GH Transcript Wednesday 10/23/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 10/23/13


Provided By Suzanne

Kiki: Hello, handsome.

Michael: Oh, hey.

Kiki: [Chuckles] How'd your visit with AJ go?

Michael: He's, uh -- he's hanging in there. I keep telling him it's gonna be over soon.

Kiki: Hey, the power of positive thinking, right? So, do you think his chances are good?

Michael: I don't know. I mean, he's not even convinced that he didn't kill Connie. How is he gonna convince 12 other people?

Kiki: Well, that's what the lawyer's job is, right?

Michael: She's the best at what she does, but I mean, it all depends on how hard this Lazaro D.A. Guy goes after him.

Lucy: Oh, did I just happen to hear the word "D.A."? Hey, you two lovely, gorgeous, wonderful people. Have you decided who possibly you might be voting for in the upcoming race for district attorney? May I suggest this gentleman here -- Scott Baldwin? He is courageous, and he is a pillar of our community. But I tell you this, he will have the defense attorneys running for them thar hills. What do you say? [Sighs]

Sam: Hey.

Alexis: Hi.

Sam: Hi.

Alexis: Thanks for meeting me here.

Sam: Of course. What's so urgent?

Alexis: [Sighs] I, uh, wanted you to be here with me when I opened it.

Sam: Lab results. Okay. I'm assuming it's the DNA.

Alexis: Yeah, they put a-a rush on it, although it certainly didn't feel like that. I mean, what's the point anyway? I waited your whole life to find out who your father --

Sam: Um, you're -- you're rambling, mom.

Alexis: Yeah, I know. I mean... [Chuckles] Really? It's not like it's gonna change anything, right? I mean, he's -- he -- he -- he -- he's either your father or he's not.

Sam: Right. Okay. So, uh... let's just get this over with? Go ahead. What does it say? What?

Alexis: You and Lucas are a match. He's your brother. Which means that Julian Jerome is your father.

Derek: You know, last night, when I said we should get breakfast, I just assumed that you'd be, uh...staying over.

Carly: Really?

Derek: Mm-hmm.

Carly: It's only our second date. You know, I like to take things slow.

Derek: Hmm. So that's the only reason why you wouldn't come home with me? Or is it because you were still hung up on that psychopath, Franco?

Franco: What the hell?

Heather: Give me your honest opinion.

Franco: Aaaah!

Heather: Do you like them?

Carly: Franco? [Laughs] Uh, he's busy with his attorney, Diane.

Derek: And if he weren't?

Carly: I couldn't care less about Franco.

Derek: Oh. Well, I hope that's true. Because, um [Clears throat] I am really enjoying... getting to know you.

[Cell phone rings]

Derek: Uh...

Carly: Business, huh?

Derek: In a matter of speaking. can wait.

Derek: Leave a message.


Ava: It's me. Why aren't you picking up? I just have one question. Did you get the job done or not?

Sonny: Son of a bitch.

Shawn: Hold on. Damn. What the hell happened here?

Sonny: What's it look like? We've been hit. Again.

Michael: Okay, look, about the D.A. -- I haven't really thought about who I'll be voting for. Um, and I'm not sure Kiki is registered to vote in Port Charles.

Lucy: Oh. That's okay. We still have plenty of time to just march you right down and get you registered.

Kiki: Actually, I'm sorry, but we're in the middle of something.

Lucy: Oh. Oh, I gotcha. You got bigger things to be worried about. Not that you're really worried. I-I just mean your mind is probably on your father. Well, not that father. I mean your biological father. I mean -- I guess AJ -- poor thing. That was all he could ever be to you, really, right? And I know how awkward it must be to have your father kill your other father's girlfriend that -- shut up, Lucy. I will. Sorry. Shut up. I'm done.

Michael: You know, actually I'm sorry, but I think I might sit this election out.

Lucy: Yeah, right. I-I'm -- I'm so sorry. But if you change your mind, hey, you know what? At least I can give you a button! Here. Button, button. Okay, excuse me. Uh, here. Button. Here. Here you go.

Kiki: If this Scott Baldwin wins, do you think that it could help AJ or hurt him?

Scott: So, a vote for Scott Baldwin is a vote for law and order in this town. Here. Thank you.

Lucy: [Scoffs] Wow. Is that the very best you can do?

Scott: I-I can't promise everybody a brand-new washer and dryer, Lucy.

Lucy: Oh, no, but you could do something with a little more energy, a little more charisma, sex appeal. You know, a little more warmth.

Scott: It's a little chilly out.

Lucy: Oh, it is not. It's a beautiful Indian summer afternoon.

Scott: Thank you for the weather report.

Lucy: Listen to me, you. No one is going to vote for Mr. Grumpy.

Scott: Well, in a perfect world... my wife would be by my side. This town loves Laura. I loved her. That's over. [Sighs]

Lucy: I know. I'm very, very sorry. But, hey! You got your ex-wife, and might I add, I better be your favorite ex-wife. Come on, pal. I am not leaving your side until every single voter in Port Charles knows that you are absolutely the very best candidate for D.A. Ever.

Scott: I appreciate all your work. Have I mentioned that lately?

Lucy: Oh, it doesn't hurt to say it over and over again.

Scott: You've got your own work to do. I'm sure you need to get back to deception.

Lucy: No, we're good. We're good. I think we're almost up and running. I just have a few "I"s to dot and a few "t"s to cross, and, unfortunately, I have this little thing with the origin of some tile, but you know me. I can get that done. Everything's gonna be fine. And I love staying busy-busy.

Scott: Are you sure that's it?

Lucy: What? What do you mean?

Scott: Are you sure you're not using this as a distraction because your husband is off being very busy-busy?

Alexis: Talk to me.

Sam: I don't know. I guess I always thought I was gonna find out who my father was and I -- I would be able to meet him, you know? But he's -- he's dead. I'm never gonna have that closure.

Alexis: I'm so sorry. All I can tell you is that when I met him, he was handsome and nice. And considering what he became, maybe it's best that you never did have a chance to know him. Julian Jerome was a very dangerous man.

Carlos: Oh. You ready for me, boss?

Derek: Uh, Carly, I'd like you to meet one of my associates, Carlos Rivera. Carlos, ms. Jacks.

Carlos: Pleasure.

Carly: Likewise.

Derek: Listen, Carlos, give us a few minutes, will you?

Carly: Oh, that's okay. That's okay. I can't keep you from business all day.

Derek: Oh, no, no, no, no. I-it's fine. He can wait.

Carly: I know, but I have some things I need to take care of, so I'll see you later.

Derek: Uh, Carly. Hope to see you soon. [Sighs]

Carlos: Nice catch. [Laughs]

Ava: You can't avoid my calls forever. I'm just as invested in this job as you are, and I will not be ignored, my darling.

Morgan: What job?

Ava: Morgan. I-I thought we talked about eavesdropping.

Morgan: Yeah, well, it's kind of hard to avoid when your girlfriend keeps having these secret conversations. Who were you on the phone with?

[Knock on door]

Ava: I have to get that.

Diane: Good morning, you two. Oh, Morgan. I see you still haven't found your shirt. Thank you for messengering me your statement, by the way. These are the annulment papers for you to sign, and, ms. Jerome, I believe you have a document for me, one that was signed by your silent partner?

Ava: Yes, yes, I do. Right here.

Diane: Excellent. Excellent. Fantastic. Looks like everything is in order for Franco's big show.

Franco: Hmm. How did you get in here?

Heather: How many times do I have to tell you? I have my ways. I came incognito this time. Neat, huh?

Franco: Mm-hmm. It's very creative.

Heather: Yeah. You asked me for more paintings. Ye ask and ye shall receive. You know how much I stan for you.

Franco: Thanks. I guess. I think maybe I should be flattered that you stan for me.

Heather: It's just twitter lingo. An unkind person might say that's a term for a obsessed fan. I prefer dedicated follower.

Franco: Yeah, I'll bet.

Heather: The point is nothing will keep me from giving you what you want.

[Knock on door]

Carly: Franco, open the door.

[Knock on door]

Carly: Franco, it's Carly. We need to talk.

Heather: What is she doing here?

Diane: Franco's show is going to be the social event of the fall season, so thank you for getting your partner's signature so promptly.

Morgan: Derek Wells.

Ava: And only our attorneys will be aware of his identity.

Diane: I am nothing if not discreet.

Morgan: You guys don't have to be so secretive. I know Derek Wells is your partner.

Derek: Is everything taken care of?

Carlos: Corinthos should be surveying the damage as we speak.

Shawn: The warehouse is completely trashed. Almost all the inventory is useless.

Sonny: I don't have to tell you who did this.

Shawn: You still think Derek Wells is Julian Jerome?

Sonny: I don't think. I know. It all adds up, Shawn.

Shawn: Where's the guard?

Sonny: I had Max take him to the hospital.

Shawn: He wasn't prepared for this type of situation. I should have sent one of our people to watch the place.

Sonny: Why? Why would you do that? This is -- we got coffee here. Completely legit.

Shawn: Look, we should get you out of here, okay? We don't know if these guys are gonna make a return visit.

[Tires squeal]

Lucy: You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Why on earth would I need to be distracted from doc?

Scott: Listen, Lucy, I don't mean to get you riled up here. I just know that you've been feeling sort of, mm, abandoned.

Lucy: No, I am not! I am not feeling abandoned by Kevin. I am not. In fact, Mr. Smarty-pants, we are having lunch today.

Scott: Are you sure you're having lunch? Or is he gonna cancel, as he's been doing?

Lucy: He is not going to cancel! You know what? Just because your whole marriage went on the skids does not mean mine will. You know what? Just go shake some more hands and kiss some more babies' bottoms!

Scott: [Sighs]

Michael: I don't know what it would mean for AJ's case if Scott Baldwin wins the election. I mean, last time he was D.A., I was a kid.

Kiki: "Last time." So, he was the D.A. before?

Michael: A few times. Yeah.

Kiki: Well, why did he keep getting the boot? Was he too tough on crime? Too soft?

Michael: Uh, neither. Actually, he resigned. [Sighs] The truth is I have no idea what this could mean. I mean, a part of me thinks that, you know, no matter what, Scott Baldwin has got to be better than this Lazaro guy.

Lazaro: Don't shoot. It's the good guys.

Sonny: What are you doing here, Lazaro?

Lazaro: The fine men at the PCPD got word of a break-in here.

Sonny: Uh-huh.

Lazaro: I decided to tag along.

Sonny: Do they have a warrant?

Lazaro: Feel free to begin your investigation, officers.

Sonny: Do they have a warrant?!

Lazaro: Why would they need one? They're here to help you.

Sonny: Okay, next time you bring a bunch of cops in here, you ask me first.

Lazaro: This is the second time you've been hit, Mr. Corinthos.

Sonny: Right.

Lazaro: With an election coming, I need to look tough on crime.

Sonny: You can start by convicting AJ Quartermaine.

Lazaro: I'm working on that. But in the meantime, we both know that I turned a blind eye to your activities.

Sonny: Yeah, and you got paid quite a lot of money for that, didn't you?

Lazaro: Mm. I need a high-profile takedown. let me go after the guys targeting you, you get rid of a rival...

Sonny: Uh-huh.

Lazaro: ...I keep being D.A. It's win-win.

Sonny: I do want you, uh, re-elected.

Lazaro: I appreciate your vote.

Sonny: Mm-hmm.

Lazaro: So, I can't take down these guys unless I know who they are. You got a name for me?

Sonny: Yeah, I got a name for you. Julian Jerome.

Carlos: When you called me up here, I didn't think I would be sabotaging coffee shipments. I thought we'd be going after some of Sonny's more ambiguous holdings.

Derek: Yeah, you would think that, wouldn't you? But you forgot the first rule of the game, Carlos. You follow the money.

Alexis: There is something that came out of this.

Sam: What's that?

Alexis: You have a sibling out there somewhere.

Sam: [Chuckles] Yeah, okay, you are right. That is something.

Alexis: Incredible, isn't it? You and Carly have the same brother.

Sam: Oh. Ugh. Yes. I mean, I guess there's a lot of that going around right now.

Alexis: What do you mean?

Sam: Well, it's just a strange coincidence. I mean, you know Silas, right? Well, Silas, um -- Kiki Jerome, his daughter -- um, Silas told Kiki that her mother had a brother that she never knew about, and I offered to help find out who he was, and now I just -- I just can't stop wondering.

Alexis: What?

Sam: Is it possible that my father was Ava Jerome's brother?

Ava: How do you know about Derek Wells?

Morgan: Easy -- I saw the papers in your bag.

Ava: You went in my bag? Well, I see clearly that we need to have another conversation about privacy.

Morgan: Whoa, why don't you calm down? 'Cause I was looking for a pen.

Ava: A pen? I've never actually seen you write. Don't you text all your correspondence?

Diane: Okay, I'm sure you crazy kids want to have this conversation in private, so, Morgan, if you'll just sign those annulment papers, I will be on my way.

Morgan: Sure. Good thing I got a pen.

[Pen clicks]

Diane: Fantastic. All right. Well, I just wish the two of you A...lovely day.

Morgan: You tell me that Derek Wells is buying art from you and then I found out that he's your silent partner?

Ava: What goes on in my gallery, Morgan, is none of your business.

Morgan: Yeah, but you lied to me. Why? What's going on between you guys?

Carly: Franco, open up or I'm gonna use my key card.

Heather: You gave her a key?

Franco: She owns the hotel! She has a key to every room! I -- I need you to hide.

Heather: No, what I need to do is have a little chat with your uninvited guest and make it clear to her that you're not interested.

Franco: Please don't do that. Please, Heather. Just let me handle this. The last thing I need is for anybody to see you here in this room.

Carly: That's it, Franco. Fair warning. I'm coming in. Oh, my God.

Franco: Hi, Carly.

Carly: Uh, you didn't open the door, so...

Franco: Yeah, I was in the shower. What are you doing here? I thought you never wanted to see me again.

Carly: I don't want to again. You know, I, um, your bill. It's past due. You owe me money. So when am I getting my money?

Franco: Soon. Really soon. I got a big show coming up.

Carly: This what you been working on?

Franco: Yep. These... are my masterpieces.

Alexis: Listen, according to Duke, Victor only had one daughter, Olivia, and she's dead.

Sam: So? What if he had a mistress? It's possible he had a daughter with another woman.

Alexis: [Sighs] From what I understand, he had a fondness for a lot of women.


Alexis: And there's one now.

Lucy: Hi. Excuse me. I'm here to see Dr. Kevin Collins. To tell you the truth, I'm a little early, but that's okay. Just don't bug him if he's got a patient or anything. I'll just kind of wait, I guess. I'm Lucy Coe. I'm sure you've heard of me.

Sonny: What do you know about Julian Jerome?

Lazaro: Oh, Victor's son? I don't think he's your man. He' do I put this?

Sonny: Dead? Yeah, people think he is.

Lazaro: What makes you think he's not?

Sonny: Okay, this is just a theory. What if -- what if he's been hiding out, right? And he's back with a new identity.

Lazaro: I don't suppose you have any proof.

Sonny: Well, that's where you come in, Mr. District attorney.

Diane: Thank you both for agreeing to meet with me on the fly, as it were, and I do have another appointment, so I will be brief. [Clears throat] I want you to hear it from me first that I'm going to try and stall AJ's trial yet again.

Michael: He's being held without bail.

Diane: I know, and being in county lockup is...inconvenient, but I am hoping that there are greater benefits.

Michael: What kind of benefits?

Diane: Him.

Michael: You think Scott Baldwin is gonna be elected D.A.?

Diane: I think there's a strong chance. Mm. Scotty Baldwin was never the most reputable of district attorneys, but he and I had a sort of love/hate relationship that I fully intend to exploit at trial.

Michael: Okay, do what you have to do.

Diane: You know, underneath that very sweet exterior, Michael, you've always been a realist, and I've always appreciated that about you. Your father would never allow it, d neither would I, but I think you would have done very well in his business. You remind me of Jason Morgan in that way. It's always the quiet ones that are the most dangerous. Oh, excuse me. By the way, I also have something for you.

Kiki: Oh. Thank you. It's from Morgan.

Michael: Divorce papers?

Kiki: Annulment papers.

Michael: Morgan wants an annulment? On what grounds?

Kiki: Fraud.

Ava: What do you mean what's going on between me and Derek?

Morgan: Are you sleeping with him?

Ava: No!

Morgan: Okay, so, he wasn't the "my darling" on your phone call just now?

Ava: Morgan, I can assure you I am not having sex with Derek Wells. In fact, the idea of it is revolting to me.

Morgan: Okay, then, what's with all the secrets? Why don't you just tell me the truth?

Ava: You know something, Morgan, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were jealous.

Morgan: Jealous? No.

Ava: Good. Because you've got no reason to be. Regardless of my relationship with Derek. What we have isn't serious.

Morgan: Yeah. Well, maybe I want it to be.

Carly: Well, you seem to have gotten over your artistic pretense. I mean, your agent, Sebastian, wanted more pieces like that, and you certainly delivered. Wow.

Franco: Yeah, well, you know, you got to give the people what they want, and I think I have. I think I'm gonna make a bunch of money and I'm gonna be able to pay you back with interest.

Carly: Well, I'll be waiting with bated breath.

Franco: All right. That's great. 'Cause I was hoping to see you there.

Carly: I might come, yeah. I might be there. Sure. I'm sure you'll be taking your girlfriend, Diane.

Franco: Okay, Carly, look, I tried to tell you before.

Carly: And I'll be going with my own plus one. Over breakfast this morning, Derek and I were discussing where to go on our third date.

Heather: Mind telling me what that was about?

Diane: It's on me.

Scott: Well...Diane miller. It's been awhile.

Diane: Mm-hmm. But absence does make the heart grow fonder, does it not? Just came by to tell you that you got my vote.

Scott: In exchange for what?

Diane: [Chuckles] Oh, Baldwin! You are too much. I'm actually thinking of the greater good. A win for you might be a nice change of pace for this city. Instead of Lazaro, we have somebody in office who actually understands, I don't know, the meaning of "trumped-up charges," for instance. Like, take my client, AJ Quartermaine.

Scott: Yes. I read up on that.

Diane: Well, then, you know that it's entirely circumstantial. I mean, it's all smoke and mirrors, totally unprovable.

Scott: Is that what you think?

Diane: Well, what do you think?

Scott: I will let you know when I'm in office. Put that on.

Diane: Oh.

Scott: Thank you.

Diane: [Sighs]

Michael: Wait, Morgan's saying that you defrauded him.

Kiki: He is claiming that I married him under false pretenses because I was in love with someone else. And the truth is, is that he's right.

Morgan: I know we're both on the rebound and our physical relationship is new, but I've always cared about you, Ava, and I know you cared about me. I mean, you took care of me in New York, and I think we've always had something for each other. We're just now realizing it.

Ava: What are you talking about? You're in love with my daughter.

Morgan: Yeah, but that doesn't mean that my feelings for you aren't real.

Ava: Morgan, I --

Morgan: What? What are you -- what's going on?

Ava: I have to go.

Morgan: Where are you going?

Ava: To see Derek.

Morgan: Derek?

Ava: It's just business.

Derek: See, the reason Sonny can rake in all these millions without ever catching heat is simple. He funnels everything through Corinthos coffee.

Carlos: Oh, like Ava's gallery and your publishing wing.

Derek: Exactly. Except print is dying. Now, Ava and I had hoped that ELQ could be our new front, but unfortunately that is not gonna happen.

Carlos: That's too bad. I mean, you could launder a lot of money through an international like that, right?

Derek: Yeah. Well, what are you gonna do? Right now I have bigger fish to fry.

Carlos: Corinthos coffee.

Derek: Yeah, you see, when you take out a front business, it doesn't matter how much money a family brings in. They can't spend it without alerting the authorities. Those millions are useless to them. It's like having a gun without bullets.

Sonny: Julian Jerome was killed in a shootout with a guy named Jonathan Paget. His body was found by the chief of police, Robert Scorpio.

Lazaro: I remember. It was big news back then.

Sonny: Okay, so, there must be a file on it. Robert Scorpio must have an account of everything that happened. I just -- I just need you to pull it for me.

Lazaro: I can't. Those records are confidential.

Sonny: So?

Lazaro: You're talking about something that happened 20 years ago. Odds are all we have is a hard copy. I'd have to sneak the file out of PCPD, which is next to impossible with commissioner Devane on watch.

Sonny: I have faith in you. Last thing that you want to do is disappoint me.

Lucy: What can I do for you?

Sam: Well, actually, we were hoping you could answer a few questions for us.

Alexis: And we wouldn't ask unless it were very important.

Lucy: Okay. Okay. Um...consider me intrigued. What do you want to know?

Alexis: Uh, we're inquiring about a certain individual with whom you were reputedly acquainted with.

Sam: What do you know about Victor Jerome?

Lucy: Victor Jerome? Well, that's a blast from the past. What about him?

Alexis: Duke mentioned that you were, uh, involved with him.

Lucy: Oh, no, no, no, no. I don't mean to be mean or anything, 'cause I love Duke, but he had to misspeak or he has to remember it differently, 'cause I was never, ever involved with Victor Jerome.

Sam: You weren't?

Lucy: No. No, I wasn't. Really. I promise. I admit, I was, uh, making bad relationship choices at the time, but happily I was never involved with him. I was not wanting him, but he -- he kind of wanted me. He was actually head over heels in love with me. And unfortunately when I rejected his affections, he ate it.

Sam: He did? Wait, what do you mean? He -- he died when you rejected him?

Lucy: Yeah. I-I -- I guess so. Technically he did. He literally...ate it. He -- he choked on my necklace.

Sam: [Gasps]

Alexis: He did.

Lucy: Okay, but you still have not said why do you want to know about him?

Sam: Um, okay, this is gonna sound a little bit awkward, and I'm sorry for being so crass about this, but is it possible that Victor had other relationships? A mistress, possibly?

Lucy: Oh, um, let me think. Yeah. [Gasps] There was a woman. Her name was, um, Dimetria. And she actually bore his love child.

Franco: All right, what did I do now?

Heather: You said that you wanted my paintings because you admire my work, my artistic genius. And now based on what you were telling Carly, it sounds like you're just trying to pass them off as your own.

Franco: I had to tell Carly that, right? I mean, I had to. I -- [Sighs] I can't show her my real work, 'cause it would ruin the mystique.

Heather: So, you are planning an art show?

Franco: Yeah, of course, but, you know, not with these. It'll be with my artwork.

Heather: New pieces. From the Franco. Can I see them?

Franco: Yeah, well, no, it's like I said. It would ruin the mystique.

Heather: You're not comparing me to Carly, are you?

Franco: No, not at all. It's just that my work is very contextual, and it has to be in a context. And if I showed it to you now, it would be like giving you your Christmas present in October.

Heather: Say no more. Besides, I've already had my present for today. Carly's seeing someone else.

Franco: Yeah, I already told you that.

Heather: And what's going on with you and Diane miller? From what I hear, she's quite promiscuous.

Franco: Well, she's a fantastic attorney.

Heather: No question.

Franco: Yeah.

Heather: But a lousy gossip columnist. Did you know that her former publisher fired her and hired me to do her job? He was thrilled with it! In fact, we became quite close. His name is actually --

Franco: I don't need to know his name.

Heather: Well, I guess I can't complain. Jumping from Carly to Diane is a step in the right direction.

Franco: Yes, it is! In fact, you know what? Diane is on her way over right now. So now would be a great time for you to leave.

Heather: Now?

Franco: Yes.

Heather: I thought we could grab some BLTs.

Franco: I'll take a rain check on that. Okay? Because I don't want to send Diane mixed signals. Not now. Not during the honeymoon phase of our new relationship.

Heather: Fine. And, by the way, yes, you are very welcome.

Franco: Hmm.

Heather: For the paintings.

Franco: Yeah.

Heather: Can't wait to see your big show.

[Door closes]

Sam: So, Victor and Dimetria had a child.

Lucy: Uh, yeah, a boy. A son unfortunately named Dino. What? That's not the information you wanted? What?

Alexis: Actually, we're trying to find out if Victor fathered an illegitimate daughter.

Lucy: Well, not with Dimetria. [Gasps] But there was that other mistress.

Sam: What other mistress?

Ava: You mind telling me why you're ignoring my -- Carlos Rivera. I heard you were in town.

Carlos: Ava Jerome! Mm! Still as gorgeous as the day we met.

Ava: You always did know just what to say.

Carlos: [Chuckles]

Ava: So, any luck with that old love of yours?

Carlos: It's an uphill battle.

Ava: I do know what that's like.

Carlos: Well, yeah. Derek tells me you got a new situation of your own. A little young for you, no?

Derek: Okay, excuse me, but if you're both done, uh, Carlos has some work to do.

Carlos: Like I said, always business with you. See you around.

Ava: Yeah. can update Carlos on the family business but not your little sister?

Derek: You want an update? It's done. Corinthos is down for the count.

Carly: What happened?

Shawn: Our friends paid another visit.

Carly: The same people who destroyed the coffee shipment?

Sonny: We got it covered. What are you doing here, Carly?

Carly: Do you have any idea about Morgan?

Shawn: I'll go check on something.

Carly: Okay. All right, so, I'm guessing that you know where our son is.

Sonny: Morgan is staying at Ava's new place.

Carly: Why didn't you tell me?

Sonny: Because I knew how you would react.

Carly: Oh, really?

Sonny: Which is pretty much the way you're reacting. Uh, so I had -- you know, I went over there and I had words with Morgan.

Carly: Is he still there?

Sonny: He does not want to come home, so, I'm just telling you, if you go over there all hot-headed --

Carly: I just want to make sure he's okay, Sonny. Please. Tell me exactly where he is.

Derek: We still have Sonny to, uh, take care of.

Ava: Did you get the job done or not?

Carly: Please, please don't be so naive, okay? This woman -- look at her. She's a predator. She goes after impressionable people like you.

Sonny: You are an adult now, and I can't -- I can't protect you from all the harm that's gonna happen out there. Especially this woman. Watch your back.

Kiki: Diane? We're all set.

Diane: Well, Kiki, that was awfully fast. You sure you don't want to --

Kiki: Oh, I'm sure. No, it's better this way.

Diane: Okay. I'll have these filed by this afternoon.

Michael: You okay?

Kiki: Um, yeah, I'm okay. It's just -- it's a lot to process.

Michael: Do you want to get out of here?

Kiki: Okay.

Diane: What's all this?

Franco: This is my new work. A dozen or so paintings just like the one Sebastian said he loved so much. We are ready to put this show on the road.

Diane: Yes. We would be, except we have one big problem.

Franco: What's that?

Diane: You didn't paint any of these.

Scott: Excuse me, ma'am. Have you, um, given any thought as to who you --

Heather: Scotty.

Scott: Heather?

Sam: Okay, wait a minute. So this mistress who is from New York -- you mean the city?

Lucy: What else would I mean?

Alexis: What else can you tell us about her?

Lucy: Uh, not much. I think they met at a bar near the George Washington bridge.

Sam: Okay, do you remember its name?

Lucy: Uh, wait. It'll come to me. It was Irish. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Riley's? Rogan's? Ryan's.

Sam: Ryan's. Ryan's. Are you sure?

Lucy: Yeah. It was Ryan's. I'm 100% sure it was Ryan's. I hope.

Ava: Sounds like you've got the Sonny situation well in hand.

Derek: Is that approval I hear?

Ava: Don't get cocky. How are things with Carly Jacks?

Derek: Making progress every day. Before long, she'll be in my pocket, too.

Carly: Morgan? Morgan!

Derek: Okay, enough about me and Carly. How are things with you and the kid?

Ava: Well, you're not gonna believe this, but I think the kid is actually falling for me.

Sonny: We got to deal with what's in front of us right now. Nobody hits us like this, gets away with it. Somebody is gonna pay for what they did last night.

Shawn: You say the word and it's done.

Sonny: We got to be smart, though. You understand what I'm saying?

Shawn: Okay. So what you want to do?

Sonny: We're gonna wait for Lazaro to come back with that file. Once we're sure that Derek Wells is Julian Jerome, we are gonna strike. We are gonna make him wish he stayed dead.

Ava: You won't believe this, but Morgan thought we were sleeping together.

Derek: You and me?

Ava: Yeah. [Laughs] I nearly choked. Do you believe that, Julian? He actually thought I was sleeping with my own brother.

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