GH Transcript Friday 10/18/13

General Hospital Transcript Friday 10/18/13


Provided By Suzanne

Robin: Dr. Robin Scorpio-Drake continuing my attempts to create another dose of the remedy for polonium-210 poisoning. I have diligently reviewed my notes from the last batch, but so far, I have been unsuccessful. [Sighs] At this rate, the patient, Jerry Jacks, will die before I'm able to create another dose. However, he would be well on his way to recovery if he hadn't given the first dose away. So, I just have to keep him alive long enough for... my parents to find me and get me off this God-forsaken rock.

[Door opens]

Robin: Mom? Dad?

Jerry: I'm afraid not.

[Door closes]

Jerry: Miss me?

Patrick: Hey, you don't have to do that. I feel guilty enough asking you to babysit Emma on a night off.

Elizabeth: Oh, please. You know I don't mind. And you know that my boys are visiting my sister, so I was either just gonna go home, watch "the bachelor" with a pint of ice cream, or match wits with Emma over pretty pretty princess.

Patrick: How'd that go?

Elizabeth: I went 0 for 3. You wouldn't think there's a strategy to a game like that, but...

Patrick: Yeah, she's a shark. The only one she takes it easy on is Sabrina.

Elizabeth: That's because she adores her. In fact, the only fuss she made all night was when Sabrina wasn't here to tuck her in. Where is nurse Santiago, anyway?

Patrick: She had something to take care of.

Elizabeth: Oh.

Patrick: Guess it couldn't wait.

Carlos: I have to call you back. Sabrina! What a pleasant surprise.

Sabrina: Drop the act, Carlos! I know what you did!

Luke: Oh, excuse me. What was your name again?

Mandy: Mandy, sir.

Luke: Mandy. That's very nice. Mandy, could you get me some warm nuts?

Mandy: Uh, that's no trouble at all, sir.

Luke: Okay. Oh! And also perhaps a warm chocolate-chip cookie. And a warm towel for my hands. And anything else you got back there that's warm.

Mandy: Would you like me to warm the champagne for you?

Luke: [Laughs] That's very droll, Mandy. No, we'll take that chilled.

Mandy: All right.

Luke: [Chuckles]

Tracy: Champagne? Really?

Luke: Yeah. We have a lot to celebrate.

Luke: Tracy Quartermaine, you beautiful, infuriating, brilliant woman, I love you.

Tracy: That remains to be seen.

Luke: What are you talking about? I'm cured of polonium poisoning. Jerry Jacks is as good as dead. I'd say that's something to toast, wouldn't you?

Jerry: You seem surprised to see me. You thought I was dead, didn't you?

Robin: I live in hope. Sit down.

Jerry: [Sighs]

Robin: Are you taking your meds?

Jerry: For all the good they're doing me.

Robin: Well, you need to rest.

Jerry: I've been resting.

Robin: You need to rest more. You don't want to aggravate the situation.

Jerry: Ah! So you can hatch up an escape plot with your tiny co-conspirator? Wait a minute. Robin. Where's the baby?

Faison: [Speaking Danish]

Dr. Obrecht: Cesar. The staff has prepared a chamber. Shall we? Your little namesake is a darling, isn't he?

Faison: Yeah. He's fortunate enough to have my looks.

Dr. Obrecht: He shall be a testament to your name. Together we will raise a glorious wunderkind.

Faison: Yeah. His mother might have a word to say about that.

Nikolas: Welcome to Cassadine island. Hall of mirrors is on the right, torture chamber on the left. Joking about the mirrors, of course.

Britt: Which way to the nursery?

Nikolas: I'll take you there as soon as I check in with security.

Britt: No, no. The longer we take, the more time my psychotic parents have to get away with my son.

Nikolas: That's not gonna happen. We'll get Ben back. Then I'll take care of your parents.

Luke: May I say you're a bright star in the dark, unfriendly skies and a wonderful standard-bearer for the service of the in-flight service industry.

Mandy: [Chuckles]

Luke: [Chuckles]

Tracy: You are nauseatingly expansive this evening.

Luke: Well, that's what having a life-saving elixir does for one's disposition.

Tracy: And do you really think that champagne is a good idea under the given circumstances?

Luke: You know, you're right. Mandy? Do you have a single malt back there, something not too peaty?

Tracy: I risked my life and my livelihood to rescue you, and you're already drinking.

Luke: May I remind you that my liver is pink and fluffy and that my insides were being eaten up by polonium, not alcohol?

Tracy: And how does alcohol interact with the mystery cure?

Luke: Beautifully! Look at me! I'm glowing!

Tracy: You're radioactive. Glowing is not a good thing.

Luke: [Sighs] Tracy, I intend to live my life celebrating it, and I want you to celebrate with me. So let's start with a toast to the woman who made it all possible.

Jerry: What have you done with the baby, Robin?

Robin: He, uh, made a break for it through the air vent. I tried to stop him, but he overpowered me. What do you care about the baby? It has nothing to do with you.

Jerry: But aren't you concerned? After all, the boy's your husband's son. Or perhaps you just don't care because he's not yours.

Robin: No, it doesn't matter who the father is. It's still an innocent, little baby.

Jerry: Perhaps you think you're better off leaving the tot behind when you return to Port Charles so you can better focus on your other competition, nurse Santiago.

Sabrina: How do you even sleep at night?

Carlos: All by myself longing for you.

Sabrina: Give it a rest, Carlos! You should be ashamed of yourself, after what you did?

Carlos: Well, there's plenty I have to be guilty of, not the least of which is letting you go.

Sabrina: Damn it, Carlos!

Carlos: And whatever I have done to upset you.

Sabrina: Okay! So you don't deny it, huh?

Carlos: Is this about the flowers again, because --

Sabrina: This isn't about the flowers. This is about the phone call that you made to Patrick.

Carlos: I never called Patrick.

Sabrina: Ohh! I should have known better than to think that I could have an adult conversation with you! A man who thinks that he can win his ex back by making prank calls to a grieving widower!

Carlos: Listen to me! I never called Patrick. And if he says I did, he's lying.

Sabrina: Oh, he didn't say he'd spoken to you! He said he'd spoken to his wife!

Elizabeth: Little trouble in paradise?

Patrick: What makes you say that?

Elizabeth: Nurses are trained to detect the slightest signs of distress, and what I'm seeing is...

Patrick: So everybody at the hospital knows that Sabrina and I had a fight?

Elizabeth: You may as well have had it over the P.A. System.

Patrick: Fantastic.

Elizabeth: You don't have to tell me what it is, but if you want to talk, I'm here.

Patrick: Sabrina and I hit a rough patch.

Elizabeth: Things were going really well.

Patrick: They were. Until I heard from Robin.

Robin: Yes, Jerry, I do need to get back to Port Charles and Patrick and Emma and the rest of my life that you ripped me away from.

Jerry: As I've explained, it was nothing personal. You were just a means to an end.

Robin: Well, allow this "means to an end" to remind you that you're currently dying.

Jerry: I don't need a reminder. I just feel like hell.

Robin: Good, then you and crazy Obrecht and crazier Faison can get the hell out of my way and let me get back to the business of saving your sorry life.

Jerry: Wait a minute. Faison? Cesar Faison? I thought he was tucked away in a maximum-security prison in Switzerland.

Robin: I wish. Dr. Obrecht broke him out of prison so that he could bond with his grandson. So that's where Patrick's baby is now -- at a psycho family reunion.

Faison: Never underestimate the mother's love for a child. If she's anything -- if Britta's anything like Anna Devane, she --

Dr. Obrecht: Enough about that English hure. I'm a mother, too. I know more about the bond between parent and child than you or your Anna could ever hope to learn.

Faison: Yeah, well, what about your daughter's bond with this child? Is it at all as strong as that? Lo at that. Look at that.

Dr. Obrecht: Britta's feelings have been ambivalent at best. She didn't even want him at first, but... and she almost aborted him.

Faison: What? She didn't... she would do away with my grandson?

Dr. Obrecht: Don't hold it against Britta. She was lost and alone.

Faison: [Sighs] She was weak. You are strong.

Dr. Obrecht: In the end, I prevailed upon her to keep the baby, and no harm was done.

Faison: Well, you did well.

Dr. Obrecht: I did it for you. So that your name should live on.

Faison: Yeah. And he shall wear it proudly. Yes, you will. Yes, you will.

Dr. Obrecht: I also did it for Britta. She's a competent physician, but otherwise, her skills are rather marginal. Relating to children is least among them. Yes, Cesar is better off with us. Our Britta will thank us in the end.

Ben: [Cries]

Britt: We should split up, that way we can cover more ground.

Nikolas: No, no, no. This place is like a maze. If you get lost and your parents find you before I do...

Britt: Right now, I am way more lethal than both of my parents combined. Trust me. So I need to find my son.

Nikolas: I don't think we're gonna have to look very far. It's still warm.

Britt: This is Ben's.

Nikolas: Yeah.

Britt: You were right. He's here. My baby is in this house.

Nikolas: Yeah.

Freeze! You're not making any sense.

Sabrina: Oh, it makes perfect sense.

Carlos: That Patrick got a call from his dead wife?

Sabrina: Patrick received a call from a blocked number, and on the other end of a very bad connection, there was a woman claiming to be Robin.

Carlos: That's terrible. It must have been very upsetting for him.

Sabrina: Oh, exactly the type of thing you'd hope for.

Carlos: Why would I wish that kind of pain on anyone, even Patrick?

Sabrina: [Scoffs] Dios mio, Carlos. You came into town expecting to find me lonely and desperate to get back together with you, and instead, I'd moved on with Patrick, and now you're trying to undermine us.

Carlos: I'm sorry you're upset. But I got to say, I'm not surprised.

Sabrina: Because you arranged the call!

Carlos: Because anyone with a pair of eyes can see where your Patrick's head is at!

Sabrina: His head would be fine if you would just stop messing with it!

Carlos: [Sighs] Do you really think I arranged for Patrick to get that call?

Sabrina: Well, it certainly didn't come from his wife! The woman is dead and buried!

Elizabeth: You heard from -- from Robin, like, in a dream?

Patrick: On the phone. She called me, and I heard her.

Elizabeth: When was this call?

Patrick: On her birthday. Yes, special occasion. I was missing her, and my mind was playing tricks on me, right?

Elizabeth: What you're describing is improbable and --

Patrick: Don't you mean impossible? I mean, Robin's dead. I know that. But I heard her voice. And when I did, it was like being hit by a truck.

Elizabeth: Patrick, it -- it was somebody else that just sounded like her.

Patrick: I heard her voice. She said, "it's me. Robin." Sabrina thinks it was somebody pulling a prank on me.

Elizabeth: You told Sabrina?

Patrick: I had to. I mean, I was upset. Obviously I just heard my dead wife on the phone. But that's not possible, right?

Elizabeth: Patrick --

Patrick: So why can't I let her go?

Jerry: Wait a minute. Obrecht brought Faison here?

Robin: So, you didn't check the guest book? You might want to tell the chef there will be two more for dinner tonight.

Jerry: That wretched woman and her obsession with that maniac will -- will bring the WSB right to us!

Robin: Look on the bright side, Jerry. Maybe the cavalry isn't coming. Maybe they're already here.

Nikolas: Put the gun down. I don't pay you to confront me in my own home.

Piotr: Prince Nikolas. I apologize. I-I mistook you for an intruder. Please forgive me.

Britt: They really talk to you that way?

Piotr: Word never reached me of your arrival.

Nikolas: That's because I didn't send any. I recently became aware that the island has become home to some outsiders. I'd like to assess the situation without alerting anyone to my presence.

Piotr: But the staff and I were led to believe that these were your guests.

Nikolas: Really? Well, tell me about them. Did they happen to have a baby with them?

Piotr: No, I know nothing of a baby. Perhaps the woman does.

Britt: What woman?

Piotr: Dr. Obrecht.

Faison: I'm your grandfather. And you may call me papa. Yes. You may call me papa. And you're my grandson, and I shall call you Cesar.

Ben: [Fusses]

Faison: Yeah. And you know what, sweetheart? You're gonna have everything in the world, I promise you. And anyone.

[Door opens]

Dr. Obrecht: Enough, Cesar. The boy is weary. And so am I. Why don't we retire?

Jerry: The WSB might be coming for Faison and Obrecht, but no one is coming to save you.

Robin: Well, obviously you haven't met my mother and father. They'll be here.

Jerry: Not in time.

Robin: What's that supposed to mean?

Jerry: You're finished, Robin! We both are! I've no intention of staying on this island stuck with that Teutonic wretch while awaiting the arrival of the WSB! I've had it! I'm done!

Robin: Well, then what are you gonna do?

Jerry: I'm going home to see my mother and my brother one last time.

Robin: And you're gonna let me go home, too?

Jerry: Robin, Robin. Of course not! Now... any last words? Huh?!

Carlos: You make me sad, Sabrina.

Sabrina: Why? Because I caught you?

Carlos: No, because your opinion of me has sunk so low. You think I would use Patrick's grief to my advantage.

Sabrina: Icomo que no! You did, Carlos!

Carlos: When? When?

Sabrina: You couldn't wait to point out the fact that Patrick was still wearing his wedding ring.

Carlos: A fact. A simple fact!

Sabrina: Like it was proof somehow that he was keeping me at arm's length! And then as soon as he takes it off, you start going in about --

Carlos: Which you never thanked me for.

Sabrina: You want me to thank you? Why should I thank you when you ignore what I want?!

Carlos: If you really knew what it is you wanted --

Sabrina: You're either drowning me in flowers or you're hinting at the fact that I'll always come second to the memory of Patrick's late wife.

Carlos: Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me I'm wrong.

Sabrina: You think that by keeping Robin front and center in Patrick's mind that he won't have any room in his life for me.

Carlos: I didn't do that, but maybe I should have. I can tell by your anger that it's working.

Elizabeth: I understand how grief can ambush you, make you believe in things that can't possibly be true. I've been there with Jake.

Patrick: What do you mean? You heard his voice?

Elizabeth: I could see him. The first time I was at the grocery store. I rounded a corner, and there he was. He was sitting in a cart pointing at a box of cereal, and it was like, "oh, my God. My baby's alive."

Patrick: What'd you do?

Elizabeth: I went to him. And then with every step, I realized that it wasn't him. It was some other little boy, some other mother's son.

Patrick: How did you move on?

Elizabeth: I guess I called Cameron "Jake" one too many times. And finally he yelled, "mommy, I'm not Jake. I'm Cameron. And Jake is gone." And it made me realize that holding on to Jake wasn't fair to Cameron or Aiden.

Patrick: It's not fair to you, either.

Elizabeth: And holding on to Robin isn't fair to you. And as much as I would love for her to walk through that door right now, she can't. Robin's not coming back.

Robin: Jerry, wait. Please.

Jerry: We had a deal, Robin. You save me, then I save you. But you didn't live up to your end of the bargain.

Robin: But I can still save you.

Jerry: Stop it! You're demeaning yourself.

Robin: I'm telling you the truth, Jerry. Jerry, you don't have to die.

Jerry: We all have to die one day. You're just going first. You see, you don't have enough time to generate a cure.

Robin: You're right. There is not enough time. But there is another way.

Nikolas: Piotr, is Dr. Obrecht alone, or is she with someone else?

Piotr: Do you mean Mr. Jacks?

Nikolas: Mr. Jacks?

Piotr: Yes. He's been our overseer in your absence.

Nikolas: Which Mr. Jacks?

Piotr: Mr. Jerry Jacks.

Jerry: Forgive my skepticism. I have to question your timing. I'm about to shoot you, and this is when you announce that there's another way to cure me?

Robin: Because I-I just thought of it right now.

Jerry: Oh, how terribly convenient.

Robin: I don't think that I need to make another dose. I think that it may already exist.

Jerry: Where? In a pharmacy?

Robin: In the bloodstream of the person who you already gave the cure to. So all you have to do is find the man who stole the cure from you and get it back.

Jerry: You're kidding. That's just bloody marvelous!

Robin: What's wrong with you? I-I just told you that I-I know how to save your life.

Jerry: The problem is, the man who stole the cure is Luke Spencer, and he's gone.

Luke: Hello, Mandy. Could I get a pillow for my feet and the test issue of skymall? I'm really interested to see what these new personal massagers are all about.

Luke: I'm not pretending. I want to give you the whole enchilada. You want a soul mate. I think I'm it.

Tracy: [Sighs] Please. Just don't say it.

Luke: Tracy... if I live through this, if we get back home, you deserve the whole meal, and I'm gonna give it to you if that's what you still want.

Luke: Trace!

Tracy: What?

Luke: Can I try your slippers? Mine are so tight. What the hell?

Tracy: Oh, did I kill your buzz?

Luke: Is there a problem?

Tracy: No, actually, I was, um, considering how completely you have embraced the placebo effect.

Luke: What placebo effect?

Tracy: The one that's allowing you to think you're cured after an injection of what might have been just colored water.

Luke: Is there any party you can't poop?

Tracy: How do we know it was the cure?

Luke: Well, look at me. I'm feeling 100% better.

Tracy: And how do we not know that that's just a combination of adrenaline and champagne and your warm nuts? Even Jerry Jacks didn't trust the physician that whipped it up.

Luke: And that's a good thing, because otherwise we would have never gotten our hands on it.

Tracy: And, Luke, what about that physician? Jerry Jacks had the doctor hidden away in some basement laboratory.

Luke: So what are you -- what are you getting at?

Tracy: Maybe the good doctor doctored the cure, and maybe we never should have left that doctor on that God-forsaken island.

Dr. Obrecht: Cesar. Did you hear me?

Faison: Yes, of course I heard you. I'm standing five feet away.

Dr. Obrecht: I'm waiting for you. I've been waiting for a long time. Come to bed.

Faison: Well, I'm not tired.

Dr. Obrecht: I said nothing about sleeping.

Faison: My little, sweet grandson, you gonna sleep a little bit, right?

Dr. Obrecht: He will keep. You want what's best for Cesar? A strong boy needs a strong upbringing. We must rear him together as one. Be one with me.

Faison: I can't make you happy.

Dr. Obrecht: Happiness is for dogs and Americans. I desire allegiance. Is it really so much to ask, especially after I have given you so much and still I have so much more to give?

Faison: Is that so?

Dr. Obrecht: You spent the better part of a year in confinement. [Breathing heavily] You must feel stymied. Allow me to clear the blockage.

Faison: Grant me one request.

Dr. Obrecht: The clamps?

Faison: The mask. Wear it.

Sabrina: Oh, you're right about one thing, Carlos. I am angry. But not because Patrick's still mourning his late wife. He loved Robin. Her passing left a giant void in his life, and he's done everything that he possibly can to move on from that. And someone is trying to undo it all.

Carlos: I'm angry, too. Because every minute he spends heaping affection on his dead-and-buried wife is another moment you go without.

Sabrina: I'm not going without anything!

Carlos: Then why are you here?

Sabrina: Oh, you want to know why I'm here?

Carlos: Yeah.

Sabrina: I'm here to tell you once and for all to back off and to make sure that you know that Patrick and his grief are off limits.

Carlos: If he was able to give you what you need, nothing I could do would bother you.

Sabrina: Don't act like you know me.

Carlos: Yeah, well, I know this much, querida. You deserve better. If you choose to stay with Patrick, he will give you less and less until there is nothing left to give.

Patrick: Elizabeth. Thank you for telling me what you went through after Jake died.

Elizabeth: I didn't want you to think that you're alone.

Patrick: You helped me get my head on straight. Again.

Elizabeth: You don't need me for that. You just have to think about what Robin would want for you. All your questions will be answered.

Nikolas: You're taking orders from Jerry Jacks?

Piotr: [Clears throat] Uh, yes, sir. He said you put him in charge.

Britt: Jerry Jacks. Isn't he the psycho that poisoned the Port Charles water supply?

Nikolas: Yes. That's the one.

Britt: I thought he was dead. Wasn't there some explosion?

Nikolas: Jerry's death is often greatly exaggerated, unfortunately. Is he on the island now?

Piotr: Yes, sir. Last I saw of Mr. Jacks was downstairs.

Nikolas: Downstairs where?

Piotr: In the lab.

Robin: Luke stole the cure? So he was the one with polonium poisoning?

Jerry: Yes, he was, indeed. It's a bit ironic, don't you think? Here you are toiling away in anonymity while upstairs your mother's one-time lover is lying in wait for me with Tracy Quartermaine.

Robin: Luke and Tracy were here? Were they looking for me?

Jerry: Not everything's about you, Robin. Luke was searching for the same thing as me -- the cure for polonium poisoning.

Robin: How did Luke end up with polonium poisoning?

Jerry: Well, Luke's affliction came courtesy of Helena Cassadine. I was gonna test a dose of the cure on him to make sure it was safe. And, uh... Tracy intervened and absconded with the whole thing.

Robin: Well, then it sucks to be you right now. Because Luke is the key to your survival, and you let him get away.

Tracy: Luke, I say we hop a plane back to Greece, we go back to the God-forsaken island, and collect the doctor.

Luke: Are you insane? Come on. Tracy, we did it. You were definitely bonnie to my Clyde, and it almost cost us our lives.

Tracy: Yeah, and you might still be paying with yours.

Luke: So now you want to jump on a plane and go back to the island of lost souls just to debrief some scientist? Come on. No.

Tracy: I'm just saying we may not have been the only ones that needed to escape.

Luke: Well, I am truly touched -- and unnerved -- by your compassion. But, Tracy, I'm not gonna risk my life or yours going back there just to liberate some lab rat of Jerry Jacks'. And besides, anybody who gets involved with that guy deserves what they get. Look at Dr. Obrecht.

Dr. Obrecht: [Sobs] You want me to what?

Faison: Put on the mask.

Dr. Obrecht: You want me to wear this? In bed?

Faison: Could be fun.

Dr. Obrecht: Can you not look at me? Does the thought of lying with me turn your stomach so, or can you simply not perform for anyone but Anna Devane?

Faison: I'm sorry, but, uh, you told me you would do anything for me.

Dr. Obrecht: No! I will not debase myself! How dare you ask me, after everything I have done for you?!

Faison: I think I'm the one who will be doing a thing for you.

Dr. Obrecht: [Breathing heavily] No longer, Cesar.

Faison: How dare you?

Dr. Obrecht: Push me again, and I'll do far worse.

Faison: Watch your step.

Dr. Obrecht: Or what? You'll sic the guards on me? Go ahead. Call them. I think you'll find that your influence has diminished since your incarceration, while mine has grown exponentially! Perhaps it is you who should watch your step around me.

Faison: Where do you think you're going?

Dr. Obrecht: If you get lonely, I suggest you don the mask and behold your reflection! That should bring you hours of pleasure.

Nikolas: I need you to organize security, round up all the outsiders -- Obrecht, Jerry Jacks, anyone. You understand?

Piotr: Yes, sir. Right away.

Nikolas: They probably have an infant with them.

Britt: That would be my son.

Nikolas: Yeah. And once they find him, they need to separate the boy from the interlopers and protect him. Do you understand me?

Piotr: Yes, sir.

Britt: [Sighs]

Nikolas: All right, I need to go figure out what he's doing in my lab.

Britt: Okay, I'll go with you.

Nikolas: No, no, no, no, no. You have to stay here.

Britt: But you just said we shouldn't split up.

Nikolas: That's before I found out that Jerry Jacks was involved, okay? He's -- he's amoral, he's ruthless. You understand? I watched him shoot an innocent man right in front of me for no reason at all.

Britt: He's that dangerous?

Nikolas: Yes. He is. I have to go find a gun right now and shut him down.

Britt: Okay, but he could have my son.

Nikolas: That's why we have to be careful. I promise you, you will be reunited with Ben. But you have to stay here.

Britt: [Exhales deeply]

Jerry: All right. Change of plans. Instead of killing you, I'm gonna go back to Port Charles. I look forward to personally drawing Luke's blood. How much do I need, by the way? Oh, it doesn't matter. I'll take all of it to be on the safe side.

Robin: Let's go.

Jerry: What makes you think you're coming with me?

Robin: What makes you think a simple blood transfusion will fix you right up?

Jerry: If this is a stall and you're driving me of spending my last days on earth with the two remaining people I love, I will kill you, and I will take your loved ones for good measure.

Robin: This is not a stall. I think I can cure you, but it is not a simple blood transfusion. I have to go with you to Port Charles.

Carlos: You may not believe this, but it gives me no pleasure to show you that the man that you're so devoted to can't return your feelings.

Sabrina: You don't know the first thing about Patrick. Or me. Stay out of our lives. Stop with the calls. Stop trying to manipulate him.

Carlos: I didn't call, and I'm pretty sure you know that. But just so we're clear, I'll do whatever it takes to open your eyes. Patrick is in love with a dead woman. And he'll never let her go.

Sabrina: Never speak to me again.

Robin: I have to ask you something. Something really big. Something that I need you to do for me. [Sighs] I need you to find a way to be happy again. Emma's really small, you know. She has a really long life ahead of her, and I want her to grow up in a happy home. So I want you to do honor my memory and honor the memory that is our family and find someone else to be a family with again. So...I'm telling you that... [Sighs] ...It's -- it's okay with me if you are to open your heart to another woman. I just... I don't want you to be alone. You're such an incredible man, and you have so much love to give. [Chuckles tearfully] She's out there. I mean, she's smart and she's funny and, uh... she will love you. And she will love Emma as if she were her own. So please find someone else to be a family with.

Robin: Now that that's settled, when do we leave?

Jerry: Tonight. If I decide to take you with me.

Robin: But how --

Jerry: Forgive me if I don't take your word for anything. I don't make life-or-death decisions lightly. At least when my life is hanging in the balance.

Robin: Jerry, you need me. Without me, you're a dead man.

Jerry: So noted. But I have other business to attend to, namely Faison and his $88 million cure he failed to deliver.

Robin: The longer you take to make this decision, the closer you get to dying. Jerry. Jerry. Jerry!

[Electronic lock buzzes]

Nikolas: Jerry!

Britt: Screw it. I cannot sit on my hands. My son is here. I have to find him.

[Door closes]

Britt: Nikolas?

Dr. Obrecht: [Sobbing] [Gasps]

Britt: Mother.

Tracy: [Sighs] You are so right, Luke. We can't go back to that island. And I will do my damnedest to put that mystery doctor out of my mind. But the minute we land in Port Charles, I am taking you to general hospital and getting you checked out. I have fought too hard to lose you now.

Mandy: And what can I get you for dinner, ma'am? We have the salmon, the pork tenderloin, or the enchilada.

Tracy: [Chuckles] Gosh, I wonder if I'm hungry enough for the... whole enchilada. What do you think, Luke? I'll have the pig.

Sabrina: Hey.

Patrick: Hey. How are you? You okay?

Sabrina: Yeah. I'm fine. Um, sorry I'm so late.

Patrick: No, no. It's fine. I'm just really glad you're here.

Sabrina: Are you?

Robin: I love you, Patrick. And I'm coming home to you. To both of you. Either Jerry will bring me or my parents will find me first. But no matter what... I'm coming home. [Sighs]

Dr. Obrecht: Britta, you're here.

Britt: Yes, I'm here. I'm here to get my son.

Dr. Obrecht: You'll never believe what your father just --

Britt: I don't care.

Dr. Obrecht: It was so demeaning --

Britt: I said I don't care! Now, where the hell is my son?

Ben: [Crying]

Faison: Oh, oh, sorry, sorry, sweetheart. Now, where were we before we were so rudely interrupted by grandma? Hmm?

Britt: Tell me where he is, mother. What have you done with him?

Dr. Obrecht: [Sighs]

Britt: Damn it! If you don't tell me where my son is right now, I swear I will tear you to pieces.

Dr. Obrecht: He's upstairs. Wait! Britta, there's something I need to --

Britt: Let me go!


[Electronic lock buzzes]

Patrick: Of course I'm glad you're here. You sure you're okay?

Sabrina: Yeah. Yeah. What about you? You seem a little off. Is something wrong?

Patrick: No. No, nothing's wrong. In fact, everything is... finally right.

Robin: That was fast.

Britt: [Exhales deeply]

Robin: Made your decision already?

Sabrina: Patrick. What is it?

Patrick: Marry me.

Robin: So, are we going to Port Charles tonight or what?

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