General Hospital Transcript Monday 10/21/13
Provided By Suzanne
Anna: Go. Go.
Robert: [Panting]
Anna: You okay?
Robert: Never better. What is the mother-hen thing suddenly?
Anna: [Sighs]
Robert: Look, Faison and Obrecht are here somewhere. We find them, we're gonna find Britt's kid.
Anna: Maybe ours, too.
[Door opens]
Robin: Are we going back to Port Charles tonight or what? [Sighs] Nikolas?
Alexis: Excuse me? I'm Alexis Davis. I'm waiting for the result of some DNA lab tests for my daughter Samantha Morgan. Are they in yet?
According to this schedule, they won't be ready until tomorrow.
Alexis: Are you sure?
The samples were only submitted this morning. The test usually takes 24 hours to run.
Alexis: [Sighs] Thank you. Hi.
Lulu: Hey.
Alexis: How is the little one?
Lulu: [Sighs] Just took her for a checkup. Everything's fine. Except for the fact that Maxie and Spinelli are trying to take Connie from us.
Spinelli: I got your message. What's going on?
Maxie: Diane's on her way. She wants to discuss how we can get our baby back.
Faison: Hi, sweetheart. Do you know what? Now it's only you and me, and it's time for us to go.
[Door opens]
Faison: Yes, it is.
Britt: [Breathing heavily]
Faison: Britta.
Britt: Father?
Sabrina: Patrick... what is it?
Patrick: Marry me.
Sabrina: What? What did -- what did you just say?
Patrick: I said, "marry me." Sabrina... will you marry me?
Robin: [Sighs]
Nikolas: Robin. You're alive.
Maxie: Diane, I am so glad you're here. You are just the lawyer we need to fix this.
Diane: Well, thank you for that vote of confidence, but we do have --
Maxie: It's simple, really. Dante and Lulu do not want to give us our baby.
Spinelli: "Simple" may be an overstatement. We did assure them that they could keep her.
Maxie: We didn't want to break their hearts.
Spinelli: Yeah, we may have acted in -- in haste in a misguided attempt to spare --
Maxie: But we couldn't live with it. We love our daughter, and we were hoping that they would want to give her back when they realized she was ours.
Spinelli: Yeah, but, instead, they presented us with legal papers.
Maxie: They want to adopt our baby.
Diane: Stop. Time out. Time out, sports fans. I understand that this has been extremely stressful for the both of you, but you both have to relax. You are in good hands now. I have done my research, and I'm aware of the situation.
Spinelli: And?
Alexis: Lulu, I can only imagine how disappointed and frustrated you are that Maxie and Spinelli want to keep the baby.
Lulu: Our baby. Maxie and Spinelli told us that they wanted us to raise Connie, even after they admitted that she wasn't our biological child. And now they won't let us adopt her? It's wrong. They're wrong. Dante and I are Connie's parents. What do we have to do to keep her?
[Connie coos]
Alexis: Lulu, I am so sorry to have to say this to you, but things do not look good for you and Dante.
Faison: I hardly recognized you. It's been a long time.
Britt: It has.
Faison: Hmm.
Britt: I see you've met Ben.
Faison: You mean Cesar.
Britt: No, I mean Ben, my son. Give him to me, father. Give me my son.
Robert: You take downstairs. I'll go up.
Anna: No. If Robin's here, we should both find her.
Robert: It's not a contest.
Anna: No, I know that. It's a rescue mission. But we're her parents. I want us to find her together.
Robert: Yeah.
Anna: Okay. Go. You're good.
Robert: Whoa! This is a sight to gladden the heart.
Anna: What is it?
Robert: Somebody got the better of Obrecht. Huh. I must say, it didn't bother me to see her like this, given the problems she's caused myself and Robin. Look, why don't, for old time's sake, I just put one in her and finish it?
Anna: Don't look to me to stop you, but we need answers. Okay?
Robert: It's your lucky day. Wake up, bitch.
Patrick: I guess that was a little bit clumsy, blurting it out like that. I should have put a little more thought into this...
Sabrina: [Chuckling] Yeah.
Patrick: ...This moment.
Sabrina: It was kind of an ambush proposal.
Patrick: But a serious one. So, what do you say?
Sabrina: Honestly, I-I-I don't know. Patrick, you -- a few hours ago, you were insisting that your wife had called you, and you were convinced that you had just spoken to -- to Robin, and now you're asking me to marry you? Patrick, what's going on? Where is this coming from?
Robin: Oh, my God, Nikolas. You have no idea how happy I am to see you.
Nikolas: What -- did -- wait, there's not -- everyone in Port Charles thinks you died in an explosion at general hospital. I don't -- how did --
Robin: I don't know. It was -- it was all staged somehow.
Nikolas: But there -- there was proof. They found your body, Robin.
Robin: I don't know whose body it was, but it wasn't mine. It's me, Nikolas. I'm here, and so are you. Thank God. Oh, my God. Thank God. Thank God you're here.
Lulu: Things don't look good? Maxie signed a contract -- one that you drew up. She gave up all of her rights to the baby she was carrying for us.
Maxie: It looks good for us?
Spinelli: You're saying that, despite the contract that Maxie signed, we'll still be able to get our daughter back?
Diane: I'm saying that the terms of the contract are very clear. The baby that Maxie promised to give Dante and Lulu was created from their embryo.
Alexis: And the embryo that had no biological ties to Maxie. And the contractual obligation was to give you your baby, and unfortunately, Lulu, your baby died.
Lulu: Well, yeah, but we didn't know that.
Alexis: It doesn't matter. The contract was nullified the minute Maxie miscarried.
Diane: However, the baby that Maxie actually delivered belongs to the two of you, and that contract will not stand up in court.
Lulu: Maxie knew that Connie wasn't our baby, and she let us believe that she was. Even after she told us the truth, Maxie said that she wanted us to have her.
Maxie: So that's it. Dante and Lulu don't have a right to our little girl. They -- they have to give her back.
Spinelli: But what are our legal options? I mean, how can we make them give us our daughter back?
Lulu: She's our baby.
Alexis: No, Lulu. Legally, she is not.
Britt: I've already asked you once, father. Now give me my son.
Faison: Well, you can't be trusted to rear him. Neither can your mother. You see, only a man can teach him what he really needs to know.
Britt: I don't care what you want to teach him. He's my son.
Faison: Mm, no, you're mistaken. You see, your mother gave him to me.
Britt: Well, she had no right. He's my little boy. I love him. You can't have him.
Faison: I hoped Anna would give me a son. Sadly, it wasn't to be. But this was. I finally have an heir, a male.
[Ben cooing]
Faison: Yes. My own flesh and blood.
[Cooing continues]
Faison: Yes.
Britt: No, Father. You're the one who's mistaken. Ben isn't your flesh and blood.
[Gun taps]
Robert: Come on, wakey-wakey!
Dr. Obrecht: [Panting]
Robert: Have a nice rest?
Dr. Obrecht: At least it didn't last as long as yours.
Anna: Where is she?
Dr. Obrecht: Who?
Anna: You know. Where's Robin?
Nikolas: How did this happen? How are you still alive, Robin?
Robin: [Chuckles] It was all part of Jerry's crazy plan.
Nikolas: Jer-- Jerry Jacks? Is that why he's here?
Robin: Yes. Yes. I -- he wanted me to come up with a cure for his polonium poisoning, and so he's held me captive here, and then they moved me from place to place, and all I've been doing is just waiting for someone to figure out that I'm still alive, and -- wait. Oh, my God. Patrick told you that I was here, didn't he? I knew that I got through to him when I called. I knew it.
Patrick: It's simple. I want to marry you because I love you.
Sabrina: Patrick, I know that you lo me, but this is a big deal. I'm not sure you're ready to move on from Robin. I'm not sure you're ready to make this break from her.
Patrick: Robin's gone. Okay, I accepted it.
Sabrina: Yeah, I-I know that you know that in your head, but do you know that in your heart? I mean, first you wouldn't take off your wedding ring, and then -- and then you were keeping tickets for trips that you were supposed to take together, and then that phone call happened.
Patrick: Okay, I-I know -- like, I acted crazy with the phone call, insisting that was Robin, and I'm sorry about that.
Sabrina: Look, you don't have to apologize. I... [Sighs] You were being honest about what you thought and how you felt. I'm just saying, Patrick, a few hours ago, you didn't seem like you were ready to move on from Robin. So my question is, what happened between now and then?
Patrick: Elizabeth is what happened. [Sighs] Come here. [Clears throat] We had a really long talk before -- before you got here, and I told her about the phone call, and it turns out that she had a similar situation happen to her after her son Jake died. Jake was gone. That was undeniable, but she kept thinking that she was seeing him. She said that she wanted to believe that he was still alive, and I realized that that's exactly what I was doing. And Elizabeth helped me see that.
Sabrina: Good. Good. I'm glad that Elizabeth was able to help you.
Patrick: And you did, too. And you're right. Look, I'm -- [Sighs] I didn't imagine that phone call, but there could be any number of explanations for it, okay? It could have been a wrong number, or maybe it was a woman saying that her name was Robin. I don't know. Or maybe you're right -- maybe it was a prank. And as hard as that was for me to realize, I know that I can't look at it any other way. Whatever that phone call was, I know that it wasn't Robin.
Sabrina: I have a confession. When I took off to meet Felix, I wasn't -- I wasn't meeting Felix. It was just an excuse.
Patrick: For what?
Sabrina: I was so convinced that the phone call was a prank that I-I accused Carlos of staging it.
Patrick: You really think your ex would do something like that?
Sabrina: I don't know. I mean, considering everything he's done to make trouble for us, I-I thought that it could be possible.
Patrick: Yeah, I guess I could have -- I could have thought about that if I was thinking a little bit more clearly, but instead I insisted that it was Robin. [Sighs] What did he say?
Sabrina: Oh, well, he denied it, of course. I mean, what else could he do?
Patrick: Do you believe him?
Sabrina: I don't know. I don't know. He's just been working so hard to make me doubt you and trying to rekindle our relationship. Wait. That's not why you proposed to me -- not because of Carlos, right?
Patrick: No. Me proposing to you had -- had -- had nothing to do with him. It had to do with Robin.
Robin: Wait. I don't understand. Why didn't Patrick come himself?
Nikolas: Patrick didn't send me.
Robin: So, wait -- he didn't tell you that I called?
Nikolas: No. I don't -- I don't know anything about a call. And, Robin, I-I had no idea that you were even alive.
Robin: Then if you don't know that I'm alive, why are you even here?
Nikolas: I'm -- I'm trying to help my friend Britt find her -- her little boy.
Robin: Oh, no.
Nikolas: Her mother...
Robin: [Sighs]
Nikolas: ...Kidnapped him and brought -- what? What do you know?
Robin: Obrecht -- um, she brought him here -- the baby -- and -- and I took care of him.
Nikolas: What? Are you ser-- is he okay?
Robin: I took care of him. I-I took care of him for Patrick.
Nikolas: For -- what do you mean?
Robin: Well, the baby -- I mean, he's -- [Scoffs] He's Patrick's son.
Nikolas: [Sighing] Oh, God. Patrick is not the father of Britt's baby.
Britt: That's right, father. Not one drop of your blood is in my son.
Faison: Of course it is. He's my grandson.
Britt: Not the way you want him to be.
Faison: Did your mother lie to me about you? Are you some other man's bastard?
Britt: No. She didn't lie to you about that...unfortunately. I have your DNA, but Ben doesn't.
Lulu: They can't take her. She's ours. She's our baby. We have to do something.
Alexis: [Sighs] Well, Lulu, you could sue Maxie.
Lulu: Sue her? For what?
Alexis: Punitive damages. You put a dollar amount on the emotional suffering that Maxie caused you and the money that you spent for her medical care after she miscarried. You demand repayment with a lawsuit.
Lulu: There's no amount of money that's gonna change what's happened, no amount of money that's gonna lessen the pain that we're feeling. Dante and I -- we just want our daughter. We want Connie. We can't lose her. Please, Alexis, help us.
Maxie: It's pretty clear that Dante and Lulu are not gonna give up this baby without a fight.
Spinelli: And it's not as though we can just barge in and take her.
Maxie: No, we can't. Can we?
Diane: I wouldn't advise it.
Spinelli: So, what would you advise?
Diane: You know, it's not normally my practice to be judgmental about my clients, but I consider you a friend, Mr. Jackal.
Spinelli: Likewise.
Diane: I know you to be caring, considerate, sensitive, loyal to a fault, and I think that you are in for a world of hurt.
Spinelli: Could -- could you be more specific? What form will that hurt take?
Diane: Well, this is technically a legal matter, but there has never been a law written or a court convened that can adequately describe what it means to love a child. I have seen people wreck themselves over parental rights. I've seen scorched earth between formerly rational individuals. Case in point -- Carly and Jax nearly dismantled each other over Josslyn. And this from two people who said they wanted an amicable divorce.
Maxie: No, that -- that was a totally different situation. Spinelli and I are the parents, but we're on the same side. We're not fighting.
Diane: Yes. About that. It is my understanding that you never told Spinelli that he was the father of your child.
Maxie: That's right. I didn't.
Diane: In point of fact, you would have let him go the rest of his life without acknowledging that he had a daughter.
Maxie: Yes, I thought I could do that, but... [Sighs]
Diane: All right, well, this is me taking off my lawyer hat in order to be able to say to you that I find your actions appallingly selfish. You have used and abused this young man, and you should be grateful that he's even forgiving you, let alone standing by you.
Spinelli: While I certainly appreciate your spirited defense, and -- and I'm grateful for the friendship that prompted it, I think we're getting a little off track.
Maxie: No, Spinelli, it's okay. Diane has every right to feel the way that she does, and... I agree with her. Yes, I was selfish and stupid and delusional to think that I could just give up our daughter, pass her off as Dante and Lulu's, but however it happened -- however the truth came out -- I'm grateful that it did before any more damage could be caused.
Diane: Oh, there's been enough damage to go around.
Maxie: [Sighs] So, I understand, okay? You're -- you're saying you're doing this for Spinelli's benefit.
Diane: No. However much I don't like what you did -- and I don't like what you did -- that does not impinge upon your right to a vigorous legal defense. The law, in this case, is on your side.
Spinelli: Great. So, how do we make it work for us?
Diane: Well, you have a couple of options. You could to the police.
Spinelli: The -- the police?
Diane: Dante and Lulu are holding your child against your wishes. You could accuse them of kidnapping.
Spinelli: That seems unsavory.
Maxie: I don't think we want to do that. What are our other options?
Diane: I could file a court order, demanding that Dante and Lulu surrender the baby to you.
Lulu: Would it be possible for us to sue Maxie for custody of Connie? I -- we've been Connie's parents since she was born. It can't be good for her to rip her out of the only home she's ever known. I -- I'm sure that if we could just tell a judge the situation that he or she would see it our way.
Alexis: I am so sorry, Lulu. I know how much you think of Connie as your daughter, and I know how devastating it is to think about losing her, but I highly doubt that a judge is going to allow you to keep her.
Faison: You talk a lot of nonsense. Look at me. If you truly are my daughter and carry my DNA, how can you say little Cesar isn't my family?
Britt: Because I'm your biological daughter, but Ben isn't my biological son.
Anna: No more lies. Tell us where we can find Robin.
Dr. Obrecht: I've already told you -- she's dead.
Robert: Don't even go there. I've seen her with you, alive.
Dr. Obrecht: You dreamt of her while you were in a coma.
Robert: You were trying to kill her.
Dr. Obrecht: I stand corrected. It was a nightmare.
Robert: I came into the room. She was strapped to a bed. I took the needle meant for her.
Dr. Obrecht: If you're so certain my intent was to kill your daughter, wouldn't I have completed the task once you were out of commission?
Anna: But you didn't. Faison told me that she's alive.
Dr. Obrecht: You fool. He'd say anything to please you.
Anna: He told me he'd take me to her.
Dr. Obrecht: [Scoffs] Cesar didn't want to take you to your daughter. He wanted to take you to his bed. [Voice breaking] And when he failed to entice you, he tried to use me as your replacement.
Anna: I'm sorry. What?
Dr. Obrecht: Are you happy? He wants only you. Never mind that I am the one who's loyal. I freed him from prison. I brought him a boy child. He wants me to wear your face in his bed! I should have never made that mask in your image. [Scoffs] It's only given him more reason to inflict pain on me.
Anna: It's obvious Faison has hurt you. You could hurt him back by helping us. Tell us where we can find Robin.
Anna: Faison doesn't deserve you. You've been loyal to him for years, and how does he repay that?
Dr. Obrecht: [Sighs]
Anna: By humiliation. You've risked your life, your freedom. And for what? Has he returned your affection? I don't think so. He just wants you to be me. You deserve more.
Dr. Obrecht: And why is this of interest to you?
Anna: I just think it's time for Faison to get what he deserves. Don't you? I mean, you are gonna have to be punished for what you did to Robert...and to Robin. But if you cooperate with us, I will see to it that the court goes easy on you, and I will put Faison away for good. Yeah? Your daughter, Britt -- she said that you don't care about her, but I know that's not true. She may not agree with your methods, but you only want what's best for her, 'cause you're a mother. Your child is your number-one priority. So, you can understand what I'm going through -- believing that Robin is alive and not being able to find her. And what about your own child? Your own daughter? She's suffering without her baby. You can put an end to all of this. You can have your revenge on Faison...if you just tell us where Robin is. And maybe we can find Britt's baby, too.
Dr. Obrecht: I will tell you what you want to know.
Robin: Patrick is not the father of that little boy?
Nikolas: No.
Robin: But Obrecht told me that he was.
Nikolas: Probably so you'd be willing to take care of him.
Robin: No. I-I-I saw the DVD of the nurses' ball, and Britt walked onstage and announced to everybody that she was carrying Patrick's baby.
Nikolas: She was lying. She was in love with Patrick, but he wasn't in love with her.
Sabrina: Patrick, you suffered an unimaginable loss. If you still need time to deal with that, it's okay. You can. You don't have to propose to me to try to prove something to me or to yourself.
Patrick: Come on. Is that what you think I'm doing?
Sabrina: Look, I'm just saying, if you -- if you want to take the proposal back, you can. We'll just -- we'll pretend it never happened.
Robin: I was so worried that Patrick was losing his mind, wondering where his baby was.
Nikolas: Where's the baby now?
Robin: Obrecht came back a few hours ago and took him with Faison.
Nikolas: Do you know where they took him?
Robin: No, I don't know.
Nikolas: [Sighs] Did they say anything that might help me find them?
Robin: All Obrecht said was that Faison had to spend time with his grandson.
Britt: Ben isn't my flesh and blood, which means he can't be yours.
Faison: What's the meaning of this, Britta? Who is this child?! Who is it? Some foundling your mother brought...
Britt: No.
Faison: ...In order to win over my affection, or what?
Britt: No, he's my son.
Faison: Well, did you adopt him?
Britt: No.
Faison: No! 'Cause I remember your mother told me you gave birth!
Britt: She was right. I gave birth. But she didn't tell you everything, okay? I carried this child. I gave birth to him, but he's not my biological son. He doesn't have your blood. Thank God.
Faison: [Sighs] I don't understand this.
Britt: Mother says you're some brilliant scientist. Figure it out for yourself.
Lulu: Alexis, I know that we are dealing with a crazy situation here, which means that most judges won't have dealt with a case like this. So how can you be so certain that they won't rule in our favor?
Alexis: Well, I can give you an educated guess on how I think the judge will rule. Connie is Maxie and Spinelli's biological child, and in family court, they almost always rule in favor of the biological parents.
Lulu: [Sighs]
Alexis: Lulu, if you seek custody, it will be an uphill battle, and I would be lying to you if I thought you stood a-a chance.
Lulu: [Voice breaking] So there's no way for us to keep custody of Connie? You're 100% positive?
Alexis: As draconian as it is, family law, particularly when pertaining to children, is based on, if you can believe this, property law. So, Connie, because she was created from Spinelli and Maxie's DNA -- it gives them rights. Their rights are pre-eminent.
Lulu: Well, what about Connie's right? What about Connie's right to a happy home, to the parents that she knows and she loves?
Alexis: Lulu, listen to me. If you pursue this, you will not only be wasting a lot of money, you will take a situation that is so horrible, and you will make it much worse.
[Connie cooing]
Lulu: What -- what are we supposed to do? I m-- wh-- are we supposed to take her and run, go underground somewhere, live like fugitives for the rest of our life? Is this what I have to do to keep my daughter?
Alexis: No, please, don't do that. [Sighs] Uh, all right, look. Maybe -- maybe there is another way.
Spinelli: So, how would this court order work?
Diane: I go in front of a judge and argue your case. If the judge agrees with me, he signs a document which forces Dante and Lulu to surrender all rights to the baby.
Maxie: That sounds great, but what if the judge doesn't agree?
Diane: Well, this is New York, and in New York, as in most states, the courts bend over backwards to see to it that the biological parents have the right to raise the child.
Maxie: How soon can you get this court order?
Diane: How soon can I get in front of a judge?
Spinelli: And once you procure it, Dante and Lulu would just give us our baby?
Diane: In a perfect world, yes. But we all know that this is not a perfect world.
Lulu: You know of another way that we can keep Connie? Tell me. I will do it.
Alexis: It depends on how far you want to go, Lulu, and, uh, I don't even know if it's remotely possible.
Lulu: I want to keep my baby, Alexis. I will do whatever it takes to make that happen.
Alexis: Even if it destroys someone?
Lulu: Destroy someone? Who?
Alexis: Maxie. You'd have to prove that she's an unfit parent.
Lulu: Prove that Maxie is an unfit mother? How would that even work?
Alexis: The law in family court is to act in the best interest of the child. It's the duty of the court to try to ensure that the child in question is in a safe, loving, and stable home. That's the precedent.
Lulu: Well, how would this work for us?
Alexis: You would have to prove that Maxie would somehow neglect or endanger her child. That would be the only way I think you'd get a shot at custody.
Lulu: Maxie is unfit. But there's no question.
Alexis: I don't want to mislead you. This will be very difficult to prove. Lulu? I know that Maxie has lied to you, and I know how much she has hurt you, and that is not okay, but that is a long, long way from being able to prove that she is an unfit mother.
Lulu: Do you think that she would be good for Connie?
Alexis: It doesn't matter what I think. It matters what you think. It matters what you want and what I'm able to prove, and I am telling you right now that it will be very difficult to prove that she's an unfit mother.
Lulu: Yeah, but not for me. Look at everything that Maxie's done.
Alexis: Maxie is your best friend.
Spinelli: Are we to infer that Alexis may find a way for Dante and Lulu to win custody of our child?
Diane: Well, I'm sure she'll try.
Maxie: Wait. You just said the courts favor biological parents.
Diane: They do, but Alexis is a formidable attorney. She'll do her research. She will craft an argument, very compelling, based on precedent, I'm sure, because somewhere, someone has to have found sufficient cause for the adoptive parents to retain custody of the child, even when the biological parents want that child back.
Maxie: But -- but that doesn't apply to our situation or Spinelli and me.
Diane: I'm just trying to explain to you that this is going to be a fight.
Maxie: Well, we're already fighting. I just want to know we can win.
Diane: Dante and Lulu will lose, but I'm going to warn you that, before all is said and done, things could get ugly.
Lulu: Maxie was my best friend. But not after this. Not after everything she's done. I can tell you anything you need to know to prove that she's unfit.
Alexis: Lulu, I want you to go home, and I want you to take some time and think about it.
Lulu: What for? I know exactly what I'm doing, Alexis. I know every lie that Maxie has ever told. I know every scam that she's -- she's ever tried to cover up. I know every single harmful, hurtful, possibly illegal, and definitely immoral thing that Maxie's done. Once I tell what I know, no court would even allow Maxie to raise a parakeet, and they certainly will not award her custody of my precious baby.
Alexis: I understand that your first impulse is to fight. I have empathy for you as a mother, but can you do this to Maxie? Can you?
Britt: So, father, you must see now that you don't want my baby.
Faison: Well, I see you lying, trying to trick me into giving you this baby!
Britt: I'm not lying! If you don't believe me, go ask my mother!
Faison: That cow? I'm not gonna ask her nothing. [Sighs]
Britt: Please, just let me have him. Ple--
Faison: I always tire of you quickly. Go. Please, go. Just go.
Britt: I'm not going anywhere without my --
Faison: Just go!
Britt: I'm not going anywhere without my son.
Anna: You're gonna tell us where Robin is? Or Britt's baby? Or both?
Dr. Obrecht: You'll see.
Robert: Where do we find them?
Dr. Obrecht: There's a laboratory downstairs. What you're looking for is there.
Anna: Robin's in the lab... with the baby?
Dr. Obrecht: I've said enough. You'll see for yourself.
Robert: If you're lying, we'll be back. But, in the meantime...
Dr. Obrecht: [Groans]
Robin: Obrecht was really vague. I-I mean, I can't be sure where they took the baby.
Nikolas: Well, they might still be here. And Britt's upstairs. I have go to her. Wait -- wait here. I'll come back for you.
Robin: What? No. I have to come with you.
Nikolas: I'll come back, Robin. I swear.
Robin: Nikolas, no. You don't understand. I have been locked up in here for a really long time. I can't be here. I have to come with you!
Nikolas: Obrecht and Faison might still be on the grounds, so who knows what they're planning? And you -- you know how crazy Jerry is. And, honestly, I don't know -- I don't know how -- how loyal the staff here is -- is to me at this point, okay? I-I swear, I'll come back. You're safer here.
Robin: No, Nikolas. You're not leaving me behind.
Patrick: I don't want to take back the proposal. I know what I want, and it's you. Sabrina, last year, I was -- I was caught in a-a fog of grief, and, quietly, you came into my life with your -- your big hair and your big glasses, and you made me and Emma smile when I didn't know if we were ever gonna be able to smile again. Before you, I was simply putting one foot in front of the other, just trying to get through my day, and then, before I knew it, everything was better. I was better, and I realized that -- that I could I have a life again...without Robin.
Sabrina: [Sighs]
Patrick: I know this is all sudden, and this proposal surprised me just as much as it surprised you. But I love you, and I know I don't have a ring, but I have this -- I want you to be my wife. I want to have a family with you and with Emma. And I want you to be beside me for the rest of my life.
Sabrina: [Crying]
Patrick: Sabrina Santiago, will you marry me?
Maxie: I was hoping getting custody of our biological child would be simpler than this.
Spinelli: With less potential for ugliness.
Diane: I'm trying to explain to you that it is never simple or pretty when it comes to parental rights.
Maxie: Whatever we have to do, I'm ready. I want to bring our baby home. I've loved her since the moment I knew that she belonged to Spinelli and me.
Spinelli: So have I.
Maxie: Get that court order, Diane. We'll do whatever it takes to bring our baby home.
Lulu: I have to protect my baby.
Alexis: Lulu, I want you to go home and talk to Dante, and I want you to cool down and take some time and think about it.
Lulu: I've taken all the time that I need. I don't want to lose Connie. I can't lose her. File the paperwork. I will go after Maxie. I'll do whatever it takes to keep my baby with me.
[Ben fusses]
Faison: Don't make this difficult, Britta. I'm leaving, and I'm taking Cesar.
Britt: You're gonna have to kill me first.
Anna: Psst!
Robert: Oh, damn it.
Anna: She's not here.
Robin: Dingdong, the witch is [Sighs] Down for the count.
Nikolas: Here. Here. Here. If she tries anything, shoot her.
Robin: Oh, don't worry. I will. Go find Britt and the baby.
Nikolas: Okay.
Robin: [Breathing heavily]
Britt: Get away from my son, you freak! [Whimpers]
Faison: The boy stays with me.
Britt: [Panting] Never. Never!
Nikolas: Take your hands off her! I swear to God, I'll kill you right here.
Britt: [Panting]
Robert: Obrecht lied to us.
Anna: [Sighs] Maybe not. Robert, look! Oh, my God. Our daughter was here. Robin was here.
Robin: I'm free. I'm finally free. And guess what. I won, Obrecht. After all those times that I got so close, it's happening. I'm finally going home to Patrick and Emma. Finally, I'm going home to my family.
Sabrina: [Voice breaking] You're really sure about this?
Patrick: As sure as I've ever been.
Sabrina: [Crying] [Sniffles]
Patrick: Will you marry me?
Sabrina: [Chuckles] Yes. [Chuckling] Yes, Patrick, I'll marry you.
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