GH Transcript Wednesday 10/9/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 10/9/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Taylor: Hey, hot stuff! What's up?

TJ: What are you doing here?

Taylor: You know I like the way you put extra whipped cream on my milkshakes! Besides, we're friends, right?

TJ: I guess. [Chuckles dryly]

Taylor: I'm sorry. You guess?

TJ: Well, uh, I hardly ever see you around anymore. You're always off with your new boyfriend, Rafe.

Taylor: [Chuckles]

Sam: Hey!

Molly: Hi!

Sam: Oh, my goodness. What's all this?

Molly: We are so excited that Danny's home, finally, and so we had to come over and celebrate.

Sam: Well, that is very sweet. Thank you.

Molly: We brought balloons, obviously, and some toys, stuffed animals.

Rafe: So, where is the little guy?

Sam: Um... g-- I-I'm really sorry, but now's -- now's not a good time.

Molly: Uh...why not?

Carly: [Huffs]

Alexis: Carly, you're just the person I'm looking for. Do you have a minute? I need to ask you a question about Lucas.

Carly: Lucas? My brother? Why do you want to talk about Lucas?

Alexis: Well, I-it's not really Lucas I want to talk about. It's his father.

Carly: Okay. And now you really have me thrown. What do you want to know about Tony?

Alexis: No, not Tony. His biological father... Julian Jerome.

Franco: Hey! Going someplace?

Derek: Actually, yes -- upstairs to have dinner with Carly Jacks.

Franco: No.

Derek: No?

Franco: Yes. Well, yes to your no.

Derek: Mm.

Franco: I don't think it's a good idea for you to do that.

Lulu: We just think that it's time to clear the air.

Dante: Yeah, get this all straightened out as soon as possible.

Lulu: For Connie's sake, to avoid any future confusion and get her permanently settled where she belongs.

Spinelli: Yeah, w-we couldn't agree more!

Maxie: Absolutely. So, how do you guys want to do this?

Lulu: With these. Everything is worked out. All you and Spinelli have to do is, uh, sign.

Spinelli: Uh -- I'm not sure I comprehend.

Maxie: What are these?

Dante: They're adoption papers.

Lulu: So Dante and I can keep Connie.

Maxie: So now you guys want to keep the baby.

Lulu: She's ours. Of course, we do.

Dante: Why did you two think we called you here?

Maxie: So now you guys want to raise Connie as your own.

Lulu: That was the plan, right, before everything hit the fan at the christening.

Maxie: Y-yes, but, um --

Lulu: You and Spinelli were going to give her to us forever. Uh, I mean, if you really think about it, this is just a formality. It -- it's a way to make your promise legally binding.

Dante: Yeah. Otherwise, everything...stays the same.

Lulu: Exactly.

Spinelli: Uh...

Dante: They're called surrender papers.

Lulu: We had Alexis draw them up.

Dante: I took a look at them, and it's really just straightforward.

Lulu: Um, all they say is that you're surrendering your parental rights to Connie and that you're handing them over to us, which is what you were gonna do anyway. Excuse me. Um, here. If you need a pen -- all you need to do is sign.

Carly: Okay, I-I didn't know that the identity of my brother's biological father was public knowledge.

Alexis: Well, I-it wasn't. I just found out recently.

Carly: There was a whole custody situation when Lucas was a baby. Julian died long before the adoption was finalized. And given who he was, I'm pretty sure my mother and my brother don't want this advertised.

Alexis: Uh, I assure you, that's not my intention.

Carly: Then what is your intention, 'cause I can see that it's none of your business. So what does it matter?

Silas: Hey. Nice balloons!

Rafe: Thanks.

Silas: You shouldn't have. Oh, wait. They're not for me. They're for Danny, right?

Molly: Uh, yeah. We wanted to throw him a little "Welcome Home" thing.

Sam: I was just telling them that this really wasn't the best time.

Silas: No, probably not the best time. Your, uh -- your guest of honor crashed out for the night a little early, but not before launching his sippy cup in my general direction. He doused me with milk pretty good.

Molly: Oh.

Sam: I'm -- I'm so sorry. I guess that's what's up with the casual look.

Silas: I'll live.

Rafe: Uh, well, it sounds like Danny boy's spirits are up.

Silas: Along with his pitching arm, apparently.

Molly: Well, the last thing we want to do is wake him, so I guess we'll just leave this stuff here and come back tomorrow?

Sam: Yeah! That actually sounds like a really good idea! He'll -- he'll -- he'll love it!

Silas: He'll love it.

Sam: He will. He'll love it.

Rafe: Yeah, you know we'd -- we'd throw Danny a parade if we could.

Sam: I know. Thank you.

Molly: So, what should we do now?

Rafe: Well, I-I could always eat.

Sam: Yeah! He's not lying. This guy can eat.

Silas: It's a guy thing.

Rafe: Thank you.

Molly: Okay. Come on, guy. Let's go.

Silas: See you.

Rafe: See you.

[Both laugh]

Taylor: I'm with Rafe, TJ. Of course, I'm gonna spend a lot of time with him! That's what boyfriends and girlfriends do! A little more.

TJ: Seriously?

Taylor: I'll pay extra!

TJ: [Sighs]

Taylor: Thank you! Come to Mama.

TJ: [Sighs]

Taylor: Mmm. So, where's Molly?

TJ: At her sister's. Sam brought Danny home yesterday, so, you know, she went out and got balloons and stuff.

Taylor: Oh. Duh. Rafey told me all about it.

TJ: [Scoffs] Rafey?

Taylor: What? You and Molls don't have pet names for each other?

TJ: No, not like that.

Taylor: It's the sweetest thing, how Rafey's always there for his little foster brother. I mean, the devotion is unreal. It's one of the things I love most about him.

TJ: Okay, Taylor. Cut the crap.

Taylor: What is your problem?

TJ: This! You! You're not really into Rafe, are you?

Molly: [Laughing]

Rafe: [Laughs] Oh, my God. When -- when Uncle Silas came down without his shirt --

Molly: Oh, I know! I totally thought they were hooking up!

Rafe: Yeah! Me, too. Th--

Molly: But that would be crazy. Right? Rafe.

Rafe: Yeah. Right. Crazy.

Molly: Are they hooking up?

Sam: Thank you for making sure we got home okay.

Silas: I was happy to do it.

Sam: [Giggles] Even though Danny repaid you with a...lactose shower?

Silas: At least it was warm. So, I, um... I should probably get going. Hopefully, no feral cats will follow me on the way home.

Sam: Hey, why -- why don't you let me, um...take your shirt, and I'll wash it for you?

Silas: No, you don't have to do that.

Sam: I want to. As -- as long as you don't mind waiting around for a little bit.

Silas: I don't mind at all.

Alexis: [Sighs] Okay. Here's the thing. Years ago --

Carly: How many?

Alexis: Many. I had sex with a man in new Hampshire named Julian. I didn't know that or him at the time.

Carly: You didn't know his name?

Alexis: [Sighs]

Carly: [Laughs] That is scandalous!

Alexis: Because all of your sexual encounters are pillars --

Carly: Oh, we're not talking about me. We're talking about you.

Alexis: Do you want me to finish?

Carly: Yes, yes! Drink?

Alexis: Thank you. I'm trying to find out if that Julian may be Julian Jerome.

Carly: Why would you think that was even possible?

Alexis: Because Julian Jerome was in New Hampshire going to college at the same time.

Carly: That's it? That could just be coincidence.

Alexis: Maybe. But I still want some answers.

Carly: I don't understand what this has to do with Lucas.

Alexis: If my hunch is correct... Julian Jerome may be Sam's father, too.

Derek: Are you implying that I, uh, should not have dinner with Carly Jacks?

Franco: Yes, I am implying that.

Derek: May I ask why?

Franco: Just between you and me?

Derek: Mm.

Franco: Carly's trouble. And, um... by that, I mean certifiably trouble. You know what I'm talking about.

Derek: I'm afraid I don't.

Franco: She's nuts. And not in, like, the hot way. I mean -- okay, look. I'm not one to gossip. But I was with Carly when she found out her much-younger son was living with a-an older woman, albeit a-a smoking hot older woman, Ava -- you know, galleria Ava.

Derek: Is sleeping with Carly's son?

Franco: Yes! And Carly is not happy about it. Believe me, if I hadn't gotten there when I did, Carly would've killed her with her bare hands.

Derek: Well, it's a good thing you did.

Franco: It is a good thing I did.

Derek: Now, if you'll excuse me.

Franco: Wait, hold on! I-I don't think you're really understanding me, here.

Derek: Well, no. I-I got your point loud and clear, and I, uh -- I thank you for your, uh -- [Chuckles] Well, let's just call it concern. But, uh, I'll take my chances.

Franco: With your life.

Derek: [Laughs] Can -- can I ask you a question?

Franco: That'd be great! Go ahead! Shoot.

Derek: Why do you care, I mean, you know, what happens between Carly and me? Huh.

Franco: Truthfully?

Derek: Well, anything else would be a waste of time.

Franco: You're right. Well... Carly and I -- we have feelings for one another, and it -- it's very complicated, and I'm not sure what's gonna happen. But I do know that the feelings are mutual. And if you go to dinner with her, it -- it might just screw the whole thing up.

Derek: Well, in the interest of, uh, full disclosure, she asked me, so...

Franco: But then you're the rebound guy! You don't want to be the rebound guy. Who wants to be the rebound guy?

Derek: Uh, actually, I'm, uh -- I'm fine with that.

Franco: Are you sure? Come on. Be a pal. I'll tell you, I would consider it a personal favor.

Derek: Oh, well... how personal?

Franco: Well, Carly's the first woman that I've had feelings for in a long time. And, so, I-I tell you what. This is -- this is what happens, okay? You -- you tell her that you can't make it 'cause something came up, because you're a big business mucky-muck. Stuff like that must happen all the time with you.

Derek: Yeah. Yeah. Uh, I suppose it does.

Franco: Great. Then we'll do that.

Derek: No.

Franco: No.

Derek: Yes, to your no. I'll, uh -- I'll have dinner with, uh, Carly anyway.

Franco: You sure you want to cross me?

Taylor: [Slurping] Do you hear yourself right now? Why would I fake a relationship with Rafe?

TJ: You tell me.

Taylor: There's nothing to tell, because I wouldn't. Rafe's hot, sweet, crazy smart -- I mean, he's got that whole bad boy/puppy dog thing just going on.

TJ: [Scoffs] Oh, please. Stop. You're killing me.

Taylor: I like him! And he likes me. Why's that so hard to believe?

TJ: Maybe because he's been dogging Molly since day one... kind of like how you been dogging me.

Taylor: [Scoffs]

Rafe: That would be really awkward if Sam and Silas got together.

Molly: You think?

Rafe: I mean -- you know what? I'm just not gonna think about it.

Molly: Good idea. Speaking of awkward, um -- [Sighs] I haven't really said anything because, well --

Rafe: It's awkward?

Molly: What's the deal with you and Taylor? Are you guys really a couple now?

Silas: It's too bad the kids didn't get to have their celebration tonight.

Sam: Oh. Well, that kid is not gonna go anywhere for a really long time. It feels so good to say that. I haven't been able to say that in so long.

Silas: I bet.

Sam: We can bat around the balloons and open presents at another time. But tonight, I think, uh -- I think it's time we have a little bit of a celebration.

Silas: Oh, I like the sound of that.

Sam: Fair warning -- I know just about nothing about wine.

Silas: More of a tequila and beer girl, I imagine.

Sam: [Laughs] How did you guess? Yes. Actually, I-I heard this is -- this is a very good year.

Silas: No one told you that, did they?

Sam: No. I just -- I guess I wanted -- I wanted to hear myself say it.

Silas: Coming from you, it sounded a little weird.

Sam: [Laughing] It did. Stop! Okay, what do you say we have a glass of wine until your shirt's ready?

Silas: I say I'll pour.

Sam: Okay.

Carly: Okay. Wait a minute. Are you saying that Sam and Lucas could be half brother and sister?

Alexis: This couldn't be farther from confirmed. This is --

Carly: So, if he and I are -- are brother and sister, that makes Sam and me --

Alexis: Nothing. You're nothing.

Carly: Oh, thank God.

Alexis: Good. I'm so glad you're relieved.

Carly: No, no! Sam's great! I mean, we've been getting along better than ever. But sisters? That'd be a little weird.

Alexis: Anyway, uh, why I'm here -- I have a request.

Carly: What is it?

Alexis: Do you think that you could ask Lucas to take a DNA test? That way, I could find out if the Julian I made the baby with is really Julian Jerome.

Derek: You're blocking my way, Mr. Franco.

Franco: Yes, I am. You are aware of my reputation.

Derek: Mm, I do run a media conglomerate.

Franco: I killed several people.

Derek: Oh, and here, I thought that was alleged. Are you threatening me?

Franco: I -- I'm saying I-I don't think that I'm somebody that you really want to jerk around.

Derek: Well, so much for the "tumor made me do it" theory. You know, I have to hand it to your lawyer. She did a hell of a job. I mean, she had everyone believing -- including a judge -- that you were as harmless as a kitten, you know, post-blight removal and all.

Franco: Blights grow back.

Derek: Well, that's true. Another chance I'll have to take. So, if you'll excuse me... don't want to keep Carly waiting. Have a good evening, Mr. Franco!

Franco: [Slowly] It's just Franco. It's not "Mr." Anything. Why is that so hard to remember, Mr. Son of a bitch?!

Diane: Whoa. Something wrong?

Lulu: Is something wrong? Uh, Alexis assured us that it's all very standard. Uh -- [Sighs] I really want to get this done before Connie wakes up. She just hasn't been taking the best of naps.

Spinelli: Sincerest apologies, Lulu. But we can't sign these.

Lulu: Don't -- why not?

Dante: Like I said before, it's all routine.

Lulu: Yeah. I mean, we could call Alexis, and she could explain the --

Maxie: It's not about the papers. [Sighs] We don't want you to adopt Connie.

Lulu: What?

Maxie: Spinelli and I want to raise our daughter.

Dante: I knew it. You know, I -- [Groans] I wish I could say I'm surprised, but I knew it.

Lulu: Can we just back this up for a second? You want the baby, our baby. You want Connie.

Maxie: Yes.

Lulu: Since when? When we were at the christening, you insisted that she was ours, that you were giving her to us. Were you lying?

Maxie: Things are different now.

[Both chuckle dryly]

Lulu: I-if Brad hadn't exposed you, then nothing would've changed! We never would've known that Connie was biologically yours. You would just be the godparents, right?

Spinelli: Yeah, but he did expose us, and things have changed.

Dante: Oh, so -- so you're -- you're on board with this, then, now, Spinelli?

Spinelli: I am.

Lulu: [Scoffs]

Maxie: Everything that you have said is true. But... Spinelli and I talked, and we realized that giving up our daughter was the hardest thing we've ever had to do. We were willing to make that sacrifice so that you and Dante would never find out the truth, but now you know. I mean, you know that she is ours. I'm sorry, but...we want our daughter.

Lulu: "Our" daughter. "Ours" -- like we stole her from you, like you're victims in this.

Maxie: We don't think that, Lulu.

Lulu: [Scoffs]

Maxie: But she's our child. And that's the reality.

Lulu: You want some reality? You two aren't even together.

Maxie: So?

Lulu: Are you getting married? Is Connie gonna be going back and forth between your houses? Have you made a plan?

Maxie: We don't have one yet.

Spinelli: Uh, but we -- we will.

Maxie: All we know is... we made her, and I-I gave birth to her.

Lulu: For us.

Maxie: And we want to take her home.

Lulu: You are taking my daughter out of this house over my dead body.

Carly: If you want Lucas' DNA so badly, why don't you call him and ask him yourself?

Alexis: Because I barely know the boy -- man. I mean, he's a man now.

Carly: I know. You don't have to remind me.

Alexis: Look, I just thought that he would be more receptive if it came from you.

Carly: That's a lot to ask, you know -- I mean, digging into someone's personal history like that? I'm not sure how much Lucas knows about his biological parents.

Alexis: Listen. I know that it's a sensitive issue. How would you feel about, uh, running it by Bobbie? Ask your mom.

Carly: Okay. You know, I'll think about it. But not tonight, because tonight, I have a date! Oh, and here he is now. Hi!

Derek: Hi.

Franco: Well, nothing's wrong. Why does everybody always ask me what's wrong?

Diane: Gosh, I wonder. All right, moving on -- I'm glad I ran into you.

Franco: Really? Why?

Diane: Because I'm here to see you. I have the contracts for your new show. Sebastian seems to love the pieces you're working on, says you're making great progress.

Franco: She'd better be.

Diane: I'm sorry?

Franco: He'd better be... excited.

Diane: Well, I, for one, cannot wait to see it. Let's go to your room and discuss it.

Franco: You know... Diane...

Diane: Yes.

Franco: Lovely, lovely Diane.

Diane: What's happening, now?

Franco: You know, I spend so much time in my room, cooped up. Wouldn't it be nice to get a little bit of fresh air -- you know, maybe a little dinner?

Diane: [Laughs] If this is you angling for a free meal --

Franco: Oh, no, no, no, no! I buy. On me.

Diane: What are you gonna pay with?

Franco: What -- you never heard of charging it to the room?

Diane: Well, I do love the duck here.

Franco: Shall we?

Diane: We shall.

Franco: Mm.

Diane: Oh. [Groans]

Rafe: Yeah.

Molly: Yeah...

Rafe: Uh, Taylor and I are dating. So, yeah. I guess we're together.

Molly: Okay. And you really like her.

Rafe: I wouldn't be with her if I didn't. Why?

Molly: Uh, I don't know. It's just surprising, you know? It seems kind of sudden.

Rafe: Uh, what is that supposed to mean?

Taylor: What's that supposed to mean? Wait. [Chuckles] You think I'm still into you? God! You are such a guy!

TJ: I'm just calling it like I see it.

Molly: Well, it's just -- it -- it wasn't so long ago know, you... liked me.

Rafe: So?

Molly: So, what -- TJ and I get back together, and then two seconds later, you're with her?

Taylor: Okay. Yeah. Maybe I made a big play for you when we first met, but I lost, remember? You got back with Molly. What was I supposed to do -- pine away forever?

TJ: No. But, Taylor --

Taylor: I had to get over it, TJ -- over you... just like Rafe had to get over Molly.

Rafe: Well, when you and TJ got back together, I'm not gonna lie -- it was -- it was pretty rough.

Molly: [Sighs] I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt you, Rafe. I hope you know that.

Rafe: I do. And actually, it turned out to be a good thing. Taylor and I were in the same boat. I mean, she'd lost TJ. I lost you. So we know... commiserating.

TJ: Commiserating? Is that code for something?

Molly: Define commiserating.

Rafe: Well, one thing led to another, and... [Sighs]

Silas: To Danny. Nothing against the kid, but I've never been so happy to see a patient leave the hospital.

Sam: [Laughs] Me, either. Yes, to Danny. Mmm.

Silas: Hey, you know what? Not bad!

Sam: This probably is a good year!

Silas: Yeah! You know, I think every Laundromat should offer this service.

Sam: What -- wine and wash?

Silas: Mnh, no. I'm calling mine wash and wine.

Sam: [Laughing] Oh, stop. [Chuckling]

Silas: Anybody ever tell you you got a good laugh?

Sam: I do?

Silas: I mean, I've hardly ever heard it.

Sam: Well, I mean, you know, the past year's been pretty tough. I feel like I've had a band wrapped around me. I couldn't breathe, let alone laugh.

Silas: [Sighs] Fear will do that to you.

Sam: It will. But now, I mean, look at me. I'm at home, drinking wine. My son is upstairs sleeping. I feel -- I don't know. What's that word?

Silas: Relaxed.

Sam: Yes. Yes. Relaxed.

Silas: You're being hard on yourself. When was the last time you had dinner that didn't come from the fourth-floor vending machines?

Sam: It was with you.

Silas: Okay, just checking.

Sam: I still can't -- I can't believe it. Danny is gonna be okay.

Silas: Yes, he is.

Sam: He is! And I finally get to go back to my normal, everyday, ordinary life! Thank you!

Silas: I hate to break this to you, Sam. There's nothing ordinary about you.

Sam: [Moans, gasps] Wow.

Silas: Yeah.

Sam: That was, um --

Silas: Yeah, it was. Um... how long did you say your wash-and-wear cycle lasts?

Sam: Uh... [Groans] 40 minutes?

Silas: 40 minutes?

Sam: Yeah.

Silas: 40 minutes. And, uh, Danny's out cold?

Sam: He is? Yeah? We're alone.

Silas: We're alone...

Sam: Uh-huh.

Silas: ...With 40 minutes to kill.

Sam: Yeah. I mean, think of the possibilities.

Silas: Oh, I am. Um... [Stammers]

Sam: What's that?

Silas: [Stammers, sighs] You're gonna make me say it?

Sam: [Laughs] What -- you're gonna make me say it?

[Both chuckle]

Silas: I'm asking if maybe you want to take this to higher ground.

Sam: Yeah. Okay. I think so. Follow me.

Silas: I'm following you.

Danny: [Crying]

Taylor: Hey, guys! Over here! I missed you, baby!

Rafe: Missed you, too!

Taylor: How are you doing?

Rafe: Good. You?

Taylor: Better now.

TJ: Hey.

Molly: Hi.

TJ: How's Danny?

Molly: He's great. But we didn't get to see him. I think leaving the hospital must've worn him out. He was already sleeping.

Taylor: Ohh. Bummer!

TJ: But you'll catch up with him tomorrow, right?

Molly: Definitely. I am just so glad he's finally home.

Taylor: Me, too.

TJ: Hey. I got him something.

Molly: Oh, you did?! That's so sweet!

TJ: Yeah, I just got to go upstairs and get it. You can add it to his "Welcome Home" stash.

Molly: Okay. [Laughs]

Taylor: You're cute! Aww!

Molly: Um...actually, you know what? I-I think I'm gonna go help TJ. [Chuckles awkwardly]

Taylor: Oh, so adorable! Okay. So...?

Rafe: I think your plan's working.

Derek: Ladies. You both look extremely lovely this evening.

Carly: Thank you.

Alexis: Hello, Derek.

Derek: How's Danny doing? He, uh -- he seemed happy to be home.

Alexis: He's doing -- doing well. In fact, uh, Sam has asked me to stop calling every half hour to check on him.

Carly: [Laughing] Aww. Well, I didn't want to crowd Sam, but I'd love to stop by and see how he is after he's settled in.

Derek: Oh, I didn't realize you were part of the, uh, Danny Morgan fan club.

Carly: Well, his dad was my best friend. And I haven't had a chance to tell you how grateful I am that you were willing and able to help Danny.

Derek: Well, enough thanks. It really was the, uh -- the least I could do.

Carly: Oh.

Alexis: Yeah, our family is indebted to him forever, and we're certainly not shy about telling him that. So... [Clears throat] Uh, you two are, uh, on a date?

Derek: So it would, uh -- so it would seem. Carly asked me to dinner, and, so, how could I say no?

Spinelli: Um, I'm afraid I'm gonna need some clarification. Are you saying you won't relinquish our child?

Lulu: I'm saying I won't relinquish our child.

Maxie: But you can't do that.

Lulu: Watch me. 'Cause I am so serious.

Maxie: This is crazy.

Lulu: Why?

Dante: Our names are on the birth certificate. At this point, we are legally Connie's parents.

Maxie: That's a lie.

Lulu: That's your lie! The only reason any of us are in this position is because of you! We didn't ask for this, and now we have to deal with it!

Maxie: By keeping a child away from its parents.

Lulu: By being parents to the baby that you promised us, that you gave birth to for us! Why do you keep acting like you've forgotten our agreement, Maxie?!

Maxie: I don't forget the agreement. The circumstances have changed.

Lulu: Not for us. You're not taking Connie anywhere -- end of story.

Dante: You know what? I think it's time you both left.

Spinelli: Come on. Uh, we'll discuss this somewhere else, alone.

Lulu: There's nothing to discuss, because we're keeping our little girl. [Grunts]

Dante: I know.

Lulu: They can't take her from us. We have to do something. We have to call Alexis.

Alexis: Okay! So, uh, Carly asked you out on a date. Well, who wouldn't accept that? So I'll just, uh, leave.

[Cell phone ringing]

Alexis: Um, it's a client. I-I got to take that. So -- so, uh, have fun! Not. Hi. Dante?

Dante: Alexis. Uh, thanks for picking up. Uh... we need to talk to you right away.

Alexis: Is there a problem with the agreement?

Dante: Yeah, a big one. Are you busy?

Alexis: I'll be right there.

Carly: So, was -- uh, was it me, or was Alexis weirder than usual?

Derek: Mm, was that weird?

Carly: You don't think so? I mean, she was like deer in the headlights when she found out you were my date. Is there something going on between you two? I mean, really. You can tell me. You can be honest. Or are you just, you know --

Derek: Well, listen.

Carly: You saved her grandson.

Derek: Alexis and I have grown close. It's hard not to, what with me being involved in Danny's treatment and all.

Carly: And that's where it ends.

Derek: There's nothing going on between us that would prevent me from having dinner with you.

Carly: Good! 'Cause I was kind of looking forward to this.

Derek: As am I. Please! Actually, I was afraid I was interrupting something when I arrived.

Carly: Oh. With me and Alexis?

Derek: Yeah. The conversation seemed a little, um, intense.

Carly: Mm, maybe a little. I mean, she was asking questions about my brother, which was kind of weird. I mean, it's just an old, long story. What the hell.

Rafe: I'm telling you, Molly was grilling me about us. And she didn't seem too psyched when I told her we were a thing.

Taylor: Nice! TJ had a lot of questions, too.

Rafe: He did?

Taylor: Yes. I'm telling you, people are so predictable sometimes. We finally "move on." They don't like it. Always want what you can't have, right?

Rafe: Kind of seems that way, yeah.

Taylor: Kind of?! They are totally jealous! And take it from me. Jealousy works every time.

Derek: I'm, uh, not boring you already, am I? We haven't even ordered dinner yet.

Carly: No, no, no! I'm not bored at all. So, tell me about yourself, Derek Wells.

Derek: Any subject in, uh, particular?

Carly: Just want to get to know you better.

Diane: I propose we just dive right in --

Franco: I propose we propose a toast with a bottle of Chateau Lafleur Pomerol 1982.

Diane: [Chuckling] '82. Th-that costs more than double my hourly rate. Why don't you wait till you make your first million off the show?

Franco: What -- never heard of charging it to the room? I want to do something special for you, Diane.

Diane: You do?

Franco: Yes. Is that so strange?

Diane: In a word, yes.

Franco: Hmm. Well... I'm very grateful to you, you know. At the trial... I thought I was sentenced to death, but you -- you... saved me.

Derek: Well, unfortunately, there's, uh, really not much to tell. I'm single. I'm extremely devoted to my business, and, uh, you know what? It's actually all really very dull.

Carly: Oh, I don't think it's dull at all. But you left one thing out.

Derek: What's that?

Carly: Single, devoted... and devastatingly handsome.

Diane: I was merely doing my job.

Franco: No, don't. Don't sell yourself short. You went above and beyond... for me, and I will never... ever forget it.

Diane: Okay. Are -- are we on one of those hidden camera shows.

Franco: No.

Diane: Then what are you doing?

Franco: [Quietly] Okay. Look, you're right. I'll tell you what. You go along with this, and I'll give you 10% of the take from my next show, okay? All right? You ready?

Diane: For what? Mnh!

Carly: Okay. That's it. What the hell are you doing?!

Lulu: Thank you for getting here so fast.

Dante: Hope we didn't take you away from anything.

Alexis: Oh, no. I've seen quite enough. So there's, uh, a problem with the surrender document?

Dante: No, the surrender document's fine. But Maxie and Spinelli won't sign it.

Maxie: I can't believe this is happening. How is this happening?! You said once Dante and Lulu found out Connie wasn't theirs, they wouldn't want her.

Spinelli: Yes, and my prediction was admittedly and terribly wrong.

Maxie: She's our baby, Spinelli -- yours and mine.

Spinelli: But she was meant to be theirs. I-I-I suspect Dante and Lulu's anger at us is fueling their determination.

Maxie: Well, that's too bad. Look, I know -- I know I created this nightmare, and I know that I hurt them in the worst way possible, but now that the truth is out, how can they just want to keep our daughter?

Spinelli: I don't know.

Maxie: What are we gonna do about it?

Franco: Oh, hi, Carly.

Carly: Don't act like you didn't know I was gonna be here!

Franco: I forgot it was your big dinner date night with Mr. Derek Wells.

Carly: What is this?

Franco: You caught us. Our secret's out. Diane is who you caught me sneaking back into my room earlier.

Carly: Diane.

Franco: Mm-hmm, and who you caught me with the other day when you were with nurse boyfriend.

Carly: You said you were with a groupie.

Franco: No, you said I was with a groupie.

Diane: Okay, now I actually have to interject, because I'm actually not a groupie.

Franco: No, you are so much more than that. You are smart, and you are sexy, and you are...all mine.

Carly: You guys are...a couple.

Franco: Well, we're a couple of something.

Diane: [Chuckles]

Franco: No use in hiding it.

Diane: [Clears throat]

Carly: This is real?

Diane: As real as it gets.

Franco: Oh, and it does get real.

Diane: Oh.

Franco: Mm.

[Both chuckle]

Franco: Carly, you okay? You look a little green.

Carly: I'm fine. Enjoy your dinner.

Franco: Oh, we will.

Diane: [Chuckles]

Derek: [Clears throat]

Carly: Sorry about that.

Derek: No! Everything, uh, okay?

Carly: Yeah! Everything's great now. Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Derek: You know, there's probably something I should tell you. Um, I ran into Franco earlier, only because he was stalking me in the hallway.

Carly: I don't want to talk anymore.

Derek: What do you, uh, feel like doing?

Carly: This.

Diane: [Quietly] I have a reputation to uphold.

Franco: [Groans]

Diane: I do not go sneaking in and out of men's bedrooms! ...Often! I certainly don't go sneaking out of serial killer's bedrooms, reformed or otherwise!

Franco: Sorry. You need to relax.

Diane: Not until you tell me what that circus was about!

Franco: I'm trying to make Carly jealous.

Diane: Oh, yeah, it's working. Working real well. Yeah. Got it going on, there. Yeah.

Silas: Hey. Is everything all right?

Sam: Yeah. I think, uh -- I think he got used to the crib at the hospital. This one's probably feeling a little strange to him right now.

Silas: That makes sense. It might take a little while for him to readjust.

Sam: Yeah. So...

Silas: So...

Sam: Where were we?

Silas: Well... I think my lips were somewhere in this vicinity he--

[Cell phone beeping]

Silas: [Sighs]

Sam: [Groans]

Silas: That's my hospital ringtone. I, um --

Sam: Get it!

Silas: Yeah? You sure?

Sam: Yes, of course! Of course. Of course.

Silas: [Sighs] [Chuckles dryly] I put a request in for some tests, and, unbelievably, the lab has turned them around.

Sam: Please, go! I'm sure someone's waiting anxiously.

Silas: Until next time.

Sam: Yes. Until next time.

Silas: I look forward to it.

Taylor: You're not wussing out on me, are you?

Rafe: No.

Taylor: Good, because all we have to do is keep this up. Keep Molly and TJ thinking we're together, and boom! We're gonna get what we want. You'll see.

Rafe: Here they come.

Taylor: Show time. [Laughs loudly]

Rafe: [Chuckles]

Taylor: Aww!

TJ: [Scoffs] What is up with those two? They seriously need to get a room.

Molly: Right? All that PDA is so... middle school.

TJ: [Scoffs] Pathetic.

Franco: Ew. What is this -- middle school? What -- Carly -- what is she doing?

Diane: In most English-speaking countries, it's called kissing.

Carly: Mm.

Derek: Okay. I'm assuming that was for Franco's benefit.

Carly: And what if it was?

Derek: I am not complaining.

[Cell phone ringing]

Franco: I've had enough. Come on, let's get out of here.

Diane: Not following you, mon amour. I've got to take this. Diane Miller.

Spinelli: Yeah, uh, Diane, it's Spinelli.

Diane: Mr. Jackal! Well, it's been far too long!

Spinelli: Uh, forgive me for my neglect, but, um, we are in dire need of your expertise.

Diane: Who's we?

Spinelli: Maxie and myself.

Diane: Well, what can I do?

Spinelli: We need you to help us claim our child.

Alexis: So Maxie and Spinelli changed their minds? They decided they want the baby?

Dante: Yeah.

Alexis: Guys, you can't adopt without their consent.

Dante: Even under these circumstances?

Alexis: The courts are unlikely to force a biological mother to give up her baby, regardless of a prior agreement.

Lulu: Well, what are the alternatives? I mean... whatever we need to do, we'll do it. Maxie doesn't deserve to raise this child, and we're not giving her up without a fight.

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