts aren't. And you owe me thousands, and that's just for the day. You see, it's no longer about redemption or art, Franco. It's about money now. Because while your -- while your civil suits are worming their way through the legal system, you got to do this. Carly's about to throw you out of this hotel. So you got to deal with Ava, suck it up, sign the contract. Let's do this.
Franco: How'd I get here? I'm broke. I can't paint. Carly is gonna throw me out on my ear. And you're right. This fraudulent comeback is my only shot at ever getting my life back.
Diane: Yeah, you want to see how much worse it can get? You blow this off.
Franco: Okay. Let's do this. The real reason I want to do it is to show Carly that I have more class and I'm more successful and I have more heart and soul than that soulless troglo-- tr--
Diane: Dyte.
Franco: Doofus, Derek Wells. Give me the contract. Let's go.
Diane: Fantastic!
Franco: [Exhales deeply] Okay. There just better not be any more surprises.
Ava: Morgan, baby, you misunderstood what Derek and I were saying. You're wrong about what you --
Morgan: Okay, I heard every word that you two said. Don't smile and act cute and try to tell me that I didn't hear it.
Ava: Wh is with you? Always sneaking around, listening to my conversations? I told you eavesdropping was a deal breaker --
Morgan: Shut up, Ava, okay? I heard that you're the Jeromes and that you're after my father.
Ava: You need to chill out right now.
Morgan: Oh, you know what? You must be the one that blew up my dad's shipment.
Sam: As it turns out, Ryan's bar still exists.
Silas: And where did Lucy say this bar is?
Sam: Upper west side.
Silas: You sure?
Sam: Yeah. Why?
Silas: Ava dragged me to a Ryan's bar a couple times. It was on the upper west side.
Derek: I have one question about what you claim you know about me and Ava. Why do you care?
Morgan: Are you serious? He's my father.
Derek: Okay, but you're not the only one who's good at listening, son. I've done some listening myself. And from everything I've heard, you hate your father's guts. He humiliated you at the party that Ava threw for you and your new bride.
Morgan: And I'm supposed to think that bothers you?
Derek: You loved my niece. You kids deserved to be happy. And that night, Sonny ruined any chance of happiness that you two could have had. Sonny stabbed you in the back when he told Kiki that you'd been lying to her. He drove Kiki to leave you for your brother Michael so Michael could be happy. [Scoffs] Just like every other day and night of your life, Sonny chose Michael over you. Am I right?
Michael: The H.R. Rep who interviewed me, uh, said they wanted to keep their image clean. They couldn't afford to hire somebody whose father is a crime boss. She didn't add --
Sonny: Come on.
Michael: She didn't add "especially one who's an ex-con," but, you know, she basically implied it.
Sonny: You want me to talk to this H.R. Woman?
Michael: No, if you do that and put the squeeze on her, it's only gonna prove her point.
Sonny: Yeah. You're right. You want me to get Shawn to talk to her?
Michael: [Chuckles]
Sonny: What do you want me to do? Anything.
Michael: I'd like for you to say that I-I could have a job, you know, here.
Sonny: I have been thinking about it.
Michael: And?
Sonny: But I don't want to risk another fight with your mom.
Michael: Dad, I told you I'll handle mom.
Sonny: It's not just that. I've always kept you at arm's length when it comes to my organization.
Michael: Yeah, 'cause you're protecting me, dad, and I understand that. But, look, I told you, this is my chance to help protect you.
Sonny: You're my son. It's not your place to protect me. I don't want you hurt. Can you understand that?
Michael: Yeah, dad, I understand, but, look, the coffee business is legit.
Sonny: Yeah. And obviously somebody didn't get the message.
Michael: You're gonna need an extra pair of hands to help you get things back on track.
Sonny: I'm gonna float you a loan until you get a job.
Michael: Thanks, dad, but I want to make my own money. I understand I may be unemployed as an exec, but there's got to be something I can do.
Sonny: Okay. I have an idea.
Derek: Look, I'm really sorry to open up old wounds here, although I'm sure they still feel pretty fresh to you. Look, I-I really hate to say this, but it's pretty clear to me that your father doesn't give a damn about you.
Ava: Julian, that's enough.
Derek: Look, I'm just trying to be honest with the boy, something that neither you nor Sonny can manage. [Sighs] Now, Morgan, I asked you a question earlier. You've had a few minutes to think about it. I'd really like to know your answer.
Morgan: What was the question?
Derek: Why should you give a damn about what our plans are for your father?
Morgan: I-I got to go.
Derek: Morgan. Look, buddy, hey. [Chuckles] I-I don't want any problems here, but by the way you're behaving, you've got me a little worried here, kiddo. Mostly for you.
Morgan: Oh, thanks. You don't need to worry about me, though.
Derek: My advice... is to forget everything that just happened here.
Morgan: Or else what? that Mr. Baldwin, candidate for D.A., Arranged for my escape from Miscavige.
Lucy: Nobody will believe you.
Heather: Are you sure about that? Because we had a smoking-hot affair when we were younger.
Lucy: Yeah, during the carter administration.
Heather: Reagan. And what's a few years between lovers? [Chuckles] Obviously his attraction for me hasn't waned, not a bit. I'm gonna tell the cops that Scotty busted me out.
Lucy: You go and tell those police whatever you want to, because I will personally vouch for Scott.
Heather: I'll say that you were in on it with Scott, too. You two have a passionate history, too. Yeah, maybe you wanted to make it a ménage-a-three with me, just like a page out of "50 hues of blue."
Lucy: God, look at the lovebirds flying around the lovebirds' head! Wow!
Scott: You know, Lucy, if you have a plan, you should tell me about it right now.
Lucy: It's the same plan. Same plan. You call the police, because no one is gonna believe this loony lovebird! Right now! Call. Just call them.
Heather: Yeah, of course. I'm sure the police would sooner listen to a woman who stabbed a man because she thought he was a vampire.
Lucy: Oh!
Scott: Well, now, Heather, anybody could make that mistake.
Lucy: Give me the phone. Hand the phone over right now. Give me the phone. I will call the police myself. Give me the phone!
Heather: You do that, 'cause I can't wait to read the headlines. "Candidate and ex-wife take advantage of a helpless mental patient."
Scott: You know what, Heather? Here's what we're gonna do. We're -- we're gonna look the other way, and you can go back to the nut-- I mean the institution.
Heather: Yes. Should be making my way back to Miscavige. But I'm not going anywhere without my BLT.
Franco: Sit down. Let's do this.
Diane: Okay, let's.
Franco: [Clears throat] You gonna --
Diane: Yeah, I just have to hold it steady for you.
Franco: What's wrong with you?
Diane: Nothing.
Franco: Why is Derek Wells' name on this contract?
Morgan: You threatening me?
Derek: Threatening you? [Chuckles]
Ava: [Chuckles]
Derek: Why would I threaten you? You and your father are on the outs, right? Or I'm sorry. Did I have that wrong, what Sonny did to you about driving Kiki away from you so [Chuckles] I mean, Michael could have her?
Morgan: No, you're not wrong.
Derek: Okay, so why say anything at all about what you heard here? Just let it go. Let business run its course. And you and Ava can, uh, pick up where you left off.
Sam: Okay, so Victor Jerome brought his mistress to the very same bar that Ava Jerome brought you?
Silas: Yeah, but you can't throw a stick without hitting an Irish bar in the New York, and Ava and I frequented quite a few.
Sam: Okay, but I kind of think it's worth checking out. I mean, maybe someone at Ryan's remembers seeing Victor or Ava.
Silas: Great. I'm going with you.
Michael: Okay, what do you got in mind?
Sonny: Uh... I don't know if you're gonna like it. It's all I got.
Michael: Okay. Try me.
Sonny: How about the restaurant?
Michael: Pozzulo's?
Sonny: Yeah. I mean, you know, has nothing to do with my other enterprises.
Michael: I thought you didn't want any customers around.
Sonny: There's an -- there's an entrance from the street, and it's a shame that the restaurant just kind of sits there empty. Connie and I, we were gonna redo the place. We were gonna have somebody come in from the city, a chef, and, you know, make it just a nice showcase, but obviously that's not gonna work out, so... could work out for you.
Morgan: Nice try, dude. I may be pissed at my father, but he's still my dad.
Ava: Morgan, stop and think about what you're doing.
Morgan: Think about what, Ava? How you've been playing me?
Derek: She wasn't playing you, son.
Morgan: Oh, sure, she was, with your full approval. And you know what? You've been playing me, too. But that's okay. I'm not gonna let you screw over my dad. I'm gonna go tell him everything.
Derek: That's not a good idea.
Morgan: Get your hand off me.
Ava: Morgan! Don't do this! Morgan! Stop!
Heather : Thanks. I'll never forget your kindness. And you, Scott.
Scott: Oh, lord. What?
Heather: Thank you for the trip down lover's lane. I haven't been kissed like that since... well, I don't know when. [Smooches, blows]
Franco: Why is Derek Wells' signature on my contract?
Diane: Because he's Ava Jerome's partner, and his money bought the gallery.
Franco: You want me to go into business with my ex and the gym rat who's chasing Carly?
Diane: He's Ava's silent partner. He's not gonna mess with your work.
Franco: Oh, no, no. He's just gonna make money off of it. No! No! He's a sucker puncher! And he's not gonna make a dollar off of my artwork that's not my artwork, certainly not with Carly on his arm! I am not signing this!
Diane: Fine. Give me the contract.
Franco: Gladly!
Diane: Now I suggest that you find another gallery to stage your comeback. In the meantime, I'm gonna send you my bill.
Franco: Why would you do that? You know I can't pay you.
Diane: My point exactly. Gosh, I hope you come up with some genius solution for your financial problems before Carly kicks you out of this hotel, before you're not only penniless, but homeless, shilling your phony art from a blanket on some street somewhere. That is definitely more preferable than working with Ava Jerome and Derek Wells.
[Door opens]
Ava: I couldn't stop him.
Derek: Of course you couldn't.
Ava: What is that supposed to mean?
Derek: It means you're being reckless and not nearly as savvy as you think. You should have thrown Morgan out on his ass the moment he started snooping!
Ava: I needed to keep him close! Away from Sonny's influence so we could turn him!
Derek: Oh, this isn't about Sonny or our plans for him. You needed to keep Morgan around 'cause you're still stuck on that doctor.
Sam: You want to come with me?
Silas: Mm-hmm.
Sam: What about your patients?
Silas: Those leeches? I don't care about them. That was for Lucy.
Sam: Yeah, I know.
Silas: But, um, I imagine there's a guy in a white coat that can cover my shift for a couple days.
Sam: Are you sure? I mean, you don't have to go with me.
Silas: No, actually, I-I do have to go with you. I sold my place in the city, and, uh, I have to go see the bank and the lawyer. And besides, weren't we planning on spending some time together without any interruptions?
Sam: Yes, we were, but you -- you were supposed to surprise me.
Silas: Surprise.
Sam: [Chuckles] All right.
Silas: Hey, look, we'll go to New York, visit this place Ryan's, we'll have a couple beers. Maybe we get some answers.
Sam: Sounds good to me.
Ava: My being with Morgan has nothing to do with Silas.
Derek: Oh, of course not. You're obviously with him for his sophisticated sense of style and his sparkling wit, "dude."
Ava: And I really don't think he's gonna tell his father about us.
Derek: [Sighs] And you also thought you had him under control. He seemed pretty determined to me. Carlos, get in here.
Ava: Why are you calling Carlos in?
Derek: [Sighs]
Ava: What are you gonna do?
Derek: What do you think I'm gonna do? I'm having that kid taken out before he spills his guts to Sonny about us.
Sonny: What do you say, Michael? You want to make this restaurant into something real?
Michael: You do realize I have no experience in this whatsoever.
Sonny: I have no doubt that whatever you want to do, you'll succeed. It's just a matter of whether you want to do it.
Michael: Yeah, I do.
Sonny: All right. Now we just got to get your mom on board. You know how hard that is.
Michael: Well, I'll tell her I'll, uh, always have a table waiting for her.
Sonny: You better.
Michael: Dad, thank you. I really appreciate it.
Sonny: No, thank you. You're doing me a favor. You know, after everything that has gone down, I... it's just great to have your son close to you.
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