General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 10/8/13
Provided By Suzanne
Franco: Come on, Franco, you can do this. How hard can it be? [Breathing heavily] [Scoffs] [Grunts] No! [Grunting] Why?! Why is this so hard?! Who are you? Heather, what are you trying to say?! How can I -- how can I recreate this monstrosity of a painting for Sebastian when I don't even -- I can't even decipher what it is you're all about?!
[Cell phone rings]
Franco: Huh? Oh. Speak of the devil. Hey, Sebastian! How's it going? Uh, I'm okay! Yeah, not bad, you know? Kind of busy. Yeah, super busy on that stripy series you were so inspired by, 'cause I promised I'd get that to you. Oh, yeah. Hysterical! Who knew I was so funny, when I tried to pass off my artwork as groundbreaking when it was really just crap? Ha. I'm so witty -- witty but busy, Sebastian. So, uh, if you want me to get this artwork to you, maybe you should, uh, not call me for a while. All right, here. [Sighs] That'll buy me some time.
[Knock on door]
Franco: Maybe enough time for Heather to crank out another couple of indecipherable stripy paintings that I can pass off as my own. No visitors!
Heather: Not even from your number-one fan?
Derek: [Sighs] What now? Can I help you?
Carly: You sure can. You can tell me where the hell I find Ava Jerome.
Derek: Ms. Jacks, uh, what's this about?
Carly: I told you. I need to see Ava Jerome.
Derek: May I ask why?
Carly: Yeah, so I can wring her scrawny neck.
Morgan: When I came back to get the shampoo, that guy -- before he saw me, I heard him say something about taking care of Sonny. What was that all about?
Ava: Well, you're certainly developing into an avid eavesdropper.
Morgan: I didn't mean to hear it.
Ava: If you are gonna stay here, we need to establish some boundaries. Listening in on my conversations, either intentionally or by not announcing your a deal-breaker.
Morgan: All right. That's -- you know what? That's totally fair. But I can't un-hear what I already heard, so... [Sniffs] ...You want to tell me what's going on? Were you talking about my dad or not?
Ava: As a matter of fact... I was.
Olivia: Damn you, Derek Wells. [Sighs] Well, well, well. If it isn't the jackal himself, and his trusty sidekick, the back-stabber.
[Doorbell buzzes]
Dante: That's got to be her.
Lulu: Yeah. Let's get this show on the road.
Dante: Yeah.
Lulu: [Sighs]
Dante: Ready?
Lulu: Yeah.
Alexis: Hi.
Dante: Hey. Come on in.
Alexis: Thank you. How are my favorite new parents?
Dante: Well, uh, we're glad you could make it.
Lulu: Yeah. Uh, you must be so busy with Danny, not to mention your caseload.
Alexis: Well, we can take one thing off the list. Sam took Danny home. He's on the road to recovery.
Dante: Wow, that's -- that's great news.
Lulu: You must be so relieved. I can't even imagine going through something like that with Connie.
Alexis: Well, I can't imagine that you will ever have to. Now, enough chitchat! Let me see -- oh, my gosh. She's beautiful. She's sleeping?
Dante: Yeah. She's actually, uh, why we called you.
Alexis: I take it, it wasn't a-a social visit. So, uh, what can I do for you?
Dante: Help us keep our daughter.
Alexis: You're worried about losing custody of Connie? Why is that? Is there something wrong with the surrogacy contract? Because if there is, I can --
Dante: No, no. It's not the surrogacy contract.
Lulu: Well, it -- it is. But, uh, there's nothing wrong with the contract. We just can't use it.
Alexis: Okay, that sounds like a contradiction in terms.
Lulu: Yeah, it's -- it's confusing, but, um, as we understand it, the agreement only pertains to a baby carried by Maxie that is our biological child.
Alexis: And that's not the case?
Dante: No. Maxie wasn't carrying our child. She was carrying her own.
Olivia: The jackal and the back-stabber. You know what you guys need?
Spinelli: [Sighs]
Olivia: You guys need your own TV show! Jackal and the back-stabber, you know, like -- like the scarecrow and Mrs. King or "Cagney & lacey," only instead -- instead of solving crimes, you commit them on your best friends.
Maxie: We're leaving. I told you this was a bad idea.
Olivia: [Laughs] If that doesn't take the cake. A bad idea...coming from the queen of bad ideas? Although, I-I kind of got to wonder, this isn't really up to your normal, high standards of bad ideas, is it? Coming from bad ideas, the one you came up with nine months ago when you decided not to tell Dante and Lulu that you miscarried their child, not to tell them that the baby you were carrying was actually yours -- now, that one really takes the cake! That is a gold medal-winning bad idea! You broke their hearts.
Maxie: I know.
Olivia: When...did you know that what you were doing was just deceitful... and selfish and cruel?
Spinelli: Okay. Look. There's no question that Maxie's actions were misguided, but they were not out of malice -- quite the opposite. She only had the best intentions.
Olivia: Okay, then, maybe Maxie can explain it to me, because I know a thing or two about babies and lying, and I still just -- I can't figure this one out. [Voice breaking] How could you let your best friends fall in love with a baby that wasn't theirs?
Franco: [Muttering] Get in here. Are you crazy?!
Heather: I wouldn't use that term so cavalierly, especially around your greatest fan.
Franco: What are you doing here?
Heather: I heard you wanted an audience! I thought your hotel room would provide the perfect ambiance. That way, we won't have to worry about any of my keepers looking over our shoulder. So, what did you need to speak to me about?
Franco: Well, I'm kind of having a hard time. I...need your help.
Heather: Oh, Franco. Don't you realize I'd do anything for you? Is it that Carly Jacks? It is, isn't it? That woman turns up everywhere she's not wanted. I'll tell you what. I'd be happy to help you with that problem! If you want Carly to disappear, you just say the word, and poof! She's gone.
Derek: Make yourself at home. I suppose I could always shower later. So, uh, tell me. What did Ava do?
Carly: That's not important. Tell me where I can find her.
Derek: [Laughs] And abet in whatever act of violence you have in store?
Carly: I'm not gonna hurt her. I just need to have a little discussion with her.
Derek: And you think I know her location because...?
Carly: Well, because she's your art dealer.
Derek: [Chuckles] Uh -- [Clears throat] You do realize that means that Ava works for me and not the other way around. Now, if I wanted to find her, um, I know where I would start. Her room.
Carly: That's a great idea, but Ava is no longer a guest in this establishment.
Derek: She checked out? [Laughing] Oh! Don't tell me. Don't tell me. You barged into her room, as well.
Carly: I own the hotel. I reserve the right to barge into anyone's room. No, she didn't check out. She escaped.
Derek: She couldn't pay her bills?
Carly: She slept with my son.
Morgan: So, you were talking about my father. Mind telling me why?
Ava: And here, I thought you didn't care about your father.
Morgan: I don't.
Ava: Oh, Morgan. You don't have to keep up this front with me. I know that it's nearly impossible to cut all ties with a loved one. I'm sure that underneath that anger, you still care very deeply for your father. Maybe you're even a little protective of him?
Morgan: No, you're wrong.
Ava: Well, then, maybe you would've behaved differently in my place.
Morgan: What place?
Ava: Derek, that man who was just here --
Morgan: Mm-hmm.
Ava: He's a client of mine. He owns the Port Charles press. He hoped to use our relationship for his own gain. He thought that because of our business association, I would have no qualms offering anonymous quotes for his paper's follow-up story about Sonny's recent... setbacks? I told him to look elsewhere.
Morgan: Oh, you're right. If he would've asked me, I would've told him anything he wanted to know. And screw that "anonymous" stuff. I would've put my name right on it, because I don't care who knows what I think about my father. You know, he's --
[Knock on door]
Sonny: Ava. Open the door. I-I want to talk to you about something.
Ava: You should probably stay out of sight while I deal with this.
Morgan: Wait.
Sonny: You don't want me to break the door down, now, right? You got my son in there?
Morgan: So what if she does?
Derek: I'm not sure what's more notable in this situation -- the fact that Ava has a, uh, proclivity for much, uh [Chuckles] Much younger men, or the fact that you're so ready to intervene.
Carly: I'm Morgan's mother.
Derek: Well, there's a concept known as --
Carly: Ava is Morgan's mother-in-law.
Derek: Point taken.
Carly: Yeah. I'm guessing you don't have kids. If you did, you might understand that, you know, you don't stop worrying about a kid when he turns 18!
Derek: Okay. So, have you tried talking to your son about this?
Carly: I've tried talking to Morgan, but he doesn't want to hear one word against Ava! He doesn't understand that she's trying to exploit him. What kind of woman does that? I mean, really! You know who she's like? She's like one of those teachers who lures the underage kid into bed with her!
Derek: Okay, but, as you noted yourself, Morgan isn't underage. In fact, he's a grown man, which makes him more than capable of choosing his own sex partners. Now, you may not, you know, agree with Ava as a choice, but, uh, so what?
Carly: Ava is taking advantage of Morgan's immaturity. His marriage fell apart! I mean, he's having one big temper tantrum. And yes, he may be legally of age, but, clearly, by his actions, he's not acting like it! He's acting like a 12-year-old. And Ava is his mother-in-law. She's in a position of trust, and she's abusing that trust!
Derek: Why are you so preoccupied with whomever Morgan is sleeping with? Is it because you're sleeping alone?
Franco: Okay, t-take it easy. I don't think Carly is to blame for my current trouble.
Heather: Then what's got your knickers in a knot?
Franco: You want the truth?
Heather: Yeah.
Franco: You!
Heather: Me?
Franco: Yeah, you! You and this!
Heather: It's your birthday present. I painted it specifically for you. [Voice breaking] I knew you didn't like it.
Franco: Who could like this? 'Cause I... love this! I love it. I can't even be in the same room with it. I just fall right into the stripes, because they are so mesmerizing. A-and going out doesn't help, because I just wander the streets, pondering the impact of your miraculous art!
Heather: Oh. Well, why didn't you say so? I'll destroy it.
Franco: What?
Heather: [Sighs] Uh, if it's preventing you from sharing your work with the rest of the world, I mean, it's an abomination! I mean, that would be a sin! It must not be allowed to exist!
Franco: No, no, no, no, no!
Alexis: Wait a second. So, c-Connie is Maxie and Spinelli's daughter?
Dante: She is. Although, if a third party hadn't spoken out at the christening, we -- we never would've known.
Lulu: Maxie was willing to lie for the rest of her life. She wanted us to keep Connie. And w-we want that, too.
Dante: We just think it's better to get something in writing so that our daughter doesn't have to deal with any confusion.
Lulu: That's why we called you here. We want to make our relationship with Connie official, really become her parents in every sense of the word. We want to legally adopt her.
Spinelli: This is a most painful and difficult situation. You have every right to your anger.
Olivia: I'm really glad to know that I have your permission to be angry. Although, I kind of got to wonder why you aren't a hell of a lot angrier yourself! See, as I understand it, Maxie here has been lying to you for months, and yet, here you are, standing right by her side. Does it even matter to you that she was trying to give away your baby and pass it off as Dante and Lulu's?
Spinelli: However Maxie and I decide to resolve our issues is... our business.
Olivia: You two take your business somewhere else.
Maxie: This is not Spinelli's fault. It's mine.
Olivia: [Voice breaking] Let me explain something to you, maxi because you are obviously very hazy on this concept. I am Dante's mother. I love him more than life itself. And he is devastated! And so is Lulu! So you showing up here with your little wistful face, taking the blame -- it doesn't mean a damn thing to me!
Spinelli: However we arrived in this painful situation, we have to find a way to deal with it.
Olivia: We do?
Spinelli: Uh, I-I'm sure Dante and Lulu are upset and -- and concerned about how to -- how to proceed, now that the truth is out.
Olivia: Proceed with what?
Spinelli: Raising Connie.
Olivia: You're thinking that maybe...Dante and Lulu aren't interested in raising Connie anymore, now that they know she's not theirs, because if they aren't... you are.
Maxie: Yes.
Spinelli: Yes. be surprised that you want Connie back. I knew there was no way that you were gonna be able to give up your own daughter, no matter how much you swore you would. But I really have to ask you, Maxie, as one baby liar to another. How did you really think you were gonna take this secret to your grave?
Maxie: I was naive. I thought I could do it. I was prepared to do it, until that lab tech revealed the truth.
Spinelli: We hope you understand, even if you can't forgive. We -- Max-Maxie and I genuinely wanted Dante and Lulu to keep Connie.
Olivia: But you don't feel that way anymore.
Spinelli: I decided to keep quiet when Connie's parentage was still a secret, when I-I knew that my daughter had a good home and -- and loving parents -- my friends, who'd I do anything to spare from pain. But... now the proverbial genie is out of the bottle! There's no going back! And believe me, Maxie and I have agonized over this, but we agree. We can't live without our daughter.
Olivia: [Voice breaking] I knew this was gonna happen. I told Dante that he needed to prepare himself and he needed to prepare Lulu.
Maxie: How did he take that?
Olivia: [Sighs] You cannot imagine the loss that they're feeling right now, and I pray to God that you never do. I think that Dante understood.
Spinelli: So it won't come as a shock that we want Connie back?
Olivia: Hey, if you're looking for some kind of advance intel on this whole situation, you came to the wrong place.
Spinelli: We would never ask you to betray your confidences, but you are a member of the immediate family, so... a-any advice would be welcome.
Olivia: I have no idea what you're gonna walk into when you go have this conversation. All I can tell you is... it's not gonna come as a surprise to Dante and Lulu.
Alexis: So, you want to adopt Connie.
Lulu: Yeah, uh, we thought that w-was the simplest solution, unless you can think of another way to solidify our relationship.
Alexis: Mm, actually, it's the only option. I'm not sure how simple that's going to be, however. Have either of you had a conversation with Maxie or Spinelli?
Dante: Not about the adoption, no.
Lulu: No, but, I mean, Maxie was very clear. When the truth came out, she told us in no uncertain terms that she's giving Connie to us, and Spinelli even backed her up.
Dante: And they said they were at peace giving her up.
Lulu: They knew that she would be raised in a loving home.
Dante: And, look. I-if the truth hadn't come out at the christening, none of this would be necessary. Uh, I-it's only because this Brad cooper guy announced it --
Alexis: Wait. Who?
Lulu: Oh, he's a lab tech at the hospital.
Dante: He found out that Connie was really Maxie and Spinelli's, and then he announced it at the christening.
Lulu: So, can it be done?
Alexis: [Clears throat] Yes, it can.
Lulu: [Sighs] Thank God.
Dante: We just -- we weren't sure.
Alexis: Um, I-it absolutely can, but, again, I'm not sure how simple this is going to be. I mean, you can't just unilaterally adopt a baby that isn't yours, not in a situation like this.
Lulu: Well, what do you mean?
Alexis: The adoption can't go forward unless Spinelli and Maxie give their express consent.
Franco: [Straining] Are you cra-- [Grunting] ...Cra-craving? Are you craving another BLT? Because if you keep behaving like this, you are never gonna have another one.
Heather: Uh, but I thought I was helping, by getting rid of an obstacle to your completion of your own work!
Franco: Really? You thought it would be helpful to -- to destroy such a masterpiece? Tell me something. Would you graffiti "the scream"? Would you paint a mustache on the "Mona Lisa"? Don't answer that. You want to help me? You want to be helpful? [Sighs] I need -- I need more.
Heather: More?
Franco: Yeah.
Heather: More what?
Franco: More -- more -- more of this inspiration, this -- this -- this...c-colorful stripy humanity.
Heather: My painting.
Franco: Yeah. Your painting. This...painting.
Heather: You get it. You really get it!
Franco: Oh, yeah. No, I-I-I really get it. What I would really like to get is maybe a dozen more of them.
Heather: You want a series.
Franco: A series! Yeah. What do you say? Would you do that for little, old me?
Heather: Of course, I will -- uh...on one condition.
Franco: You got it. You'll have a BLT every meal! Let's go get you one right now.
Heather: No, no, no. I already had one of those on the way over. This is another sort of condition.
Franco: Okay. Name it.
Heather: Promise me you'll stay away from Carly Jacks.
Carly: Excuse me, where do you get off commenting on my sex life?
Derek: In my room, the one that you just barged into.
Carly: Oh, don't make this about me. This is about you and your idiotic statement. I mean, what makes you think that I'm not --
Derek: Actually, you're the one who made me think that, when you, uh, broke up with your boyfriend.
Carly: Boyfriend.
Derek: Mm-hmm. The nurse -- the one that you were slapping when I ran into you down at the pier.
Carly: Yeah, him.
Derek: Yeah. Things, uh, clearly ended badly between you two, although if we're being completely honest about things, I, uh... [Chuckles] I have to wonder just how satisfied you could've possibly been in that relationship.
Carly: Satisfied.
Derek: Mm-hmm. I hate to break it to you, but, uh, the young man is obviously gay.
Carly: Yeah, uh... uh, that was a consideration.
Derek: And perhaps that discontent is the reason for your fixation on your son's sex life.
Carly: [Laughing] Oh, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Derek: Okay, so I have this wrong? You're, uh -- you're seeing somebody new now? Tell me. Who's the lucky guy?
Carly: There is no lucky guy. And with that... you free for dinner?
Sonny: So, it's true?
Morgan: What -- mom told you, so you just had to come check it out for yourself?
Sonny: Shacking up with her?
Morgan: If that's what you want to call it --
Sonny: What I'm gonna call it is, it's over! Get your things. We're gonna get out of here.
Morgan: I'm not going anywhere with you.
Sonny: She can send your things to you. You're coming with me.
Morgan: I'm not going with you! Are you kidding?! After everything you've done to me, you think I'm gonna go with you?! I'm not going with you anywhere! I'm not going with you now. I'm not going with you ever again!
Ava: I think I'll let you two work this out.
Sonny: Perfect time to make an exit -- once you've done your damage to my family.
Morgan: Hey, Ava hasn't done anything, okay? If anyone's done anything to hurt the family, it's been you.
Sonny: I'm not blameless.
Morgan: You're completely to blame.
Sonny: I'm willing to talk!
Morgan: We've already talked! We've talked! Remember when I poured my heart out to my father? And then what'd he promise me in return?
Sonny: I made a mistake, and I --
Morgan: You betrayed me, dad. Okay? All my life, you talk about loyalty and -- and respect, and how you can't be a man without both. And then the one time I need it from you, you give me neither of those?
Sonny: I was wrong! I-I should've never kept that secret for you! I should've never let you lie to Kiki, to your brother, to yourself.
Morgan: You're the one who lied! You lied!
Sonny: What do you mean?
Morgan: You said you were on my side, and then you gave me up for Michael!
Sonny: I should never have said anything at the reception.
Morgan: You shouldn't have said anything at all! At all! But it's fine. You know what? You -- you made your choice. And you broke your word. You chose Michael over me. Who are you to come up in here and --
Sonny: Who am I? Who am I?! I'm your father!
Morgan: No, you're not!! [Voice breaking] You're just some guy that can't keep his word. My father -- he's dead to me.
Sonny: Come back here. I didn't -- m--
Ava: Sonny. I am so sorry.
Sonny: Really.
Derek: Did you just, uh --
Carly: Ask you to dinner?
Derek: Mm.
Carly: Guillaume has roast rabbit on the menu. You think you've died and gone to heaven.
Derek: Why the unexpected invitation?
Carly: Why not? You just told me that I don't have my priorities straight, that I'm focusing on my son. Maybe I should spend my time on a handsome, charming stranger.
Derek: Me.
Carly: Is that a yes?
Derek: Well, I'm pretty sure I don't have any, um, obligations this evening.
Carly: Great. Then it's settled.
Derek: Actually, um... I'm afraid it's not.
Carly: Oh. You don't like rabbit? There's other things on the menu you might like.
Derek: Well, it's actually not the menu that I'm questioning. It's, uh -- it's your motives. One minute, you're being hostile, and the next, you're asking me out. Uh, forgive me, but, uh, I'm not buying it.
Lulu: Thank you so much for doing this. I hope it wasn't an inconvenience.
Alexis: No, not at all. I'm actually really glad that I have a template on my hard drive for some of my cases. Makes it easy to edit, and then you print it out, and no fuss, no muss.
Lulu: I'll give my right arm for no muss, no fuss.
Alexis: This is not exactly the way you wanted to start out your new lives as parents.
Lulu: No. But... I can't really talk. Look at everything that Sam's been through.
Alexis: She's had a rough first year.
Lulu: Well, she's really lucky to have you.
Alexis: Thank you. What about you, Lulu? Uh, is your family around to help?
Lulu: Nicholas is busy dealing with his own issues. Uh, lucky and Ethan are a world aw, and [Groans] My parents -- don't get me started.
[Both chuckle]
Alexis: You have had your fair share of family drama. That's for sure. Let me ask you something. Uh, what about Bobbie and Lucas?
Lulu: Uh...Bobbie and I exchange e-mails every once in a while, and I don't really keep in touch with my cousin.
Alexis: So I guess it's safe to say he won't be paying you a visit anytime in the near future?
Lulu: Uh, not in the foreseeable future. I get the feeling you have your own reasons for asking that do not include a Spencer family reunion.
Alexis: Yeah. Actually, I was hoping that Lucas might be able to lead me to Sam's father.
Carly: You're not, um, buying it. What's to buy? I'm offering to buy you dinner.
Derek: Mm, so I'm just to assume that there's no ulterior motive.
Spinelli: Everything I have on Ava Jerome, but be warned -- it's not much. I have yet to unearth any skeletons nor suss out a history between her and Silas clay.
Carly: Yeah, I don't care about Silas clay. There's someone else I need you to look into -- Derek Wells.
Carly: Maybe what you said resonated with me.
Derek: Oh, uh, I-I'm sorry. Did you just say that I was right?
Carly: I'm saying that I'm a little lonely. And it would be a nice change of pace to have dinner with someone I'm not related to or feuding with. It's been a while since I made new friends. Is that ulterior motive enough for you?
Derek: Give me 20 minutes. I'll, um, see you upstairs?
Alexis: From what I understand, Lucas' biological father died before he knew he had a son.
Dante: So, you think Julian Jerome is Sam's father?
Alexis: I know he's been dead for a long time. But for Sam's sake, it would help put an end to the uncertainty.
Lulu: Well, you don't have to explain that to us.
Dante: Yeah, you're preaching to the choir here.
Alexis: If I can compare Lucas' DNA with Sam's DNA, it could help determine if they share the same father.
Lulu: Which is why you were hoping Lucas would visit.
Alexis: It was a long shot. Phone call would be a lot easier, but it's awkward to call someone you haven't seen since they were a teenager and say, "can I have some of you genetic material?"
Lulu: [Chuckles] I-I would be happy to try to connect you with Lucas. But like I said, I mean, we don't really talk. The person you need to speak with is Lucas' sister.
Franco: Carly.
Heather: If I agree to provide you with more paintings, you're gonna have to give that biddy a wide berth.
Franco: What do you have against Carly? What -- how well do you even know her?
Heather: She tried to have you killed. How well do I need to get to know her?
Franco: Everybody makes mistakes. What, you never -- you never did something and then -- and then wanted somebody to give you a second chance?
Heather: You're not honestly comparing me to Carly, are you?
Franco: No, I-I-I-I'm just -- I'm -- I'm -- I'm saying that, you know, maybe there's another side to her, that's all.
Heather: A scorpion only has one side. And if you're not careful, she'll lure you to your doom, for real.
Franco: Lure me to my doom?
Heather: You haven't seen her since the last time I saw you, have you? Have you?!
Franco: Nope. Haven't seen Carly at all. Nope. Took your advice on that one.
Heather: Thank God.
Franco: Yeah. Hey! Now that we've got that settled, let's get you back to Miscavige so that you can crank out some more of those delicious paintings.
Heather: [Yelps quietly]
Franco: Hey, Carly. Hi.
Carly: What was that all about?
Carly: What the hell was that?
Franco: The hell was what?
[Door rattles]
Carly: That.
Franco: That?
Carly: Yeah. That. The woman that you tossed into your room!
Franco: Not -- not a-a w-woman woman.
Carly: No?
Franco: No!
Carly: But it's a woman.
Franco: Well, female, but, we're not the same species. We're -- we're related. She's -- she's my -- she's my mother's nephew.
Carly: I don't care! I don't care. You know why? I-I don't have time for this, because I have to get ready for a date.
Franco: You have a date?
Carly: Oh, yeah. With Derek Wells. He is -- he's amazing! And he's rich, and he's arming, and he's cultured and rugged good looks. Yeah.
Franco: Well, I always knew there had to be more than one of us.
Carly: And unlike you, he's an upstanding member of society. And if all goes well tonight, I may get to find out how upstanding he really is.
[Door rattles]
Dante: Here?
Alexis: Yeah, just sign there. And then you want to initial right there.
Dante: And that's, uh -- that's it? We're good?
Alexis: Yeah, that's it. Now, uh, all you want to do is have Maxie and Spinelli sign that. Return it to me, and I'll file it.
Lulu: Okay. Then Connie is ours.
Alexis: Signed, sealed, and delivered, barring no problems.
Lulu: I-I can't imagine what could be a problem.
Alexis: Good. Well, good luck to both of you.
Dante: Thank you, Alexis.
Alexis: Take care.
Dante: See you. Uh, who you calling?
Lulu: Maxie. Why waste time, right?
Spinelli: I believe it's time to commence the conversation.
Maxie: I think that's a good idea.
Olivia: Hey. [Voice breaking] This is about to become the most important day of your lives. It's the start of a whole, new story. But it's an ending for Dante and Lulu. Okay? So, please... please tread lightly and try to respect their feelings, because when all is said and done... you're gonna walk away with your beautiful daughter... and they're gonna be left with an empty crib where their daughter used to sleep.
[Cell phone rings]
Maxie: It's Lulu.
Spinelli: Well, answer it!
Maxie: Lulu, hi.
Lulu: Maxie. Hi.
Maxie: So, what's up?
Lulu: Dante and I think that it's time we all have a talk about Connie. Do you think you could find Spinelli and head over here?
Maxie: Definitely. We will be right there.
Spinelli: W-w-we'll be right where?
Maxie: Lulu and Dante want to talk about Connie. Maybe we are all on the same page after all.
Sonny: It's funny how things work out.
Ava: What things?
Sonny: You end up meeting someone. You, you know, have some things in common. You start developing some kind of rapport, maybe share some things that you might not share with anyone else. Then you find out that you didn't know them at all.
Ava: No, I-I believe that we do have a rapport.
Sonny: No, we did! But not anymore. You know what we have now? Friction.
Ava: That's not what I want.
Sonny: That's not what you want? What do you want, Ava?
Ava: I didn't plan this. It just happened!
Sonny: It just happened? You know, things just happen. Like, somebody could fall down, right? Crack their head? Somebody could get in a car, get in an accident? Or somebody can walk outside for a walk, and then, uh, you don't see them again.
Ava: Are you th-- are you threatening me?
Sonny: See, there's some things you don't know about me. When you were dropping your hints about how drugs mask the pain inside, and how people are -- you know, they -- they -- sometimes, they go to the dark places? What you didn't know about me is I-I don't need to go off my medication to go to those dark places. I live... in that dark place. Olivia and Carly said that you were manipulating me. I defended you, 'cause I wasn't in my right state of mind. That was my mistake! But you have made plenty of mistakes, Ava. Right? You have made me... your enemy. And now you got a target on your back.
Olivia: Hey. Did you see today's paper?
Carly: Oh, gosh. As if Sonny isn't under enough pressure.
Olivia: Did you already see him today?
Carly: Yeah, this morning. He was at the office.
Olivia: Don't you think it's a little early for him to be back at work?
Carly: He seems okay. He seems focused. I've known him a long time. You know you can't get Sonny to rest!
Olivia: Yeah, you would think that the papers would be able to give him a break just for a second.
Carly: He doesn't pay attention to that stuff.
Olivia: Maybe he should. Ever since this, uh, Derek Wells guy took over the paper, it seems like the coverage has been especially bitter, you know, like the guy's got an ax to grind or something.
Carly: Mm. Could you not confront him about this? I-I'm meeting Derek Wells for dinner tonight.
Olivia: Can I ask why?
Heather: [Gasps]
Franco: That was close. If Carly had come in here --
Heather: I would've dealt with it.
Franco: What -- are you like a croupier now?
Heather: I would've cooked her duck!
Franco: Why a duck?
Heather: Goose! I mean goose!
Franco: [Laughs] You're not gonna cook anybody's goose. Let's get you back to Miscavige, and you can make some more spectacular stripy paintings! Here.
Heather: Oh! One more thing before I go.
Franco: Mm.
Heather: You should do yourself a favor and listen to Carly. That skanky skink has finally found someone as unworthy as she is. Focus on your work. Put Carly out of your mind.
Carly: Derek Wells is a guest of this hotel and a high-profile businessman.
Olivia: [Sighs] Who also happens to be gunning for your ex-husband.
Carly: I know what I'm doing.
Olivia: Famous last words.
Alexis: Good. Just the person I wanted to see. Do you have a minute? I want to ask you something about your brother.
Carly: Lucas? What do you want to know about Lucas?
Alexis: It's not Lucas I want as much as it is his father.
Franco: Hey! You going somewhere?
Ava: If there's nothing else...
Morgan: Why are you still here? There's nothing left to say --
Sonny: I'm leaving! I'm leaving, m-- one more thing, Morgan. You know what? I don't -- whatever you may think...I'm gonna love you, and I'm not gonna stop just because you think that we're not father and son anymore. But you are right about one thing. You are an adult now. And I can't -- I can't protect you f-from all the harm that's gonna happen out there... especially this woman. Watch your back.
Lulu: Everything's gonna be fine, right?
Dante: Hey. Whatever happens, we'll get through this.
[Knock on door]
Dante: [Clears throat]
Lulu: Come in!
Spinelli: Um, thank you for your hospitality! Uh, I have to say, I was m-more than a bit buoyed when m-Maxie informed me that you requested our presence!
Dante: Uh...thanks for coming by.
Lulu: We just want to clear the air.
Dante: We figured we should get this thing straightened out as soon as possible.
Lulu: For Connie's sake, to avoid any future confusion and get her permanently settled where she belongs.
Spinelli: Yeah, we -- we couldn't agree more.
Maxie: Absolutely. So, how do you guys want to handle this?
Lulu: Um... with these? Uh, everything has been set up. All you and Spinelli have to do is sign.
Spinelli: Uh, I'm not sure I comprehend.
Maxie: What are these?
Dante: They are adoption papers.
Lulu: So Dante and I can keep Connie.
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