General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 10/15/13
Provided By Suzanne
Shawn: I'm trying, Sonny.
Sonny: I want to find out who blew up my shipment.
Shawn: Look, whoever did this has everyone too scared to talk, no matter how much pressure we deliver.
Sonny: If somebody has that much pull, they're not gonna stay invisible for that long.
Shawn: Look, I'll stay on it.
Sonny: Okay. Good. [Sighs] What about Morgan? 'Cause he's insisting on staying with this Ava Jerome. I need -- do you have anything else?
Shawn: I have some information on her connection to Derek Wells.
Ava: [Exhales sharply]
[Both panting]
Michael: Well, that's -- that's one way to get the day started.
Kiki: It just -- it just keeps getting better and better! [Chuckles]
Michael: What was that?
Kiki: It was -- it was your alarm clock?
Michael: [Chuckles]
Kiki: It's a device to help you get out of bed in the morning and wake up?
Michael: You don't want to get out of bed. You want to stay here with me.
Kiki: I've been in bed here with you ever since I moved in.
Michael: Yeah? So?
Kiki: So, well, I-I don't --
Michael: Well, uh, we've gotten out of bed to, you know, answer the door for strangers who bring us food, at least, though.
Kiki: Michael, I don't have money. I need a job.
Michael: [Sighs] Okay. Well, you -- you got any, uh -- you got any leads?
Kiki: I think I know someone who might help -- at least I hope will help.
Sam: Good morning, Dr. Clay.
Silas: Hi.
Sam: Hi.
Silas: Is Danny all right?
Sam: Yes. He's perfect.
Silas: Good.
Sam: Thanks to you and Derek. Right now, he's with his grandmother Monica, being spoiled.
Silas: How is the former chief-of-staff? Does she realize they haven't replaced her yet?
Sam: Oh, yeah. She knows. I'm sure she's giving Danny an earful right now. She's got a lot of time on her hands.
Silas: I guess she isn't the only one. What brings you down here?
Sam: Oh. I've got a special delivery -- laundered, not pressed.
Silas: Hmm. So, Sam's laundry provides wine and delivery.
Sam: I-I think there was a kiss in there, too.
Silas: As if I could forget.
Alexis: Carly?
Carly: Yeah.
Alexis: I-I-I came by to check and see if you had a chance to talk to Bobbie yet about getting the DNA from your brother so I can find out if Lucas and Sam have the same father.
Carly: Mm, you could've called for a progress report. Why'd you have to come in person?
Alexis: As a courtesy.
Carly: Right. You sure you're not fishing for information about my date with Derek Wells?
Derek: [Exhales sharply] [Panting]
Franco: You didn't really think you were gonna get away with it so easily, did you? night short.
Sam: Yeah, just when we were getting to the spin cycle. Washing clothes has never been so exciting.
Silas: Just imagine how great the drying will be.
Sam: So, how's your patient?
Silas: Going home today.
Sam: Excellent. I'm very happy for their family.
Silas: And since my trusted associate is on call tonight --
Sam: Ooh. What are you -- are you trying to tell me you have some free time?
Silas: It would seem that way.
Sam: Oh.
Silas: You?
Sam: Me.
Silas: Mm. You.
Sam: Um, let me see. I'm gonna have to check my social calendar. I -- um, okay. So, what do you have in mind?
Silas: How about a do-over?
Sam: Do-over.
Silas: Mm.
Sam: Okay. Sounds good. I don't know if I can get Danny to throw his sippy cup on your shirt again, but --
Silas: Damn. Then I guess I might have something else in mind.
Sam: Oh, yeah? Like what?
Michael: So, you, uh -- you gonna ask your father about a job?
Kiki: I'm hoping that there'll be a department open at G.H. That's looking for a college dropout with absolutely no skill.
Michael: Hey, don't underestimate yourself, okay? All you need is a chance.
Kiki: I think being a dad is still a novelty for him, so I'm hoping that he'll talk me up, you know?
Michael: [Sighs] I-I wish that I could just, you know, take care of --
Kiki: No, no, no, no, no. I know exactly what you're going to say, and as long as I am staying here, I'm going to contribute something. I won't be a kept woman.
Michael: [Sighs]
Kiki: Got it?
Michael: Yeah, I-I-I just -- uh, I would love to be able to take care of the both of us, you know -- support the both of us. It's just... I don't have access to my trust fund for another few years.
Kiki: I'm sorry. Trust fund?
Michael: [Chuckles] Yeah. Someday, I am going to be very rich, yes. But right now, not so much. When Tracy took back ELQ, she kind of had security ban me from the building.
Kiki: So I'm just gonna have to support the both of us, huh?
Michael: Not -- not necessarily. You, um -- you just gave me an idea about who might hire me.
Sonny: Ava and Derek Wells connected how?
Shawn: From what I understand, she's his art dealer.
Sonny: That's it?
Shawn: I got it from several other sources, including Carly.
Sonny: What else did Carly say?
Shawn: She saw Ava and Derek Wells having an intense conversation one night down at pier 52.
Sonny: What are they talking about -- watercolors?
Shawn: [Chuckles] Yeah. And that's what Carly thinks. Now, I have to agree. I mean, I doubt it's a coincidence that they were spotted right where someone blew up your latest coffee shipment.
Sonny: Or that Ava, who has now lured my son into living with her, is hanging out with the same guy who was bad-mouthing me in his newspaper.
Shawn: Well, not just in his newspaper. I ran into Wells at Kelly's. Oh, yeah. He was practically gloating over your losses.
Morgan: Kiki.
[Doorbell rings]
Ava: Morgan?
Morgan: Oh. [Clears throat] You sure get a -- a lot of visitors.
Ava: Yeah. Don't I, though. [Sighs]
Diane: Good morning.
Ava: Well, there's a lawyer at my door. Should I call one of my own?
Diane: Oh, I can assure you, that won't be necess-- Morgan Corinthos.
Morgan: Hi, Diane.
Diane: Well, I hardly recognized you, Morgan. It seems like just yesterday you were a little boy practicing your karate moves.
Ava: Time flies, doesn't it?
Diane: Yes, indeed. Indeed. You blink, and someone's reached the age of consent.
Ava: I'm sorry. Was there something you needed?
Diane: Yes, I need to talk to you about Franco.
Franco: Very heavy.
Derek: [Panting]
Franco: You must be very strong.
Derek: [Chuckles] How'd you know I was here?
Franco: I followed you.
Derek: Mm.
Alexis: Why would you think it would matter to me that you went out on a date with Derek? I mean, obviously, I'm indebted to the man after everything he did for my grandson, but why would you think it would matter to me what you did? There's nothing going on --
Carly: The other night, when you realized we were having dinner, you seemed a bit flustered.
Alexis: Well, I wasn't. There is absolutely nothing going on between me and Derek Wells.
Carly: That's not what he said.
Derek: You followed me here. [Chuckles] Are you turning into a problem for me, Franco?
Franco: Ah, it depends.
Derek: On what? Oh, wait. Let me guess. Uh...Carly.
Franco: Wow. Strong and perceptive. Yeah. So, um... don't even think... of seeing Carly again.
Derek: But what if I, uh -- what if I do more than think? What if I, uh, choose to, uh, spend more time with the delightful ms. Jacks? [Panting] What are you gonna do? Kill me? that was interruption-proof in mind?
Silas: Now, I'm glad you asked that, be--
Kiki: Excuse me.
Silas: Hey, look who it is.
Kiki: Sorry. Am I interrupting?
Alexis: What did Derek say about me? Not that it matters at all.
Carly: He said that you guys got pretty close while Danny was sick.
Alexis: Well, we got friendly, I mean like how acquaintances would get friendly when they share a brief struggle together.
Carly: That's not the vibe I got from either of you.
Alexis: Even if there were something going on between Derek and me, what -- what does it matter to you? I mean, Derek made a point of saying that you asked him out on a date, so, apparently, he's on your Christmas list.
Carly: He's hot! I mean, seriously, have you seen the guy without his shirt on?
Alexis: Yes, I have. He's very fit.
Carly: Do you want him?
Alexis: No!
Carly: [Laughs]
Alexis: [Stammers] Why do you care? You asked him out.
Carly: The only reason I asked him out was so I could dig up dirt on his relationship with Ava Jerome.
Ava: You've wasted a trip. There's nothing between me and Franco now.
Diane: Oh, yes, there is.
Silas: It's nice to see you.
Kiki: Yeah, you, too -- both of you. I was very, very happy that Danny's better.
Sam: Yes, he is. Yes, uh, thanks to his -- his donor and your dad, of course. Oh. I'm -- I'm sorry. It's probably too soon.
Silas: No, it's fine. It's okay.
Kiki: It -- it is a little weird, though.
Silas: Yeah.
Kiki: Right?
Silas: Yeah, uh -- look, I've been meaning to call you. I-I wanted to call you and apologize for literally running out of your wedding reception.
Kiki: O-oh. No. Believe me, that's okay.
Silas: Well, look. Uh, I hope it was a-a wonderful start to a-a-a beautiful married life with, uh, Morgan.
Kiki: Uh, no. It actually ended up being the end of my married life with Morgan.
Sam: What? What happened?
Silas: He do something to you? What happened?
Kiki: Long story short, Morgan and I are over. I'm living with my brother-in-law, and... well, my husband ended up in bed with my mother.
Diane: Franco has a new collection, and I am representing him.
Ava: Well, good for you.
Diane: No, good for us, Ava, because I have approached the hippest, hottest art gallery in Port Charles about showing Franco's work, and they informed me that they have a new owner -- you.
Franco: This is easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy. You just stay away from Carly, and then I don't have to kill you.
Derek: That's subtle.
Franco: And yet, even you caught on.
Derek: [Sighs]
Franco: Just stay away from Carly. You see her walking down the hallway, you just turn around and go back to the bio lab. Pretend she doesn't even exist.
Derek: You do realize you already warned me to stay away from Carly.
Franco: And you're, like, a terrible listener, 'cause you went to dinner with her anyway, even after I politely demanded that you not do that.
Derek: Yes, and, coincidentally, you ended up at the same place for dinner with your stylish and attractive attorney.
Franco: Super attractive! Like, hot! And available! Like, very single. She's like a wildcat! I think you should go out with her.
Derek: You know... Carly and I couldn't help but notice... you getting, uh, very handsy with ms. Miller. But from what I could tell... she really wasn't that into you, not that you were into her, either.
Franco: Uh, then, how do you explain the handsy part?
Derek: [Sighs] Come on, now. All that ostentatious PDA, the big, slobbery kiss -- you -- you were trying to make Carly jealous.
Franco: Come on. Why would I -- why -- well, I-I-I was having a-a meal with a woman who is my lawyer, but she's attractive, and we happen to have an intimate personal association. I mean, why on God's great, green earth -- I was in no way, shape, or form trying to make Carly -- what? Did it work?
Sonny: Why is this guy Wells so interested in my business difficulties?
Shawn: I don't know, but I can find out. How about I track him down?
Sonny: Yeah. I want to know what this Derek Wells is up to.
Shawn: Will do.
[Knock on door]
Sonny: Yeah.
Michael: Hey. Sorry. Is this a bad time?
Shawn: On my way out.
Michael: Hey.
Sonny: I haven't seen you in a couple days.
Michael: Yeah, I've been a little...distracted. So, how -- how -- how are you feeling?
Sonny: Better. You know, I'm back on my meds. I-I -- [Chuckles] I had to do what your mama told -- told me to do, you know.
Michael: [Chuckles] Well, I'm glad.
Sonny: That was a mistake, going off the medication. It always is. I've made a lot of mistakes lately.
Michael: Well, it's -- you know, it's been a -- it's been a tough time.
Sonny: You know, I -- uh, I knew Morgan was lying to you, and I-I kept the secret. You know, I-I wasn't happy that you went after his girlfriend. But...I chose not to tell you that you and Kiki were not related, and for that... I'm sorry, and... I hope you forgive me. and... I'm gonna, uh, regret that to -- to the day I die, you know?
Michael: Dad... apology accepted.
Sonny: Go ahead. Scream at me if you want. [Chuckling] You're not -- you're not gonna scream at me? You're not gonna tell me how, you know, I betrayed you and how I chose one brother's happiness over the other? You're not gonna tell me that I'm not your father?
Michael: Dad, you'll always be my father, okay? Nothing -- nothing can change that.
Sonny: Yeah. Nothing can change that.
Alexis: What do you mean, Ava has a relationship with Derek?
Carly: Well, I mean, he says that she's his art dealer.
Alexis: And you don't believe him?
Carly: Well, I've seen them being all chummy. But as far as I can see, it didn't look like romance or art.
Alexis: Mm. So, why are you interested?
Carly: Because that woman has her claws in Morgan.
Alexis: No. Ava and Morgan are --
Carly: Please don't say it, because, I mean, just the thought of it -- it kills me, you know?
Alexis: Isn't she his mother-in-law?
Carly: Yes, and that makes it even more disgusting. Ava is disgusting. And I was gonna throw her out on the street, but she'd snuck out before I could do it. So, now I'm trying to track her down.
Alexis: Mm. You think Derek knows where she is?
Carly: Well, I think he's in touch with her, and I think he may be able to lead me to her.
Alexis: So, the dinner that you had with Derek wasn't romantic.
Carly: No! Well, I mean -- well, it didn't start off that way. It -- but it just kind of changed when Franco showed up.
Franco: It's an honest question.
Derek: [Panting]
Franco: Did I make Carly jealous?
Derek: [Sighs] You want me to pass her a note in algebra and ask her?
Franco: Yeah, find out if she wrote my name on her jeans with a marker.
Derek: Carly wasn't jealous. In fact, if you hadn't have been, uh, macking on your attorney to get her attention, you might've noticed that, uh, I already had it.
Franco: Her attention.
Derek: Well, that's one way to put it, I suppose. I mean, I was just sitting there, having a pleasant conversation. The next thing I knew, uh, Carly was literally in my face.
Franco: Aha. See? So she did just kiss you to get back at me for kissing Diane.
Derek: Well, maybe she did. But, uh, what do I care? Carly is super attractive. And I look forward to getting to know her better...and soon.
Sonny: How you doing with -- you know, after everything that I said. You know what I'm talking about -- everything that went down.
Michael: Yeah. Yeah, um -- [Clears throat] Well, Kiki and I are together now.
Sonny: You kids are happy? [Laughs]
Michael: Yeah, we are.
Sonny: Good. Good.
Michael: [Clears throat] See, there's something else to, uh -- it's about Morgan.
Sonny: With Ava? The fact that they're sleeping together?
Michael: Wait. You know?
Sonny: Yeah. I went to see her at her apartment.
Michael: Hold on. Morgan's -- Morgan's living with her?
Sonny: Yep, yep, yep. She bought a penthouse. I went there, and there was Morgan.
Michael: I thought that's like a one-time thing, Morgan's way of -- of getting back at me and Kiki.
Sonny: That's how it started. But the way, you know, Morgan's talking, he's gonna stay with Ava indefinitely.
Michael: [Sighs] Did he, uh, say anything else?
Sonny: He said he's done with me, and, uh, he said it to my face.
Michael: Well, you know how Morgan gets when he's angry. He says stuff he doesn't mean.
Sonny: Michael. Your brother's really pissed off at me.
Michael: You know, I think he's pretty much pissed off at everyone right now.
Sonny: Except Ava. See, I can see why he's with her. But I cannot see what she's doing with him.
Morgan: You bought a gallery.
Ava: Yes, Morgan, I did. Diane, you were saying?
Diane: Yes, I was saying --
Morgan: When?
Diane: [Laughing] Oh, and teenagers -- they can be so impetuous.
Morgan: Well, uh, I mean, that's because you never told me.
Ava: It's been in the works. Uh, I'm moving my business here.
Morgan: Well, that's -- that's awesome.
Diane: Yes, it's awesome! And I cannot think of a more awesome way to announce your arrival than by launching Franco's comeback.
Ava: Well, I'm sorry, Diane, but I'm not interested.
Diane: Yeah, but if you just take a moment just to think --
Ava: I still won't be interested.
Diane: Look. [Clears throat] Franco's return is going to rock the collectors of this world. And did I mention the money you could make?
Ava: What does Franco have to say about this?
Diane: Franco has nothing to say about this. His assets are all frozen until his victims' civil suit is settled.
Ava: So, what -- he's a starving artist now?
Diane: Look, Ava, you don't even need to pretend to like Franco. All you need to do is sell his work and divvy up the cash.
Ava: How long do I have to think about it?
Diane: Until I go to Odile's.
Morgan: Wait, that's, like -- that's, like, right across the street.
Diane: It's right across the street! What do you think about that?! My gosh! Odile really loves Franco's work, and she needs the cash.
Ava: Oh, you are good at this.
Diane: All I need is your signature on this contract, along with your partner's.
Morgan: Whoa. W-what partner?
Franco: I will not let you talk about Carly like that.
Derek: Like what?
Franco: You have no respect for her. You don't know Carly. You don't care about her.
Derek: And you do?
Franco: I'm not gonna let you use her.
Derek: Hey, you see yourself as, uh, Carly's protector. That's a tad hypocritical, don't you think -- I mean, given your criminal history and all? Or are you gonna try and sell her on the idea that she's, uh, redeemed you somehow?
Franco: We're in the middle of a misunderstanding.
Derek: Which brings up an interesting philosophical question. Can something or someone as evil as you are experience love? And if they, in fact, can experience love, are they still evil?
Franco: A query completely exhausted during the third season of "Buffy the vampire slayer." I will leave you to ponder that. What is your price?
Derek: Price?
Franco: Yeah, I got a big show coming up. I'm gonna make a lot of money.
Derek: Are you, uh -- you trying to, uh, buy me off?
Franco: What I'm trying to do is speak your language.
Derek: Okay. Okay. Well, then, uh, let me return the favor. I don't need your money. Carly doesn't need your protection. Now, if you'll excuse me...
Franco: So, what is it gonna take for me to get you to stop seeing Carly?
Derek: [Chuckles]
Silas: Ava slept with your husband, a kid that's barely old enough to vote?
Kiki: As awful as it all sounds, I should've never married Morgan to begin with, especially because I'm in love with Michael.
Sam: Okay.
Silas: What?
Sam: Well, um, that's good. At least you have Michael. That's great.
Kiki: Yeah! So, you don't think that I'm trampy for leaving my husband for his brother?
Silas: No, you're not t-- I mean, I'm a little unclear about who's with who right now, but, I mean, the -- the way I see it, it's Ava's fault that you and Michael thought you were related in the first place. That much I know, just like she kept it from us that you and I were father and daughter.
Sam: Well, I mean, at least my mother had a good reason for not telling me who my father was.
Kiki: What reason was that?
Sam: Uh, because she didn't know who he was. But your mother -- she knew the whole time, your -- your entire life.
Kiki: Yeah, she did. And now that I do know who my father is, I kind of have a question for you. How did you and my mom end up hooking up? Because you seem very different from her. I don't see how that happened.
Silas: I-I-I really don't know how to put that into words. I, um -- you know, from the moment I met her, I was drawn to her.
Kiki: And how long were you guys together? Uh, okay, I'm sorry. You don't want to be talking about this right now. That was really --
Silas: No, it's okay. You know what? You -- you deserve to know, you know? [Chuckles] So, it was a long time ago, and I was, um -- I was in my last year of med school. And Ava, she was opening this gallery, her first gallery. And I remember she didn't have enough money, so -- I remember she had to get money from her brother to bankroll her.
Kiki: Uh, wait, wait, wait. I'm sorry. Her brother? What brother?
Derek: [Sighs] You seem determined to make this a contest.
Franco: I am determined to get you away from her.
Derek: [Sighs] Okay, fine. Um...let's make this easy. Why don't we, uh -- why don't we fight each other? [Sighs] Port Charles. Ava follows Kiki. Now, next thing I know, I'm getting a report that someone's trying to muscle into my territory, and those same goons that are running that gambling ring are back in town.
Michael: Okay, I'm sorry. I'm not -- I'm still not seeing the connection to Ava.
Sonny: Shawn put the squeeze on one of the -- one of the enforcers, had him cough up... who his boss was.
Michael: Okay, and what's the name?
Sonny: Julian Jerome.
Michael: Okay, and you think that Ava has some sort of a connection to this Julian?
Sonny: I wish! But...Julian Jerome's been dead for over 20 years. Uh, they were -- they were a-a mob family that used to be here, even before I got here.
Michael: What happened to them?
Sonny: They're dead. At least, that's what people think.
Michael: What do you think?
Sonny: I'm thinking that a woman with the same last name as a dead mob boss attached her daughter to Morgan. When that didn't work... she got with him herself.
Michael: And you think that Ava wants to stay close to the family, close to us?
Sonny: Can't be a coincidence.
Michael: Well, you should know that, uh, Kiki doesn't want anything to do with her mother.
Sonny: Okay. You need -- you need to stay away from this woman.
Michael: Yeah, no problem.
Sonny: What we just talked about is between me and you.
Michael: I got it.
Sonny: All right. I -- you know what? I feel terrible, because I been talking about business instead of how -- w-what's going on?
Michael: Actually, that's why I'm here. Um... I need a job.
Franco: You want to fight?
Derek: It's just sparring -- a friendly little match.
Franco: But we're not friendly.
Derek: Okay, um...why don't you think of it as trying to get what you want?
Franco: You away from Carly?
Derek: How about it? Are you, uh -- you do know how to box, don't you?
Alexis: All right, I don't get it. So, why is Franco -- Carly! You and Franco?
Carly: No!
Excuse me. Uh, ms. Jacks? You asked me to keep an eye out for this.
Carly: Thank you. Uh-huh. Okay. Here you go.
Alexis: What is this?
Carly: Lucas' DNA sample. Now you can find out if Sam and Lucas are brother and sister.
Sam: Do you need to sit down or anything?
Kiki: No. No, thank you. I'm just very pissed. You see, my mom told me that she was an only child. Why would she lie to me about something like that?
Silas: I don't know. I guess you're gonna have to ask her.
Kiki: You know, it's probably the same reason she lied to me about you -- because she's trying to work some angle.
Silas: Mm. I don't know.
Kiki: I honestly have an uncle that I know nothing about?
Silas: I never met him, you know, but... Ava did make a point of telling me her brother was connected, and he had a lot of money.
Kiki: What's his name?
Franco: Do I know how to box? 'Course I know how to -- who doesn't know how to box?
Derek: Great, great. Then, uh, let's get started.
Franco: The thing is, I didn't bring any of my gear. You know, I don't have my satin shorts or my gloves or, you know, the fantastic, little booties.
Derek: Today's your lucky day, because the, uh, gym can hook you up with everything you need.
Franco: Great. Lucky me.
Derek: Yeah. So, okay. Here are the terms. Um, I beat you, you stay away from Carly.
Franco: If I beat you, then Carly's off your radar.
Derek: Yeah, I wasn't finished. Uh, you also need to stop annoying me. You can't eat at the metro court same time I'm there, and I really need you to just stop coming around here.
Franco: All right. Good, 'cause, you know, I spend so much time around here.
Derek: Okay, so, uh... I win, you're done with me... and Carly. Deal?
Sonny: You need a job? [Sighs]
Michael: You know, Tracy threw me out of ELQ, which is fine. I mean, I wouldn't want to work for her, anyway.
Sonny: Yeah, I don't blame you on that one.
Michael: I've been sending out résumés, but let's face it -- the first thing they see is that I'm a convicted felon. So I'm basically un-hirable, and I -- uh, I need work.
Sonny: Michael, how many times have we had this conversation? I love you, right? But you can't -- you can't g-go anywhere near my organization.
Michael: I wasn't thinking that. I was thinking more like somewhere in the coffee warehouse. I could do anything. I could be in charge of schedules. I-I can drive a forklift or -- a delivery truck -- anything.
Sonny: Michael, my coffee shipment was blown up two weeks ago. If I have you anywhere near there, your mother's gonna have my head.
Michael: She doesn't have a say in this, okay? Look, I want to help you any way I can. You're my father.
Sonny: I don't want to lose another son.
Michael: Look, Dad. Morgan may have turned his back on you, but that's not what I'm gonna do.
Sonny: All right. I'll see what I can do.
Michael: Yeah?
Sonny: Yeah. But first, we got to deal with your mom.
Alexis: This really contains a sample of your brother's DNA?
Carly: Yes.
Alexis: [Sighs]
Carly: Danny's Jason's son. He deserves to know where he came from, and for him to know that, Sam needs to know where she came from. It's that simple.
Alexis: Thank you, Carly.
Carly: You're welcome. Not sure how Sam's gonna feel about having a mobster father.
Alexis: She'll just have that much more in common with her sisters.
Carly: And she'll have a great brother.
Alexis: [Sighs] If you see Sam, I haven't told her yet. I just want to be sure before I tell her.
Carly: I hope you get the answers you're looking for.
Kiki: My mom must've mentioned her brother's name.
Silas: Hmm. Now that I think about it, she never did. It -- it was always just "my brother."
Kiki: See, I would just go out and ask her, but she would never give me a straight answer.
Silas: Mm.
Sam: Hey. I am a P.I. I could find out for you. I could look into this.
Kiki: Oh, uh, th-thank you so much for that offer, but I don't have any money to pay you.
Sam: Are you kidding? I wouldn't want -- I-I wouldn't want you to pay me.
Kiki: Oh, no. But I-I'm really not a moocher. That's actually why I'm here. Uh, I-it's one of the reasons. I was hoping that there would be a job here, maybe something administrative?
Silas: I see.
Kiki: Uh, uh, I-I don't mean to take advantage of your newfound status as my father. It's just, I --
Silas: I don't have a problem with that.
Kiki: No, I-I just really -- really?
Silas: Yeah. No, it's -- it's all right. I'm just -- I'm just curious. Why -- why would you want to work here? It's beige and sterile, and there's people who are sick, and there's people who are crazy, or both.
Kiki: I lived with the Quartermaines.
Sam: Mm. [Laughs] She does have a point.
Silas: Mm.
Kiki: Plus, I figured if -- if I work here, we could get to know each other a little better.
Silas: That'd be great.
Morgan: You have a business partner?
Ava: Yes -- a silent partner.
Morgan: Who?
Ava: This investor prefers to remain anonymous. That's why it's called a silent partnership.
Diane: Yes, well, that's fine, but I will need his or her signature on this contract.
Ava: [Laughs] What is it about the concept of silent partner that seems to confuse everybody but me? This person is extremely private.
Diane: Look, I can assure you, I am bound by confidentiality. I won't breathe a word about him or her.
Ava: Well, he or she doesn't even like to be bothered with things like this.
Diane: Ava, I don't understand why you aren't jumping at the chance. I'm sure your partner would love to be the first to have the exclusive rights to show Franco's work.
Man: Okay, gentlemen. [Grunts] You know the rules. Nothing below the belt. No rabbit punches.
Franco: I don't think punching is what rabbits are known for, if you know what I'm talking about!
Man: Keep it clean. Shake hands and come out fighting.
Franco: [Exhales sharply]
Derek: [Clears throat]
Franco: 'Kay. Mm? What?
Derek: You're going down, Franco.
Franco: Oh, come on! I know this bit. This is when you trash talk. This is when you try and distract me by insulting me. And I'm trying to talk here!
Derek: Well, if I waited for you to shut up, I'd never be able to take a shot!
Franco: Maybe that's my big plan!
Derek: Oh, I see -- so, you're gonna filibuster?
Franco: Yeah. I'm gonna filibuster. I'm gonna frustrate you by talking until you finally give up, and then I win by default. Will you stop, for God's sake?
Derek: Okay, fine. You want to talk? Let's talk. Is that all right? All right. Uh...
Franco: [Sighs]
Derek: You ever kiss Carly?
Franco: Gentlemen don't kiss and talk.
Derek: Let me tell you, that broad is something else, okay? [Chuckles] I mean, she knows what she is doing. Uh...actually, I don't think you have kissed Carly, because if you had, there'd be nothing stopping you from destroying me to get to her.
Franco: It's on my list of things to do.
Derek: Because, uh...when she pressed her lips against mine -- let me tell you -- very sweet. I cannot wait until the next time I -- ohh!
Franco: Not so much talking now, huh, tough guy?
Derek: [Chuckling] You're better at this than I thought.
Franco: You know, I was just saying the same thing to myself.
Sam: Your daughter is pretty amazing.
Silas: How so?
Sam: Well, she's been through a lot. She's still standing. She's -- she's a fighter.
Silas: Yeah, she is a fighter. It's a good thing she knows how to take care of herself, you know, 'cause... I don't know the first thing about how to begin being a father to her. You know, I guess I can start by getting her résumé to H.R.
Sam: Yeah, and maybe I can figure out who her uncle is.
Silas: Mm. This is great. We've made all these plans for Kiki. How about we make some plans for us?
Sam: Okay. Well, I think you were about to tell me that you had something in mind that was interruption-proof.
Silas: Yeah, I did.
Sam: Care to tell me what it is?
Silas: Oh, you'll see. At least I got a clean shirt to wear.
Sam: Well, if you're lucky, you'll get to take that shirt off again.
Silas: [Chuckles]
Alexis: Uh, in the package is a DNA sample that I need tested and compared to my daughter. Her name is Samantha Morgan, and the lab already has a DNA profile for her.
Woman: No problem. We just need the permission of both parties.
Alexis: Uh, the paperwork is all in there.
Woman: And your daughter's?
Alexis: It's on file.
Woman: New test, new permission.
Alexis: Well, I'm an attorney, so it's all taken care of. My daughter has given her consent.
Sam: I've given consent? To what?
Derek: [Groans]
Franco: Get up! Come on! Get up. Don't tell me you're dazed and confused after a-a couple of shots like that.
Derek: That was a lucky shot.
Franco: No, a couple dozen lucky shots.
Derek: Well, I am distracted. I've been, uh, daydreaming about Carly.
Franco: Oh, yeah?
Derek: Yeah.
Franco: Well, dream on!
Michael: Look, Dad, um... thank you for telling me about Morgan.
Sonny: You know, I'm just glad that you got your life all together. I-I can't say the same for your brother. W--
Shawn: Sorry. Didn't, uh, mean to interrupt. You got a minute?
Sonny: Hold on one second.
Shawn: Okay. Thought you might want to know that, um, Derek Wells is down at the gym going a few rounds with Franco.
Sonny: Derek Wells and Franco? What the hell's that about?
Shawn: [Chuckles]
Derek: O-okay. Okay, okay, okay. What are we -- what are we, uh -- what are we fighting for here?
Franco: You punch-drunk, huh? You know full well what we're fighting for?
Derek: What's that?
Franco: You and I are fighting for car-- Carly.
Diane: Well, I certainly can't force you to go in on this deal, and I don't like wasting anybody's time, especially my own. So I'm heading across the street to Odile's --
Ava: All right. I'll see to it that my partner signs the paper.
Diane: Let me know once it's done. And a word of advice -- Morgan's parents are both fiercely protective of their children, each in their own... extreme way. So you might just be playing with fire.
Morgan: Diane, wait a second.
Diane: Yes?
Morgan: I'd -- I'd like to hire you.
Diane: [Laughing] Oh! Oh, you sweet thing. Morgan, you couldn't afford me. Just out of curiosity, why do you want to hire me?
Morgan: Get rid of my wife for me. I want out of my marriage.
Michael: Oh, um, this is, Shawn Butler, my dad's associate.
Kiki: Hi. Nice to meet you.
Shawn: Likewise.
Michael: You know my dad.
Sonny: It's nice to see you again. Um, I-I'd like to talk to you about everything that's happened. I just -- I'm in the middle of a business meeting, so...
Kiki: Yeah, no worries.
Michael: Uh, Kiki and I have nothing but respect for the business. She's actually, uh, looking for work, too.
Sonny: Oh.
Kiki: Yeah, I am. Oh, hey.
Michael: So, how'd it go with Silas?
Kiki: Well, I gave him my résumé, and he gave me an earful about my mother. You won't believe what he told me.
Michael: Try me.
Kiki: My mom told me her whole life that she was an only child, and it turns out that my mother has a brother.
Sonny: Did I hear you right, Kiki? Ava Jerome has a brother?
Franco: [Grunts]
Derek: Come on. Is that the best you got?
Franco: I'm just getting warmed up.
Carly: Franco, what the hell do you think you're doing?
Franco: What am I doing? I'm winning.
[Both grunt]
Carly: Franco!
Franco: Ohh.
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