General Hospital Transcript Monday 10/7/13
Provided By Suzanne
[Knock on door]
Shawn: Hey.
Sonny: Hey.
Shawn: I'm glad to see you back on your feet, but maybe you can go a little easy on Max.
Sonny: Okay, here's the problem, Shawn. You guys have both put it upon yourselves to keep me in the dark about what's going down with the business, all right?
Shawn: Look, if you want an update, I can give you the update.
Sonny: Here's the update. Somebody's attacking my organization. We've done nothing. We've been sloppy. Now I'm back, it's time to act. First order of business -- we find out who hit the shipment.
Derek: Ava, come on! Open up! I just brought my grand-- Danny Morgan home from the hospital. Let's go! I don't have time for this! Hey, Ava!
Security: Hotel security, sir. What seems to be the trouble?
Derek: Oh, uh, well, I have an important appointment with, uh, miss Jerome.
Security: Miss Jerome checked out earlier today.
Derek: Checked out?
Security: Yeah. Yeah, apparently with her new boy toy.
Ava: Morgan, stop! St-- no! [Chuckles] We -- we can't keep doing this.
Morgan: What? On the floor? I know. It's not good for my back, either.
Ava: No! Not the floor! At all. It -- we -- we can't keep -- [Sighs] Keep --
Morgan: You know, you can't say it, but, I mean, you sure seem to be enjoying it.
Ava: Oh, charming.
Morgan: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Look, I mean, why do we have to stop? We're both adults. We know what we're getting into. What's the worst that could happen?
Ava: Well, for starters, it's only a matter of time before your mother tracks me down and kills me.
[Doorbell rings]
Luke: Say the cure kills me. What then? Oh, right. You die anyway.
Jerry: No, the doctor won't do that to me. She has too much at stake. Guard? Keep him alive till I'm ready for him.
Robin: [Sighs] Come take a look. Tell me what you think.
Dr. Obrecht: I don't have time. You've delayed me for too long.
Robin: Come on, Liesl. You're an excellent doctor. I-I could use your expertise.
Dr. Obrecht: For heaven's sake. [Chuckles] You stupid girl. This is nothing more than simple cell divi--
[Glass shatters]
Robin: Now who's the stupid girl?
[Glass crunches]
Robin: [Grunts] Sweet dreams, frau doktor. Now it's time for my dream to come true. I'm going home to my husband and my little girl. I'm going home to my family. I need an authorized print to get out.
Robert: I burst into the room. Obrecht was in there, but she wasn't alone.
Anna: All right. Who was she with?
Robert: She was with our daughter! Anna, she was with Robin!
Anna: You don't know what you're saying.
Robert: No. No.
Anna: You're -- you're disoriented, honey. You're disoriented.
Robert: No. No. No. I've -- I've never been more together in my life. I've seen our daughter, and she's alive.
[Doorbell rings]
Morgan: Should I get that, or...?
Ava: Shh.
Morgan: Really? We're -- we're gonna hide now?
[Knock on door]
Morgan: Okay, if that's my mom, it doesn't sound like she's going away. Okay, mom! Give it up!
Yeah, whatever you say, kid.
Ava: Can I help you?
Uh, miss Jerome?
Ava: Yeah.
We're moving your stuff in from the city.
Ava: Oh. [Laughing] Of course. Of course. That was quick.
Morgan: [Chuckles] Yeah. Come on in, guys. We were just talking about how we need furniture.
Derek: I'm sorry. You said Ava left with a, uh...
Security: Uh, some young guy, apparently.
Derek: Young guy? Wasn't a brooding doctor?
Security: I didn't actually see him. I just heard it from the boss. Miss Jacks wasn't too happy about it.
Carly: Sonny, I need to talk to you.
Sonny: Carly, have we not talked about this before?
Carly: What? I knocked!
Sonny: Yeah, but usually you wait till someone says "come in."
Carly: Can I? It's really important.
Sonny: But so is this meeting with Shawn. W-we're trying to find out who's moving against us.
Carly: I thought you guys already had a name.
Shawn: Yeah, Julian Jerome.
Sonny: A dead man, which is not very helpful. So, if you don't mind, we just -- we got to get back to work.
Carly: You okay? You think it's a little too soon for you to be --
Sonny: Damn it, Carly. You want me to be at my best? This is my best right here, doing what I do -- running the business.
Carly: I'm not fighting you, all right? I'm not. I'm just trying to support you, so, I mean, if you say that you're okay, then...
Sonny: I am. Yeah.
Carly: Okay. I believe you. I mean, that's -- that's why I'm here. We have to discuss something that's very important, more important than your business. It's about our family.
Luke: [Coughs] I'm not one to judge people's career choices, but what the hell is somebody like you doing with a psycho like Jerry Jacks? [Coughs]
Tracy: I might ask you the same thing.
Luke: Well, I'll be damned.
Robin: [Grunts]
[Door opens]
Robin: Come on, little guy. [Sighs] We're almost out of here, okay?
Anna: You're confused. You need to rest.
Robert: No, no, Anna.
Anna: You do.
Robert: I remember everything. You stayed in the room with Duke. I went after Obrecht.
Robin: [Muffled screams]
Robert: I-I heard screams. I burst into the room... Robin? ...And I saw Robin shackled on a bed with Obrecht standing over her holding a syringe. She was about to kill her!
Anna: Stop this! Stop it! You're confused!
Robert: No. No, I'm not. I remember everything. I saw it all with my own eyes. Obrecht has our daughter.
Robin: Just a little bit further, okay? Patrick's waiting for us.
[Alarm buzzes]
[Door opens]
Jerry: Going somewhere, my dear?
Sonny: Shawn, can you give us a minute?
Shawn: Okay. Sure. Um, I'll go check with our people at the pier.
Sonny: All right. [Exhales deeply] What's going on?
Carly: Before I even say anything, you are taking your medication, right?
Sonny: Yeah.
Carly: It's a fair question. Because if you're not, you shouldn't be involved at all.
Sonny: Well, you were there when I took the first dosage, and I've been taking it ever since. And you, out of anybody, should know, 'cause I'm not really, you know, yelling, losing my temper, and all that. But I am worried, because how does this affect our family?
Carly: It's about Morgan.
Morgan: Whoa, whoa, whoa, fellas, fellas, fellas. Let's put that, like, right over here, all right? Location of the couch is pretty key. It needs to be, you know, a position for easy access.
Ava: [Chuckles]
Morgan: Yeah.
Ava: Okay, well, thank you so much, gentlemen, for your very prompt delivery.
Sure thing. Just hope your son takes it easier on you than he did on us.
Ava: What?!
Morgan: Oh, come on, Ava.
Ava: [Chuckles]
Morgan: Come on.
Ava: [Clears throat] He thinks you're my son. [Chuckles] It's -- well, seriously, why wouldn't he? I mean, if you do the math, you're actually younger than my daughter. [Chuckles]
Morgan: Yeah, but age -- age is just a number.
Ava: [Clears throat] Some numbers are more relevant than others, Morgan.
Morgan: All right, well, don't let one dumbass make you think that you have Oedipus complex.
Ava: Jocasta complex, actually.
Morgan: What?
Ava: Read a book.
Morgan: Or -- or... I could help you christen this place.
Ava: [Sighs]
Derek: I'm -- I'm sorry, but, uh, did miss Jerome leave a forwarding address? It's really important that I get in touch with her.
Well, you could try the desk. But I doubt it. She kind of left in a hurry.
Derek: Oh, thank you. I'll -- I'll find her myself. [Sighs]
Ava: Morgan. Morgan, we c-- hey, we can't -- [Chuckles] We cannot do this. You are my daughter's husband.
Morgan: Who cares, all right? Kiki's probably off having sex with my brother right now. Who's she to judge us?
Ava: Well, there are other ways to deal with loss and disappointment other than crawling into bed together.
Morgan: Well, that's too late, 'cause we already crawled into bed, and we've tried the floor, so I think it's time that we try the couch.
Ava: See, we're not -- [Chuckles] We're not even trying to be discreet here.
Morgan: What? I think we're a little bit past discretion, I mean, considering Kiki, Michael, and my mom -- ey all know that we're sleeping together.
Ava: I know. That's my point exactly. Your -- your mother's already on a warpath.
Morgan: Look, this is our own little world. No one knows we're here. Why do we have to be miserable when we make each other feel so good?
[Cell phone vibrating]
Ava: You've reached Ava Jerome. Leave a message.
Derek: Ava, where the hell are you? And who's this, uh, young kid you're mixed up with? It sure as hell doesn't sound like Silas clay. Look, I don't know what you're up to, but we don't have time for this. You can dodge my calls, but I will track you down. We've got some business to take care of.
Luke: What the hell are you doing here?
Tracy: Were you expecting somebody else? Perhaps, uh, let's see, holly, uh, Skye, Anna? You know, the ones you take on your adventures with you? The ones that you allow to help you?
Luke: This ain't no pleasure cruise, darling.
Tracy: Don't I know it. Do you expect me to stay home with my knitting while you go off to die?
Luke: You knit?
Tracy: Don't change the subject. You deliberately left me behind.
Luke: I was trying to keep you safe, Tracy.
Tracy: Well, too bad. Too bad. I'm here. I snuck in because you asked for my assistance.
Luke: I did?
Tracy: You absolutely did. Olivia had one of her visions, and... she saw you in a coffin.
Luke: Were you talking to her about my present physical condition, or was this a spontaneous premonition?
Tracy: I did not say one word to her about your polonium poisoning.
Luke: Did she see me dead?
Tracy: No. You were in a coffin, but you said something.
Luke: What message did I convey across the astral plane?
Tracy: You said, "I need spanks." Note, you did not say, "I need blaze, English, or slim." You said you needed me.
Luke: When I'm right, I'm right.
Anna: So, look, this is insane, Robert. It is not possible that Robin is alive.
Robert: No, no. But it is!
Anna: It's not possible!
Robert: It is! You think of the times that our demise has been greatly exaggerated for whatever reason!
Anna: We're experienced agents!
Robert: [Sighs]
Anna: We've been trained in life-threatening situations. Robin -- she was a civilian. She was a doctor. She could not have saved herself.
Robert: We're survivors. She's a survivor. She's carrying on the family tradition. She's out there. We got to find her.
Anna: Stop, stop, stop. The longer you do this, the worse pain you're gonna be in when you have to accept that it isn't true.
Robert: But it is true! I've seen her with my own eyes!
Anna: Stop. Stop. Duke and I, we came into the room. Robin was not in there shackled or otherwise. It was just you.
Robert: Obrecht took her!
Robert: Step away!
Robert: She was about to inject Robin with a syringe. She was about to kill her! I tried to get her out of there. The doctor got the jump on me.
Robin: Dad!
Robert: Sorry...Robin.
Robin: What was in the syringe? What's in it?!
Robert: The next few moments were a blur, but the next thing I knew, I was lying there helpless while she simply took our daughter away.
Robin: Dad!
Robert: I couldn't save her. That bitch took her away, and we've got to find her!
Jerry: You're not thinking of leaving so soon, are you?
Robin: Stay away from me.
Jerry: I'm impressed. How did you manage to get out of your private lab?
Robin: I took out your friend Dr. Obrecht, and I'm not afraid to do the same to you.
Jerry: Oh, let's not get ahead of ourselves, shall we? And -- and what will you do to me, exactly? You look a little encumbered for hand-to-hand combat. We wouldn't want to hurt the child, would we?
Robin: I'm not letting you get anywhere near this child.
Jerry: And we agree. He's far more comfortable with you. As for that little private trip outside the lab, we had a deal.
Robin: What more do you want from me? I've already developed a treatment for you.
Jerry: A temporary one. The deal was for a permanent fix, you see.
Robin: Well, I'm practically done. All my research is already inside.
Jerry: "Practically done" is of no use to me. I spent too long as an invalid. I need the cure. That's the arrangement.
Robin: Screw the arrangement! Let me go right now, or I'll...
Jerry: You'll do what, Dr. Scorpio?
Robin: I will send your lab into a deep freeze, and you will lose all of my research, and you will never find a cure. Please. I have been down this road before.
[Sniffles] And what you think of as hope is not. It's denial. We create the most elaborate scenarios, and we pin it to the flimsiest evidence. Do you understand me? I know. I've done it more than once. I don't want you to make this mistake, okay?
Robert: I know what I saw, and I saw it with my own eyes. I spoke with her, Anna!
Anna: Stop it! Robin is dead! God, I wish to God every day it wasn't true, but it is! You saw her body!
Robert: What did I see? I saw a burned corpse on a table! That could have been anybody!
Anna: Oh, well, who was it?! They took the wedding ring off her body! She was in the lab when it exploded! Patrick was right there! I'm sorry. It is not possible that she survived.
Robert: It's entirely possible when you consider who's behind all of this, who's involved with her, who brought Duke here to begin with! It's entirely possible!
[Monitor beeping]
Robin: Stay back, or I'll do it. If my samples are destroyed, you'll have paid Faison all that money for nothing, and you'll never find a cure.
Jerry: And do you think pressing that button will accomplish?
Robin: Oh, I've kept my eyes and ears open. I know that the Cassadines use this room for cryogenics. And if I press this button, hell's gonna freeze over in there.
Jerry: Aren't you forgetting something? What about Dr. Obrecht? [Laughs] You forgot the good doctor was still inside, didn't you? Unconscious, unable to save herself. You're no killer.
Robin: Don't be so sure.
Jerry: Oh, it takes one to know one. You see, there are certain signs -- an ability to disconnect, a lack of empathy, or being totally irrational, which is clearly not the case with you, Dr. Scorpio. You're in full possession of your faculties.
Robin: You have been holding me for over a year. You have no idea how desperate I am.
Jerry: Not desperate enough to take someone's life, even if she did hold you hostage. You're bluffing.
Robin: No, I'm not!
Jerry: Well, then, go ahead, my dear. I dare you. Go on.
[Alarm buzzes]
Luke: Got to tell you, I'm impressed. You busted into the Cassadine compound disguised as a guard. That's no small feat.
Tracy: If I really am the bonnie to your Clyde, you have to realize I can handle myself. Do not underestimate me.
Luke: How'd you find me in this hellhole, anyway?
Tracy: [Chuckles] It's a long story. I will tell you when we get out of here. The S.S. Lila is anchored off shore. Let's just go.
Luke: No, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. We can't leave.
Tracy: Why not?
Luke: Because Jerry Jacks has got a doctor working on a cure. And he's gonna test it on me.
Tracy: He's gonna cure you, too?
Luke: Not likely. He's just gonna give me enough to make sure that it doesn't kill me. He's afraid the doctor is trying to kill him. So if I survive it, then he's going to take the cure himself.
Tracy: So you're a guinea pig for a psychopath?
Luke: Hey, look, I'm not thrilled about the concept, either, but if I leave here empty-handed, I am a dead man.
Sonny: Well, you know what? I can't really help you with Morgan, 'cause he says he hates me and he doesn't trust me.
Carly: Okay, that's not true.
Sonny: Yes, it is. He asked me to do one thing for him -- keep a secret. I couldn't do that.
Carly: Well, the truth needed to come out! Not in the way you chose to do it, but...
Sonny: And Connie said to me, you know, "you're gonna hurt both of your sons if you keep the secret." And what did I do?
Carly: Okay, I-I understand that you wanted to support Morgan, okay? That's why you chose to keep his secret.
Sonny: Right.
Carly: But, Sonny, we don't want Morgan with a girl who doesn't love him completely and who's hung up on his brother.
Sonny: The truth had to come out eventually. I mean, but the way it did, it wasn't good for anybody.
Carly: No, it was out of control. You were out of control. You were off your meds. And when you got going on that toast, you just couldn't stop yourself. But Morgan doesn't understand how your illness affects you.
Sonny: He thinks I chose Michael over him.
Carly: Well, you got to stop. You got to stop. You can't buy into that manipulation!
Sonny: Well...
Carly: Michael and Morgan are two different boys, okay? And we parented them differently, mainly because we have to. But we love them equally, and if we buy into Morgan's pity party, it's gonna hurt him down the road.
Sonny: Okay, it doesn't matter what I buy or don't buy. I've been trying to call Morgan nonstop. He's not answering. I don't know where he is.
Carly: Um... I don't know where he is, but I know who he's with.
Sonny: Who?
Carly: Ava Jerome.
Sonny: What?
Carly: That bitch seduced our son.
Ava: [Breathing heavily] I cannot believe I let you talk me into that again.
Morgan: [Chuckles] I don't remember much talking.
Ava: I'm serious.
Morgan: I am, too. What's the big deal, Ava? Seriously? You know, if this, whatever this is, is helping me get over Kiki and it's helping you get over Silas, then, I mean, is it that bad? Hey. Hey. We've made mistakes, okay? But we didn't mean to hurt anyone. You need to stop punishing yourself. Seriously. You deserve to be happy, too.
Ava: Thank you.
Morgan: Mm-hmm. Now, I'm gonna go check out that shower, 'cause it's got like four nozzles in there. I want to see that.
Ava: [Chuckling] Okay.
Morgan: All right.
Ava: Knock yourself out.
Morgan: All right. [Sighs] You want to join me? There's plenty of room in there.
Ava: Next time.
Morgan: All right.
[Knock on door]
Derek: Ava, it's me.
[Knock on door]
Derek: Ava. Open up. I know you're in there. Ava, quit messing around!
[Knock on door]
[Knocking on door]
Derek: Ava!
Ava: [Clears throat]
Derek: Stop messing around.
Ava: Hey. Hey, Julian, um, before --
Derek: I can see you finally bought the place, huh? Would have been nice if you left me a forwarding address.
Ava: Okay, well, I'll be better at keeping in touch in the future, okay?
Derek: I went to your hotel room. You already checked out. I called you. You didn't answer. Finally occurred to me that you must be here. It's a good thing I'm such an intrepid detective. I'd hate to have wasted any more of my night of tracking you down.
Ava: Hey, uh, Jules, this really isn't a good time.
Derek: Yeah, I know all about your, uh, boyfriend. But just don't let that distract you from the main goal. We still have Sonny to, uh, take care of.
Ava: Morgan. How long have you been standing there?
Morgan: Not long. Sorry to interrupt.
Ava: I thought you were taking a shower.
Morgan: Yeah, I was, but I couldn't -- couldn't find the shampoo.
Ava: Well, I'm -- I'm sure I have some right -- right over here.
Derek: I'm sorry, miss Jerome. I didn't realize you had some, Uh, Derek Wells. Ava's my art dealer. You're, um, Morgan Corinthos, aren't you?
Morgan: Yeah. How'd you know that?
Derek: Well, Connie Falconeri used to work for me, and, uh, I was at the funeral. My condolences. It's a terrible loss. Um, how's your father doing?
Morgan: I don't know, and I don't care.
Derek: Problems with the old man?
Ava: Uh, here's the shampoo, Morgan. I'm sorry it's -- it's a little floral. [Chuckles]
Morgan: I'll manage. Thanks.
Derek: [Sighs] Nice to meet you, Morgan.
Morgan: Yeah.
Derek: [Laughs] When I heard you were shacking up with some kid, I didn't know it was Sonny's. Hmm.
Sonny: You're telling me Morgan is sleeping with his mother-in-law?
Carly: I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't walked in on them myself. I mean, I didn't see them in the act, thank God, but they were half-dressed, and Morgan threw it up in my face that they're both adults. He doesn't see that Ava's manipulating him!
Sonny: Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse for Morgan, now...
Carly: I tried to get him to come home with me, but he won't leave her side. He says that she is the only person who hasn't betrayed him!
Sonny: He's lashing out because, you know, his wife left him for his brother, and he blames me for that.
Carly: I know that, but Ava's taking advantage of the situation! And Morgan, he's acting like a victim in this whole thing! He thinks he was justified in lying and that he had every right to marry Kiki under false pretenses! In Morgan's mind, he thinks Kiki and Michael are the bad guys!
Sonny: His heart's broken, so he can't be objective right now.
Carly: Okay, but Ava has walked right into the situation, and our son is vulnerable! She lured him into her bed! And to what end, Sonny? I am worried sick about our son!
Sonny: It's got to stop.
Carly: It's got to stop soon, because the longer she has her claws in him, the harder it's gonna be for us to rip them out.
Tracy: You always complicate things, don't you?
Luke: Hey, listen, I can't leave without the cure.
Tracy: Okay, so then there is only one course of action. We get our hands on the cure before Jerry Jacks does.
Luke: How do you suggest we do that?
Tracy: I misspoke. We're not doing anything. I am.
Luke: Wait. Tracy.
Tracy: [Sighs] Luke.
Luke: You can't go off and do something reckless without me.
Tracy: Luke, you can't even walk! And I'm the one in the lovely disguise, remember?
Luke: But this lovely disguise is not gonna last a second glance. Baby, come on. You're no spy. You're great in the boardroom. But this place takes cutthroat to a whole new level.
Tracy: I was standing right next to Jerry Jacks, and he had absolutely no idea. Nobody knows I'm here. I can investigate.
Luke: Spanky --
Tracy: Oh, don't "Spanky" me! Not now! I am going to get the cure, and then we are going to leave this God-forsaken island.
Luke: Tracy! Be safe.
Tracy: You, too.
[Door closes]
Robin: [Sighs] I don't understand. Nothing happened.
Jerry: An impressive attempt. I'll give you that, doctor. Luckily for your colleague, Dr. Obrecht, the cryogenics technology was moved to make room for your private lab.
Robin: [Exhales deeply] No. [Exhales deeply]
Jerry: Oh, come on. Don't be so disappointed. You prove to be more ruthless than I expected. Your parents would be so proud.
[Monitor beeping]
Anna: You think Faison faked Robin's death?
Robert: He's quite capable of it. I mean, he's done it before with other people.
Anna: She was here when Duke was here?
Robert: It all adds up. Robin and Duke are here. Faison -- he's out there pretending to be your boyfriend, and no one's any the wiser.
Anna: [Sniffles] Oh, God.
Robert: What?
Anna: Faison thought someone was on to him.
Robert: What do you mean?
Anna: Duke told me that Faison was furious because someone had figured out who he was. [Sniffles] And when Duke asked, Faison said, no, he wasn't referring to me. At the time, the only person I thought it could be was Robin because she's the only one who knew Duke well enough that she would be able to realize that fais was an impostor.
Robert: Is it remotely possible that you're giving me the benefit of the doubt?
Dr. Obrecht: Teufel! You petulant, little girl!
Jerry: No, no, no. Now, come on. Dr. Scorpio got the better of you, fair and square.
Dr. Obrecht: She tried to escape with my grandson!
Jerry: Well, then aren't you fortunate that I arrived in time to detain them both? Despite her valiant efforts, Robin isn't going home just yet. Until she provides me the cure, everyone in Port Charles will continue to believe she's dead.
Ben: [Whimpering]
Robin: Shh, shh.
Tracy: [Sighs]
Sonny: I'm with you here, Carly. Believe me. This thing with Ava and Morgan, it's wrong, it's messy, and who's gonna get hurt? Our son.
Carly: Then let's go get him.
Sonny: What do you want to do? Grab him by the ear and then drag him out here? He's over 18.
Carly: Well, what the hell are you saying? We just sit back and we let it play out? Sonny, we don't even know where he is!
Sonny: I promise you I will track them down, and when I find them, we have to play this smart, because the way Morgan's feeling, the fact is, we don't like Ava. He's just gonna stay with her because of that.
Carly: I know, okay? I know. I see that. I just... it's easy for you to be detached. You didn't walk in, I mean, Ava barely in a robe, Morgan half-dressed. It's a picture I don't want in my head.
Sonny: Okay, look, we got to think about Morgan, and what we got to do with this is, we can't push him away any further. You understand what I'm saying?
Carly: Yes, I know! We have to hope that he sees what a huge mistake he's making. Okay, I get it.
Sonny: Let's hope. Now, I got to -- I got to get down to business here.
Carly: You -- you and Shawn, you guys, um... you seem really intense. Everything okay?
Sonny: We're just trying to figure out who attacked my shipment, and I need to send a message. You don't cross me. And I want to give that jackass Derek Wells a headline reminding people who's in charge of this town. [Clicks tongue]
[Knock on door]
Sonny: Yeah.
Shawn: Oh, thought you'd be done. I'll come back.
Sonny: No.
Carly: No, I'm -- he's all yours. See you later.
Sonny: What's going on?
Shawn: Well, our men on the street don't have any firm details yet, but they're keeping their ears to the ground.
Sonny: Good.
Shawn: Good. Anything else?
Sonny: Yeah, I want you to do something for me personally. I want you to track down Ava Jerome.
Ava: Listen, this isn't what you think.
Derek: Oh, I think it's pretty impressive, sis. I admire your dedication, your, uh, creativity.
Ava: What?
Derek: Yeah, well, you tried to marry Kiki into the Corinthos family. That didn't pan out, so you, uh, went after the boy yourself.
Ava: No, that's -- [Chuckles] That is not what this is.
Derek: Whoa, whoa, you're not starting to have feelings for the, uh, for the boy, are you?
Ava: Of course not.
Derek: [Chuckles] Forget it. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I know you better than that. Well, uh, I guess I'll leave you to it. And, uh, keep up the good, um -- what's it called? -- Work.
Anna: You have to stop this, Robert. I'm not gonna let you take us down this rabbit hole again! I'm not!
Robert: I see the look in your eye. You feel it in your gut.
Anna: [Sobs]
Robert: You know she's alive. You've never given up on Robin.
Anna: Oh, stop it!
[Monitor beeping]
Anna: It's been so hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that she's gone. I can't process it. I can't accept the fact that she's gone. That doesn't mean she's alive, though!
Robert: She is alive.
Anna: Oh, stop it. I'm not gonna let you do this. I am not gonna let grief cloud my judgment. Because that's how Faison got to me in the first place.
Robert: Okay.
Anna: I was so blinded by missing Robin that I couldn't see what was right in front of me.
Robert: I'm not looking for a leap of faith. I know the truth. And I'll prove it to you. You go out and find me Obrecht, and you're gonna find our daughter.
Anna: [Sighs]
Jerry: No, no, no. The excitement's over. Off you go. Back to work.
Dr. Obrecht: Or you can kill her right now.
Jerry: And deprive your grandson of a babysitter? We've never been closer to our goal. Inside. Now. Go. The treatment will be ready any time now. And it will all be over.
Ben: [Crying]
Robin: Let me out! Let me out!
[Door closes]
Derek: [Sighs] What now? Can I help you?
Carly: You sure can. You can tell me where the hell I find Ava Jerome.
Morgan: Ava? You, uh, you finish your talk with that guy?
Ava: Oh, yes. My client made it quite clear what he needs from me.
Morgan: You know, it's funny, because you said that guy was here to buy art, but I could have sworn I heard him mention my father.
Sonny: Stay on it, Max. Yeah, listen, ID'ing that family's head is top priority. I just want to find out who's moving against me.
[Knock on door]
Sonny: Yeah!
Shawn: Hey. I've got news.
Sonny: Yeah? Tell me.
Shawn: Did some digging, reached out to a few sources.
Sonny: Uh-huh.
Shawn: I know where you can find Morgan and Ava.
Ava: What do you mean, your -- your father?
Morgan: Well, when I came back to get the shampoo, that guy, you know, before I saw him, I heard him say something about taking care of Sonny. What was that all about?
Anna: Finding Obrecht is easier said than done. She's wanted for several crimes in Port Charles. She tried to kill Duke.
Robert: Is he all right?
Anna: Well, yeah. He is. He recovered. But she gave him Propofol, enough to kill him, the same as you. And her latest crime is she's kidnapped a child.
Robert: Yes. She's kidnapped our child.
Anna: [Sighs]
Robin: Let me out! Let me out, please!
Ben: [Crying]
Robin: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's okay. They're not gonna let us out. I'm sorry. It's okay. It's okay.
Dr. Obrecht: I still say a wiser course of action would be to finish off the doctor. I could complete her research.
Jerry: And why should I trust you? It was your incompetence that almost let her get away.
Dr. Obrecht: I underestimated her cunning. I will not do that again.
Jerry: Let me deal with her. Don't you have somewhere to be?
Dr. Obrecht: Of course. There's someone who needs to know about the birth of my grandson.
Anna: I was in the middle of tracking Obrecht, you know, uh, when we got the call that you were awake. I mean, I hadn't made much progress. She already hopped a plane, and she vanished.
Robert: So let's get back on the trail. She's got Robin. Huh?
Anna: No! I need proof before I go down this road!
Robert: So, where you gonna go for answers if the trail's cold, huh?
[Monitor beeping]
Anna: To someone who can lead us right to Obrecht.
Robert: Her boss.
Anna: I have to see Faison.
Dr. Obrecht: I must see Faison.
Luke: Did you find it? Did you get the cure?
Tracy: No. I couldn't see the doctor because Jerry Jacks and that German woman were there the whole time.
Luke: If he's hanging out down there, the drug must be almost ready.
Tracy: That's what I heard him say.
Luke: Well, if he's between us and the doctor, how are we gonna get our hands on the medicine?
Tracy: We're not. We're gonna let it come to us.
Luke: What do you mean?
Tracy: You said that Jerry Jacks is gonna come here and give you the cure when it's ready. So, when he comes...
Luke: We'll be waiting to strike. [Chuckles] You are full of surprises. [Chuckles]
Anna: Thank you, yes. I'll be there first thing in the morning. Yeah. Thank you. [Sighs] I'm in to see Faison.
Robert: They're holding him at steinmauer?
Anna: Yeah. He has no chance of escape. He hasn't seen anyone in months, so maybe he'll be ready to talk.
Robert: Good. Let's get to it.
Anna: What are you doing? You just got out of being in a coma, Robert.
Robert: 12 months. I'm bored!
Anna: Stop. No.
Robert: I'm not letting you go to see Faison on your own. He has a hold over you.
Anna: That was a long time ago. I have nothing but contempt for Faison. He makes my skin crawl. I will be fine. You stay here with Mac.
Robert: Mac doesn't know about Robin.
Anna: We don't know about Robin. Don't tell Mac or Patrick or Emma -- no one. You understand?
Robert: Mac can be trusted.
Anna: It's not about trust. I know what it feels like to get your hopes up only to have them crushed.
Robert: We're gonna keep this to ourselves?
Anna: Until we know for sure Robin is alive.
Robin: Come here. There you go. There you go.
[Toy rattles]
Robin: [Sighs] [Sighs] [Exhales deeply]
[Both laugh]
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