General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 10/16/13
Provided By Suzanne
Alexis: I'm an attorney. It's all been taken care of. My daughter has given her consent.
[Footsteps approaching]
Alexis: So...
Sam: I've, uh -- I've given my consent?
Alexis: Hi.
Sam: To what?
Alexis: What are you doing here?
Sam: Uh, I was in -- I was just talking to Silas. What were you talking about just now?
Alexis: I was just navigating some red tape.
Sam: No, you said that I had given my consent. I don't remember consenting to anything, unless you're talking about Molly or -- or Kristina.
Alexis: I was talking about you.
Morgan: I'd like to hire you.
Diane: Morgan, you sweet thing, you couldn't afford me. Just out of sheer curiosity, hire me to do what?
Morgan: Get rid of my wife for me. I want out of my marriage.
Diane: Well, this just becomes more interesting by the moment. Morgan, I didn't realize you were married.
Morgan: Oh, I'm married -- to her daughter.
Kiki: My mom told me her whole life that she was an only child, and it turns out that my mom has a brother.
Sonny: Did you just say Ava Jerome has a brother?
Kiki: Yeah, that's what Silas just told me.
Sonny: A brother? That's interesting.
Derek: Is that all you got? Come on.
Franco: [Grunts] [Grunts]
Derek: Come on. Come on. Come on. Let's go.
Franco: [Panting] I'm getting started now.
Carly: Franco, what the hell do you think you're doing?
Franco: What am I doing? [Scoffs] I'm winning.
Derek: [Grunts]
Franco: [Groans]
Carly: Franco!
Franco: [Grunts] [Panting]
Carly: Are you okay?
Franco: I'm better now. [Chuckles]
Sam: Why would you need my consent? For what?
Alexis: Uh, could you give us a minute, please?
Woman: I'll be in the lab. Let me know if you want that test run.
Alexis: Thank you.
Sam: No. What test? What is she talking about?
Alexis: Sam, I didn't want to worry you.
Sam: Worry me? Mom, is something wrong with Danny? Come on. What are you keeping from me?
Alexis: No. It's not about Danny. It's about your father.
Franco: This is nice. There's two of you. [Sighs]
Carly: Are you proud of yourself?
Derek: Well, I was trying to pull my punches. The, uh, left got away from me.
Carly: You do realize he just had brain surgery?
Derek: [Sighs] Okay, well, boxing is one of those sports where you proceed at your own risk, so...
Carly: Franco's an artist. He knows nothing about boxing.
Franco: Do, too! I've got gloves.
Carly: I don't get it. Why were you two sparring? What's going on?
Ava: This is a conversation for another time.
Morgan: But Diane's -- she's right here, and she can handle this, no problem, right?
Diane: Let me just...make sure I get my facts straight. Morgan is married to Kiki, who is a lovely girl, by the way. Got to know her while she was masquerading as a Quartermaine.
Ava: Kiki wasn't masquerading as anything. It was a misunderstanding.
Diane: You'd be surprised how many of those misunderstandings occur when there's a huge inheritance at stake. But I digress. So, Morgan is married to Kiki and is now romantically entangled with her mother.
Ava: It's complicated.
Diane: [Chuckling] No. No. No, please. No, I'm surprised you would say that. Morgan, you've been busy! Gosh, it wasn't so long ago I remember that you could entertain yourself just with a bucket of Legos. But who am I to judge?
Ava: Well, clearly, that's not stopping you.
Diane: I'm not surprised that you need a divorce, Morgan, all things considered.
Morgan: No, no. I-I don't -- I don't think you get it, okay? I didn't hook up with Kiki's mother until Kiki hooked up with my brother.
Kiki: Why do you think it's so fascinating that my mom lied about having a brother?
Michael: Uh, do you remember that first day at your mom's apartment in the city, my dad kept asking you about your last name? He was trying to figure out if your mom has a connection to the Jerome crime family.
Kiki: A-and you all think that this proves she does?
Franco: [Grunts]
Carly: Hey.
Franco: She's helping me out.
Carly: Will you please help me get his gloves off?
Derek: He's not entirely helpless.
Carly: I didn't ask your opinion.
Derek: Wow, you're really mad at me, aren't you?
Carly: You know what, Mr. Wells? If I were really mad at you, you would know, okay?
Derek: So, this is concern?
Carly: This is me asking you to back off.
Derek: Oh.
Carly: Hey.
Franco: Hmm?
Carly: Are you still seeing two of me?
Franco: Sadly, no, but the one I do see is still gorgeous.
Carly: You can't flirt with me right now.
Franco: Okay. Um, I'm a little out of it. [Chuckles]
Derek: You sound coherent enough to me.
Carly: No one's answered my question. Why were you two pounding on each other?
Derek: So, okay, here are the terms. I beat you, you stay away from Carly.
Franco: If I beat you, then Carly's off your radar.
Derek: So, are you gonna tell her, or, uh, am I?
Sonny: What do you -- what do you know about your mother's brother?
Kiki: Nothing, really. I-I didn't even know he existed until Silas told me about him this morning.
Sonny: Mm-hmm.
Kiki: My mom told me her whole life that she was an only child, and I... [Sighs] She said she was just like me -- that it was great for parents of only children because they had more time and money to spend on them.
Sonny: What else did Silas say about, uh, Ava's brother?
Kiki: Uh, he -- he never met the brother. Um, he -- he said that Ava told him that, um, he was rich and had connections.
Shawn: What kind of connections?
Kiki: He didn't know. I-I really don't think he knew.
Sonny: Did, uh, Silas say anything else?
Kiki: It's not like we had an in-depth conversation about it. I-I really just think that Silas felt guilty for revealing yet another one of my mother's lies.
Michael: Look, try and remember. I mean, any -- any details could be helpful.
Kiki: Uh, well, Silas said that he -- he first met my mom when he was right out of med school and that my mom was just a gallerina, which is -- it's basically like an assistant, and that -- and that she would brag about having this brother that was going to buy her her own gallery.
Diane: While this unique family dynamic is simply fascinating, Ava, it's not going to get that contract signed, so I'm going to suggest to you that you get your silent partner to sign it, and quickly, before Franco decides that he wants Odile's gallery to show his work and not yours.
Ava: I'm on my way. Good luck.
Diane: Before you and I go any farther, I do not know what your financial situation is, and Lord knows I don't want to talk myself out of a job, but in the interest of full disclosure and professional ethics, I'm going to suggest that you go to your father and use his attorney. I know that Sonny still has Alexis on retainer.
Morgan: Okay, that won't happen! All right? My father's out of my life.
Sam: What about my father?
Alexis: It's -- it's complicated -- potentially complicated. You know what? It may be nothing at all. It could be a force --
Sam: Excuse me, Mom. You're starting to ramble here, which means that normally -- you're -- you're normally nervous, and I-I want you to know right now that I am -- I am not mad at you or upset. I'm just -- I'm just a little confused and kind of curious.
Alexis: I don't blame you.
Sam: Okay. When you said that you found out things about my father, you said the only thing you knew -- that he was from new Hampshire and you met him in a bar and his name was Julian. Did you find something else out?
Alexis: Possibly.
Sam: Okay.
Alexis: And it's just a theory. Actually, it's more of a stretch. It'll probably evaporate into nothing.
Sam: Okay, but if it doesn't evaporate and your theory is right... come on. You've gone this far. You've got to tell me. Mom, this is my father you're talking about.
Alexis: All right, I know. I know. You have a right to know, even if I'm way off.
Sam: I get it. I get it. You could be wrong. Consider me duly warned.
Alexis: I'm trying to find out if your father, Julian, is a man named Julian Jerome.
Carly: Does it hurt?
Franco: No. Ooh! Ooh! Feels really good to look at you.
Derek: [Scoffs] Oh, if that is the best line he can come up with, maybe I hit him harder than I thought.
Carly: Why hit him at all?
Derek: That's kind of the point of boxing.
Carly: That's why you shouldn't have been in the ring to begin with.
Derek: Nobody forced him, although you could benefit from a few lessons and learn how to duck.
Carly: How about learn how to hit a guy who's just had brain surgery?
Derek: Are you implying that he's impaired?
Franco: No, I am not im-- oh. I'm not impaired much.
Carly: Okay, I'm getting you to the hospital.
Franco: No, no.
Carly: Come on. Let's go.
Franco: Carly, hey. [Sighs] That's very sweet of you, but I'm actually a lot more resilient than you think.
Derek: Mm-hmm. No argument here. He's still talking after that left to the jaw.
Carly: Oh, God. You think this is funny? You should be ashamed of yourself. Come on.
Derek: Hey, um, what about our lunch later? You, uh, still in? Okay, but -- fine. But I-I want a-a, uh -- a rain check.
Diane: I'm not sure that I quite understand. You are on the outs with your father?
Morgan: Yeah. That's one way to describe it.
Diane: Morgan, attorneys do many things, but primarily they give advice, and so my advice to you is that you go and you talk to your father.
Morgan: My father is the reason I'm getting the divorce! Okay? If it weren't for him, Kiki and I would still be together!
Diane: So, Sonny -- Sonny disapproves --
Morgan: He stabbed me in the back! Okay? He broke his word, and he did it all so he could send my wife into the arms of my brother, because Michael's his favorite. He always has been. He always will be. And you know what? I'm sick of it.
Diane: Have you discussed these feelings with your father, however misguided they may be?
Morgan: Listen, he talks a good game. Okay? He's sincere. He gets choked up when he talks about loving me, but it means nothing. Okay? All he cares about is Michael's happiness, not mine.
Diane: [Clears throat] Please forgive my expression, but that is, um -- that is the biggest pile of crap I've ever heard.
Sonny: So, um, your mother got money to start an art gallery from her brother?
Kiki: Is that significant, or...
Sonny: No, it's -- just be a coincidence, you know?
Kiki: A coincidence with what?
Michael: Uh, I don't think my dad has any more, uh -- has any more questions.
Sonny: Michael. You've been very helpful. Thank you. I appreciate everything that you've said.
Kiki: I'm not sure how I helped, but I'm -- I'm glad I could.
Sonny: Mike, I'm gonna think about what we discussed, okay?
Michael: All right, thank you.
Sonny: It's good to see you again.
Michael: You, too.
Sonny: So, Ava's lying about her brother, who has connections and money, who helped her start up, uh, an art gallery.
Shawn: Maybe there is no brother. Maybe Ava was lying to Silas.
Sonny: Why?
Shawn: Maybe she's got another guy on the string. He fronted the money for the gallery, but she didn't want Silas to know about it, so she made up this rich brother.
Sonny: All right, let's try this scenario -- if she's telling the truth about what happened back then and she had a brother who, you know, gave her money to start up an art gallery, why would she keep it from her daughter and lie to Kiki?
Shawn: And if the money's dirty, she wouldn't want her kid to know.
Sonny: Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. So, where's that money coming from? Mob money?
Shawn: Dr. Clay did say the brother was connected.
Sonny: So, who is this brother...who's profiting from mob money and has a sister with the last name "Jerome," as in Ava Jerome? Now, she arrives in Port Charles right around the same time as the name Julian Jerome suddenly... resurfaces.
Shawn: You think Ava Jerome's brother is Julian Jerome?
Sam: And who is this Julian Jerome? And, please, Mom -- please, don't tell me he's related Ava Jerome.
Alexis: The idea that Ava and -- and Julian Jerome are connected has been discussed, but Ava denies it.
Sam: Okay. All right. Good. Okay. Um, so who is this guy?
Alexis: Okay. When Frank Smith went to prison -- this was before the rise of Sonny Corinthos -- it was sometime during the '80s -- organized crime in Port Charles was run by the Jerome family. Duke Lavery actually worked for them.
Sam: Okay, and what about Julian?
Alexis: [Sighs] So, the head of the family was Victor, Julian's father, and when Victor died, Julian took over, and...
Sam: [Groans]
Alexis: ...I understand he was a-a bit volatile and, uh, ruthless.
Sam: Okay. Um, are you telling me that my father is a mobster?
Alexis: Was a mobster. Julian Jerome is dead.
Ava: Hey. Your assistant told me I'd find you here.
Derek: And, uh, yet you still seem surprised.
Ava: This is a little déclassé, even for you.
Derek: Well, I thought you liked them a little rough around the edges, Ava.
Ava: [Chuckles] As long as they smell good.
Derek: Hmm.
Ava: So, listen -- I tracked you down because I need a favor.
Derek: You usually do.
Ava: Oh, what happened to your mouth?
Derek: Huh? Oh, this? It's -- it's nothing. You should see the other guy.
Carly: Okay, come on. Come on.
Franco: [Chuckling] Okay. I'm fine.
Carly: I should have taken you to the hospital.
Franco: No, I'm...
Carly: Sit.
Franco: ...Okay. I just -- ohh, it feels nice to sit. This may be all I need.
Carly: [Sighs]
Franco: You know, I've been meaning to tell you, your hotel has the most... [Patting couch] ...Delightful furniture. It's really nice. I think maybe I could sleep here for, like, a week.
Carly: No, no, no. Okay. Look at me. Come on. Come on.
Franco: I'd love to.
Carly: Look at me. Right here. Okay?
Franco: Yes.
Carly: You can't sleep, all right? You had a blow to the head. You don't know if you have a concussion.
Franco: I'm fine.
Carly: We'd know if you have a concussion if you'd let me take you to the hospital.
Franco: Okay, you're doing it again.
Carly: I'm doing what?
Franco: You're talking in circles. I say something, you say something, and it's almost like we're having a conversation, but then you shoot me down. You know what I'm talking about.
Carly: [Sighs]
Franco: Yeah, those moments when you almost laugh, and then you get mad at me. And I don't know whether you're mad at me or you're mad at yourself, because you almost laughed at what I had to say. Hey, where are you going?
Carly: I'm gonna get some ice for you, okay?
Franco: Well, it's over there. It's right there on the table, right ere housekeeping keeps it for me. Um... you have a very attentive staff.
Carly: Well, that's what they get paid for. Okay. There we go.
Franco: Feels good. It a really, really cold, totally painful kind of way.
Carly: Well, the hospital has painkillers.
Franco: I don't need a hospital. I...never want to go to a hospital. All I want is...
Sam: So, this man you think is my father [Sighs] Is dead?
Alexis: I don't think he's your father. I think there's a chance that he's your father, and I think that I owe it to you and Danny to try to find that out.
Sam: Why would you -- why would you even do this? Why? I mean, Danny and I -- we found a donor. Why would you keep searching for my father?
Alexis: Because once I was forced to think about him and remember his name, I couldn't stop thinking about him. I wanted to know who he was. I mean, is he alive? Is he dead? Is he the kind of man that you and Danny would want to meet? What about his medical history?
Sam: Okay. Okay. I-I get -- I get why you're -- you're curious. I guess, I mean, I'm a little curious, too, but I don't -- I don't get how you made the connection between my father and Julian Jerome.
Alexis: Sonny was sort of vague about this, but, apparently, there's some rival of his that's putting pressure on him, so he asked Shawn to make some inquiries, and so Shawn asked this guy a question, and the guy told him that he worked for Julian Jerome.
Sam: Wait a minute. Worked for Julian Jerome? How can -- [Chuckling] How can that happen? He's dead.
Alexis: I-I -- obviously, he can't. I think that must have been some sort of misdirection, but what struck me was the name "Julian." I mean, how many Julians are there, and -- and so it -- it -- I researched, and I found out that Julian Jerome went to college in new Hampshire at the same time that I was at briarton-griggs.
Sam: Okay, I get it. So -- so, you and this guy end up at a bar, and I'm the result?
Alexis: I was just trying to see if I could prove that.
Sam: By running tests?
Alexis: Yes.
Sam: And it didn't occur to you to tell me any of this?
Alexis: I wanted to wait till I was sure. I didn't see the point of -- of telling you something --
Sam: Mom, you lied to me. You flat-out lied.
Alexis: Okay. I did. I lied. I told them that you gave permission for the test.
Sam: [Sighs] Okay. So, um, what kind of tests?
Alexis: DNA tests.
Sam: A DNA -- how can you do a DNA test if this guy is dead?
Alexis: It's not a sample from Julian Jerome. It's a sample from his son.
Sam: Julian has a son?
Alexis: Apparently, he died before he realized that.
Sam: Okay, well, who -- [Chuckles nervously] I -- who is this guy?
Alexis: Carly's brother.
Carly: Wh-what are you doing?
Franco: Um...nothing. But I want to kiss you.
Carly: What about your girlfriend?
Franco: What? I --
Carly: No!
Franco: I don't have a -- what girlfriend?
Carly: Really? What about Diane? Huh? Diane, who you almost had for dessert in my restaurant -- your so-called groupie, Diane?
Franco: Okay, I-I don't have groupies -- not anymore. I gave them up, you know, the way some people give up red meat or booze or sugar. I am 100% groupie-free.
Carly: You're sleeping with Diane.
Franco: Okay, Carly... I'm not sleeping with Diane.
Diane: It's no secret that your father and I have had our differences. Sonny was very disappointed when I resigned from being his attorney and referred him back to Alexis, and he was even more disappointed at my subsequent choice of clients, and we all know that your father is not a man who lives with disappointment easily.
Morgan: Okay. Well, if he's a jerk to you, then why are you -- why are you defending him?
Diane: Because I respect him. He is smart. He is determined. Some would say that he's ruthless, but he's had to be. He built himself up from nothing, Morgan, and he's still standing. He's managed to survive in a ruthless business. His rivals come and go, but Sonny Corinthos still stands, and you got to admire that.
Morgan: Well, I don't -- not anymore.
Diane: I happen to know that the one thing your father values more than power is family. All the years that I was working for him, it was abundantly clear to me how much he loves all of his children -- Dante, Kristina, Michael, and you, Morgan. He loves you all fiercely and equally.
Morgan: Yeah, well, it certainly doesn't feel that way.
Diane: Look, I know you're very angry right now, but I think once you just calm down a little bit and you look deep into that heart of yours, you will see that what I am saying is the truth. Your father's not a perfect individual [Chuckling] By any stretch of the imagination, but who among us is? But he loves you, Morgan.
Morgan: So, when do lawyers stop, uh, giving advice and start doing what they're told?
Diane: [Laughs] Oh, my God, that was so rude. It would be funny if it weren't so rude. But you sounded just like your father.
Morgan: That's great. Can we get on with the divorce? Are you gonna help me get out of my marriage or not?
Michael: Yeah, sorry if you felt like you were being interrogated in there.
Kiki: It was a little strange -- nothing I can't handle.
Michael: We were just really surprised when we found out your mom might have a -- had a brother.
Kiki: Yeah, it's not like I should be surprised. It's just one lie after another. You know, first my dad is dead. Then he's Franco. Then he's Silas. Then, uh -- well, then I'm a Quartermaine. Oh, and then I wasn't. And then I find out about an uncle that I never knew about. What's next, huh? Ava Jerome not gonna be my mother? Because that wouldn't surprise me. Actually, it would be a relief at this point.
Michael: Look, I'm sorry you're going through all this. I wish there was some way I could help you out right now.
Kiki: No. You know what? You could make up my mind. Should I go and ask my mom about my uncle? Is he alive or not? Or...
Michael: Um, actually, before you contact your mom, there's probably something you should --
Kiki: You know what? It's not like it would help anyway. I'm not gonna get the truth from her, and I told her that I was never going to speak to her again. I don't even know where she is.
Michael: I do.
Kiki: You do? Well, where is she?
Michael: She's -- she's living with Morgan.
Derek: So, uh, what is this?
Ava: A contract for an art show in my new gallery here in Port Charles. It's gonna be huge.
Derek: Who's your artist?
Ava: Franco.
Derek: Franco? Well, that's, uh, interesting.
Ava: Why?
Derek: Well, because of the false claim of being Kiki's father, the whole Quartermaine debacle, him tossing you out of the mansion, the fact that you lost that job that you really wanted at ELQ. I really didn't think you'd want anything to do with Franco.
Ava: Okay. Well, it's true.
Derek: Mm-hmm.
Ava: I despise the man. But it doesn't mean I have a problem making money off of him, and there's a lot of money to be made here...for both of us.
Derek: You and Franco or --
Ava: No [Chuckles] Us -- you and me.
Derek: Well, as much as I do love the idea of making a few bucks off of Franco, I can't sign this.
Ava: Why not?
Derek: Because I don't want anyone to know I'm your silent partner. They might figure out our real relationship.
Sonny: Well, let's just say, for argument's sake, that Ava's telling the truth about her brother -- that he, uh, bought her this, you know, fancy art gallery in Tribeca. Somewhere down the line, he gets killed, right? Julian gets killed. Maybe she lied about it because she didn't want anybody to know that she's associated with the Jeromes.
Shawn: Makes sense.
Sonny: Except... the Jeromes are all dead -- Victor, the father, Olivia, the daughter, and now Julian. Why would anyone want to lie about a dead man?
Shawn: Hmm.
Sonny: You know what I mean?
Shawn: Mm-hmm.
Sonny: I mean, they weren't that popular in Port Charles, and... who cares? [Chuckles]
Shawn: So, what are you saying?
Sonny: Suddenly, a rival gang is in town? You go to the enforcer, and you force him to tell you who the boss is.
Shawn: And he says, "Julian Jerome."
Sonny: Now, I know I gave you a lot of grief about this...
Shawn: [Chuckles]
Sonny: ...But you know what? What if -- what if... he's telling the truth and Julian Jerome is alive?
Morgan: Kiki says she loves me, so we get married. Why not, right?
Diane: So, Kiki wanted the marriage?
Morgan: I wanted the marriage. Does that make a difference?
Diane: I'm just jotting down some information. I'm trying to formulate a strategy. Proceed.
Morgan: [Sighs] All right. Well, since we got married at the courthouse, we didn't have a celebration, so Ava offered to put on a party for us, which was very kind. Ava was the only person who supported our marriage at that time.
Diane: How solicitous of her.
Morgan: It was supposed to be a belated wedding reception, but in the middle, my father, who you adore so much, decided that he was gonna announce that I knew Kiki wasn't a Quartermaine -- that I kept that from her to keep her away from my brother, and as soon as she heard that, she left me right at the reception.
Diane: Well, that must have been unpleasant.
Morgan: Yeah, she ran to Michael so fast, she left a vapor trail. So, can I get an annulment?
Diane: Morgan, now it seems that you perpetrated a fraud, so the annulment would be better if it were sought by Kiki.
Morgan: She's the one who left me, though!
Diane: [Clears throat] Maybe I can formulate some type of case that, um, Kiki abandoned the marriage, uh, due to discovery of facts heretofore unknown --
Morgan: How about Kiki told me she loved me before we got married, and then I do one little thing that she doesn't like and she leaves me? Why? Because she was lying! She didn't love me. She loved Michael.
Diane: Morgan [Sighs] I am going to ask you to write down everything you can remember about your relationship with Kiki. Just jot it all down -- your own words. [Clicks pen] And I'm sure I can make a case for annulment. Now, let's you and I talk about my fee.
Morgan: You're gonna get paid. Don't worry.
Diane: Oh, I have no doubt, because you have quite the benefactress. It's a grand arrangement for everyone.
Morgan: Diane... you're not gonna flip on me, are you, and take Michael's side?
Diane: When I took your case, I formally committed to being on your side. Now, that's a bit of a conflict of interest because I have represented Michael in the past and I would do so again in a heartbeat, even if it had to be, God forbid, pro bono, because Michael will always have a soft spot in my heart.
Morgan: Why? What has he ever done for you?
Diane: The debacle that landed your brother in prison was, in large part, my fault. I mishandled your father's case and alienated the judge, and then by the time your brother confessed, it was too late. But, Morgan, I remember you at the courthouse -- how heartbroken you were. No one could deny the love between you and Michael.
Morgan: Okay, is this more advice?
Diane: It's just an observation. Here's my advice. My advice to you is that you take into account what I said about your father, because, unlike Michael, who has two fathers, you only have one.
Kiki: They're living together -- my mom and Morgan? Uh, okay. I thought that Morgan was just doing that to punish me -- that it was a one-time thing and he just did that because he was angry.
Michael: Yeah, I thought the same thing, too, but it turns out we were wrong.
Kiki: [Sighs] Where the heck are they?
Michael: Your mom moved out of the hotel. She has a penthouse, and Morgan is -- is staying with her.
Kiki: Do you realize how beyond disgusting this is? A one-night stand is one thing, but for them to be living together? We have to do something, Michael. Where is this penthouse?
Michael: Why?
Kiki: No, we have to get Morgan out of there and away from her.
Derek: [Sighs]
Ava: No one is ever gonna see that contract except the lawyers, and they're bound by confidentiality, so no one will ever know that you are my silent partner.
Derek: Except your client.
Ava: Even if Franco looks at the contract -- which I seriously doubt, because he never had any interest in paperwork before -- we've already established that Derek Wells has a keen interest in art. How does that make you my brother?
Derek: Well, it's still a risk, but, uh, well worth it. [Chuckles] It actually amuses me to think how rankled Franco will get when he has to hand over 10% of his gallery sales to his rival for, uh, Carly's affections.
Ava: His what?!
Sam: Carly's brother? Lucas Jones?
Alexis: Okay, Tony and Bobbie adopted Lucas. Cheryl Stansbury and Julian Jerome were his biological parents.
Sam: Okay. So, if Jerome is my father, that would make, um, Lucas my...
Alexis: Half.
Sam: ...Half brother, and then Carly would be my --
Alexis: Not related. You're not -- relax. It's good. Yeah.
Sam: Okay, you're right. You're right. We wouldn't be related because there's no biological relation between those two, so Carly and I aren't related on any level. Thank God. Oh, thank God.
Alexis: Yeah. And she said the same thing, actually.
Sam: Well, what do you mean, she said the same thing? You told Carly about this?
Alexis: [Sighs] I had to because I couldn't very well go up to this man who I hadn't seen since he was a teenager, and I didn't know if Lucas knew about his biological parents, so I talked to Carly and Carly talked to Bobbie and Bobbie talked to Lucas, and he agreed to cooperate.
Sam: Okay. Okay, Mom. Okay. All right. I understand. You know what? I kind of basically did the same thing. I-I went and I got those DNA tests when -- when I was pregnant with Jason's baby and then basically blindsided him, so I am in absolutely no position to criticize.
Alexis: Well, that's very generous of you, honey. Thank you.
Sam: Okay. So, what do we do now?
Alexis: Truthfully, I want to find out if my hunch is correct... for closure -- you know, that sort of thing. How about you?
Sonny: If Julian Jerome is alive, where the hell is he?
Shawn: Lying low. After all, he's got his sister to run interference.
Sonny: Well, he'd have to be careful making contact, 'cause anybody sees her with him, and, you know, it could give him away.
Shawn: No one is careful all the time.
Sonny: So, Ava is the answer. She can, uh, you know, lead us right to Julian. Didn't you tell me she was buying art for that new guy, Derek Wells?
Derek: Was it something I said?
Ava: I don't know. I'm -- I'm hoping that I misunderstood. Are you involved with Carly Jacks? Are you, as you just said, Franco's rival for that woman's affections?
Derek: Sure. Why not?
Ava: Well, for one thing, Carly has made it perfectly clear that she's out to get me!
Derek: Well, you should try harder to get along with people.
Ava: That woman has been hostile since the day we met, and it's only gotten worse since I've b-become involved with Morgan.
Derek: Yeah, uh, speaking of which, you, uh, claim it works to our advantage for you to be involved with Sonny's son. Why shouldn't I get involved with Sonny's ex? I mean, I'm sure she knows a hell of a lot more about his business and, uh, his tactics than your little boy toy.
Ava: Whatever you do with Carly, it's your business. Just be careful.
Derek: Aren't I always?
Carly: You're not sleeping with Diane?
Franco: Never have. Probably never will.
Carly: But I saw you two at my restaurant. You couldn't keep your hands off each other.
Franco: I know that that's how it looked, but, actually --
Carly: No, and then you said that she was the one in your room the night of your birthday.
Franco: [Chuckling] Carly.
Carly: And Diane didn't deny it. She didn't deny it.
Franco: Well, hold on a second. If you would let me finish --
Carly: I saw you shove her in your room the other night.
Franco: Carly! I -- that was not Diane. Okay.
Carly: [Scoffs]
Franco: Hold on.
Carly: [Chuckles]
Franco: I'm telling you the truth here. I know how this looks. Hey. There's absolutely nothing going on between me and Diane miller.
[Door opens]
Diane: Franco? I need you now. I'm sorry. I didn't know you had company.
Carly: Oh, don't worry. There is nothing going on between me and your boyfriend. He is all yours.
Franco: What? No. I --
Carly: I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear it! It's your turn to play Florence nightingale. He's all yours.
Diane: Oh. Yay.
Sam: No. I mean, it makes me a little sad. If Julian Jerome was my father and this test proves that he was a match, that means that I'm never gonna get to know my father and Danny is never gonna get to know his grandfather. But I don't know. I-I don't know, Mom. Maybe that's all a good thing, considering who he was.
Alexis: Well, if it's true that Julian Jerome was the boy that I was with that night, it proves my unerring instinct for bad romantic relationships and unsuitable men go way back to high school.
Sam: That -- [Chuckles] I guess on the plus side, if Julian had a son, that means I have a half brother and Danny has an uncle.
Alexis: There's that.
Sam: There is that. Okay. I say let's do it.
Kiki: This is all my fault.
Michael: No, it's not.
Kiki: No, it is. I knew the way I felt about you from the second we kissed. I didn't want to admit it to myself, but I-I felt something for you that I never felt for Morgan.
Michael: Look, you tried to do the right thing. We both did.
Kiki: The right thing would have been for me to go to Morgan and tell him, "I'm sorry, but I feel -- I feel for your brother, and it has changed the way that I feel about you."
Michael: What, you think Morgan would have accepted that?
Kiki: I don't know. I-I didn't want to hurt him. So, yeah -- so I told him exactly what he wanted to hear, and it ended up hurting him worse.
Michael: All right, look. If you're gonna blame yourself, you're gonna have to blame me, too.
Kiki: Oh, I do blame you... because if you hadn't been so perfect and made me feel the way that I feel, everything would have been a lot easier.
Michael: I-I'm sorry Morgan's hurt, but I'm not -- I'm not -- I'm not sorry we're together.
Kiki: I know. Me, neither.
Michael: Look, I hate to ask this, and I-I know it's -- it's -- it's, well, disgusting and kind of crazy, but wh-why -- why do you think your mom is with Morgan? I mean, it's obvious that he's sleeping with her to -- to hurt you, but why -- why is she going along with it?
Kiki: Are you asking if my mother has an agenda? Because the answer is yes. My mother always has an agenda.
Michael: Do you think Morgan's in trouble?
Kiki: Understatement. I think that Morgan could be getting into something that's way over his head.
Ava: Diane still here?
Morgan: No, she left a while ago.
Ava: Are you okay?
Morgan: Yeah, I'm fine.
Ava: Okay. [Sighs] Well, I still have a lot of unpacking to do, so...
Morgan: Where's a pen at? Derek Wells?
Sonny: So, Ava has a brother who tried to stake her in the art business. Now she's buying art for Derek Wells. They're consulting with each other on Pier 52, right near where my coffee shipment got blown up. Meanwhile, Derek Wells is going after me in his newspaper, gloating, like you said, that my shipment... was attacked.
Derek: Ms. Jacks. Or sh-- actually, I've been meaning to ask you this -- is it, uh, "Corinthos-Jacks"?
Carly: Just "Jacks." But I'll make it easy. Call me "Carly."
Derek: [Sighs] Carly.
Carly: So, is it too late to take you up on your lunch invitation?
Sonny: Is Derek Wells really Julian Jerome?
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