General Hospital Transcript Thursday 10/10/13
Provided By Suzanne
Patrick: Eat your breakfast.
Emma: I can't, daddy. I'm in the zone.
Patrick: Well, the zone can wait. Come on, you got to ea it's the most important meal of the day.
Emma: Why?
Patrick: Because it's good for you.
Emma: If you eat cereal for lunch, does that make it as important as breakfast?
Patrick: That's not really how it works.
Emma: What about when mommy would make us breakfast for dinner?
Patrick: You know -- look who's here.
Elizabeth: Hi! Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. [Smooches] Is this your breakfast? Why haven't you touched it?
Patrick: Yeah.
Emma: I was in the zone.
Patrick: Come on. You need to fuel up from that zone. Let's go.
Elizabeth: Hello.
Patrick: Hi. How are you?
Elizabeth: It's nice to see you outside of work.
Patrick: Yeah, it's been a while. How you been?
Elizabeth: Hmm, I've been better. Did you see this?
Olivia: Mr. Lavery, good morning.
Duke: Ah, good morning to you, too, miss Falconeri.
Olivia: The usual table for two?
Duke: No, I'll be on my own this morning, unfortunately. Anna's has to leave the country unexpectedly.
Olivia: Oh. Nothing wrong, I hope. I mean, no offense, but problems sort of have a way of following the two of you.
Duke: Yes, they do.
Olivia: Well, I'll just keep her in my prayers, just in case.
Duke: Thank you very much. But there's no need. She's actually gone for very good reasons. Robert's finally come out of his coma.
Olivia: [Gasps]
Robert: Anna, listen. I hope you get this message before your meeting with Faison. Be careful. And go armed. Do not ask this guy any leading questions about Robin 'cause he's gonna clam up on you. Okay? You're gonna have to do a bit of fancy footwork around this cagey bastard. Bye.
[Door opens]
Robin: If you want your cure, you're gonna have to wait.
Jerry: Ooh, sounds like someone is a little cranky today. Fortunately, I have just the thing.
Robin: What? A one-way ticket to my family?
Jerry: No, a jet fueled up and waiting.
[Baby fussing]
Jerry: All you have to do is meet the terms of our agreement.
Robin: Cure you of your polonium poisoning. I know.
Jerry: In the meantime, I brought you sustenance and, of course, your medication.
Robin: Hope you're not expecting a tip.
Jerry: Oh, Robin. Consider yourself lucky you're getting anything at all after that stunt you pulled yesterday. It was foolish, albeit brave, to clock Obrecht and make a run for it.
Robin: Well, it's not my fault that she's susceptible to flattery.
Jerry: Well, what can you say? She's a mad scientist. All they do is crave validation.
Robin: So where did the doctor and her bruised ego go?
Jerry: Oh, that is none of your concern.
Robin: Well, I'm not concerned. I'm just curious. The only thing I could get out of her was that she was going to see someone that she loves as much as I love Patrick.
Anna: Commissioner Anna Devane. I'm here to see Cesar Faison. It's a matter of life and death.
Elizabeth: Unh-unh. Not since his arraignment.
Patrick: You went?
Elizabeth: Only because Michael begged me to.
Patrick: How you doing with all this?
Elizabeth: I don't know. I can't even bring myself to go see him in jail. And if I'm completely honest, I... I miss him. You know, he used to make me laugh all the time. He was really good with my boys, and it just felt good to have him around. And now that he's not... my life feels a little less.
Patrick: I'm sorry that I haven't been there for you through this.
Elizabeth: You're busy.
Patrick: No, you're a dear friend of ours, and I should have made more time, especially because you were so wonderful for both of us after Robin died.
Emma: Auntie Elizabeth?
Elizabeth: Mm-hmm?
Emma: Did daddy tell you what today is? It's mommy's birthday.
Robin: It just doesn't make any sense. Why would Obrecht leave her grandson here?
Jerry: Well, she clearly has faith in your abilities as a nurturer.
Robin: But where could she possibly go that she couldn't bring him with her?
Jerry: Why would you question the motives of a sociopathically disturbed woman? You won't find answers that make sense to you.
Robin: At least I have this little guy to keep me company.
Jerry: Now, don't get side-tracked. Eat, take your meds, and finish formulating the cure, and you can go back to the family you hold so dear. All right? Ta-da.
Robin: What's this?
Jerry: It's your birthday, isn't it?
Olivia: Day in and day out with no change. You -- you must have thought he was never gonna come back.
Duke: It's been a pretty difficult time, especially for Anna. You know what I mean? I haven't actually spoken to her. I've got a couple of messages from her. But I'd imagine she's spending a lot of time with Robert.
Olivia: Where'd you go just now?
Duke: Nowhere.
Olivia: Okay, I don't know what's going on, but it's obvious there's something that you're not entirely happy about.
Duke: Oh, don't misunderstand me. I'm very relieved that Robert's doing better. It's just --
Olivia: So why the long face?
Duke: I just hope he doesn't decide that he wants Anna back.
Robert: I didn't see you standing there.
Mac: I was being quiet in case you were sleeping.
Robert: After 12 months, I think I've had enough.
Mac: I bet. So who were you talking to?
Robert: Oh, I was leaving a message for Anna. Um... she likes me to check in. But most times she's too busy to take my call.
Mac: Yeah, what's going on with her? She left a message with me last night saying she had to leave. Didn't say where, when she was coming back. I mean, just to look after you and check out the transport museum if we had time.
Robert: Hey, that's Anna.
Mac: Maybe. But, Robert, we didn't come all this way to see local attractions. We came to see you.
Robert: Of which there are plenty, but as soon as I --
Mac: Robert we're here one day, and Anna's already taken off. What happened? Where did Anna have to all of a sudden?
One of your former handlers at WSB arranged for your clearance.
Anna: Thank you. The prisoner is a dangerous criminal. I'd feel safer if I was armed.
Yes, the clearance for your sidearm has been granted. Right this way.
Bringing in the prisoner. that Anna had to leave right after you re-entered the land of the living?
Anna: We don't know about Robin. Don't tell mac or Patrick or Emma -- no one. You understand?
Robert: What else? Chasing the bad guys.
Mac: She's got a lead on Obrecht?
Robert: We're hoping.
Mac: I guess Anna hasn't told you about that psycho's latest stunt.
Robert: What's Dr. Death done this time?
Mac: She clocked her daughter and kidnapped her newborn grandson.
Robert: Any leads?
Mac: No. Obrecht's trail went cold the minute she boarded the private plane. Anna thinks she's holed up in Europe somewhere but, you know, on the other hand, she might have refueled while she was here, and she'd be on the other side of the planet by now.
Robert: Dragging a baby. Poor kid.
Mac: God only knows what she wants him for. I just hope she has a heart under that ruthless exterior. But I doubt it. You know, more likely she's gonna use that child as some kind of lab rat.
Robert: Well, here's hoping there's an angel out there looking out for the little guy.
Robin: You say that it's my birthday, but I honestly have no idea if what you're saying is true. It could be Christmas or a Tuesday. I don't know.
Jerry: No, really, on this day in history, you were born not far from here across the Ionian sea in Italy. You were called Robin Soltini, an unlikely but necessary name so that no one would know that you were the daughter of a hunted WSB double agent. You lived with a woman who you thought was your grandmother. You grew up thinking that your own mother was merely a family friend. Your father didn't even know you existed until much later.
Robin: And if I ever need a biographer, you'll be my first phone call. But I don't believe for a second that you give a damn about me. So why are we celebrating my birthday? What's in it for you?
Elizabeth: Of course I know it's your mommy's birthday. It's the first thing I thought about when I woke up this morning.
Emma: Me and daddy, too. I'm making a card for mommy. And I'm using the pencils you gave me to make it special and pretty.
Elizabeth: Can I see it? Oh, wow. That is an amazing angel.
Emma: That's mommy.
Elizabeth: I can tell. It looks just like her.
Emma: And that's daddy, and that's me.
Elizabeth: Oh.
Emma: And mommy can see us because she's up in heaven. We can't see her. I wish we could, but... we can't. Read the inside.
Elizabeth: Okay. "Happy birthday, mommy. Daddy and I miss you every day."
Olivia: What's the matter with you?! Thinking Anna's gonna get back together with Robert.
Duke: They have a complicated history.
Olivia: So what?! They had 20-some-odd years to get back together while you were gone, but did they?
Duke: They have a bond --
Olivia: No! No, they didn't. Why not? Because Anna is in love with you. I've seen the way she looks at you when she doesn't know you're looking. It's like her heart is in her eyes.
Duke: Thank you. That's exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you.
Olivia: Of course, that Robert Scorpio is pretty -- he's pretty smoking hot. You know, he's got that great smile and that sharp style. I mean, the guy is a spy.
Duke: Okay. He's got a glamorous job. He's got style. He's got a great dentist. What of it?
Olivia: He's got the accent, too. It's like it reaches into my so.
Duke: I have got an accent, too.
Olivia: Yes, you do, and it's very adorable. It really is. It's just not the same.
Duke: I didn't realize that you knew Robbie quite so well.
Olivia: Well, I don't. Not really.
Duke: But enough.
Olivia: Okay, you caught me. The last time he was in town, I was kind of nursing a gigantic crush on him. When he was investigating you, only you weren't you. You were Cesar Faison.
[Door closes]
Faison: Anna... Anna, my Anna. You came. I've dreamed of this day. Never believed it would happen. But you're truly here.
Anna: Yes, I'm here. But not to reminisce.
Faison: I'm ready to discuss whatever you like as long as you like.
Anna: This has to be quick. We don't have much time. I need to ask you something of great importance. who was wandering around Port Charles with my face, trying to hijack my life, using my memories.
Olivia: I honestly don't know how you survived that. I think I would have lost my marbles.
Duke: Well, if it hadn't been for Robert, who figured out that the Duke Lavery who was trying to worm his way into Anna's life actually was Faison, then, well, as soon as I see Robert and am able to talk to him, I'm going to ask him how the deuce he caught on.
Olivia: Or I could just tell you.
Duke: Why? Were you there when he figured it out?
Olivia: Well, I don't like to toot my own horn, but it was sort of because of me.
Mac: Well, the doctors say you're doing great, better than expected. I mean, you're remembering things as far back as the first world war.
Robert: Actually, the crusades.
Mac: Seriously, except for blanking about Obrecht, you're sharp as ever.
Robert: And don't you forget it.
Mac: I'm sure you know today's Robin's birthday.
Robert: Of course I know. I don't forget stuff like that. All of her birthdays... the ones I didn't attend, all the important dates. Hell, I missed her funeral even though --
Mac: Even though what?
Anna: Listen, I have to explain something to you.
Faison: Before you say anything more, I must apologize. You know I love you, Anna. I'm so sorry. Deceiving you the way I did, Lavery...
Anna: I don't want to relive what you put me through.
Faison: No, but I was desperate to get near you. I thought I could trick you into loving me. We could have been so happy together, Anna. Instead, when my little plan went awry, you were hurt, angry, repulsed, and I don't blame you. Can you forgive me?
Anna: Maybe... I'll be able to some day. But that all depends on how you respond to what I have to tell you.
Faison: Well, tell me. You know I'll do anything to make it up to you. So what is it? What is it? Tell me.
Anna: It's about... Robin.
Jerry: You see, Robin, this little birthday party was like a wake-up call. The sooner you return to work, the sooner you're gonna see Patrick, and from then on, you can celebrate as many birthdays as you want with him.
Emma: Daddy, can we put the card I made into the special memory box for mommy?
Elizabeth: You have a special box for memories of mommy?
Emma: We do. It's where daddy keeps mommy's wedding ring, and he put his in there with it.
Patrick: Hey, remember TJ wanted to see your card when you're done? Why don't you go show him?
Emma: Okay.
Elizabeth: Here.
Emma: TJ!
Elizabeth: [Chuckles] So you took your wedding band off.
Patrick: I did.
Elizabeth: I wondered when that was gonna happen. I know it was a big decision for you.
Patrick: Yeah. Yeah, it was. [Clears throat] It was time. Sabrina has been amazing the last couple months with Britt and the baby, and it wasn't fair to her, and I wanted to let her know that I'M... ready to move on.
Elizabeth: I heard Sabrina's ex came looking for her.
Patrick: Yeah.
Elizabeth: Come on. It's the hospital. Word gets around.
Patrick: It had nothing to do with this...mostly.
Elizabeth: Well, tell me.
Patrick: [Scoffs] Yes, her ex-boyfriend Carlos, who is a --
Elizabeth: Hottie?
Patrick: Really?
Elizabeth: What? I told you. Word gets around.
Patrick: Yeah, I was gonna say "jerk." Did that word get around?
Elizabeth: Oh.
Patrick: Coincidentally, he mentioned my ring, and it brought the subject to the forefront.
Elizabeth: Mm-hmm. And presumably to Sabrina's attention.
Patrick: I took the ring off because I love Sabrina and I want to have a future with her. And that's the only reason.
Elizabeth: How does it feel?
Patrick: Funny. I thought that it would... you know, when I took the ring off and put it away, I thought that it would -- I don't know -- be -- be different, that it me... let go of Robin.
Elizabeth: But it doesn't.
Patrick: Honestly, I feel like my connection with Robin is stronger now than it ever was.
Jerry: You've already spent two birthdays without Patrick and Emma. How many more do you want to spend without them?
Robin: Take a wild guess.
Jerry: Good. Now, we both know that if I die on this island, so do you.
Robin: Yes, I remember every single one of your death threats very clearly.
Jerry: Oh, "threat" is such an ugly word. Worst-case scenario, I die, you die. Best-case scenario, I live, you go free. That's a pleasant scenario, don't you think?
Robin: No question.
Jerry: Good! Now get back to work. But not after you did your birthday wish. I can't imagine what it will be. [Laughs]
[Door closes]
Patrick: Robin's been gone the whole time, and I still can't bring myself to believe that she's not coming back.
Elizabeth: [Clears throat] Patrick --
Emma: Daddy, look what TJ gave me. So we can celebrate mommy's birthday.
You tell me as if I don't
Robin: What is it?
Patrick: Open it and see.
Robin: Two first-class tickets to Tokyo?
Patrick: That's right. Man, we're going to Tokyo. It doesn't stop there.
Robin: Wait, wait, wait. What if I had picked Paris or something? Or -- no way. No, you didn't.
Patrick: And Paris.
Robin: I mean, when are we gonna find time to take three trips?
Patrick: It might take us the rest of our lives to do these trips, but we're gonna do them.
Robin: I love you.
Patrick: I love you, too.
Robin: Being here, I mean, you are the best present I could ever have.
Patrick: Happy birthday.
Emma: I made mommy's wish for her. You want to know what she wished for?
Patrick: Yes.
Emma: Mommy wished that she could come home to us.
Robert: I couldn't stick around for my daughter's funeral. I mean, I just couldn't stick around to say goodbye to my little girl.
Mac: Luke read your letter. I think we all understood, you know. I don't think any of us expected you to show up after seeing --
Robert: The charred remains.
Mac: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up. Okay, we don't have to do this.
Robert: Listen, if I can't talk to you about this, who can I talk to? What that fire and explosion left behind was unrecognizable. I couldn't believe that it was Robin. But I couldn't deny it, either.
Mac: No father should ever have to see that, Robert.
Robert: I could have been stronger. Stronger for... Emma, for Patrick, for you, for Anna. Well... especially for Anna. It bothers me that that was the last chance I had to say goodbye to my little girl.
Mac: Maybe it wasn't.
Olivia: You know how I have these psychic visions sometimes? Okay, there was this one day that "Duke" walked into the haunted star, only it wasn't Duke. I didn't see Duke like everyone else did. I saw this crazy, scraggly haired, craggy man.
Duke: You had a vision of Faison.
Olivia: Yes! Exactly! Only I didn't know it was Faison at the time. All I knew was it sent chills down my spine, you know, like I was looking in the face of everything evil. So needless to say, I was pretty freaked out. So I went and I told Lulu. Lulu told Robbie. Robbie came and asked me a whole bunch of questions. And then he hooked me up with Elizabeth Webber, who it turns out is a really excellent artist. So she drew the face while I described it.
Duke: Like a police sketch.
Olivia: Yes! Exactly! And the face that I described was Faison. And then after that, Robbie was off and running.
Duke: Well, I don't know what to say except I'm deeply grateful to you.
Olivia: Well, I didn't really do anything. All I did was have a crazy vision. Robbie was the one who took the information and ran with it.
Duke: Well, he couldn't have done it without your help.
Olivia: Listen, I'm just grateful that this Faison guy is behind bars, and thank God I'm not gonna be having anymore visions of him.
Faison: Well, I'm sure Robin's never far from your mind. Especially on a beautiful day like today. It's her birthday.
Anna: I'm surprised you know that.
Faison: How could I not? The daughter of the woman I love above all. How you must miss her. She must feel so far away. As you have felt to me.
Anna: To not see her or touch her... to come to terms with the fact that I'm never going to be with her again...
Faison: Anna, please listen to what I have to say.
Anna: What is it?
Faison: Robin is alive. Daddy, I left it on the counter.
Patrick: You better go get it.
Emma: Okay, but it better not have any breakfast gunk on it. TJ!
Elizabeth: You okay?
Patrick: Just thinking of the last birthday that Robin and I spent together of hers. I rented a limo, and I went and picked her up at work and stole her away, which wasn't easy, because you know the way she was with work, always so busy. I got her a few airline tickets -- one to Tokyo, Rio --
Elizabeth: And Paris. I know. She told me. She'd never been to Tokyo or Rio, but for all the years she lived in Paris, she just dreamed of sharing it with someone. She wanted to go back but only with you.
Patrick: I told her that we had our whole lives together to do that. I told her that we had time to make our dreams come true. But the truth is we didn't have the time.
Elizabeth: Patrick you couldn't have known that, neither of you.
Patrick: No, but why didn't I just whisk her away? Why didn't I just take her away right then and there? We could have changed our lives. She wouldn't have been in the lab.
Elizabeth: Listen to me. You need to forget about the trips you didn't take and remember the ones you did. You need to think about all the good times, remember how she used to smile and laugh and tell you that she loves you. That needs to stick in your head and your heart. She loved you so much. You can never regret that.
Robin: I'm gonna finish Jerry's cure. And I'm getting out of this Godforsaken hellhole. I'm going home, and I'm doing it today.
Mac: We recorded her funeral.
Robert: You did?
Mac: AmfAR requested it for a tribute they were doing for Robin. Look, I wasn't sure it was the right thing to do at the time. But, Robert, the outpouring of love...was unbelievable. I don't know if this is something you want to --
Robert: Play it.
Mac: You're sure?
Robert: It's my daughter's funeral. I want to see some of that... that I missed. Play it.
Mac: I was no one's idea of father material when I took on the responsibility of raising Robin. I promised to take care of her. But it was clear from the beginning that she was also taking care of me.
Robert: [Sighs]
Mac: But I had a lot to learn about my niece... about Robin's capacity for hope and love. And when Robin was diagnosed with H.I.V., I was awed by her courage. Robin faced her diagnosis like she faced everything that life threw at her -- with strength and dignity. I'm gonna tell you something that I always used to say to Robin. "We're family. We're Scorpios. And there's nothing we can't get through together." Are you sure you're okay with this?
Robert: Yeah.
Elizabeth: We all know how stubborn she could be. But she was stubborn for a reason. She fought hard for what she believed in, and she fought hard for the people she loved. A few months ago when she thought she might not be here for Emma...she asked if I would step in for her. Well, I knew then what I know now... and that's Robin's irreplaceable.
Robert: You are so right about that.
Anna: Well, I don't think it can be argued that Robin was a truly magnificent human being. You know, seriously, I used to look at her and think, "oh, my gosh. How did I possibly give birth to her?" She was very kind and very forgiving, especially to me. And she became so accomplished and just capable, you know, and so self-sufficient always. She had so much love and support from so many people. It takes a village, doesn't it? Quite an eclectic village, aren't you? Thank you... for everything you gave to my daughter and for everything [Sniffles] That you shared that she gave back to you. Especially you, mac. You know, you were her hero. You know that, don't you? [Sniffles] 'Cause you were there for her all the time that I wasn't.
Patrick: You know, I thought my life was complete, and then this... beautiful but bossy little thing came into my life, and... she changed it all. When I met her, a world opened up to me that -- that I didn't know, a-a world that... people mattered. Family mattered. And love and...the future mattered. She taught me compassion and perseverance, and she... she taught me that it -- it wasn't enough just to be great... that you had to care. I feel so lucky because she cared about me. She loved me so much. And she loved being a mom. And she loved our little daughter. She made me feel that if you had love, anything was possible.
Robert: You all right?
Mac: I'm sorry. Uh... [Chuckles] I wanted to do this for you. I didn't realize how hard it would be. I miss her so much.
Robert: There's something I got to tell you.
Duke: I really should try to call Anna. Today's gonna be a difficult day for her. Well, it's her daughter Robin's birthday.
Olivia: Oh. Oh, I hadn't realized. I'm sorry. That's so sad.
Duke: Did you know Robin?
Olivia: Not very well. But I knew how much Sonny loved her. I mean, everybody did.
Duke: I hadn't seen her since she was a child. She was a great champion of mine. But her mother was reluctant to give me a chance. As far as stepdaughters go, she was the best stepdaughter in the world. We used to do a lot of things together. We cooked together. I taught her to play the bagpipes.
Olivia: [Laughs] I bet the neighbors loved that.
Duke: No. She did. And that's all that mattered. I treasure those memories.
Olivia: Well, you obviously meant a great deal to her.
Duke: Oh, she meant a great deal to me, too.
Anna: Robin is alive?! That's impossible!
Faison: No, it's not.
Anna: [Gasps]
Faison: I kept her alive... for you, Anna.
Anna: How did you do that? How did you keep her alive and hidden from me for all this time when you've been in prison? How did you do that?
Faison: I have my collaborators outside, of course.
Anna: Who?! I want names. Who?
Faison: Jerry Jacks... the late Dr. Ewan Keenan. And the lion's share of help came from one of my most trusted associates... Dr. Liesl Obrecht.
Anna: Oh, yes, I'm familiar with Dr. Obrecht. She is devoted to you. Loyal to a fault. It seems that she would rather die an to break your confidence.
Faison: Yeah, that's one of her admirable qualities. Yes.
Anna: Do you know she tried to kill someone in order to gain your affection?
Faison: Well, she's in love with me! It's not that I want to make you jealous. She always has been.
Anna: You must have some attachment to her, given everything she's done for you.
Faison: I have never returned her feelings, and I never will.
Anna: Never?
Faison: Anna... you're the only woman in my life. I love you. Only you. you feel so close to Robin right now, other than the fact that it is her birthday, I think you realize it's time to let her go.
Patrick: You're probably right. When I took my ring off, it was like my whole body knew that something was missing. Because I don't want to let her go.
Elizabeth: Taking the ring off means you're saying goodbye. That's what you're doing. You're saying goodbye.
Patrick: [Scoffs]
Elizabeth: [Sighs] I know. Uh, I got to go. Call me if you need anything, okay?
Patrick: Thank you.
Elizabeth: Love you.
Patrick: Love you, too.
Emma: Found mommy's card.
Patrick: You did? Good. Okay. Got to get going. Got to get you to school.
Emma: Okay, but will you keep my card for me? Until we put it in the memory box together later.
Patrick: Promise. Come on.
Emma: Thank you.
Patrick: You're welcome. Let's go. [Sighs] Happy birthday, my love.
Robin: Jerry? [Sighs] Jerry, get in here! Get in! Come! Get in here!
Jerry: Be quiet. The baby's going to start screaming. You wouldn't want that. So what's your problem?
Robin: I don't have a problem. And neither will you very soon.
Jerry: Are you saying --
Robin: I'm saying you're not going to die of polonium poisoning. I've done it. I can cure you.
Mac: What is it? What do you need to tell me?
Robert: Mac, um...
Mac: What? Robert, tell me. I mean, it's like you just said.
Robert: We can trust mac.
Anna: It's not about trust. I know what it feels like to get your hopes up only to have them crushed.
Robert: Bro, you know, I've been thinking. Instead of... I-instead of Robin's funeral, we should be thinking about her as -- as she was with us, you know, full of love and full of love and a belief that a-anything is possible.
Mac: You're right. That's who she was. And it's what she would have wanted from us.
Robert: And you know, if anything's possible, maybe... maybe she can hear us right now. Wherever she is, maybe she can -- she can hear what we say. Happy birthday, Robin.
Mac: [Sighs] Happy birthday, sweetheart. We love you.
Duke: Well, I should be forever grateful for you seeing Faison under that mask. I owe you my life.
Olivia: I'd say that's the espresso talking.
Duke: No, it's not. If it hadn't been for you and Robert unmasking Faison, I'd still be in Switzerland, strapped to a bed, and I wouldn't have got Anna back or the rest of my life. Olivia, is something wrong?
Olivia: I saw something.
Duke: Are you having one of your visions?
Olivia: It better be!
Duke: What did you see?
Olivia: I saw Faison.
Duke: Are you sure?
Olivia: Yes! Yeah, I'm sure. I would know that nasty mug anywhere.
Duke: Where did you see him?
Olivia: Right there. I saw him -- where that man is, I saw Faison, and he was...
Duke: And he was what? What was he doing?
Olivia: He was kissing Anna.
Faison: You kissed me back. Not Scorpio, not Lavery, but me.
Anna: Yes, I did.
Faison: You return my feelings. I could feel it. Is it possible you love me?
Anna: Yes, I love you, Cesar.
Anna: Excuse me. I'm here to Cesar Faison.
Faison: I knew if I told you about Robin, you would fall in love with me, finally. And you have. Haven't you?
Anna: Ah. Yes, I love you.
Faison: Thank you.
Anna: I love you. [Speaking German]
Faison: Anna, w-what are you doing? What are you doing?! Anna?! Anna!
Dr. Obrecht: I am not Anna. [Panting]
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