General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 10/22/13
Provided By Suzanne
Lulu: Don't you worry, Connie. Alexis is taking care of all the paperwork to make it official that she is handling our case. And then I am going to tell her everything that she needs to know about Maxie to make sure that no judge will ever grant her and Spinelli custody of you.
[Elevator bell dings]
Lulu: Spinelli. What are you doing here?
Spinelli: Uh, I-I came to visit Ellie in the lab. Is -- is Connie sick?
Lulu: She's fine. We're just picking up a vitamin prescription. I won't keep you from Ellie. Bye.
Spinelli: Lulu, um... we have to talk about the baby.
Mac: Hey.
Maxie: Oh, my God! You're back! How's your brother? Is he okay?
Mac: Yeah. Yeah, Robert's fine. Thank God. Anna's with him.
Anna: Our daughter was here. Robin was here.
Robert: She's somewhere on this island.
Anna: We have to find her.
Robert: Let's go. Come on.
Jerry: Well, well, well... looks like I have some uninvited guests.
Robin: I'm going home. I'm finally going home. And no one will ever keep me from Patrick and Emma ever again.
Sabrina: [Laughs] Did you just ask me to marry you?
Patrick: Mm-hmm. And you said yes. You're not taking it back already, are you?
Sabrina: Are you kidding me? It's what I've always wanted... so much, I was afraid to wish for it. I mean, as long as you're sure this is what you really want.
Patrick: Sabrina, you taught me that I could love again. That's exactly what I want to do for the rest of my life. I love you.
Sabrina: [Laughs]
Robin: By this time tomorrow, I will be back home with Patrick and Emma. Nikolas, hurry up. I can't wait much longer.
Nikolas: Get your hands off her, or I'll kill you right here.
Britt: Nikolas. Thank God.
Faison: Nikolas Cassadine. What an honor, your highness.
Nikolas: Shut up, you bastard. Let her go to her baby. Now!
Maxie: This is great. I know how worried you were about him.
Mac: Well, truthfully, almost a year in a comma hasn't done much damage to Robert. You know, he's as stubborn as ever, insisted on walking days before the doctors wanted him to get out of bed.
Maxie: So why are you here? I mean, don't get me wrong. It's not that I'm not happy to see you. But shouldn't you be managing his recovery? You know Robert won't be listening to a word his doctors say. Those macho types tend to be like that, and you need to be acting in his best interest.
Mac: Robert has never listened to me. In fact, you could make an argument that he's always done the opposite of what I want, which would mean I did him a favor by leaving.
Maxie: And that's the only reason you came home early? You talked to mom, didn't you?
Mac: Yes, I did. [Sighs] Sweetheart, I felt it was more important to come back home because of what's going on with you and the baby.
Lulu: There's nothing to talk about. Connie is our baby -- mine and Dante's -- and that's exactly how it's going to stay.
Spinelli: I know we all feel strongly about her.
Lulu: Actually, Alexis is handling the paperwork to make sure.
Spinelli: To make sure of what?
Lulu: We've made a decision. We're suing you and Maxie for custody of the baby.
Sabrina: [Laughs] Oh, my God! We have so much to talk about! When are we gonna have the wedding? Where's it gonna be? What kind of wedding is it gonna be? Who's gonna marry us?
Patrick: Okay, I don't know if we have to figure all that out right this minute.
Sabrina: Okay. No, I know. You're right. I'm just so excited. It's actually happening! [Laughs] Oh, my God! Just wait until I tell Felix!
Patrick: Whoa, whoa on the Felix thing. I think we should wait till I have a ring. He'll kill me if I don't have a giant rock.
Sabrina: You're right. There could be violence. Oh, God! He's not even gonna care! I just can't wait to tell him.
Patrick: Tomorrow. Hmm? We'll go shopping for a ring. We'll go eat, just the two of us. We'll have a celebratory dinner, just me and my fiancée.
Sabrina: Oh, my God. That sounds amazing. Yes. Let's celebrate.
Emma: Celebrate what?
Dr. Obrecht: You? Oh.
Robin: That's right, lady. I'm no one's prisoner anymore. Nikolas Cassadine found me.
Dr. Obrecht: Nikolas Cassadine? H-how? I-I don't understand. What is he doing here?
Robin: It's his house. It's his island. And by the way, he wasn't too happy to find out that he had squatters.
Dr. Obrecht: It's impossible. This was his grandmother's home. He would never return here.
Robin: Well, he made an exception for you.
Dr. Obrecht: Me?
Robin: You shouldn't have sent that video with you and Britt's baby. For supposedly a brilliant doctor, that was a really stupid move. Nikolas recognized his family home, and he is upstairs as we speak, rescuing Britt's baby.
Nikolas: Let Britt have her baby, or I will put a bullet in your head. There's not a jury in this world that would convict me for it.
Britt: Listen to him, father. He means what he says. Ah!
Faison: Take him. Call that bulldog off.
Britt: Oh, Ben. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I'm so happy you're okay.
Faison: How come you're so happy to have him back, Britt? According to yourself, you're not even that baby's natural mother.
Dr. Obrecht: [Grunts]
Robin: And by the way, frau doktor, I know that that baby isn't Patrick's. I know that you lied to me. You only told me that because you thought that I would guard him with my life. And you were right.
Dr. Obrecht: I don't understand what is happening.
Robin: What's happening, Obrecht, is that it's over. As soon as Nikolas comes back with that baby, I'm going home, and there is nothing that you can do about it. And to make it even better, I see that someone did me the favor of knocking you out. So who was it? Who else have you pissed off?
Dr. Obrecht: You want to know who left me like this? It was your mother and your father!
Jerry: What have we here? The WSB elite has arrived. Now it's a party.
Robin: Jerry J.
Jerry: Oh, you recognize me. How nice. Of course I know you both by reputation. The legendary Robert Scorpio and the delightful Anna Devane. So wonderful to meet you.
Anna: Where's our daughter?!
Jerry: Oh, I see. No pleasantries, eh. You're eager for the reunion.
Anna: Where is she?!
Jerry: Is that what passes for professional detachment at WSB these days? Either the bureau's standards have declined dramatically, or you're -- what's the official term? -- Emotionally compromised.
Robert: Shut up, Jacks, and get out of the way.
Jerry: You're in no position to give me ultimatums. You see, you're both armed, but so am I. In fact, it looks like we're in a standoff.
Robert: Our daughter's here, and we intend to find her.
Anna: This ends now.
Jerry: Oh, I don't think so. You see, I need Robin more than you do.
Nikolas: What are you talking about? Of course Britt's Ben's mother. I was there when he was born. Is he -- is he all right? Let's get out of here.
Faison: Oh, so Britt didn't tell you. That's interesting. So did Britt lie about this kid and his parentage, or was she just lying to me?
Nikolas: What is he talking about? What are you talking about?
Faison: Britt told me that little Cesar isn't my flesh and blood, nor is it Britt's flesh and blood, so...
Nikolas: No, t-that doesn't make any sense. Baby's yours and Brad's isn't it?
Spinelli: You're suing for custody? She -- she isn't yours.
Lulu: We'll see what the courts have to say about that. Alexis is drawing up the paperwork as we speak. I suggest you get a lawyer.
Spinelli: Maxie and I have talked to Diane. She's agreed to represent us. In fact, she's filing paperwork, too, that ensures Maxie and I will raise Connie.
Lulu: You're wasting your time and your money. Because we are not giving her to you.
Spinelli: Lulu, you'll have to. Diane is petitioning the court. She's getting a court order to force you... to relinquish our daughter.
Mac: Court order? Are you sure you want to do this?
Maxie: I don't want to do any of this. It's painful and awful, and I feel horrible about all of it. But Spinelli and I don't have a choice. It's the only way we'll be able to get back our baby.
Mac: There must be something else.
Maxie: Well, Diane said we could go to the police and inform them that Dante and Lulu kidnapped Connie, but we don't want to do that.
Mac: That would only make things uglier than they already are.
Maxie: You still think we're doing the right thing, don't you? I mean, you and mom said that you thought the baby should be with me, since she's mine, I should raise her.
Mac: Yes, Maxie. She's your daughter. You should fight for her.
Maxie: Even though I would be tearing her away from Dante and Lulu? They're like family to me.
Mac: Sweetheart, things like this tear families apart.
Maxie: I hate this. I hate that I've hurt Dante and Lulu. I mean, I've proven to them that they never should have trusted me. I basically have lived down to everyone's expectations. But I know that I would hate it even more if I had to live without my little girl.
Mac: Yeah. Sweetheart, I know you're doing the right thing. But you need to be prepared. I mean, things could get worse before they get better.
Lulu: I can't believe that you would get a court order to force us to give up our baby.
[Baby fusses]
Lulu: That's something that I would expect from Maxie, not from you.
Spinelli: I don't -- I don't see another option in this -- in this most difficult of circumstances.
Lulu: Yeah, we've been through a lot of difficult circumstances, Spinelli. Do you remember when you were on the run from alcazar? You were hiding out in that skateboard shop.
Spinelli: Yeah. Buddha Barry's. I sent a text to an acquaintance asking for help, and to my great surprise, you showed up.
Lulu: Alcazar grabbed us, locked us in that warehouse. We heard him give the order to have us killed.
Spinelli: His henchmen gifted us a bottle of tequila, thinking that if we were drunk enough we wouldn't move, making us easier to kill.
Lulu: It almost worked. Yeah. You were really drunk.
Spinelli: I thought a little buzz would lessen the terror. With greatest respect, you were -- you were pretty hammered yourself.
Lulu: Poor Jason came to rescue us.
Spinelli: You know, you taught me to be a friend. You and Jason.
Lulu: That's why I don't understand. We've always had each other's back, Spinelli. How can you do this to me?
Patrick: What are you doing? You're supposed to be asleep. [Grunts]
Emma: I couldn't sleep. There are funny shadows on my wall.
Patrick: Oh, yeah? U want me to go chase them away?
Emma: I want to stay with you and Sabrina.
Patrick: Oh, you do?
Emma: What were you talking about?
Sabrina: Shall we?
Patrick: Tell her together? We have some big news, and we want you to be the first to hear it.
Robin: My parents are here?
Dr. Obrecht: I must give credit. They are the consummate spies -- violent and deceitful. You mother manipulated me into telling her what she wanted to know, and then they dispatched me with a clonk on the head as thanks.
Robin: Where are they?
Dr. Obrecht: I sent them to the lab. Run along and go find them. You're right, Robin. You're free now. Free to do as you choose.
Robin: Nice try. I'm not letting you out of my sight. You're coming with me.
Dr. Obrecht: But I am injured. My second concussion --
Robin: Save it! You're coming with me right now.
Jerry: Not so fast.
Britt: Of course Ben is Brad and mine's. I would have told my father anything to get him to give me my baby. I knew he would lose interest if I told him that Ben wasn't his grandson.
Faison: Which is it, Britta? Just tell me. Is little Cesar my flesh and blood or not?
Britt: All you need to know --
Faison: Just answer me!
Nikolas: I don't have time for this! And you're in no position to make demands. We're leaving, and so are you.
Faison: And where the hell do you think we're going?
Nikolas: Your daughter and her son are going home. You're going back to Steinmauer permanently.
Britt: We have to be careful. My mother's downstairs.
Faison: Another lying viper.
Nikolas: Don't worry. I got Obrecht covered.
Britt: By whom?
Nikolas: You'll find out soon enough.
Jerry: Drop the gun. My usually even temper has been frayed by recent events. Don't test me. Now slide it over. Thank you. [Grunts]
Dr. Obrecht: It looks like the tables are turned once again, little bird.
Jerry: No thanks to you, Dr. Obrecht. How did Robin manage to knock you down again?
Dr. Obrecht: She didn't. It was my insipid daughter who knocked me out. The first time, at least. That ungrateful wretch!
Jerry: Are there anymore members of your family dropping by?
Dr. Obrecht: I assure you Britta's arrive was quite unexpected.
Jerry: Well, you stole her child. It didn't occur to you that she would come looking for him? You've become more trouble than you're worth, Dr. Obrecht.
Robin: If you're ready to shoot her, please, don't stop on my account.
Dr. Obrecht: So petty. Jerry's not going to shoot me.
Jerry: Oh, that depends. Where is your inconvenient daughter right now?
Dr. Obrecht: [Sighs] She ran upstairs to try to wrest her child from Cesar.
Britt: And I succeeded... mother. Oh, my God. You're...
Robin: Robin.
Britt: You're Patrick's wife.
Robin: And you're the woman that tried to pass off that baby as my husband's.
Emma: Is this about Dr. Westbourne's baby?
Patrick: No. Why would you say that?
Emma: Because whenever you say you have news, it's always about her baby.
Patrick: Well, not this time. This is about me and Sabrina. Now, you know how much we love each other? Very much.
Emma: I do know.
Sabrina: And we both love you very much.
Emma: I love you, too.
Sabrina: [Chuckles]
Patrick: And because we all love each other, we want to spend the rest of our lives being a family -- all three of us. So we decided that me and Sabrina are going to get married.
Spinelli: You saved my life, Lulu -- not just physically, but... you saved me as a person. U-until then, besides my beloved granny, there was no one that I cared about, nor anyone who cared for me, were so smart and so strong and... so unexpected. I... you made me want to be braver and better than I ever thought possible. So knowing all of what we've been through, it is almost unbearable to see us in this place.
Lulu: A place where you are going to send an officer of the court into my home to rip my daughter away from me.
Spinelli: Lulu, I had no idea that Maxie was pregnant with my child until the baby was born. I didn't -- I didn't ask for this. I-I didn't know anything about it. I was in the dark as much as you were.
Lulu: Why are you siding with Maxie, then?
Spinelli: When I found out what Maxie had done, I was furious. And I-I-I told her that we had to keep it a secret because I wanted you and Dante to have the baby that Maxie had promised you, but... now... now I just can't.
Lulu: Yes, you can. Drop the court order, Spinelli, please. Convince Maxie to do the same.
Maxie: I wish I could turn the clock back. You know, I wish I had been... honest about the miscarriage when it happened. Lulu said that she could've forgiven me back then if I had been honest. Do you think that's true?
Mac: No one really knows what they would have done. All we can do is face things the way they are now.
Maxie: I know you're right. I just can't help but think this whole thing could have been avoided and Lulu and I could still be friends. Why do I do it, Mac? Why do I lose all my best friends?
Sabrina: So, Emma, what do you think about our news?
Emma: I'm happy you're getting married, but... what about mommy?
Britt: Mother, did you know this whole time that she was still alive?
Dr. Obrecht: [Scoffs] What does it matter? Where is your father? Where is Cesar?
Jerry: Finally a pertinent question. Now, please enlighten us. Where is that outrageously expensive and increasingly bothersome über criminal?
Nikolas: Oh, there's so many to choose from. Could you be more specific?
Jerry: Faison and prince Cassadine. So lovely to see you there again.
Nikolas: Now, I don't remember inviting you, Jerry.
Jerry: Oh, please. With our history? I didn't think a formal invitation was necessary. I mean, you've been so helpful in the past.
Nikolas: Right. When you poisoned me. But I understand that you've since been poisoned. Proof that karma exists.
Jerry: Thank you so very much.
Nikolas: I was hoping you'd already be dead. I can wait. Drop the gun.
Jerry: Or I could shoot Robin. It's not like I haven't done it before.
Robin: You're not gonna shoot me. I'm the key to your survival. Unless you're prepared to ship yourself off to Australia to die.
Jerry: If I can't kill you, rest assured I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your parents.
Anna: Anything?
Robert: Still tight. Say what you like about the Cassadines, but they do buy good equipment.
Anna: God! We didn't come this far, get this close, to be trapped!
Robert: Maybe we missed something. Let's just do another sweep.
Anna: We've got to get out of here. We've got to find Robin.
Nikolas: Her parents?
Faison: Anna is here?
Dr. Obrecht: Once again you embarrass yourself. The mere mention of her name, and you...revert to adolescence.
Robin: Just shut up, both of you! Jerry, I need to know. Tell me, please, are my parents here?
Jerry: Well... see for yourself. Here you go. As you see. Alive and well and safely tucked away in your cozy little lab, where they will remain indefinitely. Unlike the rest of you.
Robin: What do you mean?
Faison: Yeah, what do you mean the rest of us?
Dr. Obrecht: How can you lump us in with these amateurs?
Jerry: Enough! Much better. Now, let me make it plain. This is not a democracy. This is a dictatorship. I'm fighting for my life here! And you will do exactly as I say! Do you understand?!
Anna: Can you picture her, looking at her own family on a screen?
Robert: Uh, when was this?
Anna: It was the nurses' ball. It was revived in Robin's memory. But she wasn't dead. She was trapped in this box with no windows, and no one was even looking for her.
Robert: Hey. There's not a cell built that can hold you and I. We're gonna get out of here, and we're gonna find her.
Anna: Jerry must have given this to her. I don't know how long ago. It must have really tortured Robin, looking at her family on a screen, close enough to touch, but so far away.
Jerry: You see, when I shot you at the metro court, sweet Robin, it was to ensure the cooperation of the hostages. And your parents are gonna hold the same purpose. Do as I say, and they remain safely locked away. Cause me any annoyance or grief, one of them will be shot while the other one watches.
Robin: I understand.
Jerry: Now, for future reference, uh, do you want your mother to bleed to death in front of your father or --
Nikolas: She said she understands. She'll cooperate.
Jerry: Why should you care if I shoot them? Huh? Is it because you own the property and you feel responsible? I have to say it was very negligent on your part to leave the lab unattended with all that dangerous equipment. I smell a lawsuit.
[Baby fusses]
Nikolas: Whatever you want.
Jerry: What I want is to live.
Robin: Oh! Now, my brilliant scientist here told me that the cure for polonium poisoning that is killing me is currently incubating in Luke Spencer.
Faison: Does he hold the key to your survival?
Jerry: Yes, it's rather macabre, don't you think? It's almost vampiric... the fact that for me to live, I have to have Luke Spencer's blood. And you're gonna get it for me.
Patrick: Mommy's not with us anymore, babe.
Emma: I know. But aren't you already married to mommy?
Patrick: No, not really 'cause she's in heaven now.
Emma: Is that why you took off your wedding ring?
Patrick: It's part of the reason. But it's not gone. It's with mommy's ring... in a special box, where we'll keep it always.
Patrick: That's right. One day I'm gonna give it to you.
Emma: Because you'll get another ring when you marry Sabrina?
Patrick: [Chuckles] Yes.
Sabrina: Hey, Emma, is something bothering you?
Emma: You said that mommy's always with us, watching us.
Patrick: That's right.
Emma: Then will mommy be sad if you get another wife?
Robin: But Luke Spencer is in Port Charles.
Jerry: I imagine so, unless his flight was delayed. But he'll be there soon enough. Which presents a logistical challenge. See, here I am in Greece, in the final throes of my illness, and my salvation is half a world away. What to do, huh?
Dr. Obrecht: It's simple enough. Abduct Spencer, bring him back here, drain him dry, and let us get on with our lives!
Nikolas: Good luck with that.
Jerry: I agree with the prince. Now that he's healthy, he presents a real challenge. You two should be careful.
Faison: Us? Y-you mean Obrecht and I?
Jerry: I didn't pay nearly $90 million for the pleasure of your company. If you couldn't find me the cure, now you need to expedite it.
Robin: That's not gonna work. You can't trust Faison and Obrecht.
Jerry: Well, if I can't trust them, I know I can trust you.
Maxie: It hurts so much to be the one left behind when you know you'll need someone that you'll never see again. Why do I keep doing things that make me lose my best friends? First Robin, now Lulu.
Mac: [Sighs] Maxie, don't talk like that.
Maxie: I mean, the explosion happened because my bag had got caught on that valve thingy in the lab, and I was so caught up in myself, in my own problems, that I couldn't take the five seconds I needed to unhook my bag instead of just yanking it. Five seconds. That's all it took to cause that lab explosion. And now Robin is dead because of me.
Mac: It was an accident. There's no way you could have known.
Maxie: And now it's happening again. Lulu's not dead, thank God. But I will be dead to her when I take this baby away.
Lulu: You and Maxie are in no way prepared to take care of a baby. You're not even together. What about Ellie? Where will she live? You live in your office.
Spinelli: Look, it's true. We haven't discussed logistics. But we'll do whatever we need to do --
Lulu: Dante and I are prepared. We have had nine months to prepare for this little baby -- nine months of bonding and falling in love with her and listening to Maxie tell us what great parents we're gonna be. And we are. Look at Connie. She's healthy, and she's happy. [Voice breaking] Dante and I are doing a damn good job.
Spinelli: I know you are.
Lulu: So why can't things just stay the way they are? Why can't Connie just stay with us?
Spinelli: Because it can't work.
Lulu: You said that it could. You said that at the baptism.
Spinelli: I was naive. I-I was naive to think that I could keep the secret that this... this beautiful child is actually mine and Maxie's. But now -- now that it's out in the open, now that I know... that I'm a father... I ache for her. I-I want to hold her. I want to be with her. I want to be the father that I know that I am.
Lulu: People give up their children for adoption all the time.
Spinelli: Lulu... I'm sorry. I would never want to hurt you. I wish I could take your pain away. But I'm not gonna give up my child.
Lulu: Then what are we supposed to do?
[Baby fusses]
Lulu: Dante and I are just supposed to suck it up? We're supposed to give up this miracle that we waited nine months for?
Spinelli: No, no, no. Uh... y-you can have another... baby.
Lulu: I can't carry a child, Spinelli.
Spinelli: I-I'm aware. But Ellie told me that you had three viable embryos as a result of the in vitro fertilization process you did with Dr. Westbourne. Obviously Maxie used one and miscarried, but there are still other viable embryos in the lab. Perhaps you can find another surrogate and start again.
Lulu: You make that sound like it's easy. Like a mother... gets another goldfish to replace the one that died. Do you think that we can replace this baby with another one, that we can trade in our little Connie Falconeri for a new model? She is our daughter. I love her. And so does Dante. We've had nine long months to -- to bond with her, to fall in love with her.
Spinelli: I'm so sorry, Lulu. I would -- I would not have done that to you.
Lulu: Everything that we've been through... all of the appointments, the sonograms, the classes... even shopping for baby clothes, baby furniture -- do you know how hard it is to pick out a car seat? I was there when she was born. I was -- I was the first person to hold her. And for weeks now, Dante and I have been taking care of her. We've been watching her growing and blossoming and learning every day. She recognizes my voice. Spinelli, she -- she smiles when she looks up at me and Dante. She batted at her mobile for the first time yesterday, and we fell apart with happiness. We want this baby. We love this one. She's ours.
Faison: Obrecht and I, uh, we can't go to Port Charles. I mean, are you out of your mind?
Jerry: No, I'm not. I'm sorry. That is your department, you see. What I am is too ill to travel, so you and Obrecht are gonna be my eyes and ears.
Faison: No, because I don't take orders from you.
Jerry: Oh, yes, you do, otherwise I'm gonna go to the authorities and tell them that two international criminals are currently visiting Cassadine island.
Nikolas: Don't sell yourself short there, Jerry. I'm sure the WSB would be interested in your whereabouts right now.
Jerry: Well, I'm very happy to stay completely deceased, so thank you very much. If you're looking for reinforcements, rest assured the guards are completely loyal to me. Now, where were we? Ah, yes. The cure. Now, rather than bringing Luke Spencer back, Robin -- yes, Robin there -- is gonna synthesize the medication on site.
Robin: On site. You mean, in Port Charles.
Jerry: That's right, darling. Your dreams are coming true. You are going home.
Emma: I don't want mommy to be sad.
Patrick: Oh, neither do I, babe. But you know what? Before mommy died, she left me a message. She said that she wanted me to find somebody to love that is going to love you like you were her own... to make a family together. And that's what I found in Sabrina. So I think mommy would actually be really happy for us.
Sabrina: Hey, Emma? You know how much I love you, right? And I want to be a part of your family. So this marriage has to be okay with you, too. Is it okay with you?
Emma: Do you really think mommy will be okay?
Patrick: Yes, I do.
Emma: In that case, it's okay with me.
Sabrina: [Laughs] Yay!
Emma: [Giggles]
Sabrina: Oh.
Patrick: Hey, where's mine?
Emma: [Giggles] Ah, thank you.
Robin: You're really gonna let me go home?
Jerry: Yes, I am. Under the supervision of Faison and Obrecht and the support of Dr. Westbourne and Nikolas. The baby goes for free.
Dr. Obrecht: How do expect us to assure their cooperation?
Jerry: Well, I believe that I said that Robert Scorpio and Anna Devane's lives were at stake.
Dr. Obrecht: Yes, the scarecrow and the tiresome ex-husband. Why would I care?
Faison: [Speaking Danish] You have my full cooperation to save Anna.
Jerry: I thought you would. So it's settled, yes?
Robin: Yes, I will go home, and I will continue working on your cure.
Jerry: Wonderful. But, um... there's a catch. No one in Port Charles should know that you're alive.
Spinelli: I-I'm sorry. I didn't -I didn't mean to be insensitive about you and Dante having another baby. I know... I know another baby cannot just replace this --
Lulu: Yeah, of course they can't. So listen to me, Spinelli.
Spinelli: But none of that changes the fact... that she's ours... Maxie's and mine. No matter how bonded you are to her, no matter the circumstances that brought her into your care, she's ours. T-those -- those milestones that you were describing, those are things that Maxie and I should be celebrating with her because she's... she's our baby, Lulu.
Lulu: Well, you can't have her.
Spinelli: Well, I guess there's nothing more to say... except see you in court.
Mac: Look, it's true you made some pretty serious mistakes with Lulu. But it is not true that Robin's death was in any way your fault. It was a horrible accident. Robin wouldn't want you blaming yourself for it.
Maxie: I just miss her so much. I would give anything just to have her back for a minute. Okay, 10 minutes. Long enough to help me sort out my life. Robin was the best at giving advice.
Mac: Yeah, well, Robin was the best at a lot of things. We just have to accept the fact that she's gone. Nothing can bring her back.
Robert: You found anything?
Anna: No. Nothing. I can't get into this panel. There is no way to open this door. What about you?
Robert: You checked this?
Anna: No. What is it?
Robert: Maybe it's something we can use.
Robin: This is Dr. Robin Scorpio-Drake continuing my attempt to create another dose of the remedy for polonium-210 poisoning.
Anna: It's Robin's voice. That's Robin.
Robert: Look at the date of entry on this. It's today.
Anna: She was I knew it in my heart, but now this proves she's alive. She's alive.
Robert: I swear to you... we're gonna get out of here, and we're gonna find her.
Robin: You expect me to go to Port Charles and not see my husband or my child?
Jerry: Well, that's if you want your parents to survive. Wasn't I clear? They're my hostages!
Robin: So now you're being consistent.
Jerry: Love and fear are powerful motivators. Let me restate the terms. If I see a boat or a plane that I don't recognize, one parent dies, quickly followed by the other. Now, if you find me the cure, Robert and Anna go free, and you can return to your bloody family.
Robin: I'm gonna be so close, and I can't even tell my husband or my little girl that I'm alive.
Jerry: Keep your end of the bargain. Cure me, and you can have a wonderful, happy family reunion.
Patrick: Do you have any other questions, hmm?
Emma: Is there gonna be wedding cake?
Sabrina: Uh, of course.
Emma: Can it be chocolate?
Sabrina: Oh, it can be anything you want.
Emma: Yay! We're getting married!
Sabrina: [Laughs]
Jerry: Oh, by the way, uh, the same rules apply to you, too. You don't say anything about Robin or Faison or Obrecht or me. If you do...
Dr. Obrecht: We will know.
Jerry: Exactly. Now, everyone prepare to depart.
Nikolas: Do what he says.
Jerry: Wise choice. Can I rely equally on you to be wise?
Robin: I will do what you ask. Please, can I see my mother and father before I leave?
Jerry: You've already seen them. As for a visit, you can have one when you cure me. Now, are we all in agreement? Yes? Let's go to Port Charles.
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