General Hospital Transcript Friday 10/11/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By
Olivia: I saw Faison.
Duke: Are you sure?
Olivia: Yes, I'm sure! I would know that nasty mug anywhere.
Duke: Where did you see him?
Olivia: He was -- he was sitting right over there where that man was, and he was --
Duke: Well, he was what? What was he doing?
Olivia: He was kissing Anna.
Duke: That's insane. N-no! Anna would -- Anna would never let that happen.
Faison: You kissed me back. Not Lavery, not Scorpio, but me.
Obrecht: Yes, I did.
Faison: You returned my feelings. I felt it. Could it be? Is it possible that you love me?
Obrecht: Yes, I love you, Cesar.
Anna: I'm here to see Cesar Faison.
Faison: I knew when I told you about Robin that you would finally fall in love with me. And you have. Haven't you?
Obrecht: Yes, I love you. I love you, du schmutziges schwein!
Faison: Anna? What are you -- Anna! What are you doing?!
Obrecht: I'm not Anna!
Faison: Obrecht. It's you.
Obrecht: Yes. It's me -- Obrecht. [Breathing heavily]
Britt: Ben's gone. He's -- he's -- he's gone.
Nikolas: Well, he's got to be somewhere, Britt. We'll find him. We'll --
Britt: No! She -- she took my baby! She took off in a plane?
Nikolas: Well, she couldn't have just vanished. There has to be a-a flight plan.
Anna: Yeah, well, if there was, it's been expunged.
Britt: That's not possible.
Anna: Yeah, actually, it is. Obrecht has covered her tracks, which is no mean feat. She's not working alone. She has help -- powerful help.
Nikolas: Hey. I just got off the phone with the PCPD.
Britt: What did Anna say?
Nikolas: I didn't -- I didn't speak to her. Apparently, she's out of the country.
Obrecht: Sorry to disappoint you, but your precious Anna is far away from here.
Anna: I'm Anna Devane. I have clearance from the WSB.
Guard: Yeah, it is right here -- approved to see Cesar Faison.
Anna: Thanks.
Guard: That -- that is strange.
Anna: What is?
Guard: According to the visitors' log, you already visited him.
Luke: No, get away from me! [Breathing heavily]
Robin: Jerry, get in here now! Jerry! [Sighs]
Jerry: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Be quiet. You're gonna wake the baby up. We wouldn't want that, would we? So...what's the problem?
Robin: There is no problem, and you won't have a problem, either, soon.
Jerry: Are you saying...?
Robin: You are not going to die of polonium poisoning. I've done it. I can cure you -- with this.
Jerry: And that contains the cure?
Robin: I've held up my end of the bargain. Now it's your turn. Let me go.
Robin: Wow. Two first-class tickets to Tokyo?
Patrick: That's right, ma'am. We're going to Tokyo.
Robin: Ohh.
Patrick: And it doesn't stop there.
Robin: Wait, wait, wait. What if I had picked Paris or something? Or -- no way. No, you didn't.
Patrick: There you go. And Paris.
Robin: But... I mean, wh-wh-when are we gonna find time to take three trips?
Patrick: They're nonrefundable 'cause I didn't want to give you an excuse to leave. Hey. It might take us the rest of our lives to do these trips, but we're gonna do it.
[Door opens]
Sabrina: Hey! Oh, there you are. I've been looking all over for you.
Patrick: Sorry. Yeah. I went and grabbed a coffee.
Sabrina: Oh, sorry. Here. Let me help you with these.
Patrick: It's all right. I --
Sabrina: Two tickets to Paris? No way. Did I ruin a surprise?
Jerry: Patience, my dear. No one's going anywhere yet.
Robin: I'm not your dear, and that wasn't the arrangement. I find your cure, and you let me go home.
Jerry: How do I know this isn't one of your tricks, and you're gonna inject me, and I'm gonna keel over dead?
Robin: Because I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't do that with everything at stake. I mean, you said yourself I'm not a murderer.
Jerry: Oh, I did, didn't I? Hmm. But that was before you flipped the switch and tried to kill Dr. Obrecht by turning her into a Teutonic ice sculpture.
Robin: I am telling you the truth, and I don't know how to prove that to you.
Jerry: Hmm. But...I do.
Tracy: Luke! It's okay. It's Tracy.
Luke: Tracy.
Tracy: Precious popsicle? Spanky buns? Take your pick. It's just me.
Luke: Spanky?
Tracy: Hi.
Luke: [Breathing heavily] Helena was here. I was dying. She was surrounded in flames.
Tracy: Sounds about right.
Luke: She was pushing me into the abyss. [Gasps]
Tracy: Look at me. Helena's not here. You were dreaming.
Luke: It was so real.
Tracy: Well... [Sighs] Helena's not gonna get you, and you're not dying -- not on my watch. If she wants you, she's gonna have to fight me to get you.
Britt: Anna's out of the country? It's just 'cause she's following a lead on my mother.
Nikolas: Not -- not exact-- Robert Scorpio came out of his coma. She went to Switzerland to check on him.
Britt: So, what does that mean, then -- no one's working on the case? No one's looking for my son?
Nikolas: No, Britt. That's not what that means.
Britt: No, I told you Anna hates me! She was never even gonna look for Ben.
Nikolas: She's not abandoning your son.
Britt: She's in a different continent!
Nikolas: Yes, I know that, but she's put her best people on the case. They're not giving up, I promise you.
Britt: [Sighs] I'm sorry.
Nikolas: No. You don't have to be sorry.
Britt: No, I'm acting like a crazy person.
Nikolas: No, you're acting like a mother who's worried sick about her child.
Britt: Blaming Anna -- making her the villain? I mean, we all know who's responsible for this nightmare -- my own mother. That inhuman bitch. I mean it. I mean, other than the day she gave birth to me, she's never once acted like a mother. She's never even once acted like she has a heart -- clearly not when she nearly killed Duke Lavery or when she put Robert Scorpio in a coma... which, if you think about it, is actually kind of perfect. Because of my mother's psychotic antics, Anna can't be here to help me right now.
Faison: How dare you? What's the meaning of this masquerade?
Obrecht: Does it really require explanation?
Faison: Yes, it does! Disguising yourself as Anna Devane, kissing me -- disgusting! You don't even come close to her!
Obrecht: Your surprise is laughable, considering all I did was take a page from your book. You committed the same offense against that bony shrew with your overwrought masquerade as Duke Lavery!
Duke: Anna would never allow her lips anywhere close to Faison. I mean, what you're suggesting -- Anna kissing Faison -- that's ridiculous. First of all, she loathes the man, and, secondly, she's in --
Olivia: She's in Switzerland. She's in Switzerland with Robert, right? And -- and Faison is safely locked away behind bars?
Duke: Right.
Olivia: So, what's that look?
Duke: Well, this is Faison we're talking about, and, from personal experience, I know with him, anything is possible.
Faison: I had very good reasons to disguise myself.
Obrecht: To win Anna -- your reason for everything.
Faison: Do you know what? By the way, the thoughts I shared were private! They were not meant for your ears! They were meant for hers!
Obrecht: If I could unlisten, I would!
Faison: Oh, shut up. [Sighs] Pretending to be Duke was the only way I could get her attention, the only way I could get close to her!
Anna: I'm sorry. I'm already with him? That doesn't make sense.
Guard: I just came on duty, but according to the visitors' log, you signed in 30 minutes ago.
Anna: Well, obviously, it's wrong. I'm standing right here.
Guard: Yeah. Steinmauer is a supermax facility. We're not in the habit of making mistakes.
Anna: I'm Anna Devane. The easiest way to prove it is to go in there and find out whoever is with Faison, because whoever it is, it's not me.
Guard: Wait!
Anna: Ohh.
Guard: I do not care what kind of clearance you have. You cannot just barge in there!
Anna: Listen, this is a matter of life and death. Do you understand? I need to see Faison, and you are preventing me from doing that because of some clerical error.
Guard: Look, I do not --
Anna: Who is your supervisor? Perhaps she can straighten this whole thing out.
Guard: Yeah, it is a he, and just wait!
Anna: [Sighs]
Guard: This has to be a mistake.
Anna: You think?
Guard: Yeah. I will go and see what has happened. But do not go in there.
Anna: Okay. You have 10 minutes. After that, all bets are off. [Sighs]
[Cell phone rings]
Anna: Ohh. Hi, Duke.
Duke: Anna, it's so good to hear your voice. How is Robert?
Anna: Uh, well, he's good, all things considered.
Duke: Oh, that's wonderful.
Anna: Yes, it really is.
Duke: Listen, uh, there's something that I, uh, need to run by you.
Anna: All right. [Sighs]
Duke: It's going to sound crazy, but I'm at the Metro Court Hotel with Olivia Falconeri, and she's had another one of her visions.
Anna: Oh. What did she see this time?
Duke: Faison.
Anna: What was he doing?
Duke: Brace yourself for this, but, uh, he was kissing you.
Obrecht: Why do you do this to me, Cesar... the mother of your child?
Faison: Oh, go away. You deserve to suffer -- do you realize that? -- After what you put me through! When I heard Anna was going to come and see me, you raised my hopes, and then you come in, and then you dashed them in the most cruel way possible! If this is payback, fine! Fine! You made your point! You got your little revenge! Now get out. Get out. Get out!
Obrecht: Not so fast.
Faison: [Sighs]
Obrecht: Yearning for the touch of your lips is not the only reason for my getting in here. I had something to tell you.
Faison: Why? Why?!
Obrecht: I wanted to tell you about your grandchild.
Ben: [Crying]
Jerry: Yes, that's right, little one. I'm not going anywhere, 'cause I know how to make sure Robin's poison won't kill me. And you know how? By trying it on someone else first.
Robin: I'll do it. I'll take it, and then I'm going home.
Patrick: Sabrina, the ticket is --
Sabrina: This is because of "Midnight in Paris," isn't it? The other night, after we watched it, I said I'd always wanted to go! [Laughing] Oh, my God! [Smooches] You're amazing. I can't believe you went ahead and bought tickets.
Patrick: Hold on a second. Listen. Those tickets -- they're not --
Sabrina: I mean, talk about a birthday present! That's when you were gonna give them to me, right? Okay. I'm just gonna -- I'm gonna forget. I'm gonna forget that I saw them and just pretend to be shocked. I'm so sorry!
Patrick: There's no surprise, Sabrina. These tickets -- they're, um -- they're not for us.
Sabrina: Oh. Were you planning on taking Emma?
Patrick: No. No. Um...these were for, uh -- for me and Robin.
Jerry: Wait a minute. You can't test the cure on yourself.
Robin: Why not?
Jerry: Do I have to tell you? You're the scientist. You don't currently have polonium poisoning.
Robin: So?
Jerry: For all I know, the cocktail I gave you for HIV could protect you from any ill effects.
Robin: That's ridiculous!
Jerry: Well, better safe than sorry.
Robin: [Scoffs] Okay, fine. So, then, what's the plan -- you find a random middle-aged guy, shoot him up with polonium-210?
Jerry: Oh, you do think the worst of me, don't you?
Robin: I'm not answering that.
Jerry: As luck would have it, actually [Chuckles] The random guy actually found me. [Chuckles]
Robin: Are you serious? You actually know someone else that has polonium poisoning?
Jerry: Oh, I do, and he's safely tucked away upstairs.
Luke: I'd pay good money to see you fight the dragon lady at the gates of hell.
Tracy: Who are you kidding? You don't have any money.
Luke: [Chuckles] No, but if I did, I'd put it on you.
Tracy: Well, forget about Helena. I'm more concerned with our friend Jerry Jacks. And unless he was lying -- and I don't think he was -- he's gonna be back here any minute with the antidote to test it on you.
Luke: [Groans] Just call me "lab rat."
Tracy: What I'm gonna call you is "cured," Luke. He does not know that I'm here. I can get the jump on him and fix you right up.
Luke: One problem.
Tracy: What?
Luke: I don't think I'm gonna make it that long.
Faison: What are you talking about? A grandchild?
Obrecht: Our daughter gave birth not long ago. Surely you remember Britta.
Faison: Vaguely.
Obrecht: [Chortles] I know she was a disappointment to you, Cesar. You wanted a son. But without Britta, you wouldn't now have a grandson.
Faison: A grandson?
Obrecht: A perfect little boy to carry on your legacy. Even your sainted Anna couldn't give you that.
Anna: Well, I hope you told Olivia that her vision is insane.
Duke: Well, yes. Of course. I mean, those were the first words out of my mouth.
Anna: I mean, there's gonna be no kissing Faison. That's just -- that's repulsive.
Duke: Yeah. Well, I mean, it's also impossible because, I mean, you're nowhere near the man, are you? I'm not liking this pause, Anna. You are in Switzerland with Robert, aren't you?
Anna: Yeah, I'm in Switzerland, but --
Duke: Here it comes.
Anna: There's been a complication.
Faison: A grandson?
Obrecht: Our disappointing Britta has brought forth a beautiful, robust boy.
Faison: And we call him?
Obrecht: She's given him some pedestrian American name. But not to worry -- when you meet him, we'll rechristen him "Little Cesar," of course.
Faison: When I meet him? I mean, are you gonna bring a child in here?
Obrecht: No.
Faison: No.
Obrecht: I'm going to bring you to the child.
Britt: My mother doesn't even care if I ever see my son again.
Nikolas: You don't know that. In fact, you have no idea what her motives are. And you're gonna drive yourself crazy trying to figure them out. Just try and relax and let's focus on finding Ben, okay?
Britt: You're right.
Nikolas: Hey. What were you looking at when I came in?
Britt: I was looking at some missing-persons websites, hoping that someone's seen a crazy German woman with my baby. Oh, my God.
Nikolas: What?
Britt: This e-mail. I didn't -- I-I didn't see this before.
Nikolas: Well, who's it from?
Britt: My mother.
Sabrina: Wait. For you and Robin? I don't -- I'm sorry. I don't --
Patrick: [Clears throat]
Sabrina: I don't understand.
Patrick: I know. Why would you? Um... this is a trip that Robin and I were gonna go on. I was gonna take her to Paris and Rio and Tokyo.
Sabrina: Wow. That's incredibly romantic.
Patrick: It was for her birthday, which is today. It would have been -- would have been today.
Sabrina: I'm sorry. I-I had no idea.
Patrick: No. I'm just trying to explain to you why she's on my mind, why I have the tickets in my hand.
Sabrina: This is -- I'm -- I'm so embarrassed.
Patrick: No, please don't do that.
Sabrina: To just assume that the tickets were for me -- hello. Presumptuous.
Patrick: No, no, no. Hey, stop. Please, don't. You're not being presumptuous.
Sabrina: You know, I should go. Mr. Jennings is gonna go ballistic if I don't close his blinds. You know how he gets at sunset, so...
Patrick: Sabrina, wait. Stop. Please, Sabrina. Wait.
Robin: So, this man is dying, just like you?
Jerry: That is correct.
Robin: And what's going to happen to him?
Jerry: Well, I think you know the answer to that question, don't you, my darling?
Robin: But if you're going to use this and test it on him --
Jerry: Just to see if it kills him but not enough to make him better.
Robin: Right, and then after that, you're just gonna let him...
Jerry: Die. Yes. And judging by his state, sooner rather than later.
Luke: Getting cured may no longer be possible.
Tracy: Don't say that, Luke!
Luke: No. Tracy...there are things I need to say.
Tracy: I'm not listening.
Luke: I may not get another chance.
Tracy: Look, Luke, if this is a ploy for sympathy, save it. I'm not a bleeding heart.
Luke: I know you're not. You're a force of nature. You're a beautiful woman with an amazing, tantalizing brain that I can't keep up with. I'm in awe of you.
Tracy: What?
Luke: You did this on your own. You came here after I lied, tried to leave you behind. That's devotion.
Tracy: Yeah. It's also stupidity.
Luke: Yeah, I know it is, in a way. But I want you to know that your risking your life means something to me.
Tracy: Luke, save it. Save it! You do not need to thank me!
Luke: I'm not thanking you! I'm telling you... I love you. I'm trying to say something.
Tracy: Shut up!
Luke: [Sighs] Well, that's better than a slap in the face.
Tracy: I considered it!
Luke: Did you hear what I said? I love you.
Tracy: Yes. I heard it loud and clear. I believe it was the sound of giving up. Don't want it.
Luke: What if it isn't giving up? What if this is the end?
Tracy: Then be you! Be real! Don't throw me some parting gift to ease the pain of saying goodbye!
Luke: Okay. You want real? Let's get real. Don't look over there. I'm here. Look at me. Tracy Quartermaine, you beautiful, infuriating, brilliant woman, I love you.
Tracy: Thanks for that. It's so easy for you to say that on your "deathbed." You don't have to suffer the consequences!
Luke: What consequences?
Tracy: Me, us... living a life of domesticated hell. Would you please stop pretending?!
Luke: I want to give you the whole enchilada. You want a soul mate. I think I'm it.
Tracy: [Sighs] Please. Just don't say it.
Luke: Tracy... if I live through this, if we get back home, you deserve the whole meal, and I'm gonna give it to you if that's what you still want.
Tracy: More than anything.
Robin: I don't like knowing someone else is sick. Who is he?
Jerry: A dead man walking, and was long before I got my hands on him. But, you know, let's forget about our little lab rat -- after he tests the elixir, that is.
Robin: And once that happens, I get to go home?
Jerry: Well, provided he survives.
Robin: Which he will.
Jerry: And provided, once I take it, I start to improve.
Robin: Fine. Then...let me draw some blood. We'll know the cure is working when your polonium levels recede.
Jerry: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you mad? Don't -- don't get close to me with that thing.
Robin: What can I do with an empty syringe?
Jerry: Oh, yeah. I suppose you have a point, especially when I have this thing. [Sighs] Oh. Ohh. You're excited.
Robin: I want to see my family.
Jerry: Well, I hope you succeed. It would be a shame after getting so close to lose it all, wouldn't it?
Patrick: You have nothing to apologize for, okay? I'm -- I'm the one that's --
Sabrina: What? You're thinking of your wife on her birthday?
Patrick: I told you that I'm ready to -- to move on, to let go, right? I-I-I took my ring off. I said all the right things. And then you walk in and you find me holding these airline tickets, and --
Sabrina: It's -- it's another way of holding on to her.
Patrick: No. Um... maybe just the opposite, okay? I talked to Elizabeth earlier, and she was saying that -- that she thinks that the reason that I'm thinking about Robin so much lately is because it's -- I'm ready. I'm -- I'm ready to let go.
Sabrina: And what do you think?
Anna: Here it is. Robert remembered something after he woke up, and I-I need to verify it with Faison.
Duke: With Faison? Anna, where in God's name are you?
Anna: I'm at Steinmauer Prison in Geneva. But think about it -- the security is so high here, I'm perfectly safe.
Duke: But this is Faison we're talking about. I mean, what could be possibly so important that you're willing to face that psychopath?
Anna: I prefer to keep that between Robert and me for now.
Duke: Anna.
Anna: I'm sorry. I promise you I'm not going to be kissing Faison ever again.
Faison: That's just another way to torment me -- dangling a promise to take me to see my grandson. I mean, if I could get out of this gulag, I wouldn't be able to show my face in Port Charles, now, would I?!
Obrecht: I thought of that, which is why I relocated him. The boy is not in Port Charles.
Britt: There's no message. It's just an attachment.
Nikolas: Hold on. Are you sure it's okay to open it? I mean...
Britt: No, but, I mean, do I have a choice?
Nikolas: Oh, okay. Looks like a video of some kind.
Britt: Ohh. There he is. There's Ben.
Obrecht: Hello, meine tocter. I know you've been fretting, but look -- your son is healthy, happy, growing by the day. No matter what you may think, Britta, I'm not a heartless woman. No harm will come to your baby boy. On the contrary, he has a great future ahead of him. Soon we will all be together -- one big, happy family at last. Bye-bye. Bye-bye.
Patrick: I have fully accepted that Robin's gone. I'd like to think that I have, but...
Sabrina: We've talked about this. It's a process.
Patrick: I want to be fair to you. That's all that's --
Sabrina: Look, would you stop? This isn't about me. This is about a man who's lost his wife, and he's still trying to come to grips with it. Look, you had to grieve. You're not gonna just wake up one day and have an epiphany that it's time to move on. I get it. I get it. I really do.
Patrick: Of course, you do, 'cause you're amazing. And I am so grateful for that. I don't -- I don't want my memories to take precedence over ours, okay? I want to go on adventures with you. I want to -- I want to go on trips... with you.
Sabrina: I'd really like that.
Patrick: Yeah?
Sabrina: Yeah.
Patrick: Let's do it. Let's do that. Let's do that. But first we have to, uh -- we have to get rid of these. [Tears up the tickets]
Jerry: The elixir at last. Tens of millions of dollars and many months later, my deliverance. Or is it? We'll soon find out. Thank you.
Ben: [Crying]
Robin: Oh, it's okay. It's okay. You don't have to be sad that Jerry left. I know he's charming sometimes, but he is not a nice man -- at all. I know he's a killer, but [Sighs] Do you think he's a liar? What do you think, little guy? Huh? Do you think that Jerry will keep his word? Do you think that [Sighs] He'll actually let me go home?
Faison: Robin is taking care of my grandchild? Where?
Obrecht: He is safely ensconced with Robin on Cassadine Island. She will guard that child with her life.
Faison: For how long?
Obrecht: Until I reclaim him. I cannot wait to place Little Cesar in your arms.
Faison: This is madness.
Obrecht: Why?
Faison: What, you -- do you honestly believe you can just march me out of here?
Obrecht: No. But Anna Devane can -- a perk of being a big shot at the WSB. Don't you see the genius of my plan, Cesar? In my guise as Anna, I can fool these imbeciles -- tell them that during in my interrogation, I discovered you were harboring crucial information that directly impacts national security. I'll demand they transfer you at once.
Faison: To where?
Obrecht: The WSB facility in the Hague. It's foolproof.
Faison: Ha! Yeah. I doubt it. You made mistakes in the past -- colossal ones, at that.
Obrecht: Do you want to see your grandson or not?
Anna: Did you straighten everything out?
Guard: Just spoke to the guard on duty before me.
Anna: And?
Guard: He said that you were inside with Faison -- that he escorted you in there himself.
Faison: Okay. Okay. I'm ready to see the child, my namesake.
Nikolas: At least we know Ben is safe right now.
Britt: But where?! We have no idea where they are. That video told us nothing.
Nikolas: Did your -- did your mother have a favorite place -- you know, somewhere she may have talked about?
Britt: No. I don't know. I --
Nikolas: Okay. Well, what about that thing she said about Ben having a great future? Any idea what that might mean?
Obrecht: No harm will come to your baby boy. On the contrary, he has a great future ahead of him. Soon we will all be together -- one big, happy family at last.
Britt: [Sighs] I think I know where she's taken him.
Robin: What if Jerry never had any intention of letting me go? I mean, he could kill me as soon as he gets back. Why wouldn't he? I already know too much. No. No, not when I'm so close to getting home -- not when I'm so close to seeing Patrick and Emma. Okay. All right. Wait. No, hold on.
Ben: [Babbles]
Robin: Hold on. [Chuckles] Oh, my God.
Tracy: I'm gonna hold you to that enchilada the minute we get home.
[Door opens in distance]
Tracy: He's back. Here we go.
Jerry: Leave us. you feeling, sunshine?
Luke: Peachy.
Jerry: Are you ready to earn your keep?
Luke: You got the stuff?
Jerry: Oh, yes. My trusty scientist has found the cure for our -- oh, I'm sorry, my -- polonium poisoning, or so she says. The moment of truth. precious elixir for you -- just a touch -- and, assuming you don't drop dead...the rest will be for me.
Luke: Are you sure you don't want to share?
Jerry: Oh, go home or go big, as you people say. I intend to go big.
Tracy: Not today, you won't. Hand it over.
Olivia: You look like you could use this.
Duke: Thank you. What time is it?
Olivia: Well, it's 5:00 somewhere.
Duke: [Chuckles] That's true.
Olivia: So, did you talk to Anna?
Duke: Yes, I did. She is with Faison.
Olivia: In prison?!
Duke: Yeah. I think she needs answers only that maniac can provide.
Olivia: Like what kind of answers?
Duke: I don't know. She wouldn't say.
Robin: Come on. [Sighs] Come on. I have to find a signal. [Sighs] Come on. If I do, we are both out of here. [Chuckles] Yeah. Come on. Come on, come on. Please?
Nikolas: You know where Ben is?
Britt: [Sighs] She's taking him to Faison.
Nikolas: Faison? How -- how did you get that from her message?
Britt: I just did.
Nikolas: I mean, I don't understand. I mean, I know that your mother was his, uh, you know, henchwoman or whatever you want to call it, but if that was the extent of the relationship, why would Faison want anything to do with your son?
Britt: Because... Faison... he's my father.
Anna: You see me, right? I'm real, okay? This, uh, flesh and blood. And this -- my ID.
Guard: Yeah, I understand, but this is protocol.
Anna: No protocol. This is impossible. I can't be in there and out here at the same time.
Obrecht: How do I look?
Faison: Never better.
Obrecht: God in heaven. Stop drooling at the sight of her face or I call this whole thing off.
Faison: Okay, okay, okay. I'm...ready to see my grandson, my namesake.
Obrecht: So, sit tight. Then once I have your transfer authorized, we'll be out of here.
Faison: I'm ready for my freedom.
Anna: I'm gonna do what I said I would do half an hour ago, which is to go in there and prove to you whoever's in there is not me, because I can assure you there's only one Anna Devane.
Sabrina: You didn't have to do that.
Patrick: Yes, I did -- a little bit for you but mostly for me. Let's do it, okay? Let's go on a trip. Let's take the trip of a lifetime.
Sabrina: Yeah?
Patrick: Yes. Of course. Yes. For sure. I'm ready. Let's do it.
Sabrina: I love you so much.
Patrick: I love you, too.
Sabrina: Okay. Rome.
Patrick: Rome?
Sabrina: For starters, yeah.
Patrick: [Smooches] Ciao, bella.
Sabrina: [Chuckles]
Patrick: That's right, right -- "Ciao, bella"?
Sabrina: Ciao.
Robin: Come on. Please, please, please. Yes. Yes. One bar. Oh. Please answer. Please.
[Cell phone rings]
Patrick: Hello?
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