GH Transcript Thursday 10/17/13

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 10/17/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Shawn: I'm not sure what you're hoping to find. I mean, we've both seen Derek Wells, and the guy looks nothing like Julian Jerome.

Sonny: From what I hear, I should not make the mistake of underestimating Julian Jerome. So I'm gonna prepare myself to do what I have to do. Fortunately...I got somebody in town who can help me out with that.

Shawn: I just talked to him, told him how serious we are.

Sonny: What'd he say?

Shawn: He should be here any minute.

Duke: No. I'm sorry, Patrick. Uh, Anna's still in Switzerland.

Patrick: Did she give you any idea when she's gonna be back?

Duke: No. No, she didn't. I think, uh, she's dealing with a-a situation.

Patrick: Anything serious?

Duke: No! No. Nothing that she can't handle. And when she does, uh, she'll be on her way home.

Patrick: All right. Well, can you let me know when you hear from her? I've got something to talk to Anna about. It's important.

Duke: Of course. You have my word. You take care, Patrick.

Patrick: Thank you. You, too.

Sabrina: Anna? You weren't gonna tell her about that call from Robin, were you?

Robin: How am I supposed to do this? [Sighs] The cure that I developed for Jerry took over a year to synthesize. I mean... even if I can do it again, Jerry doesn't have that kind of time.

Ben: [Fusses]

Robin: [Sighs] He'll die before the medicine can be duplicated. [Sighs] Jerry's been very clear about what's at stake. If I don't cure him... I never get to go home and see my family. Neither do you.

Dr. Obrecht: No harm will come to your baby boy. On the contrary, he has a great future ahead of him. Soon, we will all be together -- one big, happy family at last.

Nikolas: Hey. Oh. Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you.

Britt: Oh, it's all right. Probably doesn't do me any good to keep watching this, anyway.

Nikolas: No. No.

Britt: [Sighs]

Nikolas: Britt, I know you're worried, but, uh, the flight attendant just made the announcement to...turn off all electronic equipment.

Britt: Oh.

Nikolas: [Chuckles] We just started our descent. We'll be there soon.

Britt: Do you know how long until we land in Athens?

Nikolas: I'd say about 30 minutes or so. There's a car waiting for us, and I've chartered a boat to take us to the island. There's a couple of small service piers outside the main compound where we can dock without being seen.

Britt: And you really think my mother has been there?

Nikolas: Well, once I re-watched the video and knew what I was looking at, I recognized it right away. Yeah. Your mother was definitely on Cassadine Island.

Ben: [Fusses]

Robin: Jerry has made it very clear. If he dies, then I die. And why shouldn't I believe him, right? He's ruthless. But then what happens to you?

Ben: [Whimpering]

Robin: What if I never, ever get to see my family ever again?

Ben: [Crying]

[Door opening]

Mac: [Chuckles] Look at you. You're a pro already.

Robert: What I don't need... is this wretched prop. I need to get out of here.

Mac: Hey, it was a stupid joke.

Robert: [Sighs] Uh, it's -- it's all right.

Mac: No. You know, I upset you yesterday, I think, uh, when I brought up Robin's funeral.

Robert: No. No. No, I-I needed to see that. I needed to remember my daughter like that. I needed to see how she touched people, and... people who loved her.

Mac: Robert, then, what's the problem? What's got you so ticked off?

Anna: Don't tell Mac or Patrick or Emma -- no one. You understand?

Robert: Um... I suppose I'm worried about Anna.

Robin: Oh, my God. Mom?

Mac: This is Anna we're talking about -- she can hold her own in the field.

Robert: I know she's a professional. And I'd be the last person to ever doubt that.

Mac: Yeah, maybe so. But something's got you wound pretty tight. I've never seen you this worried about Anna before.

Robert: Suppose so.

Mac: Would it help if you, uh, told me what's going on?

Robert: [Sighs]

Mac: Come on. I know Anna's working on a case. And neither of you have given me any details. Maybe it's time you clued me in.

Robin: [Crying] Mom, you found me!

Anna: Robin! Oh!

[Both crying]

Robin: I knew you would, Mom. I knew you would come and get me.

Anna: We have to get out of here. We don't have much time. We have to -- [Laughing]

Dr. Obrecht: Do you think I'm here to save you, little twit? [Chuckles]

Robin: What?

Dr. Obrecht: "What?" Aw.

Robin: No. Please. No! No!

Dr. Obrecht: [Cackling] Oh. Oh. [Continues cackling]

Robert: Look. What I'm about to tell you has got to remain within strictest co-- a-Anna!

Anna: Hi.

Mac: Boy, are we glad to see you.

Anna: Yeah. Oh, it's a relief to be back... and see you on your feet!

Robert: Yeah. Well, uh, my -- my nursemaid here keeps insisting I --

Mac: Hey, don't blame me. It's doctor's orders!

Robert: Uh, so, did, uh, you talk to...thing about, uh, the thing?

Mac: You don't have to speak in code. Robert was just about to tell me, uh, about the case you're working on. I gather it's big.

Anna: You could say that.

Mac: Look, you two. I may not have Bureau training, but I got plenty of experience in the field. Is there anything I can do to help?

Anna: [Exhales sharply]

Britt: It still doesn't make any sense. I mean, why would my mother be hiding out at your family's estate? She'd only take Ben to bring him to my father, and my father's not in Greece.

Nikolas: [Sighs] No. You're right. Faison is in a super-Max facility, in Steinmauer, right, which is --

Britt: In Switzerland.

Nikolas: Right, but it's just a short flight from Athens. I mean, your -- your mother wouldn't just show up with a baby and ask for a visit. She -- she needs a base of operations.

Britt: And your family's island is it? I mean, do you rent it out, run an ad in the better travel magazines?

Nikolas: No, no. No. But your mother would be aware of the island.

Britt: How?

Nikolas: Well [Sighs] Uh, for one thing, my grandmother hired Faison to facilitate a kidnapping.

Britt: Whose?

Nikolas: My half-brother, Lucky Spencer. Uh, I-it's a long and painful s-story, uh, but the point is, my grandmother and Faison once worked together, and my father, Stavros, was treated at your mother's facility, so...

Britt: So you think my mother was granted access to your family's island?

Nikolas: Yeah, and she may not e-even need permission to be there. Uh, my -- my entire family has basically been wiped out, right? I-I own the island, but I seldom visit. There's just too many bad memories. But there's -- there's a whole -- there's a whole compound there -- a main house, outer buildings, not to mention a-a state-of-the-art laboratory in the basement.

Britt: You're kidding.

Nikolas: No. No, not even a little. That island is a ready-made hideout for your mother and Faison to squat at.

Dr. Obrecht: Oh, forgive the theatrics, maedchen (girl). I simply couldn't resist seeing the look on your face. I thought you would guess the game before I revealed my true identity. One would think you'd be all too aware of what a good mask can do.

Robin: You're even sicker than I thought you were.

Dr. Obrecht: And you, more weak. Tell me, who wins?

Robin: Where's Jerry?

Dr. Obrecht: Recovering from his unfortunate shoulder injury.

Robin: Okay, so... [Sighs] What -- this is your new plan? Are you going to kidnap my mother so you can replace her, too?

Dr. Obrecht: Please. I have no intentions of masquerading as your mother. Working eight hours a day behind a desk on a government salary? No, that's torture. I needed the mask to procure... someone else.

Robin: Who?

Faison: That would be me.

Sonny: So, thank you, uh, you know, for coming by today.

Duke: You're very welcome, although your associate made it perfectly clear I didn't have much choice.

Sonny: Yeah, well, he -- he can be pretty, uh, intimidating, as you can probably see.

Duke: Well, whatever our mutual interests are, I hope this doesn't take too long.

Sonny: I want to ask you a few questions about, uh, um... an old friend of yours. Julian Jerome.

Duke: We were not friends.

Sonny: Associate.

Duke: What about him?

Sonny: I'm sure you've heard about, uh, what happened to my recent shipment.

Duke: A coffee shipment, wasn't it?

Sonny: A freighter exploded as it approached the pier.

Duke: I was with Anna when she got the report, and I was later on the scene. And, apparently, there wasn't much evidence.

Sonny: That was the first incident. I'm sure it wasn't the biggest.

Duke: Do you have any idea who's targeting you?

Sonny: Yeah. Uh, Shawn has -- uh, he's been interviewing, you know, the competition. Talked to one of the enforcers.

Duke: Did he offer up any insight?

Shawn: As a matter of fact, he did. His boss' name? Julian Jerome.

Duke: Well, in that case, the man was lying to you, 'cause Julian Jerome is...dead.

Sonny: I was hoping that maybe you can, uh, tell me something about his death.

Duke: Well, uh, he died in a gunfight.

Sonny: With who?

Duke: Me. ...Or, rather, the person who was pretending to be me.

Faison: My dear Robin. It's been a long time.

Robin: Stay away from me. So, this is why you abandoned your grandson and left him with me -- so you could break this psychopath out of prison?

Dr. Obrecht: I knew you'd take good care of the baby. And as much as I love my liebchen (dear), he would've gotten in the way of a jailbreak.

Britt: If she can't bring Ben to my father, she'd bring my father to him. She'd have to break him out.

Nikolas: Again, Steinmauer is a maximum-security prison. It's supposed to be escape-proof.

Britt: Look, it's not a problem for my mother. She's capable of anything, especially when it comes to my father.

Nikolas: You can't go down this road right now. It's -- it's not good for you or Ben to speculate on any of this.

Britt: You know something, don't you?

Nikolas: [Clears throat]

Britt: Don't you?

Nikolas: I don't know anything for sure. But considering how the reps at the prison clammed up... something's gone down there.

Anna: Of course, I would use your help if -- if I could.

Mac: Anna, I know how the game is played. You got to keep your cards close to your chest, okay? But don't forget the person you're looking for concerns me, too. Liesl Obrecht. She almost killed Robert, put him in a coma for almost a year! I want her brought to justice as much as anyone!

Anna: Right. Obrecht is involved in this case. But really, I-I'm not at liberty to say anything else. I'm sorry.

Mac: Well, just let me know. Is there anything I can do to help?

Anna: Of course. I-I will let you know. Yeah.

Mac: So, you two need a minute?

Robert: Uh --

Anna: Yeah.

Robert: I-if you wouldn't mind.

Mac: All right. I'll go check in with Felicia. [Sighs]

Anna: [Sighs]

Robert: Did you speak with Faison?

Anna: There was a... few complications.

Robert: What did he say about our daughter?

Anna: He said Robin was alive.

Sabrina: Peace offering?

Patrick: Thank you. But you don't need to offer peace. You were right about my conversation with Duke. I was trying to find out when Anna's back. I want to tell her about the call.

Sabrina: But, Patrick... [Sighs] We agreed that it would be wrong to get Anna's hopes up, to even let her consider that Robin could've called you, when we both know it was nothing.

Patrick: But that's the thing, Sabrina. I don't -- I don't think it was nothing.

Robin: I said stay away from me!

Faison: Careful, Robin. You don't want to upset the baby.

Ben: [Crying]

Dr. Obrecht: Like all the women in her family -- oh, yeah -- Dr. Scorpio-Drake has an inflated opinion of herself. Cesar is not here to see you. Yeah! Allow me to introduce you to your grandson!

Faison: Hi, sweetheart! Look at that!

Ben: [Crying]

Dr. Obrecht: Aw.

Faison: Look! Look! Hey! Yeah! My little grandson.

Dr. Obrecht: Yeah.

Faison: Oh, you sweet -- know what? We are going to accomplish so much together, you and I. Yeah! Is that a good thumb?

Ben: [Cries]

Sonny: So, uh, this other person -- you talking about Faison, the bastard who killed Jason?

Duke: Mm, no. My apologies. Last year was not the first time that somebody assumed my identity.

Sonny: Mm?

Duke: When I was first in Turkish prison, I had a cell-mate whose name was Jonathan Paget. I assumed he was a plant. He found out everything he could about me, and then he came back to Port Charles and assumed my identity. He convinced Anna that he was me. That was after he'd had radical plastic surgery.

Sonny: So this other guy -- he's the one who killed Julian?

Duke: Yes. Uh, Julian and I were destined to destroy each other, no matter who played my part. And I'm afraid Jonathan Paget will be of no help to you.

Sonny: Paget's dead?

Duke: Yes. It's rather poetic, in a way. Julian and Paget faced each other at a cabin. Neither survived.

Sonny: So there weren't a-any other witnesses, nobody alive that could verify the story?

Duke: Nobody was a witness to the incident. Uh, Julian's body was discovered... actually... by Robert Scorpio.

Robert: I knew it, Anna. I told you. Our daughter's alive!

Anna: That's what Faison said.

Robert: Well, uh, what else did he say? Did he say where Obrecht may have taken her?

Anna: No. No, um... after...he said Robin was alive, then he refused to give out any more information.

Robert: So he clammed up?

Anna: Not exactly. Faison wouldn't tell me where she is. He said he would show me, provided I went with him.

Robert: What?

Anna: And that's when Obrecht jumped me. And Faison and Obrecht -- they got away.

Faison: You are beautiful. Yes, you are. Mm.

Dr. Obrecht: The spitting image of his opa (grandpa).

Faison: You are a little...

Dr. Obrecht: Say hello to your grossvater (grandfather)!

Faison: Yeah.

Robin: I don't understand. You said this is -- this is Patrick's son. [Sighs] And this is also Faison's grandson?

Dr. Obrecht: Patrick is the father of our wenig (little) Cesar, and his mother, my darling Britta, is Cesar's daughter.

Faison: You're a cutie. Aren't you? Yes, you are.

Woman on PA: On behalf of our Greece-based crew, we'd like to welcome you to Athens. We're still waiting for a gate, so until we're parked safely at the airport, we ask that you remain seated.

Britt: Oh, come on. This is torture. We're in Athens, and we can't even get off the damn plane?! Are you --

Nikolas: I'm sure they'll find a gate for us soon.

Britt: [Sighs] Tell me, uh, about your family's island. W-what's it like?

Nikolas: [Chuckling] Okay. Um... it's beautiful... from a distance. A beautiful prison -- I'll say that.

Britt: Oh, that's cheerful!

Nikolas: Right?

Britt: Mm!

Nikolas: [Chuckles] Um... well, I was -- I was born there. Spent the first 16 years of my life there.

Britt: Did you hate it?

Nikolas: No! No. Not -- not always. I lived with my uncle for the most part. He had his flaws, but he was good to me. I remember when I was 8, my -- my grandmother pulled a coup in the middle of the night.

Britt: Seriously?

Nikolas: Yeah.

Britt: A coup?

Nikolas: Right? Yeah, I-I woke up one morning, and I-I-I came down to join my uncle for breakfast, and he wasn't there. My grandmother was. I-I didn't know if -- if they had killed him, if he was ever coming back. I-I didn't know.

Britt: Did -- did -- did he?

Nikolas: Yeah!

Britt: Come back?

Nikolas: Yeah, he -- it took him about a year, but yeah, he -- he eventually, uh, was able to turn the tables and force her out.

Britt: Wow. So, for a year, you were with your grandmother...on that island.

Nikolas: Yes. Yes. And I was absolutely terrified of her. But I will say she brought in her own pastry chef from Paris. And the croissants were incroyable.

Britt: [Laughs]

Nikolas: But my uncle -- as soon as he came back, he fired her entire staff. I didn't miss most of them, but I-I was sad to see that pastry chef go. I really was.

Britt: [Laughs] Sounds like you had a more bizarre upbringing than I did.

Nikolas: Oh, gosh. Don't waste your sympathy on me. I was incredibly privileged.

Woman on PA: Ladies and gentlemen, we're being rerouted to an alternate gate. We apologize for the additional delay.

Britt: Delay? Are -- [Sighs]

Woman on PA: Please feel free to use your cell phones at this time.

[Cell phone chiming]

Nikolas: I have a missed call from Anna.

Britt: W-what is it? What did -- what did she say?

Nikolas: She has some news on your mother.

Robin: You two are Britta's parents. And my husband... had a son... with Faison's daughter?

Dr. Obrecht: A fact he wasn't aware of at the time.

Robin: But he is now? Does Patrick know that you have his son?

Dr. Obrecht: Enough questions! Look at him! So strong! So much intelligence in his eyes!

Faison: Yes. An heir to be proud of, isn't it?

Dr. Obrecht: I told you. Aren't you glad you decided to come with me instead?

Ben: [Crying]

Dr. Obrecht: That I brought you here?

Faison: Yeah. But I wish it hadn't been at my dear Anna's expense.

Robin: What? What are you talking about? What did you do to my mother?

Anna: So, when I came to, Obrecht and Faison were gone.

Robert: But are you all right?

Anna: Yes, I'm fine! Of course, I'm fine. The staff checked me over. I'm just frustrated, because it was an amateur mistake. I should've had Obrecht restrained. Instead, I was distracted. I was distracted by Faison when I saw him! Oh, God. I loathe that man. I hate him. He has some kind of sick hold over me.

Robert: Look. Let's not beat ourselves up over this, all right?

Anna: I let them get away clean. They didn't leave a trace.

Robert: So, we have no leads. We have nothing. We don't know where our daughter is.

Anna: We don't even know that Faison is telling the truth. This could be some twisted game to get inside my head.

Robert: No. Not this time.

Anna: You warned me. Faison is insidious. He's made this kind of obsessive study of my life. He knows what buttons to push. He knows what I am desperate to hear. He told me Robin was alive, because I practically begged him to. That doesn't make it true!

Robert: You don't listen to Faison. You listen to me. I've seen her. I know she's alive! The minute we find Obrecht, we find our daughter!

[Cell phone ringing]

Anna: Maybe this is a lead. Nikolas?

Sabrina: I was with you last night. You seemed to accept that it couldn't have been Robin on the phone.

Patrick: I know that it doesn't make sense. But the more that I go over it in my head, the more I'm convinced that I heard Robin.

Sabrina: You said the connection was terrible.

Patrick: It was. And there was lots of static, and it kept cutting in and out.

Sabrina: And didn't the caller say something about the sun?

Patrick: I said that it was a bad connection, and I might've misunderstood that part.

Sabrina: Maybe you heard what you wanted to hear. It was Robin's birthday. You were thinking about her. It's understandable that your mind would play tricks on you.

Patrick: Somebody called. I know Robin's voice. But let's just say that it wasn't her. Then who was it?

Sabrina: I know you didn't just make up a phone call.

Patrick: But you don't think that it was Robin on the phone.

Sabrina: Most likely, it was a wrong number.

Patrick: [Clears throat] That's what I told myself last night. The more I thought about it, the less that it made sense. Now, I'm not saying... if it wasn't Robin on the phone, somebody definitely said her name, and -- and that would be one hell of a coincidence if it was just a wrong number.

Sabrina: Patrick... Robin's gone. There's no way it could've been her. There has to be some other explanation.

Patrick: I know. But in this moment, I don't know what that could be.

Ben: [Crying]

Robin: What did you do to my mother?

Dr. Obrecht: Oh, spare us the hysterics! Your mother's alive, much to my chagrin. She was surprised to find me one step ahead of her. Naturally, she tried to thwart our escape, but she didn't anticipate my resolve. Needless to say, I...subdued her.

Robin: [Chuckles] Looks like she didn't go down without a fight. Good shot, Mom.

Dr. Obrecht: Insolence.

Faison: [Murmuring]

Robin: So, if my mother wasn't there to intercept you, why was she at that prison?

Faison: Well, she came to see me.

Robin: My mother hates you. Why would she willingly go anywhere near you?

Faison: Because your stupid father couldn't keep his mouth shut. He told your mother you were alive.

Dr. Obrecht: Cesar! What are you doing?!

Ben: [Fusses]

Robin: My father. [Chuckles] My father's awake. He saw me, and he knows that I'm alive. That's why my mom was there -- because she knows that. She knows that you have me, and they're looking for me right now!

Anna: No, Nikolas. As far as I could tell, Obrecht didn't have Ben at the prison.

Nikolas: I understand.

Anna: I'm afraid I let her slip through our fingers again. I'm so sorry.

Nikolas: Uh, d-don't apologize.

Anna: The WSB are gonna be on the trail of Obrecht and Faison, and... [Sighs] As yet, they don't have any indication of where they've gone.

Nikolas: Uh, Britt and I... may know where they are.

Anna: Why? Did Obrecht contact her daughter again?

Nikolas: She sent her a video message.

Anna: Did she say where she is?

Nikolas: She just, uh, went on about wanting to be a family again, but... I recognized where the message was recorded. Obrecht was definitely on Cassadine Island.

Anna: Cassadine Island? Uh, could you forward me that message?

Nikolas: Yes, of course.

Anna: Okay. I'll be on a flight to Greece, then.

Nikolas: Okay. Uh, Britt and I actually just landed in -- in Athens. As soon as we de-plane, we're chartering a boat to the island.

Anna: Under no circumstances do you go on that island.

Nikolas: Uh, Anna, with all due respect, it -- it is my island. I own it. I have every right to go there.

Anna: No. You listen to me. This is dangerous. I want you and Britt to remain in Athens...until I give you further instructions. Do you understand me? Have I made myself clear?

Nikolas: Yes. Clear.

Anna: All right. I'll be in touch. [Sighs]

Robert: Great. When are we leaving?

Sonny: Robert Scorpio found Julian's body.

Duke: You sound skeptical.

Sonny: Well, you know, he -- Scorpio has a history of faking deaths.

Duke: Indeed, but he wouldn't use that expertise for somebody like Julian Jerome.

Sonny: And why would you say that?

Duke: Because he was a threat, like all the Jeromes. He was a threat to me, to Anna, and, by extension, to Robin. I mean, the father, Victor Jerome -- he was obsessive, pathologically greedy. The daughter, Olivia -- she was a lunatic. The sanest of them all was Julian, but even he was dangerous and evil. So if Scorpio says he was dead, then he was most definitely dead.

Sonny: Okay.

Duke: So it seems to me the man that you spoke to was intentionally misleading you.

Shawn: Well, he was pretty convincing.

Duke: Well, if there is a Julian Jerome, it's only somebody with the same name. I can assure you he is no relation.

Sonny: What makes you so sure?

Duke: Julian only had a son, one son. He didn't even know he had him. He was adopted by Tony and Bobbie Jones. He's Carly's brother, Lucas Jones. So, if that is all, gentlemen...

Sonny: Actually, there's something else. How much do you, uh, know about your new boss?

Duke: Derek Wells? Why are you inquiring about him? Does this have something to do with Julian Jerome?

Sonny: No, absolutely not. But since you're in my office... this -- this guy Wells has been, like -- he's been taking shots at me in his newspaper. I barely even know the guy. I mean, I might've had, what -- one conversation with him? I haven't had any business dealings with him. But for whatever reason, he keeps coming after me. So... any inside information... would be greatly appreciated.

Duke: I can't offer you much. I deal mostly on the corporate side. The editorial side, I don't have much say in. And, personally...I hardly know Mr. Wells.

Sonny: So, you two weren't acquainted before you started working for him?

Duke: I never laid eyes on him before.

Shawn: How'd you get the job?

Duke: Well, the same way most people get employment. I was looking for work, and, just by chance and mutual acquaintances, I met Mr. Wells, and he offered to look at my résumé.

Sonny: So the guy just -- just hired you, just like that?

Duke: Well, he was a little reluctant at first. He was a little concerned about my past involvement with organized crime.

Sonny: Oh, he was.

Duke: Yes, but I assured him that part of my life was dead and buried... especially now that I'm involved with Anna.

Robert: We leave now, we can be there in the morning.

Anna: Excuse me?

Robert: We can't afford to waste another day.

Anna: Robert, you don't understand. There's no "we" about this. I'm gonna handle this. You're in no condition to walk out of this facility.

Robert: Come on, you yourself said it. I'm back on both feet.

Anna: You're not recovered.

Robert: Anna, this is our daughter out there. Our daughter. All those times, all those important occasions that I missed -- what was I doing? I'm out saving other people's kids but never my own. I failed her.

Anna: Robin never thought that. You were her hero.

Robert: Yeah, well, now it's time to start acting like one.

Anna: You need to get better.

Robert: When I was lying on that floor there with Obrecht's needle stuck in my gut, Robin was wheeled past me, strapped to a wheelchair. I saw her. She saw me. She knows that I saw her. I heard her voice. She's waiting for me to come for her.

Anna: I know how badly you want this. I would feel the same way. But you are not strong enough. You can't risk it.

Robert: You're talking to me about risks?

Anna: Well, Robin would want you to be better.

Robert: Then it's a good thing that I'm the parent in this arrangement. Now, look... I happen to know Cassadine Island. I can get us in and out of the compound undetected. I'm coming with you.

Faison: I offered to bring Anna to see you.

Dr. Obrecht: Stille (Silent)! Despite Cesar succumbing to his adolescent crush and telling Anna that you're still alive, we were able to evade her.

Robin: Not for long.

Dr. Obrecht: She may have her suspicions, but she has no proof. In fact, considering all the times and all the ways Cesar has deceived your mother -- double crosses, brainwashing, hypnosis, latex masks... it's doubtful that she believed him when he told her you were alive.

Faison: Of course, my sweet Anna believes me.

Dr. Obrecht: More importantly, she and your father haven't the slightest idea where to find you, so you see, my dear Dr. Scorpio-Drake, this changes nothing.

Faison: [Popping lips]

Anna: Look, even if I agreed that I needed your assistance, and I'm not saying that I do, I still think it's better that you stay here.

Robert: Is this your version of reverse psychology?

Anna: No. I know better. But have you thought about your brother? You know, he doesn't know what we believe about Robin, and if you suddenly hop a plane to Greece, what are we gonna tell Mac?

Mac: Tell me what?

Duke: Happy to be of service.

Sonny: Thanks for all the info. It was great. And, you know, it makes me feel really good that you're on the straight and narrow, especially working for Derek Wells.

Duke: I don't know why that should be so important to you. And I don't suppose you're gonna tell me. But if you come across anything, any information that concerns Anna and me, I trust you will keep us in the loop.

Sonny: Yeah, yeah, yeah. We'll see.

Shawn: Well, that's it.

Sonny: You think?

Shawn: Yeah, I mean, Lavery made a real compelling case due to the fact that Julian Jerome is dead, which means he isn't Derek Wells. I mean, he's definitely not the head of some rival syndicate that went after our shipment.

Sonny: Lavery regrets anything to do with the mob. You heard him talking about Anna. He's not gonna do anything, you know, criminal as long as he's with her.

Shawn: So?

Sonny: Julian Jerome is a symbol of what he left behind. He wants to believe that he's dead and buried. Does not make it true.

Shawn: Robert Scorpio was the police commissioner at that time. He saw Jerome dead. How do you get around that?

Sonny: Cops lie all the time, you know, for different reasons.

Shawn: With all due respect, you know, I think you're -- you know, you're too attached to your theory about Julian Jerome and Derek Wells being the same person. I mean, it was a good idea, but it didn't pan out. Look, I'll look into some other leads and see what I can come up with.

Sonny: No. Stay on the Jeromes. I got a gut feeling. Something doesn't sit right with me.

Nikolas: [Grunts] At long last. I keep an apartment in the city. We can rest there for a few hours.

Britt: Is the boat you hired still there?

Nikolas: Yeah, I haven't canceled the charter yet.

Britt: Great. I mean, how long is it to Cassadine Island?

Nikolas: Britt, Anna told us to wait.

Britt: Anna also told me she was gonna help me find my son before she decided to take the scenic route through Switzerland.

Nikolas: Whatever she's doing, I-I'm sure it's to help find --

Britt: That's my baby out there, Nikolas. I'm going to get him now, whether Anna likes it or not.

Anna: Just was trying to stop him from exerting himself, you know, in case he had a relapse, and then I'd have you to answer to.

Mac: Yeah, nice try. I assume it was about the case.

Anna: Yeah.

Mac: I guess for a minute I was missing that life.

Anna: That's understandable. How's Felicia?

Mac: Yeah, well, um... about that. Look, Robert, now that you're back on your feet, I need to get back to Port Charles. Something's going on with Maxie. She needs me.

Anna: Is everything all right?

Mac: It will be. At least, I hope so.

Robert: You listen to me, little brother. You've got to do whatever you've got to do. Now, Maxie -- Maxie's your daughter, and I know you're gonna do whatever you can to help her.

Mac: Well, thanks. I...I can't tell you how great it is to see you back.

Robert: Likewise.

Mac: All right. I'll, uh, I'll see you back in the States.

Anna: Safe travels, okay?

Mac: Thank you.

Robert: I think your last excuse just walked out the door. Now, if you're going to this island, I'm coming with you.

Faison: I have so much to teach you. Do you know that? So much you need to understand, sweetheart.

[Baby fusses]

Faison: Yes, indeed.

Dr. Obrecht: Come now. Come now, Cesar. It's been an exhausting day. You need to get to know your little grandson away from this gutter trash.

Robin: You messed up. And you know it. My parents are the best at what they do.

Dr. Obrecht: Your presence here proves otherwise.

Robin: My mother already managed to injure your hand. I wonder what she'll do to you the next time she sees you. Or my father, for that matter. He won't be distracted next time. He will kill you both without hesitation.

Faison: Yeah, you sure have your mother's fire.

Robin: If I had my mother's gun, I'd blow your head off.

Dr. Obrecht: Enough of this nonsense. You're in no position to make threats.

Robin: Maybe not. But I can promise you one thing. Now that my mother and father know that I'm alive, there is nothing that will stop them from finding me.

[Baby fusses]

Faison: Oh!

Dr. Obrecht: We'll see. Shall we?

Faison: Bye-bye.

[Baby fusses]

Sabrina: Is it possible maybe somebody wanted you to think that Robin called you?

Patrick: What are you saying?

Sabrina: Well, I don't know. Like a prank call or something. Maybe that's why the number was blocked, so you couldn't trace it.

Patrick: So you think a kid called me, pretending to be my dead wife.

Sabrina: No. You're right. Kids wouldn't do that.

Patrick: So who would, then? Who would do something like this?

Sabrina: I'm not sure. Hey, um, do you mind if I take off for a little while? I just remembered I-I promised Felix, to meet him.

Patrick: Yeah, of course. I'll see you later.

Sabrina: Yeah. Count on it. Hey... try not to let this get to you, okay? It's the last thing Robin would want. She loved you. So do I.

Patrick: I love you, too.

Robin: Let me out of here! Faison, if you know what's good for you, you'll let me go! [Panting] You're not gonna get away with this! My parents know I'm alive. And... they're gonna come get me. Mom and Dad -- they're gonna come get me out of here. I know it.

Anna: Robert, I know how much you want to find your daughter, but you are in no condition to travel, let alone be a critical asset in a covert operation.

Robert: My knowledge of Cassadine Island makes me a critical asset.

Anna: So brief me. Okay, take me through the whole place -- the compound, the entrances, the exits, the whole thing. Go ahead.

Robert: The way I see it, we have two choices. We can either go in as a team, which really increases our chances of success, or we go in separately -- you go in first, I follow an hour later. Either way, I'm coming with you.

Anna: Oh, God.

Robert: This is our daughter out there, Anna. I'm not gonna let Robin slip through my fingers again. So... shall we?

Anna: What are we waiting for? Let's go get our daughter. All right?

Robert: Mm-hmm.

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